• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Conjuration Map, Episode Two, Epilogue.

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

The Conjuration Map,
Episode Two,

[ Cutie mark Vault]

Rahs flung a pony aside who wasn't fast enough to move out of his way as he entered the cave once again. A glance around showed that a number of ponies still hadn't moved from where they fell when their marks came back. Some of them were hyperventilating and others simply weeping. Those unaffected were trying to help those that were, or were getting in his way for some reason.

Rahs' attention however quickly zeroed in on his sister.

Twilight was sitting on Rarity's couch, hyperventilating as Witch-Jack, Rarity, and Fluttershy clustered around her. Witch-Jack was looming, glaring at any other pony in the cave that even looked like they were going to come close to Twilight. Rarity was doing much the same and with the shadows floating around her black furred form she was doing a better job than Witch-Jack. Fluttershy was humming softly trying to calm her friend with little success.

Dash was still scouting the town and Pinkie was trying to help the others in the cave.

Rahs strode over pulling off his coat and draping it over Twilight before taking a seat and pulling her into his lap, making sure she didn't feel bound, but could still tell he was there. He hadn't seen Twilight freak out like this in a long time. He could hear her muttering something under her breath, but she was going to fast for him to understand it. Her eyes were little pin pricks as she rocked against him not seeming to notice him for the moment.

Rahs let out a low sigh.

“Woof. Bark. Arf. Rrrr...” Rahs spoke at a low volume, slowly counting upwards for her, taking deep breaths as he did so, giving her two things to focus on.

After a few minutes Twilight's breathing started to return to normal though Rahs continued.

Rainbow Dash frowned, looking skyward from her perch atop of Starlight Glimmer's house. A number of ponies had shown up there either intent on burning the place down or taking something out of it. Rainbow Dash had prevented that, either with words, or her hooves. Given she was spoiling for a fight and was trained to fight, meant most of them left the place alone after a few ponies were sent violently to an unscheduled nap time.

Rainbow Dash didn't like waiting, but the training she underwent as a Wonderbolt, though not the full training, thus far included quite a number of ERT, or Emergency Response Team courses. One of the first things taught in the case of a crime was to ensure that the crime scene was undisturbed until a team could get there. While she couldn't secure the whole town, the house of the main perp was something she could lock down.

So she did.

It had only been maybe thirty minutes since Rahs had first shown up when she felt her feathers twitch as the air pressure changed over the town.

Looking up to the thick cloud cover again she saw why almost immediately.

The dark oak underside of an airship broke the cloud cover like a shark passing through a school of fish. A swarm of pegasi and thestril flowed around the craft as it rapidly descended.

The air ship was a newly launched warship assigned to the night guard, while it's construction wasn't complete in time to be used against Tirek, but it was finished soon after. It utilized crystal technologies, mithril hull reinforcement a series of ward patterns laid down by some of the best mages in Canterlot and was more protected than even Golden Oaks according to what she had heard. The dark blue envelop was divided in to numerous reinforced cells and even if the air bag was some how destroyed the ship could maintain itself in the air due to levitation runes, which would allow it to easily make an emergency landing either immediately or right after it took out what blew up it's air bag. It boasted minotaur cannons, balista, and other armaments while being both the heaviest armored and fastest airship of it's size in the fleet.

Princess Luna herself had christened it, The Waning Moon.

Standing on the prow of the ship staring down at the town, said Princess regarded 'Our Town' even as the swarms of Guards descended ahead of the craft to secure the place.

“Shit. Keep us informed they said......” Rainbow Dash muttered." They were ready to fuck shit up."

[ Later]

“Nothing of note was found. Starlight evidently didn't keep any journals or spell books in her home and aside from a list of town supplies and work orders there wasn't anything useful.” Luna stated to a large mirror that reflected the visage of Princess Celestia.

The magic communication mirrors were a rarity and while the Guard could very much use this sort of instant communication, the unweildly size and power cost to maintain them made it useless for anything beyond static locations having them. Or in this case, a massive warship.

“How is Twilight?” Celestia asked.

“Rahs says she is doing better. The shock to her system with the removal of her cutie mark as well as not being able to understand her brother or feel the connection any more threw her for a loop. “ Luna sighed. “ She is able to understand him again now, but that throws everything we thought we knew about our moon dogs connections to their partners out the window. The loss of a cutie mark should not remove the link. Moon Dogs pups pair with foals before they even get a cutie mark.”

“Perhaps it is something unique to Twilight and Rahs. The two of them did ascend together after all. It may also simply be that the magic traveled the link to Rahs and the removal of the connection was what it affected with him.”Celestia considered. “I still find it odd that a spell like that would have worked on the goddess of magic.”

“We had a team look over what was left of the ritual area. It is quite complex and clearly designed for those who might be strong enough to resist. Though to be fair, just because one is a god of something does not make one immune to it.” Luna offered. “Hence why you have such issues with sunburns if you are out too much in your own sun. What bothers us the most is it was also designed for individuals like Applejack.”

“Like Applejack?” Celestia blinked. “Witch Wolf infected ponies?”


“That means there are more of them out there as she had to learn that from some place.” Celestia frowned.

“We already knew that.” Luna added.

“What? How?”

“Rahs has gained the major portfolio Witch Wolf, to go along with Moon Dog.” Luna pointed out.


“During the Tantabus situation.”

“Why didn't you tell me!?”Celestia demanded.” This is serious, as far as we know there has to be at least twenty individuals for there to be a god of a race.”

Luna raised an eyebrow at her sisters demand.

Celestia blinked then flattened her ears with a sigh. “Fair enough, but still.”

“What part of Rahs is the god of Witch Wolves did you not hear. If they are out there and they are a problem do you not think they would have been found by now? Do you not think Rahs wouldn't deal with them if they 'became' a problem now?” Luna asked.

“Fine. I will leave that to him and likely you to sort out, but keep me informed. Though on the subject of moon dogs, you mentioned that Rahs said he couldn't find one connected to Starlight?” Celestia asked.

“Indeed, we looked ourselves when we arrived. Starlight does not have a moon dog connected to her. She does not show up in the dream realm as the Sparkles once didn't.” Luna explained. “We have mentioned this before that not all individuals are paired with moon dogs. Some creatures simply do not dream. But without moon dogs eating the over abundance of magic that creatures produce,if they can adjust to the power they can become quite potent. Your friend Thunderbolt has no moon dog. Neither does Rhederic Pelt. Both of them are exceptional individuals, and there are several members of the Guard like that as well we are watching. Far more that we expected in truth, even if the numbers are still only in the single digits. It is not impossible that Starlight controls such power because it has backed up within her. We would need to capture her to find out for certain.”

“What of the rest of the towns ponies?” Celestia considered.

“Out of the sixty eight towns ponies, four of the most recent are foalnappings who were converted against their will. We found a house rigged up with a speaker system that piped in 'positive messages.” Luna frowned. “A few of them are reported missing ponies as well. The majority of them are upset and feel they were tricked, yet there are a worrying number who still feel the same as they did before, that their cutie marks are a curse. A couple are also being detained for now until their involvement in this becomes clear. Like the Empire we will probably need to have a large number of psychologists and therapists speak with every pony here.”

Celestia was silent for a moment before she finally spoke again.


“We believe so. We have Guards checking the mines where she escaped to. Progress is slowed as they are infested with monsters. We are unsure how Starlight might have gotten through, or if she did at all.”Luna frowned.” Ponies are posted at each mine exit we could find, but thus far no luck.”

“I see. I'll have some posters made just in case. Was there anything else?” Celestia questioned.



“Rahs borrowed Dr. Choppy before they all headed home.”

“That does not sound good.”

[Ponyville, the next day]

“BORK!!!” Rahs snapped, brandishing a very large ax as he strode into the map room.

Sunset yelped as Rahs burst in, she hadn't heard any one having come back yet.

“Rahs what is going on!?” Sunset demanded.


“He is rather upset that Twilight was injured in the mission I sent them on.” the tree offered.

Rahs and Sunset paused at that statement, Rahs being surprised at the tree speaking. Sunset surprised in what was said and that the tree could understand Rahs.

“1670 degrees to 1713 degrees Celsius.” Sunset recited her eyes narrowing.

“For the last time Sunset I am not interested in Rahs that way.” the table stated in a way that included an eye roll from something without eyes.

“WOOF!” Rahs snapped.

“As I told Sunset I do not know what you will find when a mission comes up. I can only tell when there is a problem, where it is, and who would be best sent to deal with it when the problem arises.”the tree offered.

“It has a premonition power, like the Pinkie Sense and what the god Velkorn supposedly has. Granted it seems to be limited.” Sunset explained. “Also enough with the ax, you're threatening something that's the equivalent to a newborn.”

Rahs frowned resting the ax on his shoulder as he growled.

“No. I do not know what happened. I also do not know if you being there changed the outcome. I know sending the six out there had the best possible outcome, with you and the guards there, that might have changed.”


“Really? That may have been why I felt sending all six was best. If the issue was that bad simply sending them all did have the highest chance of succeeding.”


“Nothing is stopping any of you from ignoring what I say, but the chance of the situation getting worse is a real possibility. What would have happened if this Starlight's plans had continued?”

Rahs growled.

“So you see my point. We have no idea if the outcome would have been different from you being there or not, and thus while you see your actions as having fixed the problem, I can view that running Starlight off as you did may have made things worse in the long run. Perhaps the others could have convinced her that her plan was bad, or convinced the villagers that following her was bad. Instead you brought up a violent solution which may or may not have made things better or worse.” The tree continued. “ In fact, by your own description of the story, your sister did not start to freak out until she couldn't understand you. Had you not been there to speak with her, perhaps she would have never known that your connection was gone and been fine.”


“I don't understand the context of that. I am a tree and do not possess the ability to self reproduce as you suggest. Nor do I understand why you would tell me to do so.”

Rahs growled flattening his ears to his head before finally just slapping his face with a paw and muttering something.

“Why are you counting?”

“Hey, Seshat. Sorry I threatened to set you on fire. “ Sunset offered drawing the trees attention to her. “ I'm pretty sure he has less than zero interest in you now, so thanks for that.”

“You are... welcome?” the tree offered.


“No, I cannot make any one do anything they do not wish to do. I can only direct on what I feel is correct for the situation. As such while I would strongly suggest the ones I select to go, I cannot say that they are to be the only ones. I can only suggest where ponies are supposed to be. Hence why I pointed out that Sunset was to stay at the farm.”

“Well you got me on that one. Where the Crusaders learned about nitroglycerin is anyone's guess.” Sunset sighed, before grinning.” But setting off what they made at the edge of the farm was damn fun! It only blew out three windows in town.”

Rahs looked at Sunset and sighed.


“As I said I cannot stop you if you decided to go along, just know that unless I feel you are supposed to be there I will not suggest it and events may change.” Seshat explained. “Though as a side note I have installed the master bathroom attached to the large room by the stage as you wanted, as well as the hallway to another bedroom for Sunset as she requested.”

“You weren't supposed to say that part!”Sunset stammered.

“To repeat the phrase you used before, hardened crap.”

Rahs blinked looking at Sunset as the mare buried her head in her hooves.

“She means, tough shit.....”Sunset growled.

“Is that not what I said?”

Author's Note:

Well that ends this episode. once i got past the chapter that was holding me back it was pretty easy to progress.

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