• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Twilight Gets a Puppy. The Movie, Part One

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy.
The Movie,
Part One

[ Canterlot, Early Spring]

“Trixie is not happy about this bullshit.” The show mare sniffled, turning her head to the side to sneeze.

“You're selling apples to an apple sauce maker.” Spike groaned, his claws pressed to his chest where his ribs and lungs still felt sore from all the sneezing two days ago. Applebloom frowned rubbing his back as the dragon sat hunched over in his chair.

“I think you've been hanging out with the Apples a little to much, you've taken on their sayings.” Trixie offered. Like Spike, her draconic heritage had been quite apparent due to the dragon sneeze trees, though she had done a little better than the Nox-Cal who had been in the area, many of them had gone to the ER due to the severe reactions to the trees that they had.

The lingering effects of the pollen of the tree had been blown out off the mountain with the weather team along with the smoke, but the damage was done, any one with any dragon in them was having a bad few days.

Spike, Applebloom, and Trixie were sitting in a waiting room at Canterlot General. Spike and Trixie had been declared healthy enough that they could go home, though a few medications were being prepared for them. The effects of the White Heart Cherry tree were much worse than first thought, as such the dragon delegation was turned away at that gate citing possible health risks.

“Ain't nothing wrong with that saying.” Applebloom protested. She had come to the hospital with Spike, though she was also waiting on Big Mac to be checked out. He had an adverse reaction to the trees as well. This of course set off Applejack, and doubled the annoyance of Twilight who was already pissed about what happened to Spike. The less said about Rahs the better, last this group had heard he was considering finding a Tantabus to dump into the head gardener's dreams.

“I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying hearing Spike say it rather than your sister is weird.”Trixie placated. The show mare was annoyed that she had been affected like this, but she was still getting paid despite not being able to preform.

There was quite a lot of damage done by the trees even as they were cut down and carted off, the pollen being spread more than expected and affecting a large number of ponies. Luna's Guard was practically all taken out as almost all of the Nox-Cal in the city were affected to varying stages, forcing the rest of the guard to spread out more to cover all the areas the sick ones were forced to vacate. The whole thing turning into more of a bio-hazard situation than a simple mistake. With the number of lawyers lined up and frothing at the mouth Mrs. Arboretum was in far more trouble than she might have thought.

[Canterlot Throne room]

“ So the orders been given to destroy any more of the trees we find, though we will be keeping three in one of the secure greenhouses for study.” Shining Armor offered.

“Probably for the best. Princess Celestia offered.

“So much chaos over a tree....” Luna huffed rather upset that something so simple could take out most of her Guard so easily.

“Indeed, still the faire is still going on and we need to prep for the closing ceremonies.” Princess Cadence explained.” Twilight's managed to handle this quite well save for the few hours of her and Rahs obliterating trees and threatening the gardeners.”

“We are glad that is all she did.” Princess Luna sighed.

“At any rate, we should all go prepare, we are expected to be in attendance for the closing. Despite the fiasco with the trees this has gone quite well.” Princess Celestia offered.” We have representatives from every major race on Equss, as well as a few smaller ones, Twilight really did send out invitations all over.”

“That she did, you should have seen the lists.” Shining chuckled.

Saturnia sighed as she looked around the crowded pavilion. A multitude of creatures and ponies wandered around her, some going a bit out of their way to avoid her, others not caring about the changeling in their midst.

She wasn't too thrilled with needing to come to Canterlot, but with her mother hiding from Celestia still she needed to make an appearance at least, no sense avoiding a friendship festival that was open to all races so soon after being declared an actual race rather than an abomination.

Besides with this many here, it was easy for a number of changelings to move around gathering love and other emotions and a faire was a perfect place to do so.

Kevin was already a hit, it seemed he knew ninety percent of those present somehow.

She was not going to think about that.

She had planned to spend some time with Rahs, who she was certain would be tired of his sisters antics in running the faire by this point, but there were the obvious problems with that.

The first was the damn trees and the problems those caused, that forced Rahs to stay near his sister.

The other problem was the other girls.

While Jynx was thankfully too busy with another tribe of Diamond Dogs that wanted to join with the Jade Wolves to show up, Applejack, and Trixie were still here.

Trixie seemed out of commission but Applejack was still around somewhere.

So was Sunset, but the other pony had been roped into something else by Twilight, she still questioned the idea to join forces, but thus far Sunset had kept her end of things, though they hadn't had much chance to try and drive off the others. Not like it mattered, as demi gods the pair of them had time the other suitors didn't.

At least for the moment. Twilight's spell might change that, so the pair needed to put a bit more effort into it to make sure Rahs chose one of them. She had been considering going on a sort of double date with Rahs and Sunset and vamping the fool out of him, though she might need to show Sunset some pointers on that.

So for now Saturnia just wandered around and chatted with a few others discussing Changeling things.

There was plenty of time for fun later after business.

Sunset sighed, how the heck had she been roped into this again?

The orange mare closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

That was right, she managed to piss off Twilight.

The horde of foals chicks and other toddler to pre-tween kids playing around and bouncing in the large room that had been purposed as a daycare. There were other minders for the children, but Twilight had put Sunset in charge of it as an act of pure spite, or because she was fairly good at keeping the Crusaders from destroying things. Not as good as Spike, but good enough.

Sunset did however know exactly why Twilight chose her. While some of these children were just locals, others were ambassadors or other important people's kids.

Twilight knew Sunset would deal with anyone who tried to harm or foal nap any of these kids rather harshly.

Twilight also knew Sunset had a crystal tablet that could take pictures and could easily pair the parents with the child.

Twilight also knew Sunset's blood magic could detect changelings and would help see through most tricks.

Sunset knew she wasn't fond of foal sitting.

Twilight knew how to manipulate Sunset by urging her to show Rahs how good she was with children.

Sunset didn't realize she was dumb enough to get played like that until she was.

Witch-Jack frowned staring up at the sky as she leaned back on the park bench. This wasn't how she expected today to go..... aww who was she kidding, it was exactly how she thought today would go.

The mass of various creatures milling about meant a massive amount of various magic flying around too.

Despite her having two years to deal with this nonsense she still couldn't control or resist large amounts of magic and had an accident change happen.

While she had gotten used to that and adjusted to deal with her new form, there were problems still.

The main one is that quite a few races had stories about witch wolves, and while very few of the ones here recognized her as such, the few that did had started a fuss and Applejack had decided to go off for some alone time to let them calm down and allow her to burn off the magic she had taken in.

That part was getting harder.

There were only a few ways she had to get back to normal. The easiest way was stick close to Rahs and let his presence drain some of her excess mana until it dropped to the point she could change again. She didn't have to get rid of all of it, but there was a point she couldn't change back until she was below. By the same token she could have her mana so low she couldn't change into the Witch wolf, there was a sweet spot she preferred to stay in just in case she needed to change one way or another, but situations like this got away from her.

The second way was to get hurt really bad and burn away the magic to heal her wounds.

She wasn't fond of that one.

The third and slowest way was to bleed the excess magic into the ground through her hooves or paws in this case.

It was something of a earth pony trick that Witch-Jack hadn't even known was an earth pony trick given earth ponies kinda did it instinctively to help the land grow and flourish around them.

It went faster if she focused and it made her trees healthier and everything else grow faster the more magic she pushed through her hooves.

It was slower than the other methods, but she was fine with that.

Witch-Jack let out a slow breath as the grass on the ground around her paws inched higher.

Sweetiebelle wandered the pavilion with Scootaloo and Firefly. The pair of them were walking pretty close together and she was pretty sure she heard Scootaloo giggle once or twice at something her changeling colt friend said.

It kinda made Sweetie feel odd.

Rarity had spoken about her being the third wheel, but she didn't quite get that, their parade float had three wheels and it was fun, why was being a third wheel bad?

Ehh whatever, she was only fifteen this summer, she didn't have any interest in colts, or filly's when asked by some other ponies. Sure she might want a date or find someone at some point, but there were more interesting things to do, like some of the lessons her big sister Luna was giving her or the antics of her other sister Rarity and the 'not a couple' she was with Sombra.

That was an interesting pairing there, Sombra was technically her nephew, and her sister was interested and pretending not to be interested in him. Sombra for his part was just going along with whatever, that was kinda his thing, but Sweetiebelle had been around him enough to know he really was interested in Rarity.

Granted it was probably okay, cause Rarity had refused the offer of becoming royalty from Luna back when she adopted Sweetiebelle as her little sister. Did Rarity know she would be dating Luna's son? Had any one even met Sombra by that point?

Ehh whatever, they were pretty good for each other, Sombra needed some one who could put up with his grump and Rarity wanted a tall dark handsome prince.

Sweetiebelle really didn't care about that lovey dovy stuff, there was too much else to focus on, like how wild it was that Twilight had gotten this whole massive event thing together in such a short time. And expanded it to include griffons and diamond dogs and changelings and yaks and horses, and sheep, and llamas, and alpacas, and little gray hedgehogs that were eating their weight in cake.

Actually that was interesting, the short hedgehog looked like his whole head unhinged and he stuffed a cake from one of the tables into his maw. The white maned little guy was putting away pastries almost as fast as Celestia could. She studied him a little slowing her trot letting Scootaloo and Firefly move past her.

He was wearing a black long coat a hat and sunglasses and looked a little like those community watch signs.

Oh that was neat, he had a violin case at his feet, he must be part of one of the bands Sweetiebelle wondered which one, with his outfit she expected one of the jazz bands.

Oooh, that was a hippo over there, wow she was huge and pulling off that pink tutu so well for her size...

Sweetiebelle left the hedgehog to gorge himself and went to watch the dance number, curious as to how the thin alligator was going to catch the hippo as she pranced around stage.

Who needed a special some pony to distract you from all this neat stuff? After all Scootaloo and Firefly hadn't been paying attention to any of it.

Sombra narrowed his eyes.

The green gemstone eyed buffalo cow did the same.

They both glared at each other as if daring the other to give them an excuse.

Well, Maohk stared at him like that, Sombra simply stared back because she started it. He had been quite content to let the cow and the rest of her group rot in the dungeons when they were caught and have nothing more to do with them.

Back then he had actually planned to ransom the lot of them to get the gathered forces to leave the empire alone as he tried to figure out what to do now that he had been placed in said position by the death of his father and abandonment of his mother.

That hadn't worked very well, and according to those looking over the Empire, the fact he captured them may have been what set off the trap. The buffalo cows eyes were green gemstones created by a god and containing the power of an artifact. That was what the researchers theorized had set off the spell in the first place when she was tossed in a cell.

Sombra didn't know, nor did he care as the Crystal Empire wasn't his problem any more. While it didn't end the way he liked, there were far worse ways to lose a kingdom, and it wasn't as if he really cared about it to start with.

Still he was the ruler when the cow was imprisoned and as such he had been getting some glares today from the three he had captured, because of course all of them were here.

He had no fear of the Griffon. Despite the fact the tom could kill him like it was nothing, Thunderbolt understood the issues of being a ruler and seemed content that Sombra was no longer in any position like that, though he had been surprised to hear that Sombra had renounced any claim to the Crystal Empire despite technically being royalty there.

Granted that act was what made sure a blade from a shadow wouldn't find a way between Sombra's ribs at some point.

Rhede Pelt was not some one you wanted against you, play colt exterior aside, he was a very good 'ambassador'. Sombra renouncing his claim had been Pelt's idea and Sombra simply agreed, and signed whatever the crystal pony wanted.

As bad as the other two were Maohk was the dangerous one. She had taken down witch wolves on her own and led the buffalo in a war against Solomon that forced the former ruler to devote quite a lot of resources into just fending them off. Maohk and her force were quite good at destroying Solomon's creations and had more Witch Wolf, Dreadnaught, and Juggernaut kills than any other force but the dragons during the war. And they were known to have the least losses due to Maohk's leadership.

This one was considered wise and very dangerous, that she was one of the first to accept Twilight's Familiar spell given by Iinii, her husband, that now made her on par with, or at least close, to a demi god herself, not like she needed the power boost..

If it came to a fight Sombra was certain she would win, no matter how much time he had to prepare. He actually considered his chances better against Thunderbolt. The cow had been fighting his father and then himself a bit longer than he had been alive and it had only been a stroke of luck he had managed to capture her and the others when he did. Then there was her current state, and Sombra considered her an even more dangerous creature now.

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Darling when are you expecting!?!?!” Rarity squeed from next to him.

Maohk blinked turning her gaze from Sombra to Rarity, who was practically prancing in place ranting about the obviously gravid Buffalo cow. There was a great deal of chatter about foal showers and possible clothing for the infants that came out in a gush that reminded Sombra of Pinkie Pie.

Sombra let out a small sigh and simply stood where he was, happy to let Rarity's particular brand of nonsense keep the cow distracted.

He might just survive today after all.

“Prince consort huh?”

“Shut up.”

“Not interested you said.......”

“I'm warning you....”

“Thought I was crazy for suggesting it huh?”

“Damn it Dash, shut it.”

“So then, have yah been doing a bit of ,prepping, bit of the ole in and out, banged, knocked talons, locked the beaks, shooting the meat rocket into the sausage wallet , post presenting event, pickling the prime meridian, baking the potato, beat the guts, bludgeoned the stick, bodged, boffed, boinked, gland to gland combat, gut sticking, humpty squirty, lust-n-thrust, making a magical sandwich, pogo in the shrub, putting condensed milk on the waffle, Sticking the llama’s head up the lift shaft, playing the barbed flute, vulcanizing the whoopee sti...AKKKKKK!!!” Rainbow Dash began, before screaming out as she was tackled out of the air.

“I warned you!!” Gilda snapped, growling and red faced as Dash slipped free and started trying to fly off with the griffon hen in hot pursuit.

“Gah, halp, halp, international incident!” Dash yelped zipping around in the air just ahead of Gilda.

“So... have things been well since we last met Thunderbolt? I hear you have managed to gain quite a following.” Prince offered, ignoring Dash and Gilda.

“A bit, if anything good came out of the Sirens it was that a large number of griffons have come to help rebuild Griffonstone. “ Thunderbolt offered as Dash screamed out, trying to get away from an angry cat bird. “Seems the idol had more sway than I thought and they all look to me to lead them. Not sure how I feel about that.”

“You'll do fine.” Prince placated as Dash lost a few strands of hair from her tail as Gilda grabbed at her.

“You guys suck” Dash stated before Gilda managed to get a hold of her.

Rahs glanced down as he felt Twilight press against his leg. He shook his head and smirked a little, as she continued to talk to the representative from Shetland, a rather small and hairy pony with an odd accent.

His sister was doing better, much better in fact, a year or two ago and a crowd this size of creatures all wanting to talk to her would have sent her hiding under his coat .

With the whole crap with the cherry trees a few days ago he had needed to step up to take over for Big Mac in helping Twilight after the half dragon was sent to the hospital along with any one else with a bit of dragon in their family tree.

To be fair he was rather surprised that he and Twilight hadn't come down with something too given the poison joke and other world forms they had. Though Rahs had a bit of a runny nose and Twilight griped about her throat feeling scratchy, there was nothing more than that, and with the trees and the pollen mostly taken care of now, the pair of them were fine.

The mare in charge of the gardening here wasn't fine, but Celestia was keeping who she was from them, so they didn't do anything.

That was alright, Rahs could just ask some of the moon dogs who focused on those in Canterlot who was having nightmares about him and his sister and go from there if he really wanted to.

He expected Celestia could deal with her own personnel though, so he didn't think it really worth his time right now since Spike was recovering and it had been a mistake, a rather complicated and convoluted one, but a mistake none the less.

Twilight let out a sigh that made him glace down.


“Yeah it's almost over. I just need to go up on the podium and finish out the closing ceremonies.”Twilight shook her head.”This has been an experience, though if I agree to do this next year, I'll have longer to plan it out and maybe we can avoid some of the stress next time.”

Rahs smirked glancing over as the Princesses came to the slightly raised dais in the middle of the pavilion. Twilight pushed off from where she was leaning against him and went up on stage with the other three alicorns. Shining Armor moved up to where Twilight had been offering a light jab of his hoof against Rahs' side.

“How's she holding up?” Shining asked.

“Bark.” Rahs offered.

“Really? That's great. It means she's still improving.” Shining nodded.” I remember when she would have freaked out even suggesting she do this sort of thing. She might even be able to deal with it next year without needing you around her.”

Rahs nodded.

“Then you can spend the festival fending off the girls who want to jump you and I can have a good laugh seeing it first hoof finally.” Shining grinned.

Rahs frowned glaring at his older brother as he laughed.

Twilight let out a sigh, she was almost done, the Princesses had spoken as had the Empress though most of the crowd had been rather fixated on the fact the pink alicorn was obviously with foal now and was expecting perhaps at the end of summer.

Still one last speech to get finished and this would be over for this year.

She stepped forward to speak, opening her mouth, then closing it again her ears perking.

Twilight blinked watching as a shadow grew over the crowd in front of her. She and the other Princesses on the stage looked up curiously

“What the heck is the weather patrol doing?” Rainbow Dash asked making Rahs, Shining and several others around her look up, something that was followed by most of the gathered crowd as they noticed that Twilight and the other alicorns were staring.

A massive dark storm front had blown in surprisingly quickly and was starting to spread out over Canterlot. No rain fell from the nearly black clouds though they quickly blocked out the sky as far as any one could see, a low rumbled of thunder could be heard rolling among the storm.

A much darker shape started descending from the sky bursting out of the underside of the dark storm clouds and drifting down towards Canterlot and the main concourse where every one was.

The black and dark oak airship drifted slowly down towards the faire, the dark purple gas bag above it was armored almost as much as the ship was and those with a keen eye saw the multitude of gun ports and armaments, though at the moment the ports were closed and the few weapons they could see on deck were not manned.

The Guards had already started moving ushering civilians and dignitaries away from the spot where the ship looked as if it was going to land, a few of the pegasi Guards taking to the air to intercept the ship, but none of them tried to board it yet.

“Maybe those are the clowns I ordered.” Pinkie Pie offered to Fluttershy who had moved behind the pink pony.

The armored ship collided with three of the decorative spires surrounding the area the crowd was in shattering the pillars and raining the stone down on the evacuated tents and booths smashing a number of products and destroying nearly the whole area.

“Those are NOT, the clowns I ordered.” Pinkie sighed.

“Why did you even order clowns of all things?” Fluttershy whimpered.

“To make everyone uneasy enough at the end of the event so that they would all leave and let the clean up start.” Pinkie Pie explained.” Big party one oh one. Never tell the guests to leave, but make them want to leave on their own.”

The crowd watched in morbid fascination as a single balloon dog drifted out of the wreckage, untouched by the stone pillars collapse and landed neatly on the ground in front of the airship as it touched down.

A section of the ship opened, dropping the metallic gangplank with a massive clanging thud. The metal slammed down directly on top of the balloon dog crushing it completely to many started gasps and one blue unicorn losing his mind over the balloons destruction.

“BRIAN, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”The blue unicorn screamed.

“Oooh, poor Pokey.” Pinkie Pie winced.

The inside of the ship was dark but the clang of steps could be heard as smoke and steam billowed out from the opening in the ship.

Out of the smoke a figure emerged, a mulberry colored unicorn mare stepped out and started to head down the gangplank. Her hooves striking the metal with resounding clangs that almost beat out a dirge. The mare was armored in what looked like black plated leather, though that wasn't enough to hide the corded muscle as she moved. Her wine colored mane was swept back almost like the Mohawk worn by some zebras.

What drew nearly everyone's attention however were the blue sparks that occasionally flickered around her shattered horn.

Shining Armor however had noticed the symbol on her armors flank and he growled lightly.

“Storm King.” The eldest Sparkle sibling growled.

Rahs glanced down at him then back to the mare as he rubbed his chin. He then reached into his coat and held up a score card with a 9 on it.

Author's Note:

And awaaaaaaay we go.

For those wondering why the chapters are further apart now, check out my latest blog post on site. it explains it.

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