• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Cutie Re- Materia, Part 1, Chapter 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5
by TDR

The Cutie Re- Materia
Part 1
Chapter 3

[ Cloudsdale, five minutes before the first sonic rainboom.]

“Sparkle Maneuver six!”

“ I am not letting myself be thrown that far”

“She's making a run for it!”


“Go Go GO!”

Rahs launched himself over the clouds as Shining and Twilight backed him up. The magic from Twilight's cloud walk spell only stuck with him a few moments, even if sent through the link and when their target started casting and his magic eating kicked into higher gear it lasted even less time.

Rahs had fallen through six or seven clouds since this whole thing started.

Sky diving without a parachute was quickly becoming his least favorite hobby.

Shining was hanging back with Twilight, using his shields to try and create platforms for Rahs to run over, He had tried bubbling Starlight to start with, but the mare had just used the time spell and jumped out of it. Shining hadn't figured out how to block that just yet.

“What?” Starlight questioned looking to the left and spotting Spike who was also rushing towards her, the young drake was still rather gangly for his size, but he was well past his young waddling stage of movement and could keep up with Twilight at a dead run at least for a bit. The dragon drew a deep breath through his nose letting out a massive gout of green flame, hoping to catch the mare and send her directly to Twilight without passing go or collecting 200 bits.

Starlight yelped, leaping forward instead of away from Spike's flame, the dodge sending her just out of Rahs' grip as he burst out of the cloud bank to her right, though his claws sliced through a few strands of her tail hair.

“SHIT!” Starlight shrieked and galloped across the cloud bank, firing spells at random every where.

“Shit! Twilight parroted as the random spells blasted holes in the clouds, destroyed a starting line and turned a few pegasi into a group of gerbils, and one confused toucan.

With that time line disrupting attack Starlight vanished with a puff of magic, leaving the Sparkles to clean up her mess again. Twilight sighed and changed the ponies back before the four of them vanished in a flash reappearing on the ground far below Cloudsdale next to a large crystal table.

“So I wonder what an attack on Cloudsdale screwed up.” Shining Armor sighed as the table and the four with it vanished.

[ Equestria 001]

“Well this seems like a normal Ponyville.” Spike offered.

Rahs sniffed the air and sighed.” Woof.”

“No Moon Dog scent huh?”Twilight considered.” I wonder why there's been so few time lines with your in them?”

“Well Rahs was pulled out of the Oneiroi when the rainboom caused a surge in you, most of the time lines we've been in Starlight stopped the the rainboom.” Shining Armor shrugged.

“Yeah, but I get what she means, there've been a couple where the rainboom wasn't stopped and something else happened, and there was still no Rahs, and a couple of times there was no rainboom and Rahs still showed up.” Spike pointed out.

“Or some other weird thing like that time line I was a stallion and Rahs was a creature called a Sun cat and one of Celestia's followers.” Twilight muttered.

“Yeah that doesn't make sense from a time line perspective unless Starlight went back and changed the entirety of history.” Shining Armor shrugged.

“Seriously what kind of name is 'Barb' for a dragoness? It sounds like a counter worker at a diner.”Spike grumbled.

“These time lines keep changing like they are whole different universes, not just time hiccups.”Twilight muttered.

“Well, this is interesting.” Another voice stated.

Looking over the four Sparkles took note of an alicorn Twilight with a Spike riding on her back.

“Well I'm at least an alicorn this time around.” Twilight sighed.

“Who are you? Changelings?”Twilight from this time line asked.” I thought Thorax told everyone that they were not allowed to imitate royalty.”

“Well they are not doing too good of a job. “ This worlds Spike stated.” I mean Shining Armor doesn't have a black spot of fur, that one has made your mane too long, I don't have any blue spines, and he's too tall to be me. Also what's with the diamond dog?”

Rahs sighed.

“Right I'll figure this out.” Spike stated.”Hey you who's supposed to be me Who's your mare friend?”

“What... uh, I don't have one.” this time line Spike stammered.

“Okay who are you crushing on?” Spike demanded.

“Is this necessary Spike?” Twilight grumbled.

“Yes so we can figure out what's screwed up other than Rahs not being here.” Spike pointed out.

“Err no one.” Spike from this time line lied.

“Whose the best looking mare in town?”

“Oh Rarity claws down, she's gorgeous.”this time line Spike started ranting about the mare while this time lines Twilight looked between the two Spikes confused.

“Yep , this place is horrid, I'm a dumb ass here.” Spike sighed.

“Harsh.” Shining Armor nodded.” But accurate.”

Rahs slapped Shining Armor in the back of the head for that insult, though Spike didn't seem to notice.

“What's going on here?” this time line Twilight demanded.

“Time line shenanigans.... again.” Twilight sighed.

“That's ridiculous time travel isn't scientificly possible,” Twilight from this time line started , building up a rant.

“Oh shut up, you've already encountered at least two to three time travel spells by this point, so clearly they are not magically impossible.” Twilight snapped.” Focus on something important like there being no such things as ghosts or curses.

“As far as you know.”

“What..” This time line Twilight questioned looking at the diamond dog and her clone..

“Okay look. Spike I'm gonna level with you, you need to be dating Applebloom.” Spike stated.

“What? Why would I be dating Applebloom, she's just a kid.” Spike from this time line protested.

“So are you, and one reason is she's freaking adorable, another is she's a great kisser, and another is if she grows up looking even close to how her sister does every damn stallion in town is gonna be jealous of your scaly butt.”Spike explained. “And that's just the Applebloom for you, not even my Applebloom, who's a million times better.”

“Err okay.”

“Right never mind, alright focus on this instead, Rarity is like in her thirties or some shit, by the time you're old enough to hold her interest she'll be a cougar at best. If you're so focused on how Rarity looks go after her younger sister instead. Sweetiebelle is about your age and she'll probably grow up looking like her sister and probably won't be so focused on that fairy tail prince crap.”

“Sweetiebelle?” This time line Spike asked about ready to protest, then paused to consider.”Well I see your point, but heck how would I even pay for a date?”

“Use your paycheck... wait Twilight's not paying you is she?” Spike questions.” Damn it not another one.”

“But I'm her number one assistant.” Spike from this time line frowns.

“Yeah a title with no pay for all the work you do, it's bad enough you fall into a honey trap with Rarity in like, fifty other time lines but this, this is bullshit! Stand up for your self! Do you know how much money a good secretary costs? A lot, ask Raven Inkwell how much she's making, then check on how much an assistant librarian makes, or a regular one I know you're doing more work than Sparkle butt here.”

“HEY!” Both Twilight's snap.”Language!”

“Don't care time line crap going on I should have been using strong language this whole time, maybe it would have had the strength to knock the crap out of Starlight! Any way. Fight for your money, strike if she refuses to pay you, get a lawyer, there are child labor laws after all you can dig up your own gems and Foal Protective Services won't let her throw you out, not even considering what Celestia would say. Take back your life, lose your chains, it's your money and you want it now!” Spike rants.

“Spike will you please stop trying to unionize all the other Spikes we meet.” Shining Armor sighed

“Hey hey, ho ho” Spike chanted ”This Twilight's greed has got to go!”

Rahs rolled his eyes before he walked over and scooped up Spike, who was still ranting as the four of them walked back over to the crystal table and vanished in a puff of time nonsense.

This time lines Twilight and Spike stared at the spot the table had been for a moment before Spike looked up at Twilight.

“So how much DOES Miss Inkwell make?”

[? Ponyville 3025]

The Sparkles frowned looking up at the massive mechanical pony stomping past the ruins of Ponyville in the distance, fire and smoke filled the air. In the much further distance, more of the metal things stormed around. Most were on four legs but some where on two. A swarm of missiles and blue beams of light fired from the closest one, arching off into the distance and slamming into one of the other massive machines with a ear piercing explosion, sending shards of blue painted metal in a shower of violence

The far distant machine shook as fire and smoke poured out of it, the sight of a small rocket bursting out of the top of it with what looked like a pony strapped to it like it was supposed to be a chair was briefly noted before the machine started emitting waves of green light before exploding into a massive mushroom cloud, the blast knocking over two of the other machines near it.

The one that had fired continued stomping closer, vents opening around the legs blasting out waves of heat generated from the weapons fire, the red and gray paint job on it not telling them anything, nor did the black snake with a dragon head curled around three diamond mean anything to the Sparkles either.

“Well this is a thing, and I think it's a thing we should not be near.” Shining Armor stated getting nods of agreement from the others.

I can't believe this bullshit came about because Starlight SAVED Fluttershy from falling off the cloud.” Twilight grumbled.

With a few taps on the glowing parts of the stone table the group vanished just as the mechs in the distance recovered enough return fire.

[ Ponyville]

Twilight stared at Twilight.

Twilight stared back at Twilight.

“You are not scientifically possible.” Twilight stated.

“Don't even start with that.” Twilight huffed fluttering her wings. “We went through that last time we time traveled!”

“It doesn't make it any less scientifically possible.” Twilight stated.

“We literally know a god of time, and Minuette. It's magically possible.” Spike snapped.

“Yeah, what I said.” Spike offered as well.

“Woof.” Rahs nodded sagely.

“Bark?” Rahs asked.

“Yeah, it's just timey whimy stuff. Don't think about it too much, kinda like Pinkie Pie.” Shining Armor added from where he sat next to a large stone table that appeared in the middle of the library.

“I for one would like to know if I can borrow both Rahs' for a bit. I have had an idea that I am not sure a cloning spell would work on....” Sunset offered biting her lip a little as she looked between the two moon dogs.

“No.” The collected group stated, save the Rahs' who simply looked at the mare with wide eyes.

“So if you are me from the future, what sort of dire message do you have?” Twilight huffed. “What's gonna happen next Tuesday that brings Shining in too?”

“Nope, we're a little more than a year in the future if I recall correctly. And really there's so much shit that happens I can't really explain it all. Good news, the rest of that stupid prophecy is figured out. I can tell you that you don't need to worry about figuring out the stupid box because that comes into play this summer, I also figure out the Familiar spell.” Twilight added with a small glare at Sunset at the mention of the spell.”

“The next expansion of, Fallout Equestria is pretty neat, but don't buy it day one, there's so many bugs and stuff you wanna wait until about the end of the year before picking it up.” Spike told himself. “Also hold off getting any new Battle Mallet rule books as 9th edition is gonna drop in the middle of next year.”

“Sweet.” Spike nodded. ”See this is the sorta stuff that's important to know from the future.”

“Bark.” Rahs offered making Rahs stiffen.

“BORK!” Rahs gasped.

“Yes, he means six, by next year you're gonna have a a rather intense sixth girl chasing you.” Shining Armor chuckled. “I still can't believe it.”

“What!?” Sunset snapped. “Who is she so that I may burn her!?”

“No.” The collected group stated, save the Rahs' who simply looked at the mare with wide eyes.

“Annnd it's reasons like that which are why we are keeping this simple.” Twilight sighed.” This is all I told you when I came through last time so this is all I'll tell you coming through this time because of the time issues. And I really don't want to annoy White.”

“Fair enough.” Twilight agreed.


YARRRR!!The pirate growled before a right hook from Rahs knocked the griffon on his ass.

The ass was not thrilled to be landed on, though a sleep spell from Twilight finished him off too.

The group of them looked around for any more pirates with shovels and very stereotypical eye patches.

Spike made the mistake of mentioning the eye patches which started Twilight into lecture mode about the patches and night vision and ships decks.

The others ignored her.

Of course the brothers were far more interested in the large pile of chests full of gold gems and other treasures the two pirates had been trying to bury on this small shore of an island.

Twilight paused mid rant and managed to identify some of the larger items as lost crown jewels of Princess Platinum that were said to be stolen by the Strawhat pirates , who in turn lost it to another pirate raid that took their whole haul of loot in one piece. Said lost treasure was well lost and never found again even in the modern age, though parts of it were known to pop up in private collections from time to time.

This only made her brothers smile wider.

When the two pirates woke, they would still have their shovels, but the treasure, their attackers, and that odd crystal table were gone.

[ Anywhen]

The white rabbit lifted his head as something disturbed his realm. With a small sigh he hopped and slid side where to when the issue would be.

The realm itself was filled with his children and grandchildren and many of their offspring and mates. In truth he hadn't had that many mates in the past, though with the amount of offspring that were around fiddling with parts of the time streams and eating tangents, he was likely going to be around quite some time with more than a few wives, or at the very least his kids were going to be super prolific. Maybe he should see if some of them wanted to head out into the real world. White doubted a warren or two of intelligent immortal carnivorous rabbits would have any issue with the echo system.

I mean there were wolves made of wood out there after all.

There was one he was interested in now, but he wasn't sure how to approach her as this was a bit out of his normal wheelhouse.

White tilted his head as he stepped from anywhen to everywhen and wheneverafter.

Before him was a large crystal table with a number of swirling sigals and other bits and bobs on it. Standing around it were two unicorns, a dragon, and a blue diamond dog thing. They were currently arguing about something.

He was certain he had met them already, but not yet. Still there was a first time for everything.

“Hello.” White offered.

The four of them whirled to face him, all of them seeming to relax at the sight of him. Well clearly they had met him already. White wondered how long it would be until he met them again for the first time.

“White...look, there has got to be a better way to do this.” The purple alicorn mare stated. “Starlight is always one step ahead and if we catch her she still manages to do something and throws everything into chaos.”

“Hmm well .” White pondered not remembering the name. “ It seems you have me at a disadvantage. Who are you? Clearly two gods a demi god and a ….... well to be fair I have no clue what you are but it does paint a interesting picture.”

“What? White seriously, you just sent us on this quest to fix the issue here.” the alicorn ranted.

“Woof?” the large diamond dog stated. White was certain the current diamond dog god was Forthe. How far ahead were this lot from? Well in any case he certainly hoped Forthe didn't notice this ones presence here . White would never hear the end of it.

“What do you mean he probably hasn't met us yet?” The white unicorn demanded.

“Look we're bouncing around in time trying to stop Starlight... maybe we don't exist in this time line?” the dragon offered.

White considered.” No. If you're here then you're here, just maybe not yet, or well after, if you know me though I would say not yet.”

“Uhhhhhhh” the four seemed to blue screen as White sighed.

“Look whatever I will tell you, you clearly haven't done it yet or you wouldn't be here.” White sighed. Why was stuff like this so hard for everyone to understand? “ Now then who are you four, you clearly know me.”

It was at that point White was introduced the first time to the Sparkles. They didn't stay long and in fact left with their table not long after the conversation happened.

Despite that, White figured it might be the best to keep an eye out for that group in the future, and the past.. well just in general.

Author's Note:

You were warned

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