• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Teleport for the memories

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Teleport for the memories

[Ponyville, Fall, Seshat.]

“Well? How'd she do this time?” Twilight asked.

“ The usual crying and carrying on, but just like last year she didn't destroy anything or try to change reality to suit her whim.” Fluttershy nodded.

Rahs and Spike both sighed in relief.

“So we don't need to worry about her blowing up the weather factory again?” Spike questioned.” That's good, that first year was nuts, and even with all of us watching her the following year to prevent a repeat, shit got weird.”

“I'm still trying to figure out who told her flying around Equss at rain boom speeds would rewind time.” Twilight huffed.” White was amused or will be amused by it.”

“I'm a little more concerned that she tried to use my blood to make Tank a dragon last year so he wouldn't hibernate.” Spike huffed.” Where did she come up with that?”

“Probably Daring Doo” Fluttershy sighed.

“Daring Doo and the Dragon of Summer Burning to be exact.” Twilight pointed out.

Rahs paled at that, knowing what he did about Daring Doo.

[ Later, Seshat, unnamed theater]

Rahs raised an eyebrow at the crowd before him. Of all the things he had expected today, this wasn't one of them.

Sunset, Saturnia, Jynx, and Applejack all stood at the front of the crowd glaring at each other.

Trixie was there as well, standing by Rahs and glaring at the small group of other girls.

About eighty others stood around the four females confused as to what was going on.

He and Trixie had been discussing plans for the next date as well as what to possibly do with the theater. The show mare had about a week before she had to get back on the road, as evidently word had gotten out about what she and a number of other entertainers had done during Tirek's attack and it had brought quite a number of new business contracts for the lot of them, so she was going to be busy for some time.

The crowd here at the moment however consisted of a number of the Apple family, brought in by Applejack. A large number of various Canterlot players brought in by Sunset. A collection of Diamond Dogs brought in by Jynx. And a selection of Changelings brought in by Saturnia.

“Fuzzy, what even is all this?” Trixie muttered as Rahs shrugged, while the other four females after Rahs bickered about whose idea this was first and who stole it from whom.

“What is going on in there.” Rarity asked as she munched on a cucumber sandwich.

“I am quite certain I don't want to know.” Twilight offered taking a sip of her tea.” Seshat are you keeping an eye on that?”

“I don't have any eyes, but given there is a large mob of four separate factions currently inside of me, it has a good deal of my attention.” Seshat offered.

“Understandable.” Rarity nodded. “Still darling, you were explaining how the cutie mark thing works.”

“Right as I have mentioned before when I set up a mission I only know that there is something going on and who would be the best to send. I also get a feeling when the problem has been resolved and can send out another signal letting you know it's finished.” Seshat explained.

“And in situations like the trip to Bayston, no second signal was sent because the Sirens are still out there.” Twilight offered.

“While I did not know it was the Sirens, I still feel there is something unfinished there. It is annoying.” Seshat huffed.

“Is that why after we helped Coco my cutie mark glowed again?” Rarity considered. “Interesting.”

“I felt that mission was complete.” Seshat agreed.

“So what's the range on that, who can you call to a mission?” Twilight questioned.

“Almost anyone. My roots run deep.” Seshat offered.” Granted I can't make any one come to me, nor tell them why their cutie mark is glowing. It is also a little harder to connect to those who do not have a cutie mark to them it's more a feeling that they should be doing something.”

“I can see why that might be confusing.” Rarity nodded. ”But what might be the goal of this even? Surely there are countless problems across the world all the time. Given it's been some time since our last mission surely there is some goal in mind as the missions have to be being cherry picked for us.”

“Right, despite what Rahs said, the theater production couldn't have been as important as dealing with the Sirens or Starlight.” Twilight pointed out.

“I do not know. I know that these missions aid Harmony, but to what end I am unsure.” Seshat offered. “The theater seemed just as important when I felt the disturbance as the Sirens did. But neither of them felt as strong as when I sent all of you after Starlight. I am afraid I do not know more than that. You would have to ask my.... father feels appropriate here. He made me and therefore he would know why I was made.”

“Made you? I understand you are a tree but...” Rarity considered.

“Trees grow out of seeds, I grew out of a large crystal box that needed six keys to open to release me. I did not grow, I sprung fully formed into being as a large crystal tree.” Seshat pointed out.” While Sunset has stated there are tales of gods having offspring appear fully formed from a splitting headache, that is not the case here. I was not so much born as made and even I am unsure as to why.”

“Calm down Seshat, you're too young to have an existential crisis.” Twilight placated.

“I am not having one. I am stating I do not know my true purpose, just what I am supposed to do.”

“Fair enough.” Twilight offered.

[ Unnamed theater.]

“ And why do you get to help him decide?” Saturnia glared at Trixie.

“Because unlike you lot, Trixie has theater experience and is better suited to tell whether or not some one is fit for the stage.” Trixie explained as the other four suitors glared at her. “ Besides the only thing that has been done so far is to tell those that didn't want to be here or were being forced to show up that they could leave. You cannot force acting skill.”

Sunset and Applejack both looked at Saturnia and Jynx, both of whom had half their groups head out at this.

“Then there was the prior contract set up and those expecting a large payment per performance, this is a unknown start up stage thus far.” Trixie explained. “ Salary is not going to be that high or offered at first.”

Saturnia and Jynx both looked at Sunset and Applejack, both of whom had large portions of their groups leave at this announcement.

After some talking and interviews there were only a few left.

There were currently five ponies, two of them Apples, four changelings and a single diamond dog left after Rahs and Trixie did their interviews.

Of the ponies, two of them were stage crew, one was a actor looking to do more than side roles, and the two Apples were more props designers than actors.

The changelings were all actors as prior to the invasion they had been infiltrators and now were rather bored.

The Diamond Dog however was the one who had Rahs' attention at the moment much to Jynx's amusement. It seemed the short gray furred dog was a script writer, and Rahs had been reading something he had brought with him, the moon dogs tail wagging excitedly as he read through it.

“Well Fuzzy is going to be busy with that for a moment.” Trixie explained. “So what Trixie wants to know is, how the lot of you are so calm. Trixie has not seen any of the bickering or petty infighting that is usual here when more than three of us are in the same room. Aside from that display at the start which strangely worked itself out.”

Trixie's eyes narrowed as she noted Jynx and Applejack look to each other, and the same reaction happened with Sunset and Saturnia.

“Shit.” Trixie grumbled catching on.

“Perfect we are doing this play as the theaters first show! This is gold!”

The Diamond Dog, Ashmutt, was quite excited about that.

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