• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Alakazam's Most Wanted, Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Alakazam's Most Wanted,
Part 3


Spike blinked.


Applebloom tilted her head a little.


Firefly winced.


Scootaloo flattened her ears to her head.


Sweetiebelle stared on.


The five of them sat on one side of the trailer watching the massive stallion manage to smash, tangle, and break nearly everything all around them in a series of horrible events that Spike didn't even think Rahs could set up for a show.

With a last massive crash as the table lost a leg and fell atop of the massive pony everything went silent save the pained groans of the stallion.

“So how does this fit into your narrative dramatic timing and story?” Firefly asked Spike.

“Stuff it bug.” Spike huffed.

[ Appleoosa.]

“Hup hup hup hup hup.” the deputies chanted.

“So why exactly are yah following us?” Applejack demanded glaring at the sheriff and the group of stallions with him.

“What do yah mean?” The Sheriff asked.

“ We're just going tah git my sister and her friends.” Applejack offered.” Yah don't need tah come ready fer a fight like this.”

Rahs glanced back at the group before sniffing the air easily following the scent of Scootaloo's wings, and Firefly's pony form. Sweetiebelle and Applebloom's scents were there too, but the rain had washed away most of that, and Spike's magic wasn't really something he could follow either, it was like trying to track his own spit.

“Miss Apple. Ah am quite aware of who your sister and her friends are. And with how their reputation proceeds them, ah am nearly one hundred percent certain they have some how run into, or driven off Trouble Shoes.” The sheriff added as a harmonica solo played when he said Trouble Shoes name.

“Fair enough.” Applejack shrugged.

“Sheriff look!” one of the deputies shouted pointing to a massive form with several smaller forms moving around it.

“TROUBLE SHOES!” The sheriff shouted as a harmonica riffed from some where. “You're under arrest for vandalizin' the property and peace of mind of the good rodeo-lovin' ponies of Equestria! Not to mention fillynappin'! And... generalized mayhem!”

“Fillynapping?” Applejack demanded. ”They're prolly bringing him in. Yah better not be thinking of trying tah welch on that bounty yah posted Sheriff.”

“Hey, hold up this isn't what it seems....” Spike began only for Trouble Shoes to get dog piled by the deputies. “Yeah, okay, who saw that coming?”

The crusaders all raised their hooves, as did Rahs and reluctantly Applejack.

There was a great deal of arguing, but in the end the sheriff won out and Trouble Shoes was carted off, much to the annoyance of the Crusaders who were mostly ignored as they tried to tell the story.

The group was half way back to town before they noticed Rahs and Spike were not with them.

“Woof.” Rahs stated.

“What now?” Spike asked. “ Who are you talking to?”

Rahs frowned glaring at a tree for a moment more his eyes narrowing as a almost pony head sized star spider descended from a strand of silk out of the branches.

“Well, the Sparkles. Two of you any way, fancy meeting you out here.” Murphy offered.

“Whoa, talking spider.” Spike offered.


“Oh really? Cool. You're one of those Fates Twilight was talking about.” Spike offered looking up at the spider.

“I am. I am known as Murphy.” Murphy explained. ”Still I thought I was hiding myself fairly well.”


“He says the magic you were using on Trouble Shoes was easy to detect as there was nothing else out here. ”Spike blinked looking at Rahs who continued to stare at the spider. “He also wants to know why you're here and screwing with a pony. He says the rules say you aren't supposed to do that.”

“Well color me surprised that you know that.”

“Ehh, Twilight's our sister, she kinda went over all those rules the council gave her with a fine tooth comb. She's also written out about thirty new rules to cover all the loop holes she found. “ Spike smirked.” I talked her out of telling you guys in case she has to use some of them.”

“Yes well. There's a couple of those loop holes Karma and I are using right now. We've got a plan for that pony and as such it's something I need to see through. ”Murphy explained.

“A plan? Is that plan to depress some pony by ruining his life. I got a portion of his story on the walk back here and he has been through some shit for no reason, well no reason we saw at the time.” Spike demanded. “You need to leave him alone.”

“There is always a reason drake. Also don't presume to tell me to do anything , you might be a demi god, but that is hardly a protection of what I can do to you.....”

“Rrrrrrrrrrrr.” Rahs growled.

“Which is absolutely nothing and I would never touch a scale on you.” Murphy finished quickly. “Still though, don't try to order gods around, it's bad for your health.”

“So what exactly is the plan any way? I seriously doubt the Princesses would be too thrilled that you are here messing with one of their subjects.” Spike huffed. “ Seriously the poor guys a wreck.”

“Fine. Okay look the fates don't have full control over the weave of existence. We fix snarls, fiddle with things here and there and can occasionally work something in a way to make a preferred out come happen, and we can't do shit about gods, you guys are off the weave fully and we can only watch due to the ripples you make. Rahs.” Murphy narrowed his eight eyes at the moon dog. “ But we can fiddle enough to make certain things happen and usually go the way we want. Mostly for the better, but hey I'm an optimist.”

“Get on with it.” Spike sighed.

“Kids these days.” Murphy huffed.


“Seriously, what do baby goats have to do with anything?” Spike questioned.

“Never mind, look the reason I'm working on Trouble Shoes is...”

[ Appleoosa]

“This is completely unfair. He didn't do anything wrong.” Scootaloo huffed.

“So what are we gonna do about it, the rodeo's starting soon.” Sweetiebelle offered.

“Mai need fer justice is warring with mai need tah let my sister have her rodeo.” Applebloom huffed.

“ Well it's not like we can do anything any way. The sheriff won't listen to us and Spike and Rahs are still missing.” Firefly offered.

“ We have to do something!” Scootaloo growled.

“What can we do? Write a strongly worded letter to the Princesses? Appeal to the judge at an unknown trial date? Bust him out of jail?” Firefly rolled his eyes. ”Until some one listens to us we can't do anything.”

“Firefly your a genius.” Sweetiebelle gasped.

“I am? Why am I...... oh no..... I was joking!?!” Firefly panicked as the Crusaders ran out the door.


”Where is Spike?!? I can't deal with this! I just wanted to play O&O....”Firefly whined as he ran out the door after the trio.

“ I hate this.” Spike huffed. “ It's stupid and so convoluted it can't possibly work.”


“Of course I know that means it will work, I just don't have to like it.” Spike grumbled.

“So does that mean you won't tell them about it?” Murphy asked.

“Fine.” Spike growled.” But I don't like it, and if she catches you I'm denying everything.”

“Wouldn't be the first time, we've been doing this way before she showed up. Rahs?” Murphy questioned.

Rahs considered before nodding. A bit of payback for what had been done to him was quite worth it.

“Excellent.” Murphy nodded. ”I should get back to it then.”

Applejack sighed. No doubt about it, that was Trouble Shoes out there being a rodeo clown.

A durn good one too it seemed like.

Still whether this would work out or not wasn't her concern.

Making sure the Crusaders didn't literally break him out of jail was, though she could see the group of them over at another fence watching the show. She chose to ignore the rising smoke cloud coming from the sheriffs office, as well as the fact all four of them were covered in tree sap when they were in a desert practically.

Spike was still missing though, as was Rahs.

Applejack frowned, things were getting a bit more complicated in that department.

Jynx had come to see her directly.

Despite the usual urge to brawl, the big bitch had only wanted to talk. The discussion was an odd one as she explained a lot of how Diamond Dog life was. There was also a good bit of talk about blood lines and recovery time between litters.

The long and short of it was that Jynx seemed willing to share if the two of them were to team up to make sure they were the ones who got Rahs.

Applejack wasn't sure what to make of that, and the whole idea embarrassed the fool out of her.

A small part of her was considering it, she didn't know if it was the witch wolf part of her mind that was trying to sway her or not. She certainly didn't see Jynx as an Alpha over her, so that wasn't it. Apples were really big on family and with the exception of Sunset, Applejack didn't really like the others after Rahs, though she had some respect for Jynx due to what she had done with her pack. With Rahs being a god it might just take more than one bitch to keep him occupied.

Still Diamond Dogs and Apples had a rather bad history. Applejack knew it wasn't Jynx's pack that did it, but diamond dogs had killed her parents, and that didn't sit to well still with any of the family.

She had told Jynx as much and the large bitch seemingly understood that. She also said her offer would stand and that if she wanted to Jynx could train Applejack as she did Rahs in fighting. It wouldn't be much help while she was a pony but as a witch wolf it should be quite helpful. No strings would be attached to that either.

Applejack had said she would consider it and had been doing so for much of the trip out to Appleoosa.

So far the only thing she had decided on was that she would take Jynx up on the training. Something like Tirek could happen again and she wanted to be ready for it when it did.

[ Out in the ocean. ]

“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN IT'S GONE!!” Adagio screamed out.

“What the fuck do you think I mean!? I don't have the rock any more. That Sparkle took it!“ Aria snapped. ”You left me fighting a god so you could fucking play hair pull with some chick. We're damn lucky to even have gotten out of there at all!! One of the stupid gems if a fair trade for that since they are practically useless any way with out the one you lost first!”

Sonata winced as the pair continued to scream at each other, the ship rocking back and forth as this carried on. The two had been arguing since they had run from Bayston. Adagio wanted to head south and continue to hit the random villages and towns of Equestria, Aria wanted to cut and run for the border and head to Griffenston like their father had suggested to start with.

Aria had finally revealed the why of her choice and Adagio had lost her mind that Aria's stone was gone now too. Of course Adagio did not take too well to that. The pair of them were at each others throats already, and right now everything was just screaming.

It wasn't going to last. It never did.

Sonata hated when it went this far, the pair were going to storm off and be pissed at each other for weeks. She hated being the go between.


Sonata's eyes snapped open wide as she watched Adagio fall back to crash against the side of the boat, blood leaking from her mouth.

Aria snarled having rear up on her back hooves to belt her sister across the face with a hoof.

“You shut the fuck up and you listen for once in your stupid ass life.” Aria snarled. “ You left me to fight a fucking GOD! Not a demi god, or one of those idiots from the human world, a fucking EQUESTRIAN GOD! The kind that doesn't die when you kill them. This isn't screwing with dad or pissing off mom, this is fucking fighting some one that has TRIED to kill us once already since we've been back, the sort of fuckers we avoided like the plague before the bearded fucker tricked us into that damn mirror. We lucked out he was more interested in keeping the club goers safe than bringing us in. Do you remember the purple alicorn, the one who ripped apart most of her own town to get us? Do you think the next one we piss off will give a shit? This one all but told me he was going to be hunting us. And I am sure as hell not going to make it easy for him. You want to go fuck with the gods of this place? The waters right there get swimming, cause I am taking the ship to the Griffon lands and as far away from this place as I can get. They can fucking have the rock.”

Aria panted as she glared at her sister, Adagio glared back though she rubbed her jaw with a hoof.

“I've played along with your issues with mom for what feels like for fucking ever and I don't care any more. Because of your dumb ass plans we have nearly been caught twice, and I am not going back to that gilded cage as long as I can fucking avoid it. We are headed to Griffonstone, because they don't care about Equestria so long as they are paid, we can hole up there for a century or so and hopefully the gods that got riled up will forget about us.” Aria snarled. “We didn't live through the Spanish flu, the Great depression, World War 2, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, countless hurricanes, typhoons, earth quakes and freaking volcano eruptions, just so you can get us killed when we are finally back home.”

Aria let out a long held breath.

“I'm tired off this shit, I don't need to prove anything to any one, I just want to be left the fuck alone to do what I want, and I can't do that if I'm dead, in a jail cell, or stuck back in Neighlantis, so fuck whatever plan you think you have, because I'm not doing it.” Aria snapped. “The rocks gone, we're not going back for it and I've got no interest in any sort of revenge against the ones we fucked with to start with.”

Aria turned trotting into the ship, a moment or two later the motor started and the craft started to move across the water.

Sonata looked to where Aria stood at the wheel , then back to where Adagio still remained where she fell against the ships side rubbing her cheek.

This wouldn't end well.

Author's Note:

just a heads up, if you want some one to blame for the Murphy cliff hanger, blame GlitchyFox and Jirodyne, their comments helped me flesh out this wicked idea.

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