• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Party Phantasm, Prologue.

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Party Phantasm,

[ Canterlot, end of winter.]

Cold air blew over the balcony, the breeze hardly bothered the diarch of the sun however. Winter was ending soon and it would only be a few days until winter wrap up in Canterlot started.

The last snowfall was several days ago and while there were places where the snow was piled high, much of it had already melted and joined the falls spilling down the mountain side. What was left would be taken care of with the wrap up, along with the planting and clean up of the city after the season buried under snow. The veritable army of civic workers, seasonal workers, hired by the nobles, and numerous experts were already meeting to prepare how everything would go this year.

Once everything was agreed on, which shouldn't take long due to the rules put into place after the strike of 836 ANMM, Winter Wrap Up in Canterlot would begin.

The nobles had really messed it up that year with their bickering, and the entire team had walked. It had been winter in Canterlot that year until mid August.

Of course it would have been fixed sooner had she been in charge, but due to a deal Celestia had made over a hundred years prior, the Winter Wrap Up wasn't part of any activity by the crown. It was left to the nobles to run as they saw fit. At the time it had been a good idea, as it freed up much of Celestia's rare time for other things.

In time however with how many nobles had gotten involved, it was suddenly less about cleaning up Canterlot for the spring and more about what Winter Wrap Up could do for them. It was particularly bad one year when the ones in charge demanded a large tax break for their work on Winter Wrap Up hinting that they would delay Winter Wrap Up until their demands were met. Celestia had given them what they wanted that year rather than have her ponies suffer.

When the strike happened several years later however Celestia immediately took advantage of it by levying ridiculous fines against those responsible for every week they failed to wrap up winter. They protested of course, but they themselves were the ones who put the Fines Clause in the original charter with the idea to turn it on any workers going to slow or delaying the event. They clearly never though it would be turned on them.

Celestia also secretly hired all of the workers on a retainer so they would continue their strike for as long as they could, instructing them not to back down from their demands in the slightest.

In the end, the fines made from the nobles not only paid for the tax breaks she had given them to start with, but also paid for the workers retainer, and the pay they would receive to preform the Wrap Up. That the entire city placed the blame for the failure on those in charge who had started the mess to begin with made bringing the event back under control of the Crown much easier.

Celestia had put a smaller, less pompous committee in charge and let them do their thing without any spoiled rich ponies input.

Things went much smoother after that, and she was able to remove the tax breaks she had been forced to give.

A knock on the balcony door drew her from her thoughts as a guard opened the door allowing Twilight Sparkle, and Princess Luna to come outside onto the balcony overlooking the city.

“Ahh good to see you made it Twilight.” Celestia smiled looking down at the smaller alicorn.

“Is this about the Chrysalis thing? Seriously I didn't know my parents, Cadence, and Shiny came out here too.” Twilight sighed. “I mean we couldn't even find you to do anything to be honest.”

“That is because she was hiding under our bed.” Luna snorted.

“Don't give away my hiding places Lulu.” Celestia huffed.

“Well if it's not that what is it?” Twilight questioned. “Don't tell me something else has come up? It's been pretty calm this year for once. Have you figured out the Pride part of the prophecy?”

“While I still suspect that to be this Starlight Glimmer you met last summer, no that is not what this is about.” Celestia offered. “I would like your help with something.”

“My help?” Twilight questioned.

“Really you are going to ask her that?” Luna questioned seeming more surprised than anything else.

“I am.”

“Ask me what?” Twilight frowned.

“Every few years the Yaks send a delegation to Canterlot to discuss trade and opening their borders to outsiders.” Celestia offered. ”And every time the talks fail and the Yaks head home for another few years to seal themselves away.”

“Really? What happened?” Twilight frowned.

“Various things really Yaks are rather temperamental at the best of times and they like things just so or they get mad.” Celestia offered.


“I'm afraid so, however this year may be different as Prince Rutherford has expressed an interest in meeting the mare who, to quote' Smashed stupid Centaur,' end quote. “ Celestia offered with a mock angry voice.

“Again, seriously?” Twilight doubted.

“Indeed. I figure if you agree something can be set up in your castle given you have the room. I know Ponyville's Winter Wrap Up is a few days before Canterlot's planned event this year so the timing is quite perfect as well.” Celestia offered. “All that said you are welcome to refuse and nothing will change. And even if you accept and fail to convince them it simply means nothing will change. It is not something that you can actually fail, and you have a better chance of succeeding with the Prince's interest than we would here. I am also willing to offer the stipend that usually accompanies ambassadorial hosting for the time they spend with you.”

Twilight considered for a time. ”Well I suppose I can, though I'd like all the information you have on the Yaks and their homeland.”

“Of course, you needn't even have asked for that, I will warn you we only have a few books on their culture and a few other books based on our experiences with the visiting ambassadors.” Celestia stated.” Their borders have been closed for easily six hundred years since the last time there was any trade.”

”Hmmmm. Alright, I'll help out. It's finally something sorta normal for a change. “ Twilight shrugged. ”Might be fun, I'll have to run it by the others first though.”

“Of course Twilight. Let me know if you need anything else. The delegation should be here by next Monday. That should give you time to prepare after your Winter Wrap Up.”” Celestia suggested. “Raven will be in her office now, go ask her to take you to the archive, she knows the tomes I mentioned. Good luck.”

Twilight nodded and trotted back through the doors to the balcony heading to Raven's office lost in thought.

Celestia watched her go while Luna watched her sister.

“Thou art a cruel mare.” Luna stated flatly.

“Who me?” Celestia asked, her grin spreading wider.

“Thou knows EXACTLY we mean thou.” Luna huffed.

Celestia smirked even wider before she started to giggle. ”Prince Rutherford is not going to know what hit him.”

Luna rolled her eyes as her sister fell over cackling like a mad mare.

Author's Note:

Phantasm was the name of the illusion school of magic in earlier editions of D&D.

And now we cue the music.

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