• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust, Prologue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust,

[ Onboard the Princess Bride headed north]

The large pleasure air ship cruised over the mountainous terrain headed north towards Griffonstone. The ship had met up with the Waning Moon at one point for an escort across a patch of territory where a large number of bandits were said to be located. The Night Guard's new warship was constantly on the move rooting out bandits and raiders along Equestria's borders.

The massive warship had veered off after the escort to go deal with another problem that popped up further along the border.

While the Griffons were supposed to be allied with Equestria, the fall of the nation years ago had caused all sorts of problems with bandits and thieves. Princess Celestia forcing the nobles back into their own country had caused even more problems and there were not a few of the former rich birds that were out on the street after being robbed blind by those they were supposed to be ruling over.

Celestia had used it as an example to Equestria's nobles of what happened if they pushed their pompousness too far.

She did set up the soup kitchens though and life for Griffons who were citizens of Equestria didn't change in the slightest.

“I must say this is quite possibly the strangest thing I have done in some time.” Prince smirked looking down over the side of the ship to the ground far below.

“What? Had your butt glow and then get sent on a epic quest by a tree?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“.... actually that's pretty much spot on, thank you.” Prince offered as Rainbow Dash giggled.

“Ah don't worry about it, trips paid for by the crown cause of how important it probably is. We've got a full compliment of Guard on board and you got me an Pinkie coming along, and we can handle about anything. “Rainbow Dash shrugged. “And what we can't handle, that's what we gots us a Rahs for.”

“Where is he any way?” Prince offered.

“Same place he's been all trip, up on the front of the ship posing and letting the wind whip though his coat.” Pinkie Pie gestured to the front of the ship and the moon dog standing at the bow his arms crossed as his long coat billowed dramatically behind him.

“ So help me if he does that top of the world thing I'm gonna push him off.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“I thought you liked that movie?” Prince asked.

“Trottanic was great, but the freaking door was big enough for both of them!” Dash ranted.” And afterward everyone was doing that stupid pose.”

[Ponyville, Seshat.]

Twilight was at a loss for what to do.

She had passed on the newly adjust Familiar spell after making sure Shining was one hundred percent in the clear.

His magic level had increased further as had his durability, stamina, and strength. All were on par with Sombra and Sunset, the only physical change that was noticeable was that he was a bit taller and one of the stars of his cutie mark had become pink and heart shaped.

Iinii had gone out of his way to get the spell and was currently trying to convince Maohk to accept the spell. A discussion he seemed to be winning.

Celestia and Luna also had access to the spell, though neither claimed to really have any one they would use it on at the moment. Still they were wary about passing it out to too many creatures. At Celestia's suggestion Twilight was holding onto the spell until she was sure all the kinks were out of it. And Celestia was planning to only let it be offered where it might have the most advantage.

Another council meeting would be held in Canterlot in the spring and Celestia planned to fully bring it up there.

Celestia was using the spell as leverage against a few particular gods who were issues and bring them over to her side in some votes. Others would be offered it as a gift for their continued alliances.

Twilight really didn't care much about it and left the politicking to the Princesses.

Granted none of that was why she was at a loss.

Right now she was at a loss because she asked Big Mac if he wanted her to cast the spell on him.

And without any hesitation, he had said no.

She had expected something like that from the earth pony farmer, though it still hurt.

So for the moment Twilight simple sat in her room staring at the ceiling at a loss for what to do.

Author's Note:

Cue the theme song

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