• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Hooffields and Mages

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5
by TDR

The Hooffields and Mages

[Ponyville, Seshat. Non time fuckery]

Pinkie Pie huffed in annoyance glaring at the map table. Spike was sitting at a plain wooden table with a number of chairs around it off to the side of the table prepping for his O&O game.

“I'm sorry Pinkie, but after some consideration I didn't feel as if you should go on this one.” Seshat offered.” Quite the opposite actually. I felt quite firmly that you should stay here.”

“It's fine.. really it's fine... I'll just sit here and...... I dunno, wonder what Fluttershy's doing on this potentially dangerous mission...”Pinkie Pie whined.

“Seriously, calm down. Fluttershy has Rahs and Twilight with her.” Spike offered.” If anything bad does happen we'll probably feel the explosion from here.”

“Yes well I get Fluttershy and Twilight, and Rahs always goes now as back up along with a Guard or two, but WHY is Tempest going?” Pinkie Pie demanded.

“Mostly due to the Guard who was training her in protocol is going and if she is serious about guarding Twilight and aiding the Ponyville Guard this is the sort of thing she would need to do.” Seshat explained.

“At least Grubber has to work.” Spike shrugged. ”He can get super annoying without Tempest around to reign him in.”

“And yet, I don't get to go?” Pinkie Pie snapped.

“Well I wasn't stopping you, but I felt you shouldn't.....” Seshat offered. “REEEEALLLY felt you shouldn't.”

“GAAAH!!!” Pinkie Pie ranted.

“You could always go take over for Fluttershy's Book Club.” Spike offered.

“That would mean I would need to go deal with Angel Bunny alone, I'm not 'that' crazy.” Pinkie snapped.

“Fair enough.” Spike shrugged.

Twilight felt that this had been the dumbest, most pointless waste of her time ever, and she had been to one of Fluttershy's book club meetings once.

It had been rather galling to find a field mouse had a better understanding of the themes and story of a Tail of Two Cities than she did. And that was AFTER she became the goddess of books.

Evidently there were two family's in the middle of a feud. A feud that had been going on so long there was actually a filly and a colt from both families who were secretly sneaking into the forest to spend time together. Rahs had immediately pulled those two away to make sure there would be no stupid Romeo and Juliet shenanigans going on.

From what Twilight could tell, one side was full of crap builders, and the other side was full of crap farmers.

Which was weird enough on it's own given the crap builders managed to make functioning cannons to fire pumpkins at the crap farmers. It was even stranger that the crap farmers had sheds full of watermelons and enough hay to bale it and use it as ammo.

Twilight was sorely tempted to blast them both when they refused the Guards cease fire order. The only thing the two family leaders seemed to be interested in was winning the fight to prove they were better at fighting.

Still it was up to her to fix this. Tempest was staying back deferring to what the Guard with them was doing, Rahs was working on the two lovers trying to get them to keep it in their pants, and Fluttershy had already saved a bunch of animals caught in the crossfire.

After the cake fiasco the conflict had gone into a full out brawl with the valley between the two hilltop homesteads erupting into food flinging and fighting.

Twilight was confused that the two families had been using the Equestrian non escalation style of conflict, which really was based on a lie created by Celestia during that stupid cupcake fort battle she imagined and they were just using food and less than lethal attacks.

Sadly however it seemed that was no longer the case as now that the feud had moved into the valley, hooves, sticks, pitch forks, torches and other farm implements were being brought to bare.

Thankfully it was all a bunch of uncoordinated brawling and shouting thus far.

“ENOUGH!” Twilight shouted, her horn flaring as she shoved every pony away from every pony else on the field. Unfortunately they all immediately charged back together to continue the fight.

She then grabbed Big Daddy Mcolt, and Ma Hooffield yanking them both in front of her. The pair of them ignoring her and trying to stab each other with the large wood chisel and a pitchfork.

“You two stop it!” Twilight snapped stepping between the pair and glaring at them. “ You two don't even know what you're fighting about any more. This needless conflict needs to stop!!”

“AHH what do you know!!?” Big Daddy shouted.

“RIGHT, BUTT OUT.” Ma hollered as well.

“Well at least they agreed on something.”

Twilight glared at her brother, before she felt sharp pain in both her sides.

There was a brief moment after that, where reality itself seemed to freeze in place.

Twilight glanced down, noting a chisel and a pitch fork that had both been prodding at her while she had been trying to get the pair to see reason, where now both a few inches deep into her sides. Twilight glanced to both sides at the heads of the families. Both of them had the same annoyed expression, but they also seemed surprised that she hadn't moved from the prodding and actually gotten stabbed. Neither realizing the reason she hadn't pulled away was because the other one was prodding her other side.

Twilight took a deep breath feeling the warm trickle of her own blood start running through her fur from the holes on either side of her body.

There was a sound behind her that marked the realization from those who had come with her on what had just happened. The growling that started wasn't just coming from Rahs.

Twilight let out her breath as the moment still hung in the air, a stillness that was almost as unsettling as what she knew was about to happen.

“May the stars have mercy on your souls. Because there is no god listening who will.” Twilight stated flatly.

Then the world exploded into violence.

Twilight sat back as the Guard bandaged her sides. She didn't really need it as the wounds healed almost as soon as the weapons were removed but the guard was doing his best to not pay attention to what was going on in the valley.

Rahs had went off obviously and was not the slightest bit concerned on which of the families felt his ire.

Tempest too, had also gone off and Twilight was quite impressed at the mess she was making of everyone, like Rahs she was completely indiscriminate on her rampage. She had a slightly smaller body count than Rahs, but only just.

Fluttershy too had decided to react, and the angry proto thestril was surprisingly brutal, though it seemed that she was less doing this because of Twilight getting hurt and more due to all the animals around who had been hurt or nearly hurt from the fighting.

“So what do we do when this is over?” The guard asked looking at the wreckage, Tempest and Rahs had not settled from taking their annoyance out on just the ponies, the farm and fort were both on fire and half collapsed as well.

“Well for starters we arrest the lot of them for their part in this conflict, especially the two leaders due to them actually stabbing me. We find any close families to take the children to and then we either have the government itself take over the land or we let the love struck pair have it and start over.” Twilight sighed. “ In either case this fighting is going to be brought up to Princess Celestia and she can deal with that part of it and what to do with the land. What annoys me is that in order to preserve harmony here we pretty much had to kick the flanks of everyone involved. This does not fit well with anything I know on harmony or friendship. Why was I even sent out here when a host of Guards could have done the same thing. I mean what was the lesson here?”

“Hmmm. Maybe, ' Don't stab someone who has two overpowered protectors willing to engage in ultra violence at the drop of a hat?” the guard offered.

“And Fluttershy?”

“That's easy, 'Be kind to animals. Or else.' “ The guard explained.

“Meh Better than anything I could come up with for this.” Twilight sighed.

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