• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust, Part Two

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust,
Part two

[Ft. Fisher, former HQ of the Fairchild Republic, later the former Castle of the King of the Griffons]

“Sorry about the mess, I'm a warrior not a builder, so there's only so much I can do with this place.” Thunderbolt offered, leading the small group to a larger room that might have once been the throne room, but now had a table and a few scattered chairs around in varying states of repair and stability.

In truth it was an upgrade to rummage sale over the slums outside.

Everyone took a seat after Thunderbolt did, save a few guard who moved around the room checking it over.

“Neat Castle Thundy, did you inherit this? The rent has got to be insane.” Pinkie Pie offered up rocking in her chair.

“Thundy?” Thunderbolt raised an eyebrow.

“Trust me just roll with it, it's safer for everyone's sanity that way.” Rainbow Dash placated with both Prince, Rahs, and all the Guards nodding in agreement.

“And I thought that damn dragon was bad as Laughter.” Thunderbolt sighed shaking his head. “ So what's this about a tree?”

“WellawhilebackwemetHarmonywhilelookingforthetenticlesthattookPrincessCelestiaandPrincessLunaandtheywereallattackingPonyvilleandTwilightandtherestofustalkedtoTheTreeofHarmonyandgavebackhisfamiliersandwegotalittleboxandittookusthewholeseasonandafightwithTirektofigureouthowtoopenitandtherewererainbowsandexplosionsandgodsandabigcrystalcastletreenamedSeshatandshesendsusonfriendshipmissionsandoncetogetabagoffertilizerbutdon'ttellTwilight.”Pinkie Pie rambled.

The griffon blinked staring at Pinkie a moment before looking to Prince.

“Harmony had a daughter and she can sense problems and who is best to send to deal with those problems, this time she sent us.” Prince translated. ”So far Seshat seems fairly accurate that there's trouble some where.”

“She's not too good on telling us what the problem is though.” Rainbow sighed.

“Hence why we are curious as to if you might know anything that is plaguing this area.” Prince continued.

“This whole country is a plague.” Thunderbolt answered seeming pained by saying it.” I hardly recognize any of it. Not the buildings, not the landscape, and certainly not the people. We were an honorable race, not greedy bastards like this.”

Rainbow Dash winced at that having heard much the same from Gilda.

“Have you tried talking with Aunt Celestia?” Prince offered. ”I'm sure she would be willing to help with what ever you need.”

“Oh I know, she's said as much. But all I've got left is my pride and I won't sully that with begging.” Thunderbolt snorted.

“It's hardly begging if she offered.” Prince sighed as Thunderbolt frowned. “Fine. I won't get into this discussion. Surely though you have some idea how to fix this or have seen some griffon who isn't only living for bits.”

“A few. Though most of them would claim otherwise. “ Thunderbolt rumbled. “ Grandpa Gruff has taken it upon himself to raise a host of abandoned chicks, but to talk to him he acts like every other asshole around here. Some of the chicks he's raised have turned out different as well. But it's not enough when all the older griffons still act like greedy magpies looking to swoop in and take everything they can.”

“Bark.” Rahs questioned causing Thunderbolt to look at him.

“He wants to know where Lockheed the god of griffons is.” Pinkie Pie translated.

“That useless sack of shit. He's set up shop further north along the border of Aerie and the Crystal Empire. He's got quite a few griffons following him, though he's only set up that close to the border so he can pop over to the empire for his luxuries. Meanwhile he leaves every grif who doesn't have their beak shoved so far up his ass they can smell what he had for breakfast in the cold.” Thunderbolt huffed. “While I appreciate he stays out of the business of trying to rule the griffons, he should be doing something at least to try and help rather than just make himself comfortable.”

“He is raking in quite a number of bits for giving mining rights to certain areas of Aerie.” Prince pointed out.

“Yes and that money should be going to fix the nation not pad a pompous waste of spaces already fat ass.” Thunderbolt sighed. “But there is no Griffon nation, just a bunch of squatters scrounging and stealing to get by. I've been trying to set up something, but there's no one interested. Well Gabby is, but she's far too chipper for her own good, and while that chick of Gruff is one of the few who want to hear about the past, he's more interested in what it was like as a knight for Fairchild Republic. He's also a sarcastic little shit.”

“Well this is truly upsetting, but I'm not sure what we are supposed to do to help with that. “ Prince offered with a frown.

“Jump starting an entire economy and changing the minds of pretty much every bird in Aerie seems a little beyond what we can do.” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “Even my awesome has it's limits.”

“Ruff?” Rahs asked.

“Yeah that's a good point. What about that idol thingy?” Pinkie Pie offered. ”Isn't that supposed to be the pride of the empire or something?”

“The Idol of Boreas?” Thunderbolt blinked then considered. “Well the legend is well known enough it could be used as a start, but that thing fell into the Abysmal Abyss during the attack on the castle. That was the final straw before King Guto went full tilt into the war. He was a good griffon, but the loss of the idol and later his life during the war was the end of the age of Kings in Aerie.”

“What happened?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“The creature that attacked was soly after the artifact and destroyed half the castle to get to it. King Guto and his knights, myself included, fought the beast as best we could but it still managed to get the idol and escape. We pursued and managed to slay it, though both it and the idol fell into the abyss. Attempts were made to recover it, but that chasm is dangerous at the best of times, and most of the able bodied Griffons were needed for the war. King Guto always planed to recover it, though he was ambushed and killed along with most of his knights in an encounter with witch wolves.”

Thunderbolt glared at Rahs who simply stared back impassively. He had heard a lot of bad things about witch wolves, but he also knew the full story of them.

“At the time I was chosen to be the Element of Loyalty and was currently training with the others who had been selected.” Thunderbolt offered.” I often wonder if my presence would have helped, or doomed me as well.”

“And how did that happen?” Dash asked.

“Some zebra gods prophecy and likely some pushing by my grandmother to keep me out of harms way.” Thunderbolt sighed. “Of course that little plan got me trapped in the Empire when it vanished and with me presumed dead my grandmother gave up being a god to the current idiot and retired.”

“Back to the idol, would that work? If we recovered it I mean?” Rainbow Dash considered.

“Honestly I don't know. It may be a start and it would draw in a number of those who know the legend. It did make who ever possessed it far more likable and made griffons listen to what they said.” Thunderbolt muttered.” My grandmother made it for the first king back when the griffons were just warring tribes."

“The Abyss is fairly large, running several miles before ending in sheer cliffs at the sea. How would we even find it?” Prince questioned.

“I was there when it fell. I know the general location of where it should be, but something like that will take a team and more bits than I have access to. You can't fly down into that place, you'll be ripped apart on the rocks on the way down.” Thunderbolt explained.

“Sounds like we will have to rappel down then.” Prince stated, a grin forming on his face. A few of the Guards who were used to him groaned seeing where this was going.” I have some climbing gear already on my ship, it shouldn't be too hard to set something up if we know where to go down. Plus we would have my airship to base out of rather than the possibly risky cliff sides.... ooh maybe we can do the cliff sides any way, that sounds fun.”

Thunderbolt raised an eyebrow as both Rahs and Pinkie Pie also stared at Prince as he started making plans.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Don't worry about it. Stuff like this is why I'm dating him. This is gonna be fun.”

[ Hours later.]

“I'm not saying it's not a good idea.” Pinkie Pie offered. ”I'm just saying I don't think that's why we're here.”

“Come on, it's an awesome idea.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“Ruff.” Rahs shrugged walking along with Dash and Pinkie though the town. A number of griffons stared at them as if considering trying to rob them, though the towering Diamond Dog looking creature warded them away.

Guards had attempted to come with them though Rahs had waved them off. If there was something he Dash, and Pinkie couldn't deal with they wouldn't have a chance either. The guard didn't like it, but he was a Sparkle and there was a whole section in the Guard trainer that was about how to deal with the Sparkles.

Still it suited everyone fairly well to stay around the airship as a large number of griffons were gathered around the site. Some curious, though most seemed ready to snag anything that wasn't nailed down, so the guards were busy. Rainbow Dash was all for going after the idol, but she also easily got bored with the prep work needed before a climb and had wandered off with Pinkie Pie and Rahs.

“You're right, it's not like I have any other ideas. And Sunset wasn't sent with us this time, so it's not like there's any bad guys.” Pinkie offered.

“Yeah that kinda sucks. I wanted to clobber those sirens for that nonsense on my birthday.” Rainbow Dash growled.


“Ehh, you've been sent on every mission so far after the first one. I think Seshat is just trying to make sure you don't get mad at her again.” Pinkie Pie shrugged. “ Hey, listen! Do you smell that?”

Rahs blinked looking around. ”Bark?”

“Yeah, that smells like baking. Come on!” Pinkie Pie gasped pronking off towards a ramshackle looking cart and the griffon hen standing next to it.

Rahs and Rainbow Dash looked at each other shrugged and followed along.

Rainbow however frowned and slowed her approach when she recognized the hen.

The griffon and the pegasus lock eyes and glare at each other.

“Hello Gilda.” Rainbow Dash stated coldly.

“Dash.” Gilda retorted.

“Pinkie!” Pinkie chimed in as Rahs sighed.

“What are you doing here?” Dash demanded.

“I'm a griffon, this is Griffonstone, what's your excuse dweebs?” Gilda snapped.

“Hey these dweebs are here to help Griffonstone.” Dash snapped.

“Help it what?” Gilda questioned with a sneer.

“WellawhilebackwemetHarmonywhilelookingforthetenticlesthattookPrincessCelestiaandPrincessLunaandtheywereallattackingPonyvilleandTwilightandtherestofustalkedtoTheTreeofHarmonyandgavebackhisfamiliersandwegotalittleboxandittookusthewholeseasonandafightwithTirektofigureouthowtoopenitandtherewererainbowsandexplosionsandgodsandabigcrystalcastletreenamedSeshatandshesendsusonfriendshipmissionsandoncetogetabagoffertilizerbutdon'ttellTwilight.”Pinkie Pie rambled.

“What?” Gilda blinked clearly confused by the rant.

Rahs sighed again.

“Long story short we're here to get the Idol of Boreas.” Rainbow Dash snorted.

“Don't tell me you believe in that stupid legend.” Gilda rolled her eyes.

“You'd better believe in it! “ a door bursts open from a nearby building as a haggered old and nearly bald griffon stomps out, a fez perched on his head. A young blue griffon chick peered out the window of the building he came out of watching with interest. “It was the best thing to ever happen to us griffons!”

“Shards, you got Grandpa Gruff started.” Gilda grumbled.” I knew I should have parked my cart further down the road.”

“And I'll tell you the whole tragic tale for a few bits...” Grandpa Gruff offered.

“Thanks but we already heard it from Thunderbolt, he was actually there.” Pinkie Pie stated.

Grandpa Gruff blinked, snorted in annoyance, and tipped his fez forward before storming back into the house grumbling about uppity young griffons stealing his shtick.

“It really is a sad history of this place after the king was killed..” Pinkie Pie called after him.

“Sad? Do we really look sad to you?” Gilda snorted.

Gruff slammed his door sending several shingles falling from the ramshackle house to the filthy street with a crash. The three Equestrians looked at the mess looked around town, then to each other before looking back at Gilda.

“Yeah, I think we need to get that idol back pronto.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

“No one cares about the damn idol, everyone here only cares for themselves and that's how everyone likes it!” Gilda shrieked.

“Forget this, we're gonna find the idol and make this dump cool again. Come on.” Dash took top the air looking at Pinkie and Rahs.

“I'm gonna look around a bit more.” Pinkie shrugged.

Woof.” Rahs gestured to Pinkie Pie. Some one had to keep the pink mare out of trouble.

“Alright, I'll be back at the ship when you guys wanna be heroes.” Dash huffed and with a last glare at Gilda flew off.

“That's the problem with you sharding ponies. Always have a hero complex, always have to fix things that aren't broken.” Gilda snarled.

“Not us. Rahs isn't a pony and I just wanna party.” Pinkie Pie smiled. “Wait, ooh that would do it , I can throw a party. Where's your party store?”

“Our what?” Gilda questioned.

“Alright maybe a song?”

“No singing here.” Gilda ordered.

“ But how do you break into uplifting musical numbers with no singing?” Pinkie Pie questioned.

“Yeah, that's Griffonstone's biggest problem – lack of uplifting musical numbers. “ Gilda rolled her eyes as Rahs smirked a bit.

“Uh, how about cake? Nothing cheers folks up like cake! Where's a bakery?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Gilda raised an eyebrow at the pink pony.

“Seriously? No singing, no parties, no cake?” Pinkie huffed exasperatedly.” What is this place?”

“You're welcome to leave at any time.” Gilda shouted. ”You're as bad as that blue pony.”

Rahs perked his ears at that.

“Well, that just takes the cake. Wait, no! It can't take the cake 'cause there is no cake! Or muffins! Or griffon scones! “Pinkie Pie huffed

“Oh, we got griffon scones. That's my specialty. “Gilda smirked with a bit of pride.

“Ooh I'll buy one.” Pinkie Pie offered giving Gilda a bit and popping the scone into her mouth chewing thoughtfully.

Rahs hesitated a moment to see how Pinkie Reacted before he was willing to try one.

“No refunds.” Gilda snapped.

“Not bad. You need a little more baking powder and maybe some blueberries and it would be perfect.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“Uggh, that's exactly what the blue one said.” Gilda sighed.

“Blue one?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah, another damn pony poking their nose into my business. She usually comes around to bug me about lunch time.” Gilda growled fanning her wings. “Speaking of which. There she is over there.”

Gilda gestured pointing a talon to a blue furred and blue maned pegasus pony with pink gossamer wings hopping along happily towards them.

Pinkie and Rahs both stared.

Sonata stopped dead as she spotted the moon dog and pink pony.

“SHIT!” Pinkie and Sonata both shouted as Rahs rushed at the siren.

Author's Note:

And now the mayhem cranks up.

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