• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Hearth Stone Breakers, Part Two

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

Hearth Stone Breakers,
Part Two

[ Pie rock farm.]

Granny Smith sighed as she looked at the dish before her.

“Mai seven layer bean dip.” Granny muttered sadly.

“Mai sweet rolls.” Applebloom huffed.

“Twilight do you think you can teleport back to the last town and get like a hay burger or something?” Sunset whispered, leaning over to Twilight.

“No … that would be rude... besides it's Hearths Warming, nothing would be open save maybe a griffon place.” Twilight muttered back.

“That works, they might have bacon.” Sunset responded.

“... I'll consider checking.” Twilight agreed.

The Pies continued to eat their rock soup without evidently hearing any of them talk, though it was little surprise given the loud crunching of the rocks.

Spike of course, was munching happily on the soup and the rocks.” This is good. I really need to get the recipe from you. I'll finally have something that can be saved as leftovers that the bottomless pits I live with will leave alone.”

“That's my line.” Twilight snorted.

Rahs and Applejack both refrained from speaking as they each rolled a soup rock around in their mouths, tasting the odd, but rather tasty magic on the soup stones.

Big Mac was also rolling the stone around in his mouth curious that the rock was so flavorful, but not willing to risk his teeth.

“Eat up, so we can get to our Hearth's Warming dolls!” Pinkie Pie offered chipperly.

“Well. At least that seems normal.” Twilight smiled.

“Why must you jinx us so?” Sunset demanded.

Rahs ears perked up at hearing the word jinx and looked around for both trouble, or a certain Diamond Dog alpha.

“Spike stop eating the Hearths Warming Dolls!” Twilight snapped.

“ Then stop making them so delicious!” Spike snapped back.

The group was outside by the entrance to the mine with a variety of stones pulled from a cart. Most were rocks, but a large number were various gem stones.

“Honestly this is rather interesting.” Sunset offered from a good distance away from the others, she had been put over there after she stopped trying to sculpt a doll with the mini pickax and started to simply crank up the heat enough to melt parts of the rock into the shape she wanted.

Maud was rather impressed.

Not that anyone but Pinkie noticed.

Big Mac stared at the diamond he was given before waiting until he thought no one was looking before giving it a lick.

“Stop tasting the diamonds Mac, you're not the mayor.” Pinkie Pie called out. “It's not Mac safe.”

“Uh... y'all don't have traditional crocheted dolls passed down in your family?” Applejack asked.

“Come on AJ. This is making your own decoration rather than just hanging up some old dolls.” Sunset offered with a smirk.” It's fun.”

“Not all of us ken melt rock..... or shape it like you and Twi.” Applejack sighed looking over at Twilight who was using some spell or another to mold the rock like putty, though she wasn't very creative and had only made a couple of books, one Big Mac, and rock that looked exactly like another rock.

Maud was impressed by that too.


Rahs frowned smacking the pick on his rock, the rock broke open revealing a hollow inside with numerous pink crystals.

“YOU FOUND THE MAGIC GEODE!!” Pinkie Pie screamed.

The rest of the Pie family gave a rather unenthusiastic cheer save Limestone who grumbled in annoyance.

“Woof?” Rahs asked confused.

“That means you get a prize!” Pinkie cheered.

Rahs was about to ask what the prize was before he got smashed in the face with a banana cream pie, the food, not another member of the Pie family.

“We used to let you take a drink from the fire hose, but it's cold out.”

“Great … the only real food ah've seen tah day and it's now fulla dog hair.” Applebloom sighed poking at her rock.

“You gonna eat that?” Spike asked looking at the rock she was prodding.

“Limestone, Rahs you're the judges! Big Mac, Marble Pie, you're team one! Spike and Maud, you're team two! Ma, Pa, you're gonna be with Granny Smith. Don't think of it as team old. Think of it as team three! Sunset, Applebloom, and Twilight are team four. And I'm with Applejack of course, since we might be cousins! “

The groups looked at each other save Granny Smith who was glaring at Pinkie for the old crack. She briefly considered changing out the gift she got Pinkie for coal, but the pink mare would probably like that.

“So now that we're all split up, mind tellin' us what we're doin'?” Applejack questioned.

Pinkie Pie jumped up on top of Holder's Boulder again.” As every pony knows....”

“STAY OFF HOLDER'S BOULDER!” Limestone snapped.

“Sheesh. “ Pinkie huffed climbing down. “When the three tribes united to form Equestria, the first flag was sewn by Nimble Thimble. It's tradition to raise a flag on Hearth's Warming to celebrate that famous day.

There were a few nods and general agreement from the others.

“But who gets to put the flag on Holder's Boulder?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“ You mean a flagpole?” Sunset asked.

“No, silly, it goes on the highest point! And who's the lucky pony?” Pinkie demanded.

“Traditionally, it's the youngest...” Twilight began.

“THREETWOONEGO!!!” Pinkie shouted grabbing Applejack and darting off with her.

“What?” Spike asked.

“I hid obsidian earlier today. Go find it!” Limestone snapped.

The non Pies looked to each other before shrugging and heading off to hunt for the rock.

“AND STAY AWAY FROM MY MINE!!” Limestone screamed.

Rahs raised an eyebrow at that looking down at the intense mare.

[Canterlot , Winter, Not long before Hearths Warming]

Princess Celestia frowned as she watched another petitioner go out the door. She had quite a few of them left before the day court was over. This close to a holiday always brought a rush of ponies.

Granted she was still dwelling on what Shining Armor had said to her earlier.

Before she could dwell on it further the next petitioner came in. A light gray unicorn mare with a purple and white streaked mane with a trio of stars as her cutie mark.

“Twilight Velvet.” Princess Celestia smiled.” It has been some time since I have seen you.”

“Hello Princess.” Twilight Velvet offered.” I suppose the last time we talked was at Shining Armor and Cadence's wedding.”

“I believe you are right. I am rather upset with him at the moment however.” Celestia sighed.

“Ahh he came in to threaten you to leave Chrysalis alone didn't he?”

“Yes. He did.” Celestia offered.

“How childish.” Twilight Velvet shook her head. ”Was it at least a good threat?”

“It was vague and menacing.” Celestia admitted.

“Of course. He did. It's fully understandable, he is a first time father after all. You should have seen Nightlight the first time something even vaguely threatening came near me when I was pregnant with Shiny.” Twilight Velvet offered with a giggle.

“I take it you will speak to him then?” Celestia smiled.

“Of course I will. I told him to let me deal with you.” Twilight Velvet spoke.


“Oh please. I have a chance of getting two adorable...yes adorable , I've seen Saturnia's foal pictures, grand foals out of this. You are going to leave Chrysalis alone until after the foal is born.” Twilight Velvet ordered in a motherly tone.

“Seriously? You too?”

“Of course, after all I managed to raise Shiny, Twi, and Spike up from the infant to the toddler, as well as the tween and teenager stages, and Rahs through the last two. To be fair Rahs' emo stage was the cutest. But one of them is a demi god, one is an emperor, and two are gods, and they weren't much calmer before they ascended. And I managed to keep them in line despite the occasional hiccup. Just picture the sort of skills I have from that and consider your options Princess.”

Twilight Velvet smiled wide, very much like Rahs, Twilight ,and Spike did when something was about to have a very bad day, only with less fangs.

“Umm.” Celestia offered.

“Have a nice day Princess.” Twilight Velvet chimed up and trotted out of the throne room.

Author's Note:

Heh heh heh

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