• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust, Part Three

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

The Lost Treasure of Glitterdust,
Part Three


“Well, that was a thing that happened.” Pinkie Pie offered. “So any way, like I said, baking powder and blue berries, maybe strawberries.”

Gilda blinked, as she watched down the street Rahs and Sonota had run down in confusion.

“What the buck was that all about!?” Gilda demanded.

“Trade secret.” Pinkie Pie claimed.

Before Gilda could question further, Rahs tore back around the corner barreling towards them. He ran past the cart without stopping, scooping up both Pinkie and Gilda as he continued to run.

“What the shard dog, what the Tartarus are you doing, let me go!” Gilda squawked.

“BORK!” Rahs snapped.

“What?” Gilda demanded.

“He said look behind us.” Pinkie Pie frowned.

Looking back Gilda's eyes widened as a horde of griffons armed with what every weapons they could get came roaring down the street after them.

“Never mind, RUN FASTER!” Gilda screeched.

[ A few seconds earlier]

Aria perked her head up at the sound of screaming.

Adagio tilted her head as she stood in front of a fairly large building that looked like it was supposed to have been an inn in its better days. It still looked like an inn, but it had looked better.

The pair had been arguing, no real surprise, though the sound of screaming drew their attention as a blue figure rounded a corner and tore down the street towards them.

“ARIA, DAGI, HE'S HERE!!!” Sonata shrieked as she ran down the road, hot on her hooves rounding the corner a moment later was a large blue figure the other two recognized.

“Shit, it's the mutt.” Adagio cursed.

“Because of course it is.“ Aria grumbled. “ Because we can't catch a fucking break.”

Rahs slowed as Sonata zipped around hiding behind Aria. His eyes narrowed as he strode up to the three glaring down at them.

“Well well, I didn't expect you to show up in this cess pit.” Adagio sneered looking up at him as she strode forward a few steps before shifting into her large serpent form so she could look down on him instead. ” But do you really think one of you can stand against us?”

Rahs blinked, though he was clearly still unimpressed, he turned his head looking to Aria curiously.

“Yes I told her you were a god, and no, I have no idea what is going on in her head.” Aria sighed.

“Simple idiot. I'm cheating.” Adagio smirked before her tone became more melodic. “Come on out boys.”

The inn and several buildings crashed as windows and doors broke open revealing scores of griffons, most of them armed with house hold implements or kitchen knives.

Rahs frowned, but still seemed unperturbed as he glared up at Adagio.

“Oh don't give me that look, I'm sure as a god you could work your way through them all and get to us, but what about the ship you came in on and all the ponies there? Not to mention all these innocent griffons still in town? Even this lot isn't doing this cause they want to.”

Rahs' eyes widened.

“Kill everyone.” Adagio sang gesturing a fin sending the flock rushing along the ground ignoring the moon dog and charging towards the ship and the middle of town.

Rahs snarled and turned loping back at full speed back down the street in an effort to get ahead of the murderous griffons, there were far too many for him to eat the spell from before they got to Pinkie and the ship.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA, stupid ass hero types.” Adagio grinned.

“Great, he's busy let get the hell out of here.” Aria shuddered. “We should be able to make it to the ship and get out of here.”

“No.” Adagio stated.” Not this time. I'm not running any more. I'm going to take over this damn city, kill the damn ponies and nail that god to a wall. Fuck this shit.”

“Adagio!” Aria snarled.

“Shut the fuck up. I'm going to do this and you can stop being a cowardly little shit and help me or I'll have them kill you too.” Adagio snapped down at her sister.” Over half this fucking town is mine and I'm going to use them! And I certainly don't need you telling me what I should do!”

Adagio turned heading off down the street after the flock of her minions.

“I don't like this.” Sonata muttered watching her go a moment more.

“Yeah ...me either.” Aria grumbled before the pair took off after their sister.

The Princess Bride was in pandemonium.

A number of guidelines hung off the side of the ship which floated over the Abysmal Abyss, the large craft moored to both sides of the chasm. The idea had been to use the ship as a wind buffer to keep the climbers from being swung around, but the wind didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest by the massive sky yacht parked across it which had meant more work.

Unfortunately for the long suffering Guard the only two experienced climbers were their charge, Prince Blue Blood, and his mare friend an Element of Harmony Rainbow Dash.

The Guard LT in charge of was going to make sure that little detail was fixed the moment they got back To Equestria.

Prince had readied the two custom harnesses he and Rainbow Dash had used before and the moment she came back they both had been fitted and ready to descend.

Prince however was stopped by one of his asides who noticed one of the buckles on his gear was worn and starting to crack and needed to be replaced. Rather than wait for Prince, Rainbow Dash had kissed him on the nose, stuck out her tongue at him, and gone over the side to start her descent.

She had barely gone out of ear shot when Rahs, Pinkie, and a griffon hen rushed up the deck with Pinkie Pie screaming all sorts of alarm code phrases, some that made sense, some that didn't and others that there was no way possible she should have known.

Of course the sight of scores of griffons armed for bear like an unruly lynch mob coming at them had the guards quickly ready themselves.

The large serpent creature following them made the worry even more.

The mob paused at the end of the ramp leading up to the ship as the Guards and crew of the Princess Bride readied for battle.

Then the big creature began to sing.

Rahs felt the spell wash over him and break apart, though he had tasted the song before, albeit only through the link he knew what was coming.

This was going to be bad.

And the spell tasted like fried clams.

Rahs growled, dropping Pinkie Pie and Gilda, he brought his hands up to his muzzle and quickly spit on them before slinging his arms back and slapping the two closest figures to him, Gilda and Thunderbolt.

Wait what?

Rahs looked back to see Pinkie had some how shoved the other griffon into his hand, the spit disrupting the mind control spell the Siren was casting.

“I'm good.” Pinkie Pie offered having ducked the spit. “I prefer my mane spit free thank you.”

“Gah what the fuck are you doing?!?” Gilda screeched.

“The big fish snake is mind controlling everyone and Rahs just stopped it from making you a fishie thrall.” Pinkie Pie chimed up.

“That hardly puts us out of danger.” Thunderbolt growled, pulling free of Rahs' claws as the Guard on the ship as well as the crew all turned to glare at Rahs and the others unaffected.

Rahs growled and spit on his paws again glaring at the big siren.

Author's Note:

I did not expect this episode to go this long

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