• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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What about Dragon Slave?

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5

What about Dragon Slave?

[ On Board the Princess Bride, Currently preparing to dock over Canterlot.]

“Finally. That trip felt like it took forever.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she stared over the railing as they descended, trying not to flex her injured wing. Not like she could with the amount of straps and bandages the doctors put on it to keep her from doing just that.

“Yeah, this episode did take nearly a month to write.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“What?” Responded Pinkie Pie.

“Bark?” Rahs asked, ignoring Pinkie.

“Hmm? Of course I stuck around. It might be some time before I get to hang out with my babies again. Maybe I can send them a metal file with a cake inside while they're in prison.” Discord considered. “ Or stage a jail break on their birthday. Does that blue pyro friend of yours give discounts on explosives?”

Rahs sighed, he was quite glad this was going to be someone elses problem very soon.

“Well then, I'm off, good luck to everyone.” Discord stated pushing off the railing.

“What? Where are you going?” Prince asked. “I would figure you would be wanting to make sure everything went fairly for your daughters.”

“Oh I do, but see, here's the thing Bluey. My ex wife, and my ex mare friend are down there. Together, and very annoyed." Discord explained. “And I may be as mad as a hatter, but in no way shape or form am even I crazy enough to get near both of them at the same time.”

“Huh. Well I suppose I can see where you're coming from. I had quite a lot of trouble with mares in my time as well.” Prince stated.

“Really now?” Rainbow Dash chimed up her eyes narrowing at Prince though she wasn't hiding her smirk very well.

“Oh don't even give me that. You know what I mean.” Prince sighed, kissing Dash on the nose.

“But at any rate. Toodles.” Discord offered snapping his fingers and vanished with a noise like a clown nose honking.

“ Well.” Prince sighed, looking down over the edge of the ship to the airship dock and the very large collection of Royal Guard and what seemed to be armored sea ponies and hippo gryphs gathered around the docks. “Lets see what all the fuss is about. Wait, Rahs what are you doing?”

Twilight lifted her head as the ship came in to dock, ignoring the fact that Rahs leapt from the bow before the ship came to a full stop and did a three point superhero landing on the dock.

All the sea pony soldiers bristled and shifted to aim weapons and spells at the moon dog, though the Royal Guard mostly ignored him save a smattering of applause from some. Rahs bowed to the Guards. and ignored the sea ponies before strolling over to Spike, Twilight, and Shining Armor.

“Keep up crap like that and you're gonna start a international incident.” Shining chuckled.

Are you kidding, that's on one of our checklists for the year.” Spike grinned.

“Woof.” Rahs shrugged.

“What do you mean you already started one?” Twilight demanded. “What the heck happened?”

As the ship finished mooring, Rahs started to explain.

Princess Celestia , Princess Luna, Empress Cadence, and Queen Chrysalis stood at the end of the dock surrounded by all manner of Guards from their various groups.

Across from them floated the massive serpentine form of Queen Aqua, surrounded by large numbers of her own sea pony soldiers. She was not floating over a bucket of water as she had been in the meeting chambers during the council session. However she had no need to as it was raining outside and all the water from that was swirling round her in a near solid globe of water. The sea pony god didn't really need the water, but it was far more comfortable for her, and Celestia had set up the unscheduled rain just for this purpose.

There had never been any sort of open conflict before between Equestria, and the seas. Most dealings were pleasant in fact, despite how rare they were. Luna even had some small connection to the seas with her moon.

Despite all that Celestia was quite worried.

Aqua was known to be temperamental at best and her moods affected the very waters themselves out in the seas. The Royal Ocean Waters Engineering Review Society kept a careful watch on things and had already reported a number of savage rip currents and budding wild storms in the waters, a sure sign of Aqua's mood behind her serene demeanor.

Word of the 'sirens' had gotten to her, and while she hadn't believed it, Discord had evidently pulled something and gotten her to come out here now to see for herself.

Aqua was clearly not happy about that.

The few words exchanged as the ship was mooring were terse and mostly political small talk. Aqua's full attention was on the ship as the gangplank was lowered and a number of Guards came down escorting two figures.

Aqua stiffened and Cadence and Chrysalis both turned their attention fully to Aqua, eyes widening before their heads snapped back to the two being brought before them by the Guards.

“Queen Chrysalis if this is some sort of trick by your changelings, Princess Celestia will be the least of your worries.” Aqua stated flatly.

“Keep in mind, that I had no idea you even had any children, as I was sealed in a volcano at the time.” Chrysalis pointed out. “So if this is a trick it certainly isn't one of mine.”

Aria and Sonata were guided over before the royals with the Sparkles moving up behind them as the Guards backed away.

There was a tense silence around the group broken only by the sounds of the ship being unloaded, and Rainbow Dash whining about being carried off to a doctor. There was also the loud crash as a yellow and pink missile slammed into Pinkie Pie and sent both of them crashing into a pile of freight.

Everyone steered clear of that area.

“Yeah, you are not who I wanted to see today.” Aria sighed finally breaking the silence.

“Hi Mommy.” Sonata chimed in with a small wave of her hoof.

Cadence tilted her head looking between the Sirens and Aqua curiously. She spared a glance to Chrysalis who nodded before the Changeling Queen stepped back to talk to a few Guards who nodded and ran off.

Shining Armor even looked a little confused his attention focused on Queen Aqua.

Aqua's eyes darted over the pair of them her whole form tense. “And why are you in these forms?”

“Broken leg, I don't want to stress it.” Aria stated seeming to ignore the wince from the sea pony queen.

“Cause we would have a hard time fitting in the ships cabin if we were big.” Sonata offered. The blue siren offered seemingly reigning herself in at the look Aqua was giving. She sighed a moment shifting from her pony form to a pony sized sea serpent form.” Umm, tada?”

Aqua's eyes widened.” And where is Adagio?”

“Fell off a cliff after trying to kill us.“ Aria reported. ”Dad says she's fine. Which is great because that means I can pay her back for breaking my leg.”

Aqua tensed at that.

“Fine. We shall discuss this at length at home. Come.” Aqua ordered turning to head away with a few of her soldiers moving up to escort the Sirens.

“No.” Celestia stated simply making Luna wince. This part was why Celestia had been worried.

“Excuse me?” Aqua questioned turning back towards Celestia.

“These two are wanted for numerous crimes in Equestria. As such they will be held here and tried here and serve their sentences here, before they are allowed to go any where else.” Celestia explained.

Aqua turned and loomed over Celestia glaring down at her. Celestia didn't break eye contact staring back up at her.

“I am taking my daughters and leaving Celestia.” Aqua declared.”They have been gone for thousands of years.”

“No, you are not.”Celestia declared back. “And that will be brought up in the trial as well, to see if they will be charged for the damage they caused in the past in addition to the present.”

“Your ponies need the sea to trade and travel and survive Celestia. Are you willing to risk that?”

“And yours need the sun to grow their crops and maintain the food chain for the larger animals that swim. Are you willing to risk that?”

"Can we not do something that would cause more harm to our subjects." Luna placated.

“Ooh, tense.” Chrysalis chimed in. “Hey can you suck all the water out of sun butt, I wanna see her shrivel up like a raisin.”

“If I may.” Twilight begin. “Article seven of the Council charter states that in situations of conflict and crime the god that made the claim has the right to hold the accused so long as the claims have been verified by at least three other gods, that has already been done here. The Council itself is allowed to put appoint a impartial judge to oversee the proceeding trial. We've already sent a message to Iinii about that.”

“Do not cite the laws to me mare, I helped write them.” Aqua snapped turning from Celestia to Twilight who was flipping through said book.

“Well then you really should know these rules, particularly since you are one of the council heads.” Twilight stated, not even noticing the glare Aqua was giving her. Her brothers on the other hand were meeting Aqua's stare down as calmly as Celestia had been. Twilight continued to flip through a few more pages.” Besides said trial would need to be of peers and right now we have quite a few demi gods that can be called upon to fill a jury box. Spike, Sombra, Sunset, Saturnia, Angel Bunny is an Apex too soooo we could get him by the rules, but I wouldn't recommend that. Shining may count due to the spell, but that's something that might need to be run by the council before we can tell for sure.”

Aqua blinked staring at the purple alicorn.

“If I get a say in this I say I'd rather be thrown under this freaking castle than go back to Neighlantis.” Aria offered up loudly.

“What?” Aqua turned to look at Aria.

“You ever consider why I left in the first place?” Aria inhaled .”Because you wouldn't allow me to do ANYTHING! And what you did allow me to do was so heavily watched and monitored and timed and measured and guided that I wasn't even sure I was the one doing it. The first time I scraped a fin on some coral I was wrapped up like a mummy and forced on bed rest for two weeks and it didn't even draw blood! You only eased off that a little when Sonata was born and only a little, I have no idea how Adagio put up with it, or maybe she didn't, and that's why she hates you. In any case if it stops me from going back I'll happily pick a fight with any and every one around here so I can be charged with something else.”

“Please don't.” Princess Luna sighed.

“Shit. Does this mean the one who was considered an abomination god until about a year ago is the only god who managed to raise her kid properly and not get them to turn against her?” Chrysalis smirked.” Seriously!?!? I'm the only one who managed to raise an emotionally and mentally stable child?”

Luna, Celestia, and Aqua all glare at the Changeling Queen as Cadence and Shining both face hoof.

“No you didn't. Saturnia is clearly brain damaged.” Twilight interjects waving a wing at Rahs.” She's attracted to this lump of fluff, there is clearly something wrong with her.”

Rahs slaps his sister in the back of her head.

“Seriously isn't this supposed to be an official royal meeting. How is it turning out into something like this?” Shining muttered.

“Have you met us?” Spike asked. ”Like all of us here?”

“Yeah, sorry, I realized it was a stupid question as I was saying it.” Shining Armor sighed.

“Aria...” Aqua began softening a little.

“Not to interrupt again, but you wouldn't be staying in Canterlot.” Twilight stated.

“Yes she would, I have a list of damages and injuries that have been brought up against them.” Celestia offered.

“Yes you do, but the rules state the first god making the charges is the one to detain them. Most of the charges you have were given to you from what happened in Ponyville, a place I currently represent as I am the one who lives there and I brought up the first charges.” Twilight stated. “The damages may have been paid for, but there is still the crime itself. Ponyville is also home to four of the five individuals who are immune to, or can resist the abilities of the sirens making it the better place to secure them. Add on top of that holding them there avoids any more stress between Canterlot and Neighlantis by providing a more neutral location.

Twilight glared at the two larger gods clearly annoyed at the threats they had made.

“How is a land locked town a more neutral location?” Aqua frowned. “Your rivers are not that deep and are far from the sea.”

“The Duck Pond.” Twilight offered.

“The what?” Aqua questioned.

“ The duck pond in Ponyville was there when the town was founded and is connected to the underground sea and the greater oceans if Fluttershy's friend Over fiend the Squid is correct. The duck pond water is always cold, and is more brackish than fresh with a higher saline content the deeper one goes. It's situated in a park that was reclaimed from the Everfree near the founding of Ponyville, though it was undeveloped as no one could fill in or use the water from the pond. If need be we can probably find the tunnel to the sea and you can use that as a access for visitation.”

Everyone who was not from Ponyville stared at Twilight.

“Heck that could even be used to set up an embassy to keep Neighlantis ambassadors so they don't need to worry about the dry mountain air in Canterlot. “ Spike offered. ”Never hurts to improve relations.”

They all turned to stare at Spike.

“Well.“ Luna spoke up. “ If this is acceptable to all parties, we see no reason against it.”

“For the moment. I agree.” Aqua stated.

“I do as well.” Celestia agreed, finally allowing all the Guards and Soldier's collective butt holes to unclench.

“What the hell just happened?” Aria blinked.

“My sister finally found a way to dump all the community service hours the Mayor has slapped her with over the years on some one else.”

Aria glanced up at Rahs raising an eyebrow at that.

A Guard ran up to Chrysalis and whispered to her and the Changeling Queen nudged Cadence.

“I'm sure there are more details to work out, but for the moment Queen Aqua, we have prepared a private area for you to speak with your daughters.” Cadence offered, her voice dipping a little. ”Despite needing to keep up appearances, we can tell how you really feel about each other and suggest a private setting might allow you to reconnect with out worrying how any one would react.”

Chrysalis simply let out a barely muffled burp.

Author's Note:

hard to have an episode of Discord getting jealous that Fluttershy has another friend when he's already met Treehugger, and isn't as close to Shy as canon. Besides i had other things to write.

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