• Published 30th Jan 2021
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5 - TDR

The continuation of Puppy-verse encompassing season 5 of MLP

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Twilight Gets a Puppy, The Movie, Part Nine

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 5
by TDR

Twilight Gets a Puppy,
The Movie,
Part Nine

[ Storm Kings island, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

The Storm King gaped as he stared at the purple alicorn like she was a ghost.

“How in Tartarus did you get free!?” The yeti god demanded.

Twilight paused and considered for a moment.

“I have no idea.”

She tilted her head and considered again, one ear flicked once in thought.

“Correction, I have a idea, but I don't plan to leave you in any state to process my theory coherently.”

[ Canterlot Horsepitol, 3 days after the attack on the city, during the counter assault on the Storm King's Island.]

There was a slosh of liquid before a dabbing and the light scrape of a cotton ball against stone. After a brief pause there was a sigh.

“Mix 443, … no effect.” stated a tired voice.

For the last three days the research ward had been a hot bed of activity. The goddess of medicine Ascepius had shown up to offer a claw and every alchemist, blood mage, and doctor that could be found was currently started to look over everything they could to try and save the ones trapped in stone.

“Mix 444, … no effect.”

The captured yeti didn't know anything about how to undo what the stone balls did and several of the more unscrupulous blood mages and doctors used what stone balls were recovered from the fallen yeti on the captured ones to test them. That had caused a massive fuss that had several of the experts put under guard or out right imprisoned, limiting the horse power that was already low.

“Mix 445, … no effect.”

Rahs Sparkle had ended up the main test subject of the mixes the alchemists had put together as he was considered patient zero being the first one affected..Granted the fact he had the most comprehensive medical data on file that any one had ever seen thanks to the research of Princess Celestia when he was a pup, and later on Twilight Sparkle, who took insanely detailed notes was a bonus too. Applebloom had found that it was weird that he was accepted, given that no one really had agreed on anything else before that or after, though she chocked it up to Rahs' bullshit drama power and hoped that it meant that this could be cured soon.

That had been three days ago and countless magic, alchemy, and mystic nonsense had gone on since then.

Most of the others working had taken breaks or gone off to sleep. Applebloom was having none of that. Her colt, errr dragon friend was a statue and had turned into one in front of her eyes. She wasn't gonna do anything else until he was cured.

“Mix 446, … no effect.”

Of course she wasn't sure how. Early on it had been discovered that it wasn't real rock that had encased everyone it was some form of lichen composed of tiny fibrous dark gray vines with thorns on them. Zecora had pointed out that they looked very similar to the vines that had stolen the princesses away over a year ago.

This had started another argument as no one was willing to believe some brush shaman with an accent like Zecora's, knew something no one else did. That argument got loud and shouty until the Goddess of Medicine and Healing told all of them to shut the fuck up, because if they had the energy to argue they had the energy to do some work.

“Mix 447, … no effect.”

One did not argue with a doctor four times your size with fangs longer than your hoof who could swallow you whole.

Most of the more argumentative ponies had eased off or simply chose to ignore those they didn't consider being skilled enough to even be here. Most of those were sent off to other groups.

In the end this part of the labs was full of those who could put ego and possible fame aside and actually work to save ponies.

“Mix 448, … no effect.”

Zecora and Applebloom were part of this group, though Applebloom being a novice still, despite studying three different types of alchemy, including one from another world entirely, was mostly used as a gopher or for those tests that were repetitive. Like testing the mixtures on the statue of Rahs, or his coat at least.

“Mix 449, … no effect.” Applebloom droned, the bags under the teen fillies eyes big enough to carry at least half of Rarity's luggage.” And 450.... nothing.”

“ Damn. I was sure the nirn root mixture would do something.” one of the doctors called out from the next set he was working on.

“Nirn roots only good for fortifying stuff.” Applebloom yawned.

“And as a conjuration material.” A unicorn offered from another table.

“That doesn't mean too much to non casters though.” A griffon offered.

“AhppleBloom you should be in bhed, yah already look like you're hahlf dead.” Zecora yawned as she trotted in. The zebra mare had left about six hours ago in order to take a nap and get something to eat.

“Ah'm fine.” Applebloom grumbled.

“Like Tartarus you are filly. You've been in here non stop for the last three days, you've out worked the god in the room.” the unicorn from before offered.

“I ate lunch, you cannot tell me you poniesssss don't get drowssssy after eating.” Ascpicious huffed as she looked over some notes.

“Yeah well you ate a whole pig, so I'm not even going to try and figure out the digestive issues with that,” The griffon offered.

“ Ah'm fine.” Applebloom grumbled.

“Look if you don't want to sleep, okay, I think we all know about your colt, dragon, whatever, friend.” The unicorn stated once more. “ But go down to the cafeteria and get some food at least, you're gonna make yourself sick.”

“Hey while you're down there, can you grab me a few more charged crystals?” A Kirin asked from a table behind the Rahs statue.

“What more of them? I just brought you a brand new box an hour ago!” the griffon pointed out.

“Yeah, you must have found a bad box though, all of them are drained. It's not vital, but I can't use the spectra scope until I get new ones.” the kirin explained.

Applebloom froze, something in her mind clicking over through the haze in her mind.

“Wait a minute.” Applebloom questioned looking at Rahs.”He eats magic.....”

“Yeah that's in the reports, I've had him come in to clear out a magic malady once myself.” the kirin stated.

“No, it's passive too, like mai sister. He's draining tha batteries...... and all these potions. He's eating tha magic in them afore we ken use it on him.”” Applebloom gasped, before she darted over to a table.

“Ah will hahve to sahy this is true, my mixtures hahve a bit of mahgic too.” Zecora agreed looking at Rahs.

“Wait so the mixturesssss only failed because of the passsssive magic consumption rendered them null?I was unaware his passsssive drain was that high.” Ascpicious considered.

“His body thinks he's hurt. Applejack did the same thing after the big Timber wolf bit her It's drawing in magic trying tah heal.” Applebloom explained as she started grabbing things and making notes.

“This was a problem I had not considered when we chose this particular Sssssparkle.” Ascepius considered.

“That would explain why ensuna didn't work.” the unicorn considered.” but does that mean that he'll heal himself?”

“Not ahgainst the the odd vine.”Zecora considered “Celestiah and Lunah were both stuck that time”

“Indeed ssssso was I. It was not pleasant.” Ascepius stated before she looked over at Applebloom.“What are you doing?”

“Poison joke, we know that affects him and we add in Everfree Thyme tah speed it up afore he ken eat it, pair it with that basic gold needle mix Zecora made and add in some plant grower.” Applebloom stated combining the items.

“Plant grower? We don't want the vines getting stronger.” the griffon frowned.

“Poison joke is a strahnge plahnt, if you ahdd something to grow, it simply cahn't” Zecora considered.

“Can I get a translation?” the Kirin sighed.

“Poisssson joke tendssss to go with the funniesssst thing or what every one least expectsssss, if she's right we will either get a room full of vinesssss or a bunch of dead onesssss, and sssssince we expect it to grow, the percentage is in favor of them dying.” Ascpicious considered.”Ssssshe might be onto sssssomething, if not, it's not like we've made any progressssss.”

Applebloom let out a shudder, blinking furiously to keep from mixing something wrong before she moved over with a slightly fizzing blue vial pouring it on Rahs' arm.

The collective doctors and alchemists all paused their own work to watch, staring at the liquid as it fizzled on the moon dogs arm.

And did nothing.

There was a collective exhalation as everyone let out the breath they were holding.

“That... that should have worked...” Applebloom frowned looking at the vial.

“A lot of things should have worked.” The unicorn offered. “Don't be too hard on yourself kid.”

“True, you have given us some ideas with some new data, we might be able to make more progress now if....” Ascpicious began though she was cut off by the sound of a loud crack.

Everyone turned back to the statue watching as the gray stone started to turn brown in the spot the liquid had been poured, then very quickly started to spread. The stone started flaking and falling away as more and more cracks formed in the statue, bits of it dropped away in patches before, with a last echoing crack, a sound like a rock slide was heard as the moon dog under the stone flexed, shattering the confinement, and littering the ground with shards of stone like growths.

Rahs growled and brushed off the shards of stone still on his shoulders, his eyes darting around the room.

There was a bright flash of light that drew everyone's eyes from the freed moon dog to the yellow and red maned pony who had mixed this success.

Applebloom blinked grinning like a fool that it had worked as she stared at Rahs.

“Applebloom, your cutie mark!?” Ascepius blinked pointing to the young pony.

Applebloom turned her head to look at her flank, and the conical flask now adorning hip, half full of blue liquid with a small red apple floating in it.

Applebloom and everyone else in the room stared at it a moment before Applebloom finally spoke.

“Huh. Neat.” Applebloom offered, then she passed out and collapsed to the floor.

The door to the room burst open with a crash, drawing everyone's gaze from the collapsed filly to the door and the sound of faded shouting from further down the hall. A white unicorn with a blue mane covered in shards of stone looked around the room, his eyes locking onto the moon dog.

“Rahs!” Shining Armor snapped.

Bork.” Rahs growled darting out of the room as Shining vanished in a flash of light, the kirin glanced out into the hall seeing neither of them in the long corridor.

“Ssssso. That happened.” Ascepius sighed as she moved over to look at the notes Applebloom had been taking.

“The Sparkles really are the worst patients.” the unicorn offered.

“At least we can duplicate that. Can we can drop the poison joke and just use the thyme and gold needle mix?” the griffon pondered.


The gathered group all looked back to the door and the purple and green dragon that stood there brushing stone from his shoulders.

“Sooo why is everyone standing around looking stupid while my girl friend is passed out on the floor?” Spike demanded.

[ Storm Kings island, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

There were screams and panic in the yeti lines as more devastation was brought about by the Widows. One of the smarter sergeants had rushed all the yeti he could gather to the store room with the Basilisk rifles, such potent weapons would surely turn the tide.

The squad had made it to the store room when they were all flung back as it exploded with a blast that shook the whole castle.

The sergeant pushed himself up right growling before his eyes went wide and he fell over, a dagger buried in his back by one of the other yeti.

Green flame flickered over the yeti that stabbed him as the pink changeling yanked the dagger from the creatures back. A glance to one of the other yeti rising to their feet was greeted with a salute and a flash of green flame.

“Report.” Saturnia questioned as a number of other changelings fell on the remaining yeti.

“ We've knocked out a great many of their anti air weapons and destroyed all the store rooms that had the rifles, we're currently working through the supplies still in the main fleet.”the black armored changeling stated as an explosion sounded out side like a ship crashing.”There are several villages on the surrounding islands with yeti on them, but none of them seem to be sending reinforcements and earlier investigations showed they contained mostly females, children and elderly.”

“Any problems?”

“We've lost a few of our own in one of the back halls, who ever is there seems to be able to see through our disguises or is just killing anything that comes close. Preliminary reports suggest it's the arms merchant who sold the Storm King the rifles and stone balls.”

“Direct more forces towards that area , I want that merchant.” Saturnia ordered.

“As you wish Princess.” the black widow saluted and took off.

[ Storm Kings island, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

A yeti screamed out as it flew through the air, the snap of a whip sounding as it soared and smashed into a wall sliding down it with a faint whimper.

Sombra regarded the fallen yeti curiously, making sure it wasn't going to get back up before he approached the sound of whirling and the clang of metal along with the sound of deep laughter that had brought him down this particular hall.

Looking into the large room there were quite a number of bodies, pirate, guard, and yeti scattered about , most against the walls or smeared across them. Some were still moving trying to get out of the room, some were obviously dead, and several were in a number of pieces.

In the middle of the room two figures were fighting.

The first Sombra recognized. The dark gray furred, black maned Nox-Cal thestril, Comet Trail.

The Ponyville Guard Captain was a blur of movement, the weighted chain he used was positively screaming as it whirled around his form. The heavy ball on the end swinging in an arch before a subtle movement of his wing or hoof against the chain changed the direction of it to move a completely different way. The pony's skill with his chosen weapon was undeniable and Sombra was certain a number of the fallen yeti around the room were his hoof work, including the one that hit the wall as he came in.

His opponent was a massive blue gray yeti in black and deep blue armor, A pair of short black horns sprouted from his head larger than what the mooks had, one of them however was missing a few inches from the end. It seemed an old bit of damage as aside from a few dents in his armor, the massive figure seemed to be enjoying himself.

The yeti wielded what looked to be a sword, it was massive, thick, heavy and far too rough. It was much too big to be a sword. Indeed, it was like a heap of raw iron.

The yeti shifted and whirled with the massive thing, deflecting and knocking aside blows as he swung the blade with one hand, treating it more like a rapier or a short sword than the massive blade it was. Sparks flew and the echos of the impact danced around the room in rapid fire clanging like a foal had been given the chance to pull the bell on a train.

Sombra had seen what the weighted ball could do at the end of the chain that made up the Guard Captain's weapon. He had also felt it more than once as well, that the yeti was blocking so easily was worrying.

Judging by the blood splatters on his armor, this creature was the cause of many of the casualties from their side in this room.

“YES YES!! That's it pony, COME ON! MORE MORE!!” The yeti cackled, laughing as he blocked the blows raining down on him, his own attacks being deflected by the whirling chain, or dodged by the practically dancing Nox-Cal. ”This is what I was after, a real battle! Come pony, show me everything you have!!!”

Comet Trail growled and Sombra frowned. He could see where this was going, the yeti was not unskilled and he was playing with the Guard. Sombra considered it pure foolishness to play with someone so dangerous, but the yeti hardly seemed troubled by the fight.

The armored yeti suddenly stepped back tilting his head back to avoid the end of the chain by barely an inch. He shifted his grip on the blade, both hands holding it as he brought the massive thing behind him as if winding up for a massive swing,the yeti's armor clanging as several blows from the Guard Captain struck home and were ignored.

The yeti shifted stomping forward and brought the blade across before him, not even seeming to try and hit the Nox-Cal given he had turned so the flat of the blade cut across the air producing a strong gust of wind like a fan.

The impact of the wind made the pony wince, not because it damaged him, but because his whirling weight was knocked out of it's spinning arc sending the main mass of it to clatter to the floor with the momentum blown away. The yeti continued the swing, spinning the blade as he brought it up over his head and then down in a brutal arc with all that weight behind the movement. Comet Trail dodged aside, though the massive blade came down severing several lengths of the chain and sinking a good foot into the stone floor after destroying the Guard pony's weapon.

Before the thestril could react the yeti heaved the weapon side ways towards the nox-cal gouging a foot of stone floor from the ground like he was scooping butter from a tub. The deft motion flung broken bits of chain and large chunks of stone at Comet Trail.

No mater how good he was the Nox-Cal could not avoid everything, and chunks of his own weapon and the stone floor tore into him, smashing against his armor and unprotected wings, sending the pony flying with the force of it.

Sombra watched the nox-cal crash to the ground and tumble along the stone and bodies to impact wetly into a pile of bodies near the wall.

Comet Trail winced, quickly pushing himself upright upright though Sombra could see the left side of the pony was a mess of blood and destroyed armor, bits of stone were embedded in is side and he was favoring his rear leg, the less said about the state of his wing the better.

“Ahhhhh.” the yeti grinned shaking loose a clump of stone from the end of his blade with one hand before he advanced on the guard. “That was fun pony. Know this in your end, that if nothing else, the fight with you has been the highlight of this battle for me so far. I doubt I shall find another conflict so enjoyable.”

The yeti raised his blade with one hand bringing it down at the wounded nox-cal. The massive blade halted suddenly, as if it weighed no more than a foals stick sword.

The edge of the weapon remained a inch above a black crystal that had sprouted from the ground between him and the nox cal to block the final blow that didn't come.

“The highlight of the battle.” Sombra stated picking his way across the battlefield towards the yeti.”Well. Far be it for me to stop you from enjoying the last win you will ever have in your life, but the two that care for that one are not a pair I'd wish to have annoyed with me for letting him die here.”

The yeti blinked, then grinned as he took in the sight of the black unicorn that was advancing towards him, the pony's black mane whipping in a unseen wind.

“King Sombra... or is it Prince now? This is unexpected.” Squall grinned, before he swept his sword to the, side shattering the black crystal and knocking it and Comet Trail across the room with the flat of the blade, more to get the pony out of the way than to finish him with this new fight about to start.

Sombra bared his fangs, and shifted the ax he carried over his shoulders to bring before him.

His mother considered the weapon a battle ax. A massive cutting edge with a long handle.

Doctor Choppy was not a battle ax.

Doctor choppy was what most cultures considered an executioners, or heads mare's ax. This was not a weapon for combat, but one designed to remove the heads of those slated for death.

That his mother carried it as her personal weapon and wielded it like an ax half it's size worried everyone more than anything else. Sombra himself preferred swords, but it wasn't as if he was unskilled with such a odd weapon. Nightmare Moon and Solomon had taught him to wield many of their favored toys. Despite the look it conveyed however Sombra never saw a reason for Solomon to carry a scythe, it was far too unwieldy of a tool.

Sombra pushed himself up to his rear hooves, his fore hooves shifting to hook the long handle under his left fore limb, his hoof keeping the massive ax head lifted and pointed at Squall, his other hoof raised towards the yeti making the 'bring it' gesture.

“Supurb.” Squall growled with a wide grin as he readied his sword.

Dr. Choppy seemed to vibrate in excitement.

[ Storm Kings island, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

Flames lapped along the stone walls, charring everything in the hall way and setting alight spider webs, drapes, and anything, even remotely burnable as a figure advanced down the hall. Waves of heat obscuring the vision of any one who looked down the hall.

“I'm the bitch you hated. Filth infatuated... yeah.” the figure sang.

A group of yeti appeared at the end of the hall firing, several of the stone ball guns the figure. The waves of heat pulsing out of the hall made the shots fall short, the air fired balls barely leaving the guns barrel before falling to the floor, burning to ash before they could even activate. The yeti cried out as they were cooked as well, their fur seared off and the air starved from their lungs by the heat, though they collapsed, Sunset left them alive. Two could play the escalated casualties game, not that she really expected the Storm King to work too hard to save his minions.

“I'm the pain you tasted, fell intoxicated.”

Sunset hummed to herself stepping out into a large room with several halls leading off of it, her gaze shifted around as she looked for a likely path to something important, or better still Twilight, her cousin, aunt, and … well she still wasn't sure if she should call Celestia mom or dad, but she did hope Celestia was alright, if for no other reason than to teach Sunset the spells she used to fry all the airships.

A series of spells shot at her from down one of the halls, forcing the mare to hop out of the way, as the ground where she had been exploded.

A flick of her head sent a good dozen fireballs down the hall in retaliation, the explosion and wash of flame oddly not bringing the expected screams.

Sunset frowned as a number of figures marched out of the hall. Sunset noted none of the approaching yeti even seemed chared or even disturbed by the flames as they moved to encircle her, weapons drawn.

“Hmmm.” Sunset considered, taking note of the spell caster that was with them. At least that was what she expected the spindly yeti was, with his stupid robe and gaudily decorated stick.

“GRAAAH raraa!” The yeti mage grunted.

“Huh... nullified my fire huh?” Sunset considered, her ear flicking, yeti language was pretty simple, she had learned it as well as several other languages waaay back when her mom thought she might be an ambassador before everything went south. “ It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for you.”

“Rarr rah grrrr.” the mage grinned.

Sunset wished Moon Dog was as easy to learn as yeti had been.

“Yeah right whatever, you're fire proof. Like that's even possible. Fire is NOT my only skill, I just enjoy it more than anything else. “ Sunset explained. “Besides it's the easiest ability to control to make sure I don't kill everything. I don't plan on doing a genocide run... I look horrid in stripes.”

“Gragga RARRA!!” the yeti snarled.

“Surrender? You're taking prisoners? Interesting maybe I should be a little more careful.” Sunset considered. ”I mean the death toll in Canterlot was pretty low, save all the buildings that collapsed on ponies, and several ponies who got broken by you guys once they were statues, and a number of guards who tried to stop you... Nah... I should be less careful. But seriously if you think making yourselves fire proof is gonna help, I've got bad news for you.”

One of the larger yetis took her rant as a opportunity and lunged at the mare bringing a halberd down on her. Sunset yelped and jumped out of the way wincing as the blade scraped along her shoulder deep enough to draw blood.

The mare jerked her other hoof up to jab at the unprotected side of the armored yeti, hitting him just under the arm, making him jerk back away from her quickly.

The large yeti looked down at his arm curiously with a bit of worry, then back to Sunset before he grinned and shouted about how he barely felt the blow.

“Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru...” Sunset stated getting a lot of confused looks from the yeti around her.

“It means. You are already dead.” Sunset smirked

The yeti continued to stare at her before the large yeti's head exploded in a shower of gore, the spurting blood falling around the room like rain coating all the others as well as the walls.

Not a drop of it touched Sunset.

“I like fire, but I trained longer to be a blood mage, fuckers.” Sunset smirked as her horn glowed.

There were barely any screams as the yeti were torn apart by the blood that covered them. When the noise stopped however the room was quickly engulfed in fire once more, turning the blood and viscera to ash, leaving no evidence of a fight save melted slag that used to be armor and weapons, and most of that trickled into the cracks in the floor, leaving no real trace of any fight here.

Blood magic being used in combat was highly frowned upon after all.

[ Storm Kings island, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

Comet Trail winced as he pushed himself upright, very much surprised he was even alive. He must have blacked out from the last blow as there was a space of time he couldn't recall, and he was lucky he hadn't bled out. He looked around and found he was surrounded by shattered black crystals. He winced as he tried to put down his rear hoof, and only glanced at his battered wing to know if he made it out he was going to spend a bit of time on medical leave.

The clash of metal against metal was easily heard, and the Guard turned his attention to the fight still going on in the middle of the room.

The black unicorn was bleeding from a number of wounds and was panting rather heavily.

Opposite him however was the gray yeti who was also sporting several gashes including one along the side of his neck, and chunks of his armor were missing.

Sombra stepped back with a huff glaring at the yeti who was also panting. Oddly the yeti stepped back as well letting Sombra breath.

“Impressive, while I would cite my lack of preferred weapon as the reason for my poor performance, I must admit your skill with the blade is greater than mine.”Sombra huffed.

“Thank you for the compliment, but you are far from unskilled.” Squall grinned ”But this fight is far from over.”

“I'm afraid it is. To progress as I am, I will not defeat you, but it seems I have discovered a glaring weakness in your combat style.” Sombra smirked.

“Oh? And what might that be?” Squall asked

“You are too noble to cheat.” Sombra stated flatly. Squall blinked in confusion at the statement before jerking hard his eyes widening as he looked down at his chest, a small sliver of black crystal poking out of his fur.

Turning his head to look behind him, there was a much larger part of said crystal emerging from the ground and piercing his back.

Squall's eyes narrowed as he turned to glare at Sombra, the yeti demi god striding forward and pulling himself off the black spike with a wet splorch. He managed several steps towards the black unicorn and brought his blade up as if to strike before he crumpled to the ground with a crash, blood pouring out of the massive hole in his back.

Sombra shook his head and stared at the yeti a moment to ensure he was dead. He had not held onto the Crystal Empire for so long by being honorable in combat. His head quickly snapped up, his gaze locked on a point further up and further away in the castle, before he snorted in annoyance. He whirled in place setting the ax over his back and trotted back towards the hall he had come in from.

“Well come on if you can walk, if you cannot I will send some one back for you if I meet any one on the way back to the ship.” Sombra stated glancing over to Comet Trail..”We have run out of time and I for one will prefer not to be in the blast zone.”

[ Storm Kings island, 3 days after the attack on Canterlot]

Twilight Sparkle, was in no way a warrior.

She bounced constantly between easily distracted and insanely focused, had a list of issues and phobias, that while she had gotten better about, still affected her. As of late she had leaned far to heavily on anger to power through some of her issues when presented. This made many uncomfortable.

Twilight was primarily a scholar. She was most at home researching something or studying. She was also a clear bibliophile and thanks to her oldest friend, now sister in law, she had developed a few other odd interests.

None of which Big Mac seemed to mind.

She was also the Element of Magic, part of a set of six, and the most gifted spell caster in the last few generations.

She was still not a warrior.

She was however the goddess of Magic, Books, Friendship, and Tuesdays.

She wasn't sure on one of those.

She did exercise and keep fit but that was mostly to combat her sedentary life style of a book horse.

However Tirek had changed that, despite her skill she had been losing, even with Rahs' help, she had been losing.

If it hadn't been for some rather convoluted 'Deus Ex Treeina' she would have lost and she felt it was because she treated the power she had like a hammer and everything else was a nail, which really didn't work if some one needed a screwdriver or a wrench.

Okay the metaphor got away from her there.

At any rate she had those who could show her things. Princess Luna, and her older brother were quite interested in showing her some things. As was Sunset and surprisingly Sombra.

So while Twilight Sparkle was not a warrior, she had learned enough that others might just think she was.

Like a stupid yeti god who thought overwhelming strength was the best way to fight.

Two halves of the floor shot up on either side of the Storm King, Smashing the god to a pulpy jam before they fell away allowing him to reform.

A stone spike shot from the floor impaling him, when he reformed one came from the wall, then the ceiling.

Twilight then cast an enlarge and charm on one of the massive spiders and let it have a meal before she returned it to normal and let it run off.

The yeti god tried lightning, brute strength and even the staff again.

What Twilight didn't counter she blocked, what she didn't block she ignored. Thus far the Storm King hadn't even ruffled a hair on her head.

He however had been subjected to quite a number of painful, embarrassing or stolen from Celestia and Chrysalis's fighting, spells and effects.

“Impossible!! THIS IS MY HOLY GROUND You should not be more powerful than me on my own island!!” The Storm King snarled as he yanked a chunk of his own armor out of his chest that Twilight had driven into him after it shattered when she had beaten him to death with it, this was after she tore him in half pulling it off in the first place.

“Yeah okay, I know there's quite a boost of power from being on your own holy ground and such.” Twilight shrugged. ”But that's all you have going for you right now. That whole holy ground thing is magic, so are all your god powers, which means they are powering me. Plus there are quite a few of my friends around and you invaded on a Saturday, then took three days to get me here. That means it's Tuesday. All of that trumps you with a big stupid rock poking up out of the water.”

The Storm King raged at her but everything he did was countered despite Twilight seeming to do little more that just use telekinesis, the mare actually looked bored.

“You have caused no end of trouble and hurt far too many for you to be allowed to get away with this.”Twilight stated calmly, shattering the Storm King's arm with a massive chunk of stone as he tried to cast something.”While I seriously doubt there would be leniency I do suggest you surrender, I got to hear quite a bit about you and your followers while I was a statue. I was rather surprised I wasn't put to sleep by the stone, but I was quite able to think and listen, though most of the voices were muffled. Being turned to stone is quite uncomfortable. Now I know why Discord was so pissed off when he first got free. Words do not justify how itchy your nose gets when you cannot scratch it.”

“Then it's a pity you are going back !!” the Storm King roared, having taken the time of her speech to heal and grab two of the stone balls that spilled from Tempest's. He quickly launched the pair at the purple alicorn.

Twilight frowned, her head tilted a little as the two balls were snatched out of the air with her magic. She brought them close to look at them before frowning.

“You forgot to break the wax seal around them.” Twilight offered the balls being compressed a little, emitting a slight pop as the wax broke, before they were launched back at the Storm King faster than he could dodge, one striking his chest and the other his upraised arm.

Twilight watched as the yeti god was quickly enveloped in stone leaving him a statue.

Twilight sighed and trotted up to him regarding the statue curiously.

“I've found that despite how angry I get, I always stop myself before I kill some one, or I'm stopped by some one else. This was not the case with the fight with Tirek, but then again, he was a god and wouldn't die by my hoof any way. Same as you.”

Twilight hummed, her horn glowing brightly.

“And as a god you grow back from the largest piece left of you, or if completely vaporized where you last slept. I have no idea how that works.” Twilight considered.” But that means I can do things to you that would kill a mortal. Though I expect in the end you will wish you were mortal.”

Her horn flared and a blast of energy launched from it slamming into the stone statue of the Storm King. When the light faded, she reached out quickly and caught the severed head of the yeti god, still in stone, the rest of him atomized.

“I don't feel like carrying all of you back for trial any way.”Twilight sighed looking around the room with a frown.

“This was..... disappointing.”The purple alicorn muttered having expected a epic fight rather than her smacking around a idiot for ten minutes.

Twilight sighed her ears perking up as she shifted the Storm Kings stoned head in her magic.”Well that takes care of that at least” The purple alicorn frowned, then turned her attention to the battered broken horned unicorn against the wall the mulberry furred mare looking at her with pure terror on her face.” Now what to do about you....”

Author's Note:

Meet the inspiration for Dr. Choppy

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