• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

  • ...

Chapter 296 - The Final Chapter

Cozy Glow was defeated. It should have been a time of celebration, the nightmare was finally over.

But at what cost?

You, Tempest, Grubber, Discord, and the six stood near the broken wall where Neighsay had been thrown through. The hearthwarming day sky was inviting and warm despite the chill of the winter winds.

Despite the height of the castle tower, you could see ponies below seemingly coming to their senses. But even with all that, there was still the fact that Neighsay was gone.

“So, there's really nothing you can do?” You asked Discord, wiping a tear from your eye.

“Sadly not, my magic hasn't fully been restored yet. but even if it had come to me in an instant, I cannot bring anypony back to life.” Discord let out a lamentful sigh. “...It is actually something that worries me, at times.”

Silverstream broke into tearful crying as she hugged onto Gallus, she couldn’t bear the thought.

“So that’s it then? Ngh…” Smolder felt her body tense, wiping tears from her eyes. “He’s just gone?”

“He’s a hero, and should be remembered as such. Without him, we wouldn’t have been able to even access the town.” Tempest said as she bowed her head in respect.

"And he was n-never really bad at all, he always cared. He was just worried things might go wrong with the school." Ocellus said.

“Yeah, the guy wasn’t that much of a jerk. Mnngh…” Grubber reached into his pockets, grabbing a handful of cake dust, the last of what he had, and let it blow into the wind. “I know it ain’t much, but it’s all I got. For you, I hope ya can enjoy it like I can.”

“We gotta do something for him, y’know? We gotta make sure everycreature remembers Chancellor Neighsay!” Sandbar says, tearful, but determined to keep his memory alive.

Yona nodded, agreeing with him. “Yona say we all make statue, put it around school, so all remember and know great things Chancellor Neighsay did.”


“Actually, what’s up with that? We defeated Cozy Glow, right? So why hasn’t everything changed back?” You asked as you looked around.

“That would be the staff’s doing, I’m afraid. With it gaining the power of chaos and harmony, it was able to make any changes it made into a reality. When Tirek modified the castle, it made it a permanent fixture to the world.” Discord explained.

“Well, we can change everything back, right?” Sandbar asked.

“I’m sure it’s possible.” Discord said. “We merely need to find a way to revert everything back to what it once was. I’d do it myself, but chaos magic may cause a bit of an issue with the process. I’m sure it’d be funny, but I’ll not put Fluttershy at risk.”

You lean over the broken wall a bit, holding on to your head to make sure it doesn’t fall off, as you let yourself say. “It was nice knowing you, Chancellor. Thank you. And I promise, I’ll never forget you.”

Suddenly, you all hear glass breaking from inside the security room.

“Golly, if you’re all going to miss him so much, I’ll just make sure you all join him!” That voice! Oh god, no!

Even worse, suddenly all the lights go red as a female computer voice suddenly begins to speak. “Self-destruct activated, arming explosive device.”

You all turn to see that the containment unit holding Cozy Glow’s body had been busted through, the sleep causing liquid spilling on the ground as Cozy, her twisted form even further changed, hunches over the security table, above the self destruct button.

“Oh… Right, I forgot we only beat her in a metaphysical sense.” Discord stated as he simply observed her. “What now? You can’t possibly think you can defeat any of us in such a ghastly form.”

“Discord, she isn’t planning on fighting us! She’s planning on blowing us all up!” You let out.

But it was already starting. Cozy took a step back as the security table began to open up, revealing a blue mechanical sphere that began to glow. Silverstream just looked over at it, and her tearful eyes suddenly became full of anger. “What are you doing?! What is that?! Why can’t you just leave us alone! You’ve already done enough!”

“Tempest! That’s a bomb! Ain’t any bomb I’ve ever seen, but that’s a bomb!” Grubber said as he pointed towards it.

“You’re all so dumb, of course it’s a bomb! I did ask Mister Tirek to set this up for me before I went to sleep, remember? I don’t think you all realize how much you messed up! You ruined my plans! So I’m going to ruin all of you!” Cozy said with mad anger as the computer voice suddenly let out…

“Explosive device armed, detonation in thirty seconds.”

“Discord! You’re up! An Electro-magnetic pulse, right? You should be able to do that with the magic you have!” Tempest called out to him.

“Oh, I’m afraid that isn’t going to work. I can already tell that Tirek was wise enough to make this entire room immune to such a power. Why wouldn’t he, given his cybernetic form? Could you just imagine just being turned off? Just like that? Simply dreadful! Besides, there really isn’t anything to worry about, is there? Tirek?” Discord said as he looked up at Tirek’s cage with a smirk.

Wut?! “NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! SHE’S GOING TO BLOW US UP!” You scream out at him. Goddammit, now wasn’t the time for his fucking shenanigans! You didn’t even have the horn to warp everyone out yourself. It was gone, just like the staff, when Cozy’s dream body exploded.

“Oh, relax, Discord is right.” Tirek said, with no worry at all. “As if I’d actually let her tell me what to do. I created her little bomb, but I didn’t actually bother to make it anything to worry about. The worst it’ll do is blow up the throne room. Discord can easily warp us all away. Right, Discord?”

“Twenty five seconds until detonation.”

“Of course I can.” Discord said as he turned around. “Or we can simply walk out. Come along, everycreature, we don’t want to be overwhelmed by the smell of roast parrot.”

Suddenly, Tirek exploded with rage. “YOU’RE GOING TO LEAVE ME HERE?! YOU CAN’T DO THAT! YOU HAVEN’T EVEN FREED THE PRINCESS AND THE BUG YET, AND YOU’RE JU-” But suddenly Tirek is interrupted as Cozy begins to laugh. “...What?! You find this funny as well?! It isn’t as if he’s going to let you walk out of here either!”

“Oh, silly silly Mister Tirek. Silly stupid Mister Discord. Do you really think I didn’t figure that out too? Do you think I made myself less cute just to lure in dumb ole’ Twilight? Wowie, you all really just thought I’d just drop the tropes I learned from that dumb Storm King the moment I thought I’d win? Haven’t you all ever heard of a contingency plan before?” Cozy asked, with a malicious smirk on her toothy grin.

“Twenty seconds until detonation”

You didn’t like this, you didn’t like this at all. “W-what are you talking about?”

“You should know, Professor. Didn’t that changeling that harassed you all the time also survive an explosion? Chaos magic, right? I gotta admit, it was way too good to pass up. All I had to do was force Mister Discord’s essence through me when we both grabbed that staff to give myself a body to survive a chaotically destructive blast. A blast, by the way, that will extend well past Canterlot.” Cozy explained as she hugged onto the bomb. “Golly, it feels so warm and nice.”

Tempest reacted before anyone else, as she managed to figure out what was going on. “You were filling the bomb with chaos magic when you took over Anon’s body?”

“Yup! Not at first, I had to get used to things. But when I put the barrier in front of the security room, I made sure it was made of chaos magic, a magic that constantly fed the bomb. So, there really is no hope for any of you. None of you can escape. You can’t even blow up the bomb with magic! Because, well, it’d just blow up!” Cozy said.

“Discord, you fool! Warp us out of here! All of us! I command you!” Tirek said in a panic, trying to knock the cage off the hook to try to open it with a fall. He wanted out, even if it was meaningless without wings.

Discord, however, actually seemed frozen in fear.

“Fifteen seconds until detonation.”

“Discord… You’re screwing with us, right? You can save us from the blast, right? Just get rid of the bomb.” You say to him. Like, shit, he can do that right? He had his magic!

Discord gulped, as his voice became frail. “W-with the magic I have now, I’d say I could warp it away about six hundred feet at most… Not enough to escape the blast. I-I don’t know what to do… My magic isn't returning fast enough.”

“That’s right! This is what you get for ruining everything! If I can’t rule the world! I’ll watch it burn! Mister Discord and I will survive this blast, oh we really will. But Mister Discord won’t be himself anymore. Nope nope nope, not at all. He’ll lose everycreature he ever loved, lose his mind, and burn the whole world to the ground! And me? I’m gonna get a bag of popcorn and just watch!” Cozy Glow cheered with malicious laughter. “There’s nothing any of you can do to stop this! No magic, no dus exies dumbness, no elements, no nothing! I win! I always win!”

“Ten seconds until detonation.”

Discord tensed once again, and grabbed onto you, hugging you tightly. “Anon, I’m scared!”

“I’m scared too!” You began to cry as you hugged back. Fucking hell, not like this!

“T-Tempest…” Grubber looked onto her, frozen in fear.

Tempest just warmly smiled towards him, and hugged him close. “It was a pleasure, Grubber, to fight by your side.”

“Guys…” Gallus began to crack up into hysterical crying as he hugged onto everyone he could. “I’m gonna miss you all!”

This was it…

The last sound was just going to be her laughing maniacally, wasn’t it?

“Five second until detonation”

Nowhere to run

Nowhere to hide

You couldn’t even say goodbye

“...To the deepest pits of Tartarus with you!”

“Wha? WHAT?!” Suddenly, Cozy finds herself actually holding onto the bomb as she feels a pull behind her. “Wh-what is that?! WHERE DID THAT PORTAL COME FROM?!” Out of nowhere, a portal had opened from behind Cozy Glow, and it began to pull her in, sucking her up with enough force for her to actually lose her footing.

Wha? “Discord?! Is that you?!”

“No… No, it isn’t, where did th-Oh, there is absolutely no way.” Discord was in shock as his eyes shifted towards the broken wall.

“Chancellor Neighsay!” You all let out as he stood there. His head was wrapped with… Was that wrapping paper with presents on it? And one of his legs was held up with a cardboard cast, being held aloft with peppermint wrapping paper. His left eye was bruised up, and most of his wounds were covered with the same wrapping paper as well. Also, that medallion he wore, it was glowing and sparkling. The fuck?

“No! No! No! Just blow up already! Just blow-Wha?” The bomb began to slowly roll towards the portal, taking Cozy along with it. “No! No! This isn’t possible! Don’t do this!”


“Ngh! Stay still! Come on! Stay still!” Cozy cried out as she tried to prevent herself and the bomb from being sucked in with all her might. “Stay Still!”


“Ngh! Come on!” Cozy screamed out as her and the bomb neared the portal, inches away from being sucked in. “Ngh… Hehe… Haha… Hahahaa! So that’s it then? I just lose?”


“That’s fine… Totally fine. Because you know what? I’ll be back. My body won’t age. And no matter how much it changes, I never will. Bye, evercreature! HAHAHAHAHA!” Was the last thing Cozy let out as her and the bomb were sucked into the portal, the portal itself rupturing with a loud roar as it expanded from the explosion, and yet, immediately dissipated a second after.

Tirek fell over in the cage, face first. “What a disturbed child…” was all he could lt out before falling unconscious.

“Ngh, hehe, seems I made it in time after all…” Neighsay said as he fell to his knees, groaning in pain.


What in the fuck?!

Everyone in the room rushed up to check on him, excited that he was alive. But you, Tempest, Grubber, and Discord? You all just stood there.

“So, did we, like, not actually make it? Because there ain’t no way he’s standing there. We’re dust, right?” Grubber asked, as he began to slowly touch himself all over to see if he was dead.

“I… I honestly don’t know.” Tempest said as she let out a heavily relieved gasp of breath. “I can honestly say that this is just… Impossible.”

“Discord? What’s going on?” You asked, flushed white, as you look up at him the best you can with your neckless body.

“I haven’t the foggiest… But, I think he just stole my glory.” Discord said as he began to loosen up, his brow suddenly furrowing.


“Are you fucking serious?! That’s what you’re worried about?! That he stole your ‘kill’?!” Like, holy shit, the impossible just happened and that’s what he gives a damn about?!

“Well, we’re all okay, aren’t we? The danger is over, so of course I’m going to be upset that he just came and stole my thunder! Wait here, I’m going to find out what’s going on!” Discord said as he stomped on over to the guy.

You just slumped onto the ground, your nerves were shot. “Why would I expect anything different?”

“He is how he is, it seems. Though, I must admit, I am curious on how he managed to survive the fall.” Tempest said as she began to walk over to where he was.

Grubber just looked at you and shrugged before joining Tempest at her side.

“...So, you’re really okay?! C-can I give you a hug? Maybe that’ll help make you feel better!” Silverstream asked as she opened her arms to Neighsay.

“Ngh, I’d actually appreciate that, if my body wasn’t so bruised. I’m j-just glad I made it in time, I was afraid there may have been casualties.” Neighsay said as he tensed painfully. Even if he was here, the throw obviously left him unable to do much else.

“Yes yes, we’re all glad you made it.” Discord said as he gently pushed the others aside to get to Neighsay. “But the real question is, how are you here? Deus Ex Machina is one thing, but there was no way for you to survive something like that.”

“Are you serious? No, never mind.” Gallus said as he face-palmed with his talons. “Of course he’s serious.”

“How could you say something like that?! We thought he was gone!” Smolder said, her fist shaking as she looked towards Discord angrily.

“And we thought wrong. The fight is over, so now it’s time to learn how he made it back here before I lose my mind!” Discord said as he held on to his head. “I tried running multiple scenarios in my head, and I just can’t see how he could have made it.”

Neighsay just chuckled weakly, he didn’t seem offended at all. “Well, I suppose this is you worrying about me in your own way. And I must admit, I would be deeply curious as well, given the circumstances. But to put it simply, I had help from a new friend.”

Wut? Now you had to approach. A new friend? When? How?! “A new friend? Who? No offense, but you were kinda still in jerk mode until we reached the top of the castle.”

“I have to admit, I’m curious as well. I couldn't even survive a fall like that, no matter what I tried.” Tempest said.

“Well, I need to take a break for a moment. But perhaps he’d like to explain…” Neighsay looks behind himself, towards the broken wall. “You may come in, the one you’re worried about is still sleeping in one of those odd containment tubes.”

“O-oh… Hello everycreature.” A familiar being walked along the outside of the broken wall and took a step inside. Those moose like horns, green body, and fairy like wings.

You gotta be fucking crazy. King fucking Thorax?!

“K-King Thorax!?” Ocellus was the first to let out before anyone else. She quickly rushed up to him, confused, but still respectful enough to bow. “M-my king, erm, um…” Suddenly, she just tilted to the side, befuddled by it all. “I… I’m so confused.”

Discord’s jaw dropped to the floor. He literally had to roll it back up before he could say anything else. “Please, please, please… Please… Please tell me he has nothing to do with this.”

“W-well, I can see you’re all rather confused as to why I’m here.” King Thorax said, before laughing nervously. “Well, you see, it’s actually kind of funny. The reason I’m even here is, well, sort of Anon’s fault.”

Discord’s malevolent eyes shifted towards you. “I knew it! I knew you’d have something to do with this!”

“Me?! It isn’t like I invited him here! Dammit, Discord, calm your shit! Or I’m telling Fluttershy!” You threatened back at him.

Discord suddenly went silent. He then crossed his arms as he turned away, groaning at you. “Tattle-tale.”

“Erm, actually. King Thorax, I’m confused too. How is it Anon’s fault, exactly? I, erm, know this is a happy moment, since we saved the day and everycreature made it. But, um, well, Anon doesn’t really like you that much. S-sorry! Sorry! I didn’t know how else to put that.” Ocellus said, as she apologized profusely.

“Erm, I kinda already got that. But, well, I know he’s also trying not to be that way. But, oh! Right, right, why I’m here. Well, to put it simply, I never really got the letter about talking to the former queen. You know, the one you and your marefriend were going to send?” Thorax said as he looked over to you.


Oh, wait a second…

“...Right, we… We never actually ended up sending that letter.” Holy… Fucking… Shit…

Is the world only alive because you forgot to send a fucking letter?!

“Erm, well, I figured something happened. I didn’t know you forgot, I thought it was something else. So, given it was Hearthwarming, I made my way towards Ponyville to try to figure out what happened to the letter. And, well, erm, I brought along a present of good will… That I sort of had to leave behind. Erm, to explain that, well… Ponyville didn’t really look like itself when I flew closer, and I was trying to figure out why, when the Chancellor came flying into me and we both hurtled towards the ground. I was able to grab him and slow my fall, but the present I had for the Queen was sort of ruined. Well, more than sort of. When I got up, I noticed the Chancellor was hurt really bad. I didn’t know what to do, but he was awake, and asked me for help, if I had any supplies with me. All I had was a very very wrapped up present box and a ruined present inside. I guess it was enough, he directed me on how to use the wrapping paper and cardboard from the box to make some makeshift medical bandages and a cast. He didn’t have time to explain anything else and asked me to fly him to the big scary castle, and he even said please. And, well, you know how strong the word ‘please’ is, so I decided to help, and flew him all the way towards this hole in the wall. So, now, um… I still have no idea what’s going on, but I’m glad everycreature is okay. So… Anycreature want to tell me what’s going on?” Thorax, the poor dope, he was as confused as anyone else.

You just blinked blankly.

It was true…

The only reason any of you were alive.

Was because you forgot to send a letter.

A fucking letter.

And so, the explanation of what had transpired was explained to Thorax by Ocellus as the rest of the group began to check on the containment units. It seems it wouldn’t be too hard to free Twilight and Chrysalis, there were consoles next to each unit with simple buttons to control the whole process of releasing or trapping whatever subject happens to be inside.

But you and Discord? You decided to hang out by the broken wall once again, looking out towards the horizon.

“So… I think it’s finally actually over. How are you feeling?” You asked him. “Not too sore about having your victory stolen, I hope.”

Discord sighed. “I thought I would be, but it seems I have more important things on my mind after all. No doubt dear Fluttershy has been freed from that horrid spell.”

“And you’re not running up to hug and check to see if she’s alright? That isn’t like you at all.” You tell him.

“She’s with friends, she’ll be fine. I just… I haven’t had the time to enjoy such a peaceful sky with, well, you, in some time now. I was worried, you know? I actually was afraid that I wouldn’t have ever freed you from her control.” Discord said as he looked down at you, smiling, yet somber in his stare. “It could have been permanent.”

You chuckled a bit at that. “Good thing it wasn’t, huh? Good job with the cards, by the way, you really pulled me out of there. But the things you said, are you sure you didn’t know it’d make them suddenly have the power to shoot a rainbow beam?”

Discord just shrugged. “I didn’t, but with the spirit of harmony seemingly being one to harass others, I figured the power of the elements wasn’t just tied to the stones. Either way, it really was up to them when it came to conjuring up the power of harmony. Just like it was up to me to fix their miserable aim.” Discord chuckled. “Alright, perhaps I am still a little sore about having my victory stolen from me. But it means little compared to knowing you and Fluttershy are alright… And everycreature too, I suppose.”

“Hm, heh, well… Thanks, Dad, for coming through. You’re the best, you know that? I feel like I haven’t said anything really nice to you lately, other than today, of course.” You tell him with a light chuckle.

“I believe the same could be said about me, as well. I’m actually quite proud. If one were to put a little thought into it, then one could say you’re the true hero! You are the one who forgot to send that letter.” Discord said to you.

Heh… “I guess. Sure, why not, I don’t think I was really gonna end up sending it anyway. You know how Chrysalis can be.”

“I do. But even better, since you’re my son, then by proxy, I saved the day! So everything works out in the end.” Discord said with a smarmy grin.

You just facehoof. “...Of course, just had to get one in, huh?”

“I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t. It isn’t as if I’m wrong, either.” Discord said, still with that dumb grin.

“...You know what? Fine.” You say with another laugh. “I’ll let you have that, consider it your Hearthwarming gift.”

“Ah yes, Hearthwarming, that is today, isn’t it? Well…” Discord suddenly raises his talons, and gives them a snap. Something familiar appears before you in a bright light. It floats close to you, and opens up like a necklace, going along your neck. When the shine vanished, you saw what was around you…

“H-hey, my horn!” Woah!

“Mhmm, with ten charges now. I feel you’re responsible enough to handle it. Should be enough for you to have fun and make sure you don’t get obliterated by some insignificant threat.” Discord said.

“And can it fix my body?” You asked him, with happy glistening eyes.

“Nope, you’re still going to have to find the rest of the shards of yourself for that. But hey, you have plenty of friends to make it easier, right?” Discord said as he stood up, and began to head towards the throne room doors. “Anyway, it is time for us to see Fluttershy now. Come along.”

“Alright… You know she’s not gonna be happy about me missing parts of my body though, right?” You ask him.

“Oh, right, I forgot she may be upset.” Discord said as he slapped his forehead. He then pointed his paw at you, and zapped you, restoring your body back to its original self. “There we are, good as new.”


Discord just shrugged as he opened the throne room doors. “Of course I can, I merely said you couldn’t fix yourself.”

“BULLSHIT!” You yelled at him.

“I don’t think it is.” Discord said.

“IT IS!” You shouted back at him.

“You’d have to elaborate, as I just don’t know what you’re talking about.” Discord said back to you.

“DISCOOOOOOOORD!” You shouted out in total frustration.

And that was that…

The world was saved. It would be some time before Ponyville was restored. Though, it didn’t take months or anything like that. Starlight was able to actually work with Discord to use a time scroll, the one she had planned to use to ruin Equestria, to revert the town back to its original state without actually turning back time.

Chancellor Neighsay turned over a new leaf. He no longer sought the expulsion of nonpony beings, or the closure of Twilight’s school. Thanks to the young six’s unification, he began to advocate for full species diversity for any and all schools, and promoted Twilight’s school as a form of unification of all kingdoms through friendship.

The Mane Six, well, they were reunited. And as it typically goes, Pinkie held a party to celebrate the defeat of Tirek and Cozy Glow… At Chrysalis’s Manor. Well, it wasn’t like it could be held anywhere else until the actual town was restored. Chrysalis actually took it pretty well, both for the party and the fact she now had to host an entire town’s worth of ponies at her place. Then again, that may have been due to her forcing a showing of her favorite ‘documentary’ for at least the adults… Didn’t mean there weren’t casualties when it came to mental trauma.

Tempest, Grubber, and Capper decided to stick around for a while. They used the Redemption Ark to gather whatever could be found that remained intact from the twisted buildings of the town to bring back to the ponies within the manor.

Cadance returned to Shining Armor. The poor guy, he was a mess, he actually became sick from all that worrying. Cadance, Flurry Heart, and Shining Armor were actually allowed to stay in the manor until he recovered. Again, Chrysalis couldn’t help but take advantage of this fact by having Scrappy crush Cadance at chess, just to gloat for no reason but to gloat. Cadance, however, was able to ignore it. She enjoyed Scrappy’s company and she really wasn’t really that good at Chess anyway.

The Young Six, as you call them, were pretty much hailed as heroes. Discord decided not to take any credit at all when he learned he’d have to share some of it. It was either none or all with him. It was fine though, Silverstream was especially emotional, as she never thought she’d actually be considered a hero of anything.

Tirek? You’d think he’d be sent back to Tartarus as a parrot. No, actually, that’s exactly what happened. Chrysalis, of all beings, was willing to give him a chance as her new pet. But no, his pride just demanded that he just be sent back into Tartarus, with at least his original body back. He did not get his body back.

The Riches, well, it was inevitable. They had learned about the relationship you and Diamond had with Chrysalis. Surprisingly, they were actually cool with it. The fact that Chrysalis was taking care of the town was a big factor, of course. But it did help that Chrysalis and Spoiled did seem to have a lot of things in common they can talk about. And Filthy was just that cool of a guy. Anyone that makes his little filly happy, makes him happy. Though, the union of his wife and Chrysalis did seem to terrify him.

As for you? Well, it was late, but Tempest was able to find something in the twisted remains of the Rich Manor, a certain gift you and Diamond had ready for Chrysalis.

“This… This is my Hearthwarming gift?” Chrysalis asked, as she looked upon the suit that laid pristine in the gift box.

“Yeah, I know it’s late, but Tempest managed to find it. We had Rarity make it for you, and we thought you’d really love it.” You say to Chrysalis, very much hoping she would.

“Mhmm! We know how you like human mobsters. I know you can always change into a suit with your magic, but we wanted you to have something authentic and stylish! My Big Sis deserves the best!” Diamond said with a cheer.

“Is that… What it is?” Chrysalis said as she used her magic to raise the black and green lined mobster suit and stylish hat. “It’s… It’s…”

Ohhhh, here it comes!

“...It isn’t enough.” Chrysalis said as she suddenly stared at it rather boredly.

“What?” Both you and Diamond were crushed. What happened?! You both thought she would have loved it.

“I mean what I said. Mobsters don’t do the things they do on their own. I can’t just wear this as it is… I need a crew. How else am I going to flaunt my stylish new look in front of the princesses.” Chrysalis said as she flashed a grin at you.

“Ohhh! Anon! Did you hear that? we gotta totally do it! Come on, come on! We’ll be the talk of Canterlot!” Diamond said with sheer excitement.

You slap on your horn.

It was time for yet another day…

In Equestria…

“Wait!” Came a sudden yell.

The three of you look back, only to see Discord with a toy tommy gun and dressed in a snazzy brown gangster suit.

“Surely you weren’t going to wreak some havoc on the princesses without bringing me along, were you?” Discord said as he tilted his hat, giving you all a cool grin.

Diamond couldn’t become any more elated at this point. “Daddy Discord, you’re coming too! That’s super awesome!”

“Of course, nopony is better at causing chaos than me.” Discord said, tilting his hat back down, in an attempt to look even cooler.

Chrysalis just stared, annoyed, then sighed as she began to walk towards her cavernous basement. “...Alright then, just don’t louse things up.”

Woah… “You’re okay with Dad coming along?”

“If it means driving the princesses up the wall, sure. Not like we need to fear retaliation over having a little fun.” Chrysalis said with a dark chuckle.

Fuck yeah! “Alright then! Go Team Family!”

All three of them stopped their stride as they stared at you.

“Team Family? Erm, Anon, that’s kinda redundant.” Diamond explains to you. “And a little uncool.”

Yeah… You’ll work on that.

But either way. It’d be another day of chaotic fun. The four of you, together, ready to take on the world!

And even further, you knew, deep down, that a good future laid before you.

After all, with your Dadonequus as your partner, what could possibly go wrong?

Probably everything… But, eh, that’s how you roll.

The End.

Comments ( 26 )

awesome ending wonderful story :heart:

Lord, it's happened. I don’t even know, I felt kind of sad, it seemed like everything ended well, but that’s where it all ended. good story, good ending. maybe there will be a book 3? But to be honest, I would like to see how an anon on discord would scare the princesses, but that’s all for now. my congratulations to the author and thumbs up.

No apology for making him look bad for supposedly trying shut twilight school down. Considering the only reason he didn't like thorax was because he was the thing taking his friend away. As for the others he never felt anything for them because they never bothered to know him. But when neighsay asked him to spy he gave the students a fair shot. The student 6 couldn't even ignore his flaws in order to focus on his good points. No wonder he is closer with diamond and queenie than the 6.

The world was saved. It would be some time before Ponyville was restored. Though, it didn’t take months or anything like that. Starlight was able to actually work with Discord to use a time scroll, the one she had planned to use to ruin Equestria, to revert the town back to its original state without actually turning back time.

Shit! Reset the server, RESET THE SERVER! (any gamers will understand :rainbowlaugh:

Grats on the complete my dude!

The End.

I will miss the constant updates. No longer will I be able to binge through the chapters after not reading for a while. It has been a wild ride.

Though, now I feel cheated of that first interaction between Chrysalis and Spoiled Rich. Kidding... maybe? Honestly, nothing is stopping you from making a bonus chapter on that party, a true victory celebration. And maybe the bit with Chrysalis raiding Canterlot with Discord. We've been seeing her warming up to the guy, getting along by sharing a joy for messing with the princesses.

There is the epilogue, but it won't be the same, after the time skip.

once i get around to it, that interaction will happen. the epilogue isn't going to be an adult Anon time skip.

Eventually, I'll write it... I just...

I need some time to decompress after so long

I've been reading this for over 6 years now. The first comment on the site goes to you. This story is great.
I won’t say anything more, just thank you to the Author for the excellent work!

It feels strange thus series coming to an end after so long.

It was a wild ride.

Took A break Midway through came back to finish this and it was so fucking awesome *Close book and walks toward the distant buildings ahead*

I have been reading this story from the beginning and I can hardly believe it has ended. Both books. Thank you for your wonderful work of love....I will forever be grateful to you for the image in my head of anon and discord taking a selfie with a dazed chrysalis.

Honestly, this is a pretty satisfying end to the story.
Enjoy your rest, Crazed. You have earned it.

This is it, then. The final potential errors:

“So, there's really nothing you can do?” You asked Discord

(...) changed back?” You asked

(...) blowing us all up!” You let out.

SHE’S GOING TO BLOW US UP!” You scream out at him.

Just get rid of the bomb.” You say to him

“I’m scared too!” You began to cry

“Chancellor Neighsay!” You all let out as he stood there.

Or I’m telling Fluttershy!” You threatened back at him.

How are you feeling?” You asked him.

That isn’t like you at all.” You tell him.

(...) other than today, of course.” You tell him

Fine.” You say with another laugh.

“And can it fix my body?” You asked him

(...) my body though, right?” You ask him.

“BULLSHIT!” You yelled at him.

“IT IS!” You shouted back at him.

“DISCOOOOOOOORD!” You shouted out in total frustration.

we thought you’d really love it.” You say to Chrysalis

Uppercase ‘y’ should be lowercase. (?)

So that’s it then?

So that’s it then?

Missing comma before ‘then’. (?)

(...) as you let yourself say. “It was (...)

Remove the period. (?)

the sleep causing liquid spilling on the ground


above the self destruct button.


Twenty five seconds until detonation.


Like, shit, he can do that right?

Missing comma before ‘right’.

“Five second until detonation”





Missing period.

HAHAHAHAHA!” Was the last thing Cozy let out

Uppercase ‘w’ should be lowercase.

all he could lt out before falling unconscious.


Hello everycreature.”

Missing comma. (?)

Those moose like horns, green body, and fairy like wings.


“Erm, actually. King Thorax, I’m (...)

The period should be an ellipsis or a comma. (?)

All I had was a very very wrapped up present box


she really wasn’t really that good at Chess anyway.

“Wait!” Came a sudden yell.

Uppercase ‘c’ should be lowercase.

How else am I going to flaunt my stylish new look in front of the princesses.

The period should be a question mark.

But either way. It’d be another day of (...)

The period should be a comma.

I may be wrong about some of the above.

Thank you, truly, for all you have done.

Dadonequus Discord is a really, really great series. I only started reading somewhere when Book 2 was already being written, and although I lurked and didn't comment, these fics really mean a lot to me. It's genuinely one of the most fun reads on the site and the first time I read it I didn't want to put it down.
Congrats on finishing this very long adventure. Good luck on future endeavors.

Congratulations on the finished story, CL. I'm sure it was tough, but I'm glad you powered through. This story was a big comfort for me.

Unlike the first story, I don't have any fancy timeline charts this time. Darn CL, not enough timeline hopping! ... The story's probably better of that way anyway.

I did my best with this story. my vacation starts soon, so i may actually have the gusto to write that epilogue. I just hope everyone enjoyed the adventure. I did my best with the characters, and... well, it was an honor.


It’s been a good ride.......




Thank you for this story

“Sadly not, my magic hasn't fully been restored yet. but even if it had come to me in an instant, I cannot bring anypony back to life.” Discord let out a lamentful sigh. “...It is actually something that worries me, at times.”

What about the storm king?

The End.

One of the greatest fanfics of all time! I am glad that I read it, and hope others do the same!

Well, your best was off the wall and insanely good. This is some of the best characterization I’ve ever seen.

I thank you.

As long as the characters felt like the characters, and the tales of the story were fun, entertaining, wholesome, or even anger inducing at times. then I know I did a good job, and I have my readers to thank.

Thank you so much for this.
This was a great adventure. Silly, goofy, scary, magical and epic. You put all in it, and it worked. Thanks.

Welp time to bust out the book binding kit. It's time to make some hard copies! Fucking loved it mate.

Every story has an end and i take solice in knowing how much joy it brought

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