• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 191 - Dropping off Diamond, and Pinkie's Appearance

You were on the trek back to Diamond’s home, with Diamond herself passed out on your back. Even with the fall back onto your bed, she didn’t awake. Chrysalis really spooked her with that, and while it was cute you were carrying her home, you wonder what her parents would say seeing you carry her around like this. Hell, you were afraid they found that note, that would bWETGFDSDGSDGF

“EEEE! GET AWAY! GET AWAY!” Suddenly, Diamond awakes and grapples at your neck as she shakes and chokes you before slamming your face onto the ground multiple times. “I DON’T WANT MY BRAIN SUCKED OUT LIKE A MILKSHAKE!”

“DSGDG-DiamqeFDSAFD-DSf-DIAMOND!” You manage to shout out amidst face slams.

It snaps her out of it. She looks down to see you on the ground, with her on top of you. She quickly hopped off of you and lifted you up, inspecting you to make sure you were ok. “Anon! Anon! Are you ok!? Did you beat the brain monster thing?”

“Diamond…” You said, face still in the ground, dirt moving along with every mouth movement. “That was from the documentary.”

“The Docu-OOOOH! Right, I… Kinda remember? I remember Big Sis showing me something, the big brain thing and…” Suddenly, she began to shiver greatly and began to nuzzle on your side. “Anon, s-she was right, that was really scary.”

You couldn’t be mad at Diamond, despite the reaction. Chrysalis did blindside her with that, and she had no way of knowing what the fuck was going on. Of course waking up outside like this would spook her. “Yeah…” You slowly stand up, cough, and begin to wipe yourself off. “Are you alright, Diamond?”

“Well, duh, yeah. But what about you and… Wait.” She began to look around, and realized she was outside on the road. “Anon, why aren’t we at Big Sis’s house?”

You tense at those words. God, you didn’t need her yelling at you. “Chrysalis wanted to be alone. Sorry, Diamond, but things kind of came up and she asked me to take you home. If it makes you feel any better, she really enjoyed her time with you.”

“So did I, but… Wait.” Diamond again stops herself, when she realizes the gravity of your words. “Anon, is she… Is she gonna do her plan?”

“Tomorrow. She wants me to see her before she does it too. She’s pretty excited about it. Then again, she also wants me to warn everypony about it. I personally think it’s not gonna be that big a plan.” You say with a shrug.

“Anon! It’s totally gonna be a big plan! You can’t take her lightly like that!” Diamond said as she hopped around you, trying to warn you of the danger. “She’s super serious, Anon. She wants everypony to know because it’ll make her winning that much better for her. You can’t be dumb about it, Anon, she’s not gonna show any mercy to Princess Twilight.”

Christ, she was that sure? “Do you know what the plan is, Diamond?”

“Mmm mmm” Diamond said, shaking her head. “But I know how Big Sis thinks. She’s gonna try her hardest, Anon. So you really REALLY gotta try to stop her. It’ll be the only way to help her.”

“It’s not like I’m not gonna try. But we have so much going for us, I really can’t see a way of her getting past all of it to get to Twilight. I, well, look. I’m just saying you shouldn’t worry, I totally got this.” You tell her with a wide grin, to try to reassure her.

“I know you do. But you have to remember that Big Sis is crafty. If she tries to trick you in any way, you can’t fall for it, ok?” Diamond just really really wanted to make sure you understood. She was fully aware, despite her fondness for her, that Chrysalis was not to be trusted in affairs like this.

“I promise. I’m not going to fall for anything, especially since I know it’d be some sort of trap.” You tell her, again, to reassure her.

“I’m serious, Anon. She is sooooo inviting you over tomorrow so she can trick you in some way. Even if she’s stopped, if I find out she tricked you, I’m gonna bop you good. Got it?” Diamond said, trying to seem as threatening as she could, which only came off as adorable. "I will not have a gullible dummy as a future husband."

You give a light chuckle as you wave your hoof towards Diamond to signify you understood. “I got it, I got it. Look, Diamond, trust me. I’ll be ready for anything, absolutely nothing is going to get the jump on meWEGDSDFSDF” Suddenly, you are grabbed by another screaming filly as she begins to shake you furiously.

“ANON! ANON! SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAS HAPPENED! IT’S, LIKE, REALLY REALLY BAD!” Screamed Silver Spoon as she began to shake you senseless.

“ADSADASDFDS” She was just relentlessly shaking you, preventing you from talking coherently. Everything was just a pastel colored blur as her panic began to grow.

“IT’S DIAMOND TIARA! SHE’S BEEN FOALNAPPED! HER PARENTS AREN’T HOME EITHER, ANON! I THINK THEY ALL HAVE BEEN FOALNAPPED! THIS ISN’T COOL! THIS IS REALLY UNCOOL!” Silver Spoon was practically screaming and spitting in your face as she freaked out. “ANON! ANON! A-Anon?” She let you go, noticing your eyes spiral before you plopped back down on the ground, twitching.

“L-lasagna and shaking… Not good.” You felt like James Bond’s martini. You’ve been head bashed a million times before, but shaken to near oblivion? Ergh, it wasn’t good on your stomach at all.

“Anon! Food?! Really?! REALLY?! My best friend has been foalnapped and you want lasagna? MY best friend, your future wife! Like, if Diamond could hear you now, she’d be devastated.” Silver Spoon said, disgusted with your lack of action.

“Silver Spoon.” Diamond said with a giggle. “That was our lunch. Wow, are you really freaking out over me being foalnapped?”

“Yeah, totally, you’re my best frie-Diamond!” Silver Spoon said with sudden joyous excitement as she ran over you to hug her friend. “You’re ok! Wait, you’re ok?! Did Anon already save you? Wooooah, that is totally awesome! Anon, you’re amazing! That was so quick!” Silver said as she looked back to you.

You were still flat on the ground. Ugh, at least you were appreciated. You just raise your hoof and let out a weak sound of heroic acknowledgement before letting it drop back into the dirt.

“Diamond, you gotta tell me how Anon saved you. Was he awesome? Was he heroic? Was he super hot?” Silver Spoon asked like some excited teenager, wanting to know all the details. “Tell me everything, marefriend!”

“Oh, he was so totally hot. I got, er, erm, foalnapped by a bunch of mangy Diamond Dogs, right? And Anon just jumped down into their hole and beat them all up without his horn. There was this super big dog, right? And Anon, he just jumped and span like a drill! His head nearly went through the guy. But my Anon is super nice, he just hit him hard enough to scare everycreature else off. Then Anon picked me up and brought me all the way here.” Diamond’s grin was pretty genuine, she was able to lie about your ‘ordeal’ without any hint of falseness. Silver totally bought it.

“No way! Awwww…” Silver near fawned over you. “You’re so lucky to have a coltfriend like him, Diamond.”

“I know.” Diamond said as she had silently noticed your broken self, and helped you up the best she could while nuzzling under your neck. “Anon is always there to save me if I get in trouble, that’s why he’s the hero colt.”

“For sure. Hey, do you all wanna hang out? We can watch the latest movies at the theater. I heard there’s a new saucy romance movie out. C’mon, it’ll be super fun!” Silver, already recovered from her shock, was already primed to hang out. “I bet with Anon on our side, everypony else is gonna get preeeeettttyyy jealous.”

“Y-yeah but…” Diamond nuzzles onto you again, and looks to you with worry. She knew you had something important to do. And for the sake of you and Chrysalis, she didn’t want to be a burden. “But how about just you and me, Silver Spoon? Look at Anon, he needs to get some rest. Or at least a little alone time, he’s all beat up and stuff.”

“Oh, right, right. I guess I’d be pretty tired too after having such a cool adventure. Ok, c’mon, Diamond, let’s go. Maybe you can learn a few romantic tricks from that movie.” Silver Spoon said to her with a wink.

“Oh, I’m sure I don’t need any tricks to attract my Anon. Right, Anon?” Diamond said as she gave you a kiss on the cheek. But you were still so dizzy, you merely fell forward.

“Wow, you knocked him out with that one!” Silver Spoon said, looking down at you, smirking at Diamond.

“Y-yeah… Erm.” Diamond leaned down and whispered in your ear. “Anon, are you gonna be ok?”

“....” Your ear twitched. Fuck man, why did everyone have to shake you up like that? You were still obviously urpy from today’s flight. God, you couldn’t believe how sensitive you felt right now. “Y-yeah. I’m peachy.”

“Ok…” Diamond said, kissing your cheek once again. “You take care of yourself, Anon. And good luck, ok? I know you’ll do awesome. Just remember, you gotta take this seriously.”

You pulled up enough strength to look up at her and smile, giving her a slight nod. Ah, Diamond, she truly cared and understood you. Even giving you your space. And as long as you never fuck that up, you were sure it’d stay that way. Hm, you need to give her a gift sometime soon. Well, you will, a full fledged big sister.

With Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara walking off, gossiping as they usually do, it gave you time to recover. You slowly stood up again, cleared your throat, pat at your stomach a couple times, and then began to think. You had to gather the mane six, you had to be clear, and you had to make sure they could all set up a proper defense just in case. Diamond seemed pretty sure something bad may happen, and given she seems to be able to read Chrysalis pretty well, it’d probably be wise to follow her advice. While everything had been mostly preplanned already, it never hurt to have a main plan set.

“Pssst, Nonny.” Said a familiar voice.


“Ponk?” What in the… “Ponk? Where are you?” What in the goddamn...?

“Over here, in the bush!” You saw a rather large bush on the side of the road shaking. G-goddammit!

“Wha?! Ponk?! How long have you been… What?! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!” Oh god, what?!

“Oh, I’ve been following you the whole time. I was gonna getcha for lunch, but it sounds like something super duper important just came up.” Pinkie said, still hidden in the bush.

Dammit?! She… Wait, why are you freaking out? You were going to tell her and everyone else anyway. “You heard everything?”

“Mhmmmmmmm. Lucky for you, everypony is already at the castle waiting for you. Except for Dashie, she hasn’t shown up yet.” Pinkie slowly poked her head out of the bush, looking rather super serious. “But lunch is gonna have to wait, we gotta make plans for tomorrow!... Or maybe we can eat while making plans. You can’t plan on an empty stomach, y’know?”

“I… Yeah? Look, Ponk, I know you mean well, but this is super important. I need everypony to take this seriously, ok? That includes you. You know about the curse, right?” You ask, holding up your foreleg to show her the shackles.

“Of course I do! But why are we talking about this now? We need to get everypony else first before we do any big time planning. Nopony should be left out.” Pinkie said, with a sure nod.

“Ponk, I know. But for you, I just…” How could you word this in a way not to crush her spirit or make her sad? Chrysalis, as calm as she seemed, would probably be hostile towards all friendship attempts up until she fails. The last thing you needed was her lashing out at Pinkie and killing herself. “I need you to keep your distance from Chrysalis, ok? Until those shackles disappear, the only thing we all should be focusing on is making sure her plan fails first and nothing else. Understand?”

Pinkie looked confused. “O...K? Nonny, what’s wrong? You don’t think I’d ruin the plan, do you?” She asked with a pout.

Dammit! “No! No! I mean this for everypony, actually. Talking her down isn’t going to work until the shackles come off.”

“Ohhh, because she’s gonna be focused on getting Twilight, right? I getcha, but… What if being friendly to her and talking to her about friendship makes the shackles come off?” Pinkie asked, genuinely curious.

Ergh, it might. But it had to be from someone she cared about. It couldn’t be just anyone, it had to come from you. But she had to see, first, that she can’t succeed. “That’s a possibility. Well, look, we’ll talk about it when we get to the castle and…” Suddenly, Pinkie put her hooves on you as she stared at you with a big grin. “Ponk? What are youDRHDFHDF” Suddenly, she placed you on her back as everything became a fucking blur. Were you on the jet again?! How the fuck was she this fast?! Oh god, you couldn’t take this anymore! FUCKING HELL!

“Ok, we’re here, Nonny! You get going inside and gather everypony, I’ll wait here for Rainbow Dash!” In a near instant, Pinkie had already taken you to the entrance of Twilight’s castle. How she was so fast? No, fuck that, how was she that fast?! Was toonforce actually canon?

Either way, you didn’t move, you didn’t hop off her back, you simply slid right off and fell on your face, green with accrued motion sickness.

“...Or you can take a nap first, that’s fine too. I didn’t know you were tired, Nonny, I would have gone slower if you needed the sleep. Well, that’s ok, you get your rest first. We still have to wait for-” But then, all of a sudden, with a huge crash that happens right next to you, Rainbow Dash plummets to the ground at breakneck speed, raising dust into the air.

Pinkie started to cough and wave her hoof about to clear the dust. When the dust cleared, there was Rainbow Dash, standing tall. “Dashie! There you are! How was the race?” How was the race?! Was she aware it was already over? Did Rainbow Dash not realize she wasn't at the stadium?!

“It was… AWESOME! I totally kicked their butt, Twilight. I beat Pinkie Pie and Tank at skiball and I won ALL the tickets.” Rainbow Dash said with a wide grin.

“That’s amazing! I didn’t even know we were playing skiball! What did you use the tickets on?” Pinkie asked, hopping about in excitement. “Did you get a super awesome toy?”

“Nope, I got dirt.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Dirt?” Pinkie tilted her head in pure confusion

“Yup, ALL the dirt.” And then, all of a sudden, Rainbow Dash’s eyes rolled up as she fell forward onto the ground, her wings twitching, with many of her feathers out of place. She just, conked out.

Pinkie just looked upon you and Rainbow Dash and shrugged. “Well, I did already eat, it’d be greedy of me to eat more food. And I am kinda tired. Soooooo…” And suddenly, out of nowhere, her body seized up and she too fell unconscious, right on command.

After a few moments. Spike stepped out of the castle entrance to investigate the crashing noise.

"What in the hay was-..." He then saw it, Rainbow Dash knocked out with her eyes rolled up, you twitching on the ground silently, and Pinkie, on her back, eyes closed. "A-are they... Are they?!" Spike had never seen anything like this before. To him, everyone looked clearly dead. In the state of sudden shock, his purple scales turned white, and he fell over, unconscious.

"Spike, has Anon come back yet? Oh, I'm starting to g-EEP!" Fluttershy was next to step out. And there was no fucking way she was going to be able to handle this. Seeing her friends fallen, and you twitching, she too seizes up, and falls unconscious.

Then, for some reason or another, a yellow maned pink pony by the name of Lily Valley just happened to be walking by. Upon coming upon the corpses, she suddenly fell silent as her mane and tail stood on end, and she too... fainted.

"Fluttershy? Is Anon and Rainbooooh." Next up was Starlight. But she didn't fall unconscious, or even wildly react. She just looks on to the fallen ponies and little dragon, looks upon Fluttershy, and then nudges her to make sure she's ok. She then narrowed her eyes in confusion. "What am I... What am I even looking at? Who even is that other pony?... I'm just... going to slowly step back inside now."

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