• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 256 - The Krumb Konspiracy

“So you flaked out, huh?” You said as you began to place a toy train into a gift box.

It was the next day, and you were asked to help wrap gifts to send to less fortunate foals all around Equestria by Fluttershy back at Twilight's castle. Fluttershy herself had been in a good mood since yesterday, pretty damn happy that everything went alright with Chrysalis and had seriously been trying to figure out what she would like as a Hearthwarming gift, and so she felt it'd be nice if you contributed to some of the holiday cheer yourself. The castle itself was already mostly decorated for the festivities, with a large tree set beside the cutie map.

“Dude, c’mon, can you blame me? You can’t just ask me to go see Chrysalis all of a sudden. It doesn’t matter if it’s for O&O. Actually, that’s the thing, that’s a bad idea! Look, I get it, even your aunt likes her now, but it’s too soon for me.” Spike said as he was wrapping one of the gifts he was working on, until he suddenly froze for a moment and looked back at you. “...And, uh, erm. Look, bro, she isn’t gonna come at me for not showing up, right?”

You sighed. “No, Spike, she already expected you weren’t really going to show up. But then she kinda gave me this rant that she didn’t really want to play anyway, but also that she would be great at it, and that you’re all afraid of how good she’d be. But then she told me she would be wasting her talent. And then told me that it would have been a talent to behold... I actually think she was upset about you not showing up.”

Spike flinched for a moment, before going back to wrap up another toy. “Well, you know, I mean… Okay, now I sound like a jerk. C’mon, Anon, last time I saw her, I was getting my arm broken by some weird skeleton thing that was supposed to be you. I sometimes still feel it, y’know?” Spike said as he held on to his arm.

It was hard to argue that. Spike really didn’t have a reason to give Chrysalis a seat at the O&O sessions. “Yeah… I get it. So, did Dad mention anything to Big Mac and Scootaloo at all? I can’t imagine them being too big on the idea either.”

“I didn’t get a chance to ask Scootaloo, but I did went and asked Big Mac about it.” Spike said.

He asked him, already? “You did?”

“I mean, yeah. Your Dad wants it to happen, and trust me, I know why, it's his usual flip flop of an ego thing. That’s why I wanted to ask Big Mac, since me and him are the founders of the group. And… Uh…” Spike suddenly stopped, and went back to focusing on his gift wrapping.

“And what?” That kind of hesitation. Big Mac said yes? He’s okay with it?

Spike began to nervously scratch the side of his face. “And, well, he kinda gave this huge speech about how everypony deserves another chance, and that he understands all the work you’ve done to reform her, how Scrappy has told him this and that, and that even Applebloom is pretty much all for Chrysalis being friends with everypony because she had seen how lonely it is to live in that manor.”

Welp… “So he basically said he was okay with it.”

Spike let out a heavy groan as he bent forward in defeat. “Eeyup.”

You had to hide a smile. You didn’t expect Big Mac to be alright with it, but then you did have Applebloom on your side, as well as Scrappy’s love for his mother. “So, let me ask you this. If I asked Scootaloo myself, and she says she’s okay with it, would you be willing to see Chrysalis and give her a chance?” You then gave him big adorable eyes. “It is close to Hearthwarming.”

Spike just shot a half lidded look at you, pointing at you with his claw. “Now you’re playing dirty.”

“I was just asking. Look, we’re buddies, right? Of course I’d be there the whole time. I promise you won’t be hurt. All you gotta do is not insult her, or patronize her. I mean that last part, she does not like being told how good she’s doing on the whole reformation thing.” You say, finishing up another present.

Spike crossed his arms as he looked at you inquisitively. “Is she even good at O&O?”

You shrugged “I mean, Dad didn’t even play the game until he joined you guys and he picked it up just like that, right? Chrysalis has literally spent her life doing roleplay, she’d be a master.”

“A master, huh” Spike gives it some thought for a moment, realizing that it most likely is true given how many roles she actually had to play, but then shakes his head as he comes to his senses. “Woah, but what about her losing her cool if she doesn’t get her way? And doesn’t she hate Twilight? That’d make it a bad idea to bring her over here, you know?”

“Spike, look, I can promise you she isn’t going to cause any harm to anypony, at least outside the game. I really want her to hang out with you guys and bond, but if you really feel that strongly about it, I can just tell her you guys aren’t comfortable with it right now.” You explain to him, tired of trying to convince him. Yes, you knew you were being selfish, but you felt this is what Chrysalis needed. More guys to bond with.

Spike stops for a moment, and gulps nervously. “....You say that as if she’d get revenge on us for not letting her play.”

You look back at Spike with an unamused stare. “You say that as if she’s a monster who still wants revenge.”

“Hey, I… I mean… Dude, you’re making me sound worse and worse here.” Spike said, staring back at you sternly as he crossed his arms.

“No, I just think you’re being irrational.” You retort.

“Irrational?! Anon, bro, c’mon! I get it, she’s your friend. But I’m not ready to just let her into the castle, into our game, and-” But as Spike continued to stand his ground, you got exasperated and just decided to go with plan B.

“I’ll use my horn to bring in a gem as big as Celestia” You tell him.

“...And hey, if you want me to see her tonight, y’know, to see how she works out, then I’m your guy!” Spike said with sudden renewed vigor.

Welp, that worked. Chrysalis, even if she won’t show it, is gonna be pretty thrilled to hear that.

“Thanks, Spike. Uh, I’ll get the gem to you when we’re done wrapping all these gifts. Thanks for reconsidering.” You say, only feeling slightly bad you had to bribe the guy.

“Hey, no problem. What are friends for, right?” Spike asked with a cool grin.

And so, the two of you worked through the morning, getting all the Hearthwarming gifts wrapped. Upon finishing up, Spike pulled out a checklist and began to count out each gift to himself as he checked them off. “Alright, Anon, I got it from here. Thanks for the help, really. Gem or not, I appreciate it, and Twilight is really gonna appreciate it too.”

You smirked to yourself. That actually felt pretty good to hear. “No problem, Spike.” You began to look around. Everything sure looked festive. The tree was nearly decorated, the room had wreaths and lights set up everywhere. It really did remind you of Christmas back home… If it was set in a castle. You slap your horn on your head, and keep your end of the bargain. “It’s for the fillies and the colts of the world, right? It seems like a pretty heroic thing to do to help out with this sort of thing. Anyway, that gem…” You focus your horn, and within moments, a thud is heard as a Celestia-shaped gem is plopped in front of Spike. “There you go!”

“Woah! It looks so delicious! And… Hey, why does it look like Princess Celestia?” Spike said as he hovered towards it and gave it a tap.

“I think my magic took my words literally.” You say with a bit of an embarrassed chuckle.

Spike stared at it a moment more before shrugging. “Whatever, it still looks delicious.”

Well, at least he was pleased. You slowly walk up to him, to remind him of the trade. “And you’re good to see Chrysalis later?”

Spike nodded, and gave you a thumbs up. “Dude, a deal is a deal. Am I still worried? Yeah. But I’m not gonna go back on my word. Just, uh, y’know, stick with me for the whole thing, okay?”

You nod “No problem, Spike. You can count on me.” You were going to have to for this, more for his sanity than anything else. No telling how Chrysalis would actually go about it. Though, now that you thought about it… “Hey, what does Twilight think about you going to see her? Did you tell her?”

“I was gonna, but your aunt kinda told her about her whole experience she had with Chrysalis yesterday when her, Rarity, and Twilight were working on the decorations around the castle. You know Twilight, she thinks it’s a great opportunity to help Chrysalis make more friends, but she also doesn’t want me to go alone. So, y’know, I kinda decided not to go at all. So, uh, since we are going later, I want to make super sure; she’s not gonna snap my head off, right?” Spike asked, looking into your eyes for any deceit.

You shake your head. “I’ll make sure you’ll be okay, Spike. Think about it though, with Chrysalis, you’d have five players total. That’d make your sessions super dynamic.”

Spike smirked at you as he rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to sell me on it, dude, you already got me to agree to give her a chance. Also, we’d be six members if you’d just roll with the punches, in which I mean bad rolls.”

Ugh, this again. You didn’t really need to be in a fantasy world where the dice decide if you win or lose if you already have the power to win everytime. “Look, Spike. Whenever I try to play the game, I always feel some of the ways I fail would never happen in real life. Like, for example, when is the last time I really screwed up or just had really bad luck?”

Spike began to scratch the underside of his chin as he thought. “Well, there was that one time with the moles.”

Yep, you were really glad nobody else would ever get a good long chapter of your life on that one. “...Okay, name something else. C’mon, name onEWFWEWAETWETETA” Suddenly, out of nowhere, you found yourself being dragged across the ground by magic and thrown out through the main hall doors and out of the castle.

“Huh…” Spike said to himself as he stood up and began to casually venture deeper into the castle. “He’s probably gonna be fine, but I better get Twilight, just in case.”

“FDGSDSDGVSDVSDF” You screamed out as you were dragged through the snow and through town at near light speed, other town residents only getting a small glimpse of you as you sped through town. Eventually, you ended up being flung up and hanging by your right hind leg as you heard a familiar voice.

“There, see? Here he is.” Said Discord, dressed in fishing gear, as you hung by his fishing line. “Now leave me be, I’m trying to figure out what to get Fluttershy for Hearthwarming and all you have been doing is wasting my time.”

Wha, huh, GUH?! “Discord?! What the in the f-” Suddenly, you found your lips suddenly becoming zipped up.

“Addressing me by my name? Anon, that is quite the sign of disrespect. Don’t make me spank you in front of your friends.” Discord said with a grin as he pointed towards… Wha? Smolder? Yona? Why were they with Discord? And, looking around, why at the edge of town?

You were so confused, you couldn’t even speak, not like you could right now.

Discord drops you as he begins to walk off with a wave. “Well, you three have fun. Consider this my random contribution to Hearthwarming for the year.”

“Well, that was easy. Uh, hey, Anon. I don’t know what you were doing just now, but we kinda need to talk.” Smolder said, feeling awkward about how quick everything seemed to be.

“Yona don’t think Anon can talk.” Yona said as she stepped up and pointed to your zipper mouth.

You just sat there, annoyed. You wanted to go after Discord, yet you already came to understand why he zipped up your mouth so suddenly. Even more, why did Smolder and Yona seek him out? Or did they just run into him while looking for you? Whatever...

You pointed to the zipper and made motions to pull it open.

Smolder nodded and slowly reached out, freeing your mouth from the teeth of the zipper. “Yep, this kind of stuff is always gonna be weird to me.”

“Ugh…” Okay, Anon, center yourself. Sure, once again you ironically ended up with a stroke of bad luck right after saying that you don’t. But this time was definitely different. Discord randomly doing an act of good will freely? Smolder and Yona must have been looking for you originally, and spotted Discord instead, daring to approach him to bring you over. Whatever it was, it had to be important. “Okay… So, what just happened?”

“You’re used to this kind of stuff happening to you, huh?” Smolder asked, noting how casually you recovered from being dragged across town, before Yona gave her a bop to her side. “Ah! Alright, alright. Ahrm… Anon, uh, we kinda got a problem we really need to talk to you about.”

“A problem? What, is it a Hearthwarming thing?” You asked, wondering if they felt unaccepted or uninvited for the holiday.

Smolder shook her head. “Nah, it’s nothing like that. Yona and I, everycreature really, we’re kinda heading home for it. Except for Gallus, he’s hanging with Sandbar’s family. Remember? We told you we were leaving a week ago.”

Soooo, did they just want to hang out with you then before they left? Well, at least you didn't miss seeing them off. “What’s the problem then? You guys just wanna hang out before you leave?”

Smolder shook her head, and began to look at you with a more serious expression. “No, it isn’t that either. Look, Anon, we think something’s off about that whole Winter Krumb thing.”

Wut? “Winter Krumb? That’s all kinda sudden. Why? What about him?”

“Yona, this was more your thing, mind explaining it to him?” Smolder asked as she looked back at her.

Yona nodded to her. “Yes, Yona will. Anon, do you remember Storm King?”

“Yeah, what about him? Wait, you don’t think that guy is Winter Krumb, do you? That’s impossible, I sent that guy to another dimension. Like, literally, I threw him into a wormhole.” The hell? Why all of this all of a sudden?

“No, we don’t think that. But Yona had been thinking about Jimmy too.” Yona said, which again confused you.

Wut?! “Yona, what? That guy got sent into another dimension too, remember?”

“Yona also know that. Yona was there, remember? No no, Yona thinking… Well, doesn’t Anon think it funny that Cozy Glow have friend that nocreature know?” Yona asked.

…So then, you’re not the only one who had become suspicious of that. But then, you had also tried to push such thoughts out of your mind. There was no chance Cozy Glow would be in contact with another big villain pretending to be her friend. “I do, but are you thinking this guy is some sort of monster or something?”

“We didn’t, but she said something to all of us when her, Gallus, and Sandbar went to see us off at the train station. Which you missed, by the way.” Smolder said as she gave you a bit of a stare.

“H-hey! In my defense, I was kinda dealing with that whole, um, y’know.” You said defensively. Dammit, you did forget to see them off.

“Figured, it’s why we didn’t make a big deal about it… Except for Cozy Glow. And I wasn’t really thinking about it until Yona came to me on the train. Yona, tell him what you told me.” Smolder said.

“Yona notice Cozy Glow very sad that Anon not there to say goodbye, and was very worried Anon not be there for when Winter Krumb arrive. But what made Yona worried is when Cozy Glow say Winter Krumb have big big plans for Hearthwarming and that she’d be very sad if Anon not there to help with that too. Cozy Glow say that Winter Krumb say that it be Hearthwarming nocreature forget.” Yona explained. “It make Yona think about Jimmy’s words. How Jimmy speak weird double speak and trope things. Yona think Winter Krumb using Cozy Glow for something bad.”

“You think so?” So, it was Yona who became suspicious. Seems her short time with you and Jimmy opened up her eyes to some tropes after all. The kind of tropes you saw beforehand and tried to get out of your head. And if even she sees them now… Then…

“It kinda makes sense to me. Think about it. Why would some old guy be that interested in keeping up with a filly, and want to come to Ponyville to see you? Like, specifically you? Princess Twilight lives here, and she never even gets a mention. He’s gotta know about the horn.” Smolder said as she reached over and pointed at your neck.

You’d joke about you being the hero colt, but this was serious. It made sense, and finally you weren’t the only one who saw merit to your suspicions. “Yeah, I thought about all of that too. To be honest, when I was dealing with the Storm King, he told me Cozy Glow was actually the true mastermind behind everything. Or at least alluded to it.”

“Woah, woah, woah. That’s a little too far, don’t you think? Wasn’t that guy crazy or something? Being tricked is one thing, but there is no way Cozy Glow is the one planning all this. Ponies really don’t seem capable of that, at least fillies aren’t. You guys are kinda soft, and she’s basically a marshmallow.” Smolder explained.

“I know, I know. Trust me, I’m not suspecting her. If she was up to something, then we would have known about Winter Krumb way before. The Storm King told me she was partnered with somecreature else and had the staff, and last I checked, she only came in contact with the guy after I sent the Storm King away, and even my dad could never find the staff. But yeah, you really think I’m being set up for a trap or something?” You asked, actually feeling some relief that, now, you weren’t the only one who had suspicions over the whole thing.

Yona and Smolder nodded, then Yona began to speak. “Yona think so, Yona think Anon needs to be careful.”

“And hey, if you think you need our help, then we’re down to stick around. We just need to send some letters back home, and uh, kinda need a place to stay. Gallus and Sandbar are still here so maybe we can stay with them. And if we all explain it to them, then you’d have even more back up.” Smolder explained.

Mmmmm… They were actually worried about you. And Yona, she actually had the same suspicions you did. If only Smolder was here, then that means she was the only one willing to believe it too. Silverstream and Ocellus didn't want to believe it for some reason, or maybe they did, and had to go back home anyway. But even with that, Smolder and Yona are giving up their holiday to try to protect you. No, if this Winter Krumb guy is some sort of villain, you’d be ready for him, you’d save all your charges specifically for him. No mercy the moment he tries to lay a claw or hoof on you or Cozy. “Guys…” You look at both of them with a serious and sincere expression. “Thank you, really. I really mean that. I kinda always felt alone when it came down to these sort of things. Heck, it took forever to have support when it came to Chrysalis. But this? Look, I made a promise to myself not to involve any of my friends. I promised myself not to put you guys in danger. If that guy is a villain, then I’m blasting him right from the get go. No speeches, no hesitation. You guys don’t have to worry about me and Cozy, I got this.”

“Anon, we get it, you’re the ‘Hero Colt’.” Smolder said as she smashed her fist into her palm. “But it isn’t just you we’re protecting. If this guy means business, then that means he’s threatening us dragons too.”

Yona nodded and stomped her hoof “And yaks too! We good friends! We are team! Friends stick together, even if means missing home!”

Ngh... C’mon, this was starting to make you tear up. Keep it together, Anon. “Guys, look. Realistically, there is a chance we all could be wrong, and this is just some old dude. That would mean you guys stuck around for nothing. And even then, my horn can’t come off unless I pull it off myself, so he isn’t getting it. I don’t want you guys to miss a chance to spend Hearthwarming with your friends and family, alright? I got this.”

“And if you don’t?” Smolder asked.

“I will…” You give Smolder a dark glare “Trust me, the stuff I’m capable of is the stuff of nightmares. I’m also not gonna just go along with it either. Chaos magic affords me a lot of things, including a way to find out exactly what he’s thinking.”

“So why not check out Winter Krumb now? Yona think Anon should do that in case he is bad guy.” Yona suggested.

Ergh… “W-well, erm, I can’t do that. I don’t know where the guy actually lives or what he looks like. I need to know that to be able to warp towards him. I could try right now, but there’s a good chance my own magic will mess me up and send me to a place I probably wouldn’t want to be. But when he’s actually here? Yeah, I can mess him up. Y’know, if he’s actually evil.”

Smolder crossed her arms, and began to think. “I dunno, Anon. I just think it’d be better if you had some backup.”

“I get that, but you guys might be worrying over nothing. And ruining your holiday by sticking around here. Like I said, I don’t want you guys to miss out visiting your family and friends. Look, how about this? I’ll send you guys home, and I’ll get Starlight for backup, how does that sound?” You asked.

Smolder looked at you with an odd expression. “Counselor Starlight? Are you sure?”

“Trust me, she has my back. If anything does happen to me, she’ll be ready to blast the guy.” You explain.

“Why not tell Headmare Twilight?” Yona asked.

“Because she’d be much harder to convince, and if I did convince her, I think she’d be a lot more hesitant in doing anything rash. And with a villain, rashness is what we need. Look, guys, seriously. You don’t have to ruin your holidays over me, I got this, I really do. I promise, nothing bad is going to happen.” You explain, practically pleading with them.

They stood there silently, looking at each other. They then backed away to whisper to one another, then came back. Smolder looked at you, and held her claw out. “Fine, we’ll trust you. But you gotta give us a way to get back to you in case something does go wrong.”

Huh? “What do you mean?”

“Smolder means Anon needs to use magic to give us magic items that let us come back when Anon in danger. That way we spend time at home, but also be there for Anon when Anon in trouble. Yona think that fair.” Yona said, smiling with a reassuring nod.

That is pretty fair. You didn’t want to involve them at all. But, if someho… No, you were sure you and Starlight would be enough. You can’t put them in danger, but they weren’t going to leave unless you give them something. “Alright, that does sound fair. Okay, how about I use one of my charges to send you home and give you guys an alarm at the same time. Kinda made a promise to conserve my charges for emergencies and I can’t go using them willy nilly.”

“That’s fine. You just better not mess up, okay? I can get pretty brutal when I do some buttkicking, and I’ll kick your butt too if you mess up.” Smolder grinned as she threatened you.

“Y-yeah, heh, I get it. Alright.” You slip your horn on, and begin to work on a spell to send them home and give them something… Something… Perhaps something that would alarm them, but would send them to Twilight instead. That way, you wouldn’t be lying, and you could get the elements to back you up in case… Well, you doubted it’d go that far. But… Well… You never know.

Yona rushed up and suddenly gave you a hug. It was surprisingly gentle, while still feeling quite tight. “Yona better not have to worry too much about Anon! Anon should be able to enjoy holiday too! Anon better be okay, and remember yak way of thinking too, remember Anon always have friends!”

“N-ngh, y-yeah, I-I know. T-trust me, you don’t have to worry.” Really, you were sure things would be fine.

“Smolder, want to hug too?” Yona asked, looking back at her as Yona squeezed you a little tighter.

“I’m good” Smolder said with a sheepish chuckle. “But she’s right, Anon. Please, be careful. And remember, we’re here for you. Wow, that sounds pretty sappy… Whatever.” Smolder shrugged to herself.

You understood. You already felt bad not being entirely truthful with them, but it wasn’t like you were cutting them out. Everything was going to be just fine. You would prevent the season-ending crisis, protect Cozy, and make sure nothing goes wrong.

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