• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 147 - A Friendly Visit from Chrysalis

You followed Scrappy into the stadium halls. It smelled fresh and new, with the walls painted as a mural of various acts of kindness, generosity, bla bla. It was all depicted with just pictures of ponies. And… Goddammit, Twilight, this was all a little on the nose. Aside from that, there seemed to be empty stalls inside the halls, hollowed out through the walls, probably to be ran as a store to sell, or most likely give away for free, friendship memorabilia and food during events for the passing spectators.

As for Scrappy, he seemed lost in a trance as he turned the corner. He was so focused on the scent that he failed to notice you were following him, albeit you were trailing behind him, silent, just wanting to see if what he was going for was what you thought he was going for. Maybe, it could be just the new smell of the stadium that allured him, what possible reason would Chrysalis have to be in here of all places?

But then Scrappy arrived at a door marked ‘Visitor team room one’ and slipped inside. As he did so, you zoomed up right next to it and hugged the wall, raising your ear high to hear for anything suspicious.

“MYYYYY QUEEEEEEN!” You hear Scrappy suddenly scream in such an ecstatic manner. Your eyes go wide. Oh christ, she was here, why?! Was she going to try to kill Twilight already?!

“Ah, Captain, I was exp-Can you not do the whole ‘dog’ thing? It just reminds me that you like to be the po-No, never mind, change back to the dog. That form just makes me angry and disgusted.” Chrysalis groaned. Scrappy probably changed back to his normal form for her, or his new ‘normal’ form anyway, something that obviously triggered Chrysalis something fierce.

“My Queen! I’m so happy to see you, I really am! There’s been something I’ve really really REALLY REALLY wanted to report to you.” Scrappy said in excitement. Though, you were finding this a little odd. Chrysalis wasn’t yelling at him, or grilling him for betraying her. At least, not yet.

“You… Have? Hmmm. Is it the destruction of that putrid princess, Twilight Sparkle?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yes! I have destroyed her thoroughly!” Scrappy replied. Wait, was… Was Scrappy working for Chrysalis all along?! All this time?!

“W-what? I can’t even tell if you’re lying to me. Are you serious?” Chrysalis asked, confused.

“Yes, I’m as serious as a worm burrowing through an apple core. I have destroyed Princess Twilight Sparkle… At chess! Yes, I have brought glory to you by humiliating her at every turn while also bringing honor to my family. NEVER AGAIN WILL THE APPLES EVEN BE SEEN AS ‘SIMPLE’ AS LONG AS I CAN PROVE THAT I, APPLE FAMILY MEMBER SCRAPPY, CAN CRUSH THAT ANNOYING PRINCESS AT CHESS! MWHAHAHAHAHA!” Scrappy cackled evilly.

Oh, ok, haha… That’s what he meant. Chrysalis herself was silent for a long moment before finally saying. “Alright then, I suppose… That is something. Captain, I have a question for you, it’s partially the reason I’m here. I’ve become rather curious about something I was told. That something being…” Chrysalis took a noticeably long and aggravated sigh before saying. “Do you still care about me? As your queen?”

“I do! I do! I dooooo!” Scrappy said. You could hear him hopping about in pure happiness. “And I will never ever stop! Never ever!”

“Hm, interesting. Then would you like to aid me in the destruction of Princess Twilight Sparkle? It would make me very proud of you. More than proud. You’d have a seat by my side when I am ruling over Equestria, how does that sound?”

“I can’t, I was told you were trying to destroy her. That means, if you try, I’d have to shred you to itty bitty pieces!” Scrappy said, in an ignorantly informative way before saying adorably. “Can I have headpats now?”

You braced yourself for this. You hoped that Chrysalis wouldn’t try to hurt him, you knew what would happen. But hurting him through words? She was more than capable of that.

“I figured. Your loyalties to your new friends, while sickening, is at least as true as the loyalty you have towards me. That being said, I can trust that you won’t say a word to anypony about our meeting? Since I’m not here to enact my plans yet.” Chrysalis asked.

“I can do that. As long as you’re not here to crush Princess Twilight, then it’s not part of me defending or alerting her. I was told you were going to try to destroy her, and to alert everypony if you were around. Since you are around but not here to destroy her, then it is ok!” Scrappy said proudly, probably saluting as he did so.

Chrysalis let out a light chuckle. “How good. And what of the rest of the hive? I assume they share your feelings, deep down inside? I can’t imagine the sorrow and pain they feel from being away from me for so long. It makes me feel sorry for them.”

“Actually, the rest of the hive hates you and some even want to see you gone. Like, gone gone.” Scrappy replied.

“SO IT’S TRUE! THOSE MISERABLE, UNGRATEFUL, DISGUSTING LITTLE CRETINS! I SWEAR, AFTER I DESTROY TWILIGHT SPARKLE, THEY’LL BE... What are you doing?” Chrysalis’s anger left as soon as it came. She was suddenly confused.

“Also shaking my hoof in anger and disgust.” Scrappy replied. “Also, Anon is hiding by the door.”

Your eyes suddenly go wide as your body shivers. That little shit, he ratted you out!

“Oh, I know, he has such a unique taste, you can never not know when Anon is around.” Chrysalis said with a chuckle. “You can come in, Anon, you know I enjoy your company.”

OOOOooook, here we go. You look over through the door, and slowly step inside. Was she really here to see Scrappy? She had no plan to kill Twilight? Well, not yet anyway, but it seems odd for her to be here for THAT reason. Unless, maybe when you visited her with Diamond, and she saw she cared about her, and knew that Scrappy did. Yeah, maybe she was here to see it for herself. “Chrysalis, hey. Uh, wasn’t expecting to see you, er, here. What’s up?”

Chrysalis was laying, belly first, on the comforted bench. The shackles on her legs matching yours, locking her to her curse. She looked to you with a smile, she was wearing a black and green jersey that said ‘Chrysalis 01’. She was even wearing a backwards cap. She was obviously just matching to the theme, or moreso, did it just to see if you’d react in any aroused manner to enhance your ‘love’ for her. “Not much, still planning my evil plan, cursing the existence of ponies, laughing at your proposal of reformation, and visiting my little captain. Really Anon…” Chrysalis said as she rolled onto her back, and looked to you with an adorable look, raising her legs. “Even I’m capable of making a friendly visit every once and awhile.”

Before you can say or even do anything, Scrappy growls at you and says “Stop looking at her that way. Our Queen is beautiful, and not to be seen as meat. Unless she’s doing it to drain your love. If she is doing that, THEN YOU MUST FOOLISHLY DOTE OVER HER LIKE THE FOOLISH FOOL YOU ARE!” Scrappy barked. Christ, he was like his former self when Chrysalis was around.

“Relax, Captain. Remember, Anon is our friend, he is free to love and lust over me as he pleases. He knows why.” Chrysalis said as she winked at you.

“Ugh, c’mon, Chrysalis, this is serious! Even if you’re not here to destroy Twilight, everycreature is right outside! Including another changeling! If you get found out, and they think we let you go, there will be big trouble. I mean, I can still visit you in the Everfree, y’know?” You tell her, worried about the situation at hand.

“Bah, you make my new home sound like a prison. Which, by the way, is another reason why I’m here.” Chrysalis said as she took out a large scroll and tossed it towards you with her magic.

“What in the… What is this?” You ask as you look down at the scroll.

“A list of things I need for my current home. Just the little things to keep a girl like me happy. Dark dreary walls, a throne, a full on hot spring bath ensemble, a basement cave, better entertainment center, some books equivalent to the darkness of human films, and other such things. If I’m going to be stuck in the Everfree, then I want a first class home to plot my evil plots in. Chop, chop, Anon. The faster you give me these things, the faster I can go.” Chrysalis said as she gave you a lazy little smirk.

“What? Ok, one, you don’t need all these things. Especially a…” You begin to look through the scroll until something catches your eye. “A gun?! Chrysalis, what the fuck?! Why do you need a gun?!”

“An automatic one, actually. And if not that, at least a pistol, I should be able to do something with that when I confront Twilight.” Chrysalis said as she began to look around the room. “This bench is wasted on such disgusting decor.” She said, noting the sunshine ceiling and friendly looking lockers and purple carpet.

“No! Double no! I’m not going to give you a weapon to kill Twilight with!” You yell at her. The fuck was she thi- Well, never mind, it was obvious.

“Does using a starship to crash into the Princess count?” Scrappy asked.

“Yes, it counts! So no! Dammit Scrappy, whose side are you on!” You yell

“Er… Hers?” Scrappy points to Chrysalis. “But also the master! That is why the Queen would be doing the crashing while I grab the starship and throw it towards a pony city that nopony cares about! Saving the Princess from the Queen while also destroying ponies nopony cares about for the Queen! Everypony wins!”

...Christ, Scrappy was insane. He is fucking insane. Chrysalis’s influence on him was so insane he didn’t realize he’d be turned to pulp the moment the starship even touched him.

“Well…” Chrysalis sighed. “Good to know he has his priorities somewhat straight. Anyway, what is your second pathetic reason, Anon? Surely you can give me the rest of what I want.”

“No, because I also don’t have any charges left. And third, you don’t need all these things! And even if you did, as your friend, I have to say no anyway until you’re willing to see things my way. It’s called tough love.” You say to assert your dominance.

“Tastes like lust to me. And… Wait, you used your two charges again?! So soon?! Didn’t we have this discussion?! Ugh, if it wasn’t for these things.” Chrysalis says as she clanks her shackles together. “I’d destroy you myself and save you the pain of whatever else would happen to you.”

“You wouldn’t, you love me too much to destroy me.” You say as you toss the scroll back towards her. “It… Is nice to see you though. Especially like this. I honestly thought you were here to cause problems. Still, it’s risky, you know? Why would you come here knowing what would happen?”

“Hmph,I don’t care, every moment can be my last anyway.” Chrysalis says as she looks over to her shackles once more. She then looks to Scrappy, and actually extends her hoof to pet him, something Scrappy happily accepts as affection. “Perhaps I felt my captain deserved to see his queen for possibly the last time. Perhaps I wanted to see what I could get away with, see how close I can get before I was noticed by him. Could be both.” Chrysalis said with a shrug. “No matter the reason, just know that eventually, I will have my victory.”

Suddenly, Scrappy began to cry as he hugged onto her leg. “And I w-want you to win! But I also have to destroy y-y-you if you try. Please don’t make me do that! Please!”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, but didn’t pull her leg away as she replied. “Egh, Captain, I’m not going to make you do that. Just do your little job and alert Twilight of my presence for when I come to strike. Although…” Chrysalis looked to you with a dark look “I can guarantee I won’t be noticed at all.”

“Nice try, Chrysalis. But Scrappy is pretty synced with your entire existence. He’ll know if you’re close, no matter what you do. I’m telling you, just let yourself lose and reform. You’d be able to enjoy my company, Diamond’s, and Scrappy’s.” You say, trying to convince her.

“Egh, this school is starting to make you sound like Twilight. In fact, I’m willing to forgive that if you call me your queen and say you’ll devote your life to me.” Chrysalis tells you, although in a nonchalant fashion.

“Again? Look, how about tomorrow I swing by and give you few things on the list so yoTRGFDSFG” Suddenly, Chrysalis… S-she changes into… A human?! A human version of herself, with fair skin, emerald eyes, long flowing green hair, wearing a cheerleader outfit. She even still had the shackles, which kinda added a sexy kidnapped kinda kink to it. She picks you up in her hands and begins to hold you like a baby, holding you close to her plump breasts as she gently gives your ears a scratch.

“What was that, Anon?” Chrysalis said with a sexy snicker.

“My queen, I-I devote myself to you… C-can I see up your skirt?” You ask, in a damned trance from the head scratching and being neEWAFSDF

Chrysalis just drops you with a groan, headfirst. “No, I’m not some hussie fishing for compliments in trade for a peek. But you did say you’d swing by tomorrow, so you better live up to that promise. And yes, I consider it a promise. And, you…” Chrysalis leans over and scratches along Scrappy’s ear. But unlike you, Scrappy cannot be tempted sexually, he only saw Chrysalis as a mother. “I want to know. Once I achieve victory, you’ll stand by my side, won’t you?”

Scrappy almost answered yes, he really did. But suddenly, his ears folded as he looked down in shame. He couldn’t say it, nor could he say anything really. As much as he loved Chrysalis, he loved Applebloom and his friends just as much, perhaps a little more so. He began to whimper as he became more and more afraid to answer.

“I see. Well, eventually you’ll have to choose between me or them, Captain. But for now, I’ll let you indulge in your little delusion.” Chrysalis said as she continued to pet Scrappy.

“B-but it’s not a delusion.” Scrappy whispered with a whimper. He couldn’t outright say it to her, nor would he let himself ever believe his love for his family was anything less than pure.

“Of course it isn’t.” Chrysalis said sarcastically as she transformed back to her original self. She stepped towards the door. “Well, I have gathered everything I need here. And… Hm?” Suddenly, Scrappy darts towards her and grabs onto her leg as he begins to sob.

“Please! Please! Don’t go! I miss you! Pleeeeeeease!” Scrappy cried, whimpering. “Please, it doesn’t hurt to reform. You feel nice all the time! You’re never hungry! Please!”

Chrysalis just stared as she very gently shook her leg. “You know I won’t do that. And if you don’t let me go now, your new friends will find me. And that could mean my end, you don’t want that, do you, Captain?”

Scrappy slowly let go, letting himself lay on his belly as he sobbed, looking back up at her with heartbroken eyes. “N-no…”

“Then I must go. Anon… Anon! Snap out of it! I swear, you’re lucky a seductress, aside from me, hasn’t tried to take over Equestria yet! You’d somehow doom everypony, even me! I swear, once this is all over, I’m going to slap you.”

“G-geez, ngh.” God, that was a heavy one. Those fingers, just, so so- Oh wait. “C-christ, I’m not that easy. I was just… Y’know, surprised. Been awhile since I saw another human in the flesh, even if it was a changeling queen. Although…” You move up to Chrysalis and start to rub up on her. “You can’t do anything to stop my advances now, can you? Scrappy! Hug time!” You call out as you jump onto Chrysalis and begin to snuggle hug her, expecting Scrappy to join in.

Chrysalis nearly threw you to the wall. Her eyes were blistering red, but right before she used her magic to grab you, she stopped, sat down, and grumbled as you hugged her. She was now silently contemplating if destroying you was worth her own demise.

But the hugging would be short lived as Scrappy grabs onto your tail with his teeth and bites down hard, making you nearly jump the ceiling and fall on your face. However, Scrappy was never one to let go, and continued to chomp down on it. “She said she had to go, Anon! If she gets destroyed, I’m going to destroy you! And if that makes Master Applebloom sad, then I have to destroy myself! And that will make her more sad! Which will make me destroy you even more!”

“GYAH! GEEZ! OK OK!” You yelp in pain as you rip your tail away from his mouth. Christ, he fucked up the end of it, there was a little nub where your tail hair was. “Fuck! Look what you did to my tail!”

“Yes, Captain, look what you did.” Chrysalis said in a mocking tone before going up to pet him one more time. “Good job, Anon really does need to learn to pay more attention, doesn’t he?” She tells him as he looks back up to her with a nod.

“Fuck, whatever. Christ…” You say, frustrated as you try to cover up the end of your tail by brushing the hair back.

“Oh, don’t be a prude, Anon. He had a point. In any case…” Chrysalis gives Scrappy one more pat before turning around once more. “I must be going. But before I do, I do have a warning to give you, Anon.”

“What, watch out for more bites? Sheesh, look at this, It looks like a damned worm.” You say as you continue to brush at your tail.

“Anon, shut the hell up, whiny brat.” Chrysalis said with a groan, rolling her eyes. “My warning is that something has stirred the Everfree.”

Stirred the Everfree? “What, as in the forest? What? What happened?”

“I’m not sure, it could be nothing. But if it is something, say, another worthless being coming out from some thousand year slumber, I’ll need it immediately dealt with. I refuse to share Equestria with anypony, and I especially refuse to deal with it myself. You have a horn of absolute power, use it.”

That… Didn’t sound like something she’d lie about. What could it be? A season beginner or ender villain? Hm, if it was, you were sure you could obliterate it now. But you also knew Chrysalis had grown a bit insane since she left Discord’s. Could be a delusion of her own. You’ll just have to keep an eye out, just in case. If anything, Discord would probably be on top of it if it was urgent. “I see, well, whatever it is. I’ll destroy it as soon as I see it. Trust me, I’ve been raring to go on a big time incident. I want to show Twilight and the others I can do it on my own.” Yeah, especially since the whole Storm King thing didn’t necessarily go as well as most people think. There was the reforming of Starlight, but that was more luck than anything else.

“Whatever, just make sure it’s dealt with. And… Goodbye to you both. I already sense somepony is near, so…” And with that Chrysalis turned into a rat and scurried off. You could already hear Twilight and Rainbow calling for the both of you. Hm, welp, back to school.

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