• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 196 - Chrysalis's Grand Plan - Confessions

You could barely struggle anymore, what was the point?

You couldn’t use your horn, you couldn’t use your codec, and your saddlebag was out of your reach. These roots were too strong for you to break, and your evil clone self was off to kill Twilight and ruin your life.


Fluttershy, Diamond, Starlight… Your friends, all your friends, they were in great danger, and there was nothing you could do. You were bested, ironically, by yourself.


You try pulling your hooves again, to try to break the roots, but nothing happens. Chrysalis, there was nothing you could do. You spoiled her with your magic, didn’t pay attention to the signs, and let her do what she needed to betray you. You somehow still cared about her, but that was probably only to the Chrysalis you thought you knew. It didn’t matter anyway. Due to her own hubris, everyone was going to-

“ANON!” A voice yelled out to you as a hoof came crashing to the side of your face.

“Ow! Wha? Who’s there?! Who did-” But you were stopped short in your words as you looked up to see none other than Chrysalis herself, staring at you, annoyed. B-but how?! You saw her get decapitated! Holy shit! Yes! The worst thing that can ever be written, immediate fake out death, has happened! She’s alive and… Wait, why is this a good thing? You had to deal with the reality, and she was probably going to kill you now. You began to redouble your efforts to escape again, despite you doing no better than before.

Chrysalis just looked at you, finding your actions odd. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to escape so I can beat you, then go kill my clone. Fuck off, Chrysalis! I’m not falling for any of your tricks anym-NGH!” Suddenly, you feel telekinetic magic envelop your head as you feel yourself being pulled upward. It hurt! You still weren’t budging. “W-what are you doing?! Stop that!”

“Shut up and relax your limbs, you fool. I’m trying to get you out of there.” Chrysalis said as she began to pull harder.

Dammit, this really was hurting! You do what she says, and quickly exhale and relax your legs. With a few pops in your neck and legs, you pop out of your restraints before falling face first onto the floor. “Omph!”

“Well, now that that’s over with, let us go… What are you doing now?” Chrysalis asked as you bolted towards your saddle bag, pulled out your Starlight Hook, and put it on, aiming it directly at her.

“I’m not going anywhere! You really think I’m that stupid, don’t you? I’m not falling for any more of your schemes, Chrysalis!” For some reason, aiming your hook at her, knowing this was it, you started to tear up. “Stand down… Please, just leave me alone.”

Chrysalis just rolled her eyes at you as she shook her head. “Oh, I see, I see where this is going. You really thought I was just going to drop you, just like that?”

Don’t fall for it, Anon. “Fuck off with your shit, Chrysalis! Your plan failed, your clone betrayed you, and I’m not going to fall for take backsies now. Last warning, back off, or else!”

“The one time you’re suspicious of me, and I’m not even trying to manipulate you. Are we really going to do th-” Chrysalis just stands there as you shoot the hook around her neck. She just calmly looks at the line, and groans. “I see we are doing this. Alright then, Anon, before you shock me, would you mind answering one question?”

Should you? “You better make it a good one, or else it’s lights out.”

“Alright then. Let me ask you this. Given the curse that I placed upon myself in the first place, how was I able to survive all this time without sapping large amounts of love from creatures around my home?” Chrysalis asked

...And thinking about it now, that was actually an interesting question. Why… Why did it compel you to listen? “Because the curse was fake?”

Chrysalis shook her head. “Now we both know that isn’t true. As for the answer…” Chrysalis stopped right there, not even for a moment, but longer than that. It began to put you on edge, because she wasn’t speaking, she seemed… Nervous.

“Well? What is it?” You ask, in a demanding tone.

She didn’t retort back however, she was still seemingly nervous. Finally, she snaps out of it and grumbles. “It appears I have SOME capacity to care… I suppose. I’ve felt more healthy as time has gone by, which is why I haven’t really needed to feed too much.”

Bullshit. You simply raise an eyebrow at her. “Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, Chrysalis.”

And that’s when Chrysalis lost her cool once again. “It’s the truth, you dolt! What? Do you think I really wanted to get rid of you for him?! He’s more of a pawn than you are! He was supposed to do my bidding, then eventually change back to his original form! The whole point was to finally force you to see my side of things when everypony eventually blamed you for the destruction of Twilight Sparkle! I was going to make you feel what I felt, then you’d understand. Ugh!” Chrysalis stomped her right hoof as she groaned loudly, looking up to the ceiling. “I can’t believe how much of my time I have invested into you! I don’t even understand it! I have truly lost my mind, you know that? Look at me, I could have any sap do what I want, and yet somehow, I care about you. There, are you happy? I said it! I care about you! Now get this line off me before I destroy you!”

No, this time, it wasn’t enough, especially with that threat. So what was this then? If she was still going to keep you around, then why this whole show with the clone? Did it really go rogue? Or was she just making an excuse because her plan went south after Dark Anon betrayed her? No, there was one thing you needed to know about. “No, I want you to answer me one question, Chrysalis. Because thinking about it, it still confuses me.”

“Whatever it is, it confuses you because you’re a moron.” Chrysalis said, clearly annoyed with your response. “Unless you haven’t noticed, your clone is going to destroy Twilight unless we stop him. As much as I hate to say it, his victory would ruin everything I was hoping to achieve, including the satisfaction in watching Princess Celestia delve into a worse madness that we witnessed back in that other dimension. He quite literally wants Equestria thrown into absolute chaos. Do you not understand, or are you just stupid?”

“Keep insulting me, Chrysalis, because that’ll really help your situation.” You say, eyeing her closely, even angrily, as you were losing your patience. “I need this question answered, and I need it answered now!”

“Your sense of urgency is skewed. What question could possibly be more important than the matter at hand?” Chrysalis asked, as she actually began to think you were going mad.

“Yesterday, with me and Diamond. What was all that about? That’s the only thing I don’t understand. I think, I really am thinking right at this moment that you’re as evil as everypony has been telling me this whole time. And yet, yesterday… It makes no sense. Why? Why did you care to see Diamond? Why all the pleasantries towards me and her?” You asked. You needed to know the answer, it just made no damn sense whatsoever.

Chrysalis tensed, like, she tensed hard at that question. “...You don’t need to know that.”

“We’re not leaving until you tell me. And don’t get any bright ideas, or I’ll zap you, and make sure to come back later with a brigade of guards and, you know what? I’ll even show up with Princess Celestia, how do you like that?” Oh yeah, you were going to threaten her with that, she could fuck off with her shit.

“Anon, don’t be a fo-” But you, in anger, cut her off as you hold up your leg, ready to zap her.

“TELL ME! TELL ME OR ELSE!” You threatened.

Chrysalis, she actually looked fretful, her ears even drooped. She suddenly seemed, worried, scared, hurt. Then she finally sighed, and shook her head. “I should have let myself be eliminated…” Chrysalis then looked to you, and pointed towards you. “I swear, if you tell anypony about this, I’ll turn you into a crater. Are we clear?”

“Chrysalis, where you’re at, you can’t make any threats towSADEAFDF” Suddenly, she pulled at the line with her magic as quickly as she could, then pressed her front hoof on your chest, keeping your legs apart and preventing you from pressing the button. “Gyah!”

Chrysalis shook her head, annoyed “This is why you need to pay more attention. Do you know how aggravating you are? You need to be silent, and listen to me now. Ugh, I can’t believe you haven’t even figured out how I survived! I’m a changeling, Anon! A changeling queen! I can transform into almost anything, and yet this somehow surprises you every time! Every-time! How is it so hard to come to the conclusion that I figured your dumbass clone was going to eliminate me, so I waited for him to do some moronic monologue as I simply transformed into a reversed position? He sliced off my tail, Anon! My tail! How could you not figure that out?! The only surprising thing was he didn’t make some stupid disgusting pun out of it! Something stupid like 'Looks like she really did give me some head!'”

You squeak, gulp, then look to your side to where her head should of been. It had since seemingly transformed back into her tail.

Oh… Why did you feel like an idiot all of a sudden?

“...As for yesterday? You really want to know? You want to know so badly as to put Equestria at risk?! Fine, I’ll tell you, I’ll even show you!” Chrysalis growled at you as her anger grew. “I simply wanted to, Anon. I wanted to give your way a proper chance, and just have a pleasant day. I just wanted to indulge in these… Feelings… That I suddenly have in my black little heart! I was scared, I suddenly became scared! I’m not afraid of anything, and yet!...” Suddenly, her wings began to glow, and then grow. They were changing, changing into something wondrous. Her wings were becoming like that of a seraphim angel, except with wings shaped almost like a dragonfly. They glistened and shimmered, even in the darkness the roots inside the house created. “These THINGS sprouted just days before! These horrible, contemptible, disgusting things! I ended the visit like I did because I was feeling something more than I ever felt before! I had to enact my plan, I had no choice! I refuse to become a weakling like them! To betray myself! I had to hide them, Nopony could know.”

Your eyes went wide. The wings! THE WINGS! It was just like Thorax! She was reforming! HAHA, YOU FUCKING KNEW IT! YOU KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING! Well, you only kinda did really, but here it was! Holy hell! YES! “I fucking knew it! You do care, Chrysalis! That’s what the wings means! Your lack of hunger proves it! You don’t want to be evil anymore! You care about Diamond and me enough to want to have a fun and nice time rather than being an evil douche! You shouldn’t be afraid of it! In fact, you should emSDFSDFSD” And then all of a sudden, Chrysalis grabbed you by the throat with her magic and held you up at eye level.

“Don’t… You… Dare.” Chrysalis said as she brought her nose to yours, staring at you hard, her voice low and grindy. She then reverted, or rather camouflaged, her wings back to their original form. “I have had a miserable time since this happened, I don’t need you patronizing me.” She then gently put you down as she pressed the retract button on your line, sending the hook back to your leg as she twirled her head with ease as to not let the line choke her. “This doesn’t mean anything. It just means that MAYBE I’d like to have more of those kinds of visits, and perhaps have your marefriend ride around with me in my car. And PERHAPS hear what she thinks about it, perhaps let her have a turn. Things like that.”

You rubbed at your neck, damn, she could really hurt you if she wanted. But, to see her wings like that, to know that actual progress was made, it filled your soul with hope and happiness. “Chrysalis, I’m just going to say that I’m happy to be your friend. I mean, things are going to get kinda fucked up if we don’t stop my evil clone, but hey, that’s gonna be no problem. We’ll kick his ass, get this place cleaned up, and watch a movie together. We’ll even invite Twilight! Eh? Ehhhh?” You say as you nudge her.

“Why would I ever want to invite her into my home?” Chrysalis asked.

“Well, she did watch Goodfellas the whole way through, and I know you love Goodfellas. And yeah, even if Twilight’s thoughts are predictable, wouldn’t you want to discuss with her the finer points of the documentary? Hmmmmm?” You say, nudging her again.

Chrysalis looked at you suspiciously “She seriously sat through all of it?”

You nodded “Mhmm, so did Starlight, and Rarity.”

“I don’t really know those other two, I’m surprised you could get any of them to watch Goodfellas at all. I’ll think about i…” Then suddenly Chrysalis smacked herself in the face. “No!” She barks back at you. “I am not doing that! I don’t care if they have the same opinions I hold! I am not going to invite those fools into my home. EVER!”

You just smirk at her, and wink. “We’ll see about that.”

Chrysalis groaned as she walked over to the front door and kicked it open, looking into the sky. “Whatever… So, how exactly do you plan to make up for all the lost time we made chatting it up?”

“Easy, I’ll just use my h- Oh…” You tapped at your neck, still realizing the roots were twisted around the necklace and horn, preventing you from using them. “Er…”

“Typical, you got so into me that you forgot you couldn’t use your horn to return home. You never change.” Chrysalis walked over to you, and used her magic to force your cardboard wings out of your saddlebag. She then slams them onto your back, sending you onto your belly. “Let’s go, Anon. We might still be able to catch him if we fly.” She said as she transformed into a random pegasus pony.

“Y-yeah, let’s go.” You said, spreading your wings, as you both took flight. But, those wings, her confession. It was real, Chrysalis was actually reforming, and there was proof. You had to do this, stop your clone, and save the day. To show everyone, including Neighsay, that she’s changed, that she can be good. You weren’t going to let Chrysalis, Twilight, Fluttershy, Starlight, Diamond, Celestia, Luna, or even Neighsay down. Well, maybe Neighsay will be down because he was wrong, but whatever!


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