• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 195 - Chrysalis's Grand Plan - Part 2

“...And there we go, nice and secure.” The evil Anon said with a cruel cackle. His horn, it seemed to give him the ability to grow, control, and even detach dark and twisted looking tree roots. Why? You had no idea, you didn’t get his affinity to wood at all. And it seemed like you weren’t going to find out either. In addition to your legs being rooted to the ground, he also used his magic to grow roots around your horn and along the inside of your ear.

“And what does this accomplish, exactly? He already can’t move.” Chrysalis said, wondering why her evil little clone of you was even bothering with such an action.

“Deus ex machina, it’s something that can just happen if we let it. If I use my magic to cover up his ear and trap his horn, he won’t be able to use his codec or his magic… Not that you have any.” Evil Anon said, looking directly at you with a cocky smirk. "Used up all them charges before getting here, didn't you?"

“Fuck you! I can’t even fucking believe you exist! What are you? A changeling conditioned to be me?” Seriously, where did he come from? And this magic, it didn’t seem like changeling magic. Could it be another you from another dimension? Was Chrysalis capable of doing that?

“Nah, I’m a clone. A clone without any of your weaknesses. That’s right, I’m Anon two point oh! I am fucking Dark Anon! The true prince of chaos, bringer of destruction, and Chrysalis’s soon to be lover. Isn’t that right, Chrysalis?” Dark Anon said with a wink, looking directly at her as he blew a kiss.

Chrysalis, like with you, seemed disgusted for a moment before she smiled and looked towards you with a wicked leer. Ignoring his flirting. “He’s simply a better version of you, Anon. All your best qualities with none of the weaknesses. Somepony who I can spend my time with, and will do my bidding. Not to mention being the key to Celestia’s ruin. Tell me, how does it make you feel being so easily replaced.” Chrysalis then made a pouty face at you "Does iwt hwurt?"

It actually did hurt. Did she really replace you? She somehow created this clone, in your image, to be what she wanted you to be. She really was that selfish, that cruel, that she’d simply make a copy of you to get what she wanted. And the fact she was taunting you over it? No wonder Celestia and Luna felt the way they did. “I… honestly can’t believe it. But, why? How could you do it, Chrysalis? Everything we shared together, everything we talked about, and this is what you decide to do? You know he really isn’t me, right? We’re not the same!”

“He likes the same films, hates ponies, and still has that whimsical foolish charm you do. So you’re right, he’s not the same. He’s simply better than you are. Deal with it, Anon. Or don’t, I don’t really care. The only reason you haven’t been destroyed is due to our arrangement. But soon that will be complete, thanks to Dark Anon.” Chrysalis said, looking over you like a lion looking upon their prey.

Did she figure out the trope then? Or does this false you have the know how to use the ‘unknown clone’ trope to kill Twilight without being caught? That was it, wasn’t it? He wasn’t going to fall for the usual shit, and go straight for Twilight, then run off… Chrysalis wasn’t even going to destroy you, she was going to use you as a scapegoat. “So that’s it then? You knew I wouldn’t help you, and you knew you’d get caught going after Twilight. I didn’t think you were going to rely on somepony else to do your dirty work. But using a clone of me to do it? That’s just… You really are willing to throw away everything for your revenge then? Even me? You’re fine with using me as your scapegoat? You do know what that will mean, right?”

“Ding ding ding, you’re right! And who cares? Nobody! Just face it, shit for brains, I exist to fulfill all her needs. And if you’re trying to get into her head, don’t bother, I already warned her you’d use your tropey tricks to try to get something out of her. And even if I didn’t tell her, I exist, so you’d still fuck up thanks to me. It really is funny, isn’t it? You may know what I’m going to do, but I always knew what you were going to do. Strange, isn’t it?” Evil Anon said, his smile wide and vicious as he… Wait a second…

“Did you fucking make a fucking Sonic reference? Really?” Like come on, what the fuck was that?

“Fuck off! When the hell was I ever going to get another chance to make it?! See, this is why you could never be Chrysalis’s best friend, you can’t even appreciate a good refere-'' But suddenly, Evil Anon is interrupted as Chrysalis growled with aggravation.

“Silence! I will speak for myself, and I will not tolerate these annoyances.” Chrysalis said, approaching you as she gestured towards your evil self to step aside. “Anon, you had your chance. I waited, and held this off in hopes you would realize I was right and that you would join me at my side. But you did this to yourself, you shunned me for your precious idiotic friends and your desperate need to reform me despite your Princess ruining MY life. You abandoned me for them, and so I created him to take your place. And do you want to know the best part in all this is?” Chrysalis asked, as she looked ever closer to you with an evil look.

T-the best part? “W-what do you mean ‘best part’? What are you planning?”

“Oh, you misunderstand. The best part isn’t what’s coming, it’s the circumstances of your clone’s creation. See, I had to perfect this particular cloning spell, which took me quite some time to do. I needed a picture of you, which was easy to retrieve considering how many of them were created by that moronic draconequus. Your hair? Well, you also know how easy that was to get. But then, there was my secret ingredient, a special something I added that came directly from you. I didn’t know if it’d work, but considering the power of this Anon’s horn, I’d say it came out better than anypony could have hoped. Now, can you guess what that special something is?” Chrysalis asked, becoming quiet, scary even, as she actually awaited your guess.

“I… I don’t know.” You didn’t know, and at this moment, you could only feel pain and despair over this. She didn’t care about you, she actually dropped you just like that for a fucking clone. How? Considering you sat through the ending of season four, how did you not see this fucking coming?

“The porcelain, Anon. The porcelain you left behind after one of your battles with that Storm King. See, I told you I have a good understanding of your magic, and I figured using a direct conjuration born of your powerful magic would have a grand effect on the birth of my little clone. And what an effect it had. He has all of your memories, durability, and thanks to the chaos stored inside the porcelain, a horn, while not equaling your power, is unlimited in use and good for what I need it for… Destroying Twilight Sparkle.” Suddenly, Chrysalis burst into maniacal evil laughter. “Soon, soon I’ll have my revenge! And the irony is, you did help me, Anon. A shame you couldn’t see it through to the end. And that realization of your own stupidity? That is the best part!”

… This couldn’t be it. Surely she wasn’t that willing to throw everything away. You were there when she was drunk, her delight in getting to watch movies with others, and even hanging around Diamond. “Dammit, Chrysalis! What about Diamond?! She cares about you. Are you going to throw her away too?”

Chrysalis scoffed at your words. “I can condition her with my hypnosis once my strength has fully returned to me. Anything else?”

...So that’s it then? You suddenly had a flash of memories go right by you, filling you with anger as you began to struggle, to try to break free. “So that’s fucking it then?! Everything, fucking everything, for nothing?! You’re throwing away everything! EVERYTHING! Fuck you, Chrysalis, fuck you! I bent over backwards for you, I practically gave you everything you asked. I was there for you when you needed me most! But this?! You fucking throw it all away for a fucking clone?! You know what? Once I get out of this, I’m going to kill you myself! DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU’RE FUCKING DE-” But before you could finish your sentence, roots began to grow out from the ground and wrap around your mouth.

“Christ, shut the fuck up already.” Evil Anon said with an eye roll as he turned towards Chrysalis with a smirk. “I know he looks good, but I can’t see how you put up with that shithead.”

Chrysalis, for just a small moment, had seemed visibly stunned by your words. But she just looked back at your evil self with a tired sigh. “He was amusing, but only for a distraction.” Chrysalis then let out a laugh. “He honestly thought he was the most important thing in Equestria. It’s pathetic, really.”

“Tell me about it. Wait, scratch that, don’t, I already know. Man, I wanna kill him right now. Leaving him alive is not a good idea, you know that, right?” Evil Anon said.

“Hm, don’t worry about it, we have a princess to destroy. Your pathetic self will be safe here while we enact our plan, and will remain safe until EVERYTHING is complete.” Chrysalis said, staring directly into your eyes with an ever stoic expression.

“Alright, I get it. But, ah, wait a second. There’s something I want first.” Evil Anon said as he began to slowly walk up the steps, stopping to look back at Chrysalis with a sensuous grin.

“What? What do you need from up there? If you want Anon’s saddlebag, you can take that.” Chrysalis said, pointing at it as she slowly began to become impatient. “This is not the time to fool around.”

“Actually, it is the PERFECT time to fool around.” Evil Anon said, blowing a kiss at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis’s eyes narrowed at him. She slowly approached him, slowly realizing what he could have meant, while still being in disbelief. “What do you mean by that exactly?”

“Chrysalis, we are walking in on super prepared ponies here. If you want me to put in the work, then you gotta work my shaft. You know what I’m talking about, right?” Evil Anon said, wiggling his eyes at her.

And oh boy, did she get it. She immediately grew furious as she jumped over him, bringing her face down to his as she shouted. “YOU WRETCHED LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! YOU DARE TRY TO BARGAIN WITH ME?! YOU FUCKING DARE TO WITHOLD MY VICTORY BECAUSE YOU WANT WHAT YOU THINK YOU DESERVE?! I MADE YOU! I AM YOUR CREATOR! AND WHATEVER I TELL YOU TO DO, YOU DO, IS THAT CLEAR?!”

But Evil Anon, despite now laying on his back under her, didn’t seem so scared. He just nodded slowly and asked. “Is that how you want it?”

“That is exactly how it is! And if you dare try to bargain with me in such a way again, I will make sure you’ll never feel anything but pain. Now…” Chrysalis backed off from him and began to walk towards the exit of her home. “We need to get to Ponyville quickly and see what defense-” But before she could finish her sentence, roots burst from the ground and wrap around Chrysalis, completely hindering her movements. “What is this?! What are you doing?!”

Evil Anon began to slowly walk down the stairs as he dusted himself off. “Bitch, what does it look like? I’m going solo.”

“Going solo? Going solo?” Chrysalis let out a sarcastic chuckle before becoming red with fury. “YOU THINK YOU CAN DO ANYTHING WITHOUT ME?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!”

Oh no, oh god no. Would you have done this if you were evil? Because it was clear to you already. He didn’t get sex, so he doesn’t want to play along anymore. Since you knew the tropes of villainy, then you knew he knew it too. And if he knew it, and if he’s evil enough, he knew how to make events play out to his advantage. But, was that it? Was he really going to do it? Even you never REALLY considered taking over Equestria. This seemed like an odd move to you.

“I’m the greatest villain that ever lived. Bitch, face it, you’re a goddamn failure. You lost to a love bubble, then to shit for brains over here, then Discord, then fucking Celestia! Who the fuck loses to the jobber princesses? I was willing to play along as long as the poon was good. But fuck, Anon was right, you just fucking suck.” Evil Anon said, laughing, clearly enjoying himself.

Chrysalis was stunned for a moment. Was it hurt? Regret? Hatred? Whatever it was, she began to struggle even further as she shouted at him. “You little INGRATE! I promised you everything you could want, and you throw it away because I wouldn’t lie in bed with you?! You pathetic little fool, you could have had anypony you want after we took over Equestria!”

Evil Anon shrugged as he looked over at you. “Yeeeeah, I doubt that was gonna be a thing. For a lot of reasons, like you being a failure. But also…” Suddenly, the root over your mouth turns to ash as Evil Anon approaches you. “...I knew if you never put out for this guy, you were never going to put out for me, so I had to plan ahead. Look, Chrysalis, I know I haven’t been around for a long time, but I really don’t want to wait for something that MIGHT happen when I could have had it now. What about you? You know what I’m talking about, right?”

“I’m going to fucking kill you when I get out of this, you know that, rig-” But suddenly your eyes go wide when you realized something. If he’s betraying Chrysalis, then he was going to kill you, wasn’t he? It stunned you, it filled you with absolute dread that you suddenly just froze. Villains of Equestria are one thing, but this was you, and if he was smart… He’d end you.

“Ah, relax, my guy, you just won the lottery. Kinda need you alive to take the blame for Twilight’s murder. Come on, what are you afraid of? It’s a basic villain plan, you should be able to figure it out in your head.” Evil Anon said as he gave you a gentle pat on the cheek.

He wasn’t going to kill you? No, that makes sense, if he was still keen on killing Twilight, then he’d need a patsy to take the blame. Why he still wanted to kill Twilight, you couldn’t figure that out for some reason. Or, maybe since you found Twilight annoying, it turned into absolute hatred for him. But to use you as a patsy, he’d have to go into hiding after killing Twilight. He’d also need a way to make it seem like you’d really do it, otherwise Fluttershy and Discord could say it really wasn’t you, as they knew you, and they'd go hunting for him. He’d need one more thing to make it seem like you’d do it, perhaps even using chaos to explain away a reason as to doing it. That thing, what was it? What would make you go crazy? He could kill Fluttershy if he wanted, but then Discord would no doubt intervene immediately like it was some six sense… Which fucking dammit, you really REALLY could use that fucking sense going off right now.

But then, if he can’t kill Fluttershy, and you knew he couldn’t, and he knew he couldn’t. Then the one he could kill, the one to make it seem like you were crushed under pressure and love and need to reform, enough to make it seem like you went insane was…

You turned your head towards Chrysalis, he was going to kill her?

“Bingo! You’re right on target. I don’t have to explain it to you either, do I? If everyone thinks you're willing to kill Chrysalis and Twilight, then they’ll think you went fucking nuts. Why does it even seem to bother you? You hate the bug bitch now, and Twilight fucking sucks. Sure, you’re gonna rot in a dungeon forever, but you had a good run, right?” Evil Anon said as he looked you over. “Sad you’re not a girl, I would have settled with fucking myself.”

For some reason, it did bother you, for Chrysalis that is. Why? She brought this on herself, she betrayed you, she threw everything away for this fucking fake. Her motives were so shallow, and she did it with such relative ease. And yet, all those better moments with her, how she risked her life for you, all the hurt she had to deal with. God you were a sap.

“You think you can destroy me?! Coward, why don’t you try actually fighting me instead of using a sneak attack? Come on! Lets see how long you last!” Chrysalis shouted, still struggling in her bonds.

Evil Anon groaned, but never took his eyes off of you. “In a second, bitch, I’m not done here.”

“Why? Why do you want to go with the plan? You don’t care about revenge, and it sure as hell isn’t going to let you take over Equestria.” You had to know his reasons. For some reason, even you couldn’t figure it out, you still had to know. Unless he went on a murder spree and wasn’t stopped, there was no way killing Twilight would help him in any way. “So why?”

“Easy. Chaos, you should know about that, right? I throw this entire world into turmoil, make Discord go fucking crazy from losing you and then later on, Fluttershy. Let him wreck the world, and then finally let the cold chills of the Windigos fuck things up. The only place with any heat left is gonna be this house, and it's gonna be mares only, baby. They are gonna be the ones I let in to ‘survive’. Sorry to say, you won’t be getting any invites. And yeah, I will eventually kill you and take the horn, but only after Discord gives up and becomes a sad unmoving husk. God, you’d think it wouldn’t work out like that, but then you realize Equestria is made up of sentimental idiots. I’m gonna get so much fucking pussy, man.” Evil Anon said as he began to cackle.

“You’re fucking sick.” You replied, trying to desperately break out again. “I’m going to fucking kill you! If you even touch Fluttershy, I’m going to fucking bury you!”

“Touch her? Oh yeah, I’ll probably do that. And your marefriend, and her mom, and all those sexy maids too. Ooooh baby, ponies are fucking hot.” Evil Anon said lustfully.


“Hmmmmmmmmm, nah. I’m not a stupid idiot. But hey, you wanna see something funny? Bugbutt there probably hasn’t been paying attention with all her fucking bitching. But I know something you don’t know.” Evil Anon said in a rather sing-song way.

“Wha-HRRRRRK!” Suddenly, roots began to wrap around your neck and began to strangle you. And yet, Chrysalis did not die… But you sure were.

“Her plan is over. It’s my gig now, which means the shackles are off. And, well, I kinda am getting a boner watching you both suffer. I can see why bad guys get off on it now. Hey, Chry-Oh now, what is this?” Evil Anon looked back at Chrysalis, she was suddenly upside down in her restraints, still struggling, and seemingly almost free. And yet, this didn’t really seem to bother him too much. “Cute, really cute. But, hey, Chrysalis, look at me, look at me, then look at him, check out what I’m doing.”

Chrysalis, realizing his attention was now back on her, tenses for a moment before looking back at him with a smirk. It seems she too noticed her shackles were off. She was already quick to note this as her horn began to glow. “Oh, are you calling for me? Good, because I’m about to turn you into-W-what are you doing? What are you doing?!”

“Ahhhh! You mean this? Does it bother you?” Evil Anon said as his eyes shifted to your choking form. He then stepped close to you, knowing she wouldn’t fire a magical shot if it meant hurting you. Which meant…

“You won’t do it…” Chrysalis said in a low voice, staring directly at him.

“Oh, you know I will. I may not be human, but ‘human tenacity substitute’ is just as good. Why do you care anyway? You replaced me for him, right?” Evil Anon said, as he increased the grip on your neck.

“Y-you… Do you think I care?! I’ll destroy you both if I have to! I’m no longer tied to those accursed shackles!” Chrysalis said with a growl.

“If you were going to do it, you wouldn’t be hesitating. But that’s fine, I got what I needed.” Evil Anon said as he made the roots around your neck turn to ash. “God, you’re both pathetic. And you? You’re no fun. ‘I’m going to destroy you’ ‘Do you think I care?’, puh, god, like right off a script.” Evil Anon then brought a root from the ground, this one had a mysterious red tip, and he pointed it right at Chrysalis. “I’d say the whole ‘Any last words’ thing, but whatever, I’m bored.” And suddenly, the red tip fired like a rocket towards Chrysalis’s neck…

It… IT…!

With only a gasp before impact, Chrysalis had no time to retort as her head was completely severed and fell to the ground, rolling towards Evil Anon’s legs. Evil Anon just looked at her flailing form, watching as it finally stopped moving. He sighed boredly. “What? No anime amounts of blood spray? Man, I really wanted to laugh while bug guts just flew everywhere. Whatever, it was nice knowing you Chrysalis, for your ass anyway. You almost escaped, but not really.”

...It really happened.

She was gone, just like that.

Even after she betrayed you. Even after everything she said. For some reason, you were still hurt. You still cared about her. Those moments… Those moments never died for you. They never died… Until she…

“YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU KILLED HER! I’LL KILL YOU! I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU! LET ME GO! FUCKING DAMMIT! LET ME GO!” You began to struggle, crying, using all your strength to try to break free. “CHRYSALIS! CHRYSALIS! NO! DAMMIT!... Dammit… No…” You began to slow down, nothing you were doing was working. You couldn’t save her.

YOU… You… you didn't even get a chance to talk to her, to tell her that you still cared. To say goodbye.

You killed her.

“HAHAHA! Now that’s fucking delicious!” Evil Anon said as he slapped you in the face. You didn’t respond, and he just savored your now broken will. “Oh god, this feels so damn good. Being evil is fucking amazing! Oh, oh, ooooh. Dude, trust me, I’d be willing to do horrible things to you right now, and make you my bitch, but I got bigger fish to fry. Man, you really need to get your priorities straight. But fuck it, have fun being a crying baby for the next few hours.” Evil Anon said with a dark laugh as he began to become covered in a ball of roots, pushing his way out the front door like a roller ball.

All you could do now was stare at Chrysalis’s fallen head. No, you couldn’t even look at that.

You failed. You failed everyone. You were going to lose everyone. Everyone was going to hate you, and all you’d ever know is unending pain. Pain from losing your loved ones. He was going to kill them too, drive Discord insane, and much more…

All because you had to care about someone everyone else told you was evil.

You lose…

Game over...

Author's Note:

Would you like to continue?

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