• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 146 - Suggestions and a Scent

You all followed Rainbow Dash towards the Train Station and past the tracks. You noticed there were new signs along a freshly made dirt road that ran across the tracks towards the Colosseum. Of course, these were merely safety signs for crossing, look both ways and all that, probably set up for those who might be less safety oriented when crossing train tracks.

However, it was when you all finally reached the Colosseum itself that things really got interesting. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” screamed Rainbow Dash, as if someone was stabbing her in the heart, as she gazed upon the renovated Colosseum. Indeed, it was a stadium now, the ‘Friendship Stadium’ as it said in marble, engraved onto the front of the entrance in huge letters. The stadium’s renovation was quite a sight to see. Aside from the name, it had a huge emblem set at the front bearing the six elements, with the walls engraved with a single large element all along it and banners representing the school as far as the eye can see. Four spires were erected along the outer circles of the stadium. You also noticed all the entrances had been blocked off, except for the main one and two new entrances for the ‘home’ and ‘visiting’ teams. Interestingly enough, the former entrances weren’t completely sealed, as they had crawlspaces and holes for some reason; it was odd to see, you wondered what that was all about. However, there was nothing more interesting than RD flying around like crazy, going nuts over what she was seeing.

“So, is this what she wanted to show us? I mean, it’s neat and all, but not enough for me to react like it’s the best thing ever.” Smolder said, just staring at RD’s madness, confused.

“Erm, I don’t think our professor is reacting positively.” Ocellus said with a gulp.

“I think you’re right, Ocellus. Er, but I don’t know why she’s reacting like that. Does anycreature see anything wrong that I don’t?” You ask

“Yona don’t notice anything wrong. It nice stadium, Yona wonders what it looks like from the inside.” Yona said as she slowly approached the entrance but stopped as Rainbow Dash came spiraling downward.

Finally, Rainbow Dash, nearly falling on her belly, landed in front of the class and began barking at all of you. “What happened?! Does anycreature know what happened?! SOMECREATURE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!”

But all of you, even you, stood still and silent, unable to answer Rainbow Dash at any capacity.

“No! Nononononono! Nooooo! None of it is here! Where’s the lightning orb?! The cool blue torches that light up when you walk past?! Where’s my face on the wall?! Where’s the cool little storm machine?! Why?! Gyah!” Rainbow rolls to her back and looks up into the sky with tearful sorrow. “...Everything looks so… uncool.”

“Is she gonna be ok?” Smolder asked “I didn’t know ponies could be hurt by… Er... “ She looks up at the stadium, trying to figure out what even happened. It didn’t look like anything was amiss. “Letters? Er, maybe, that emblem? I don’t know, I’m weirded out.”

“Ok, ok, hold on. I’ll go check her out.” You say as you approach Rainbow Dash. You look down at her, as she stares up at you with a pained expression. “Rainbow Dash? Are youRSDDFWSSDFS” Suddenly, she hugs onto you tightly as she cries, crushing you as if you were a doll.

“Anon! Why?! What happened?! I waited soooo long! This place was gonna be the coolest thing ever, and it’s not even close! What happened?!” She lifts you up, and begins to shake you heavily. “WHAT HAPPENED?!”

“DSFZSDFSZDFSD” Was all you could say as she shook you. Goddammit, she was so quick with her hooves, everything was a damned blur.

“Rainbow Dash! What are you doing with Anon?!” Yelled the voice of a familiar purple princess.

“Wha?! Huh?!” Rainbow Dash stopped shaking you as she looked to the right. Standing there was Twilight, with Scrappy sniffing around, low to the ground. “Twilight? Uhh, oh!” Rainbow Dash noticed you in her hooves and quickly let you down, gently petting you as you wobbled as she began to stand up. “Uh, nothing! I was, er, just testing him with some shaking. Y’know, like the tests we got up at the academy.”

“Ooook.” Twilight stood there, blinking, confused. Her ear flicks as she looks around, looks at the students, then back at Rainbow Dash. “Anyway, why are you and your students here?”

“Er…” Rainbow Dash froze for a second. Then suddenly she got angry as she stomped up to Twilight and pointed at her. “What are you doing here?! That’s the real question!”

Twilight narrowed an eye at her as she began to deduce what exactly may be going on. “I came here to personally inspect the new school stadium since I told the forepony to tell me when everything was finished. I can only take a guess you decided to shirk your teaching duties to come see it for yourself too.”

“No!...Ye...No!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Mhmmm…” Twilight said as she raised an eyebrow at her. She then looked to the rest of the class. “Are any of you learning a loyalty lesson right now?” For the most part, the class either shook their head or shrugged in confusion. Twilight nodded, looked to Rainbow Dash, and waited.

“Ok, fine!” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I decided to take the class along to see the NOT COOL stadium. Do you see this, Twilight?! What doofus approved this?! This has nothing that I suggested for the stadium, nothing!”

Twilight’s eye twitched at that “Rainbow Dash! I was the one who approved it!”

Rainbow Dash immediately gulped, almost looking apologetic, until she looked over at the stadium again and then pointed to it, her tone softening some. “Ok, I half take back that, because look at that, Twilight! What happened to all of my cool suggestions!”

Twilight brought her hoof to the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes in frustration. “Rainbow, when I said ‘Everypony make their suggestions and I’ll clear it with Mister Rich’, I meant everypony submits one for me to give to him. You literally gave me a stack of suggestions that nearly crushed Spike! I took one, and I gave it to him, that’s it.”

“Only one?! What suggestion did you take of mine then?! I don’t see a single one out here!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“The cushioned benches and chairs for the teams and crowd. It was the least ridiculous and costly of all of your suggestions. Just like for Fluttershy, we made the extra entrances into places animals can hide if they get caught up within a crowd. Pinkie got the spires so fireworks can be launched from them. Rarity was the one who suggested the emblems and inner design. Applejack suggested we keep a section of the lake inside the stadium and convert it into a swimming pool. And then there is me, I suggested the name and left everything else to Mr. Rich. So, with that out of the way, I want you to head back to the school with your class and make what you did a lesson on loyalty. As in, how you wronged your students over something as selfish as using precious education time to bring them here. I did have a whole ‘Grand Opening’ thing planned, you know that, right? You could have brought them then, during off time.”

Rainbow Dash raised her hoof to complain again, but dropped it when she realized she did screw up, and if everyone got one suggestion in, then that means everything was fair. She looked back at her class, then you, then cringed. “...Er, yeah… Look, Twilight. I’m sorry. I really am and…” And as Rainbow Dash began to apologize to Twilight. Smolder, Yona, and Ocelus decided to check up on you.

“Anon, are you alright?” Ocelus asked.

“Ugh, yeah. L-looks like I was right, it was about the stadium. Geez, I feel like a soda right now.” You said as you gave your head a rub.

“Yeah…” Smolder said as she looked up at the stadium, then at Twilight. “Looks like we weren’t even supposed to be here yet. Doesn’t surprise me though, the professor has been having a hard time teaching us loyalty since the first day. I don’t want to be ‘that creature’, but it looks like she didn’t even have her lessons planned out for us this whole time. That’s probably why the headmare is so peeved.”

“That’s because loyalty is important. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!” Cried out Scrappy, who was suddenly in between all of you, yelling loud enough to startle all of you.

“C-captain?!” Ocellus shouted in surprise, startled by his sudden presence.

“Yes! I am the captain and I am Scrappy!” He shouted as he began to pace militaristically. “And I am the most loyalestistic! But you, Ocellus, have not been the most loyalestistic! YOU BETRAYED OUR QUEEEEEEEEEEEN!” He barked, randomly, all of a sudden.

Ocellus sighed. Seems she was somewhat used to Scrappy, knowing how he’s always been. “Cap-er, Scrappy. We all reformed and she abandoned us to continue her evil, you know that.”

“Yes! Er, sort of. We did, but…” Scrappy didn’t know what to say to that, he just turned away and muttered to himself. “But I still love the queen, just… I also love Master Applebloom and my friends too.”

“Scrappy, relax. We’re all friends here, ok? You don’t have to go acting like that.” You say, trying to calm him down.

“S-sorry, I’m just really jittery. It’s been awhile since I got to be by the master’s side. Or any of my friends, really. I just want to go home, but I’m stuck being an assistant to her.” Scrappy points to Twilight. “I always feel sick whenever she goes crazy. And she’s always going crazy…”

“Yona not understand. Yona thought Spike was her assistant?” Yona asked, which sparked worry in you and Ocellus.

But Scrappy being Scrappy, and knowing that he had to keep it a secret, simply states as he slumps to the ground. “He’s her princess and main assistant. I’m her secondary assistant. I hate being an assistant… It’s so keepy awayee from the master, and there's no challenge to it. But it’s also important.” Scrappy says with a sigh as he lazily salutes. “So I always do my best to do a good job.”

Ocellus frowned, feeling awful for Scrappy, and turned into a puppy herself and laid down next to him. “Well, I think you’re doing a great job being an assistant. I bet the master would be proud.”

Scrappy just looked over to Ocellus, and groaned. “But you haven’t even seen me do my job, you don’t know if I’ve been doing good or not. Why lie?”

“Sheesh, she was just complimenting you. Why do you have to be such a downer?” Smolder scolded as she saw Ocellus’s ears slump.

“I’m not a downer!” Scrappy said as he stood up and stared at Smolder with an aggressive look. “I’m just…” Suddenly Scrappy paused as he began to sniff the air.

“Just what?” Smolder asked, tapping her foot with impatience.

“Smelling… Something.” Scrappy said, as if he was in a trance, as he began to look towards the entrance to the stadium. He looked over at Twilight and Rainbow Dash, who were still talking, and suddenly began to make his way inside.

Wait, why did he… OH SHIT! GYAH!

“Uhhhh, what just happened?” Smolder asked as she looked around in confusion.

“Yona don’t get it either, Yona think Scrappy is very odd.” Yona said. “Where is he going?”

Fuck, FUCK! “I-I think he’s just going after an animal or something. Look, you guys chill here and I’ll make sure he’s ok. He’s, er, well you saw he can be kinda touchy, so I’ll deal with it, o-ok?”

Ocellus stared at you, confused. If it's what you thought it was, then it seems Scrappy was a lot more in tune with Chrysalis than she was, because she didn't seem to get it at all. “Anon, are you ok?” But she could at least tell you were suddenly distressed.

“Just still feeling sick from being shook, I’ll be ok. Look, I’ll be right back. Er, Smolder, if anycreature asks where I went, just er, tell them…” You looked around. What could she tell them? It wouldn’t be just you they’d wonder about. Buuuut, you did have one ace up your sleeve. “Tell them I went back home with Scrappy to talk to him, since he’s upset and all.”

“But he went inside the stadium.” Smolder said as she pointed towards it.

“Y-yeah, but you know, I just may need a little extra time with him. So please? I’ll take responsibility for whatever happens.” You plead.

“I guess. Just don’t be gone too long, ok? Headmare Twilight already seems a little touchy herself.” Smolder said with a chuckle. “I wonder if a professor can get detention.”

You wanted to laugh at that. But fuck, you didn’t have the time. You thank her, say goodbye to your friends, and bolt towards Scrappy inside the stadium.

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