• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 122 - Attention, Class, Time for Chaos

“Now then, class, we shall now begin the lesson. There is a lot to learn about chaos magic, but since we only have one day, we will only go through the basics and some interesting tidbits. First and foremost, however, I want to highlight the durability of chaotic objects created by chaos magic.” Discord said as he paced left and right in front of the class. He then stopped, conjured a cane, and pointed directly at your shackles. “And the bands on Anon’s legs will be used in this experiment. Those terrible, ugly, rusty looking shackles.”

W-what?! Why did he have to call attention to them?! Well, wait, why does that worry you? Nobody knows why you’re wearing them, and nobody even seemed to have noticed that you were. That was kind of strange actually…

“Oooooh, so that’s why Anon are wearing those things? Ok, whew” Diamond said, wiping her forehead in relief. “I almost thought that he just… Ahrm, acquired some kind of weird taste in fashion sense.”

“Oh, I just thought nopony was saying anything because Anon looks like a straight up ugly, dastardly, escaped villain. Gutter trash and... EEP!” Snips falls back on his chair when not only you, but Diamond, look back at him with deathly stares. Like, the combined power of the glares he was receiving may have been enough to surpass even Fluttershy’s patented ‘Stare’. “I didn’t mean that! I-I mean, Anon always looks good, always! I swear, please don’t hurt me!” Snips said as he cowered in his seat.

“Hmph, that’s what I thought.” Diamond said with a nod before looking back at Discord. “Oh, erm… I-” But Discord interrupts her with a head pat, giving her a gentle smile. It was clear Diamond just felt bad about interrupting Discord’s lesson and wasting his limited time. But in truth, Discord didn’t mind after seeing that.

“No need to fret. You merely did what you had to do to correct his opinion. Isn’t that right, Anon?” Discord said as he began to twist one of his talons with his paw.

“Yeah.” You give a big grin towards Diamond, earning her adorable blushy little smile. Hell, you were like a couple right there, fuck Snips for insulting your… Well, these are actually pretty ugly looking on you. But whatever, fuck him! “I mean, you did what I would have done if anypony insulted the way you look, which is super cute by the way!”

Diamond hid her face, feeling so adorably embarrassed. Of course, a few classmates gagged at the very thought of this, earning Diamond’s rage again as she looked back and yelled out. “Hey! Who said that?! Don’t make me go over there!”

You just giggle lightly at that. Discord? He just raises his paw and calls to Diamond. “Alright, alright, that’s enough. I am on a limited time frame, you know? Ok? Ok, good. Now then, Anon, please raise your forelegs and place them on your desk. “

“Alright, no problem.” You nod as you do as your told. “So, what, you’re gonna try to bash them with a hammer or something?”

“Close.” Discord said as he reached behind his head and pulled a hockey mask down on his face. He then opened a small dimensional hole, causing the entire class to become an eerie red color, and reached in to pull out a giant fucking chainsaw, already revved up. With the entire class already in a panic, he holds the spinning blades of the chainsaw over your legs, and prepared to bring it down. “Hold still, Anon, or you’ll have more than a splitting headache.”

“EEEK! HE’S GONNA SLICE HIM IN HALF! HE’S GONNA SLICE EVERYPONY TO PIECES!” Silver screamed out as the entire class began to try to leave the classroom. Everyone but you and Diamond.

Diamond just looked on, curious, unafraid. “Those shackles are stronger than that thing? Are you sure?” Diamond then looked to you, to try to figure out how you felt about this. “Anon, you’re not scared, are you?”

“Nah, it’ll be ok.” If you’re correct, ‘legally binding’ in chaos sense should mean nothing can break these shackles, both literally and figuratively. You should be fine as long as Discord… OH GOD! OOOHHH GOD! HE JUST CAME DOWN WITH THE CHAINSAW AND SEVERED YOUR LEGS FROM YOUR BODY, AS IN, RIGHT NEAR THE BASE! “GYAAAH! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! GYAAH! WHAT DID YOU- AHHHHHH!” You fell over and started flailing on the ground, screaming, trying to get up. Holy shit! He really did it! He really sliced them off!

Diamond already panics, not expecting something like that at all, and looks to Discord, frantic, trying to figure out why he even did that. “Why?! Why did you do that to Anon?! How could you?!”

“Hm?” Discord lifted his hockey mask and looked to the ground. He could see you on the ground, screaming. He then looked to Diamond and shrugged. “What? It couldn’t possibly hurt that bad, there isn’t even a hint of fluid flying around the room. A lot of screaming from Anon and his peanut gallery though.”

“Fix it now, Discord! Or I’m telling Fluttershy!” Diamond said, slamming her hoof down. “You went too far! You really hurt Anon! Fix him! Fix him or else!”

“Fine, if you insist.” Discord said as he tosses the chainsaw a few inches away. The blades land right on the shackles of your severed legs and immediately twist and shatter, the chainsaw sputtering and stopping dead as it was unable to even dent them. Discord picks up your screaming form, spins you about as if you were a jigsaw piece, and easily sits you down back on your desk, sliding you forward enough to reattach your legs back to your body. “There see? No harm done. Well, except for my chainsaw, poor thing never stood a chance.”

“Geez!” Dammit, you thought you were ready for that one! But you weren’t expecting to actually see your legs sliced off, even if it was all for a freaking gag. “Ok, ok… They work, I can move them. Dad!” You look over to Discord, tap at your forehead, and then point at him. “Do you think you could have at least WARNED me?! You scared everypony to near death!”

“I’m sorry, but I have to agree with Anon. If you were going to do that, then you should have done it to somepony else.” Diamond said with a dominant nod.

“Somepony else?!” Silver rushes over to Diamond, appalled that she’d even suggest such a thing. “Why is it ok to do that kind of thing at all?!”

“Ok, come on, Silver. Nopony was really going to get hurt, r-right?” Diamond did realize that she had felt a bout of doubt when she saw you panicking. But now that everything was ok, it began to become very clear to her that Discord truly meant no harm.

“Of course not! I’m one of the most responsible chaos spirits you’ll ever meet.” Discord said as he leaned down towards Silver with a toothy grin.

“You’re the ONLY chaos spirit we even know about! You could totally, like, mean that you’re also the least responsible chaos spirit ever!” Silver retorts angrily, already reaching her tolerance of his shenanigans.

“Yes, but that means it can be either or. Besides, lesson is done. As you can see, Anon’s shackles don’t even have a mark on them. Truly chaos is amazing if it can withstand and even break such a fearsome blade.” Discord says as he grabs the broken chainsaw and tosses it behind himself. “Now, take your seats, my little ponies. I’m open to questions.”

“E-erm…” Twist cautiously takes her seat, both afraid yet interested in the fact chaos did seem pretty powerful. But the question she had in her mind, yes, that was something she needed answered for sure. “M-Mr.Discord, what about harmony? Can’t that defeat chaos?”

“Of course not! Yes, I am aware I have lost to it, and yes, I’m aware it tends to defeat every little beastie and villain that opposes Twilight and her friends. But let us think about it this way. There is only one of me, and I can steamroll Equestria without nary a resistance. Even the power of the alicorns are no match against me and my powers. And yet, everypony sees my powers as the weaker variant despite the fact it takes six ponies and a bunch of superpowered rocks to defeat one, count them, ONE draconequus. Tell me again that chaos is inferior, as I’d love to see what would happen if there were five others, five I’d dub the ‘Elements of Chaos’, that went against the Elements of Harmony.” Discord said as he adjusted his glasses, staring at Twist as if she were a lower form of being for her insulting question.

“U-umm, actually, that does kind of make sense. There is only one of you.” Twist replies sheepishly, but understanding his logic.

Christ, that actually could be a thing. Well, if you were part of those said elements of course. Sure there could be six masters of chaos that could take on Twilight and her friends, but without the human edge, they’d still get blasted.

“Well, glad to see there is some understanding and intellect around here. Now then, the introductory lesson is over. Now, we’ll learn about chaos magic itself and how scary it can be to use. Anon, my dear son, is exemplary, but not perfect in its use. Therefore he and his horn will be the perfect middle ground to what I’m about to explain.” Discord snapped his talons as the room darkened. He then held his paw up to produce a cube of black and red swirling magic as his voice took a dramatic tone. “Chaos magic. A powerful and fearsome form of magic that very VERY few can use, and even then, only about one or maybe two can even master. While all pony magic is grounded in some form of harmony, which allows them to cast spells and move objects around. Its power is only based on their limits and the reality they reside in. Chaos magic however, is a whole different beast.” Discord starts to shape the magic into various forms, from animals to objects. “You essentially hold reality in your hooves! You can summon anything, change whatever you want, alter the minds of others, warp reality to your whim, and even summon breakfast easily so you don’t need to go through the mundane task of cooking it up.” Right after Discord says that, however, Applebloom raises her hoof, causing the lights to come back on as Discord flinches so hard that an audible crunch can be heard. “Gyah, yes?! Is there a reason you’re interrupting my lesson?”

“Well, uh, ah just wanted to say that cookin’ is fun! It ain’t mundane at all. Granny Smith always says that everything you make depends on how much effort ya put into it. If you can just make things happen with a snap, then you’ll never know the fun of actually doin’ it.” Applebloom explains, not really jiving with the fact that Discord seems to just make everything happen for himself however he wants without much effort.

“Oh, I see, how very true that CAN be. But you assume I don’t know anything about that at all. I have cooked for my son, of course. And as for the kinds of tea parties I rarely but do set up for Fluttershy, I make sure everything is absolutely perfect for her in a way she never yet always and yet NEVER expects. So, Applebloom, unless you have something related to the lesson itself, I ask you to keep your mouth shut and not interrupt the ominous aura I have set up.” Discord said as he leaned forward, tapping his talons on his desk.

“E-erm, a-alright, was just sayin’ is all.” Applebloom says as she lowers her head a bit, looking down and whispering. “Didn’t have to be mean about it. Ah didn’t know.”

“Ahrm, now then…” The room darkened again, and Discord continued with his explanation. “Chaos magic, if you don’t have a mastery or a vast understanding of it, can be very fickle and quite treacherous. Even with Anon’s horn, which filters more of the adverse effects of chaos, those who actually try to use it in a more harmonious sense or without such an understanding will find the spell they cast will either not work, come out wrong, backfire, or even twist in such a way that the caster would not expect. To use chaos magic, one must understand chaos. You can’t just point at something and make it what you want, or summon something and expect it to work exactly as it should, it just doesn’t work that way.” Discord changes the magic he manifested into an orb and starts to bounce it around on his ‘knees’. “Many can say that chaos magic seems to work exactly as I intend it to, because it does in the sense that I know exactly how to control it and I myself am a being of chaos, meaning I needn’t worry about the usual ill effects I will soon explain. Everypony must also know that if I use my magic to make things EXACTLY as it should, it will work as well, but could have consequences on my very body and soul. Not something I like to admit, but too much order in my own castings can cause ill effects for myself. Which then brings me to what should happen if chaos magic is ill used and mismanaged. As I said, when I use chaos magic incorrectly, it will cause terrible consequences. Namely, I will become more orderly until I fade away. For ponies and other beings, even those you might consider evil, they are still part of some sort of harmony, and therefore must cast chaos magic in a way one would not expect. Let us say one of you were to cast chaos magic through Anon’s horn… Oh wait.” Discord snaps his talons as the light comes on. “I think we could do for a live demonstration. Who here would like to try Ano-” But before Discord can even finish, Scootaloo’s hoof rises in the air. “Oh, that’s interesting. Do you really wish to try, Scootaloo?” Discord asked.

“Yeah! I’ve been around Anon enough, I think I can handle it!” Scootaloo says, her excitement mounting at the chance to give it a shot. “I’ve been wanting to try it, at least once. And I’m sure I can do it! I just know it!”

Huh, well, it’s not like you don’t know Scootaloo. As in, you could trust her to use the horn once if it’s in front of you and Discord. Could be interesting depending on what she casts. Anything major, hopefully, Discord will deal with. “I mean, sure, I got no problem with it. I already know this lesson. Basically, Scoots, if you don’t know enough about chaos, then your spell is gonna be all weird, alright?” You tell her as you remove your necklace and toss the horn towards Scootaloo.

But right when Scootaloo was about to catch it, Snips, out of nowhere, catches the horn as it merges with his own. “Hahahaha! Yes! Now I’m the hero colt!”

“Snips! What are you doing?!” Scootaloo called out.

“What?! You can’t have my Anon’s horn, you give that back right now!” Diamond growls as she hops off her seat to approach him.

Ah shit! He already looked like he was about to cast something! You grab Diamond and hold her back as the rest of the class began to back off. “Diamond, wait! Hold on! Don’t get near him!”

“But he stole your horn!” Diamond cried out to you. “We can’t just let him have it!”

“I know! I know that! But trust me, ok? Remember the lesson?” You move in and whisper to her. “Just watch.”

Diamond, although confused, gives it a small moment of thought, nods, and joins you at your side as you just watch. Scootaloo was going to try to take it as well, but Sweetie and Applebloom were already holding her back as Snips began to float upwards.

Snails just casually got up from his seat and walked over to Snips, just staring at him. “Uh, Snips, did you know you’re floating?”

“I do! That’s because I’m going to cast the best spell ever! Just watch!” Snips calls out.

“What’s that?” Snails asks.

“What else? I’m going to make myself a true hero! With a sword, and armor, and super strength, and everything! I’ve been following Anon’s exploits too, so I know I can do it! Now watch, because here it cooooommmeeesss!” And so Snips cast his spell. In a flash of light, various items that smelled like food began to slam right into him, before two long pieces of bread came upon him. After the spell was over and the light faded, it was revealed that he more or less made himself a hero ‘Colt’ sandwich. “Ahhhh! WHAT HAPPENED! WHY IS EVERYTHING DARK AND SMELLY! WHY DO I TASTE CHEESE?!”

Immediately, most of the class began to laugh as Discord walked up and squeezed the sandwich tightly enough to send Snips slipping along the floor. “A sandwich, for me? You shouldn’t have. Almost perfect, but I always find myself having to pluck one or two things off.” Discord said as he starts to bite into the sandwich before breaking his teeth on something. “Ah, almost forgot about this.” Discord said as he opened the sandwich again, pulled out the horn, which seemed to have gotten stuck inside, and held it towards Scootaloo as his teeth popped out of the roof and bottom of his mouth. “So, still want to give it a try?”

“Um… No, that’s ok.” Scootaloo said with a gulp as she declined the horn. Despite what Discord had said, she felt she still had a chance to cast the spell she had in mind successfully. But after witnessing the utter failure of Snips, she suddenly felt that just wishing for a scooter that can move super fast might be a bad idea. Also, he had his mouth on it. “I-I get it. I just now realize I can’t really… Erm.” Or more, she didn’t want her ‘spell’ to make her scooter chaotically fast in a way that she might blast herself off to the moon. “Use it. At least not yet.”

“I see. Diamond, you’re practically family, would you like a go?” Discord said as he held the horn towards her.

“I’d like to, I realllly would. But I understand that what I would want to use it for might warp Anon’s mind, and I don’t want that at all. Besides, anything else that I may want can still be mine. I'm totally rich, after all.” Diamond said as she stood there proudly.

Wait, mind warp? Wut?! “U-uhh, what do you mean by mind warp, Diamond?”

“Oh, y’know. I kind of wanted to make a place to try the horizontal waltz! But a waltz has a lot of harmony that goes into it. So, I figured it might do something to your mind to get it to work. And I never ever want something like that to happen.” Diamond explains.

Discord just chuckles as he tosses the horn back to you “Indeed, none of us want that to happen, now do we, Anon?”

GUH! GOD NO! GOOD FUCKING GOD! THAT’D BE A SEX SPELL! WHAT HORRIBLE OUTCOME WOULD THERE BE IF SHE TRIED TO CAST THAT! “Y-yeah, erm, right. Aha! Um, so… Y’know, yeah. There’s uh, more lesson to listen to, right? L-let’s get back to it. Erm, I mean, there’s still the stuff about mutations and stuff, right?”

“Ah, very right, Anon, very right. Hm, hey you!” Discord magically grabs the near unconscious Snips and plants him back on his seat. “You may want to pay attention to this part. Or don’t, could be funnier that way. Annnnyyywayyyy, Anon is correct. Chaos magic, aside from needing a vast understanding of it to cast properly, also has unforeseen effects on the body, different from what happens to me when I cast it in an orderly fashion. Namely, if one is to take on too much chaos or chaos magic, they will find their bodies transforming at a rapid rate, near instantaneous really. With this also comes various states of madness, depending on your way of thinking. Now, you needn’t worry, as it is a temporary change. Now what’s that you say? That I’m capable of changing everything upon my own whim? Well, yes, I can, just like how very powerful ponies can turn beings like me to stone, one’s will can also have an effect on chaotic transformation. Now, there is a side note. If one was to take chaos in for too long, and allow themselves to succumb to their madness, then the transformation can very well become permanent… Mostly… Even that can be rather fickle. Now I bet you’re all asking yourselves about the fact that Anon has not transformed at all despite all his exposure to chaos. Well, thanks to Anon’s understanding of chaos along with a natural resistance to chaotic elements, Anon really needn’t worry about the transformative effects of chaos unless used directly on him. And even then, unless the spell is kept in check, then he is capable of changing back and recovering from chaotic spells much faster than the average pony. However, sadly, Anon has come to take on harmonic elements a little too much to my liking, which can sometimes lead him to grave danger when it comes to his hero work as his horn depends on his chaotic whims. Because of that, I thought it would only be right to give his horn one extra upgrade…”

Oh boy, here we go, the explanation on that BIIIIIG upgrade.

“Now, its true the horn also filters a lot of the ‘negative’ effects of chaos magic. Not completely, mind you, but enough, as evidenced by our rude little unicorn colt not changing outright.” Discord said as he leered over at Snips.

“I’m sorry! Ok?! I didn’t know it’d be that tough! I swear!” Snips yelled out as he groveled at his seat. “I really am sorry!”

“I bet… Anyway” Discord said with a shrug. “Some could still succumb to very mild changes to body and psyche with overexposure to having the horn on your head. Something Anon, you can say, is utterly immune to. However, as mentioned, Anon’s recent harmonic elements, such as fearing for others, using logic when he shouldn’t be, and other such things, has and will lead him to situations where not using the horn to its greatest potential could lead to his defeat. Therefore, when the powers that be senses Anon might be on his last legs, the filter then becomes a mass concentration of chaos so strong that it can affect some of Anon’s body and a lot of his mind, allowing him the clear thinking he needs to bring the chaotic finishing blows on his foes. What does that mean to you all? Nothing really, I just felt an explanation on that part was in order. Chaos magic is a great power, that requires reckless responsibility to wield. It’s why Anon is truly the only one who can wield it, he truly does mostly have that understanding on how things work. But even then, he still needs that push.”

“Ok, look. I get it.” Really, you did. Basically, as you truly understand it now, it’s a transformative power up that makes you more crazy and reckless, allowing you to use chaos to it’s true potential. “And I’ve used that ‘upgrade’ before. But let me ask you this, Dad. What if the horn activated that power while I was in Ponyville? Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Yes, and?” Discord said with a shrug.

“Doesn’t Aunt Fluttershy live in Ponyville?” You really didn’t need this upgrade, even if it let you slap the Storm Ravager. You always did well on your own, and you know you could have decimated him without that upgrade. Then again, it wasn’t just him. It also activated on Garble, though the effect wasn’t as strong. It seems the bigger the threat, the more it feeds madness into your mind. But you already had days to think about it, and it is an upgrade you can do without. You had this, really! How were you supposed to even fully master chaos with that kind of handicap anyway?

“Huh, she does, doesn’t she? Hmm…” Discord said as he turned away from the class. “But I can tell you just don’t want to deal with this wonderful gift I have given you, despite how useful it has been. I get it, not everything I do is wanted or truly useful. I can remove this effect with a snap, and I will. But know this, Anon. Should you find yourself in a situation where you need it, you will have to call upon it yourself, manually. Also, if you do that, I expect an apology party for doubting its usefulness.” Discord said as he snapped his talons, despite the effect of it not being so obvious.

“Sure, whatever, I get ya. But if I go a long time without ever needing it, I expect at least a third, or even a fourth charge on this thing, got it?” Oh baby, you could already tell he was in one of his subtle competitive moods, something you’d take advantage of right now.

“Hm, you prove me wrong this time and I’ll grant you unlimited magic forever. Yes, I suppose you’d deserve that much if you can show you truly have enough mastery to not need my gift.” Discord said as he leaned in, staring at you, smirking. “Of course, if you fail and need it, then I expect a ten thousand word apology to go along with that party. Understood?”

Heh, no sweat. No villain has shown up since the Storm Ravager, and he’s probably dead, so no problems there. “Understood. Just don’t go back on it when I win.”

“Same for you, Anon, same for you. Let’s see… Ah yes, I’m supposed to be teaching. “ Discord said as he walked back and snapped his tail, producing a book. He starts to thumb through it until he reached the page he wanted to stop at. “Ah, here we are. Yes, grand demonstrations as a teaching tool, how marvelous. Tell me, class, how do you think, I, your amazing teacher, should demonstrate a showing of true chaotic power, hm?”

Another student, Featherweight, raises his hoof, and is then called on by Discord. “Well, I have been wanting to get amazing pictures of both you and Anon. Erm, what if you two had a big battle? I could get a lot of amazing shots then.”

“Oh my, that sounds amazing! I-I mean, as long as nopony is hurt. I think it would be a once in a lifetime chance to see Anon and his father have at each other. Erm, again, with none of them getting hurt.” Pip said. He wanted to see a really cool fight, but he was at odds with the fact that either Discord or you could be hurt.

“...Now that is an idea I have never considered before. Eh, but it wouldn’t be much of a fight. Anon stands no chance against the likes of me. He’d need thousands of years of experience before he even came close.” Discord said as he scoffed at the idea, dismissing it as a folly. But the class itself whispers about actually wanting to witness such a spectacle.

“What?! Hey, come on. I’m better than that.” Your ears fold a little as disappointment mounts. How could he say that?! You weren’t like before, you had more than enough skill to at least match him. You were only really limited due to the charges you were allowed per day.

“Actually, erm, Anon.” Diamond looks to you with a frown, and shakes her head. “I don’t know. Discord is really really powerful. And from what I remember, the horn’s power basically comes from him anyway. I-I don’t mean to say that to put you down, but I know how you are when it comes to challenges. I don’t think you should even consider fighting your father.”

“Yes, listen to her, Anon.” Discord said as he arrogantly began to blow and examine the claws on his paws. “True, you are pretty good. But as I said, you are many moons and millenniums behind me in actual skill. I must say though, I am curious, now that it was mentioned, to see how you stack up. But for the sake of Diamond, I think I should just call it here and bring back Cheerilee so she can get started on those math lessons. What do you think, class, are you ready to learn some numbers!”

The class was like putty in Discord’s mismatched hands. They didn’t want to learn boring math when they can witness a climactic battle of chaos. The Hero Colt versus the Lord of Chaos! What a fight that would be. They began to cheer you on, to get you to accept. Diamond however, she was getting annoyed by it all. She slams her hooves down as hard as she can to gain the attention of the class, and then stares them all down as she begins to speak. “I will not allow this to happen! Are you all crazy! Anon and Discord are both super amazing, but it is so not cool to have them fight each other!” Diamond then looks to the both of you. “And you both shouldn’t even consider it! Like, seriously, no!”

B-but, you knew you had a chance, you have the power! Both you and Discord just look at her and ask “Why?”

“Because! Whoever loses won’t be able to live it down for awhile, especially if it’s Discord! Either way, all this will end up doing is making you both really really sour at each other for a long time. And I care about you both enough that I don’t want to see it happen at all, do you hear me? Just, no!” Diamond said, demanding that you both bend to her will on this.

“First of all, that’s not true. Second of all, I won’t lose. Really, Diamond, you’re overreacting. The rest of the class wants to see this, and it’ll be a good way for me to really see how far along Anon has come. Even you must agree that the thought of Anon fouling up in some future fight due to not being ready is a worrying thought, no?” Discord said, already trying to manipulate even her. He was too curious now, he wanted this to happen, he wanted to see what you could do. Both as a mentor and as an asshole.

You? Well, Diamond did have a point. Beating Discord would make him super salty. You could handle a loss, of course. It’s no big deal. Besides, you want to show Discord, personally, how far you have come. You have to admit, a lot of your skill and understanding of some of the nuances of chaos has come from him, with the rest of what you know coming from your own training, resolve, and love of cartoony antics. If Discord was willing to give it a shot, then you’d oblige him. “Yeah, it won’t be like that Diamond. Me and Dad are total bros. This would just be a friendly exhibition match. Besides, I have been wanting to really put my skills to the test. And I think everypony deserves a good show before I leave school. And that goes for you too, I want to show you all my skills.”

“Ngh, but Anon, what if something does go wrong?” Diamond was still uncomfortable about it, of course. Time for some slick moves.

You get out of your seat and walk up to her, looking deep into her eyes and giving her a kiss on the nose. “If something goes wrong then that’s just how chaos works. It’ll be ok, promise. Me and Dad know how things work, all you gotta do is watch and root for me.”

“But what if you lose? You have to promise me you won’t get mad at your father if you lose. Promise?” Diamond asked, really wanting your word on this one.

“Promise.” You tell her with a nod.

“Before you even ask me, I promise as well. I don’t wish to cause an upset with anypony, really I don’t. Well, I do, just not with any of you. Bah, you know what I mean.” Discord said as he detached his body parts to give them a stretch. “If it bothers you that much… Win or lose, I will be a sport about it. Anon is my pal, my chaos buddy, and my son. Hmm…” Something right then clicked within Discord. Did he really want to flaunt his skill too much? No, he began to feel that same hint of worry as to what made him modify the horn in the first place. He wanted to know that you could truly hold your own. What better way to see how far you truly come than this fight? He could see for himself if you could do without the upgrade. “Yes, I can do that, for sure. How about you, Anon? I know it is unlike me to suddenly be this agreeable, but I think the students here deserve a show and a display of good will.”

Discord’s look, it suddenly changed. You knew that change, something hit him, a heel turn. Ugh, goddammit Anon, you’ve been an ass again, haven’t you? It’s hard, people have personalities! Ugh, but to just go too far and be selfish and whiny… Eh, dammit. Ok, ok, you can do this. If you were right, then it seemed Discord may want this to be more of a show than a fight. If you were right, you’d treat it as such too. Anon, come on, win or lose, it’s just a spar. Get off your high horse, and just have some fun with it. You need it, you need to de-stress about Chrysalis. You had friends and family too, you know? Best not to ruin that. “Right, you’re totally right about that, Dad. Alright, I’ll give it a go. But for this fight, I’d like to be known as the ‘Prince of Chaos’, that ok with you?”

“Anon, I wouldn’t have it any other way. That is a title worthy of my son. Alright then. Diamond, are you alright? Will you allow us to do this?” Discord said, awaiting her words.

“Well, you both did promise. And I’m kinda with the class, I think it’d be really neat to see you both fight. Ok, you have my permission!” Diamond said, her worry soon changing to excitement, feeling she could trust the both of you on this.

“Woah, this is going to be soooo cool!” Scootaloo let out. The class joining her in her cheers.

“Oh boy. Er, Discord, ya think we can do this in one of yer pocket dimension thingys? Ah don’t think Ponyville can handle a battle between y'all.” Applebloom suggested. She too was actually curious about the fight, but she’d rather not see her home obliterated by chaotic madness.

"Indeed I can, in a place most fitting for this fight." Discord said as he raised his talons for a snap. "It's showtime!"

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