• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 159 - The Fencing Master, Lance Scimitar

Standing in front of the door, you look to Ocellus as you point to your eye. “How’s it look?”

“It’s looking better already, most of the redness is gone and…” Ocellus stops as she looks back at the door, feeling nervous.

“Ocellus? Hey, hey, it’ll be alright. Promise.” Geez, it was weird. She could stand up to you, and yet such a simple thing as meeting new friends outside the school seems to worry her. “Watch.” You say as you knock on the door. “Everything will be alright.”

“I-if you say so. No, no, I have to be brave.” Ocellus says, as if arguing with herself. “I made it this far. And I’ve studied enough to know there isn’t anything to be afraid of.”

“Yeah! That’s absolutely right! And I know forEGSDFSD” The door opens as you are immediately taken aback by an imposing figure garbed in some black bodysuit and a grated face mask. “Holy geez!” You nearly fall on your back, startled. Though, upon quick closer inspection, the bodysuit looked familiar in a sense. Although, for fencing, these things are usually white. “H-hello?”

“Mr. Anon!” The figure says with a hardy southern chuckle as he took off his face mask. “Hello! Didn’t mean to scare you none. Ah guess ah do look rather intimidating’ in this suit though. Are you alright, son?”

“Oh, yeah yeah. Haha, er, just wasn’t expecting you to open the door. What’s with the suit anyway? Actually, let me guess, fencing practice, right?”

“Right perceptive of you, Anon. And not only perceptive, but perfect timing to boot.” He says with yet another friendly chuckle.

“Perfect timing?” You ask.

“Yep, the most perfect of timin’. But before we talk business, how about you introduce me to your little friend there.” Mr. Rich said as he leaned his head over towards… A bush?

“H-how did you know?” The bush said, with a shake. It was obviously Ocellus. Must have transformed when Mr. Rich opened the door.

“Well, it might surprise you, little lady, but I’m quite perceptive myself. Especially since I don’t think a bush can just grow on my patio.” Mr. Rich, knowing it was a changeling, didn’t even seem to recoil at the thought of it. He just looked over to Ocellus with his typical hospitable smile.

“Oh, erm, I-I guess that would make me obvious. B-but, you’re not mad? I-I’m a changeling. And, er…” She didn’t know how to continue on that thought. It was weird, you’d think Ocellus would be able to handle herself better than this. But perhaps she was more comfortable when her friends were around. Well, you were around too, you’d think she’d be more comfortable due to that.

“Darlin’, if you’re half as nice as Applebloom’s little changeling friend, then I ain’t frettin’. But where are my manners? I’m Filthy Rich, but, er, just call me Mr. Rich. And you are?” Mr. Rich asked, being ever so friendly.

“I’m Ocellus.” Ocellus said, still sheepish, as she remained as a bush.

“Well, pleased to make your acquaintance, Ocellus. Though, ah would appreciate it very much if we could talk like civilized folk. You being a bush gives me the impression I’m being downright menacin’, and I’d hate that to be the reason, if that is the reason of course.” Mr. Rich said.

“O-oh!” Ocellus, at first, was stunned. He seemed so pleasant, nice, and understanding. She feared ponies she didn't know, especially older ponies who might be set in their ways, might not like her. But Mr. Rich seemed unusually nice, very friendly, and even comforting. With reluctance, she changes back to her original form. She does her best to look him in the eye as she greets him more politely. “Ahrm, erm, and I’m Ocellus. Er, I said that. But I mean that I’m currently a student in Princess Twilight’s School of Friendship. I-It’s been a very nice experience so far, and I love Ponyville too. I-I just get a little nervous, that’s all.”

“No problem, Ms. Ocellus, no problems at all. In fact, it right soothes the soul to hear you say that about our little town. So don’t be nervous, especially since you seem to have a good heart, the kind of heart that makes everypony happy. In fact, ah think you’d actually be a perfect fit for Ponyville, if you wanted to live here that is.” Mr. Rich said, keeping up his friendly demeanor. Ocellus could sense it, he seemed genuinely caring and nice.

“Oh! T-thank you, Mr. Rich! I’m happy to hear that, actually. I’ve been wanting to understand and learn more about harmony so I could be a better changeling, and help my brothers and sisters be better too! So it makes me happy to hear you say that you think I’m a perfect fit.” Ocellus was much more cheerful now, feeling her fear wash away as she received such wonderful praise.

“There we are! That’s what ah like to see, a great big smile. And I mean what ah said too.” Mr. Rich said as he reached into his suit. He was having a little trouble stretching it so he could reach inside. But once he managed, he pulled out a small book of coupons and held it out towards Ocellus. “That’s why I’d be happy to present you with this.”

“Erm, what is it?” Ocellus said as she stared at it, confused.

“Coupon book, my dear. And not just any coupon book neither. This is the gold class coupon book for Barnyard Bargains. Our prices are already the best, and our coupons just make those prices even better. But the gold class? Well, let’s just say you could buy what ya need in bulk. Now, don’t tell your friends where ya got it, but do be sure to share it with em. Because at Barnyard Bargains, we got everything your little heart desires.” And there it is, the sales pitch. Not to say Mr. Rich was greedy, he wasn’t. He meant everything he said, from his praises of Ocellus down to the sales pitch. Mr. Rich was as slick as he was honest.

“Thank you!” Ocellus said as she took the coupon book, utterly amazed. “I’ve heard of coupons and discounts before. But, erm, if this is so good, won’t this put you out of business since it makes everything so cheap? I-I wouldn’t want to cause that to happen.” She said as she began to feel bad for taking it.

Mr. Rich let out a boisterous laugh as he patted her on the head. “Now that’s just too adorable. Love the worry, little lady, but there ain’t nothin’ to worry about. Trust me, we’re the most successful general store around, so I ain’t worried, even if ya use that entire book in a day. Now, I noticed you’re with Anon today.” Mr. Rich then looked to you with a gentle smile. “Mr. Anon, I’m gonna guess you’ve been makin’ friends at that school, and perhaps you’ve been afraid to bring em over. Well, ya don’t have to, if they’re a friend of yours, then they’re a friend of mine. Don’t know about the missus though, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

“Uh yeah, actually. Erm, I was thinking Diamond might like her as a new friend. I dunno, I just get this feeling she’ll love Ocellus.” You say, more than confident that she would.

“Is that right? Well, let’s go see her then. Oh, but first, ah gotta ask, what do you know about fencin’, Anon?” Mr. Rich asked, as his tone began to become more serious.

“Well, not much, but I’d like to think I’m really good with a sword. Why? Er, does it have to do with the swords that landed in your front yard?” You asked, curious.

“Ah, that’s where they landed. But yes, you’re quite right, Anon, it does have to do with em. But, ahrm.” Mr. Rich said as he became more subdued and worried. “Ya didn’t see a cake, did ya?”

“Was it coconut?” You asked. Oh boy, you were ready for whatever reason there was a fucking cake flying in the sky.

Mr. Rich suddenly recoiled, his ears twitching as his pupils began to shrink. “D-do ya know what happened to it?”

“Erm, It sorta landed on me. And er, I ate it. H-hey, if it was important, don’t blame me! It landed on me so it was already ruined. So, y’know, ahrrmmm.” You had no idea what to really say. Especially with Mr. Rich suddenly seeming even more spooked about it as he began to shiver.

“Welp, it seems I’m rather doomed.” Mr. Rich says, mostly to himself.

“M-Mr. Rich, are you ok? W-was the cake really that important? Erm, I can help you bake a new one if you want! I learned a lot about baking in laughter class.” Ocellus said, feeling the absolute dread in Mr. Rich. She felt a sense to make things right, even if it wasn’t her fault.

“Sorry, Ms. Ocellus, but I’m afraid ah can’t accept your help. Now it ain’t because I don’t like ya, in fact, ah like you even more due to that there offer. But in case that cake ah plan to bake doesn’t taste exactly like the one she made from her recipe, I’d rather be the one to take her righteous fury alone than share it with somepony who just don’t deserve it.” Mr. Rich, despite his dread, was still quite an honorable soul.

“But, I think I can really help!” Ocellus says with confidence, wanting to help soothe Mr. Rich.

“And ya probably can. But this is my fault, and ah gotta fix it. It’s what ah get for bringing that cake outside for her, gettin’ a little overzealous in a spar, and knockin it and mah own swords clear across the manor. Besides, yer both here to see my little Diamond, right? So let’s not dawdle out here, specially since I got work to do.” Mr. Rich said as he turned around, sighed, and gathered up as much courage as possible.

“But..” Ocellus’s ears folded as she looked down, she really wanted to help him.

“No buts. And don’t pout, there ain’t no reason to. Trust me, Ms. Ocellus, it’s just a little thing between me and the missus. Everything is gonna be fine.” He obviously wasn’t telling the truth on that, but he really didn’t want you both to worry. “Tell her, Anon.”

“Yeah, Ocellus, it’ll be fine. Though, it makes me curious, I didn’t even know Mrs. Rich baked.” Like seriously, you thought the maids did all that.

“She typically don’t. But she’s been friends with the Cakes for a while now and has learned a thing or two about bakin’. Of course, if you want me to be a little more truthful, the only reason she’s interested is because she wants to win the Canterlot Baking Grand Prix. Even went to the Spa with Mrs. Cake today so she could walk her over to the manor to taste her cake after relaxin' her, you know, to catch her off guard. She's expectin’ nothing but her best reaction to it. “ Mr. Rich explained.

Oh geez, yup, he was doomed. He was going to try to bake a new cake, and all you could hope for that not only did it taste up to par with Mrs. Rich’s version, but it was also enough to impress Mrs. Cake. “Yeah… Are you sure you don’t want Ocellus’s help?”

Mr. Rich flinched at that before looking back at you with a nasty look. “Now you cut that out. Ahm perfectly capable of bakin’ a good cake. Anyway, yer both gonna be too busy to help me anyway.” His tone was indeed a little sour, even if he was still trying to be friendly. Perhaps you stung his pride a little, his baking pride. Not exactly something you want when your theoretical life is on the line, if you were him anyway.

“Busy? Ok, but, why? Does it have to do with that whole ‘perfect timing’ thing?” You asked as Mr. Rich led you both inside, and headed through the halls towards the back.

“Exactly. Now, Anon, you know how the female side of the Riches can be. Spontaneous, unpredictable, and always spearheading a project head on. Well, that still holds true now. Ya see, our little Diamond has been wanting to practice fencin’ for a few weeks now, apparently been wanting to learn to swing a sword with the grace of a bat, or somethin’. I expected the missus to disagree with that, as I certainly got a little worried about my precious little darlin’ wanting to learn to fight with a dangerous weapon. But ah was wrong. See, the missus found a Saddle Arabian fencing instructor in Canterlot. The gentlecolt is quite remarkable with nearly every bladed weapon. Furthermore, seems he holds you in high regard for saving his school from being outright obliterated by the Storm King. Lance Scimitar is his name, and his deals are more than fair. Missus managed to hire him as a private instructor for Diamond, for free, under the condition you would honor him in a spar. Ah apologize for not lettin’ you know about it, but it’d mean a lot if ya sparred him. And this ain’t about his classes being free for us, rather we like to be true to our word. Although, ah still have to apologize you got thrown in like that, ya know how my sweet petunia can be. Ah understand if ya don’t want to. But as ah said, it’d mean a lot if ya did.” Mr. Rich explained, hoping you’d not get upset. Hell, a spar? Getting to show off your skills? Given how kind Mr. Rich has been to you so far, there was no way you could say no.

“For you, Mr. Rich? Anything.” You say with a cool smile.

“Mr. Anon, you truly are one in a million. Thank ya kindly. Of course, if there is anything ya need from me, don’t hesitate to ask.” Mr. Rich said, grateful you didn’t get mad. He already had enough to deal with.

“Er, not to, erm, be negative. But is Anon going to receive a little training first? He’s not exactly good with a sword.” Ocellus said, rather meekly.

“What?! How could you say that? I’m a freakin’ swordmaster, even took on Rainbow Dash once.” You say, feeling rather insulted. If you can wield Alastor, you can wield a dinky training sword.

“W-well, I’m not too sure about that, you could be! But, erm, it’s just usually your horn that lets you pull off those skills. I-I don’t mean that as a bad thing, I just… I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” Ocellus said, shaking, yet also worried for you.

“Now there ain’t nothing to worry about, darlin’. Lance is a professional, and I’ve seen Anon hold his own, even after a fiery statue exploded. If Anon says he can handle a sword, then I believe him.” Mr. Rich said, with confidence.

“Yeah, I mean, I trained with Rainbow Dash and demolished my final exam. Trust me, I’m more than capable of handling some guy with a sword.” Like, c’mon, maybe ponies were tougher than you had given them credit for before. But in a straight up physical fight with weapons? You had this.

“O-ok… I just… Nevermind.” Ocellus had no idea what to say to convince you. It worried her, so much so she didn’t even take in all she was walking past, not taking the time to admire the luxuries around her.

But, yeah, damn right ‘nevermind’. Day by day, you improved. So some sword wielding poof ain’t gonna be able to beat your raw skill.

The three of you step out to the back. It was grand and luxurious of course, the trimmings and trees kept in immaculate condition as the pool shimmered and shined. Though, to the side of it, in the grass lawn, a strong yet slim brownish peach pony stood. He looked a little old, with a scar across his right eye, with his mane and beard being silver. Oddly enough, his beard looked like the blade of a claymore as his mane curved back many times like cutlasses. His name, oddly enough, matched his cutie mark as well, as it was two Scimitars cross, with a lance in between. He was a unicorn as well, and his horn? Sheesh, it stood like the end of a longsword. His shimmering green eyes had an intense stare, he was yelling instructions at two fillies, garbed in the same kind of suit Mr. Rich was in, who were fighting with swords in their mouths. Diamond and Silver? “Disgusting display! You say you want to fight like a sword fighter, but you swing your sword like thug with dagger! Turn your sword by the hilt, use your tongue, switch and counter, parry, and strike! Never let your opponent gain an advantage on you! And you, little pegasus with spunk, stop being so spunky! You are able to turn the hilt, but you swing your sword without predicting your opponent! Wild swinging is not the way to win! If you both keep this up, then I will have to show you both my ‘basics’ film again! You may complain it is two hours of nothing, but it is important! And yet, you both don’t learn from it. So yes, impress me, or else!” He barks at them in a rather thick accent.

The two figures looked to each other, and then, just like that, their battle became more furious, if a little clumsy. Lance simply watched, standing proud, observing every moment until something caught his eye. One of the sword fighters nearly tripped, and seemed to be tired. “Stop! Stop, the both of you! Perhaps I was too harsh. Take a break, get a drink from the cooler, and contemplate on your movements. Twenty minutes! Use some of that time to meditate!” He bellowed. But indeed, he had simply noticed that the two had been getting tired, possibly hot from nonstop training. Also, Pegasus? Wut?

The two foals stopped, seemed to take a few heavy breaths, and removed their helmets, revealing Diamond and… Wait, Scootaloo?! Wut?

“Geez, Diamond, when you offered me a chance to fight with swords, I didn’t know it was going to be this tough.” Scootaloo said to Diamond, panting, sweating.

“Well, I couldn’t ask Silver Spoon. I want to learn to be an awesome furious sword fighter, I don’t think she can handle that.” Diamond said as she sat to fix her frazzled mane, split ends caused by the heat.

“Hey, I get it, but all this technique stuff is tough. They make it look so easy in the movies.” Scootaloo said as she looked back at her suit, and pulled back two zippers to release her wings. “There we go, it was getting cramped in here.” Scootaloo then looked over at Lance and whispered. "What is with this guy? He's rough."

Diamond giggled at that "Trust me, if you've seen the kind of instructors we have for everything else, this guy is probably one of the nicest."

"No kidding." Scootaloo says with a small huff.

“Seems the current lesson is over. Perfect, simply perfect timing. Mr. Scimitar!” Mr. Rich called out with a wave. “Can I have a word?”

Lance looked over with a serious stare, while Scootaloo and Diamond looked over to see your group. Diamond was already excited as Scootaloo called and waved to you. Lance himself walked over to your group silently, almost imposingly as he looked to Mr.Rich and shook his head. “More students, Mr. Rich? I agreed to the two, and I hope you aren’t adding two more without me even having a chance to even meet Anon. Although…” His eyes look to Ocellus, who immediately becomes frightful of his cold stare. “Training a changeling would be interesting. So many forms, so many possibilities. For free form sparring, I could teach her to be a brilliant duelist!”

“E-erm… A-actually, erm… I don’t really like fighting, s-sir” Ocellus said as she began to cower behind Mr. Rich.

“A shame. And what about him?” Lance points to you.

“Er, actually, Mr. Scimitar, that is Anon, the hero colt, and my future son-in-law. Ah know he looks small, but he’s actually a little firecracker. Should give you a run for your money.” Mr. Rich said with a sort of pride, already expecting you to be much better than you seemed.

“That is Anon?” Lance said, baffled, as he looked to you with wide eyes. He suddenly became rather silent.

“What? Hey, I really am him, you know? And if you think I can’t fight you, then pick up a sword, I’ll run rings around you.” C’mon, how does anyone not know what you look like by now?! Especially after being a great hero. Christ, this is how Twilight must feel when she gets treated like a normal pony despite being a fucking alicorn.

Still, Lance was silent, making you all feel awkward until he suddenly burst into loud, almost obnoxious laughter. “Haha! You really are him! And here I was being foolish!” He said as he suddenly bowed towards you. “Apologies, little hero colt, but the papers made you look much bigger.”

Wut? “That was, ahm, that was quick. So, heh, you recognize my greatness then, huh?” You say with a cool smirk.

“But of course! The young colt who saved Equestria from a King who subdued even the princesses is nopony to be insulted. That, and I am a firm believer of never underestimating an opponent, no matter their skill or appearance. It is why I’ve been looking forward to sparring with you. Any young colt who is able to do that in which a group of six usually does these days must be a true worthy opponent in all arts of combat.” Dude, this guy, he knew what was up. Silverstream was one thing, but this guy? Yeah, he understood just how dangerous you were.

“Hey, man, I just do what I do. So, a spar, eh? Yeah, I usually have a busy schedule and all, but for you, a fan? Bah, I can show you my stuff.” Oh yeah, baby, you had this in the bag.

“Good, very good. I will alert the girls to take long break, to even observe our battle. As for you, take a training sword from my bag over there, any one you wish, and warm up. In ten minutes, we fight!” Lance seemed primed and ready to go already, his tone was like he was having his dream come true at this very moment.

“Cool, cool, but what about a body suit? You know, for protection?” You ask.

Again, Lance laughs. “Hahaha! Hoho! You worry for me, and I understand, given your amazing skill. But worry not, this free form battle will truly test our willpower and skill. I already know you don’t need one, but truly fear not, as it is something I will not need, even if it something I myself should use against the likes of you.”

You eye twitched. “Uh, aren’t these swords still dangerous?”

“Only to the untrained. And you, Anon, don’t try to tell me you’re untrained. Those heavy shackles on your legs, they must make you strong. I will not force you to take them off, though if they hinder you, I’d recommend that you do so you are not at a disadvantage. Just like I, I hope you do not underestimate your opponent.” Lance said as he already began to stretch his legs.

Shit… Well, fuck it. How tough can he actually be? Dammit, you really hoped this wouldn’t hurt. “Y-yeah, totally. Just give me some time to warm up. Uh, yeah.”

“Indeed, indeed, as I said, you may warm up. And yes, little hero colt, I am aware of your horn and its unicorn qualities. Feel free to use it, but only to use your weapon. Spells are not permitted, one of the few rules free form combat has. I’d fight you by tournament rules, but it is much too restrictive for this particular duel.” He told you as he went to pick up a sword for himself to practice with.

“Uh huh… Alrighty then.” Was all you could say. But looking at Ocellus, it seemed she didn’t have too high a confidence in you for this fight. Ah well, you knew Diamond and Scootaloo would have your back. So whatever, you got this.

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