• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 220 - All In?

Jimmy had placed you on top of one of the slot machines, and left you alone as he watched with glee. You weren’t saying anything, you just laid there, unmoving, crying, blaming yourself. How could Yona do this? Well, how could she not? With the way Jimmy was putting things, you’d break your own spine too. Still, did you deserve this? You did good too, even through all your mistakes, you tried to do good, and even own up to whenever you did bad. And yet, this seemed to be it, this was the true end to your adventures.

Jimmy snickered as he leaned against another of the slot machines, staring at you with arms crossed. “You have no idea how much I’m relishing this. It’s so unreal, she just snapped you like a twig. I told you you weren’t as great as you thought you were, but hey, no one listens to poor ole Jimmy.” Jimmy said with a shrug as he stood up straight and sighed, fixing his suit up. “But unfortunately for me, I can’t be feasting on your misery all day, I have things to do. So, Anon, here’s the deal. I want that staff, and don’t tell me it’s gone, I already heard that bullshit. I’ll spare you the details and just say if you give in to your hopelessness and give me permission to use your portal door, and tell me where you put your horn, this casino can be all yours. What do you say?”

But you didn’t respond. You didn’t care. And either way, you weren’t going to help him. Why did he need your permission anyway?... Unless the portal door was indeed considered your property, meaning Discord at least made sure he still had no real way out.

“Anon… Hey!" Jimmy said as he angrily snapped his fingers in your face. "I’m not asking you. Someone in that shitty little town has that staff, I know it! If nobody saw that staff disappear, then it isn’t gone! And nobody is going to leave it alone either. So again, give me permission…” Jimmy said, sounding more serious as he let out a low growl.

You just turned to him, just eyeing him with a melancholic expression. “You really think that?.... Not everything is a trope, Jimmy. Just give it up, the staff is gone. Nobody has it.”

Suddenly, Jimmy flew into a rage and stomped onto the ground like an angry child, pointing at you. “EVERYTHING IS A TROPE! EVERYTHING! How do you think I got this far?! I'm at the edge of victory! I'm closer than any villain has ever been before! Anon, that staff, somebody figured it out, Anon! Either they figured out how to move it and are studying it for research purposes, or you have a villain manipulating everything! Their only issue is trying to use the staff without losing their minds or will to it. That’s why I need you, if I can steal the memories of everyone in town, including the one who took it, then I can take the staff before that idiot tries to stop me. The perfect plan. No hesitation, NO MERCY!”

...He really was insane. That didn’t make any sense. Nobody in town was capable of that. And Chrysalis? No, she wouldn’t have it, she’d have used it by now. Either way, she was good now, so you know even if she had it, she’d not use it for anything malicious.... Hopefully. Wait… What if…

What if someone had taken it for such reasons he described?


Could Time Turner have taken the staff to study it? Is that possible?

...Did it matter?

“Whatever… I don’t even know where my horn is. So you aren’t exactly getting that without some sort of radar or something. And even then, Discord would have figured out you were out and about long before you find it. Give it up, Jimmy… I don’t fucking care, you aren’t getting shit from me.” You said, adjusting yourself the best you can to get some rest on the slot machine. This could very well be your end, you knew unless Discord could somehow win you back, you were doomed. Hell, could he win you back? You were surprised that wasn’t actually part of his true plan, to use you as a bargaining chip.

Suddenly, you hear a loud cutting noise. You turn your head to see a cleaver cut partways into the machine next to your head. It scared you to near death as you used your forelegs to push yourself away from the blade. When you look at Jimmy, he was holding the handle of the cleaver, his hair had split ends, and his face was full of mad rage. “You aren’t HEARING what I’m saying, Anon. I’m not playing around any more! You are going to give me what I want, or I’m just going to start cutting you, bit by bit, until the pain persuades you to give me what I want! Understand now?”

Holy shit… You could see it, his true self. Behind his façade of coolness and control, he was still as he was when he was a beholder. Mad, deranged, angry, wanting to control everything by any means possible. He never changed. You were trying to back up, pushing backwards with your forelegs.

Jimmy just chuckled as he looked at you, raising the cleaver. “What’s wrong, Anon? I thought you wanted to just give up and die. Ah, but just like any cowardly human, your life means everything in the face of death. You made me, Anon. You made all this! If you had never corrupted the queen, then it wouldn’t have come down to this. Then again, I wouldn’t be king if not for this. So… Thank you for that. That doesn’t deserve any mercy, though.”

“You’re fucking crazy! Get away from me!” You screamed, stopping once you reached the edge of the machine. You looked down, quickly realizing even if you pushed yourself off, you’d not be able to get very far.

“You should have taken my offer! Discord can’t save you, the idiot doesn’t even know you’re here! Your friends can’t get here without him! And Chrysalis will never come to rescue you. And the best part? Your yak friend abandoned you! Just like that! Knowing this could be your end!” Jimmy said as he pointed the cleaver at you. “So, what should I lop off first? Your useless lower torso? Should I feed your dick to you? How about I chop off your forelegs and make you into a chair! A CHAIR! HAHAHAHAHAHA….uh?” When Jimmy entered his mad laughter once again, he looked up to see something coming towards him at a blinding speed, making him freeze in confusion. Before he could defend himself, there was a loud crash, causing the cleaver to fly out of his hand as whatever landed on him started to stand.

It was… “Y-yona? Yona?!”

“Yes!” Yona said as she slowly stood up, then smashed her hooves down as a grunt is heard from under her. “Yona thought she might hurt herself with big fall, good thing Jimmy squishy.” Yona then walked up to you with a smile. “Anon, plan worked! We get out now, okay?”




You furrowed your brow at Yona, suspicious, and even furious at her. “Plan?! What plan?! Why did you even come back?! I thought you hated me! You hate me, Yona! I already know why you’re here, and guilt… Guilt will not make up for the shit you pulled!”

Yona recoiled as her ears folded back, she suddenly looked genuinely upset. “A-Anon, w-why? A-are you angry at Yona?”

“YES!” You screamed out at her. “You let Jimmy manipulate you! You just let Ocellus trash on me, and I bet you all have, I bet you all shat on me! Why?! Why didn’t anypony talk to me about it?!”

Yona, upset and confused, tried her best to answer. “Y-yona not understand. Y-yona said Yona think Ocellus exaggerating. Y-yona admit, Yona get mad at Anon, b-but not hate him. Yona even try talking to Ocellus, but Ocellus not act same since Anon go on long vacation. N-nocreature know why either. Y-yona... Yona should have said something...”

Your long vacation? Right, when you were poisoned. Why would Ocellus be acting weird about that though, no one from that friend group even knew about what really happened. Even then, a plan? This was hard to believe, especially when… “Yeah, you should have... Yona, I highly doubt Jimmy was lying about all that hate you were feeling. So why don’t you try explaining that.”

“Yona… Yona admit, Yona felt feelings she never felt. Yaks get mad when things don’t work out way it should, so Yona felt mad at first. But then, the way Jimmy treat Anon. The way Jimmy try to make Ocellus sound bad. The way Jimmy hurt Anon… Yona focus that into something that even scare Yona. Yona do it to try to trick Jimmy, it was best human trick Yona can think of.”

Best human trick? ‘Human’ trick? Was… Yona trying to trick Jimmy with a trick he’d never expect an ‘MLP character' to do’? Even then… “And what about my spine?! You broke my spine, Yona! You didn’t even flinch when you did it! Jimmy even noticed that you didn’t care! So explain that! Explain that now!”

“A-Anon, we not have t-” But you cut her off, you needed to know.

“Then make time! I’m not going anywhere with you until you tell me why! WHY!?” You shouted at her, demanding answers.

“Anon…” Yona seemed to be really antsy. But as you stared her down, she began to break down, she began to tear up as if some sort of unknown reality began to settle in. “Anon, Yona not know Yona hurt Anon that bad.”


You chuckled falsely “OH yeah, sure! I mean, crushing someone to bits is all hunky dory! Why, just ask Jimmy right now, I’m sure he’s fine!”

Yona suddenly began to sniffle, she was hurt, she didn't understand why you were acting that way. “Yona serious. Don’t Anon remember?”

Wut? “Remember what?”

Yona took in a deep breath, and began to explain while trying not to break into further tears. “When Anon first challenge Yona. Yona not remember, only remember Gallus changing colors. But Silverstream explain to Yona that Anon break leg badly in tree, that bone stick out. But Anon fix himself, no problem. Yona believe since Anon was fine to talk to Yona after Yona woke up, then Anon be fine now.”

… That did happen, didn’t it?

“...Okay, but didn’t Silverstream explain how utterly painful it was when my leg nearly snapped off?” You asked her, calmed, but still wary

“Silverstream say Anon only be humble about it, that Anon not in serious pain and shrug off like nothing, like hero colt does. So Yona thought Anon figured out Yona's human plan and go along with it” Yona said as she began to become antsy now. “Can Anon and Yona go now?! Please?!”


“A-Anon?” Yona said lowly, giving you a gentle poke.

“Yona… I… I didn’t… I’m just… I’m just…. I thought you hated me, I really did. I thought all I was was a gigantic screw up.” You said as you looked at her, your eyes tearing up as you whimpered.

“Yona can agree that Anon screw up lots. But… Anon have good heart, Yona could never hate Anon. Remember what Headmare Twilight say. ‘Sometimes friends we have may be different, or even do things we not like, but what makes them friends is times we share, and goodness they do. Differences can be good, even better, than anything bad’. And Yona know Anon have good heart. If Anon not have good heart, he not go save Silverstream. He not try to fix evil bad queen. Anon not be hero colt. Yona believe in Anon… And Yona sorry if Yona make Anon feel bad.” Yona said, her voice cracking, as she began to cry.

“Dammit, Yona! I’m sorry too!” You said as you and her burst into tears at the same time. “I’m a screw up! But, I… I guess I’m also not. Yona, you’re awesome! Yaks are awesome! And-” You stop yourself when you notice Jimmy slowly dragging himself off, and groaning as he began to stand. “And we can continue this later! Let’s go!”

Yona nodded as she bashed the slot machine forward, sending you upwards as she caught you on her back. She wiped her tears, and put on a serious look. She was ready to run. “We move quickly, Anon, we not have much time!”

Author's Note:

I am prepared for even the most negative of comments. Because I know people are still going to be upset. The end of this arc is next chapter.


Seeya next time, space pony.

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