• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 242 - A Cold Welcome

You were sitting on Diamond’s bed in her room as she hid the gift inside her closet. You were stretching around, noting that, while the bed felt somewhat comfier than your own, it lacked the magical temperature control that kept you snug. “So, you got any plans for today, Diamond? I don’t really have anything to do at the moment other than go see my dad about something.”

Diamond threw some blankets over the gift to hide it and began to come out of her closet, closing it before wiping her brow, feeling she did a job well done. “Hm? You mean you don’t have anywhere to run off to for once?” She said, half sarcastic, half earnest about actually being able to hang out with you.

“Nope, nothing I can think of.” You said as you hopped off her bed and gave yourself a stretch.

“Hmmm, well…” Diamond began to give it some thought. She then slowly looked back at the closet, and she began to frown. When she turned to you, she let out a sigh. What was that all about? “Anon, I… I don’t think that gift is really enough. Don’t you think so?”

Wut? “Uh, I think it’s more than enough. Chrysalis is gonna flip when she sees it. Wait, don’t tell me you want to get her a wardrobe of suits. I don’t think Rarity has that kind of time.”

Diamond shook her head. “Mmm mmm, nope. I wasn’t thinking about that. I was thinking about… Well…” Diamond walked over to her balcony, stepping outside and looking beyond the horizon. “She’s always excited to see Scrappy, y’know? She says it’s just business, but we both know it isn’t. So, y’know, well… You know?”

What was she talking about? “Diamond? I don’t know. What are you getting at?”

Diamond turned towards you, she had a dutiful and serious expression on her face. “What do you mean? Hearthwarming is about love, friendship, and FAMILY. Anon, even if she’s our family, she also has her family. And it isn’t right that they just abandoned her like that!”

OH GOD! NO NO NO! “Woah, woah, woah! Hold on. Look, I get what you’re saying, but let me tell you from experience from dealing with Ocellus. It can’t be done, not now, not so close to Hearthwarming.”

“What? Why not? Hearthwarming is the perfect time for it! It’s the time for forgiveness too, you know that, right?” Diamond stomped her hoof down, wanting her way. “If you know what I’m getting at, then why not give it a try? You can get us to the hive instantly, can’t you? Look, how about this? You get us to the hive, and I do all the talking. How does that sound?”

You take a moment to take a huge patient breath, and exhale slowly. This was a doomed mission that you knew would make things worse. “Diamond, King Thorax is not going to see eye to eye with you on this, okay? None of them are. They not only don’t like Chrysalis, they are outright afraid of her.”

Diamond rolled her eyes at you. “And? That’s not a good excuse to hate your mother.”

“Yeah, but there’s also the fact that said mother also tried to have their current king killed before he became king.” You tell her.

Diamond relented on that one, her lips curling in her faltered stance. “O-oh, well, that’s kind of a good reason. Ahrm, but, we both know Chrysalis has changed. She’s good now, remember? Her wings are prettier than any of theirs, so that means she’s super good. Anon…” Suddenly, she made an adorable but rather angry expression at you as she stomped towards you. “There was a time where I thought I hated my mother too, but I don’t! My mother is a much better pony than she used to be, just like Big Sis! Anon, I don’t want her to be hated like that, she doesn’t deserve it. You know she doesn’t deserve it. If you can’t do this for me, then… I…” She turns away from you with disgust “Hmph! Then I don’t even know what kind of pony you are anymore. The fact you don’t even want to try is deplorable.”

Fucking ouch. Okay, Anon, time to go into deep thinking mode on this one. The changelings were absolute pussies, and their king was king of the pussies. Even if Chrysalis has little by little been more accepted, it wasn’t far enough along for the children who forsaken her. If dealing with Ocellus taught you anything, these bastards wouldn’t trust her, even if they gave her a chance. But did you have to convince them all? Diamond seemed to have some sort of plan, at least you hoped so. But what was she even going to say? How would she handle the situation in a way you wouldn’t? “Okay, okay, sheesh! But, look, Diamond, let’s be reasonable. We can’t just waltz in there without a plan. Convincing them all is gonna be near impossible, and I just don’t want to see you upset.”

“We don’t need to convince all of them, we only need to convince their king, who would then convince them for us. Sure, it’ll be tough, considering what you said, but the thing about diplomacy is getting the pony you’re talking to to like you. And I think I happen to be a very likable pony.” Diamond said, standing tall with a cheesy smile on her face.

She… Wasn’t wrong about that part, you only needed to convince Thorax and the rest would most likely follow. But still, how would she convince him? How would you? This still seemed like more trouble than it was worth, but you could tell your life would be a pain in the ass if you said no. So… “Okay, okay, I see what you mean. But how about this, miss diplomacy: We go and give this a shot, one shot, that’s it. And if things go sour, we never talk about it again.”

“Compromise, huh? Sure, I can do that. I can, like, totally do this in one try. Still, Anon, you really don’t believe in me, huh?” Diamond said, she didn’t look too hurt this time, she just gave you a bit of a dismissive stare that cut into you.

“I-it’s not that, really. Look, I mean it when I say it, I just don’t want things to get worse. I’m telling you, I got lucky with Ocellus, she was actively wrecking my life with her fears. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you or Chrysalis, that’s all.” You explained, hoping this time she understood.

“She really made it that hard for you, huh?” Diamond frowned for a moment, before suddenly looking confident once more. “Fine, I understand. But as Daddy always says: ‘every decision we make is a risk, so always make sure the reward is worth it’. And, Anon? It is totally worth it.”

Then she’s made up her mind. At least she was being mature about it and not tearing you a new asshole for being so relenting. You wanted to cement that this would be one try, but you held back, pressing that point would probably only make her upset. You decided that whatever happens, happens, it can't possibly be as bad as you're making it out to be. You place your horn on your head, and give it a tap. “Ready?”

Diamond nodded “Of course! Let’s do this!”

And with a flick of your horn, you and Diamond poof in a flash of light directly to the entrance of the hive. And what laid before you was… Wut? You could hear childish, almost kindergartenish-like caroling inside, as the entrance, and much of the outer hive itself had colored goop-like balls stuck to wreaths and long strands of those Christmas-like branches you never knew the name of. Looking back, you could see the badlands was still the badlands, just a little colder, but still no snow. “Okay… What the… What?”

“Woah, so this is it? This is the hive? So this is where Big Sis lived. It… Doesn’t look like a castle at all. D-don’t tell her I said this, but it’s kinda lame. I wonder what the insi- Wait, what’s going on in there? Are they caroling by just saying carol and caroling?” Diamond said as she slowly began to walk inside to investigate.

“Woah woah, hold on there, Diamond.” You say, stepping up to her side. “I think they’re getting ready for Hearthwarming too, like, in their own way. So let’s just be considerate of what they’re doing, and not cause too much of a fuss. Let’s just ask for King Thorax and that be that.”

“Anon, you didn’t need to tell me that, that was already the plan.” She said, with a stare suggesting you thought of her as stupid.

“Yeah! I… I was just making sure.” You said nervously. Dammit, okay, why did you even have to say that? You were so used to usually having to do that with everyone else that you thought asserting the plan was the right thing to do. Of course someone like Diamond would already be two steps ahead and plotting on what to say to Thorax.

When you both ventured further into the hive, you could already see various changelings flying about joyously, going through different tunnels, holding decorations and such while joyously talking amongst themselves. Diamond just started to become awed with what she originally thought was lame. “Okay, I take it back. Look at this place, it’s like a warped tunnel system you’d see in a funhouse. I bet this place was super creepy when Big Sis was queen. Really struck fear into any of her enemies that wandered inside. She probably had so many traps everywhere and all sorts of cool scary stuff.”

Wut? “Er, I mean, wouldn’t you think that’s a bad thing?”

“It WAS a bad thing, Anon. It doesn’t matter now, so it’s just kinda cool to think about.” Diamond said as she pointed towards a changeling that was hanging wreaths along the walls of a tunnel. “Hey, Anon, why don’t you ask that guy where their king is. They know you, right? So they should be happy to tell you.”

“Sounds right to me, okay.” You wandered over to the cherry red changeling with yellow wings and blue eyes, he was humming to himself, mindlessly but joyously doing his duty. “Hey, buddy. It’s me, Anon. Look, I came to see your king. Y’know, see how he’s doing, have a bit of a chat. Mind telling me where he is?”

“King Thorax? Sure! He should be down in the brood chamber, checking the young and trying to come up with new songs to s-WAIT!” The changeling turns around, and upon spotting you, he suddenly began to panic. “Anon?! That Anon?! OH NO!” He then turns to see Diamond, and there had to be something he sensed, because he just pointed at her and said. “Oh no! I can sense frustration in that false filly! It’s the queen! Everycreature! It finally happened! Anon has brought the queen to the hive! We’re doomed! DOOMED!” And with that, all the changelings within earshot began to panic as the hive went into a crazy frenzy to find places to hide.


“Anon?! What was all that about?! What did you do?!” Diamond asked, confused. “You didn’t threaten him, did you?!”


“I just asked him where Thorax was and he freaked out! I have no idea what happened!” You said as you just gazed at the chaos you just caused. Like, what the hell? What did he mean you brought Chrysalis?! She wasn’t Chrysalis. And this wasn’t some mind game shit either. If Diamond was Chrysalis, you would have known much sooner simply because she would have taken the gift for herself the moment she had it in her hooves.

“It sounded like he said you brought Big Sis here. But that doesn’t make any sense. Why are the changelings so afraid of you? What did you do to them?” Diamond asked, utterly confused by everything going on.

“I have no clue! Last time I was here, I was just here to meet Ocellus. I didn’t do anything, I swear!” You said, as the hive suddenly became quiet.

“Then why are they all freaking out? Something has to have happened. Ugh, this is going to make things a lot harder. It doesn’t really feel fair.” Diamond said, aggravated as she started to stare down one of the tunnels. She started to yell through it, trying to get anyone’s attention. “Hey! Why are you scared of my Anon?! What gives?! You better have a good reason! Nopony is allowed to be scared of my Anon unless you have one, and I mean a really good one!”

“Well, actually, we all have a good reason to be afraid of him.” Said a familiar wimpy voice, coming from the ceiling.

Both you and Diamond looked up to see Thorax himself looking down, looking quite concerned about your presence. Diamond’s anger went up a notch as she began to become demanding. “Well, come down here then and tell us! Anon says you don’t have a good reason to be afraid or angry with him, so your reason better be better than good. Don’t you know that this kind of reaction looks very bad on all of you? Being afraid of a hero like him is super suspicious.”

Welp, so much for trying to convince anyone to forgive someone with that kind of attitude. But thankfully, Thorax was a wimp, so he just daintily flew down to the ground, apologizing for his behavior. “S-sorry, I didn’t realize that. Look, forgive my fellow changelings, they just got the idea that you were the former queen. I mean, it almost seems like you may have been hanging around her, that’s all. Oops, sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you with that either. We just… Umm, it’s just… Look, m-may I ask who you are before we continue?”

“I’m Diamond Tiara, heir to the Rich estate and future wife to the hero colt, Anon! And yes, I do hang around Big Sis, what’s wrong with that? She’s my friend! You all understand what a friend is, don’t you?” Diamond said, still aggravated with his behavior.

Oh good gravy, this… This was already bad.

“Oh, dear. Um, we sort of do? Um, look, not to insult you or anything, but we really really don’t want anything to do with her, mostly because of a couple of things. Things that also have to do with him.” Thorax said, pointing at you.

Okay, what the fuck was up with that?! “Hey! What did I even do?! None of you reacted like this the last time I was here!”

“Yes! Yes, I know that. And you were kinda welcome here before... Well, before that whole attempt on ending the Princess of Friendship thing. We, surprisingly enough, had gotten a letter from Prince Shining Armor about the incident, in detail. It was very angry, very very angry. We didn’t really know what to do, or how to handle it. So we just… We kinda just… sent a letter saying we completely distance ourselves from the former queen in all ways. And we kinda decided that would mean you too. Because, well, considering what happened, you're really kinda dangerous. you've gotten too close to her and that can kinda spell doom for us all. I-I hope that didn’t sound too mean, but i-it’s just how we feel.”

This was going to be a bad time, wasn’t it?

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