• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 184 - Anon Missed The Molt

A month passes.

It was rough dealing with all your new friendships. Whether it was Yona challenging your head bonking skills, Ocellus being antsy about the whole Chrysalis thing, or Scootaloo wanting to try going on a true adventure like Rainbow Dash would, all of it was both a blast and a headache. Keeping up your role as coltfriend was getting a little more difficult as well, as Diamond had been wanting to visit Chrysalis again soon. Something you had been denying as you had assumed Chrysalis was going to strike soon.

She hadn’t, but you never know.

Home life resumed back to the way it was, except now Discord tried to stay away from Jimmy altogether, as he was nothing but a nuisance to him at this point.

Classes were fine, you got through them alright. And so far, there really haven't been any major disasters on your end. The Storm King was gone, the staff was gone, everything was fine. Well, almost…

Today, despite there being no classes, was a very special day, in which every student and pony in Ponyville had been invited to the stadium for a major event. You were at Fluttershy’s eating a basic cereal breakfast as she tended to some of the animals outside. Joining you was Spike, who you couldn’t help but silently stare at as you slowly chewed on your cereal.

“So, you’re not gonna say anything?” Spike asked.

You just slowly chewed.

“Not gonna say how cool they are?” Spike asked again.

You still only slowly chewed.

“You’re not jealous, are you?” Spike asked, getting annoyed by your silence.

“I have a horn that gives me cosmic power, so no” You finally answered, rather quickly, as you pointed towards him. “But explain how you got those wings again.”

“With only three charges” Spike muttered as he rolled his eyes and groaned as he leaned back on the couch “I told you, I molted.”

“Like a butterfly. Like, seriously, you literally told me you went through a whole stone cocoon… Thing. How is that even a thing? I thought you got super big as you grew up.” You were baffled. Not by the fact he had wings, but just the freaking method of it.

“That was when I was being greedy. This was natural. Basically I’m not a baby dragon anymore. Also, it is totally not like a butterfly. This is way cooler. Anon, you should have been there, I kicked some bird butt!” Spike said as he crossed his arms, looking satisfied. “And I didn’t need a super magical chaos horn to do it.”

“Uh huh.” Seriously, you just couldn’t get over it. What season were you on?! Was this really a thing? Was dimensional theory wrong?! Maybe humans develop this world instead of the other way around, because this is straight up bullshit. “Yeah, well, my horn is super tough to handle, you know that.”

“I know, but when it comes to wings, I just think it’s kinda funny I got used to mine lickety split while you still got some problems with yours.” Spike said, feeling smug after you basically tried to insult him.

You narrow your eyes towards him. “Is that a challenge?”

“Maybe, or maybe I just think you really are jealous since I don’t need magical items to be great. I'm a hero too, you know.” Spike said as he leaned back with a big grin on his face.

You scoff at that. “Dude, I could totally take you on without my magic, wings, or even my Starlight Hook. Wings or not, you’re just a baby.”

“Yeah? Or are you just being delusional after yet another knock on the noggin’?” Spike said as he began to feel an anger bubble within himself. “I gotta ask, how are you gonna take me if I just fly up and fry you?”

“Fry me? Hold on, let me get a letter ready for you to send to Celestia after I kick you around all of Ponyville first, because that’s all your fire is good for.” He thought he could take you, he really thought that?! He didn’t know how ruthless you could be if you gave it your all.

“Anon! Spike! What’s gotten into you two! Threatening each other? You both know better than that.” Fluttershy was astonished as she made her way inside the cottage, catching the tail end of the argument.

“Agh! Ugh, er! S-sorry Fluttershy, I just...” Spike gulped as he pointed at Anon. “C-can you just tell Anon my wings aren’t dumb? That’s how this got started, I felt insulted!”

“Anon!” Fluttershy gasped. “Did you insult Spike’s new wings?! Why would you do that? That doesn’t sound like you at all. Apologize, right now.”

G-guh! Dammit, fucking...“I-er, Ugh…” Ok, maybe you were out of line. But holy shit, those fucking wings, you would have broken your fucking tv at something like this, it just didn’t make any fucking sense! “Yeah… Sorry, Spike, I dunno what came over me. The wings are pretty neat. I g-guess I just got a little jealous.”

“Well…” Spike gave it a moment to think it over, then got up to pat your back. “Don’t worry about it, I’d be jealous of me too.”

Oy… You wanted to slap him for that comment.

“Good, that’s what I like to see, both of you being good friends. Remember, Anon, you shouldn’t be jealous, especially with everything you have. You should be thankful for it, and be happy your friends get such nice things too.” Fluttershy explains to you, hoping to teach you this lesson so something like this doesn’t happen again.

“Y-yes, Aunt Fluttershy. I get it now. I’m really sorry.” Dammit, Anon, just eat the damn cereal and don't make things worse.

“So, Spike, do you know what the gathering at the stadium is about? Oh, are we going to convert some of it into an animal ward? I wouldn’t mind having more space to teach my classes about animal care without having to make a long trip to the sanctuary for it.” Fluttershy said, with optimism in her heart.

“No, it probably isn’t that, Fluttershy. Heck, I don’t really know what it is, and nopony told me what it was either. Twilight’s super excited for it though. The only hint she really gave me is that it is something brand new for Equestria, something amazing.” Spike shrugged “I don’t even know what that can mean. So, I got nothing. Oh, there was something else, you’re part of the presentation, Anon.” Spike said as he pointed towards you.

“Me? Why me?” You asked, confused.

“No idea on that either, but you’re expected to be next to whatever that big tarp is hiding when this whole thing starts. Me too, actually. Apparently I’m really important for it too.” Spike said with another shrug, before he began to ponder. “I almost thought it may have been Chrysalis laying some sort of trap. Like, only pretending to be Twilight? But I feel like Scrappy would have said something. And then there’s the fact that there’s no way she could fake the way Twilight got excited about the whole thing. It’s been a whole month, isn’t Chrysalis gonna do, I dunno, something?”

You slowly look down at your shackles and sigh. “I have no idea. She’s kinda just been watching movies or riding her car around her basement. She says she’s got a big plan brewing, but she just seems to be messing around. If there was a time limit on this curse, it is taking its sweet time.”

“Movies? Oh my, I’ve been told that the movies she likes, even though they're from your world, are movies no colt should be seeing. J-just from what Twilight told me, t-t-they sound very scary.” Fluttershy said as she shivered from just thinking about it as she prepared a bowl of diced carrots for Angel.

“Well, she’s been watching random stuff these days. Last one she watched was ‘The Neverending Story.’” You say

“What? So, is it like a movie that doesn’t end? How can anypony watch that?” Spike said, confused.

“Well, er, you just sit through about an hour and a half of it… Because that’s how long it is.” You say

“That, er… Ok, then how is it the ‘Neverending Story’ then?” Spike said, even more confused than before.

“It’s just the title of the movie. Funnily enough, Chrysalis put the movie on expecting an actual endless movie too. Said she wanted to steel herself by testing her mental fortitude on focusing, what she felt, may have been a bad and most likely cursed movie.” You explain

“Oh my, that sounds dangerous. It’s not really cursed, is it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Er, no. It’s just a normal movie.” You tell Fluttershy.

“So what did she think of it then?” Spike asked.

“Well, she hated it, she got angry that it was so short, given the title. And then she went on an entire rant, for like two hours, on why the main character should have had this white dragon character eat these three bullies for revenge. I, uh, I just tuned it out after awhile.” Ugh, Chrysalis just straight hated it. You could only imagine her reaction to the second one. Hell, she might actually like the first one if she was subjected to the third one.

“Two hours?! Woah, are we sure she’s even a threat anymore? It sounds like she’s one of those really old mares at this point.” Spike said, utterly perplexed as to how the evil queen could just sound like a crabby granny.

“I… I don’t even know. I’m gonna go see her after this presentation, see if I could just convince her to just come and get this over with. I think she’s just afraid, you know? She just doesn’t want to let her hate go.” That had to be it at this point, she hasn’t really tried to do anything, not that you knew of anyway.

“Hm, well, maybe you should invite her for some tea, Anon.” Fluttershy suggests, catching both you and Spike off guard.

“Woah, what?!” You respond.

“Fluttershy, are you nuts? That’s crazy!” Spike says, blown away by her suggestion.

“Well, not really. She can’t hurt me, or the animals, so it wouldn’t be dangerous. And she was oh so pleasant when she was Nymous. I think she’s just looking for acceptance, and I’d be willing to accept her if she’s willing to visit.” Fluttershy said as she took your cereal bowl to clean it and put it away. “I wouldn’t mind watching a nice movie at the theater with her, maybe she'd enjoy a nice calmer pony movie”

“Huh…” Spike said as he began to ponder. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

No, it was a bad idea. Chrysalis would never accept. “Er, I mean. I-Uh. I’ll, uh, see if she’d like that when I visit her.”

“Thank you, Anon. But don’t make her feel pressured. I want her to come to the decision on her own.” Fluttershy said, giving you a cheery smile to show that she cared.

“I won’t, you can count on me.” Like, it won’t be an issue at all, because she’ll just flat out say no and be done with it.

“I know I can, and I can’t wait! I bet deep down, she’s just looking for all kinds of friends to get along with.” Fluttershy says, giving you a gentle hug as she steps towards the front door. “Is everypony ready to go?”

“Yep” Spike says as he flutters towards the door, opens it, and zips on out, hovering as he waves over to you. “C’mon! Let’s fly over there! It’ll be faster.”

“Oh my, that’s right, we all can fly now. Anon, you still remember how to fly, right?” Fluttershy asks you.

Ugh, of course you do. You sift through your saddle bag and slap on the wings. “Yeah, you just open them up, flap, and OOF!” You zip forward towards the door, hit the top part of it, and start barrel rolling like a bullet onto the little bridge ahead, falling flat on your back.

Spike had to hide a snicker as Fluttershy rushed over to you, frightened by your fall. “Anon! Are you ok?”

Ugggghhhhh… “I, er, meant to do that.” You quickly got up and began to hover in midair. “I was just testing the ole noggin, see?” You say as you give your head a knock.

“Oh.” Fluttershy said, confused. “Ok, I didn’t know you did that. A-and, that’s fine, but… H-have you been to a doctor lately? I-I’m just asking if there’s been any mention of bra-… Er, nevermind.”

“Trust me, Fluttershy. The day he cracks his head open is the day Equestria is destroyed by a bowl of spaghetti.” Spike says with a grin.

“Oh, Spike.” Fluttershy giggled. “That’s funny. You two are so silly sometimes.”


The flight to the stadium was a speedy one, it seemed most everyone who was going to be there was already there, as there was a few left who were either still walking or flying over there. You could hear the rustle and bustle as the three of you flew in from above. The stadium was packed, for sure. What struck you as odd was whatever huge thing was there at the center, under a big blue tarp. Ahead of it was a small stage, with a few seats in front set for the guests of honor, namely you, Spike, Fluttershy, and so on and so forth. You could already see Twilight down there, waving towards you all to come down.

The hell was that thing? Even as you all flew down to meet with Twilight, you couldn’t figure out what could be behind the giant tarp. There was definitely some magic used on it, as it was in the shape of a half-sphere.

Twilight herself seemed super excited about the whole thing as she greeted all of you. “Fluttershy, Anon, Spike! Hello! Yes! I’m so glad you all arrived this soon! Well, I’m sure we’re all glad, since I doubt anypony wanted to wait for a long time.” Twilight said, nearly tripping over her words.

“Well, I’m glad to be here, Twilight. But, um, where are the rest of our friends?” Fluttershy asked as she looked around.

“Starlight was a bit particular about the seating this time around. It is her thing, after all, and she wants to do this presentation without criticism. I mean, I told her it wouldn’t be a problem, but she was so sure Applejack or Rainbow Dash would have something to say about it. So, yeah, they're all up over in the regular seats.” Twilight explained.

“That’s kinda rude, don’t you think?” Spike asked. Apparently he didn’t know about the arrangements either.

“I thought so too.” Twilight sighed, her excitement lowering as she further thought about it. “But she’s really super sensitive about this whole thing. She’s been working on it with Sunburst in secret, even I didn’t know about it until recently.”

“I… Didn’t even know about it. A secret project?” You asked as you began to look around the stadium. “Did she say what it was?”

“Nope. She only said it would revolutionize-” Twilight suddenly gasped, and stopped herself. “Ah! Oh, sorry, she also told me not to hint at what I do know. She didn’t want you to figure it out, Anon.”

“Uh huh…” This really was weird. And Sunburst was in on it? Ugh, you hate that guy. For reasons, most likely good ones. “Well, we’re all pretty much here then. Is something supposed to… Is that Trixie?” You ask as you point to her head poking out from behind the stage.

“Uh, yeah.” Twilight’s enthusiasm lessened even more. “I don’t know why, but Starlight wanted Trixie to do the presentation over me. I can’t imagine why, considering whatever is under that tarp is more my speed.” Twilight said with an impatient and awkward chuckle “But okay! Again, it is her thing.”

“Oh my, whatever this ‘thing’ is, it must be life changing to get you this excited, Twilight.” Fluttershy noted.

“It is, just from the vague description she gave me. And it’s all thanks to Anon, at least that’s what she said.” Twilight said as she looked towards you. “But she didn’t tell me why. Anon, would- Oh, darn it! I have to be patient!” Twilight said as she nearly slapped herself over it.

“Relax, Twilight. You’re gonna explode if you keep this up.” Spike said as he flew towards her, trying to keep her calm. “Save it for when you actually know what it is.”

God, Twilight was as giddy as a schoolgirl over this. All thanks to you, huh? Hmmm…

It… It couldn’t be, could it? Equestria doesn’t have the tech to produce something like that. Did Starlight find a way? You wandered over to the special cushy seats in front of the stage and sat down, deep in thought.

“Anon? Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked, noticing you trail off. She followed you, and sat beside you as she looked you over.

“Yeah, I’m just trying to figure out what this could be. I think I know what it is. But if it is that, I have no idea how she went about making it.” It is impossible, right? At least at this current time, with magic being such a big thing in Equestria over technology.

“Do you know what it is?” Asked Fluttershy.

“I think? I know technology in Equestria is crazy in its own way, like with the Rainbow Factory. But… Nah, it has to be just a model.” You say out loud, mostly speaking to yourself.

“A model? A model of what?” Twilight asked as she too, became curious to the way you were acting.

“I-” But suddenly, you are interrupted as fireworks explode in the sky... Even though it's daytime.

“WELCOME EVERYCREATURE, ONE AND ALL, TO THE REVEAL OF ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING, SPECTACULAR, AND STUPENDOUS BREAKTHROUGHS OF EQUESTRIAN TECHNOLOGY YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! YES, I, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIIIIXIE WILL WOW AND AMAZE YOU WITH…” Suddenly, Trixie stops as she hears a whispering behind her. She looks back to see Starlight waving her hoof at her, and shaking her head. Trixie lets out a gigantic sigh and uses her magic to pull in a sheet, holding the microphone near her with her telekinesis as she suddenly becomes sour in tone, reading from said sheet. “Ahrm. Under this tarp is a machine made through advance engineering. By pushing the known technological boundaries beyond infinite, and using methods well beyond our space, developments can be achieved in places nopony thought possible. Indeed, most of the technology we have here in Equestria has been through the perfect blend of magic and mechanical know how. But what we present to you today is a production of pure technological prowess. Ladies and gentlecolts, we will now present you with a machine capable of flying faster than ten pegasi combined. A machine incapable of becoming tired as it’s able to make its way across Equestria twice over, perhaps even thrice.” Trixie looks back again, with Starlight this time giving her a nod. Trixie then suddenly stands on her hind hooves as fireworks begin to explode in midair. “WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, AND PLEASE TRY NOT TO EXPLODE FROM THE SHEER THRILL OF IT ALL, MAY I, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIIIIXIE, PRESENT...!” The tarp finally gets pulled off, with everyone, even you, in awe of what was before you. “THE JET PLANE!”

Holy fuck. There it was. It didn’t have any weapons on it, and it was smaller than your typical jet plane, but holy fuck, she did it. She actually did it.

"... Meh, it's not as amazing, spectacular, or stupendous as the queen and Master Applebloom." Said a voice.

"WaWHAHDAS" You suddenly fall forward in shock when you see that Scrappy was standing above you on the backrest of the chair. "When did you get there?!"

Scrappy shrugged. "When I had to guard the Queen's enemy, Twilight Sparkle. Why?"

"No, I mean... Ugh, never mind." You'll never understand that changeling. He's either highly incompetent or scary efficient at what he does. It unnerves you.

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