• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 202 - Chrysalis's Finale?

Chrysalis was silent for a moment, looking deep into your eyes, then giving you a tap on the head. “You’re not broken, that’s good, I suppose.”

“Chrysalis… Come on now, do you know how happy I am to see you right now?” You tell her, suddenly feeling more and more pained in your heart. To know she could possibly be gone after all this. You really just wanted to talk to her, like, like… She was family.

“I can taste it.” Chrysalis commented, before letting out a sigh. “I am happy to know you’re alright. But I know you know that already, there’s no way that princess didn’t share our little chat with you, you were way too ready to see me.” Chrysalis then sighed, and sat down on the floor as she looked at you. “You could have dodged that spike, your reflexes are better than that.”

“Chrysalis…” You slowly try to get out of bed, but the moment you do, you do feel some pain in your chest. The moment you winced in pain, you suddenly felt a magical force keeping you in bed. Chrysalis’s horn was suddenly glowing, as she looked at you with a hard stare. “Huh?”

“Always an idiot. Stay in bed, I don’t want to hear you whining about anything.” Chrysalis told you.

“O-okay, but… Chrysalis, I… The tria-” But she cuts you off in a sharp tone.

“I know! And I don’t care. Shining Armor is a sentimental fool. Or he just can’t get over me. He’s more obsessed with me than he is with his own wife.” Chrysalis said, as she suddenly gave you a grin. But you just sat there, blankly staring, which made her roll her eyes. “It was a joke, Anon.”

“Uh, I… Er.” Christ, the tonal shift was wild here. Was she just being difficult but also not trying to be? “I, I mean, it’s funny. It's just… Y’know, I don’t know.”

Chrysalis huffed, brought her hoof to her forehead and began to rub as she huffed yet again. “Fine, fine… I get it, this could be our last time together, and…” Chrysalis looked up to the ceiling, trying to figure out what she wanted to say. “I missed you, Anon, I was worried about you. And I wanted to apologize for being generally mean to you and using you when you were at your most spineless.”


You just sat at your bed, blinking, and staring blankly again.

Chrysalis began to shout at you angrily. “Why are you just sitting there staring at me? Don’t you know how to react to anything prope-Guh?” She was too into her own anger to even catch you as you just sprung out of bed to hug and nuzzle into her. She actually did it, she apologized, without being drunk or faking it. “What are you doing!? Didn’t I just tell you not to get out of bed!”

“I don’t care! Chrysalis, I’ve missed you, ok? Even if it didn’t feel like it was a long time, I’ve missed you, I’m scared for you, I… I just don’t want you to leave.” You started to sob into her false fur, dammit! She was never going to get out, she was done for! Goddammit! She was reformed! And they’d never see it that way.

Chrysalis said nothing, you didn’t know if she looked disgusted or displeased anymore. But then, you felt it, her hoof gently going along your back, stroking it. “Anon… Why do you do this to me? Why… Do I do this to myself? I don’t know.” She suddenly feels you hugging her tighter, still sobbing, she didn’t even know if you were paying attention. “Anon…” Chrysalis uses her magic to gently pull you away. You just look up at her, with big sad eyes, whimpering. “Ugh, Anon, you’re not an actual child, you know that right?”

“I-I know, but… Chrysalis, Do you know how much I care about you? Diamond? I just, I just feel like…” You hang your head down. You felt terrible about what you were going to say. But at this point, if she kept this up then… “At this point, I… It just feels like you’re always thinking about how to get revenge. How to be evil. I don’t know, I just… Chrysalis, what do you care about more? Me? Or revenge?”

“That’s a stupid question, it’s reve-” But Chrysalis stopped herself right there when she saw that even the start of that answer, in such an arrogant tone, was heavily upsetting to you. She actually stopped, and had to think about it. “Well, to be honest… I guess I can say revenge hasn’t gotten me anywhere like it used to back in the day. I… Suppose it’s been more fun with you and little Diamond than plotting and scheming. Knowing in the back of my mind that, somehow, Twilight Sparkle is invincible for reasons even I don’t understand. Deus ex Machina, I think that’s what your clone said…'' Chrysalis, when she looked back down at you while she rambled, had expected you to calm down, but you still looked so upset. “Fine! You want me to say it?! I care about you! Like a brother! I would end the life of anypony who hurt you, or little Diamond, or Scrappy, and anypony else who somehow managed to fit in my tiny black heart! There! Will you stop crying now! I swear, it’s like dealing with an actual child and-” But she’s stopped when she feels you hug onto her again. “Ugh… It was easier being the mother of more obedient children, I swear.”

“I knew it! I knew you cared! Ever since you first saved my life, I always knew it! I care about you too! Diamond does too! And, come on! I know you can get through that trial! All you have to do is show that idiot Shining that you reformed! Because you have, you care! I heard you talked to Fluttershy! And I know, I just know, it had to have gone well!” Yes, finally! Yes, full fucking confirmation at the deepest level. She really did it! She reformed!

“Gah!” Chrysalis said in genuine surprise. “Because of course that purple nitwit would tell you about that!” Unaware of Luna saying anything about it.

“Well, what happened then?! What did you two talk about? You gotta tell me, come on!” You started to hop around excitingly, ignoring your pain and tiredness. You suddenly felt a magic grip grab onto you and gently force you back onto bed. “Awww, come on, you gotta tell me!”

“I don’t have to tell you anything.” Chrysalis said as she forced the blanket onto you. “Maybe you should go back to sleep.”

“But I was told it went really really well.” You retort back to her.

“What?! Who told you that?! How do you know that much?!” Chrysalis said, further surprised.

You just grinned at her. “I didn’t, actually. But now I do, since you just told me it did.”

“I didn’t exa- I… Ogh.” Chrysalis just went stoic as her eyes peered at you. “How am I falling for that so easily?”

“Well, are you going to tell me what you both talked about?” Come on, come on!

“No... I doubt we have time for that anyway” Chrysalis replied, her eyes shifting away from you in embarrassment.

“Did it really go well, at least?” You asked, getting more excited.

“Ye-Anon! What did I say about acting like a foal?” Chrysalis said with a growl.

Mnnn… “Fine... Chrysalis, I… Wish we could watch one more movie together, y’know? Just… I just… Chrysalis, you don’t… You don’t want revenge still? On Celestia I mean.”

“At this point, it doesn’t matter. I’ve thought long and hard on it, Anon. I swear, Equestria doesn’t seem to have a place for beings like me anymore. Honestly, if given the chance, I’d do things a little differently.” Chrysalis said as she peered at the window with a long sigh.

“What do you mean? Like, being good and stuff?” You asked, curious.

“Not exactly. Let’s just say that perhaps being pure evil isn’t as great as I thought it’d be. Having watched all the films I’ve seen, knowing you and little Diamond the way I do, it has made me wonder if there’s another way to live. Not evil, but also not having to conform to such terrible notions these ponies seem to hold dear.” Chrysalis explained.

“Like… an anti-hero? Or an antagonistic protagonist?” So then, that was it, true progress. With the best results anyone could have asked for.

“Yes, something like that. My dreams have changed recently, Anon. No longer do I care about revenge, it just doesn’t suit me anymore. Instead, maybe being a forest hermit can be my thing, if you supply the magic, of course. We can hang out, watch movies together…” Chrysalis then eyes you with a hard stare. “And don’t say with somepony other than who I care about, that would have to be at least a ‘Maybe, but probably not’ sort of thing. Anyway, my children are alive, they're fine, stupid, but fine. So, in retrospect, my forest manor is much better than that dank hive.” Chrysalis then looks to you with a gentle grin. “Anon, if I had a second chance, I would love to be able to spend it as a better changeling. Not better as in as a pony, but under my own terms. Which brings me to my next question. Would that be something you’d want? Would we be able to… Compromise on at least that? Technically, we both win the game we’ve played for so long, or perhaps you win, since you’d no longer have to worry about me ending anypony… Just perhaps harassing them once in a while… As long as they don’t bother me in my home.”

“Chrysalis…” Holy shit, FINALLY! OHHH SHIT! YOU WIN! IT’S OVER! CHRYSALIS IS REFORMED! “I would be totally ok with that. In fact, hearing that, I don’t even think you need that damn trial. You’re gonna do fine!” You said, with optimistic hope.

“Glad you agree… NOW!” Chrysalis shouted towards the guards.


Suddenly, as one of the guards became ready to arrest her, the other smacked that guard in the head, knocking him out cold. “My queen, it is done!” The other guard said with a salute as he panted like a dog.


“Captain Scrappy, will you… Just stop doing that? You’re not a dog, you’re a changeling.” Chrysalis said with an eye roll towards the standing guard.

“I am a changeling captain dog Apple!” He said, with his usual energetic stupidity.

Chrysalis just shook her head and sighed. “Fine, whatever, good work captain, you… You did well.”

The guard saluted again “My queen, I am happy to hear that, and ask for belly rubs!”

Chrysalis just did her best to keep her patience, something she was doing well despite Scrappy’s dogginess. “Perhaps later. Right now, I need you to...” She let out another heavy groan. “...Play dead.”

“My queen, your will is my… Thingy.” Scrappy said as he saluted one more time, before falling over without delay, looking dead with his tongue sticking out.


“Ah, well, that’s done. Goodbye, Anon.” Chrysalis said as she began to open the window to escape.


“Chrysalis! Chrysalis, what are you doing?! How did… No, you can’t! You can’t do this again! I won’t let you!” But as you tried to put your horn on, you felt Chrysalis’s magical grip keep you from moving.

Chrysalis sighed and shook her head at you. “What are you babbling about? I told you I’m done with revenge, I’m not seeking to end anypony anymore. Get a grip, I’m just going home”

“You seriously can’t expect me to believe that. Chrysalis! Dammit, I’m not falling for this again! I’m sorry, but I just won’t!” You said as you tried to break free from her magic.

“Anon, I’m not lying to you, you imbecile. I have no intention in hurting anypony anymore.” Chrysalis stated as she kept her grip strong.

“Why? Why do you think that now? Even if I believe it, they won’t! This won’t look good, Chrysalis” You say, trying to warn her.

“Why do you think? What do you think I’ve been thinking about this whole time? Have you not paid attention this entire time? It’s you, you fool! I nearly ended you by proxy. I…” Chrysalis sighed, and her tone became softer as she spoke. “I had a lot of time to think. Not only about you, but about other things. Things like Twilight Sparkle being invincible. Impervious to true defeat. At this point, I simply think it can’t be done, and it makes me wonder what would happen if I persisted.” Chrysalis looks at her own body for a second and gags. “A skin of stone just wouldn’t do it for a girl like me. But I digress, there is something else that made me come to this decision…”

Was she… Was she really telling the truth this time? “W-what is it?”

“What else, your ‘aunt’, or at least a point she made to me. Everything I’ve done for the sake of my revenge has yielded worse and worse results, and that I was reaching a threshold in which you and even Little Diamond wouldn't be able to tolerate. I suppose she made me realize that there was no winning our little game the way I’ve done things, and to persist would make me lose more than I realize. But, taking a more neutral position? I’d be able to do what I wish as long as I don’t make anypony too angry. Then again, the way Shining Armor keeps reacting, I think I could at least get used to that. He’s so obsessed with me that I have to wonder if he just wants to take me to bed like you always wanted to do. I’m sure you noticed how thick the tension is between us.” Chrysalis said with an evil snicker.


“S-so, Fluttershy? She convinced you? Really? I-” But Chrysalis cuts you off before you could finish your words.

“No, don’t even think it. I had already decided to call it quits, she just put things a little more into perspective for me. And, more importantly, she orchestrated this escape.” Chrysalis said and… WHAT?!


“No, what?! There’s no way!” There’s no goddamn way that’s possible, that has to be a lie.

Chrysalis laughed at your disbelief. “Oh, but she did. She’s the one who snuck my dear captain into the library for me so I could escape. Of course, this was under a certain condition.” Chrysalis groaned at the mere thought of it, but then she looked at you with a tinge of hostility. “I’ve heard the full details on you being some stupid chancellor’s little gopher. It almost feels like you’ve been cheating on me, Anon.”

“N-Neighsay? I’ve mentioned him to you before.” What was this? Where was she getting at? What did Fluttershy tell her?

“You did, but not to the degree of being his full on little spy to gain benefits for yourself and little Diamond. I’m hurt, you doing all these errands for him but complaining about whenever you do something for me. How could you?” Chrysalis said with a fake little pout.

“Ugh, Chrysalis, come on. I don’t even like the guy, and at this point I have no choice. I have to do what he says or else-” But Chrysalis once again cuts you off, finishing your words.

“He’ll close the school down, take little Diamond’s future benefits away, and I wouldn’t even know what he’d do to you, nothing good I’d expect. Well, lucky for you, I have decided to help you out on this by going with Twilight to see him, to show him what a good little bug I am.” Chrysalis said as she made adorable and almost sexy eyes at you, shaking her little rear.


“...Seriously? No, come on, Chrysalis. That’s way too obvious, do you really want to still hurt Twilight? Please, no, it isn’t worth it.” You knew she wasn’t serious. Even if she cared about you deeply, you knew how revenge oriented she was.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes at you, and became annoyed with you. “I actually mean it, you idiot! I have nothing more to gain from my old plans, and I’m not going to let some old worthless bureaucrat have his way with you. That’s what I’m here for. Now will you just trust me? Don’t make me say please, I’m not going that far this time.”

“But what about you escaping? That’s going to piss Shining the hell off.” You started to slowly believe her. She could have used Fluttershy to make her escape, but this could all be another con. But then, what if it isn’t? The one thing you had to consider is Chrysalis’s care for you, something you knew exists. If she knew Neighsay was going to fuck you over, then maybe… She really was telling the truth. "He'd hurt you, no matter how well meaning you are."

“You believe me then?” Chrysalis asked.

You nodded “Yes, I do. And I don’t want Shining hurting you in any way, but I don’t know what to do. He’s just, man, he’s going to be super pissed off.”

Chrysalis cackled at that. “I know, I’ll probably be able to taste it on my way to the forest. But calming him down and convincing Twilight Sparkle is on you. That Flutterpony of yours knows of my escape, and Twilight is, as I said, invincible, so I suspect she’d be able to calm her stupid brother down while she herself should realize she has as much to gain as you do from all this. I know you can do it, Anon, I believe in you. And if guards show up at my home instead, I’ll make sure to neuter you for your failure. How does that sound?”

Ohhh, neuter? Ogh, she had been watching too many of those darker movies, you know it. You lifted your blanket and looked at your crotch, then back at her with a gulp. “Y-yeah, I got it. B-but…” There was, unfortunately, one problem with her plan. “Chrysalis, there’s something you have to know.”

“Hm? What is it?” Chrysalis asked.

“Er, Neighsay doesn’t exactly trust Twilight, like, at all. And he sorta made this bet thing with Celestia, so…” Oh, you could already see Chrysalis fuming.

“Do not tell me you expect me to go with her to see him. Her?! Of all ponies?! What kind of sick joke is that?!” Chrysalis said, utterly displeased with that notion.

“I’m serious, it has to be with Celestia. If you really mean everything you said, then you have to go with her, there’s no other way.” You try to explain to her. It had to be Celestia. Her school and reputation was also on the line, and the deal was made with her, after all.

“I’d rather rot in Tartarus! What makes you think I’d ever agree to that?!” Chrysalis barked at you.

You stopped for a moment, and thought about it. Agree to it? Well, if everything she had told you was true, if she meant all of it, then... “Because, I’m asking you to, as your best friend. As your sibling. Forget about Twilight’s school. If you really care as much as I hope you do, as much as you’ve been saying, as much as I witnessed, then for the sake of me and Diamond, you’ll do it. Please, I’m asking you, for once, for me, to do it. Every time, Chrysalis, you always try to dodge me on stuff like this. So please… For me?” You say, giving her big old cute eyes.

“Fuck, no… Hell.. No… no… NO! Ngh, no! Egh… mnnn…” She tried to hold her ground, but the more she thought about it, the more she actually began to feel a creeping guilt on going back on her word to help you. “...I want my own Queenmobile. The same kind that man bat rides, but better.”


Manbat? “You mean, Batman?”

“Yes, the crazy man who threw the clown off the bell tower, that man.” Chrysalis stated.

“I… Didn’t know you liked Batman.” Huh…

“I don’t, the film wasn’t very good. But that car, I want it. I want you to convert my own ride into my own personalized Queenmobile, with green highlights, flourishing wings, a more buglike exterior, and green flames from that rear exhaust. We can talk weapons later, I just want it. And do you want to know why, Anon? Because it fits me, it shows those around me that I am something to be feared. If I have to deal with Celestia, then you and I are going to drive up to Canterlot, tear up her streets, and park right in front of her castle. I want her to gawk in stupefied awe at my pure brilliance and majesty. I want to tell her to ‘hop in, bitch’ as she has no choice but to feel the splendor of my terrifying power in wheeled form. Do this for me right now, and I’ll deal with it.” Chrysalis said, sounding pretty damn dark and serious about it.

“Okay then, er…” Wow, so… She was really gonna do it then. That’s… You could do that. If she was going to go that far out of the way for you, to save you, Diamond, and Twilight. Then, yeah, you can do that. You take your horn and plop it on your head, and think really hard as a bolt of magic shoots out the window and heads towards the forest. “There, I-I think that should do it.”

“Good. Now I must be off before Shining realizes something went wrong.” Chrysalis said as she began to head out the window.

“Wait!” You called out to her.

“Ngh, what is it now?!” Chrysalis barked at you “I don’t have any time to waste.”

“Can I have a goodbye hug?” You said, giving her those eyes again.

She narrowed her eyes at you, speaking with an annoyed and low tone. “Are you seriously risking everything because you want a hug?”

“Yes. Because I love you, Chrysalis, as a brother.” You tell her, sounding as cute and silly as possible. “You’re my bwig swister!”

Chrysalis just continued to stare at you, silently. But you would not relent, pointing at the door to signify that someone could come through at any moment. You had to have this, you just wanted to see her be genuinely affectionate with no strings attached. Chrysalis, still staring at you, slowly walked over to your side and lowered her neck so you could hug it. “Be quick.”

Oh… Oh yes, you were going to take advantage of this. You reach up and hug onto her as affectionately as possible, nuzzling and rubbing your cheek along hers.

“...Maybe Tartarus wouldn’t be so… Ugh, can you stop? Just… ngh!” Chrysalis gently but quickly pulled you away with her magic, and plopped you onto the bed. “There, it’s done.”

You giggled at her. “I think you liked it, you let me hang there a little more than you ever would have before.”

“Bah, I only did it to squeeze out a bit of a meal out of you. Ergh, why am I still even here. I’m leaving!” Chrysalis said, stomping towards the window as she began to climb out, turning into a rat.

But then you called out to her again. “Wait!”

Chrysalis turned back at you with big beady eyes. “What now?!”

“I-I just wanted to say goodbye, and that I’ll see you soon.” You said, in a falsely meek voice, knowing you had her.

Chrysalis once again paused, tried to leave, but stopped herself as she looked back at you with a sigh. “Whatever, goodbye, see you. And stay in bed! Ugh… No, just… I’m leaving.” And with that, she scurried off, scaling down the hospital outer walls.

Haha! You started to roll left and right in your bed. It happened! She is reformed! And she’s actually going through with the favor! She cares! She loves you! And you love her! You really were practically siblings now! Yes! It was going to be a new future! Er, you kinda still had to calm the situation down to get to that future… But… Woo!

“Nehehheeee…” cackled a low and evil voice.


“Hello? Scrappy?” Shit, was that him? Why was he cackling?

“Nehehehehehe…” The guard, the guard that was knocked out was cackling as he slowly stood up. And his eyes, they were glowing red.

W-what the? You then shifted your eyes to Scrappy, who’s voice, it changed as well, and he was cackling just the same as his eyes turned red.

“What in the...?!” Shit! What in the fuck was this?!

They both stood up, laughing at you, and then… They began to melt into each other. Turning larger, more fearsome.

“Nope! Fuck whatever this is!” You grabbed your horn and placed it on your head once more but… It just plopped off your head. You tried again, and it didn’t work. WHAT?! WHAT ABOUT YOUR TWO OTHER CHARGES?! “Dammit?! What the?! HELP! HELP! TWILIGHT!”

“Nopony can help you now, Anon” said a dark creepy voice.

S-shit. Dark Anon?! Was it him!? Oh god, he came to kill you, and you couldn’t escape! How did he survive?! Did he use all this time to regenerate?!

You began to cower as the melted mold twisted and turned, transforming into a disfigured beast. A disfigured beast that was becoming all too familiar.

After a while, the one who had been missing had finally returned, looking at you with a cool and dark grin. “Hello there, Anon. Did you miss me?”

It was him.


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