• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 279 - (You)

And so, here you were.

In total nothingness

You were dead.

You had to be.

You had been here for what felt like a long time, and yet, no time at all. As if very little time passed in one realm, but time ran for weeks for another.

“I can’t believe I let this happen. I had them, I had them right there! I could have blasted them right at the start. But oh no, I had to make sure Cozy was really really evil and not possessed or have a tragic origin. Nope, just an evil filly, through and through.” Dammit! She played you like a goddamn fiddle! And now…

“I screwed up! They actually won, they actually know how to win! Ngh… Ngh… Dammit, it really is my fault. The world is fucked! It’s fucked! Dammit! How?! Because I was an idiot, that’s how! Fuck… None of them stood a chance… I can’t even see them again, none of them. Not Diamond, not Chrysalis, Discord, Fluttershy… No one. I can’t save them, because I doomed them.” This utter void of darkness. Was this the true pony hell? Floating in an endless abyss?

You started to whimper, covering your face with your hooves in shame. “Dammit, why didn’t I pay attention? I didn’t just put one friend in danger, I did it to the damn world. I’m sorry. Please! I’m sorry! Anyone! Pony god? Celestia? Luna? Dammit, please, whatever divine force is out there, you gotta send me back somehow! Please! Please! I’ll do anything! I’ll give up whatever you want me to give up! Just, please!” You begged and pleaded into the void.

And there was nothing

Or… Was there?

Your cries seemed to be have become answered? You began to see the six elements of harmony appear around you. Not the ponies themselves, but just their elements. Then suddenly, you hear a voice come from behind you. “As much as you wish to save the world, this is not your story. But fear not, Anon, for this is not the end. You will return soon, and through you, you must unite the six who will bring Equestria back from the brink.”

Wha huh? You look back behind you. There it was, the sparkling being who lambasted you so long ago. Or was it? It was the same sparkling, but it was Twilight instead of Discord. “What? What are you talking about? You… You’re that spirit of harmony from before, aren’t you?”

The spirit nodded. “I am. And I can sense you have much to say. Though, I must tell you, you sadly don’t have time to say it. My time is short and I’ve used the last of my power to see you one last time.”

Oh, bullshit! “Oh hell no! Don’t come over here being cryptic. I knew you existed! So what gives?! Why aren’t you protecting Equestria? Where were you?! You can’t just show up while I’m dead and tell me it isn’t my story! I don’t give a damn about the ‘story’! Discord is the spirit of chaos, so you have to be even stronger than he is, right? Right?!”

But she just stood there, silent, as she pointed at the elements. They began to turn to stone, and shatter before you. But it didn’t seem to lead to the darkness you thought it would. Things began to brighten, as six new forms began to emerge. You couldn’t make them out, just their colors. Brown, orange, blue, another blue, pinkish purple, and sea green. They all shone around you. But… What was that all about? Why did it seem so familiar? “So, what’s this then? Why did the elements explode into-Hey?! What’s going on?!”

The spirit began to slowly disintegrate into dust. “For now, my time here is over. With the elements gone, six more must rise. I wish you well, Anon. And good luck.”

Good luck?! “Hey! What gives! You just got here and you’re already leaving?! Where’s the long talk about destiny?! Or better yet, why don’t you tell me what the fuck to do instead of being so damn cryptic! The world is at stake here, we don’t have-Gyah!” And with that, the rest of her exploded into a bright light before the ever expanse of darkness enveloped you, silencing your words.

Well, that was abrupt, on both counts.

“Hey, look! Zecora, yer potion is working!”

“Wow, all the crystal is actually sticking together this time!”

“This is it, if Tirek went out of his way to destroy it, then it must be the key to defeating him!”

“Uh, guys? That don’t look like any heart I’ve ever seen. How is this supposed to be the Crystal Heart?”

“Huh… Yeah, you’re right, Gallus. I went with my family once to the Crystal Empire to see it, and that doesn’t look anything like it. Kinda looks like a pony.”

“Yeah, it kinda does. Zecora, ya know what’s goin’ on here?”

“Well, indeed it does look like a foal. More importantly, it seems to contain a soul.”

“Woah, a soul? See, Gallus? That dream we had! It came true!”

“Sandbar, that dream told us something bad was gonna rise from the school, and that we had to be ready for it. That bad thing? A castle, and we weren’t ready for that.”

“Yeah, but that third thing, that power coming together! It has to be whoever-”

“It’s Anon.”

“What? What are ya talkin’ about, Scootaloo, that don’t look like him. Besides, didn’t Starlight say he just disappeared?”

“No, I think she’s right, Applebloom. See? Look at his face, I’d recognize that high and mighty look anywhere. But, ewww, it’s missing an eye.”

“Yeah, it’s also missing an ear, a tail, and the neck is kind of chipped. You sure that’s him?”

“Well, whoever it is, we can’t leave him like this! Zecora, can we help him?”

“The potion brewed does not just a puzzle solved, but it brings upon restoration once resolved.”

“What the hay does that mean?”

“Gyah! That’s what that means!”

“Ewww! It’s growing skin all of a sudden! And is that, is that the stuff under the skin!?”

“I think I’m gonna faint!”

“Me too!”


“Huh, hey, I think that is Anon. Woah, it is! Girls, hey! Wha? Why’d you all fall down?”

“Sandbar, if we hadn’t seen this guy pull some creepy body stuff with his magic before, I think I would have fainted. Seriously, it gave me nightmares for weeks. Got me over tight spaces though.”

“Indeed, the shards you believed to be the heart. It appears to have been Anon, blown apart.”

“Eugh…” You had such a headache. To you, it felt like weeks had passed. Maybe it was just a day or two? Who knows. The fact that the darkness seems to have gone away, and you were slowly starting to see… Wait, why were there lit torches? And some skulls about? Various potions everywhere. A giant cauldron at your side?! Were you in pony hell? Kinda mild to be honest. FUCK! YOU DID DIE! “AUUUGH!” You screamed out in shock before you suddenly felt a thud on your head, with everything suddenly spinning.

“Oh, oh no, his head fell off! Oh no, oh Celestia! We ended him the moment we brought him back! Oh, this isn’t cool, this isn’t cool at all!” someone yelled out in panic. Was that Sandbar? The hell?

Did he die too?

“Euuugh, his body is still moving. H-hold on…” Said another familiar voice. Gallus?

You realized you were really low to the ground for some reason, up until suddenly you began to rise up, feeling talons at the back of your head, as you suddenly found yourself staring into Gallus’s eyes. He looked quite disgusted. “Gallus? W-what’s going on?”

“Uhhhhhh, with you? No idea. But, uh, I kinda noticed you don’t have your horn. Is that bad?” Gallus said

…Shit… That’s right. Those bastards…

Wait… “I… Er, I… It’s hard to think right now. The last thing I really remember was fighting Tirek. Are we… Are we dead?”

“Uhh, I guess you were? Look, we don’t even really understand what happened ourselves. Counselor Starlight said some guy named Tirek took over the town. Things got really bad. And considering you’re not the Crystal Heart, I’m just gonna take a guess you fought the guy and lost.” Gallus said, still looking at you oddly, at such an odd angle. He also didn't seem too surprised you had died. Did you even die?

Wut? “Why would I be the Crystal Heart?”

“Well, when me and Sandbar had this crazy dream, we tried to get to the school to warn you, but it was way too late, the castle already appeared. Everything went nuts, mass evacuations and stuff. While that was going on, we found your bag, and all these glass shards were trying to get to it. Sandbar thought our dream was telling us Tirek somehow stole this thing called the ‘Crystal Heart’ and broke it like this other dark guy tried to do. He also figured you were holding off the guy the best you could, and that our dream was telling us to get all the shards, recreate the heart, and kick the guy’s butt with it. But then Counselor Starlight got us with her magic and made us leave. Long story short, we split off after everycreature went to go to this mansion place, and tried to get more shards while Applebloom and her friends went to Zecora to make a restoration potion. And well, this is where we get to the bad part. There was this barrier, right? Couldn’t exactly get through to get more shards. And since you turned out not to be the heart… Well…” Suddenly, you felt your head shift as you found yourself looking at your body. It began to wave back at you. “We didn’t exactly manage to put you all together.”

…Oh good god… “I-is that my body?”

“Yeeeaaah, it is. I'm guessing this is some chaos thing, right? How’s your vision?” Gallus asked.

“I feel like I can only see through my left eye.” You told him.

“That’s because that’s all you got right now. Not gonna lie, it’s all pretty creepy.” Gallus replied.

“With his eyes not a match, for now, I will place an eyepatch.” Zecora suddenly came from your blind side, as you feel something snap onto your head.

Euuugh… This was humiliating and awful. You'd celebrate that you fucking survived, but you needed more information on what was going on. How did you even survive anyway? Unless...

Hm, that was it, wasn't it? Chaos cannot destroy chaos. It didn't destroy the Storm King in that form, it didn't destroy Jimmy, and luckily for you, it didn't destroy you either. Well, it did, but you didn't die. But with that figured out, that left what was going on with current events. “Well, it’s at least being figured out by Twilight and stuff, right? Have they worked out a plan?”

Suddenly, Gallus went silent, looking away. You shifted your eye to Sandbar, then Zecora as best you could. They didn’t look too happy either. Oh no…

“Yeah… About that, they never came back when they went to the castle. It’s super bad, and we super don’t know what to do. Everycreature was heading to your friend’s mansion before we split off. Y’know, Queen Chrysalis?” Sandbar said in a somber tone.

Chrysalis? Shit… It really was that bad, you didn't realize that was the mansion Gallus mentioned. You never thought she’d take in the townsponies like that. You suddenly felt your head being lifted off of Gallus’s talons as it was brought to your body, being plopped onto your neck. Zecora then spoke. “As long as you’re careful, your head should hold. It will fall again should you be too bold.”

“Thanks, Zecora…” But that was it, wasn’t it? Discord, Twilight, Fluttershy. Everyone who could fight Tirek and Cozy off, they were gone. And that dream you had? Was it a dream? Was it really the spirit of harmony? What did it even mean? “Chrysalis, huh? I’m glad she was able to get everycreature to safety.” You notice the CMC on the floor, knocked out. You had to guess your restoration must have freaked them out. You remembered that one time Applebloom fell unconscious just from you missing an eye. Whatever they saw when you came back, it must have been gross. “So, what do we do now?”

“Oh… That’s not good. Anon, you don’t have a plan?” Sandbar asked, shocked that you seemed out of ideas.

So much for being the ‘Hero Colt’. “No, and without my horn, I’m… Useless.” You look over at your bag. Even with the wings and Starlight Hook, there really wasn’t much you could do.

“Yeah, that definitely isn’t good. What about the other princesses, think they can do something?” Gallus asked.

“I don’t think so. Don’t you remember what Counselor Starlight said? Nopony can get near the town without becoming bad…” Suddenly, Sandbar looked down, tears suddenly forming in his eyes. “Like my family did.”

“Yeah, but that’s the weird part. We went near the town and you were fine, unless that barrier was stopping it too.” Gallus said, befuddled by the whole thing.

Sandbar just sat there, he didn’t even bother shrugging. “Yeah… Don’t know. All I know is I wanna get back in there, save my family, save the town. But… How?”

How? How… The spirit mentioned this wasn’t your story. Was that a hint? Was she telling you that you alone couldn’t save the day? And what about those ‘new’ elements, what was with that? You looked at Gallus and Sandbar, and you could feel something spark in your brain. But what was it? “...You guys mentioned you had dreams, right? The same dreams?”

“Yeah? Why?” Gallus asked, confused. “You had one too?”

“Sorta… It came to me while I was broken into pieces.” You mentioned.

“How did that even happen? Man, I know I wouldn’t be coming back if I got shattered the way you did.” Sandbar mentioned, utterly confused as to what could have even happened to you.

"Tirek got the drop on me and my dad. He used chaos magic to turn me into glass and shatter me to bits. I guess I really am a being of chaos after all, since chaos doesn't seem to be able to destroy chaos." You told them.

"This Tirek guy sounds really tough... And harsh." Sandbar said in a low, worried voice. "You don't think there's a way to beat him?"

“Well, for one, it isn’t just Tirek we have to be worried about.” You said.

“It’s Cozy Glow, isn’t it?” Gallus said, instantly figuring it out.

“Cozy Glow?! What?! No way, Gallus, that doesn’t make any sense!” Sandbar said in disbelief.

“Actually, he’s right. But how did you know, Gallus?” He figured it out pretty easily, it seemed.

Gallus sat down on the floor crossing his arms as he closed his eyes. “Figured something was up with her. That dream, the castle appearing at the school, and she never showed back up after it all happened. That thing with that Storm King guy? That’s one thing. But some old villain guy interested enough to use her to show up in Ponyville and take over? Yeah, that’s too much. It doesn’t make any sense for a guy that’s locked up to even find out about her like that. I didn’t want to believe it at first, but I slowly started to realize it when it made more sense that she had to have contacted him to make it all work. And now I know it’s true. Darn it!” Gallus slammed a clenched talon at the side of Zecora’s cauldron. “I knew it! My griffon instincts were telling me we were getting a raw deal and I didn’t listen to it! Ugh, it was so obvious!”

“...” Sandbar suddenly slumped down again, bringing his hooves to his head. “Man, I never knew things could get this bad.”

“But Anon mentioned he had a dream, perhaps it is to work as a team?” Zecora asked in rhyme as she looked over at you.

…wut? “Uh, I think? D-do you know what my dream was?”

Zecora shrugged. “I do not, but it seems I hit the mark. My rhymes do often find the light when shot in the dark.”

…That rhyme felt like it was reaching. But… Maybe that was it. A team?

“So, was that what your dream was? Working as a team?” Gallus asked.

“Wait, Anon, did your dream have a really sparkly version of Headmare Twilight?” Sandbar asked.

…Oh… Oh shit. “Yeah… Did yours?”

Sandbar nodded, suddenly filled with hope. “It did, like, it totally did! Gallus, see what I mean? Dream Headmare Twilight is real! And was trying to help all of us! So, Anon, what did she tell you? It had to be a way to win, right?”

So, they saw her too. So it wasn’t just a crazy dream? Did she die then? That’s what it was, right? She used the last of her power to tell you what you needed to win. It was why she didn’t have any time to have a discussion with you. But then, what was it about? “I think it was. She mentioned something about new elements rising. I saw these colored figures. They were blue, another blue, kinda like Gallus is looking there. And one was sea gr-Oh… Oh no.” In any other fiction, this revelation would have come at the climax. But right now? Wait… WHAT?! THEY WERE THE NEW ELEMENTS OF HARMONY?! WHAT THE FUCK?!

“Anon, you alright?” Sandbar said as he slowly gave you a gentle shake. “What about the new elements?”

This… This was a thing, wasn’t it? That’s why she gave you that dream. You really had no part to play other than to gather the elements. But, without the horn, and without Discord, how the hell were you supposed to do that? How would you get to the dragon lands, Yakyakistan, Mt. Aris, and the hive before Tirek and Cozy Glow royally fuck things up?

Even with this information, you were all fucked anyway.

They mentioned a barrier. And if it was made with the staff, then without a way to get in, there was no way to even get to Tirek.

Everything just seemed impossible. There was no hope.

That is… Until you heard a knocking.

“Zecora? Zecora, are you there? Please, we lost some foals and a young griffon and we don’t know where else they could be. We know Applebloom apprentices with you and were hoping she came here. Please, please, answer?” That voice, it was Starlight.

“They are here, my door is open, come end your plight. But be warned, you’re in for quite a sight.” Zecora said as she simply observed the door.

“Look, I don’t mean to sound rude, but I don’t even know what that means other than the door b-b-b…” Starlight slowly stepped through the door to look inside. And when she took a moment to look around the room, she suddenly locked eyes with you, able to recognize you despite your missing parts. “Anon?”

You slowly wave to her. “Um, hey, Starlight. Um…” Oh god, she had tears in her eyes all of a sudden. Did she… Did she think you had died or something? Well, you can’t blame her, you thought you died. “Hi? Um, nice to see you.”

Her lower lip was quivering, it was almost like she wanted to say something. But instead, you suddenly felt yourself be pulled right towards her as she positioned herself for a hug. Unfortunately, the pull was so hard, your head fell off and rolled along the ground as your body was caught within her legs. “Anon! I-I… I can’t believe it! I thought… They told me… They told me they destroyed you. I thought you were gone a…W-wha?” When Starlight pulled away some to look at you, she noticed something important missing. She suddenly screamed loudly, and fell backwards, knocked out by shock.

“Well, that happened…” Yeah, this might be a problem. Your head coming off this easily isn't exactly on the helpful side.

“Starlight?! What happe-” Suddenly, for some insane reason, Shining Armor was randomly with her as he stepped in. And when he looked at your headless body waving at him, then looked further to see your head, he suddenly let out the girliest scream ever before falling down, knocked out.

“Okay then. We might need to figure out a way to get Anon’s head to stick on a little better, because apparently ponies can't handle anything worse than barf or something.” Gallus said, embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his head. “Zecora, do you got any potion that can help?”

“When it comes to my potions, my many brews. For a situation like this, I’ll just make it work with some of my stronger glues.” Zecora stated as she walked over to her shelf of potions.

…What a way to come back to life…

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