• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 295 - Dadonequus Discord

Even after all that, they all just looked at you with tearful anger. What’s wrong with them? “Look, I gave you all chances to be part of my new world and you all blew it. What? You really care about Neighsay? Anon? Chrysalis?” You just rolled your eyes at them. “Please, those three alone would throw you to the timberwolves if it benefited them. And what about Twilight, huh? The Princess of Friendship? Why? Without that cutie map of hers she wouldn’t even attempt to leave this little town to help anypony, it’s all so dumb and fake. That’s why I’m the Empress! That’s why, with my power, I will uni-” But you are suddenly interrupted by Gallus.

“Shut up already! We get it! You want to be a pretend Empress of Friendship? Go ahead! But you will never be better than Headmare Twilight! You’re not even better than a typical griffon! You’re all talk! Why are you calling yourself the Empress of Friendship anyway? Controlling others isn’t friendship! It’s just being another bum who thinks he’s hot stuff just because he’s got a following. You’re nothing without your magic!” Gallus barked at you. You had no idea why he seemed so annoyed.

But you were done, you have grown bored with them. “Whatever. I’m just going to destroy you all right now and be done with it. But, as Equestria’s new merciful Empress, I’ll make sure to remove you from the memory of your family and friends, just to make sure they aren’t sad.”

Suddenly, Smolder exploded in anger, pointing at you. “That’s it! I’ve had enough! You’re not touching my brother! I’m gonna take you down, even if I have to burn this entire place to a crisp!”

Ooh, finally, a challenge. Smolder jumps at flies directly at you, and despite her size and age, manages to spit a huge fireball of pure rage at you. You just smirked and raised your hand, turning it into an ice ball that you immediately send right back into her, knocking her out of the air. “Sheesh, chill out, Smolder.”

“Yona help! Yona won’t let Cozy win!” Bellowed the dumb yak as she charged from behind Smolder, ready to take you down.

You just step back and prepare yourself. And with a mighty smash, you send her flying backwards by slamming your head into hers. “Ha! Did you forget whose body this is?” You point to your own head. “The only real thing he’s good for, and you went for it anyway! What a joke!”

You suddenly hear a bear’s roar from behind. Ocellus? Ohh, she’s trying to be violent, how adorable. You turn around and see her in a huge bear form, raising her claw to swipe at you. “Oh, I can’t BEAR to see you acting like this, Ocellus. You need to BEEhave, haha!” You laugh as you use a swirl of your finger to quickly turn her into a bee, and conjure a flyswatter with your other hand to swing at her. It only sends her flying as she falls to the ground, changing back to her normal form. If only she was close enough to a surface, you could have made her go smoosh!

Now what were the other three doing? Oh? There we go, seems they were all waiting for their chance to charge at you from three sides all at once. Wow, were they all really trying to take you down this way? Smolder, why did you have to lead this dumb attack? It isn’t any fun when no one can even touch you.

“Come on, guys! It’s now or never!” Sandbar let out, as the last three got ever so closer to you.

You just shrugged. Silly little fools. How to deal with this, how to deal with this? Oh, you know! A lightbulb literally appears over your head, immediately turning red as it causes the three to suddenly stop right before crashing into you. You just begin to hum, stepping away with your arms behind your back, as the lightbulb turns green. The three all crash into each other in a dizzying heap.

Pathetic. “Okay, you had your chance.” You raise your hand as you bring the pathetic heap of mismatched losers together, and begin to grip your fingers as you start to crush them against themselves. You could hear their pathetic groans and screams as you continued to ‘bring them together’. “...But you can think of things this way. At least you’re all going away togethe-wha?” What the?

A tumbleweed? A tumbleweed suddenly just blew past you. And… The soft strumming of a guitar? Whistling? And the sudden approach of the sound of spurs.

“Hold it right there, missy. You ain’t won yet.”

That voice…

You had no idea who that was.

But it became clear when the throne doors swung around like saloon doors. It couldn’t be, but it was. Discord had stepped into the throne room in a cowboy outfit. He had white boots with golden spurs, a blue handkerchief around his neck, a white vest, a holster, and a ten gallon white cowboy hat. “Leave ‘em alone, yer fight is with me.” He said in a thick western accent, pointing to himself.


Oh, he wasn’t serious, was he? You were so flabbergasted that you didn’t realize your grip loosened on the six. “What are you doing?”

“Doin’ what I do best, deal with the trash.” Discord said as he took wide steps towards you, stopping in front of you with no fear in his eyes. “Yer evil-doin’ ways is comin’ to an end.”

Oh, now this was adorable. This could actually be the last good fun you’d have before you make Equestria bend to your will. You snap your fingers, turning your empress outfit into a cute cowgirl outfit, blue in color, with a red rook badge on your chest. Your hat was black, since you were apparently the big villain. “Big words comin’ from a big mouth. Discord, ya know this town ain’t big enough for the both of us.”

“Too true, little missy, too true.” Discord said as he took out a small rectangular case. He opened it, revealing red lollipops from within. He took two of them from the case, and stuck one in his mouth, offering you the other. “Want a pop?”

You stared at the lollipop. He doesn’t have the magic to really do anything to you, you even felt that he was being genuine in this whole cowboy thing. It was fun, so you obliged. “Mighty big thanks to ya. But that ain’t gonna save you or yer friends.”

“Oh, I know. But this is the big showdown, the final draw. You n’ me…” Discord brings his paw near his holster, as he stretches his claws. “Let’s do this.”

You smirked at him as you bit into the lollipop, and tossed it to the side. “It’s like that, eh? Discord, ah got enough firepower to obliterate Canterlot. What makes ya think you can take me on?

Discord looks back at the six. “Friendship, Ma’am, friendship. Ya took two things from me that I care about deeply like. And like a chicken lookin’ for its eggs in a coyote cave, I’m crazy enough to at least get one of ‘em back.”

You step back, and open your arms wide. “Then take yer best shot, ya got me curious to see what ya can do.”

“Thank you kindly. Ah promise you ain’t gonna like this at all.” Discord readies himself, tensing his paw over his holster.

You waited, actually excited to see what it is he was going to do. It’s a shame it’d be over so quickly, but at least you enjoyed yourself.

Discord finally does it, he pulls from his holster… Information cards? What?! You drop character as you hunch forward in astonishment. “Uhhhh, are those cards?”

Discord nodded. “Very special cards. All these cards holds mah opinionated facts, honest and true, that are for Anon’s ears. I reckon yer cowerin’ in yer boots over ‘em”

You slap your face with how terribly disappointing this was. “Why was I expecting anything but more dumbness from the dumbest thing in Equestria? You know that won’t work, right? You know what? Whatever. Just say what you want to say, at least I’ll get to see your face when you realize you wasted your time.”

Discord breaks character as well, as he taps the cards against his talons, smirking at you. “Realize? I happen to be a master of wasting time, just to let you know. But enough about that, let’s get on with the show.” Discord holds up his first card, and begins to read. “Ahrm, hrm… Devil May Cry Two is the superior Devil May Cry game in the series, next to that nice little reboot of course.”

What? “What… What does that even mean?”

“It means what I said it means. Let’s see, next card. As it is understood, Swat Kats was canceled for more Captain Planet. In my honest opinion, the entire 'cartoon cartoon' line up should have been canceled for even more seasons of the show. Discord said as he tossed the next card aside.

“What are you talking about?!” You yelled at him, angry and confused. Your hands… They were shaking.

“Shadow the Hedgehog is the better character, he should have taken over the entire series with an endless stream of games starring him.” Discord reads off, tossing the next card.

“Stop it!” You couldn’t stop shaking. You were feeling an odd darkness over you, you couldn’t control it, you felt yourself slipping.

“Video games are too hard these days. They should just be walking simulators.” Discord read off once again.

“W-what’s going on!? I can’t control myself!” You screamed, as you fell to your knees, holding on to your head.

“Ah, and finally. My Little Pony needed another season of that third generation. Who knows what further horrors we could have had? Something worse than that version of Scootaloo, I promise you.” Discord said as his eyes slowly shifted towards you.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” You screamed as you fell forward.



“Discord…Ngh…” Holy shit… You felt fucking terrible. “Y-your opinions suck.”

“Anon…” Discord kneeled down before you, checking to see if you were alright. “Are you alright?”

“I don’t even know… And…” You stood up, and looked at your… Fingers? Holy fuck, you had fingers?! “Holy shit! What happened to me?! Did I change back to my human self? But… With soft little fingers?”

“Anon?! Anon! Is that really you?!” Smolder asks as the six rush up to you.

“Is he back? Mister Discord, is he? Why does he still look like Cozy’s weird form?” Silverstream asked.

“Ah, that. I’m afraid this is only temporary. She’ll claw her way back out soon.” Discord said, with actual lament in his voice.

“What?! She’s not gone?!” You asked. Fucking hell! “Then what’s going on?! How did you get me out in the first place?!”

“Easy. She can manipulate love and friendship. And I’m sure she can manipulate some form of chaos. But there is one thing she can never control… Unfiltered nerd rage.” Discord said with a soft chuckle.

“So, what do we do then? How do we get rid of her? Because if she comes back, she’s gonna annihilate us.” Gallus said.

“I didn’t plan that far ahead. I just wanted a chance to talk to Anon one last time, since I wasn’t able to free Fluttershy from her trance. I didn’t want to go away without at least talking to one of you.” Discord said, as he slowly placed his paw on your head.


“Discord… Oh, damn, man. No… You can’t just give up, we can still do this.” Fuck… No, dammit. Dammit…

“Sadly, I’m not so optimistic. But I am glad I was able to talk to you one last time, and annoy you one last time as well.” Discord said with a weak laugh. “If you are ever able to, could you tell Fluttershy… That I… Well, I’ll leave the words up to you, I can’t seem to say what I want to say.”


You hugged onto him, and you began to cry. “Di-Di… Dad, come on, this can’t be it. It can’t be over. Don’t give up! You’re Discord! You can do fucking anything!”

“Not this time, I’m afraid.” Discord sighed as he gently hugged you back. “The only way, I think, that can save the day, is something greater than her form of ‘friendship’. A true understanding of what harmony truly is. A knowledge I believe even Twilight hadn’t attained quite yet. For now, though, I only wish to enjoy your company.”


You just buried your face into his chest fur, crying. “This is my fault! I should have just blown her away! But I had to be a cocky little shit! I’m such a piece of shit!”

“Anon, do not put the blame on yourself. I too had the chance to end things, but I just had to make a show of it. I didn’t anticipate that the filly was this capable. Do not feel alone, Anon, I’ll be here for you until the very end. We both may have made a mistake, but we can at least be together for these last few moments despite that.” Discord said softly, patting your head.

“...And we’re not leaving either.” Smolder let out.

What? “W-what? No, you guys need to get out of here! She’ll end all of you the moment she comes back!” You say as you look towards her.

“Run? Yona not run! Yona’s best friends all here. Yona protect friends until Yona no longer here. That yak way.” Yona says with a nod.

“I’m not running either! Running, hiding, that’s how the Storm King took over everything. On behalf of hippogriffs everywhere, I’m staying right here, until the end.” Silverstream said with a nod.

“...And besides, we still need to make her pay for what she did to Neighsay.” Gallus said, pounding his fist into his talons.

Wait… Wut? “Neighsay? What happened to Neighsay?” And as you said that, they all became very tense.

Ocellus hung her head down, and pointed towards the hole in the wall. “She… She… Anon, he’s gone.”





You can’t! Not like this! You can’t be responsible for letting this demon out into the world. “...End me.”

“What?!” All seven of them let out in surprise.

“End me! Just do it! Don’t give me your crap about that I can still be saved. If she comes out, that's it, it’s game over! Just hold me down so I don’t flake out and do it already! Please!” You shout towards them.

But they weren’t doing it.

None of them would do it.

No one was willing to do it, when they felt they could still save everyone, including you.

And that’s when you felt it. You wretched in pain as you felt her clawing her way back out. “Ngh! No! No! I can… Feel her… Coming back!”

“Anon, it doesn’t matter. We’re not going to destroy you…” Sandbar then looks back at the other five, and nods to them. “We’re not giving up. We’re fighting to the end, together.”

Dammit! This wasn’t the time!


You suddenly stopped moving.

Discord slowly shook you “Anon?”

That soul

His disgusting soul

For that foul draconequus to put you down into that dark ugly soul

You screamed in rage as you grabbed Discord with your magic and slammed him into the ceiling. “YOU!” You then slam him into the ground. “How dare you!” You then continue to slam him into the walls and floor over and over in a rage. “I don’t even care how you did it! You put me in there! That horrible place! I saw mares, lots of mares, and tentacles! They tried to grab me! Do things to me! That icky disgusting soul! ALL THOSE SCREAMS! THOSE MOANS! THE THINGS I SAW! I’LL MAKE YOU PAY!” You grab Mister Tirek’s armor with your magic and slam it into Discord multiple times like it was a hammer to an anvil. After you had finished violently slamming him, you brought him close to you and growled. “Now… Apologize! Or I’ll make it worse!”

Discord, broken and bruised, just gave you a broken smile as he said. “Could you get my other side? It’s been bothering me for weeks.”

That’s it! You were done! No more niceness! It’s over! “Oh, you think this is funny?” You said in a cruel low tone. “Well, how about this? I already have Anon. So how about I make you watch as I make Fluttershy dive into a volcano? How does that sound? Oh, golly gee, and you made friends with Big Mac, Scootaloo, and Spike, right? Wouldn’t it be oh so silly to make them tear each other apart? I think it’d make a fun little distraction, don’t you think?” And there it was, Discord was finally looking at you with silent horror. He didn’t even know what to say!

“That’s enough!” You heard a shout from behind you. You look back. And… Wow, them again? They wanted to go again?

You toss Discord aside, groaning towards the six. “You six are REALLY getting on my nerves. You realize it’s over, right? YOU LOST! WHY CAN’T YOU GET THAT!?”

“It’s never over…” Sandbar said rather bravely towards you. “We’ll keep on fighting until the end.”

“We’ll save Anon. We’ll save the professors and Headmare Twilight! We’ll save Equestria! Not for us, but for them. I’m willing to give up everything, not to be a hero hippogriff, but because I want my friends to have happy lives.” Silverstream said.

“Everycreature, every race, they are all counting on us. Even Neighsay believed in us. You don’t know what friendship is, you could never understand. I’ve had enough, we’re gonna take you down forever. Even if you take one of us down, I’ll do everything to get everycreature back up.” Smolder said, raising her fist in earnest.

“Yona fight together with friends. Yona never give up. Yona protect, Yona will be shield, to protect all friends!” Yona said, stomping one hoof forward.

“I’m fighting for my friends, and my family, even her. Chrysalis deserves to be happy too, and if that means getting Anon back, then I mean it when I say he’s coming back. S-so… Fuck you!” Ocellus screamed out, forcing those last words, those last disgusting words.

“...Everything they just said? Yeah, that times a thousand.” Gallus said, not knowing what to add, so he just reinforced what everyone else had said.

“We’re doing this, together!” They all let out.

Was this a joke? Because this isn't funny. Nothing was funny anymore. “Just give it a rest already! You already lost once, it isn’t like you can win now”

“Maybe we can’t. But we also know bad guys NEVER win! We’re gonna stop you, Cozy, no matter what!” Sandbar said as he took a step towards you, like a doofus.

“Alright, I’m done! It’s time for you all to go squish now!” You said as you raised your hand and gripped it into a fist.



Nothing was happening to them.

“What’s going on!? I said ‘go squish’!” You said and you tried crushing them again. What was going on?! It wasn’t working! “Go squish! Go squish! GRRR!” You growled as your hands began to glow. “Fine! Then blow up into pieces!” You tossed magical bolts towards them, but it just bounced off of them as they continued to give you defiant stares. “What is going on here?!”

“I don’t even know, but whatever it is, I’m down for it!” Gallus said, confused but completely into whatever this was.

Suddenly, you begin to hear a squawking laugh from behind. When you looked back, you could see Mister Tirek in his cage. He removed his twisty tie, and was laughing? Was he laughing at you? “What’s so funny?!”

“Isn’t it obvious? This is it! This is what I’ve been waiting to see! Deus Ex Machina! You’re such a fool, Cozy Glow! We could have taken them down easily together! But now, you’ll get to suffer the same fate as everycreature before you. And I get a front row seat.” Mister Tirek said with a hearty laugh. “I can’t believe it! They really are the prophesied elements!”

Prophesied elements? That’s impossible! You crushed the elements so easily in your hand! “That’s it! I’ll burn you all into nothing! Grawr!” You scream as you cause a giant blue inferno to burst on their position. For a while, you could only hear the crackle of the flame. Good, it meant they were burned away. “Golly, Mister Tirek, what was that you were saying?”

“I think he said we were the elements!” You heard a shout from within the flames. In seconds, the flames are extinguished in a swirl as the six stood tall, unscathed, and glowing. Glowing?! How?!

“Look, everycreature! We’re all glowy!” Silverstream said as she looked at herself. She also started to float in midair.

So did Sandbar. “Woah! I’ve seen this before! This is what using the elements look like.”

“The elements? How? Cozy destroyed them.” Smolder said, as she too began to lift above the ground.

“No, Cozy destroy rocks. Yona can see, Yona know, it like dream said. We elements, we are power of friendship! We not need rocks for that!” Yona said in excitement, as she too began to float.

“I… I feel so warm.” Ocellus said as she looked at herself.

“So this is it, huh? Real friendship? Yeah, heh, you guys. You guys are the best. But we’re not done yet.” Gallus said as he looked over at you. “We got a world to save. Let’s do this!”

They were starting to glow brighter and brighter. What was going on?! How was this possible?! “No! This can’t be! This isn’t right! You’re cheating! You’re all cheating! You’re not supposed to be able to…” Forget it, FORGET IT! JUST BLAST THEM! “JUST GO AWAY!” You said as you aimed both your hands at them, and fired a powerful blue beam of magic.

But their eyes, they all began to glow a pupil-less white. Your beam, even as it made contact with them, was doing nothing. And that's when you saw it.

That stupid rainbow beam, they somehow fired it off, and it was cutting through your own beam.

No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t stop it! It was getting closer, and closer…



And… Wait…

Are you dumb? Why were you trying to stop it? You can’t stop it.


...You can dodge it.

You quickly let go of your beam, and ballerina-dodge to the side, causing the beam to pass right by you.

You take a bow, and look up with a cruel smirk as they begin to descend back to the ground. They looked more shocked than ever before, even turning white in the face.


“HAHAHAHA! Look at all of you! Look! Golly, if only I had a camera right now, I’d take a million snapshots on how stupid you all look. The power of the elements? The magic of friendship? Were you all serious? That beam was so slow! How did anycreature ever get hit by it?!” You said to them, laughing childishly and happily at their misfortune.

“Like this…”

What? Huh?

When you look back, you could already see a rainbow light encompassing your position. By the time you had fully looked around, the rainbow beam was already at your face. You didn’t even have time to put your hands up to try to block it as you screamed and got sent flying back. “WHHHHAAAAATTTT??!?!”

Ngh! Agh! You slid back, falling face forward on the ground. “N-ngh…” You slowly looked up, and when you did.


Discord was standing there, he had a glow of his own that began to slowly disappear. “...Never mess with my son. That’s my job.” He said, standing strong, as he pointed to himself.

N-ngh, he can’t be an element. How?! How even?!

It doesn’t matter, you were still here, it didn’t work!

You slowly began to stand, chuckling madly as you began to contemplate how everycreature in this room would suffer.

But when you looked at your hand…

“W-what?” It was cracked, and cracking up. When you pointed it forward, no magic was coming out whatsoever. “N-no! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! HOW?!”


You began to stomp over to Discord, as he produced a chair, a table, and a tea cup under a saucer. He even produced a teapot to pour tea into said cup. None of that mattered! It didn’t make sense! IT SHOULD MAKE SENSE! “TELL ME!”

Discord just boredly sat down on the seat, pouring himself a cup of tea and taking a sip. “Hm? What now?”

“You know what!” You said as you approached the table, pointing at him with your hand, a few fingers left remaining on it. “That’s impossible! You can’t use the elements!”

“Oh! Oh, yes, that.” Discord took another sip, looking at you boredly. “Well, of course I can’t use the elements.”

“THEN HOW?!” You growled at him! Nothing mattered anymore, because this had to be a dream, it made no sense!

“How? I simply absorbed the beam and sent it back into you. Golly, Cozy Glow, why are you suddenly so tense? You’re falling apart!” Discord said as he fluttered his eyes at you innocently.

“TENSE?!” Your eye began to turn red, twitching, before falling out. “TENSE?! IF YOU GOT HIT BY IT! YOU SHOULD HAVE TURNED TO STONE!”

Discord scoffed at that notion as he poured himself another cup. “Preposterous. As somepony with very intimate knowledge of that beam, given I’ve been hit with it twice, it isn’t something that just turns you to stone.”

“This is a dream…” It had to be… IT HAD TO BE! “T-that makes no sense! W-what else can it do?” You said, with low mad chuckles.

“You’re assuming it stops chaos. But that simply isn’t the case. If you had done your proper research, you’d know that it stops evil. Seriously, everypony knows that. Suddenly, it just feels like bad form to explain the rest.” Discord said, smirking at you arrogantly.

“TELL ME!” You shouted towards him.

“Alright, alright, no need to shout.” Discord said, taking yet another sip. “If you’d done your studies, you know that the beam can also purify evil. Now, I admit, I had no idea the beam could be fired without the elements, but it’s a good thing it did, isn’t it? Ah, but you must be wondering, how did I absorb the beam in the first place? You see, my dear, all I could think about was getting my dear Fluttershy and my loving son back. Nothing else mattered, so I risked it all. Who knows? Maybe I should have turned to stone.” Discord then shrugged. “But I didn’t, how lucky am I?



That was…

That was it? “Y-you just… Took a guess?”

Discord nodded. “Mhmm, but now you’re just making it sound cheap.”

You started to giggle, then laugh crazily. That’s all it was?!

You had it, everything in your grasp. You destroyed the elements! YOU DESTROYED THEM! Deus Ex Machina?! It was real?! NO! NO! IT WASN’T FAIR! You looked at yourself, you were just falling apart! Why?! You did everything right! You just…

You just wanted to have fun…

You just..


You fell forward on the table, panting. “D-Discord? Oh.. God, I feel like I’m falling apart.”

“That’s because you are, Anon. Oh, by the way, I saved the day. Isn’t that grand?” Discord said as he took a sip of his tea.

“I-I… Y-you did?” You slowly stood up, and looked at yourself. “This body, it’s… I feel it, I can feel her leaving me.”

“I’m glad. You had me worried, you know? Just a tad, I seriously thought I’d have to destroy you to at least save Fluttershy. I’m glad I hesitated and put my bet on destiny. Destiny…” Discord snickered to himself. “It always has a way of bringing everything back to order. Not my idea of fun, but it is useful.”

That wonderfully cocky bastard, he literally took a longshot approach to winning. But, still, how did he do it? You swear you could see it, like Cozy’s memories were merging into yours. “T-the elements? I can feel that's what it was. How’d that happen?”

“Does it matter? I don't care how it happened, it just happened. Now can you come back to me, please? You are holding up Fluttershy from coming back to her senses.” Discord said as he stared at you.

Heh, of course. But it wasn’t over yet. You had to have this finish in a grand way, to make sure Cozy Glow knows how badly she lost. “I-I get that. But, Discord, you gotta do something for me. You gotta finish her off.”

Discord raised an eyebrow at you. “I believe I’ve already done that.”

“No, I mean, really finish her off. I mean, I’m gonna let her have whatever control she can get, and you just knock her the fuck out and get me out of this form. And I have just the way to do it.” You say as you give him a cool grin.

“A way to… Oh no, Anon, don’t tell me it’s another one of your human references.” Discord said with disgust.

“Are you serious?! You’ve done Harry Potter references before I even got here.” You shouted towards him.

“...Do I need to explain to you Dimensional theory again?” Discord asked you, boredly.

“Are we seriously going to argue about this, right now? Right fucking now?” You say, looking at him with the same look.

You just stare at each other.

You both then smirk.

Discord shrugs and tosses the table away. “Alright, what do you want me to do?”

“Shin Shoryuken, and you gotta put in the effort for this one. You should be able to do it with the magic you have.” You explain to him.

“Shin Shoryuken, hm? Let’s see…” Discord pulls out a book labeled ‘Big Book of Dumb Anon References’ and sifts through it. “Hm, hm, hm… Ah, here we are, an uppercut move from something called Street Fighter.” He murmurs to himself as he reads on, sighs, then tosses the book away as he suddenly has a red bandana and white gi. “Alright, I think I get how it works. Are you ready?”

You smirk back at him. “Oh yeah, I’m ready. Here we go…” You close your eyes, and let yourself fall back into your soul.


“Ngh? I’m back? I’m… Back?! Grrr, to go back in there! I won’t l-whatGFSDSFSDFSDF” Suddenly, you felt Discord’s knuckled paw hit the underside of your chin.


You felt yourself being launched off the ground, from just his paw pushing you up harshly as he performed a rising uppercut on your chin, rising with you as you scream and shatter into nothingness. You lost? YOU LOST?! NO! IT REALLY WAS OVER! WHAT DID YOU DO WRONG?! YOU JUST WANTED TO RULE EVERYTHING! WAS... WAS THAT SO BAD?




Discord landed back down, catching your pony head and body with his talons and paw, as he posed.



The six just stood there, confused, hearing the announcer and the sound of points being counted down.

“What just happened?” Smolder asked.

“I-I think we won?” Sandbar said, just, unable to comprehend the situation. "Yeah, we won... I think."

“Yup… Never gonna get used to those two… Like, ever.” Gallus said.

It was finally over…

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