• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 292 - And so the End Comes...

Tirek was blocking blow after blow as Chrysalis dealt a savage set of attacks, punching without giving him a chance to respond. Every time Chrysalis connected her fists to his armored arms, he slid back on his hooves by an inch. But Chrysalis wasn’t alone, after she had dealt one big heavy strike, Tempest had jumped up from behind her using a blast of her horn as propulsion and went over her head, striking Tirek’s face with a surprise buck.

“Why you little…” Tirek shook it off and went for a heavy slam against Tempest, only to be intercepted with a right hook towards his face once again by Chrysalis. So far, it seems the both of them could hold their own, giving you a chance to explain your plan.

“We’ve hit him in the face how many times now?” Chrysalis said, smirking as she flexed her fingers.

“Too many to count. But don’t get ahead of yourself, he hasn’t slowed down at all.” Tempest said, not even taking the time to stop as she jetted from side to side and jump-bucked Tirek’s face once again.

“You two are foolish to keep this up!” Tirek said, as he adjusted his misaligned mechanical nose. “Can’t you see you can’t defeat meeeeeAAGH!” Tirek raised his arms once again, blocking an especially heavy strike from Chrysalis that made him stumble backwards.

“How can you still be so cocky, Tirek? You went through all this trouble to stop us, and you can’t even hold a candle to my power. It’s pathetic, really.” Chrysalis said, landing another punch that was guarded, but sent him stumbling back. “You couldn’t even get rid of Anon properly. If I didn’t like him so much, I’d actually take the time to show you how to do it right.” Chrysalis said, punching him back once again. “How could you trust the word of a filly, anyway?” Chrysalis said with yet another blocked punch. “And you said I fell from grace? I’m not the one taking orders from a foal!” Chrysalis said, her punches becoming slower and weaker, panting as she finally has Tirek against the wall. “Doesn’t matter anymore, not for you, it’s time to end this!” Chrysalis reeled up for one last punch, but she suddenly got hit by a hyper fast yet decimating blow from Tirek, sending her right into the opposite wall, making her lose her form.

Tirek just boredly readjusted himself and looked at his fist as a smile formed on his face, the pistons on his generator suddenly roaring. “You’re right, Chrysalis, it is time to end this. HYAH!” Tirek moved at lightning speeds towards Chrysalis, and before she could get up, she got dealt a backhanded smack that sent her flying towards the security wall. “Well, that was easier than I thought.” Tirek said with a dark chuckle.

“Chrysalis!” You let out as you saw her fly and fall to the ground. She was barely moving now.

“Anon! We gotta focus.” Smolder called out to you. “We got a plan, right? We gotta do it now!”

“Are you sure it's even gonna work?! Tirek is suddenly moving so fast! It was like he was conning us!” Gallus said in fright from seeing Chrysalis being defeated so easily.

“Of course it’ll work!” Silverstream said as she pumped her fist. “It’s a plan from the great hero colt, there is no chance for it to fail!”

“W-we have to do it!” Ocellus said with a gulp “Even if I don’t like my part.”

“Yona have faith! We have to save friend Chrysalis before she hurt worse!” Yona said, brave, and with no hesitation.

“Damn right. Alright then, let’s put this plan into action!” It was now or never. If this didn’t work, the world was truly doomed.

“How?!” Tempest was caught in surprise, she was sure Tirek was on his last legs after landing so many calculated blows. Unfortunately for her, Tirek didn’t relent and was able to rush up at her in no time, grabbing her by the neck and lifting her up.

“How?” Tirek started to laugh triumphantly. “You, the Storm King’s former stooge, should have figured it out already. Do you need a hint?”

“Ngh, the armor…” Tempest said as Tirek squeezed her neck harder.

“That’s right, the armor. Her transformation requires magic, doesn’t it? With every blow to distract me, to knock me off balance, to keep me from attacking, she was giving me her power. She has quite a bit of it, considering the damage to the staff, so I couldn’t help myself, I had to have it for myself.” Tirek squeezed just a bit harder. “A pity for you. All that power, all that skill, and you didn’t actually do anything to me. This body never gets tired, never feels weak, and I am beyond even the elements! I am Lord Tirek! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Tirek was laughing victoriously as he held a weakened Tempest by the throat.

“Don’t you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk?!” Shouted Smolder

“What?!” Tirek looked back, then upwards to see Smolder, Gallus, and Silverstream holding Yona high in the air. “What is this?!”

“Now!” Yona shouted. But instead of letting her go, they all dropped with her as her weight became too much. They all yelled for their lives as Yona prepared to headbutt Tirek.

“...pitiful.” Tirek said as he narrowed his eyes at the falling yak. The horns on his armor began to glow a fierce orange as he raised his fist and opened his palm. With a psychic like force, he sent the four of them towards the wall. “Hah, so the elements are useless to you after all. Did you really think a sneak attack like that would work?”

“No, but this one will!” Shouted Sandbar from in front of Tirek. Tirek turned his head to see Sandbar standing in front of your body, your head turned to the side towards him. “Take this, Tirek!” With a mighty buck, Sandbar bucked your head off your body and towards Tirek at great speeds.

“Hyah!” With ease, Tirek grabs your head from the back and swipes his arm to the side, sending Sandbar sliding across the floor with a burst of power. “And that should be all of them.” Tirek then turned his hand so he could see you eye to eye within his grasp. “Well then, here we are. I bet you’re expecting a head pun or a grand speech about how I’ve crushed all of you.” Tirek said with a sneer as he turned his other arm towards you. The scales on his armor slid back as a… Holy shit! Is that a gatling gun?! He had one of those?! “But I’ve grown weary of this. I’ve proven my point, and your pitiful attempts to defeat me is at its end. I assume you know what this is? I’m not too fond of such messy means. But if magic can’t destroy you, then this will. Any last words? Perhaps some screams for Chrysalis to remember you by.”

You just stared at him with an angry expression.

“What? Nothing more from that smart mouth of yours? Well then…” The gatling gun began to slowly spin up. “...It’s time for you tRFDSDSAAGYH!” Without warning, you suddenly spit a huge glob at Tirek’s face. He staggers backwards as he throws your head up in the air.

“Gotcha!” Smolder said as she launched herself up from the wall to catch you.

Tirek shook his head as he looked forward in anger. “How dare you! How d-What in the? Is that a parasprite?”

A parasprite dripping in your drool hovered ahead of Tirek, looking at him with determined eyes. “No! It’s your fu-fu-f-.... I can’t say it.” The parasprite just quickly headbutts Tirek right on the cheek. Or rather, she headbutts a peculiar item that got stuck to it when you spat the parasprite out.

“Wha-” Before Tirek could finish his sentence, he suddenly disappeared as the item fell forward. The parasprite quickly caught it and transformed back to its original form. It was Ocellus, of course it was, it was all part of your plan.

Tirek’s armor quickly creaked, and fell over to its side, hollow, as the generator on its backside began to fade from red to an empty gray.

“Woah, hey, he’s gone! So, did it work?” Smolder asked as she hovered down to the ground, your head under her arm.

“Looks like it, but wasn’t he supposed to turn into a bird or something?” Gallus asked as he observed the armor, stretching his back after being slammed into a wall.

“Wait, what that coming from back?” Yona asked, pointing at blue streams coming from the generator.

The streams were heading three different ways. One to Neighsay, the other to Chrysalis, and the last flowing through the walls. “I think… Yeah, I think that’s the magic Tirek stole. It’s going back to its original owners.” Which means Lyra and Bonbon, and everyone else Tirek stole his magic from on his way towards the school is being returned to their rightful owners. “Chrysalis, you alright? What about you, Tempest? How is Neighsay doing?”

“I’m fine, but what happened to Tirek? How did you defeat him?” Chrysalis asked as she slowly stood up, adjusting herself as she felt a renewed vigor with her magic returning.

Tempest was busy checking up on Neighsay. “He’s breathing, he just was knocked out.”

“Well, that’s the thing. Heh, I didn’t know he’d disappear completely. We used this bowtie I had that turns you into a bird. Completely forgot I had it until Silverstream here reminded me.” You said as you pointed at her.

Silverstream began to feel an excited energy within her that made her feel giddy. “Ohhh! The hero colt is totally giving me too much credit! I’m honored!”

Er, yeah. Geez, this is really what it's like to have a fangirl for any situation. Not a bad thing really, but it just made you REALLY wary of ever visiting Mt. Aris. “Nah, I mean. That’s what did it. My plan was just to make Tirek feel so overconfident that he wouldn’t pick up on me using Ocellus to get the bowtie on him, or something like that. Er, wait, Ocellus, you alright?”

Ocellus flitted her wings at a high speed to shake off the remaining saliva left on her. “I am, that isn’t the wors-Eep!” Ocellus suddenly shuddered and let out a squeak as she heard shuffling inside the armor. It all made you alert.


“Change me back!”

Suddenly, a red parrot with a bionic eye and sharp metal wings and talons flew at high speeds out of the armor, ready to claw and rip your face apart. “CHANGE ME BACK!”

Oh shit! Not again! Smolder only recoiled back in reaction, not expecting it.

But before Tirek could reach you, he suddenly became trapped in a net that flew right at him. Holy shit, it was Grubber, barely holding his Trapper Blaster as he managed to hit Tirek dead on with it. “Gotcha… Ngh… Okay, now I’m done.” Grubber said as he let the blaster drop from his hand and rolled over on his back. He reached into his pocket to pull out a cake he had. It was, sadly, turned to ash. But it didn’t stop him from stuffing it into his mouth anyway.

“G-geez, that was a close one. He really did become a bird. Wow, so, is that it? Are we done?” Like, seriously, you didn’t expect it to end this way. It felt so easy. But in the end, it didn’t matter. What mattered was saving everyone from this nightmare.

“Oh, no no, we’re not done yet.” Chrysalis said as she approached with a sinister grin. Using her magic, she rips Tirek from the net and holds him tightly as she turns him to face her. “This must be so embarrassing for you, Tirek. All that work only for it to be undone by an ‘outworlder’ and the elements. Except they didn’t even have to use the elements to defeat you. Hah!” Chrysalis let out a boisterous and dark laugh. “You had the edge over all of us and you still lost! I can’t imagine how that must feel. But I can certainly taste it.”

“You think this is over, Chrysalis? I haven’t lNGH!” Tirek is stopped short when she feels Chrysalis’s magic squeezing him tighter. “W-what are you d-doing?!”

“Squeezing the life out of you. I haven’t forgotten what you’ve done, what you said. It’s truly over for you, Tirek. It ends here for you and your schemes.” Chrysalis said as she began to squeeze tighter.

“Y-you can’t do this. The Princesses willDFNFD” Tirek groaned and twisted in pain, trying to convince her otherwise.

“Will what? Exile me? Let them, it doesn’t matter to me if they don’t understand the favor I’m doing for them.” Chrysalis said, her evil grin becoming more of a malice filled stare with every moment.

“A-Anon, yo, I know he’s super bad and stuff. But shouldn’t you stop her?” Sandbar asked, actually scared about what was transpiring.

Should you? Chrysalis was right, the world would be better off without Tirek. And fuck the princesses if they try to exile her, they had no grounds to do so and you would raise hell yourself if they even tried. “No. For once, being a goody goody is a bad idea here. Tirek will never reform, he’ll never learn. And next time? He could end up doing something worse. Whatever happens now is his fault.”

“No! Don’t leNGH!” Tirek couldn’t speak anymore as Chrysalis’s magic became too tight.

“It’s time to say goodbye, Tirek.” Chrysalis was about to finish him off, when suddenly Tempest spoke out, blasting a small blast of magic past her.

“Stop!” She let out as she approached Chrysalis.

“What?!” Chrysalis loosened her grip slightly as she looked back at Tempest. “Why?! What reason could you possibly have to stop me?! Don’t tell me you really are just another soft-hearted pony!”

“Easy. We still need him to open the security door for us. Without him, we can’t get to the staff.” Tempest exclaimed.

Suddenly, Tirek began to laugh evilly. “That’s right! Without me, you can’t get through the security door to get to the staff. Which means I have no reason to help you if it only means my deGYAH!” Suddenly, a burst of magic came from Tempest, and hit his right wing, blowing it off. All that was left were wires coming from the base. “W-what are you doing?! You said you needed me!”

“And we do. It’s non-negotiable. I have no qualms taking you apart, piece by piece, until you give us what we want.” Tempest told him as her horn crackled.

“I take back what I said. This is much better.” Chrysalis said with a dark chuckle.

“Y-you can’t! Even if I’m still a cyborg, I-GYAH!” Tirek is stopped short when another blast takes out his other wing.

“It’ll be your talons next, then your beak.” Tempest warned.

“Alright! ALRIGHT! I’ll open the door! Just stop already! There’s nothing more I can do!” Tirek yelled out in fear. He couldn’t believe it. He was so close, he had all the power, all the magic. Everything was his. Suddenly, he let his head droop as he believed he realized what really caused his defeat. He entered into so much sudden despair that even his own terror seemed distant to him. “So, this is it then. This is deus ex machina?”

“Nah.” You say to him.

“No? But then, how? This shouldn’t have been possible.” Tirek said as Tempest and Chrysalis brought Tirek to the back of the throne room.

“It’s just as I said. Silverstream remembered an item I had that could turn the whole thing around. You should have paid attention to Cozy and not waste time being so cocky. How does it feel, Tirek? Because from where I’m being held, it feels pretty damn good to me.” You say to him with a cocky grin.

Tirek said nothing. He knew he was defeated, and what was worse, he was having all that arrogance thrown against him. He lost, and once again, it seemed like fate was not on his side. It made him angry, but it also scared him to know he could be destroyed and no one would try to actually stop it. He was so close. But then he noticed the bowtie in Ocellus’s hooves. If only he co-

“EEP!” Ocellus let out a yelp as she jumped back, Tempest had turned the bowtie to ash with a magical blast.

“Sorry, but I’m not even going to let you entertain that thought.” Tempest said coldly towards him.

“You would keep me inDFGS” Suddenly, he felt Chrysalis’s magic tighten on his body again as she brought him towards the security wall.

“Don’t test my patience, Tirek. I’m already thinking of keeping you as a pet instead, I think it’d be funny seeing you try to flop around without wings to keep you balanced.” Chrysalis said with a smirk. “Now, be a dear and open the door for us.”

Gallus leaned next to Yona and whispered “Are we sure she’s a good guy? This really feels wrong. Like, she could be scamming us to get the staff herself”

Yona leaned over to whisper back. “Yona not like it too much, but Yona just think she all talk. It be okay, we just need focus on saving Equestria. Yona think she good, just mean.”

Tirek groaned, staring at the wall, then sighed. “...This is Lord Tirek, open the door to me. The password is Scorpan.”

Suddenly, fog began to pour out of the opening doors as they slowly and heavily began to open from side to side.

“Scorpan? Isn’t that his brother? I thought he totally hated that guy.” Sandbar whispered to you.

“I heard that, whelp. The password is fine, it was simply a way to prevent anypony who can replicate my voice from entering, by using a password nopony would ever expeNGH!” Suddenly, Chrysalis gave him a slight squeeze.

“That’s enough squawking, nopony cares.” Chrysalis said as she chastised him.

The doors fully opened as the mist from the hydraulic doors cleared. The security room had many monitors on from all sides, showing each floor of the castle. In the back were the stasis pods, with Twilight and Cozy sleeping within two of them. And on the security desk? There it was, more twisted and contorted than ever, the staff.

“Gyah! There’s another Tirek?! Darn it, I thought we were finished with him!” Smolder said as she stepped back, preparing your head as throwing weapon without thinking about the fact it was your head.

“Hm, relax. It isn’t moving, it seems to merely be another hologram. I assume this is what you used to broadcast yourself, Tirek? To keep your disgusting and useless new form a secret from us? Funny how that turned out, isn’t it?” Chrysalis said as she kept her eyes on the staff.

“Just do what you came here to do and leave me be…” Tirek said as he looked away from the hologram of himself. How shameful to even look at the form he once had for a form he thought would allow him to conquer all.

“No traps?” Tempest asked him, her horn starting to sparkle once again.

“...I didn’t think you’d get this far.” Tirek said with a low and pathetic growl.

“That’s because you don’t think. Now then, what do we do with it?” Chrysalis asked. She looked over at a few of the young six who were gathering around Twilight’s pod. They looked highly upset at her situation. Silverstream was trying to cheer them up, stating how Twilight would be out and about in no time. The thought only momentarily disgusted Chrysalis, before she let out another sigh. “...And, should we let her out first? Even I have to agree she shouldn’t be kept in such a humiliating position.”

“No, if everything Discord said is correct, we have to destroy the staff first. We don’t know if letting her out could throw the balance the staff has out of wack. With the way it is looking now, any instability in Twilight’s behavior could possibly set it off.” Tempest stated.

“Wait, so letting the headmare out would cause problems. But smashing that crazy thing is fine? How does that work? Discord is walking out and about just fine and that thing hasn’t exploded yet.” Gallus said, finding the whole thing suspect.

“I think it’s because we don’t know how Twilight is going to be when she wakes up, she could go crazy or something from some pod sickness. It’d probably be safe if the staff didn’t look so crazy. As for smashing the staff itself, the way I understand it is that it keeps everything in balance. So, as long as we don’t make it explode by using it, smashing it should just return everything to the way it was.” At least, you hoped that’s how it’d go.

“Hey, what’s this button?” Silverstream asked, looking at a shiny red button on the desk, covered by glass. “Will it free the headmare?”

“Don’t press it! That’s the self-destruct button!” Tirek shouted.

…Seriously? “Really? You have a self-destruct button?”

“A suggestion made by the filly. One of the concessions I had to make before she agreed to sleep in her pod. I haven’t a clue why she’d ask me to set one up, given the timer is only thirty seconds. NopoDFNGDF” Chrysalis gave Tirek yet another squeeze. “Will you just get this over with already, before she breaks my neck!”

“Well, Yona, you’re pretty good at smashing. Wanna give it a shot?” You ask her, as Smolder holds your head towards her.

Yona nodded and grinned. “If it save Headmare Twilight and Equestria, then Yona do it, no hesitation!”

Then it was settled. Gallus carefully grabbed the twisted staff and placed it on the ground near Yona. All she had to do was smash it, and this entire nightmare would be over.

Most everyone covered their eyes. It was clear ones like Gallus and Sandbar were worried the thing was going to explode. But you know what? You trusted Discord, you felt he knew enough about what was going on that nothing bad was going to happen. You were on a good streak so far. A streak of one plan working out for you, but a streak nonetheless.

Finally, Yona raised herself up and smashed the staff to pieces,

But it being destroyed was the last thing that actually happened.

“What the-!” Was the last thing you could say as the staff exploded in a violent flash.

And suddenly…

Everything felt…


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