• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,417 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

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8. Meeting the Human Expert, and Cece's First Day In Equestria

It's been a week since Sebaste and Sasha left, and so far, my stay in Equestria has been okay. Lucky for me, that battery spell existed here and Twilight was able to perform it on my phone and laptop. Like Sebaste said, they were a little mad I didn't tell about the show, but they let it go. Everyday I've been training for a bit to get used to my new abilities. Like today, where I'm sparring with Rainbow Dash in the edge of Ponyville. I wanted to work on my speed and Rainbow was the perfect partner to practice that with. We were sparring for a bit, me listening to “Fatalities” from JT Machinima and Rockit Gaming in my costume, before I sensed someone a few yards away.

“Wait,” I said to her, before turning off my music and turning to my right. I saw Rarity wearing a hard hat with a bow on the back of it, carrying a glowing Spike with her magic and running to Twilight’s castle.

“Um, why did Rarity drag Spike back to Twilight’s?” Rainbow asked. “I thought they were hunting for gems.”

“I don't kn-wait, did Twilight mention anything about the princesses coming over?”

“Yeah. They're visiting her for lunch today. Why?”

So Gauntlet of Fire is finally happening. Nothing to worry about then.

“Nothing to worry about. Though I guess I should stay away from the castle for a bit. Don't want to meet them just yet. Not until I find Cece. Until then, I'm staying away from them.” I then picked up my bag and put on my cloak, took off my mask, and put on my scarf and hood to cover my face. “I think that's enough for today. Don't want anypony to see you fighting some masked figure and presume the worst.”

“Yeah. I guess you're right.” Then both our stomachs growled. “I guess we should go get some lunch ourselves. Come on, let's go get something at Sugarcube Corner.”

I nodded as we walked to Sugar Cube. We passed by a few ponies, none of which giving us a second glance outside of a simple smile and/or wave. We were nearly there until I bumped into someone.

“Oh, sorry about that,” I said, sticking my hand out to help her up.

She took my hand and got up. It was then that I actually saw her features and I widened my eyes behind my hood. She was a unicorn with light green fur and a lighter shade of green mane and tail and golden eyes and a lyre for a cutie mark. “Thanks. I'm Lyra by the way. What's your name?”

“Call me Dark, and I thought everyone in this town knew about me. I did have a party a few days ago.”

“Oh, I was in Canterlot visiting a few friends for the last couple of weeks, so I wouldn't have known.” She then turned to the pegasus beside me. “Oh, hi Rainbow. What are you doing?”

“Hey Lyra. Me and Dark were just going to Sugarcube Corner to grab a bite.”

“Oh, mind if I join you? I was planning on meeting Bon Bon there later anyway.”

Rainbow looked at me, presumably checking for my opinion. I just shrugged and said, “I don't see why not.”

We all walked to Sugarcube and got something for all of us. I got myself a few vanilla cupcakes and a few banana nut muffins and a banana milkshake, Rainbow had a chocolate cake, and Lyra had a banana sundae. We just sat there for a bit, me and Rainbow telling Lyra about me. Including how I saved Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, as well as the fact that I'm staying with Twilight. We left out the spider powers and Sasha and Sebaste, of course, as well as how Rainbow was prior to the party. No need for her to know about any of that.

“So Lyra,” Rainbow said, “I've been wondering. Heard anything about humans lately?”

Lyra immediately stopped eating and looked at Rainbow with a bit of a panicked look. “W-what are you talking about Rainbow? I never heard of a “human” before.”

“Lyra, it's okay. None of us are going to say anything. I'm just asking because Dark here heard of them and was...curious.”

Lyra looked around, then at my hooded face. “Wait. You actually want to know about humans? You don't think they're just some legend.”

I nodded. “I know a thing or two about humans, though when Twilight said you knew about them, I was, like Rainbow said, curious.”

“So you DON’T think I'm crazy?”

“Of course not. Why would I?”

Lyra sighed. "Well, a few years ago, when I first started studying on humans, everypony would call me crazy, or names like “Loopy Lyra”. It took me forever to get everypony to stop, but there's still a few ponies who still call me that behind my back.”

I just shook my head and said, “Don't worry. I won't call you that, nor berate you about it. I know what it's like for that to happen, trust me. Now, if anything, can you tell me what you know about humans?”

Lyra nodded. “All I know is that humans are a type of species that are similar to us. They walk on two legs, have hands, wear clothes, almost identical. But there are a few differences. For instance, humans don't have fur whatsoever. They only have hair on their heads. Also, humans don't have any of the abilities of ponies. They can't fly, use magic, and not nearly as strong as an earth pony. But where they lack in magic, they make up for in something else, but I don't know what.”

“Technology,” I said. “Humans have much more tech than any being in this world, able to create machines that can help them fly over ten times faster than a hot air balloon. Not to mention too many weapons.”

Lyra stared at me, wide eyed. “How do you know that? Nothing I've found has anything to do with their technological advances .”

I mentally facepalm.

Seriously. It's like I WANT them to know what I am.

“Let's just say I stumbled upon a few books about humans a while ago. Don't ask for them though. I don't have them on me right now.” I wasn't lying about that. I was talking about the textbooks at school.

Lyra’s ears dropped back at that last statement. “That's a shame. I would've like to read about that. Awe well.” Then she saw something behind me and started waving at it. “Hey. Bon Bon. Over here.”

I turned around and saw an earth pony mare with a blue and pink mane and tail, blue eyes, cream color fur, and 3 wrapped pieces of candy for her mark. When she saw us, she looked surprised at first before coming over and taking a seat beside Lyra.

“Hi Rainbow, Lyra,” she said before actually noticing me. “Oh, hello. My name is Bon Bon. Who are you?”

“Dark. Moved here last week.”

“Dark here wanted to hear about humans,” Lyra told her friend.

Bon Bon immediately turn to me with a suspicious look. “Oh really? And why would you want to know about that?”

I simply shrugged. “I already know about humans and when I heard that Lyra knew about humans, I wanted to see what she knows.”

“Ah huh,” Bon Bon said, her face not changing.

Sheesh, I hope this doesn't turn out as bad as I think it will.

I finished my lunch and got up. “Rainbow, I'll be looking to see if anypony heard anything about my sister. I'll see you later to continue training.” I was about to walk away when Lyra spoke up.

“Wait, you have a sister? Where is she?”

“That's the problem. I don't know. We got separated and I ended up here in Ponyville. She could be anywhere in Equestria, but I at least hope someone will have heard something about her from out of town.”

“Well I might be able to help. What does she look like?”

I was about to give to give her usual description when I remembered that Sebaste said that she may have turned into Amy. Deciding to go with that description instead, I said, “She has pink fur, green eyes, and a red dress.” I tapped my chin for a second before remembering one more thing. “Oh, and she's kind of short. About 3 feet tall if I remember correctly.”

“Really? Hmm. And how old is she?”


That actually seemed to surprise them. Probably because of her height. Rainbow looked at me and said, “Um, now that I actually think of it, how old are YOU?”

It was then that I realized that despite all my time here, none of them knew how old I was and vice versa. I shook my head and said, “I'm seventeen. You?”

“Seventeen? Same here.”

That actually surprised me, but I did hear some theories that the Mane 6 were actually around their late teens and that they do things like jobs earlier than humans. I guess that's the case for this universe.

“Okay then. Well, see you in a half hour.” With that, I left Sugarcube and went around to see if there was anything that can lead to Cece.

I hope you're okay sis.

(Manehatten, Cece’s POV)

“You gotta be kidding me,” I said as I ran across more alleys. I've been looking for my brother for a week. I've looked all over this city twice now and I've found absolutely nothing. It's like he's not here. I mean, how hard is it to find a guy who's in blue and black spandex and wearing a mask? As I ran back to Coco’s apartment, I thought about what happened when I first got here.

(8 Days Ago, Cece's POV)

“Oh...What happened?” I asked with a groan, putting a hand on my head. The last thing I remembered was buying a hammer from someone, but when I put it on my shoulder, I was suddenly falling. Besides that, nothing.

“Oh, you're awake. That's good,” A female voice said to me. I opened my eyes and turned to the voice, only to stare in shock at what was in front of me. She was humanoid in appearance, but she had a tail and a strange face. I don't know what she was, but she actually looked kinda cute. For an alien. No doubt Tito would've just stared like an idiot. He always does with things he found cute.

“Hello. My name’s Coco Pommel. What's your name?”

I looked at her for a second before shaking my head and said, “Um, my name is Cece. Uh...not to be rude, but what the heck ARE you, where am I, and how did I get here?”

Coco looked surprised for a second, but said, “Well, I'm an earth pony, and right now, you're in my apartment in Manehatten. I found you unconscious in an alley way and I thought you could use some help. So I brought you here. But may I ask, what are you? I've never seen a creature like you before.”

I stared at her for a moment before I was able to respond. “Easy. I'm a-” I stopped when I saw my hand was much bigger than it used to be. I looked at myself and saw that I had pink fur. “Um, can I have a mirror please?” Coco gave me a mirror, and when I looked at myself, I looked exactly like Amy Rose. “WHAT THE HECK?!? WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!?” I panicked for about 10 minutes before Coco calmed me down and explained a few things to me. Apparently I was in some country called Equestria and the inhabitants were known as ponies, from strong earth ponies, to magic-using unicorns, to fast-flying pegasi. Not only did I end up in world of magic humanoid ponies, but somehow I turned into Amy Rose. I looked exactly like her, from the fur, to my eyes. Heck, I even sounded like her. The only thing that was still mine was my bag that was with me when I got here with everything in it, and the ring my mom gave me for my 13th birthday.

About 2 hours later, I started to properly process it. And I remembered one major problem. “Oh God. Where's Tito?”

Coco looked at me confused. “Who's Tito?”

“He's my older brother. I was with him before...whatever brought me here.”

“Oh. Well I didn't see anypony else with you.”

I sighed. "Great. Just great. I'm in a different world, turned into a videogame character, and I'm all alone.”

“Hey, it's okay,” she said, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I'm sure your brother’s around here somewhere. You just need to look for him.”

“Um, how can I do that? I don't look like you “ponies”.”

“Hmm. I think I can make you something to conceal yourself. That way, no one will know you're a...what are you again?”

“I guess now I'm a hedgehog. And how can you make me something? You know how to sew?”

“Of course. I design clothes for a living after all. But it's getting late. We should go to sleep. ”

“Oh. Okay. Um, where will I be staying?”

“Oh, you can stay here." With a yawn, she said, "Well, I'll be going to bed now. Good night.”

“G’night,” I said before looking out the window and looking at the city. By what Coco told me, this was pretty much their version of New York. I had a lot in my mind, but I was exhausted and fell asleep in a few minutes.


I was almost to Coco's apartment, lost in memory lane, when I made a wrong turn. I ended up in an alley that looked shady. I was going to leave when a unicorn stallion came up and block my path.

“Well well well,” he said. “What have we here? A little filly who lost her way? We could get good cash from somepony like you.” When he said that, 3 pegasi flew down and surrounded me. “Now, just come quietly, and nopony gets hurt.”

I just rolled my eyes. “Yeah yeah. You think just because you're bigger means you can hurt me? I don't think so,” I said, taking off my hood.

They all step back for a moment when they noticed my face, since it wasn't a pony face, until the unicorn said, “What the buck? Oh, you're not a pony. You're one of those freaks that think they can just come to Equestria and do what you want? I don't think so.” They stepped closer, looking like they were going to attack me.

That right there was his biggest mistake. “Oh no you didn't...” I then put my hand to my back and pulled out my Pika Pika hammer. Over the week, I found out I could do a few things I couldn't do before. For instance, I can pull my hammer out of nowhere like in cartoons. I did a bit of an uppercut with my hammer to one of the pegasi and sent him flying. I figured pegasi were more likely to survive the drop down then most other ponies. While they were in shock, I turned to the unicorn. “Here, hold this for me,” I said, throwing my hammer to him. He tried to catch it, but I guess he wasn't expecting it to weigh as much as it did and he fell over. Another thing I learned was that I was a lot stronger and faster now, and my hammer was much heavier than it looked. I ran towards one of the pegasi and punched him in the stomach before jumping back and kicking him in the face. Then I grabbed my hammer and hit the last pegasus in the side, sending him crashing to a wall. I then walked up to the unicorn, who was staring at me with fear in his eyes.

“W-w-who are you?”

I smiled before sending my hammer back to God knows where. “Simple. I'm Amy Rose.” I then punched him in the face, sending him flying. Then I put on my hood, and went back to Coco's apartment. When I got there, it was already night, and she was working on a few clothes for a client.

“Oh, hi Cece,” she said. “Anything interesting happen while you were gone?”

I thought about it for a moment and shrugged. “Nah. Nothing worth mentioning." I let out a yawn. "Well, I'm beat. I'm calling it night. See you tomorrow Coco.” I said, heading to my room.

“See you tomorrow Cece. And sweet dreams.”

After I got on the bed, I looked out the window and saw a full moon.

Looks beautiful. I'm sure Tito would love to see it.

I then grasped my ring, and while I drifted into sleep, I had one last thought in my mind.

I promise Tito. I WILL find you.

Author's Note:

Well, that's Cece's time in Equestria. And I did research about Amy Rose, and apparently she can do all the things I mentioned, and a bit more. But we're get to those in later date. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Spider in Equestria

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