• Published 3rd Jul 2016
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Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

  • ...

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28. Test Run

‘Hope she can actually help…’

It was early morning after Link's arrival. Around six twenty I think. I was currently several yards above the ground, sitting on a web hammock attached to two pillars. I was just sitting there, thinking about the whole magic thing, and looking at Link's token, waiting for the others to wake up.

“And what are you doing up there?” I heard below me. I turned myself upside down and saw Luna looking up at me, looking a little sleepy.

I let myself drop down and landed in front of her. “I'm just waiting. Woke up a little too early and can't go back to sleep. So I figured I'd wait until the others wake up.”

Luna yawned. “And why are you waiting up there and not in your room?”

I shrugged. “I usually don't stay in one place for too long when I'm bored. I came here so if I move around, no one will care. Better than just pacing around my room when five others are still asleep.”

Luna nodded sleepily. “Very well. Now I must go to bed. Last night took more energy than usual.”

“A lot of nightmares?”

“Indeed. Nothing I'm not familiar with though. Monsters, insecurities, personal fears, etc.”

“Well, I hope you sleep well then princess.”

“And I hope you have a nice day, Dark.” She then walked back to her room. When she was out of the corridor, I jumped my way back to my little hammock and just rocked myself back and forth for a few moments. About five minutes later, I jumped off and dismissed the webs before wandering off.

A little after I ended up outside the castle, I started hearing a tone being played coming from around the corner. I blinked before deciding to follow the noise. When I rounded the corner, I found Link leaning against the wall playing a nice, gentle song that even a few birds seemed to like, just sitting on branches and watching him play. I just leaned on the nearest wall and crossed my arms, deciding not to disturb him.

Upon reaching the last note, he slowly lowered his ocarina from his mouth, he takes a look at the sky to check on the time.

“Gonna say, that's a nice little song you played,” I told him. “Reminds me of something I listened to back home. So, mind telling me what that little number was?”

“Ballad of the Windfish,” he replied. “Just a little something from an old Zelda game, that’s all.”

I nodded before uncrossing my arms and walking to him. “You're up pretty early.”

“Just a habit of mine, I used to be awake at night and slept during the day.” Link said as he glanced around. “Back when Nightmare Moon used to attack me in my dreams.”

I blinked. “I'm sorry, what?”

Link raised an eyebrow at me. “You seem to do that alot...”

“Only because everything you say is a surprise for me.”

Link shook his head. “A lot of Dodongo crap has happened to me. I don’t have to explain much more than that.”

“Oookay…” I said, before shrugging and and leaning on a wall again.

“So Dark, what will you do now? I can’t teach you any spells till Twilight helps you learn how to channel your magic,” Link said as he placed the ocarina in his pouch.

I shrugged. “Not sure. I usually just wait for the others to wake up when I get up this early.” A moment later, I had an idea for how to pass the time. I reached into my pocket and took out Link's token again before looking at it. “Maybe…”

“You’ve got time to do it, as long as nopony sees you. You’d hate to see how the guards would react.”

“Simple. They'd freak out and try to attack me. The keyword being “try”. Honestly, my only problem right now is where do I put this so I can transform back when I want, instead of just coming back here or finding you.”

“It’s a necklace, just put it around your neck, both your hand and paw should be able to reach it,” Link explain.

I blinked for a moment before looking at the stone again and seeing the smaller hole on the top of it. “Huh. So that's what it's for…” I shrugged before taking off my necklace and putting the token on it. After I put my necklace back, I took hold of the token. “Well, here goes nothing.” I closed my hand around it, and the magic surrounded me again. A moment later, I was in my wolf form, shaking myself. I blinked a few times before looking at Link.

“Should I explain its abilities?” he asked in curiosity.

I shrugged. Or at least, as well as I can while in this form.

“Was that a yes or a no shrug?” the hylian asked.

I rolled my eyes before nodding.

“If you take a whiff of the air, you should smell something, and soon see a colorful trail coming from where it is,” the pointy eared man explained.

“Yeah, that makes sense,” I muttered sarcastically. I then blinked as I realized I was able to understand myself, despite being a wolf and actually feeling the barks come out of my mouth. Sure, I knew that I'd be able to understand animals in this form, but it still surprised me for a second. I shrugged again before walking away from Link, since I didn't want to transform back to tell him to continue, and I was sure he couldn't understand me while I was a wolf.

“If you focus, your eyesight should change, allowing you to see spirits or see objects hidden underground,” he resumed explaining.

I immediately stopped before looking at him, confused.

“Objects hidden underground?” I asked, mostly to myself. ”So I'm a metal detector now too, among other things?”

“Pretty much.” Link said, surprising me that he understood me. As I looked up at him, I noticed he was wearing a creepy smiling white mask with a red eye.

“Um...what is that?” I asked.

“Mask of Truth. It lets me read the minds of animals.”

“Since when does Link have that?”

“Ocarina Of Time and Majora’s Mask,” Link said with a confident smile.

I stared at him with a deadpan expression before fully turning around to face him. “So, see ghosts, detect things underground, see scents, anything else I should know about this form?”

“You’ll move faster, leap further, tear souls out of ghosts, and you can communicate with the ghosts too, except not during twilight,” the hylian explained.

I blinked. “So I can talk to ghosts, but not during dusk? Why?”

“They can’t see your form or hear you during twilight. Or at least back in my world. The effect may not be the same in your Equestria.”

“Okay… Is that all?”

Link snapped his fingers. “I almost forgot, you can talk to animals in that form.”

“No duh,” I said, rolling my eyes. “The wolf can understand animals. That's actually the most obvious ability this form has besides enhanced smell and hearing.”

“Yeah, but most animals have never met a wolf who would speak to them. Most wolves would rather hunt and kill than to have a friendly conversation. I believe that’s all of the abilities that form has, but it may gain more depending on other Displaced you meet.”

I blinked at that last part. “I'm starting to get tired of saying this, but what do you mean?”

Link let out a sigh at my lack of understanding. “Just because you’re in a form similar to Wolf Link, doesn’t mean you’re restricted to just those abilities that came with it. Like me, I’ve learned how to change my spells through experimenting, the spells backfired a few times but I’ve managed to change Din’s Fire into Din’s Fireball or Din’s Barrage. Another example is that one of these days, your spider DNA may bleed into your wolf form, thus turning it into a hybrid and possibly allow you to use whatever it gave you in your human form.”

I blinked. “So basically a spider wolf? That's gonna be weird…” I then looked at my paws. “Definitely will be weird if my stick em powers actually bleed through.”

“Trial and error will give you results. Any more questions?”

I hesitated before shaking my head. “Nah. I got the gist of it. Besides, I feel like I'll just end up with a lot more questions if I ask anything.”

The hylian looked around. “I wonder where everyone else is?”

“Any idea what time it is?”

“If there was a Gossip Stone nearby. It’s those are weird looking stones that matches the mask I’m wearing, they tend to tell the time when I hit them with my sword.” Link explained.

I shrugged. “Well I'd say those aren't in this dimension, but Rainbow and who knows who else is a Conduit despite there being no inFAMOUS Displaced in this dimension, so who knows, they actually might exist here. But if I had to answer your question, I'd say they'll be getting up around now.”

“Of the many worlds I’ve been in, this ones the first time I’ve seen mixed.” Link said as he got off from the pillar.

“How so?” I asked, instinctively scratching my ear with one of my hind paws.

“Depending on the displaced, the world they’re sent to usually fits their theme, or its an Equestria with no changes other than the actions and presence of a Displaced.” Link explained.

“Yeah, I learned that with the fact that Delsin’s Equestria is apparently filled with Conduits and the dimension Cece and I got our pokemon from is filled with them, and another dimension where the Displaced are assassins, founded the brotherhood in that dimension, and now have to deal with Templars. Though so far the only Marvel thing I've seen since I got here is a Shocker pony. And nothing involving Sonic.”

Link shrugged his arms. “Perhaps you arrived in the wrong timeline and the other Marvel or Sega villains will come later. Back in my world, I didn’t see any zelda enemies until much later.”

“Wrong timeline? What does that mean, that I should've been sent to before Nightmare Moon like several other Displaced? No thanks. I personally prefer knowing a few future events that are minor, not stuff that changing them will destroy the timeline.”

“It was only a guess.” Link said.

I sighed. “Doesn't matter. Knowing my luck, I'll deal with more Marvel copies soon enough. I just hope I don't deal with one particular villain…” I shook my head before looking back at Link. “Anything else I should know about this form before I wander off?”

“No, but know that if it becomes too much to handle and your pony allies aren’t enough, there’s always other Displaced you can call upon.” Link said as he placed a leathered hand on my shoulder.

I nodded. “I know. And to be honest, that's one reason why I prefer calling new Displaced when I find their token instead of when I need help. Better to call a friend for help than a stranger, right?”

“Now you understand why I made my token as such to allow me to leap into the mind of my summoner, then see where their alignment lays.”

I nodded. “Well, if that's all, I'll be on my way. Let the others know what I'm doing if you find them.” With that, I began walking away.

“Will do, Dark.”

After I heard that, I then sped up and just ran towards gardens.

(Third Person POV, Canterlot Castle)

After Dark had left to do whatever he needed to do, Link had been wandering throughout the castle, being mindful of where he goes and avoiding whatever was a restricted area. Seeing as the guardsmen showed no reaction to his elven-like features, he had decided to go without the hood. With nothing interesting going on that he could find, he decides find wherever they tend to train. The hylian discovers that there are multiple areas of where the soldiers tend to practice rather than there being one open area like in his world. He heads on over to wherever they practice their weaponry. “Shame they don’t have Silver Bullet’s training dummies.” Link commented.

“I prefer a living target, myself,” Link heard nearby. Turning to the voice, he saw Cece with her hood down, approaching him.

“The ones back in my world were enchanted so that you could see the damage and the color inside of the wood to show how hard you hit them, afterwards it would repair itself.” Link said.

Cece shook her head before crossing her arms. “That just sounds like something from a video game.” She then blinked. “Wait…”

“It’s a magic spell Silver Bullet made to allow the dummies to do those things.” Link pointed out.

Cece nodded before looking around. “So you have any idea where Tito is?”

“He ran off on some sort of task after I taught him what his new wolf form was capable of,” the hylian explained.

Cece blinked. “Wait, so he's now roaming around as a wolf?”

“Not exactly ‘roaming’ per say, he’s more like exercising the form, giving it a test run.”

“And what exactly does he look like in that form?”

“He’s about five feet, blue and black fur, brown eyes. The only thing that didn’t change was the necklace around his neck.” Link explained.

Cece blinked again. “So he's a wolf about the size of a person?” Cece then facepalmed. “Why do I feel like something bad will happen…”

“He can always turn back to normal anytime, but of course you know Dark better than I do, he’s not the trouble making kind, is he?” Link asked with minor worry.

Cece shook her head. “Not really. He usually doesn't cause trouble on purpose unless it's to someone who made him mad. Otherwise, he tries not to bother anyone.”

“Then there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Unless anyone sees him and panics.”

“He’s already gone, no use trying to find him now.” Link said with a shrug and a sigh.

“Oh, if I wanted to find him, I can. When he has spider-sense, I have a sort of sixth sense that allows me to find him if I find a place he's been before.”

“Will it still work despite the change?” Link asked. “If so, then there isn’t anything to worry about until your six sense goes off.”

Cece shrugged. “It doesn't matter whether he changes. From what Screwball told me, if I want to find someone, I can. And it doesn't “go off” unless I want to find him. Pretty useful when we're in a maze, like Twilight's castle.” The hylian nodded in agreement.

He turned to face one of the dummies, its appearance equine and humanoid. At first, there was nothing on his back, then the next moment a long scabbard materialized into existence. He reaches back to pull out the weapon, revealing it to be a long sword with a blue head guard and a three fingered claw symbol in its center. Holding the weapon with both hands, he moves it down to rest it onto the armored dummy’s shoulder. He quickly lifts the blade and in a small arc, he swings it down. It easily dug through the dummy’s wooden structure, but met resistance as it started cutting through the armor. “This is why I wished they had the enchantment.”

“Nice sword,” Cece commented.

“Thanks, it’s called the Biggoron sword, or Giant’s Knife.” Link said as he put the blade back into its sheath since there isn’t any dummies that can handle its strength.

“Personally I prefer my hammer.” To prove her point, she pulled her hammer out and threw it at another dummy.

“Only your hammer?” Link asked in curiosity.

Cece nodded. “My hammer, fists, and feet are the only weapons I use. I could use some of the swords that some Displaced have as tokens, but really swords are more Tito's thing. I prefer something more...blunt, I think is the word I'm looking for.”

“Ah, then you’ll do well with mace weapons.” The hylian said as he crossed his arms. “If Fate welcomes it, I could get the blacksmith back in my world to craft you something, you’d be amazed what kinds of ore can be found there...”

Cece shrugged. “I'll consider it.”

“So…” the hylian began. “...I’d like to do something since I’ll be here for while, any suggestions?”

Cece shrugged. “Tito's the one to ask for that. He's the one who actually leaves the grounds. I spend most of my time in the castle just spending time with Emily, listening to music on my phone, or training the guards. Though, Screwball might have some ideas too.”

The hylian let out a minor sigh of annoyance. “And considering that she’s kind of like Discord, she outta pop in anytime now, not unless her hearing isn’t omnipotent.” Link crossed his arms.

“Not my hearing, just my reading,” Screwball said, appearing right behind Link with her hands behind her back with a smile.

“Right on time too.” Link said as he looked at the nutty pony herself. “Any ideas?”

Screwball gave a deadpan expression. “Nutty? Really?”

“...What?” Was all Link said in response.

Screwball shook her head. “Nothing. Just annoyed at Koal… So, what did you want again?” Link explained the situation again about wanting to do something since Dark will be gone a while. Screwball shrugged, before seeing a bow and a quiver nearby. “You know what, I have a few ideas.”

(Dark's POV, Castle Gardens)

I was currently laying down in the gardens, resting. It was weird. All the sounds and scents I was able to hear and smell now. I'm just happy I didn't have my first test run in Manehatten. That would've been a pain. Most of the animals kept their distance, which made sense. I'm in the form of a very large predator and most of them are technically prey, so it's understandable that they'd be more afraid of me than they are of strangers.

I was just resting, listening to the various noises around me, when I heard a bush rustle nearby. When I look towards the sound, I saw a certain yellow and red fox come out, not noticing me. She stopped by a few twigs and began eating them for a few seconds before she stopped and turned towards me, her eyes widening in shock. She then jumped back and glared at me, the fur in her ears seemingly going brighter.

I rolled my eyes. “Shouldn't try attacking someone when they did nothing wrong, Emily.”

Her eyes widened again and her ears stopped glowing as she looked at me with a surprised expression. I couldn't help but close my eyes and chuckle at the sight. But not three seconds after I do, I hear something surprising.

“Tito? Is that you?”

I immediately opened my eyes as I heard the unfamiliar voice of a young girl and looked around for a second before I looked back at Emily. “What?”

She stared me for a second before I heard her say, “Huh. So this is what you guys were talking about when you said you can turn into a wolf. Don't know how I didn't recognize you sooner.”

I stared at the Fennekin, dumbfounded. I was understanding her perfectly. I knew I was able to talk to and understand other animals, but I didn't know that would apply to pokemon too. I just blinked a couple of times before shaking my head.

Emily cocked her head in confusion. “What's wrong?”

“Oh, nothing much,” I replied. “I just learned I can understand you now.”

Emily blinked. “You can?”

I nodded. “Apparently.”

Emily then had an expression that looked like she was in deep thought. “That makes some sense. The other animals seem to understand us okay, so I guess you can do that too now.”

I nodded again. “Okay. Though how did you recognize me?”

Emily shrugged. “Your voice, the color of your fur and eyes for one thing. And that necklace is definitely a dead give away.”

I paused for a second before looking down and looking at my body again. “Huh. Right.”

“We missed you at breakfast. What are you doing in the middle of the gardens anyway?”

I shrugged in reply. “Figured I'd give this form an actual test run. Yesterday I just transformed to see what I'd look like, so I needed to get used to how this body since I had nothing better to do. But what are you doing here? I hardly ever see you without Cece.”

“She decided to do a little training for a bit and I wanted to get a little snack.” As if to prove her point, she resumed eating one of the twigs she found.

I just watched her eat for a few moments when something came to mind. “Hey Emily, mind if I ask you a question?” She shook her head in response. “What exactly convinced you guys to come with us?”

Emily immediately stopped chewing her twig and stared at me before swallowing it. She then tilted her head in deep thought. “Well, I guess it was because you helped us. Cece helped heal me when even Mike didn't know how to, and she stayed by my side when the others were examining me. As for Mike, you're a strong fighter and stood up to that Carnivine for him. From what I know about him, he respected that and figured you'd be good a person to fight alongside with. So, in short, I guess I joined you guys because Cece makes me feel safe, and Mike because he saw you as a strong trainer.”

I nodded slowly, a little surprised about that answer. “So, exactly how did you and Mike meet? He seems rather protective of you. Almost like-”

“How you are with Cece?” Emily finished.

“A little. Though I don't need to worry about her as much now,” I finished with a shrug.

“Well it's an accurate comparison. I see him like an older brother, and he acts a lot like one, always taking charge when I'm in trouble. As for how we met, I barely remember to be honest. All I can recall is meeting him one day by a river and was attacked by an Araquanid. He saved me from it and watched over me ever since.”

I nodded before doing a double take. “Attacked by a what?”

“Araquanid. Basically a large spider covered in bubbles. Surprised you don't know about them, considering your whole spider thing.”

“It's a pokemon, or something native to Equestria?”

“Well where I'm from, that means the same thing. But to answer your question, pokemon.”

I blinked before sighing. “Twilight can probably tell me more about that thing.”

“Probably.” She then ate another twig. “Anything else you wanna know?”

I shrugged. “Only thing that comes to mind right now is do you know where Bri is?”

“Last I saw her, she was with Mike.” Emily then blinked and looked at me before giggling.


“I'm just imagining how you will react if you found out something about Bri."

“Is something wrong?”

Emily shook her head. “No. It's just something Mike and I picked up on since she hatched.”

I just looked at her in confusion for a moment, but before I could ask what she was talking about, Screwball appeared in front of me, wearing the mask that allowed Link to understand me in this form. “There you are.”

“Something wrong?” I asked her.

“No. Just letting you know Twilight and the others are here.”

“Others?” Emily asked.

Screwball nodded. “Yeah. Fluttershy and Starlight decided to join her.”

Emily and I nodded before the fire type did a double take and looked at Screwball. “Wait, since when can you understand animals?”

“It's the mask,” I explained. “According to Link, it allows the user to understand the thoughts of animals.”

“Yup,” Screwball exclaimed. “Had to promise Link I'll give it right back. So, you ready to meet up with them?” She rose her hand up and prepared to snap.

“Actually, how about you bring them to the gardens?”


I chuckled. “I wanna see how they'd react.”

“To what?” Emily asked.

But Screwball understood and snickered. “Oh, this will be fun. See you in a few minutes.” With that, she snapped her fingers and vanished.

Emily turned to me. “React to what?” I gave her a deadpan expression before using a paw to gesture to myself, causing her to fold her ears in embarrassment. “Oh. Right. Hehe,” she chuckled sheepishly.

I shook my head and laid down, waiting for them to arrive.

Author's Note:

And it's done. Hope you like it. So, Tito can apparently find buried objects in that form, as well as understand pokemon. The latter was something I debated with Drak and Star on, the former is new to me. As for Tito's powers bleeding through, highly unlikely. And if they did, it'd be a while. So, Tito learned he can understand pokemon and learned why Mike and Emily chose to come with them and how the two met. Not gonna lie, I came up with that stuff on the spot. I had no idea what Tito and Emily will talk about, so I thought up those things. Taking a minor break from SiE for now. Not a long one like with 21. Just need to focus on TFATH. And maybe something else. I may work on 29, but it will be a little while until it's posted. Hope you all enjoy, and feedback for this chapter will be appreciated. Until next time.

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