• Published 3rd Jul 2016
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Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

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19. Sudden Changes

“You gotta be kidding me!” Cece yelled as she came into the castle.

“Happened again?” I asked.

It’s been a couple days since we met Delsin, and things haven’t been so well for me and Cece. Most of the ponies in town have either looked at me with fear or mocked Cece. Some, like the Cakes, have been treating us the same as always, but the rest of Ponyville acted like we’re, well, freaks. I decided to stay in the castle and Cece, along with Spike and Twilight, just left for Sugar Cube Corner a few minutes ago.

“Yeah. Some stupid mare said I was just some animal and I belong in a zoo. Said some things about you as well.”

“And what did you do?”

“I was going to say a few things and give her a free flight to Canterlot, but Twilight held me back.”

“And where is she?”

“She told me to come back here to avoid any problems and started talking to the pony.”

I sighed. “Honestly, I didn't expect it to be THIS bad. I mean, why are they this mean?”

“Who knows?” Cece said.

We mostly just stayed there in silence, waiting for Twilight, when I suddenly had an idea. “Hey Cece, I have a question about your hammer space.”

“What is it?”

“You can store more than just your hammer, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Come with me.” I led her through the castle and into my room. I then went to my bag and pulled out my gun. “I need you to do me a favor.”

“What is it?”

“I want you to put all the tokens that we have in your hammer space.”


“For one thing, we need someplace to put them that nopony can just take them and use them, and I can't keep all of them in my room. And also, if any are as useful as this gun, you can just pull it out and use it if we're ever in trouble. Or you can just pull out a token that isn't a weapon, and summon the Displaced for help. Either way, it'd be useful to have them on hand.”

Cece stood silent for a moment before she shrugged. “Fine. Give me them.”

I gave her all the tokens I currently had, as well as the gun and the chainsword, and she just put them all in her hammer space. When she was done, we stepped outside and saw Twilight coming towards us with a letter in her hand.

“Oh, there you two are,” she said. “Get your things. We're going to Canterlot.”

“Why?” Cece asked.

“I got a letter from Princess, and she wants all of us to come see her in Canterlot. I already told the others, and they’ll meet us at the train station.”

I sighed. “Okay. We'll see you at the entrance when we're done.”

Twilight nodded before walking away. I grabbed my bag and sword from my room while Cece went to her room to get her bag. After that, we put our partners in their pokeballs and followed Twilight out of the castle to the station. Along the way, I saw a few ponies look at me and immediately go to the nearest building and shutting the door, while others whispered to each other. I just sighed and lowered my head until we got to the station and waited.

“So how long do we have to wait for the train?”

“Only a few minutes, Dark,” Twilight said.

I rolled my eyes and leaned on a wall, listening to some music, as we waited. A couple of minutes later, Rainbow arrived, and a minute later, the train rolled in. We all got in and sat in a private cart, Cece and I taking off our hoods.

“So why are we going to Canterlot this time?” Cece asked Twilight.

“Princess Celestia said she wanted to talk to us about what happened with Nisled, as well as find out what exactly happened.”

“Great,” I said with sarcasm. “So we need to explain THAT to her. This will be a fun trip.”

“Well look at the bright side. At least nopony knows your secret in Canterlot.”

“Oh yeah. Nothing's bad about Canterlot. Just a bunch of nobles who only love their money and give the term a bad name.”

Twilight just sighed and started reading that Pokemon journal. Cece just fell asleep, and I just sat in a corner and looked out the window.

“You okay?”

I turned around and saw Rainbow sitting beside me. I sighed and said, “Not really. The whole town acting like I’m a monster is not something I enjoy.”

“Yeah. I wonder why everypony is acting like that. I mean, you’re not the weirdest thing that showed up there, nor the the most most dangerous.”

“And yet a lot of them are acting the same way they did to Zecora before you cleared things up.”

“That bad, huh?”

“For me yeah. For Cece most ponies have been mocking her and trying her patience.”

“That sounds like a bad idea.”

“It is. Only reason you haven’t seen ponies being slammed into the air is because she’s usually with Twilight and she holds her back.”

“And what if they said anything to you?”

“Nopony says anything to me. They’re too scared to even be near me.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure everypony would calm down and this would all be in the past.”

“Maybe. But how long would that take? And what if they don’t?”

Her ears folded back. “I don't know.”

I sighed. “I'm not surprised. Not like anyone knows how long it might take.”

The remainder of the trip on the train and the walk to the Castle was rather uneventful. When we got to there, I said, “Back again. And to discuss Displaced to Celestia again. Didn't think I'd have to do that anytime soon.”

“Don't blame you,” Twilight said. “Honestly, I wasn't expecting to do this ever again.”

“Well I was. And I'm pretty sure we'll do this more in the fu-oomph,” I then bumped into someone, my hood falling off.

“Oh, I'm sorry,” I heard. “I wasn't seeing where I was-what in the world?” I looked and saw a mare with a blonde mane, light green fur, a lab coat, and a pair of glasses over her blue eyes. “My goodness. Either you're a new kind of pony or a new species altogether.”

I put back on my hood. “Technically the latter.”

“Wow! Amazing!” She shook her head. “Oh, silly me, I always get excited about new things in things in biology that I forget I'm talking to ponies and not subjects.” She stuck out her hand. “My name is Feather Splicer. What's your name and species?

I hesitated for a moment before I shook her hand. “Dark. And I'm a human.” I then noticed a wing on her back. “I take it you're a pegasus?”

“Yeah…” She said with a sad tone. She then stretched out her wings. Or...wing.

“What the…what happened to you?” Rainbow asked in shock.

Feather sighed. “A manticore attack a few years ago during a field test. This was the result.” She then folded her wing. She then looked at Twilight with wide eyes. “P-Princess Twilight?”

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. “Yes?”

Feather then immediately bowed. “Oh, I'm SO sorry, your Highness. I didn't see you there. I got going and-”

Twilight raised her hand and Feather stopped talking. “It's okay. I get carried away with scientific things as well. Oh, and you can just call me Twilight.”

“Huh. Never been around Royal casually...er, casual Royalty...I just flipped this conversation,” Feather stumbled. She then saw Cece with her hood on. “Oh, hello. Who’re you?”

She crossed her arms. “Name's Cece. Why?”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you. I rarely get out of the lab after the attack, so...urgh, why do I feel like idiot?”

“Quick question, but what exactly is a manticore?”

“Back home, it was a creature of Greek mythology,” I told her. “Here it exists, mostly in places like the Everfree. Basically it's a lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail.”


“Mythology?” Feather asked. “You mean you both thought that they myths?”

“Thought?” Cece said. “No. They ARE myths where we're from. Heck, everything here is seen as fiction or myths back home. Even my brother here with his powers now.”


I sighed. “Thanks sis… But she's right. Since we came to Equestria, we've changed. I got a few powers, as well as Cece, but she changed in appearance as well.”

Feather looked at Cece in confusion before looking between the two of us. “Umm, I don't want to sound rude, but could I…?” She then gesturing if Cece’s hood could be removed.

Cece sighed and took off her hood, revealing her face. “I turned into this when all my brother got was new powers.”

Feather looked at Cece with an analytical look. After a few seconds, she nodded in understanding. “Huge changes, if I'm thinking correctly. A change in species and location, almost as bad as losing a part of yourself.”

She shrugged before putting her hood back on. “Pretty much.”

Feather adjusted her glasses. “Yeah. But on a socially awkward side note, would it be okay to get a few blood samples?”

“Wait what?”

“I understand that that isn't the best conversation piece, but you have to remember. I'm a biologist seeing two new species. Samples of some kind will give me a lot of information...not meaning I'm seeing you both as...ugh, I hate my mouth right now.”

Cece shook her head. “Sorry, but I'm not comfortable with someone looking at my DNA.”

Feather slumped a bit. “Yeah, I'm sorry for asking. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“Besides, not like it'll be much use for you. All you need to know is I'm an anthropomorphic hedgehog with enhanced speed and super strength. That's all this is to know,” she finished, crossing her arms again.

“I don't really know what anthropomorphic means, but I'll take your word for it.” Feather then looked at me curiously. “Would you have anything against a few samples?” She asked.

I pondered it for a moment before shrugging. “Sure. I'm okay with that. Besides, besides Twilight, you might actually be able to make sense of my DNA, what with half of it not even being human…”

Feather squeed in excitement briefly before recomposing herself. “Sorry. Thank you. I don't have any of my tools on me, but if you're still in town after you're done here, you can stop by my place and we can get the needed samples. Sound okay?”


“Okay! Here’s my address! See ya later!” Feather gave us her address and, then walked on, a bit of an excited spring in her steps.

“Well she seemed nice,” Twilight said.

“If a little strange,” Cece commented.

I shrugged and lifted my scarf. “Well, we still have an appointment with Celestia, so let's go.” They nodded and we went through the halls, to the throne room. When we got in, we saw Celestia having a conversation with two unicorn stallions. One had white fur, blue mane, as well as eyes, a monocle, and three crowns for his mark. The other one had a gray coat with a dark gray mane, blue eyes, and something that looked like three planes for his mark.

“Dear Goddess above!” The monocled unicorn exclaimed, “Do you honestly believe every rumor you hear, Jet!”

“What are they talking about?” I whispered to Twilight.

She shrugged. “I don't know.”

“Then let's just stay back and watch,” Cece said.

“No I don't, Fancy!” The other unicorn, Jet, shot back. “I am merely stating that if more of those beasts suddenly appear and fight, endangering various ponies, then we need to find the source and completely destroy it!”

“You are talking about completely leveling a forest for no reason! We can't say that these were “beasts” to begin with!”

I got bored of eavesdropping and walked through the room. “Sorry to interrupt, but what's going on? And what's this about leveling a forest?”

“That's none of your concern, you-” Jet Set started before Fancy interrupted him.

“Jet Set! “Peasant” or not, he has every right to know! What, with the rumors and whatnot,” he reprimanded. He then turned to me and explained, “Jet Set here is wanting to level the Everfree Forest to “search” for the “beasts” that fought in Ponyville, but I don't think that's his reasoning.”

“Oh, you heard about that?” I asked. “Yeah, sorry, but SOMEONE had to deal with that psycho.”

“I take it that you were there during the whole debacle,” he commented.

“Of course. I was IN the fight. Little note, nopony got hurt, but there is the property damage he caused before I stopped him...”

“Him?” Jet questioned.

“The psycho attacking the place. Called himself Nisled. Let me tell you, he seriously needs a straight jacket. At least then he won't be able to use his...abilities.”

“So, a uniquely gifted pony decided to use his gifts to destroy rather than uplift?”

“Um, sure. Let's go with that.”

“I must say, I'm impressed. I've never really met an...Earth pony that actually could handle such a problem,” Jet complimented.

“Well he's not a problem anymore.”

“However did you handle him?” Fancy asked.

“I can thank Rainbow here for saving me from him and another friend for sending him away, for good.”

“My goodness! Are you saying that he was killed?”

'Well considering Rainbow beheaded him, you could believe that.'

“No, my friend just knew a way to banish him and used it.”

“Remind me not to get on his bad side.”

“Like you are with me?” Jet said.

“Almost everypony is on your bad side!”

“Almost?” I asked. “I'd think all but one pony outside of the princesses would be on his bad side. Or vice versa.”

“And speaking of ponies, we haven't gotten your names,” Jet said.

“Name's Dark and the one in the red hood is my sister. We're Princess Twilight’s sole guards.”

“Why do you wear hoods?”

“So we can have our faces covered of course,” Cece said. “Who are you?”

“I'm Jet Set, and I merely want to see your faces.”

“Yeah, showing my face to one new pony is enough for me for one day. Besides, my brother told me how most of you nobles are, and I get enough ridicule back in Ponyville since Nisled.”

“Pish posh! Why in Equestria would they ridicule a young mare like you?” His horn lit up and her hood was suddenly pushed off. Jet jumped a bit in surprise, his eyes wide in shock.

She immediately put her hood back on. “Now you see? And before you say ANYTHING about what I am, just know I'm stronger than most earth ponies. And I have this, and I'm not afraid of using it on anyone.” She pulled out her hammer. “So choose your next words wisely.”

“I honestly believe he has no words to choose from,” Fancy stated.

“That's good,” I said. “Cece's still on edge after the last few days.”

“And her “edge” has given Jet Set the motivation to zip his howling screamer. We don’t want you to wake up like Blueblood.”

That confused me. “Wait, what happened?”

“That’s not a topic I like to go into,” Celestia said, having heard most of the conversation. “But I will divulge anyway, if only for somepony to learn from.” She sent a light glare at Jet and continued, “Blueblood, my nephew, was not a popular pony. He complained about everything under the sun until, one day, he was found dead in his chambers.”

We widened our eyes at that. “Wait, WHAT?!”

“We don’t have all the facts,” Fancy said. “Not enough evidence to even figure out how he died. He just was.”

I blinked at that. “Well...that's unexpected…”

“Yes, and I trust Jet won’t try to do anything that may cause him to end up like him.” Jet hastily nodded at the Princess’s words. “Good, Jet and Fancy, you may both go.” The two nobles nodded before leaving. “Now, how about you tell me exactly what happened in Ponyville a few days ago.”

“Well, let's see…”

“...and after the picture, he left.” I explained the story starting with meeting Delsin, all the way to his departure. Cece and Rainbow added their parts in and Cece also mentioned the fact that he’s engaged to his Celestia. That surprised the princess, but she recomposed herself quickly and asked us to continue. “And after all that was said and done, most of Ponyville seemed to believe we were the cause of the problem and are either afraid of me or think Cece belongs in a zoo.”

“This is rather...disturbing,” she said thoughtfully. “I never thought that that my little ponies would draw such a conclusion so quickly.”

“Honestly, I'm not.”

“Let us hope they calm down enough for them to think rationally. They'll come around in time.”

“I wouldn't be so sure, Princess. People, and by extension ponies, are afraid of new species that they've never seen before.”

“Then we must help them learn,” she said turning to Twilight. “I can trust you help those in Ponyville understand?”

“I'll try,” she replied.

“All I ask is that you do your best.” Celestia stood up from her throne. “But for now, relax. Enjoy the rest of your day before returning to Ponyville. I need to discuss this with Luna.”

We nodded before exiting the throne room. “Well, that took a while,” I said, checking my phone, seeing we've been there for an hour and a half. Then I pulled the piece of paper Feather gave me and read it. “Well, I'll go see Feather and give that sample. What're you guys gonna?”

“I'll join you,” Rainbow said. “You'll need somepony to help guide you through the city.”

“I'll go visit my parents,” Twilight said. “You wanna join me Cece?”

She shrugged. “Sure. But first…” she pulled out her pokeball and let Emily out before picking her up. “Okay, let's go.”

Twilight nodded. “Okay, we'll meet you at the train station at seven o'clock.” After she said that, they left.

I then turned to Rainbow and said, “Well, we don't have all day. Try to keep up.” With that said, I ran out the castle with her close behind.

After a few minutes of racing (Rainbow won thanks to her wings), we arrived at the address that Feather gave us. The house looked close to what the show depicted of Moondancer’s house, but it seemed better kept.

¨Well, this is the place,¨ I said. I went to the door and knocked.

The door slowly opened and Feather poked her head out. “You're here! Come in, come in!” She opened the door a bit wider for us to enter. “And be careful. I've got glass containers everywhere.”

We went inside and looked around the room, seeing a bunch of test tubes and vials, a few with random liquid it them. ¨A lot of stuff you got here.¨

“Yeah, I rarely get guests, so cleaning up sometimes gets put on the back burner,” she said, heading towards the back of the house.

We followed her, passing a few tables filled with test tubes and papers. ¨What´s all this for, anyway?¨

“Private research on various reptiles, lizards specifically.”

That caught my attention. ¨Lizards? Why?¨

“Well, it's just research. Not like anything will come out of it.” She returned with a few vials, a tiny blood pump, and an industrial rubber band.

I had the feeling that I knew what it was for, but couldn’t remember why. ¨I have a feeling there´s more to it than that.¨

¨What´s the big deal about a bunch of reptiles?¨ Rainbow asked.

“I can't really say,” Feather stumbled, while pulling out the rubber band. “If I told you, the research wouldn't be private. Now pull back your sleeve.”

I did as she instructed, and she strapped the rubber band on my arm. A few seconds and my veins were visible. Feather then carefully inserted the blood pump and collected the blood. She bandaged the puncture and removed the rubber band. “There you go.”

I rolled my sleeve down and flexed my arm. “Barely noticed.”

“Anything I can do for you two before you go?”

“How bout some water?” Rainbow asked.

“Sure. One moment.” She went into the kitchen and came back out with two glasses of water.

“Thanks,” I said as I drank mine while Rainbow absorbed hers. “You just gonna keep doing that now?”

She shrugged. “Useful to always have fuel just in case.”

“Umm...did she just…?” Feather stumbled.

“Something wrong?”

“That water just...you…”

“Oh right, no one knows you can do that but Twilight and Cece,” I told Rainbow. “Long story short, Feather, Rainbow has a gene in her DNA that allows her to control and absorb water, as well as a few other abilities like a healing factor.”

“Wow! Amazing! Umm...would she mind if…” She asked.

“No way,” Rainbow said. “Nopony is taking any of my blood and messing with it.”


“You know, I wonder if anyone else you know is a Conduit,” I said to Rainbow.

She shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. Hay, I didn’t even know I had it until Delsin told us.”

“If I knew what gene to look for, it would be easier to identify those who have it,” Feather said.

I shook my head. “As far as I know, unless you have that Ray Sphere ability a friend of mine’s has, you won’t be able to identify it.”

“There are ways, but I'll back away from it.”


“So what should we do now?” Rainbow asked.

“Well...we can stop by Donut Joe’s, if you’d like.”


“I can pay for you guys, if you’re okay with that,” Feather inserted.

I put my cup on a table. “Okay. Let's go.”

After enjoying a good time socializing with Feather and Rainbow at Donut Joe’s, Rainbow and I made our way to the train station. When we got there, we just sat on a bench and just talked to each other for a bit until Twilight, Cece and Emily came.

“Hey guys!” Twilight called out. “You ready to go?”

I sighed. “Yeah, let's go back to Ponyville.”

“Wait!” We turned and saw a unicorn guard running to the station. When he got to us, he bent over, breathing heavily. “One moment…” After he caught his breath, he stood up and spoke with authority. “Her Majesty, Princess Celestia, has requested for one Dark and Cece to remain here in Canterlot until Ponyville more fully calms down from the attack.”

“Wait what?”

“I can’t really say much more than that, I’m afraid. It seemed like a spur of the moment decision and most of us are kept out of the loop anyway.”

I looked at the others in confusion. “What should we do?”

“I think we should talk to her to see what this is about,” Cece said.

“Twilight.” The alicorn nodded before teleporting us, the guard including, back to the castle.

“Hopefully she's not too busy right now,” Twilight said.

“I’m not, Twilight,” Celestia said behind us.

That caused us to jump. “Sheesh Celestia, don't do that,” I said.

She giggled a bit. “Sorry about that, but after what you have told me earlier, combined with some thinking and talking it over with Luna, we’ve decided that you should stay here for a while.”

“Wait, seriously?” Cece asked.

“Given the insults you’ve had to endure the past week alone, it would have only been a matter of time before one or both of you snap.” She then noticed Emily. “What is that? It looks cute.”

Emily hid herself in Cece arms. I just sighed and said, “That's Emily. Cece's partner. And the practical sister to mine with how they act.”

“Your partner?”

I pulled out my pokeball and tossed it in the air, letting Mike out. “This is my partner Mike. Mike, the is Princess Celestia.”

Mike nodded. “Froga.”

“Huh,” she said while kneeling down close to his level. “I’ve never seen anything like these.”

“They're creatures we got from another dimension about two weeks ago. They have quite the special abilities, I'll tell you that.”

“I’ll ask about those abilities later, but for now, let’s get you settled. And don’t let me hold you and Rainbow back, Twilight.”

“Wait, so Dark and Cece won't be coming back with us?” Rainbow asked.

“I'm afraid not,” she sadly said. “You will be allowed to visit, should circumstances allow.”

“Awe man…”

“Don't worry too much, Rainbow. You'll see him soon.” She then winked at her.

Rainbow looked at Celestia in confusion. “Huh?”

“You'll see.”


“Now, I'll inform the guards of the esteemed guests and their…pets,” Celestia said as she started walking away. “You can say your goodbyes for now.”

Both Rainbow and I looked at each other, somewhat awkwardly as I felt that weird feeling in my chest again. “So...uh...I guess that...this is goodbye for now?” Rainbow asked.

I sighed. “It seems so. See you guys soon.”

“Yeah. I'm gonna miss you...I mean, I'll miss training with you. I don't think anypony could easily work with me. I can fling water and ice. What can they do?” She held up a steaming arm to emphasize the point.

I chuckled. “Yeah, I'll miss you girls too. Good luck with everything in Ponyville.”

“You got it.”

“Well, whenever you guys find a way to calm those ponies down, let us know,” Cece said, Emily and Mike nodding in agreement.

“Okay,” Twilight said. “We'll do that.” She then pulled us both into a hug.

“Um...Twilight you're crushing our lungs…”

“Oh! Sorry!” She released us with an embarrassed look. “I just...well...umm…”

I took a deep breath. “It's okay Twi. Just, good luck.”

“Okay. We'll see you.” She waved and motioned for Rainbow to follow her as she left.

Rainbow nodded before looking back at us. “Hopefully we'll see you guys soon. And good luck if you run into anymore nobles. Bye guys.” She then flew off towards Twilight.

I sighed and looked at Cece and our pokemon. “Well, looks like we're staying in Canterlot for a little while.”

Cece nodded. “I wonder if they actually can stop the stares and everything.”


“So...how was your day with Rainbow?”

I shrugged. “It was fun. We raced a bit, went to Feather’s house, and had some doughnuts.”

“So you had a good time with Rainbow?”

“Yeah, why?”

She just walked passed me and said, “Just checking. Now come on, I want to find out where we'll be sleeping.”

I nodded. The sound of clanking armor reached our ears as a unicorn guard approached us. “Her Majesty, Princess Celestia, has given me the order to show you to your rooms and also inform you that you are allowed anywhere and anything within the castle.”

Cece adjusted her hood. “And who are you?”

“I am Silver Sword, Private First Class,” he said with a salute.

“Well it's nice to meet ya Silver,” I said with a nod.

“Same to you, Lieutenant Dark.”

I blinked at that. “I'm sorry, what did you call me?”

“Aren’t you the first set of guards that Princess Twilight Sparkle had hired for her personal guard detail?”

Cece nodded. “Yeah, so?”

“It means that you both outrank me by a lot. You’re both commissioned officers, as you are the first she hired.”

“Wait seriously?”

“Yes, Lieutenant Cece.”

We all blinked at that. “Well, didn't expect that,” I said.

“Shall I lead you to your rooms?” Silver asked.

“Sure.” We then proceed to our rooms. When I got to mine, I looked out the window and sighed. “Wonder how long we'll be here…” I shook my head and ignored that strange feeling and layed down on the bed before falling asleep.

Author's Note:

Well, this is finally done. Sorry for the long wait. I've been busy. Luckily, 20 will be up real soon. Within a week at most. So, Tito and Cece are staying in Canterlot for a little while. That'll be for a few chapters...and they met Feather Splicer. Anyone who knows anything about Spider-Man will know where I'm going with that. Also, random note, they're apparently lieutenants. Thanks for that idea buddy. Well, until next time.

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