• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,416 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

  • ...

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26. The Magician's Struggle

(Third Person POV, Canterlot)

Dark was wandering the streets of Canterlot, cover on, avoiding all the nobles to avoid the desire of breaking any of their noses. He had just passed Restaurant Row when he felt his bag shake. Going to a nearby alley, he took it off his back and opened it, with Brianna popping out of it, shaking her head, her aura sensors flopping side to side. She looked up at Dark and yipped, smiling at him.

Dark chuckled softly. “Don't worry, Bri. We're halfway to Joe's now.” He started petting her. “And I'd rather keep the number of ponies in this city that see you to a minimum. No telling how these nobles would react to something like you…” he finished, feeling annoyed.

Bri grabbed his hand with both her paws and moved it away and looked him in the eyes with a worried look.

Dark sighed. “Right. Emotion reading. Forgot you can do that.” He shook his head. “Don't worry. I'm fine. I just don't like a lot of ponies here. It's a miracle that Celestia has the patience to deal with these kinds of ponies for all these years.” He then pet her again for a moment. “Can you stay inside until I let you out?”

She just stared at him for a couple seconds before nodding and ducking back inside the bag. Dark then closed it, but left a hole for her to breathe. He then put the bag back on and left the alley.

Not five minutes later, Dark saw a pony in a familiar cape and hat hanging up flyers in a violet aura. He blinked for a moment before shrugging and heading her way, deciding to greet her after all the time that's passed since he's seen the her.

He approached her while she was putting up another flyer with her back to him, when he crossed his arms and said, “Well, didn't expect to see you today, Trixie.”

The blue unicorn jumped in surprised, her hat flying off her head as a result. Dark casually caught it as she turned around and saw him. “Dark? What are you doing in Canterlot?”

“Long story. Right now, let's just say some trouble happened in Ponyville a few weeks ago and the Princesses offered my sister and I to stay in the Castle until things calm down,” he said, handing her back her magician hat.

She took it back and placed it on her head. “Okay… Wait, you have a sister?”

Dark nodded. “We got separated a couple of weeks before I met you. I ended up in Ponyville, she ended up in Manehatten. A few days after your show in Ponyville, we reunited and she's been staying in Ponyville with me ever since. Well, until we came here…”

“Hmm,” she hummed. Then she had a thought. “Hey, since you're here, maybe you can help me set up for my show tonight.”


“Well yes. I was planning on doing it alone, but with your help, I can have it set up quicker.”

Dark stood silent for a few moments before shrugging. “Fine. I guess Joe's can wait. So, let's go.”

“Okay.” Trixie then lifted a small stack of flyers in her magic and walked passed Dark, with him following her.

“So you actually come up with a title?” Dark asked. “Because last I heard, it was called, what was it… Ah, now I remember. “Way-To-Go-Dumb-Dumb-You-Really-Messed-It-Up-This-Time" Repentance Tour”,” he said with a chuckle.

Trixie blushed in embarrassment. “Hey, I was very depressed when I thought that one up. I thought I lost the one pony who cared about me.”

Dark's laughter died down when she said that and he remembered a statement she told Twilight after Starlight ran off before the show. “Starlight is the first pony you can call a friend, correct?”

Trixie blinked in shock. “How do you know that?”

Dark shrugged. “I know a lot of things, Trixie. Related to you, I know about how you took the Alicorn Amulet just to show up Twilight and that you only spent time with Starlight in the first place for that same reason.”

Trixie lowered her gaze. “If you know about that, why have you been acting so nice to me? Hay, why are you helping me right now then?”

Dark shrugged. “Because I know you’re a good pony. Or at least, you can be. After the Amulet was dealt with, you actually apologized to Twilight and gave her performance a bit of extra flare without anyone telling you too. And you actually did become friends with Starlight, when she could use one. Now, I'll admit, you can be pretty annoying sometimes, and your ego is on par with Rainbow's on your worst days, and I would know about that, but if you're truly sorry for the mistakes you made in the past, especially with that Amulet, then you at least deserve a chance, just like everyone else.”

They walked in silence for a few moments before she said in a small voice, “Thanks.”

“A good way to thank me is proving me right,” Dark replied.

Another few moments of silence later, Trixie asked, “Um, do you mind if I ask what makes you believe that? I mean, if Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, didn't really give me a second chance before I met Starlight, why would you? Not that I'm complaining of course,” she added quickly.

Dark shrugged. “A number of things I guess. For one, Equestria is basically known for forgiveness. I mean, Twilight and her friends forgave somepony who wanted to imprison Celestia and make the night last forever, a spirit of chaos that made them leave each other and turned their home into something out of a fever dream, and a pony who caused a complete mess of the time stream. And Twilight forgave another unicorn who became a demon once and actually tried to kill her, but you don't know her. So forgiving a simple magician whose worst actions were because of something that corrupts its user? That shouldn't be too hard.”

Trixie blinked. “Huh. I guess you're right…”

“But, if I'm being honest, I basically had one thing in mind while we were just talking.”

“And what's that?”

“A phrase, or a question I guess, that somebody who loves puns asked someone before they fought each other. Basically something I like to think about once in a while when topics like this are involved.”

“What's the phrase?”

“Do you think that even the worst person can change? That everyone can be a good person, if they just try?” Dark then shrugged. “Considering how often bad ponies, as well as other things, seem to reform, I believe that's a good question to ask here.”

They walked in silence for a couple more minutes until they reached a small stage with parts laying on the ground.

“Well, this is it,” Trixie said.

Dark nodded before placing his bag down on the stage, and it began to shake.

“Um...is it supposed to do that?” Trixie asked, a little concerned.

Dark began to open his bag when the pup popped her head out again with a yip. She looked around before she jumped onto Dark with a hug.

“Sheesh, it only been a few minutes Bri, and yet you're acting like it's been over an hour,” Dark said, but returning the hug nonetheless, as well as petting her a little.

“Um...Dark, what is that?” Trixie asked.

The pair looked at Trixie, with Brianna’s expression being one of confusion and curiosity. Dark then showed Brianna completely to Trixie. “Trixie, this is my daughter Brianna. Bri, this is Trixie Lulamoon. She's a friend.”

Trixie looked at him with a very shocked expression on her face. “Wait, your daughter?”

“Before you say anything, she's not my biological daughter. She was just born a couple of days ago, and she imprinted on me.”


“Imprinted. It means that the moment she opened her eyes and saw me, she thought I was her dad, and I decided to take that role for her.” He then held her up to Trixie. “You wanna hold her?”

Trixie stared at the pup, who was smiling at her with her brilliant red eyes and her tail wagging. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. It'll be fine.”

Trixie hesitated before slowly grabbing her and holding her up to eye level. “Um, hello?”

Bri yipped before hugging Trixie, causing the magician to fall onto her rear, which surprised Trixie, both because it was unexpected, and because Brianna was squeezing her harder than something her size should be able to, to the point where she had trouble breathing.

“Okay Bri, calm down,” Dark said. “She's not like me, that can seriously hurt her.”

Brianna’s eyes immediately widened and she let go of Trixie, her ears folded and her face having a guilty expression. Trixie let out a gasp and stared at the pup in surprise as Dark picked her up and comforted her.

“Don't worry,” Trixie heard Dark tell Brianna. “You just need to be more careful.” He then looked to Trixie. “You okay?”

Trixie nodded slowly. “I-I'm fine.” Dark offered her a hand up and she accepted it. “What is she anyway, and how is she as strong as a full grown earth pony if you said she was born a few days ago?”

Dark stayed silent for a moment before he said, “Brianna is a special creature called a pokemon. A Riolu to be more specific.”

“Never heard of them,” Trixie said with a shrug.

“You wouldn't. Only ponies that would are ones I know and trust. Anypony else will just think they're strange animals.”

“So...these “pokemon” are all crazy strong, even when they're babies?”

“No. Just specific types. Riolu are one of them.”

Trixie looked at Brianna, who was avoiding looking at Trixie. “If she was born a few days ago, how is it she can feel guilt already?”

“Pokemon mature pretty quick,” Dark said, sitting down on the stage and softly petting Bri. “Within the first few minutes, she can already walk and seem to understand what I say. But she is still a child, and needs to learn some things. Like controlling her strength.”

Trixie stared at him for a few seconds before saying, “You really care about her, huh?”

“I saved her from being killed by oversized bugs before she was born, and several seconds after she first opened her eyes, she hugged me thinking I was her parent. Kinda hard for me not to care about her after that. Plus, I have a soft spot for anything I find adorable. Kind of why Cece used Emily on me to convince me to watch her a while ago.”

“Um, who?”

“Cece's my younger sister. Word of advice, don't talk about her height. If you think Bri's strength is impressive, Cece is stronger than most earth ponies, if not all of them, and she has a hammer that she can use to smash through steel effortlessly. Maybe even titanium.” Dark shrugged. “Gonna have to watch that video again to check.”

Trixie paled when she heard that. “Um, do I need to know anything else about her?”

“She's fast, able to keep up with me and even Rainbow when she's flying slower than sound, and very agile. She's able to move around with her hammer like it didn't weigh a few dozen pounds. And she's very good at tracking people apparently. Though she usually only does that for me. No idea how it works though.”

“And this is your younger sister? What can you do then?”

Dark smirked behind his scarf. “I'm stronger than her, I believe we share similar speeds, I have quicker reflexes, and I seem to have a knack for knowing when I'm in danger. And that's just the abilities I'm willing to share. Only ponies that I completely trust know the secret ones.”

Trixie felt a shiver go down her spine. “Remind me never to make you mad…”

“Oh trust me, if you made me mad, you'll know just by looking at my face,” he said in a low voice. He then said in his normal tone, “Lucky for you, you're annoying at worst in my opinion, and I don't hurt people just for annoying me.”

Trixie nodded slowly before looking at Bri, who was still looking a little guilty, when she had an idea. Trixie approached her and tapped her shoulder. When Bri looked, her ears folded back again when she saw Trixie. Trixie then lifted her hand a bit and readied her magic. A moment later, a small batch of flowers appeared out of thin air, floating in front of Brianna. Bri clapped her paws and laughed at the display.

“Not bad,” Dark said.

“A simple parlor trick, but it seemed to have the intended outcome,” Trixie said with a soft smile. Their thoughts were then interrupted when they heard a small rumbling and saw Bri place her paws on her stomach. Trixie frowned. “She seems hungry.”

Dark nodded. “Right. We were heading to Donut Joe’s when I saw you.”

“Right, sorry about that,” she said with an embarrassed chuckle. “Wait, how about you set up for me and I'll go to Donut Joe's with her for you.”

Dark blinked under his hood. “Okay, when I'm fine with helping you with your stage, why should I trust you to be with my daughter, alone, in Canterlot, for at least a half hour?”

“You can get this done that fast?” Trixie asked in surprised. She then shook her head. “Sorry. As for your question, you want me to prove I actually deserve a chance to redeem myself, so watching over her for a bit can be the first step to that. And even at my worst I'd never kidnap somepo-er, someone, especially not an infant. Besides, according to you, you can just find me by using your sister if I ran off.”

Dark stood silent for a moment before he looked down at Bri. “You okay with being with her for a little while?” He asked, to which she gave a quick nod before jumping off his arms and leaping into his bag. Dark blinked at the bag in confusion. “First she tries to get out several times, now she willingly jumps in without being told. She's starting to confuse me,” Dark muttered with a shake to his head. He then zipped his bag the way it was before and picked it up. When Trixie reached for it, he immediately grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him so his covered face was close enough to hers that she was actually able to see his brown eyes staring at her.

“Know this Lulamoon, if you prove me wrong, whether you run off or Brianna ends up hurt because of you, I'll actually show you just what happens when someone messes with my family,” he said, his eyes changing from brown to a menacing blood red right before her, causing her to widened her own eyes in surprise. He then let go of her wrist and gave her the bag. When she grabbed it, he turned to the stage and hopped onto it. “She likes chocolate, and try to not to let too many ponies see her if you can, or at least not nobles,” he told her. Trixie then gave him a quick list of how she wanted the stage done before she turned around and walked away.

When she was sure she was out of his line of sight, she leaned towards the nearest building and took a deep breath before whispering to herself, “Okay, calm down. All he did was warn you to take care of his daughter. And his eyes turned blood red and it looked like he will murder me…” she took a few more deep breaths. “It's okay. It's okay. So long as Brianna is okay, I'm okay.”

She then took one more deep breath before heading onwards to Donut Joe's. The walk was fairly uneventful, taking her about ten minutes to reach the doughnut joint. She entered the building and approached the cash register before ordering a few pink frosted sprinkled doughnuts as well as a few chocolate doughnuts. When she got her order, she sat at a vacant table and placed the bag on a chair. After looking around and noticing the place was mostly empty, she opened the bag to let Brianna out, who immediately jump out the bag and onto the table. She then jumped off the table and stood on on a chair and looked at Trixie with a smile, her tail wagging slightly.

Trixie blinked at the small pokemon. “Well, aren't you excited?” She then grabbed one of the chocolate doughnuts and gave it to Brianna. “Here. Your...father told me you like chocolate. Is that true?”

Brianna yipped before grabbing the doughnut and eating it happily.

“Huh. So it is.” Trixie then grabbed one of the doughnuts and eating it herself. “So you can understand me?” She decided to ask Bri, just to check.

Bri nodded before finishing the doughnut she had.

Trixie nodded slowly. “Okay then.” She then stood silent for a few moments while giving Brianna a couple more doughnuts, unsure what to say to her. She then shrugged and said, “You been out of the castle often?”

Bri looked at Trixie and shook her head.

“Hmm.” Trixie hesitated for a moment before saying, “You really care about Dark, don’t you?”

Bri replied immediately with a nod and her tail wagging.

Trixie sighed. “Of course you do. According to him, the moment you saw him, you thought he was your father. Well, he definitely cares about you. To the point where he actually scares me...”

“You and all of Ponyville,” a young voice said behind her. Trixie jumped briefly before turning around and seeing Screwball behind her, smiling. Before Trixie can say anything, Bri yipped and leaped at Screwball in a hug, which Screwball returned with a laugh. “Hey Bri. I was starting to wonder where you and Tito were when you didn't show up. Lucky for me, I got my little book to keep me informed.”

Trixie stared at the strange filly in confusion, for multiple reasons. The ones that popped into her mind first were the fact that the filly had purple swirls for eyes and that Brianna seemed familiar with her. Trixie cleared her throat and said, “Um, who are-”

“Screwball, princess of chaos, daughter of Discord, and the most common fourth wall breaker in this story,” the filly replied.

Trixie blinked. “What?”

“All you need to understand is that I'm a reality warper and I'm friends of Tito and Bri here.”


“You call him Dark. That's kind of a nickname. Very few of us call him by his real name. Specifically me, Pinkie Pie, and Cece. No idea why some of the others don't call him Tito, like Twilight and especially Rainbow. But that's their choice,” Screwball said with a shrug.

“Oookay...well, I'm-”

“Trixie Lulamoon, traveling magician, last pony to use the Alicorn Amulet, and Starlight’s best friend.”

Trixie blinked again. “Okay, how do you know all that?”

“I saw something that showed each time you visited Ponyville.” Screwball then sat down on the seat Bri was originally standing on and started petting the Riolu while it sat on her lap. “So you're afraid of Tito too?”

“Too? Are you afraid of him?”

Screwball laughed. “No. Not at all. I trust and care about him. It's just that practically all of Ponyville is afraid of him now because of a stupid rumor.

“Wait, what happened?”

“Someone attacked Ponyville, Tito, his sister Cece, and someone they met called Delsin fought him, Tito’s hood fell off, everypony saw his eyes burning red, and they assumed he was a demon. Once Celestia and Luna learned about how things were, they offered for him and Cece to stay in the castle until things calm down. That was over a month ago.”

“So that explains why he's here…” Trixie muttered before doing a double take. “Wait, he's a demon?!”

“No, he's not. Ponyville just thinks that with his eyes and the expression he had at the time.”

“You sure? Because I'd believe it after I saw those eyes. I mean, how do you explain that?”

Screwball sighed. “Listen, no matter what you hear from others or what you may think, Tito isn't a bad guy. He's someone who wants to help as many ponies as he can. And to answer your question, we believe his body is reacting to the magic in the atmosphere and it causes his eyes to change to red when he's mad.” She then shrugged. “Really just Wayward saying that and it being the best idea our guy can find. But hopefully he does more with it than just demon eyes.”

Trixie stared in confusion at the last thing Screwball said but decided to forget it and focus on the rest of her statement. “So, he won't kill me?”

“Not unless you're very bad. And I mean the real you. I talked to him about it, and he told me that he'll never kill a sapient being, on purpose, unless they're too much trouble alive. Said he doesn't want to risk something similar to Joker running amok just murdering people for fun. Even though Joker isn't Marvel, but I got what he meant. The point is, the closest I know of in Equestria that'd fit that description of his is Sombra and probably Tirek. Everyone else who fought Twilight, sans one, proved to be redeemable. At least, as of now.”

Trixie facepalmed. “You're not really helping.”

“Long story short, unless you really screw up, he won't hurt you, much less kill you. And really the only way to make him that mad is attacking innocents or those he cares about. Though he'll only actually hate you if it's the real you doing that.”

“So, if Bri ended up hurt when I was supposed to watch her, he'll be mad, but the whole thing with the Alicorn Amulet he'll forget?”

“Didn't he talk to you about this earlier? And don't bother asking how I know, I just do. It's too complicated to properly explain to you right now.”

“Well...kind of. He said that he'll forget about my past misdeeds and give me a chance to prove I'm a good pony. And I was willing to take it. Even volunteered to bring Brianna here for him. But after I saw his eyes…”

“Look, I can't change your mind. Well, I probably can with my magic, but I won't. But Tito really is a nice guy. That thing that you just saw was him acting like a father for Bri. I mean, my daddy would probably do the same thing if he was trusting me with someone who hasn't proven they're trustworthy to him.”

Trixie stayed silent for a few moments, thinking about it. On one hand, if she decided to trust Dark, she can gain another friend who apparently understands her, but risk making a mistake big enough to make him hate her and he'll make her regret it. On the other, if she decides not to trust him and to stay away from him after today, she'll never have to worry about his wrath, but treat someone similar to how she was treated in Ponyville in her last visit.

Trixie shook her head in frustration. “This is harder than I thought it would be…”

“How so?” Screwball asked, eating a cupcake.

“I just thought that he was some stallion who always covered his face, so befriending him wouldn't be so bad. But now I know that he's...scary when he's mad…”

Screwball shrugged. “I don't see why you all are so scared. His eyes change color, big deal. Rainbow's eyes are red, as well as Brianna here. You don't see anypony afraid of them.”

“Well they aren't super strong and hostile towards me.” She then blinked at Brianna. “Well, they're not hostile towards me. At least not to the point of basically threatening my life…” Trixie muttered, crossing her arms.

“Again, he's only trying to watch out for Brianna. If the events of today played out a little later, I'm sure he wouldn't have done that.” She then lifted Brianna up so the Riolu was eye level with Trixie. “I mean look at her. Wouldn't you want to make sure such a cute girl was okay?” She asked, before placing Bri back on her lap.

“Not that it's any of my business, but why are you defending him so much? I mean, I understand he's your friend, but still.”

“Well, he's been watching me since I first came to Equestria. And from what I've heard from my daddy and Cece, as well as what I've read, he's done some good things since he came here. And from what I've seen since I met him, he's a nice guy. Though, he does stay silent about his life before moving to Ponyville, but that doesn't matter to me. Tell me, would a bad person protect two fillies he's never met from a pack of timberwolves when he's not used to having any of his abilities? Or save somepony from a gang who wanted to hurt her? Or fight someone with more power than him and can't die, just to try to save a town he's been in for not even two months? And doing all this without expecting a reward, mind you.”

Trixie stood silent for a moment. “No. It doesn't…”

“Well there you go.” Screwball then took a sip of hot chocolate that came out of nowhere.

“Where did that come from?” Trixie asked in surprised.

“Chaos magic. Remember, I said I'm a reality warper. I can basically do anything I want, and spawn anything I want. Well, sort of. Little weak at the moment compared to daddy, but eventually, I'll be able to do basically anything.” She took another sip. “But we're not talking about me right now. We're talking about Tito.”

“Right…” Trixie muttered.

“Look, you want my advice?”

“Why not.”

“Give him a chance. Just like he's giving you one right now. If you don't want to be his friend after that, no one will worry about it. But at least make it because of something you know about, instead of something that you're afraid will happen. And if I'm right, you get a new friend to lend a hand whenever you need it. And I'm sure Bri here will like seeing you again after today.” The Riolu yipped in agreement. “And if anything bad happens and it's not completely your fault, I promise I'll help fix it, so you wouldn't have to worry about making him angry from a simple mistake.

Trixie hesitated for a few moments before sighing. “Okay. I'll try.”

“That's all I ask.” Screwball then looked at the clock. “Well, he should be done by now.”

Trixie shrugged. “Okay. Guess it's time for you to get back in the bag, Brianna.”

“Oh, that won't be necessary.”

“How? Dark asked me to not let anypony see her if I can. And that bag is the only thing I have that's big enough to conceal her right now. How will we get there without anypony else seeing her if she's not in it?”

Screwball smirked before holding out her hand and snapping, a bright flash of light surrounding them. When it faded, Trixie noticed they were standing in the center of the stage. Trixie looked at the Screwball in a shocked expression, to which the filly said, “Again, chaos magic. Teleporting like that is simple.”

“Why am I not surprised to see you here, Screwy?” The group heard behind them. Turning around, they saw Dark looking at that them. Before any of them can reply, Bri yipped and jumped off Screwball's arms and leaped at Dark with a hug, causing him to take a few steps back as he caught her before returning the hug, chuckling. “I missed you too Bri.” He then looked at Screwball. “So I take it nothing bad happened?”

Screwball shook her head. “Nope. Everything is fine, Tito. Trixie and I just had a little conversation while we had lunch,” she said, tossing Dark his bag, which he caught with one hand.

Dark nodded before looking at the unicorn, who tried to avoid his gaze, feeling very nervous. Dark stood silent for a minute before sighing and looking down at Bri. “Trixie, I'm sorry.”

Trixie looked at him in confusion. “What?”

“I'm sorry. For what I did. For threatening you. It's just...Brianna here is the only family I have now besides my sister, and she can take care of herself just fine. Bri, on the other hand, is still just a baby and is pretty weak at the moment. Add to the fact that I'm basically her father-”

“I understand,” Trixie said, interrupting him.

Dark looked at her, his scarf covering his confused expression. “You do?”

“Yes. I do. I'm not gonna lie, what you did terrified me, about as much as when I saw that Ursa coming towards me that night in Ponyville. It...made me see why Ponyville grew afraid of you. If you scared me that much from just your eyes, I don't even want to imagine what your face would look like when you're that mad. Even though I've never seen your face.”

Dark gave a slow nod. “Well, in that case, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd want to stay as far away from me as possible,” he said in a low tone.

He then turned around and was about to walk away before Trixie said, “Wait.” He stopped and turned his head towards her. “You said if I really wanted to become a better pony, you'll give me a chance and forgive me for my past mistakes, right?”

Dark nodded. “If Starlight and Discord can be forgiven for worse things, you definitely deserve a chance.”

“Then...I guess it would be fair for me to forgive you on that.”

“Seriously?” Dark asked in surprised.

“Yes. But please never do it again.”

“Threatening you, you don't need to worry about. You have my word that so long as you show that you're good, you'll never have to worry about me doing that again. As for the eye thing...I can't control that. Not currently at least. It just happens whenever my anger starts getting the better of me. I ended up doing it in front of my best friends for example, and it wasn’t even because of them.”

“I'll take what I can get. So…” Trixie reached out her hand. “Friends?”

Dark chuckled to himself, remembering the last time a situation like this happened. He put Brianna down before reaching out and shaking Trixie’s hand. “Friends.”

“Well, glad that worked out,” Screwball said, her hands behind her back.

“You and me both,” Trixie replied. She knew she was probably risking a lot for doing this, but if Screwball was right, and if Dark was really giving her a chance, she might as well give it a shot. “I need to get ready for my show tonight. So, I guess this is goodbye for now?”

“Not exactly,” Dark said. “I'm willing to watch your show. From a distance at least. And I know Bri here will enjoy seeing more of your tricks. So, if anything, it's not goodbye until after your show.”

“Okay then. I guess I'll see you tonight.”

Screwball turned to Dark. “Hey Tito, you mind if Trixie and I have a private chat?”

Dark shook his head. “Go ahead.” He put Bri back in his bag and walked away until he was out of earshot and leaned towards the wall to wait for Screwball.

Screwball turned to Trixie. “So you're really okay with this?”

Trixie nodded slowly. “Yes. If what you say is true about him being a nice guy, I might as well give him a chance like he's giving me.”

Screwball smiled. “Good. It's always nice when two people become friends. Just know that if you ever need help, just call us. We'll give you a hand. I promise.”

“I'll keep that in mind,” Trixie replied with a small smile.

Screwball then walked away. “See ya later Trixie. And maybe next time we meet, we'll let you in on a little secret.” Screwball then went up to Dark before snapping her fingers and they disappeared in a flash of light.

Trixie stared at where they were at before they left for a few seconds before she began unpacking some of her equipment, a small part of her being curious as to what that secret was.

Author's Note:

And it's done. This took an unexpected turn. Originally, it was meant to be something to help people get used to Bri, but it ended up being about Trixie. Once again, my own story ends up going in a direction I didn't see coming. I apologize if you don't like this chapter. I personally like it. I hope I made Trixie's reaction believable, as well as her personality. As you may be able to tell, this Trixie isn't exactly like her canon self. By that, I mean that she never tried to boost her ego in this chapter or talk bad about Twilight. I hope you'll okay with that. And now a quick few notes on Bri. First off, she may be able to understand some things, but they're mostly basic, like simple commands or questions. She won't be able to understand stuff like math for a while. Second, to anyone who says chocolate should be poisonous to her, I've seen that a Lucario can eat chocolate and enjoy it without negative side effects, so I don't see how a Riolu can't be similar. On a much less important note, I finished this before my two year anniversary to getting an account on this site. Funny how much has changed since then. Well, nothing else to discuss right now besides see you all next time. And next chapter, a few surprises none of you will see coming.

P.S. Thanks Star for the title

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