• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,417 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

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16. The Spider and the Conduit

I was putting on my cloak, just listening to my phone, when a certain song came on, causing me to shiver as a thought came up.

“I hope there isn't a Displaced who lives in a dimension where that factory exists,” I said to myself.

“What factory?” Someone said.

I immediately jumped and turned off the music before turning to my window and seeing Rainbow sitting on the windowsill. “Rainbow? I thought you were in Cloudsdale.”

“I was, but I came back last night.”

“Any reason you decided to come through my window?”

She shrugged and got off the windowsill. “I don't know. Can't find Twilight and the others are all busy.”

Around now, Mike started to wake up from the makeshift bed I made him. He hopped onto my bed and gave a questioning, “Froak?”

Rainbow looked at Mike. “Um Dark, what's with the weird frog on your bed?”

“Oh, right. Rainbow, this is Michael. He's my Froakie.”

“Your what?”

“My Froakie. I got him when I was summoned last week.”

“Summoned? Wait, you mean you were sent to another Equestria? How that go?”

“Well...I fought a bunch of giant bees, met three Displaced, and got Mike, just to give the highlights.”

“Seriously? Cool. What else happened while I was gone?”

“Well I met another Displaced and helped him make a token, by the way Cece can turn invisible now, met two more Displaced and helped them with the same thing, then I went through that portal Twilight has and met the human version of all of you.”

“Wow. I missed quite a lot.”

“Yeah. So, since we don't seem to have anything planned, wanna hang out?”


“Great. Mike.” The Froakie climbed onto my shoulder while I put on my cover and grabbed my bag and sword. “Okay, ready when you are.” And with that said, we left the castle.

(Delsin’s POV)

Ever had the feeling that something wasn’t right? I had that feeling after leaving the Manehatten pavement and exiting the portal. However, instead of seeing the elegantly crafted ceiling of Celestia’s bedchamber, I saw a much simpler ceiling. Also, Tia’s grip on my leg loosened. I didn’t really need to scan her to know there was something wrong.

Somepony else helped in that.

“Um, pardon me, but who are you and what in heaven’s name are you wearing?” Asked a posh, feminine voice.

“What kind of question is that?” I asked the pony, just barely starting to struggle to my feet. “It’s...what in all of Heaven’s Hellfire is going on?!” I could only stare as I now saw an anthropomorphic Rarity.

Rarity’s eyes widened when she saw my face. “Y-you're a human?”

“More like a Conduit, but yeah,” I replied as calmly as I could.

Tia was anything but calm. “Rarity! What has happened? Did Discord escape and do this to you? And why are you so calm about it?!”

Rarity looked at Celestia with complete shock. “P-princess? Why are you like...that?”

“I’m asking the same about you!” Tia exclaimed, “If this is Discord’s doing, the very pits of Tartarus won’t hide him from my rage!”

“Hey, calm down! Both of you!” I shouted out. “First off, why are you like...that?” I gestured at her humanoid body.

Before she could reply, another female voice came from the door. “Hey Rarity, who're you talking…” She stopped. I saw a hooded figure, female if the voice is to be trusted. She was roughly three feet tall and by her feet (hooves?) was what looked like a small yellow fox.

“This day has just gotten more awkward,” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

The figure pointed at me. “Displaced?”

“THANK THE HEAVENS!” I shouted out, “Are you another Displaced or know the Displaced of this Equestria?”

She sighed. “I'm one of the Displaced. Wait here, I'll be right back.” With that she left, the fox following her.

“Cheery,” I mumbled.

“So, Discord didn’t do...whatever he did to Rarity?” Tia asked me.

“More than likely.”

(Dark’s POV)

I was just watching Rainbow practice a few moves with Mike still at his usual place on my shoulder, when Cece ran to me. “Tito, come on, you gotta see this.”

“What happened Cece,” I asked as Rainbow landed.

“A Displaced and their version of Celestia showed up in Carousel Boutique.”

Rainbow and I widened our eyes before I webbed my bag to me and ran to the boutique, Rainbow and Cece close behind. When we got there, I saw a pony version of Celestia and a very familiar looking human with Rarity.

“Don’t touch the chain!” The human told Rarity.

“Delsin Rowe?” I asked.

He turned to the door as something shadowy seemed to flow out his outstretched arm, seeming to aim at me. His face had the look of fear, before it turned to annoyance. He lowered his arm and said, “Can you get her to stop criticizing my chain’s function?!”

I chuckled. “You don't know Rarity if you think that could happen.”

“You know this guy?” Cece asked me.

“I know who he turned into.”

“Can we please get back on...HEY!!!” He shouted out, trying to get his chain back from Rarity’s telekinetic grip.

“Rarity, stop that right now. You do NOT want to mess with a Conduit.”

“A what?” Cece said.

“Not now.”

“Thank you,” the Conduit said, thankfully. “Now does anyone or anypony care to explain how I got intercepted between a friend's Equestria and my Equestria?”

“What are you talking about?” Rainbow asked.

“I was helping another Displaced fight my doppelganger,” he began to explain. “After all was said and done, I go through the portal home, but I get decked back through.” He glared at Celestia. “She then drags me through the same portal, and now, here we are.”

I shrugged. “Something must've happened that sent you here then.”

“And I think, I just found it,” Celestia announced, gently pulling a blue and red feather off of a nearby hat. She turned to Rarity with a questioning gaze. “Did you happen to use this on that hat before we arrived?”

She nodded. “Yes. Why?” She asked before grabbing the feather.

“That, Curly Que, is my token,” Delsin said.

“So Rarity accidentally summoned you?” Cece asked. “Well that's better than when Tito was accidentally summoned a few days ago. We ended up in the middle of a bunch of angry Beedrill.”

“Oh, that's why your...pets or companions looked familiar,” he said with a snap of his fingers. “They're Pokémon, but I couldn’t tell because all I've seen were drawings and not living flesh and bone.”

I nodded. “Yeah. Got them right before we came back here. Now, before I forget, we should introduce ourselves.” I walked up to Delsin and held out my hand. “My name is Tito, but most call me Dark, and this is my partner, Michael.”

He didn’t take my hand at first, but after my spider sense tingled a bit, he took it. “Delsin Rowe, Equestrian Eagle.”

“Nice name. I just go by DarkSpider, but that's a given. Anyway, the pink hedgehog over there is my sister Cece and her Fennekin, Emily.”


“Oh right, guess you wouldn't know exactly.” Cece and I then took off our hoods and I lowered my scarf, revealing our faces. “There we go.”

My spider sense tingled again as he nodded his head and shook Cece’s hand. “That explains a few things.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Your voice and height,” he stated.

Her eye twitched. “My what?”

Delsin looked at me, confused. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Ever since she turned into Amy Rose, she hates whenever people mention her height.”

“Oh. Sorry. I can somewhat relate to that,” he said.

“Um, Dark?” Rarity asked. “I have a small question. Why is Celestia like that?”

“Oh, right. Long story short, this dimension is one where everyone is anthropomorphic. While hers is obviously one where everyone is the same as how you are in the show.” I then pulled out my phone and put up the picture I showed Cece back when we found each other and gave it to Rarity. “See?”

Rarity looked the picture in shock. “So that's what we look like where you're from?”

“Pretty much.” I then put my phone away.

“Then I guess we have a problem,” Delsin added.

“What's that?”

He pointed his thumb at Celestia. “That means Tia here will stick out like a sore thumb.”

“Oh…..right…. Well, I could get Twilight and she can teleport you two to the castle.” I then remembered something. “Hey, you know when in the timeline you are in your Equestria?”

“I honestly haven't paid much attention to that,” he said, lowering his head in regret, “I had my hands full dealing with the Skullcaps and Descendants.”

“What?” Cece asked.

“Two major gangs that ‘rule’ Manehatten and Canterlot, respectively.”

“More gangs? Ha, they're nothing.”

“Not unless they've got Conduits in their ranks.”

“Still don't know what that is.”

Delsin sighed. “An individual that has a special gene that allows them complete control over a specific element or something like that,” Delsin explained, “The Skullcaps have rock conduits…”

“Rock Conduits?” I asked. “Like Augustine?”

“Finally,” Delsin abruptly spoke, “Someone who knows the game...but Augustine is concrete.”

“Same difference. Anyway, I'll get Twilight. You two, stay here,” I told Delsin and Celestia before putting on my cover and running out the door.

(Delsin’s POV)

After Tito left, I was left with four females to one male...the one male being me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tia smirking and lightly pointing her horn in my direction. Rarity saw her movements and subtly smirked as well.

“Help,” I whispered before Dark Rolling away from Rarity’s lunge for my vest.

Before Rarity could try again, Rainbow grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. “Rarity, you heard Dark. You shouldn't mess with him.”

“But that doesn't mean I can't,” Celestia said, telekinetically hoisting me into the air by my ankles and prying my vest off of me.

“No fair,” I said, as she tossed it to Rarity. When Rarity caught it, the Blast Core in the pocket fell out.

“What's this?” Rarity said before picking it up with her magic.

“That's called a Blast core.”

“Why was that in your pocket?” Rainbow asked, letting go of Rarity’s collar.

“I managed to find one before coming here,” I said, rubbing my temples, “It wasn’t easy to get, let me tell you.”

Rarity just shrugged before putting it back in the pocket.

I looked back to Tia, “Could you please put me down?” She did so...ever so roughly, head first. “Ow.”

“Um, if you don't mind me asking, can you two tell me a bit about yourselves?” Rarity asked.

“Well, you pretty much know Tia, even if she isn't anatomically the same,” I said, “As for me, I'm engaged, I have five powers…”

“Oh, you're engaged? How lovely. To whom?”

In response to the question, I placed my arm around Tia’s neck.

They all widen their eyes at that. “Wait, you're engaged to Celestia?” Rainbow asked.

“Being trapped in stone with telepathy while Luna and Stella were on the moon has interesting results.”

They all stayed silent for a moment until Cece started laughing like crazy. “HAHAHA! HAHA!”

“Did I say something funny, Pinks?” I asked her, raising my eyebrow.

After about a minute, she calmed down. “First of all, don't call me that. Second, I was just imagining Twilight’s reaction when she hears about this.”

Tia began giggling, “If this world's Twilight is like our world's Twilight, we can expect her to break for a while.”

“Well she completely broke when another Displaced told her that some Displaced had a version of her as one of his “mates”.”

I stifled a laugh. “That would be priceless to see.”

“I didn't see it properly since Tito had me wrapped up in his webs and holding me over his shoulder like Santa’s bag.”

“I'm not even going to ask.”

“Why did he do that exactly?” Rainbow asked her.

Before Cece could reply, something flew right at her and her face had a web on it. “That's not important,” Tito said, walking in with Twilight, the web suddenly vanishing from Cece's face.

When Twilight saw me and Celestia, she did a double take. “Princess?”


Twilight place a hand on her forehead. “I'm going to get a headache one of these days with all this dimensional activity.”

“Just don't electrocute yourself.” Everyone gave me a weird look. It then dawned on me. “Oh sorry, reference to my Twilight. She’s an electric conduit, so her normal relaxing bath is anything but relaxing.”

“So she's like Cole?” Tito asked.

“I'm sorry, but what are you two talking about?” Twilight asked. “And your version is an electric what?”

“We're talking about a game series and my version of you can control electricity without magical aid,” I answered.

Her eyes widened. “I can do WHAT?”

‘Wow,’ I said telepathically to Cece, ‘Forget the engagement news, this is better.’

Cece looked around in confusion. “What was that?” She whispered.

Tito put a hand on her shoulder. “I'll tell you later Twi. Luckily I know some things on that series. Now, can you send them to the castle? I'll walk there in a bit. We need to talk,” he finished, looking at his sister, who just shrugged.

Twilight nodded. “Of course.” She then turned to Rainbow and Rarity. “Are any of you coming?”

Rainbow shrugged. “Sure. Could be fun.”

Rarity shook her head. “Sorry, but I have to finish a few orders, and this distracted me quite a bit. I'll see if I can come over later though.”

“At least let me have my Blast core back,” I said, grabbing my vest and pulling out the crystal, “You can look this over if you wish.”

She sighed. “Fine. Though you should talk to the me from your world so she can make you a proper outfit.” She said, grabbing the vest with her magic.

“Okay, ready.”

Twilight nodded before she closed her eyes and her horn and hands started glowing and in a flash of light, the four of us were teleported into a crystal room with a round table and several thrones around it.

Not that I was paying attention, since the teleport caused me to fall to my knees and vomit the remaining neuro-tar out of my system onto the floor.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“I'm okay,” I said, spitting the last globs of tar out of my mouth. “Just don't let that stuff make skin contact.”

“Okay…” She used her magic to pull out a mop and clean it up. “Anyway, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” She said, sticking her hand out.

I checked her with a ray sphere pulse and then shook her hand, finding her DNA clean. “Delsin Rowe, Equestrian Eagle.”

She shivered slightly. “What was that?”

“Oh, I think you felt my Ray Sphere pulse,” I said.

“Your what?”

“It's an ability I picked up from another conduit. It allows me to ‘read’ the DNA of an individual to check for the Conduit gene.”

Twilight's horn started glowing. “Exactly why would you need to do that?”

“To keep myself from accidentally absorbing another conduit’s power,” I said.

“What do you mean?”

“So, most conduits can control only one type of element or thing. Like paper, wire, neon, smoke, etc.” I said, “ I'm an an exception, because my power is power absorption. I have multiple powers from that, but I can control only one at a time.”

“That's so cool,” Rainbow said.

“The main downside is that when I absorb a power, I read the mind of the conduit I'm getting the power from...and not on purpose,” I snapped, “The images I saw when I got electricity will probably scar me for life.”

Celestia shuddered, “I can agree with that.”

“What powers do you have?” Rainbow asked.

“Smoke, neon, electricity, light, and darkness.”


“Can you get more?” Twilight asked.

“Yes I can, by shaking hands or hooves with someone who has the gene...and said gene needs to be active,” I explained, “If the gene isn't active or the power the conduit has is artificially placed, nothing will happen.”

“Interesting…” She said, the sound of a quill on paper could be heard. “What do you mean if it isn't active?”

“Are you familiar enough with genetics to know the difference between dominant and recessive traits?” Twilight nodded. “Now when the gene isn’t active, the individual is just like anyone, the gene is recessive. When enough stress or Ray Sphere Radiation is present, the gene activates and the individual becomes stronger, heals faster, and can control an element or thing of some kind, the gene becomes dominant.”

More writing could be heard. Before anyone could say anything else, Tito walked in with his hood off and his scarf on his neck, Mike still on his shoulder.

“So, what I miss?” He asked.

“Talking about my ray sphere pulse.”

“Your what?”

“It’s a sense that allows me to see if someone has the conduit gene,” I explain, “I used it before I shook yours and your sister’s hands.”

“Oh, is THAT what my spider-sense picked up earlier? Huh. Weird. I'm used to warnings and beacons, but what you did was...different.”

“It could be like feedback or whatever happens with microphones and speakers.”

He shrugged. “Probably. So, what powers you got?”

Twilight grabbed a piece of paper and said, “According to him, smoke, neon, electricity, light, and darkness. That's all.”

He whistled. “Light and dark? Sweet. Too bad you don't have video though. That was the coolest in my opinion.”

“Of course those are my only powers in relation to the conduit gene. I have telepathy and some magic, but it’s not the strongest and can only ‘boost’ my powers in certain areas.”

“Telepathy and magic? Huh. Surprising.”

“Yeah, well, I do occasionally have visions of the future, but I don’t control them. I predicted Nightmare Moon’s return and cleansing in my world.”

Tito chuckled. “Dude, I know a few things myself long before I came here. Then again, I saw the show.”

“The show,” I said neutrally. “I recall some bits and pieces, but a thousand years can affect a person’s memories. And I’m serious about those visions. They saved the lives of a few Displaced from my doppelganger.”

“Not saying you're lying, just saying your example is something hundreds of Displaced know about by the time they get sent to Equestria. Also, what do you mean doppelgänger? You have an evil double or something?”

“Yeah, alternate Equestria where he...I...become infamous rather than heroic. Luckily, his Discord and Starlight Glimmer permanently stopped his ability to get more powers.”

“Huh.” He stayed silent for a few seconds before he did a double take. “Wait, Displaced can meet alternate versions of THEMSELVES?”

“Actually, for me, when it comes to my doppelganger, after he lost his power absorption, he swore to spread chaos throughout the Multiverse.”

“That doesn't answer my question.”

“I’m not really sure. If anything, the thing that caused me to be able to meet him, was a visit from his Twilight, another electric conduit who is obsessed with eliminating him. From there, he had the ability to enter the Equestrias I’ve been to or summoned someone from.”

“Okay then. I hope I don't have to deal with something like that. Meeting an evil version of myself would give me an actual reason to use my gun, and I don't exactly want that.”

“Well, considering what I said, I may be staying here until Nisled is taken care of.”


“He’s my karmic opposite,” I deadpanned, “I decided to nickname him with my name spelled backwards.”

“Oh, I get it.” He then muttered something under his breath that I couldn't hear. When he was finished, he looked at me. “Anyway, Cece told me you were engaged. Care to tell me who you're marrying?”

I looked to Tia and then back to him, “A thousand years in stone with telepathy for me and a long time without her sister brought us together and I proposed.”

Twilight eyes widened and her mouth dropped. When Tito looked at her, he fell to the floor laughing along with Rainbow. Tia tried to hold back her laughter, but ultimately failed. I just smiled. After a few moments, Tito calmed down, took out a phone from his pocket and took a picture of Twilight’s face before taking a deep breath.

“You know, now I wish I took a picture of her when Seb told her about that other version of her being a Displaced’s mate,” he said. “Okay, time to snap her out of it. Mike?”

The frog nodded before shooting a bunch of bubbles from his mouth at Twilight, splashing her with water. She shook her head and look at Tito. “Was that necessary?”

He shrugged in response. “It was either that or slap you. I figured this was better.”

She sighed before looking at me. “So you two are really engaged?”

I nodded. “She nearly broke my arm when I proposed, but yeah.”

Twilight put a hand on her forehead again. “Well, congratulations, but I think I'm going to need a long sleep after today.”

“Yeah, somethings will need to be sorted out in sleep,” I said, before speaking to Tito. “By the way, you, Cece and two others of your choice are invited.” I pulled out an invite and gave it to him.

Tito widened his eyes before grabbing the invite and looking at it. “Seriously? You're inviting me, a guy you just met, to your wedding?”

“Well, of the few Displaced I’ve met, they’ve been good guys,” I said, “I can safely say that you and your sister are okay to come.”

Tito stood silent for a moment before shrugging and pocketing the invite. “Okay. Just call me up whenever it happens. Oh, that reminds me.” He reach into his pocket and pulled a silver spider emblem with DS in the center and tossed it to me. “That's my token. Just toss it to call me.”

I caught the token and I heard his voice in my head. ‘My name is Dark. I'm a web-swinger with a blade and a lot of heart. If you need a companion to talk to, or an ally to help fight your enemies, just toss this medallion in the air and I'll be there. I'm always willing to meet new people. But know this, I will not allow anyone to harm innocents.’

“Catchy,” I said. “I especially like the part about harm to innocents. I don’t like innocents being harmed and I’m lucky that my powers can heal people.”

“Well I wanted others to know where I stand. Luckily, I haven't met anyone who hurts innocents. Well, except for a few ponies in Manehatten, but they're a joke. Anyway, I have a few questions for you.”

“Go ahead and shoot,” I said, “Just, not with the gun.”

“Don't worry about that. I only used it for shooting on Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

Twilight and Rainbow then looked at him, confused. “Why would you do that?” Twilight asked.

Tito immediately looked nervous and said, “Anyway, just a few questions, such as how you met your version of the Mane 6?”

“My...statue or whatever was part of a mechanism that hid the dormant elements,” I explained. “I had them insert a blast core into a hole in the statue pedestal to activate the mechanism. That also served as the catalyst for me to break out of stone. I then summoned someone who was Displaced as Sora and we gave Nightmare Moon one heck of a beating.”

“However, just before the Elements fired off, I was able to enter her mind and I found two personalities fighting for dominance. I separated them just as the Magic hit and it created another sister for Tia. She was called Stella.”

“Huh. Wait, Sora? Can you be a little more specific?”

“Three thousand year old guy who looks 16, dressed as Sora from Kingdom Hearts 2, mean temper, can beat the crap out of me easily.”

Tito stayed silent, reaching into his bag and pulling out a pen and notebook and writing something down.

“Anyway, the Elements also activated their conduit genes. Twilight got electricity, Rainbow had a much better control over clouds or weather, Rarity got gems or crystals, Fluttershy had plants, Applejack had wood, and Pinkie...let’s just say, she’s now a living party cannon.”

“Huh. That's actually kinda cool. Though, I can only imagine how painful it'd be for me if my version of Rainbow here had the same powers as yours,” Tito said as he put the notebook back in his backpack.

I looked over Rainbow with my ray sphere pulse. “She does have the gene, but it’s currently dormant. And I don’t recommend activating it as of yet.”

“Wait, you're saying I'm one of those conduits?” Rainbow asked.

“Yes and no,” I answered, “Yes as in yes you have the conduit gene, but no, it’s not active, therefore, you’re still normal...as normal a pegasus can be when she’s friends with a princess.”

“But does that mean it can become active in the future?” Tito asked.

“Yes. Just hopefully, not like Cole.”

“Um...I only saw videos of Second Son. Exactly how DID Cole discover his abilities?”

“Ray Sphere detonation. It was given to him by his future self and it destroyed roughly four to five city blocks of Empire City. He was right in the center of the blast...and he survived.”

“Oh...well I doubt that would happen because one, nopony has any idea what that Ray Sphere stuff is, and two, the only ponies that had a time travel spell lost it. Though, should we be worried if it DOES go active?

“When the gene becomes active, there may be a few close calls and accidents,” I stated, “When Cole woke up after his powers woke, he couldn't be around electrical devices, cars and firearms would explode, and he couldn't be in water. Another thing to consider is emotions. If a regular pony lost their temper, the worst that could happen would be minor injuries. If a conduit lost their temper, casualties can number in the double digits.”

Twilight and Rainbow widened their eyes at that while Tito just nods. “Um, Delsin? Can I ask you something in private?” He said.

I nodded and followed him out of the throne room, Mike jumping onto Rainbow’s shoulder. He closed the door and turned to me. “Sorry. Just don't exactly want Rainbow to hear about this and get any ideas.”

“If this is about the conduit temper thing, I have to say this: Karma's a @#$@@.”

“It's not that. I think Rainbow can control her temper. Mostly. Though, you remember when I said it'd be painful for me if she was a Conduit? I was talking about when we first met. Long story short, we did NOT get along.”

“So, you're asking if her gene becomes active, how much pain will you be in if she kicks your butt?”

“No. Thanks to Sebaste, the first Displaced I met and the guy my gun used to belong to, we became pretty good friends.”

‘I'll say,’ I thought. “Anyway, main point?”

“I just want to know exactly what can activate the Conduit gene.”

“A particular type of stress and/or pain. Familiar with First Light? DLC to Second Son? Details of Fetch?”

“It's been a little while since I seen anything about Second Son, and I didn't even see past the part where you get the video powers. As for Fetch, wasn't she the girl who you get the neon power from who hates drug dealers?”

“Yeah, she is, but about stress, when Eugene got his powers, he was subject to bullying and it triggered the gene. As for Fetch, when she was under emotional turmoil, her powers got stronger.”

“Emotional turmoil? If I remember correctly, her parents found out she was a Conduit, turned her to the DUPPs, she and her brother ran away, and then the whole drug thing. Did she discover her powers before or after that?”

“She had her powers before the drug thing. Brief spoiler, near the beginning of First Light, as she was talking to Augustine about before she was captured, Fetch mentioned that when her brother was kidnapped, her stressed emotions triggered new abilities with her neon power.”

He nodded. “Okay then. Hopefully it won't be too bad for Rainbow when it becomes active.”

“Don't worry too much about her,” I teased, “If your marefriend is anything like the Rainbow I know, she'll be fine.”

He did a double take at that. “My WHAT?!”

I smirked. “I may not look it, but I've been around for a bit more than a thousand years. You learn a few tricks. As for what I said, about Rainbow being your marefriend, think about it. For one, my telepathy picked up quite a bit of concern primarily for her. Second, your voice carried that same concern.”

Tito just pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered, “I thought I was done with this nonsense when I left Ashur and Aurora’s dimension.” He then took his hand away and sighed. He then looked at me with an annoyed expression. “First, she's not my marefriend. And second, of course I'm worried about her. She's my best friend,” he finished, crossing his arms and turning away.

“Don’t get a heart attack over it, I should be concerned about that,” I joked, “I'm much older, therefore, more at risk. I was just commenting on your loyalty to her wellbeing. A loyalty I show to Tia.”


“So if she's hurt and put in the hospital, more than likely you'd be there every second of her treatment and recovery,” I paused for emphasis. “And I get the feeling she'd do the same for you.”

“Element of Loyalty dude. She cares about everyone close to her. As for me, again, she's my best friend. That's something I never had before and not something I want to lose.”

“Well then liste…” I stopped, mid-sentence as I suddenly had a pre-vision headache. As I fell to my knees and grabbed my head in pain, my vision blurred and I saw Cece and I weakened and watching Tito and Nisled fighting. Somehow, Nisled got the upper hand and delivered a punch that knocked him down and somehow drained his energy, weakening him. As Nisled took Tito’s sword to strike him down, his Rainbow Dash looked at the scene with rage and glowing hands. The vision then darkened and I fell into unconsciousness.

(Dark’s POV)

When Delsin screamed, I turned to him and saw him holding his head in pain. Before I could do anything though, he fell to the floor, unconscious.

Celestia rushed out of the throne room, panic and worry on her face when she saw Delsin out cold. “What happened?”

“I don't know,” I said. “We were talking, and then he just screams and faints.”

She walked over to him with her horn glowing and touched it to his forehead. After a few seconds, she looked at me. “He's had another vision.”

“How do you know?”

“Stella is not only a master dream walker, but she is also an expert with memories,” she explained, “I had her search his memories of the visions he's had, and she taught me how to recognize if he's had a vision based on what she saw and felt.”

“Okay. Any idea how to wake him up?”

“He’ll need rest, as it seems this vision took more out of him than the other visions did,” she said, standing up and lighting her horn. “As for myself, I need to return to my Equestria. I'm not sure if there are time differences between worlds, but I don't want Stella and Luna pranking the Nobility too much.”

“Well then, I guess this is goodbye, but can you do me a favor?”

“What is it that you ask?”

“Whenever we meet again, can I take a picture of you guys? It's a thing I thought of doing as a better way of remembering a Displaced I met besides their token.”

Celestia smirked. “Make sure Delsin doesn’t know, and a picture perfect moment will be provided.”

“I'll see if Cece can take it. Now, anything else before you leave?”

“No, thank you though.” Her horn glowed much brighter and in a flash, she was gone.

I sighed. “Hope the dude is okay. Wonder what he saw…” I shook my head. “I shouldn't worry about that right now.” I picked him up and took him to one of the spare bedrooms and laid him on the bed. I then walked back in the throne room and saw Twilight and Rainbow sitting on their thrones, talking amongst themselves. When I got close, Mike got off Rainbow’s lap and jumped onto my shoulder.

“Hey Dark,” Rainbow said. “Where are Delsin and Celestia?”

“Celestia's back in their dimension I believe, and Delsin's resting in one of the spare rooms,” I said.

“So what were you two talking about?”

“Just discussing about that gene you got.”

“Oh, what do you guys think I can do? I bet it'll be something awesome.”

“I don't know Rainbow. But trust me, there are more important things to worry about besides that gene becoming active and you becoming a Conduit.”

Twilight nodded. “We don't even know when it'll activate. And I don't think you should try to force it. Considering what Delsin said, it can be VERY dangerous. Especially if you don't control your emotions.”

“What, you don't think I can keep a level head?” Rainbow asked.

“May I remind you that you let your anger take control the first day we met?” I said.

Her ears folded back. “I thought you forgave me for that.”

“I did. That doesn't mean I'll forget it.” I then looked at Twilight and noticed a familiar look on her face. “Okay Twi, what's on your mind?”

She sighed. “Just something I noticed about these Displaced. I'll tell you at another time. I need some sleep.” With that, she got up and left to her room.

“She's right. I guess I should go home,” Rainbow said. She got up and flew out the door. “See ya tomorrow Dark.”

I sighed and walked to my room. When I got there, Mike jumped off my shoulder and went to his bed while I pulled out the blue and red feather Rarity gave me before I left her shop and put it inside my nightstand before taking off my cloak and going to sleep, a few things still in my mind.

Author's Note:

I really liked writing this. Anyway, this is part 1 of a crossover I'm doing with Wayward Shadow and his story inFAMOUS Displaced. It's pretty good. Also, apparently Rainbow will become a Conduit in the future. I didn't expect that, but I'm okay with it. Even thought of what it'll be. And before anyone starts guessing, no, it's not air, electricity, nor weather. It's something that, as far as I can find, no other Conduit has. That's surprising to me. Anyway I hope you like the double upload. Today's a very special day for me and I wanted you guys to get a treat, so I posted this. I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time.

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