• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,417 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

  • ...

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60. Jubilee Trouble

Lightning Dust sighed, resting her head against the train’s window, lazily watching the scenery outside as the train quickly sped by. Looking around her, she noticed the lack of passengers in the cart she was in, with her taking the first train to Ponyville so early in the morning, it only made sense that the cart would be empty.

Lightning sighed. "Are we really doing this?" She whispered.

"He deserves to know," Toxin responded. "Besides, it'll be nice meeting him."

Lightning shook her head. "I still can't believe we ran away like that…"

"There was no way we could've defeated him. Whether he's this world's equivalent of the Hulk or it's a super form, we didn't stand a chance."

"And why do you think telling the Spider will do any good?"

"I don't have all his memories. Maybe he knows something I don't when it comes to one of those things. Plus I have a feeling daddy will end up encountering them eventually. Don't forget about hero sense."

"Right, right." Lightning sighed again. "Hopefully I get to him before Rainbow learns I'm there. I am not ready for that confrontation."

"Don't worry. I'll let you know if she's anywhere nearby. You just worry about meeting my dad."

Lightning rolled her eyes before looking out the window to see the nearby town come to view. "Well, here we go…"

Dark stared at the pink hedgehog with wide eyes under his hood, with Emily having a similar reaction.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" Dark said as he put Bri down.

“It's like I said, I believe you have me confused with someone else. My name’s Amy Rose.” The hedgehog then gave him a nervous smile. “Maybe you’ve heard of me? Freedom Fighter, Sonic’s one true love, recently helped fix the planet after Eggman broke it into a bunch of floating chunks?” Her eyes lit up as she thought up of something else. “Oh! I was also on live TV to get the Chaos Emerald in this fighting tournament, it was sponsored by Breezie Entertainment! Is any of this ringing any bells?” She asked, her smile wavering as she fiddled with her hands.

Dark stood there dumbstruck before placing a hand over his eyes. "This cannot be happening…"

“I’m really sorry about all this, but can you tell me where I am exactly, or maybe how I got here? The last thing I remember is celebrating with my friends back in Mobotropolis.”

After a few moments, Dark took a deep breath and lowered his hand. "Well I definitely know one thing. You're not my sister. She doesn't even know about half of those things. Hell, all she knows about you is your hammer and your probably one-sided crush." He then looked down towards Amy. "Though for a number of reasons, I can't exactly help you."

Amy’s eyes widened in shock, “But why not?! If it's about money or transportation, I’m sure Princess Sally will be able to help us both out if you let me call her!” She then clasped her hands together, giving him a pleading look. “Can’t you please help me out, or maybe find someone who can?”

"I can't help you because I don't know what happened," Dark explained. "Last night my sister went to bed just fine, albeit a bit wounded and bruised from some monsters she picked fights with. And now I'm talking to the videogame character that she turned into, with no warning whatsoever."

Amy tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean video game character? Obviously I’m very real.” She said waving her hands to herself. “And what do you mean she turned into a videogame character, or me, or whatever?”

Dark blinked as he noticed the mistake he made. Venom then looked at him and shook his head. "Smooth move Tito…"

"Shut it V," Dark said, not caring about Amy hearing him. With a sigh, Dark went through his bag and pulled out his scrapbook. After opening it to a random page with Cece in fights that Screwball added, he gave the book to Amy. "That is my sister Cece. And a few months ago, the 2 of us ended up in this world. I stayed the same appearance wise, while she ended up with a body identical to yours."

Amy stared at the pictures carefully for a while, occasionally turning a page to look at the other pictures. Closing the book, she frowned. “So your sister got turned into a hedgehog, that just so happens to look like me, and together the two of you were dragged from your world to this one.” She said, summarizing the information she got.

"Not just look like you. She became you. Has your voice and all your abilities. Only thing that truly stayed the same for her is her personality. Unless you attack any and everyone who brings up your height."

She crossed her arms, giving him a light glare. “I’ll have you know I’m the average height for a mobian. And how exactly is it that she became me?”

"You try being a 5'6" human before becoming a three-foot anthropomorphic hedgehog," Dark replied before taking the scrapbook and putting it back in his bag. After that, he walked to the wall and leaned to it. "As for your question, we're Displaced. Humans who have been pulled from our universes by someone and became beings who are fictional where we're from, including abilities. And most of the time appearances." He then pointed at Amy. "That's where you come in. Where we're from, you're just a character in one of the most popular video game franchises in the world. As well as comics and TV shows. You and everyone you know."

Amy stood silent for a while, her eyes narrowed in disbelief. Shaking her head, she tried to clear her thoughts. “Alright, if I’m a video game character then you should know something about me and my friends right? So is there something you can tell me to prove that I’m a video game character?”

"Tell you? No. My own knowledge is somewhat limited."

"Will seeing the games prove it to you?" They heard someone say. The next moment, Screwball appeared in a flash of light between the two.

Amy jumped back in fright, being startled from Screwball’s sudden appearance. After taking a calming breath, she blinked and slowly nodded. “I guess that would help…?” She answered, feeling a bit unsure about the whole thing.

Screwball then smiled before pulling out copies of Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Generations, and Sonic Adventure 2. She then shoved them into Amy's hands. "There you go."

Amy blinked, staring at the boxes on her hands before looking through them.

"Oh, and there's also these." The pink filly then suddenly dumped several comic books and DVDs into Amy's arms. "And then there's Deviant Art, but unlike a certain version of your multi tailed friend, I'm not showing you that." She then shuddered. "Believe me, you'd need some brain bleach if you saw the crazier stuff on there…"

Amy’s eyes were wide as she looked through the DVDs and comic books, flipping through one of the comic’s pages, she turned it over to them and pointed at the page. “This just happened not too long ago! I clearly remember fighting that creepy wizard and helping Knuckles fix his emerald! How is that possible?”

"Creepy what now?" Dark asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't worry about it," Screwball said. She then looked to Amy before snapping her finger, causing all the stuff to disappear in a flash of light. "As for your question Miss Rose, we have absolutely no idea. Best explanation I've ever heard on the topic is people having dreams of stuff that happened in other universes and showing them in various forms of media." She then shrugged. "Very likely not the case but still. Hay, this entire world is seen as a TV show for little girls before Tito and Cece showed up. Minus the anthro thing."

“The world we’re in is a TV show?” Amy asked, raising an eyebrow. She then sighed, shaking her head. “Well given how I’m apparently a…” She looked between the three types of media in front of her. “Video game/Comic book character, I guess that isn’t too crazy.”

"Well again, before Tito and Cece showed up. And some stuff here doesn't exist there. After that, things went nuts. I mean, Conduits aren't a thing in MLP. Nor are the Chaos Emeralds."

"I feel like you'll end up making her mind break if you keep this up Screwy," Dark said.

“This world has Chaos Emeralds too?!”

Dark nodded before opening his nightstand and pulling out the Chaos Emerald he got from the rock farm as Screwball pulled out the Emerald she got from Blackwood Forest.

"We went through a lot of shit to get the second one," Dark said as he placed his Emerald next to Peter. "Because guess what. Apparently there's an Eggman in this world too, and he handed all of us our asses. Hell, we only survived because of something I don't even understand."

Screwball then put her Emerald away. "Long story short, this world is absolutely nuts and Tito is basically a magnet for insanity simply from being a Displaced. Any questions?"

“I think I’m good for now,” Amy answered, scratching her head. “I don’t think I can handle any more revelations.” She then huffed, rolling her eyes. “Though it's a shame that even in a completely different universe, Eggman still manages to find some way to make things worse.”

"How about we get back to the matter at hand?" Dark suggested.

Amy nodded, grateful for the change of topic. “Right… So your sister has a copy of my body. I got that, but where do I come in? Did we just switch places? Is she in Mobius right now, while I’m stuck here?”

Screwball hummed. "Can you try taking something out of your hammer space? Like… a red and blue feather? If you can, that'll reveal something."

Confused, Amy followed the filly’s instructions, reaching into her hammer space and searching for the items she asked for. Her eyes then narrowed when she felt the foriegn objects around the pocket dimension, bringing her hand back out, her eyes widened when she spotted the feather in her hand. “What’s this?” She asked, inspecting the feather. “And why do I have it?"

Dark took it from her hand. "That's Delsin's token."

"Small question Amy," Screwball said. "Can you access other people's hammer space?"

Amy frowned, shaking her head. “Not really, though it is possible to knock something out of them.”

"So you're only able to access your own?"

She nodded. “That’s right.” She then tilted her head, narrowing her eyes a bit. “Where exactly are you going with this?”

"Well this is an interesting development…" Screwball said before shaking her head. When she was done, she gave Amy a serious look. "By the looks of it Miss Rose, it seems like you're wrong."

“What do you mean?” She asked, giving the pair a worried look.

Screwball shrugged. "By the looks of it, you and Cece didn't switch places. From what I can tell, you are Cece." She then put a hand on her chin. "Though what is going on is difficult to tell right now…"

Amy’s eyes were wide in shock as she processed what she just heard. “Wait, how does that work?! And what do you mean I am her?”

"That is what's difficult. I mean, what are the chances the real Amy Rose showing up in Cece's place and having access to her hammerspace?" Screwball then sighed. "Problem is, we don't know how this could've happened. If we did, that might be able to help answer some questions…"

Emily, who had stayed quiet throughout the entire thing suddenly let out a small yip, catching everyone’s attention. The small fox continued to let out a series of barks and yips, waving her small paws as she tried to tell them something. Seeing that no one understood her only made her gesturing more frantic.

Screwball sighed. "Tito, can you find out what she's saying? She clearly finds it important."

Dark nodded before putting down the feather grabbing Link's token. Moments later, he shook himself as he was in wolf form as he looked at Emily. "Okay. Care to repeat yourself? And try to slow down. I want to hear you clearly."

Emily took a deep breath. "Sorry. It's just that I have a feeling I know what happened."

Dark blinked. "Seriously?"

The fox nodded her head. "Yesterday, just before we came back from the Everfree, Cece was pushed into a bed of blue flowers by a timberwolf. After we chased it off, she walked through the flowers as we left." She then looked down. "I remember Mike telling me about a rather dangerous blue flower that can change people. Something like that the flower likes playing a joke on others…"

Dark's eyes widened in horror. "Are you telling me this happened because of poison joke?"

Emily nodded again. "That's the best idea I have." She then looked at Amy with a sad look in her eyes. "Will Cece be okay?"

Dark sighed. "If we're actually right, she should be fine Emily. Poison joke has a simple enough cure from what I can understand. Just need to take a bath in special herbs in order to fix the problem." He took a deep breath before touching the token again, returning to his human form.

“So were you able to figure out the problem?” Amy spoke up.

Dark nodded. "Yeah. Apparently Cece ended up exposed to poison joke yesterday."

Screwball blinked. "Seriously?"


“What's poison joke?” The hedgehog asked, the name of the plant making her rather nervous.

"A blue plant in this universe that has some form of reality-bending," Dark explained as he stood up. "If you touch it without cover, then by the next morning you'll have something changed about you. All as some joke. A very skilled unicorn has her horn become floppy-"

"With way too many jokes on that…" Venom interrupted.

"-a talkative person having their tongue swollen," Dark continued, ignoring the symbiote's comment. "And someone with a sweet voice changes into a very deep and masculine one. Just to name a few examples. I'd hope Cece would've learned more about the dangers in the Everfree by now but I guess not…"

Amy frowned. “So poison joke caused me to be here…? But how does that work, and what does it mean for me?”

"If we're right, it's possible that you're the product of a magic flower that pulls jokes on people," Screwball stated bluntly.

Amy took a step back at the news, her eyes wide with disbelief. “So… I’m not real? But… my memories..? Is that just a product of the plant too?”

Screwball crossed her arms. "Probably. We don't entirely know how poison joke works. But in this case, it's very likely you technically aren't real."

"Seriously not pulling back any punches Screwy," Dark muttered.

Screwball shrugged. "I know this is hard to accept but right now it's better to know the truth than keep lying about it. That'd just make it hurt a lot harder later on."

Amy shook her head, letting out a nervous laugh. “I’m sorry but that can’t be true, maybe the plant did something else instead? Like maybe it just switched our bodies, and she’s back in Mobius in my body?”

"I honestly don't know which one is worse…" Dark muttered.

Before anyone said anything else, Venom stiffened. "What the…"

"What is it?"

Venom looked at the door before saying, "Someone's in the hallway."

Dark raised an eyebrow before turning to the two pink girls. "Excuse me ladies. Bri, stay here," He told his daughter before walking out of the room.

When he entered the hallway, he saw a very familiar pegasus. She smiled as she put her hands in her jacket's pockets. "Hey."

"Hi…?" Dark responded, confused on why the rookie cop was doing in his home. "Can I help you?"

"Actually yeah. I came for you."

Dark tilted his head. "I'm sorry."

"I came here to talk to you," she repeated.

"Mind if I ask why?"

"Well I figured you needed to know something."

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous," Venom said as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, he's the one asking the questions," Lightning responded with a shrug.

"Well you-" Dark started to reply before his eyes widened in shock. "Wait… who did you just say that to?"

Lightning raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Um, the guy right behind you. Rather obvious," she stated as she gestured towards Venom.

"You see me?" Venom said, confused.

"Yeah. Why?"

Venom narrowed his eyes before widening them. He then started to chuckle. "I knew something felt familiar. So you're who Toxin ended up bonding to, huh?"

Lightning widened her own eyes in surprise. "Wait, how do you know about her?"

"How can I not know about my younger sister?" Venom said with a smirk.


"Wait, Venom?!" The three of them heard. "Is that you?!"

Venom gave a laugh. "Yeah. I've been using my connection to our father's mind to make a mental avatar. Allows us to talk face to face without me needing to come out. Been using it for a week now."

"Wait, so you're that Venom she kept telling me about?" Lightning Dust asked. "Her older brother who helped her deal with Carnage?"

Venom nodded. "Yup. That's me. Pleasure to meet you Lightning Dust. As you clearly know, my name is Venom. I'm the oldest of my kind and I've been bonded to Tito ever since Hearts & Hooves Day, as I'm sure you have been bonded to Toxin for as long."

Dark cleared his throat. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but how can you see Venom?" He asked the pegasus.

"Toxin and I have a connection with each other and Carnage. My guess is that since Lightning is bonded to her, that allows them both to see and hear me as easily as you can."

"Wait, if you have Toxin and came here, does that mean…"

Lightning nodded. "Yeah, I know who you are "Tito". I've known ever since a couple of hours after you left. Toxin didn't really bother keeping any secrets she knows about."

"Uh… like what?" Dark said, feeling uneasy.

"Who you really are, what you really are, Displaced, and that show. I'm surprised you were as nice to me as you were when we met when you already knew about what happened between me and Rainbow."

Dark gave a brief sigh of relief before he shrugged. "Granted I didn't know who you were when I beat those guys up, but I never regretted it. Plus even if I had any reason to actually dislike you, you didn't deserve to be left abandoned in that alley with a broken wing."


Dark nodded. "So is that all you wanted to tell me? About having Toxin and knowing my secrets?"

Lightning sighed. "No. We came here for bigger problems than that."

"What happened?" Venom asked, concerned.

"Ryker's, a maximum security prison by Manehatten, had a massive jailbreak last night. A lot of prisoners escaped, including Shocker."

Dark did a double take. "Seriously? What happened?"

"From what I can understand, a trio of super villains showed up last night and started it. One was a pegasus mare, one was a very big brute, and the third-"

"We think he's a Scarlet Spider Displaced," Toxin finished.

Dark blinked. "What?"

Lightning shrugged. "Some skinny guy dressed exactly as the Scarlet Spider from that Spider-Man show you watch. Even called himself that. Dude is clearly human and it's not like those are exactly common."

Dark then raised an eyebrow. "Couldn't take care of them yourself? I doubt the Scarlet Spider can beat someone with a symbiote."

"He couldn't. His friend Sköll on the other hand…"


"The big guy. That's what they called him. It looked like a combination of Super Sonic and Hulk. He even had rings."

Dark and Venom's eyes widened. "Super Sonic…"

"Wonder if he knows about the Emeralds then…" Venom muttered.

Lightning frowned. "Emeralds?"

Before Dark can explain, he heard the sound of wings and then a familiar voice. "Oh, there you are."

Looking to the source, he saw Twilight land by him, a scroll in her hand. "Hey Twilight. Something up?"

The alicorn nodded as she lifted the scroll. "Princess Celestia wants to speak with us in Canterlot. Said something disastrous happened in Manehatten."

"I think I know what that is," Lightning said as she walked to Dark's side.

Twilight widened her eyes. "Oh. Didn't see you Miss…"

"Lightning Dust. Wouldn't be surprised if you don't really recognize me. Only saw me for a few moments after all."

"Yes. Um, I don't mean to sound rude but-"

"She's here to see me," Dark answered.


"Yeah. And don't worry Twilight. She knows."

Twilight's eyes widened. "What?!"

"I'll explain on the way. I'll meet you at the station. Just let me get Bri and tell Amy."


Dark cursed under his breath. "I'll explain that too. And trust me, it's insane." He then looked at Lightning. "You coming?"

Dust shrugged. "Sure. Didn't come all the way from Manehatten to leave now. Besides, never actually been to Canterlot before."

"Then I'll see you at the station. And do me a favor. Tell Twilight about your situation a bit. It'll make things easier for me."

"Fine. Come on Princess. Here's hoping you don't ask too many questions," Lightning said as the two flew off.

Dark sighed. "This day keeps getting crazier and crazier…"

"It could be worse," Venom told his host.

"That doesn't really make me feel any better," he replied as he returned to his room.

Upon entering the room, Dark immediately noticed that Screwball was nowhere to be seen, leaving the pink hedgehog alone as she sat down on his bed. Amy was absentmindedly petting Emily, just staring off onto the floor in front of her, with Bri right by the hedgehog’s side, doing her best to comfort her.

"Hey," Dark said.

Amy sighed, her ears drooping as she continued to stare off into space. “Hey…” She mumbled. “If you’re looking for your friend, she left earlier to cool down.”

"I wouldn't be surprised…" he muttered as Bri walked up to him and lifted her arms up, with Dark picking her up. "So what happened while I was gone?"

She frowned, waving her hand as she explained the events to him. “The two of us were arguing. She kept insisting that I wasn’t real, and I kept telling her how crazy she sounded, and I ended up calling her crazy. She got mad and left so she could cool down.”

"You're in a world with two beings that can do nearly anything with just a thought and a snap. Honestly this isn't the craziest thing I've heard since I got here."

“But a plant suddenly creating a new… soul? Conscious? Being full of memories from an alternate universe, and inserting them into someone else’s body sounds a bit much, don’t you think?” She said, her eyes narrowed as she gave him a glare.

"Well I have sentient slime made from my own DNA living inside me and just met another who's inside someone else, I come from a universe where everyone I now know is a cartoon character, I have the powers of my personal hero, I have a daughter who can sense life energy in people, my sister and cousins became videogame characters, and a week ago I went through a rite of passage placed by a sapient magical tree who looks like one of my friends. I'm learning that nothing is too crazy for a Displaced," Dark said as he grabbed his bag. "Besides, as of right now, there's only one way to truly know if you're a product of poison joke or not."

Amy’s ears perked up. “What’s that?”

"Using the cure. If you become Cece, you're a product of poison joke. If not, then you aren't. Simple as that."

She frowned, letting out a hum as she thought about what he said. “But couldn’t that also prove that the plant might’ve just switched us around instead of just making me up?”

"If that's the case, Cece will be able to tell us."

“So we’re just leaving this to chance?!” Amy yelled, startling the small fox. “This is my life you’re leaving to chance you know! I know that I’m real, but even so, just taking a chance with a reality warping plant isn’t something I’m comfortable with!”

Dark shrugged. "I'm sorry, but it's the only way I know of that can solve this situation. And I'm already separated from my mom. I don't want to lose my sister too." He then placed his hand by Peter, who jumped onto it and climbed up his shoulder. "Look, you have a choice right now. You can either stay here and sulk, or come with me and some others to Canterlot."

Amy sighed, getting up from the bed. “I’m sorry, but right now I don’t think I can handle being around more people. I’m just going to stay here.” She answered, walking out of the room, Emily quickly followed her out.

Dark sighed. "I really don't need this," he said with a shake of his head. He then looked down at Bri. "Come on, let's find Mike. See ya later Shoto," he said as he exited the room, the small bird going to sleep soon after.

Garm flinched, his ears flattening as the train let out a loud whistle behind him. Growling, he shook his head and walked towards his two companions, around the dog a few ponies stopped to stare at him, a few of their eyes were drawn towards the large barrel strapped onto his back. As soon as he was within earshot of his partners, he growled to gain their attention. “Is there really no other way we can get around besides using the train?” He grumbled, rubbing his ears. “Those blasted machines are too loud!”

“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Kaito added, tossing a few peanuts from the bag in his hands into his mouth. “Sure, they’re loud, but it's not as bad as you say they are.” He said, his voice a bit muffled from the food he was eating.

The elderly dog growled, fighting the urge to smack the human. “I’m a diamond dog! Compared to everyone else, we have sensitive hearing!” He yelled, poking Kaito on his chest, causing him to stumble back.

Valor sighed, pocketing the small brochure she had. “Look, you’re the one who wanted to come here, and with our line of work, you’re just going to have to get used to it.”

Kaito patted his body, making sure that Garm didn’t accidentally turn off the holographic disguise. Satisfied that the disguise was fine, he gave the diamond dog a small glare. “What are we doing here anyway?”

Garm snorted, smacking the barrel strapped onto him. “I’m going fishing.”

“We came here so you could fish?” Kaito asked, his eyes narrowing as he crossed his arms.

“No one said you had to come along,” Garm answered, “And I’m not fishing for fish. There’s a special lake in the Everfree, we call it the Lake of Rings.”

Kaito’s eyes narrowed as he processed that info. “That… sounds pretty familiar.”

“And in the Lake of Rings you can find more of those “Power Rings” to fuel your powers, right?” Valor asked.

He nodded, letting out a small hum. “Correct. I used up all of my rings yesterday. Without them, I can’t use any of my powers, and I can’t rely on Sköll either. So, I came here to find more rings.”

“How many do you need?”

He scratched his chin. “Around a hundred? Really I only need fifty for Sköll to come out, but I don’t like relying on him.”

“So, is it just a hole in the ground filled with rings?” Kaito asked, scratching his head. “Cause that's what it sounds like to me.”

Garm snorted, shaking his head. “No, it's an actual lake, except it generates an unlimited amount of rings underwater. Sometimes it creates special types of rings instead of the Power Rings. There’s one that can make portals that can take you anywhere, ones that let you create weapons with your mind, and much more.”

Kaito grinned, becoming hooked on what his teammate was saying. “They all sound wonderful! We should get going, those special rings aren’t going to fish themselves out!” He said, pumping his fist into the air.


Just as the human was about to take a step forward, he stumbled, feeling his spider-sense going off. Kaito’s eyes widened, feeling his senses trying to tell him something, turning back towards the train, he watched as the train started to move, leaving the station along with whatever set his senses off inside.

“Kaito?” Valor called out, concerned over how he suddenly froze. “Is everything alright?”

Kaito stared at the leaving train with wide eyes. Feeling the pegasus shake him, he shook his head and turned his attention back towards his team members. “Yeah, everything is fine, just thought I felt something.” With that said, he began walking away from Ponyville’s train station, his mind lingering on what he had just felt. “There’s no doubt about it, that was another “spider” I just felt, and if I’m right, then this town must be the Spider’s home.” He whispered to himself, narrowing his eyes at the small town. “Have to say, I didn’t expect him to live in such a small town.”

Dark shook his head as he put a hand on his forehead as he looked out the window for a moment.

"You okay?"

Dark nodded to Twilight. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just… Felt something I never felt before."

"What do you mean?"

Dark lowered his hand to Bri's head. "I don't know. It was like my spider-sense trying to tell me something."

"You mean like hero sense?" Lightning asked.

Twilight blinked. "Hero sense?"

"That's what Toxin calls that little addition to spider-sense that tells you when someone needs help."

Dark chuckled. "Fitting name, but no. All I can tell is that it was like someone picked up on my spider-sense. Like… picking up on a radio frequency I guess." He then shrugged. "It's probably nothing. Right now, we have more important things to discuss."

Twilight nodded. "Yes. I'd like to learn more about your situation Miss Dust, specifically about Toxin."

Lightning put a hand up. "Just Lightning will be fine Princess. And while it's a crazy story, it won't take long."

“Sorry, but I haven’t seen anyone or anything matching those descriptions.” The store pony said apologetically, using the towel in his hands to clean the counter in front of him. “I’ll be sure to keep an eye out though.”

The well-dressed stallion sighed, raising a gloved hand and gliding it across his blue hair. “Well thank you anyway. Have a good day.” He said, walking towards the store’s front door and exiting it. Upon leaving the store, the small girl standing by the door perked her head up to look at him. “Sorry, but it's another dead end.” The unicorn frowned upon seeing the young girl sigh. The small girl bore a strong resemblance to rabbits, possessing two large ears flopped behind her head, and having cream-colored fur with orange markings. She wore a simple orange dress with a white color and a blue cravat, wore a pair of orange and yellow shoes covering her feet, and had a bracelet on her right wrist that had a charm shaped like a hare.

"How hard can it be to find her?" The girl muttered to herself.

“Well the day isn’t over yet, we can go ask around some more if you’d like?” He offered.

"We’ve been looking for weeks Mr. Fancy Pants. I'm starting to doubt she even showed up here like I did."

Fancy sighed, crouching down to pat the small girl on the back. “Come now Gabriella. Canterlot is a big city, granted not as large as say, Manehatten, but it's still large enough that someone could get lost rather easily. It’s possible that she appeared in the lower districts of the city, or we may have simply walked past her. If you’d like we can begin searching for her in the lower district now?”

Gabriella sighed. "Maybe later…"

Fancy Pants frowned. “Come on now, why don’t we check with Fleur and Cheese? Maybe one of them found something?” He said. Gabriella simply nodded, following the stallion as he led them to the other side of the market area. Spotting his wife, Fancy smiled, waving at her.

Fleur waved back, giving her husband a soft smile. Besides her, a small blue fairy-like creature wearing a red bow tie, flew over to the small girl beside Fancy Pants, greeting her enthusiastically. Fleur walked over to the stallion, placing a hand on his shoulder, looking down at the other two, she frowned. “Please tell me you found something?”

Fancy Pants sighed, “We were hoping you had.”

Gabriella looked to her feet. "This is getting hopeless…"

Fleur crouched down, patting the small girl. “There there Gabriella, you must not give up hope yet.” Besides Fleur, the small blue fairy hugged the girl, trying its best to comfort her.

Fancy hummed. “Why don’t we try contacting the Princess for help? I’m sure that she’ll be willing to help us, and with her help, finding your family will become much easier.”

Gabriella frowned. "Are you sure? I rather not bother her for something that doesn't really matter to her."

“Don’t say that Gabriella, the Princess is a very kind ruler, and as soon as she hears our case, I’m sure she’ll gladly help us,” Fancy assured.

"You sure she'll be fine seeing a humanoid rabbit and a small fairy-like thing asking for help finding someone she never heard of?"

Fancy Pants nodded, smiling at her. “Of course. Besides, Equis is home to much stranger creatures than a “humanoid rabbit” and a “fairy-like thing”. Why, just look at that Discord fellow. His body is made up of parts from all sorts of different creatures, and the Breezies are all basically small miniature fairy-like ponies.”

“I’m sure the princess will be fine meeting you Gabriella,” Fleur added. “We’ve met her on several occasions, and she is a very patient and gentle ruler. She does have a day court where she spends hours just listening to the complaints and troubles of all of her citizens.”

"Plus you might be able to talk to Princess Twilight's guard if they're still around," Fancy added.

Gabriella blinked. "Princess Twilight? What would her guards have to do with anything?"

“Well, one of them does look a bit similar to you,” Fancy said, humming in thought. “Though she was a bit taller, pink, and I don’t think she’s a rabbit, I believe she may be part of the same species or something similar. Maybe she’ll be able to help us?”

Gabriella's eyes widened. "Wait. Can… can you try to describe her appearance?"

Fancy Pants frowned, trying to recall the guard’s appearance. “Well, she had pink fur, was wearing a red cloak with a hood on it, green eyes, a peach-colored muzzle, wore gloves, and her hair was worn down.”

The young girl stood in silence as she recognized the description.

Besides the young girl, the small fairy-like creature’s eyes widened at the description. Recognizing who was being described the creature waved its arms around happily, turning back the creature tugged on the young girl’s clothing.

Gabriella placed a hand on the creature's head. "Calm down Cheese. I understand that you recognize it's her but really, what are the chances of Amy being here of all places? And a guard at that?"

“Amy? Do you happen to know the guard?” Fancy asked.

The girl shrugged. "It sounds a lot like Amy Rose. Someone who is from the same place as Cheese and… Cream…" she muttered as she looked at her hands before shaking her head. "Okay, let's talk to the Princess."

Author's Note:

And that's done. And wow, pretty nuts chapter looking back. Whole thing with Amy, Tito meeting Toxin and properly meeting Lightning, Fenrir arriving in Ponyville, and Gabriella. You guys can no doubt guess who she is, especially due to her small companion.

Hello everyone, its Star709 here with a new chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it took us a while to write, feel free to share any opinions you may have regarding it, we authors thrive off of comments you know. So a lot happened this chapter, hope we didn't overwhelm you guys with all that happened, and if any of you are curious about whats about to happen with everything going on, then you'll just have to wait till the next chapter.

All I have to say in response to that is it didn't take that long to make. Blooming Rose was done and posted less than a month ago.



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