• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,401 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

  • ...

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22. An Egg-cellent Adventure

I was sitting on the ceiling of one of the rooms, looking at Mike's pokeball, with him inside, when Screwball floated up to me.

“Hi Tito,” she said with a smile.

“Screwball,” I replied with a nod. “She here yet?”

She nodded. “Got here a few minutes ago.”

“Well, let's not keep her waiting then.” I pocketed the pokeball before I dropped down from the ceiling, grab my bag by the door, and left the room, Screwball right behind me. “So you sure you can do this?”

“Well, my dad was able to open a portal to Delsin's dimension with his token, so why can't I?”

“Okay. Hopefully you're right.”

After a couple of minutes, we arrived by the entrance of the castle and saw Rainbow leaning by one of the pillars. “Finally. So, we’re actually going to another Equestria?”

“Hopefully. If Screwball can actually open a portal like Discord did, we should be able to go there easily.”

“Wait, isn't Cece coming too?”

I shook my head. “She said she wanted to stay here. Saw no reason to go there right now.”

“Well then what are we waiting for?”

I sighed before reaching into my pocket and taking out the token I got from Tomas. I then tossed it to Screwball. “Good luck with opening that portal.”

She nodded before closing her eyes in concentration. A few moments later, a portal opened up behind me.

“Huh,” I muttered. “So you can do that.” I then grabbed the token and jumped through, landing on top of the dirt road. Looking around I saw the familiar two story building, a large red R painted on the door.

Rainbow and Screwball jumped through the portal a moment later, and the portal closed behind them. “Ooo, what's this place?” Screwball said, staring at the building.

“That, Screwball, is the home of the Displaced of this world. As well as at least...one certain pony,” I said, remembering the pink filly that summoned me the last time I was here. “Anyway, let's see if anyone’s home.” I walked to the door and knocked on it.

After a few seconds the door opened, revealing a large blue blob stood at the doorway. “Wobbuffet!” The blob said, saluting.

A small pink creature with a blue hat standing on top of the Wobbuffet, copied him saluting as well. “Mime-a-mime!”

Sarah walked up behind them, giving me a small smile, “Oh hello Dark. Surprised to see you here.” She picked up the baby Pokemon from Wobbuffet’s head. “So what brings you here.”

“I came here because I promised I would if something happened. Can we come in?”

“Sure, make yourselves at home.” She stepped out of the way, the psychic type doing the same.

I nodded and stepped inside with the others. “So how long has it been for you since we last met?”

“About two weeks. How about you?” She asked, closing the door. She stopped when she saw Screwball, looking very confused. “W-wha? Screwy? D-does your world have a Screwball too?!” Sarah asked, looking like she’s about to freak out.

“Now it does. It didn't when we met. Discord made her a few days ago and he's having me and Cece watch her. She's actually the one who made a portal here. As for how long it's been for us, nearly a month now.”

“Hi,” Screwball said.

Sarah gave a nervous smile, “Hello there Screwy… It’s very nice to meet you.” She said before turning to the rest of us. “Would any of you like some drinks? I’m sure Wobbuffet can find something in the fridge.”

I shrugged. “Sure. I can use a drink.”

“Same here,” Rainbow said.

Wobbuffet saluted, walking towards the kitchen and coming back with three glasses of water. The psychic Pokemon handed us each a glass.

Sarah clapped her hands, giving Rainbow and Screwy a nervous smile, “Oh how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Sarah, though some people like to call me Jessie.” She said, introducing herself.

Rainbow held up her glass. “Rainbow Dash, and you obviously already know about Screwball and you know Dark.”

She nodded, turning back towards me. “So since you’re here, it’s safe to assume that Froakie evolved. Tell me, did he start behaving… differently? Or did you notice anything odd about him? Maybe some pink dots on him?”

I shook my head. “Mike seems to be perfectly fine and normal.”

“That’s good.” She said, scratching her head. “Honestly it’s my brother who should be doing this… but we should take him to the lab to run some test, maybe get a better look at him to see if I can find anything you may have missed.”

“Okay, but first…” I pulled out Mike's pokeball and let him out.

“Frogadier,” he said.

Sarah crouched down to meet it, narrowing her eyes a bit. “Frogadier, could you open your mouth? Just going to check to see that everything is fine.”

“His name is Mike,” I said as he opened his mouth for her.

The rocket tilted her head a bit, trying to get a better look. “Well everything seems to be fine. We should go to the lab now, I’ll be able to do this more accurately there.”

“Okay, then let's go.”

Sarah nodded, getting up and returning Wobbuffet to his Poke’ball. We got up and followed her outside, my eyes widen in surprise seeing a large blue bear like creature with a tan stomach sleeping in the middle of the garden, the Gulpin from before slept peacefully on top of the Snorlax.

“What are those?” Rainbow asked.

“Looks like a Snorlax and Gulpin to me.”


“The world’s heaviest normal Pokemon and a Pokemon that's mostly stomach. Moving on.”

We followed Sarah to the lab, she flashed her ID to the small camera above the metal door. The door hissed, and opened itself for us. We walked down the white hallway, this time stopping in front on one of the doors on the left side of the hallway.

Flashing her ID again, the door opened and we stepped inside. Inside the room were various medical equipment, it looked a lot like one of the rooms in a hospital. Only difference were the few machines in the room, along with a computer.

“Alright Mike, please sit down on the bed.” She said, pointing on the black bed. Mike nodded and sat on the bed. Taking out a machine, Sarah began to hook up the Frogadier to the machine, after a few seconds the machine let out a ding, letting out a green light. She nodded, putting away the machinery in a cabinet under the desk. “Well all of his vitals are pretty normal, and nothing seems to be wrong with him physically.”

“That's good,” I said. I looked at the tech around the room. “You know, I'm still surprised about all this stuff existing in Equestria, but I already saw it last time I was here and fought a pony version of Shocker a few days ago, so I'm not so surprised anymore.”

“Well you can thank Meowth’s Pick Up ability for being able to find the materials needed to build all this, never thought that Pickup can be so useful,” Sarah said, shrugging. “And about this Shocker… you should be careful, this probably won’t be last time you fight a pony version of a Marvel character,” She warned.

“Wait, hold up,” Rainbow said before looking at me. “You fought what now?”

“A red and yellow costumed bad guy with gauntlets that can shoot blasts of energy,” I said with a shrug. “Spidey fought with him multiple times.”

“And when did you fight this guy?”

“A few days ago in Manehatten. Wasn't so bad. Even had him shoot one of his own buddies when they were behind me. Then I webbed his gauntlets together and let's just say he no doubt had a huge headache when he woke up. And what are you talking about?” I finished, looking at Sarah.

“Displaced are always forced to fight against enemies from whatever series their character is from, or at least pony versions.” Sarah explained. “We have to deal several Pokemon who are always out causing trouble. Usually these Pokemon were able to talk english, and they were more similar to the Mystery Dungeon’s version of Pokemon than the games or anime.”

“Huh...that makes sense, considering… Wait, talking Pokemon? As if Meowth wasn't bad enough.”

“Who?” Rainbow asked.

“Meowth is cat like Pokemon and the third member of our team, only thing is that he walks on two legs and can talk, he’s also very smart, everything you see was built by him.” Sarah explained. “Also Dark, trust me, these Pokemon are worse than Meowth, these guys are always out to attack or conquer. We had to deal with Darkrai trying to conquer Equestria long ago.”

“Darkrai?” I asked, before turning around, not wanting them to see my eyes. “What happened?”

Sarah’s eyes narrowed, “Our Darkrai led an army of Pokemon to conquer Equestria and succeeded. He grew stronger by feeding on the nightmares of ponies, and had the ghost Pokemon use a modified version of Dream Eater to absorb souls to give themselves a power boost. With the help of Cresselia we locked him up in Tartarus, but even then the remains of his army are still around trying to get revenge.”

I closed my eyes. “Son of a bitch…” I whispered, growling as my hands clenched into fists.

Sarah looked at me with concern. “Dark, what’s wrong?”

I took a deep breath. “Sorry. It's just...I'm not a fan of hearing about that sort of thing.”

“It’s fine. There’s no point in thinking about it now, he’s in Tartarus, and we’re safe.” She said, looking back to the small black machine in her hand.

“Tirek escaped from Tartarus, why can't Darkrai?”

“Cause we have legendaries looking after him. He can’t do a thing without someone noticing.” She explained with a shrug.

I sighed. “Still, if I were you, I'd make a plan in case he ever does escape.”

She shrugged, “Cresselia has that covered, it’s impossible for him to escape.”

“Yeah, I've seen proof that Arceus can be easily fooled,” I said, opening my eyes.

“Um, can we talk about something else?” Screwball asked with a bit of fear in her voice. “I don't like thinking about all this.”

Sarah gave an apologetic smiled, “I’m sorry Screwy.” She put away the black device in her hand, “So anyways, Mike is in perfect health. Judging by what Meowth’s medical equipment says, he is just like any other Frogadier, so that’s good.”

“Okay then,” I said as Mike got off and walked to me. “Anyway, you were saying I'll have to fight more Marvel baddies in the future?”

Sarah nodded, “Such is the curse that all the displaced must bear.” She said a bit dramatically. “But don’t worry, if you ever need help, you can always summon any displaced allies you’ve made.”

“I know that last part. Hence some parts of the messages. But fighting Spider-Man villains? That's gonna suck. Especially if a few certain ones show up…”

Sarah sighed, “Knowing the luck of other displaced… there could be a chance that you’re going to encounter those certain ones.”

I shivered. “If I see blood smeared on the wall with a certain word written, I might go crazy.”

“Wait, what are you talking about?” Rainbow asked.

I sighed. “Let's just say there's a red...monster that is one of the absolute worst things that Spidey fought. If he does show up, then expect a few deaths before anyone can bring him in.”

The metal door behind us hissed, the two doors slid open, revealing this world’s version of Screwball. “Mooooom!” She yelled, walking past us with her eyes closed. “Have you seen Snorlax’s Pokeball? Uncle Tomas is taking me to the Everfree to see the new Pokemon that started appearing there! And I need Snorlax with me for the muscle.”

Oh boy.

Sarah sighed, “Have you checked your room?”

Screwball nodded, “I did, but when I got to my room everything was different! All of my things were gone! I could actually see the floor!”

The rocket pinched the bridge of her nose. “That's because I cleaned your room this morning.”

“BUT WHY?!” The filly yelled, “It didn’t need to be clean!”

“Screwball, it was a mess! It looked like a tornado went through your room! It was chaos!”

“It was organized chaos! I was able to find everything in that mess! I just had to stretch my hoof to my left to grab my hat from the floor and stretch it to the right to get my pokeballs!”

“Why does that sound familiar?” Rainbow asked me.

I shrugged. “Probably because Rarity does the same thing.”

Screwball froze, slowly looking behind herself, she stared at the three of us, “H-how long have you guys been there….?” Seeing our Screwball, Sarah’s Screwball gasped loudly, “My very own clone!” The pink filly darted towards her, stopping right in front of our Screwball, “Finally! Now my quest for world domination actually seems possible with two princesses of chaos!”

We just stared at her in confusion. Rainbow looked to me and said, “Is this normal for her?”

I just shrugged. “If my last visit is any indication, then I would say yes.”

Our Screwball just tilted her head in confusion to her double. “Um, what?”

The other Screwball put her shoulder over our Screwball, grinning, “Worry not my faithful sidekick! I’ll guide you in our path to conquest! We’ll free our father and conquer Equestria together!” The small filly let out an overexaggerated evil laughter.

“Um...my dad is already free,” my Screwball said, slowly backing towards me.

“Huh?” Screwball said, looking confused. She looked at me and her eyes widened. “Ooooohhh, you’re not a clone… you’re a different me!”

“Yeah,” I said. “She was made about a week and a half ago and Discord is having me and Cece be her guardians.”

Screwball tsked. “You? But you're so boooring!” She whined. “Not to mention you sullied my honor the first time we’ve met!” The filly yelled. “I was grounded for over a week because of you! I had to work in Applejack’s farm!”

“Sheesh this kid whines a lot,” Rainbow said, Screwy (my Screwball) nodding.

Uh oh.

Screwball gasped, staring at the two in shock, “How dare you! I do not whine! I criticize! I AM THE PRINCESS OF CHAOS AND I DEMAND RESPECT!” She yelled, her hoof glowing a pink aura. Raising it, she stomped on the floor, causing the whole entire room to change. The black bed that Mike sat on a while ago shook, two eyes popping out of the bed along with four legs. The bed groaned, starting to waddle around the room aimlessly. The floor tiles started flying everywhere around them. Screwball laughed maniacally, “No one insults my honor!”

The black bed wobbled towards us, a number of inanimate objects that came to life were right behind it. Before anything else could happen, a loud smack was heard and all the floor tiles fell on the floor. Sarah glared at Screwball, the pink filly rubbed her cheek with tears in her eyes. “Screwball… what have I told you about attacking others…?” She hissed out angrily.

The filly sniffled, looking down at the floor. “To not attack others…. Even if they insult my honor…” She muttered sadly, sniffing.

“Exactly… and what did you do?”

“...attack them for insulting my honor…” She nearly whispered.

Sarah nodded, giving the filly a short hug, “I still love you… but I’m disappointed at you… Now apologize and go to your room. You’re grounded for another two weeks.”

Screwball nodded, turning towards us. “I’m… sorry... for attacking you…” She said between sobs, rubbing her cheek. After finishing the apology she walked out of the room.

Rainbow blinked. “Well...didn't expect that.”

I sighed. “The attacking you part, I saw coming. She did that to me just for calling her a kid. The rest? THAT was unexpected.”

The living bed gurgled, causing Sarah to jump in surprise. “Oh damnit… not again.” She pushed the bed back to its proper spot. “Stay!” It blinked. Taking out a syringe from one of the cabinets, she injected it on the bed, causing its two eyes to close and fall asleep. “Now I gotta find a way to reverse the chaos that just happened….” Sarah said a bit angrily to herself.

“I can help,” Screwy said, before her hand glowed orange and everything was back to the way it was.

Sarah stared at the scene before her. Blinking, she pulled our Screwball into a hug. “Oh thank you! This makes things so much easier!” She turned towards us with a playful smirk, “Say, why don’t we trade Screwballs? I keep this one, you keep mine.”

“Um...actually, I like being with Tito and Cece.”

Sarah only smiled a her, “Oh I know darling, I was just joking around. I would never trade my little Screwy for anything.” She let go of our Screwball. “So now that you got to see Mike’s condition, I’d assume you’d want to return home… or would you rather stay here for a while and explore the place?”

I shrugged. “I'm okay with exploring, but I'll need to talk to you and the others before we leave. It's about Seb and Sasha.”

“Seb?” Sarah said, confused, “What do you mean? I thought he was reborn or something like that?”

“Replaced, but there's apparently something that “author” didn't tell me. I'll explain later.”

“Well alright.” She said a bit confused.

“So now what?” Rainbow asked.

Sarah shrugged. “Since you three are going to stay here for a while, why not explore the place a little?” She suggested. “Outside I mean, not the lab. Meowth would throw a fit if I let you explore this place.”

“I'd prefer to explore outside anyway. This kind of stuff would interest Twilight more than me. And she has a better chance of knowing what anything is. By the way, you got any water? I need to refuel.”

Sarah pointed at the water dispenser next to her. “There’s water right there. Also feel free to explore the garden or whatever. I actually need to take care of one of my brother’s patients, so I trust you three can show yourselves out.”

After Rainbow got some water, the four of us walked out of the lab, leaving Sarah in the lab.

“So what should we do?” Rainbow asked.

I shrugged. “Explore the place I guess. Though, I can only imagine how anyone would react seeing you two, considering who you are, and the way you guys look.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just about every Displaced I met were surprised to see anthro ponies. So imagine if one of the ponies saw you.”

“Huh...good point.”

I turned to Screwball and saw that she seemed sad. “Hey Screwball, you okay?”

She looked to me. “Yeah. Just...surprised about that other me.”

Rainbow patted her on the back. “Don't worry about it kid. She's just a foal who needs to watch her temper.”

“Why does that sound familiar?” I asked her.

Rainbow’s ears folded back and she looked away from me. “Right…”

“Yeah...I guess you're right,” Screwball said. “Hey, I'll be in the house, looking around. You guys can go exploring.” After that, she disappeared in a flash of light.

“I hope she's okay,” I muttered.

“She'll be fine. So, where exactly should we go?”

Mike looked towards the forest and suddenly had a confused look on his face. “Frogadier?”

“What's wrong?” I asked. Mike then immediately ran to the forest. “Hey!” I yelled, following him, Rainbow following me.

When we caught up with Mike, he was just standing still, looking around. “What was that about?” Rainbow asked.

Before I could reply, my spider-sense went off and I pushed Rainbow to the side and jumped back, barely dodging a few Shadow Balls. Looking to where they came from, I saw a couple of insect looking Pokemon with a light brown shell and gray abdomen, and a white halo above each of their heads.

“Hey!” Rainbow yelled at the Shedninjas. “What's your problem?!”

Their only response was firing more Shadow Balls at us, which we just dodged. Rainbow then tried to tackle them, but she just flew right through them.

“What the hay?”

“Ghost types Rainbow. They aren't affected by attacks like that. Besides very few things can knock these things out.”

“Like what?”

I turned to my partner. “Mike, use Lick.”

He nodded before jumping off a tree and heading towards one of the Shedninja and licking it, causing it to faint.

“What?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“Long story short, these things are EXTREMELY weak and will knock out by a single hit by anything they're weak to. Luckily, Mike knows a move that can actually hurt them.” When I finished saying that, the other Shedninja fainted and Mike landed beside me before running off again. “Come on.” We then ran after Mike again.

After a few more moments of running, we caught up with Mike again, behind a few bushes. “Okay Mike, what was that all about?” Rainbow asked. Mike pointed in front of him and we saw a group of large silver ants, some of them carrying a few things on their backs. “What the?”

“Are those Durants?” I asked, watching as the large red eyed bugs were walking deeper into the woods.

Following them, we eventually reached a large clearing, in the middle of it was a large tree, the only thing was that there were large honeycombs covering the tree, parts of the honeycombs were destroyed and on the floor. Crawling all around the tree were other Durants, surprisingly there were other bug types on it as well, such as Shedinjas, Nincadas, and Ninjask, all of them destroying the large tree. On the floor were several dead Beedrills, large yellow moths, and even a few large black worms with leaves covering their bodies. Next to the bodies were a group of eggs, a few Durants would occasionally add an egg to the group.

“What's going on?” Rainbow whispered.

“I'd say we're in the middle of a large group of Bug types.”

We quieted down upon seeing a group of Durants walk towards the group of eggs, a few Nincadas near them. One of the Durants grabbed one of the eggs and started moving towards the woods, only to be stopped by the largest Durant in the group.

“Durant?” The Steel type asked.

“Durant! Durant!” The larger bug said, stomping one of its legs. “Durant Ant!” He pointed at the eggs, upon seeing the confused look in its partner, the larger bug took the egg from him and smashed it on the ground. “Durant! Ant!” Some of the bugs looked shocked at the display. “Ant!”

“Nincada?” A small bug crawled forward, tilting its head.

Durant shook his head, “Durant! ANT!” He finished by stomping its two front legs on the egg remains, the Nincada hesitated a bit before nodding. Stepping towards one of the eggs, it raised one of its front legs, the leg suddenly grew larger, glowing in a red aura. Bringing its leg down, it sliced the egg in half with a Fury Cutter. The other bug types starting to chatter among themselves, nodding they started grabbing the eggs and smashing them.

As they were smashing the eggs, Rainbow and Mike just stared in shock, but I clenched my fist. “Those little…” I ran towards the group. As they were about to smash another one, I web-zipped to the Durant and kicked it away before webbing it and picking up the egg.

The webbed Durant flailed around, clicking loudly. The largest Durant snapped its mandible angrily, “DURANT!” It yelled, stomping its legs. Nodding, the other bug types started to gather around me, the Durants snapping their mandibles. Hearing a loud buzzing sound, I saw a Ninjask flying towards me, the bug type preparing a Fury Cutter.

Before it can attack though, a few shards hit it on its back and it became encased in ice and fell to the ground. Looking towards where the shards came from, I saw Rainbow hovering, her hands glowing.

“Thanks for the assist,” I said as I put the egg in a web bag and slung it over my shoulder. “Nice job freezing it.” I jumped to a tree.

“Don't mention it.”

“Durant!” The lead bug yelled, stomping its front legs. A group of Shedinja floated towards us, firing Shadow Balls along with some Ninjask. Rainbow Cloud Dashed out of the way and I just swung to the ground, webbing the Ninjask to a tree. The large steel type’s jaws clicked, taking a step back, it darted towards us, its head glowing with a white aura. I jumped back and webbed its legs as Rainbow fired a large shard of ice at it, freezing most of the Durant on contact.

The Durant cried out in rage, wiggling around, trying to thaw itself out. “DURANT!” The bug types stopped attacking, all of them taking a few steps back. Suddenly all of the Durant’s antennas started wiggling, creating a buzzing noise, the Nincadas and Ninjask’s wings started buzzing even louder, causing all of us to scream out in pain from the loud noise. I tried to block out the noise, but the bugs only buzzed louder.

Getting on my knees, I glared at the bugs in front of me. I quickly webbed the Durants in front of me, as well as the Ninjask. The Ninjask fell on the ground with a thud while the Durants used their legs to try to get rid of the webs. With the buzzing finally stopped, I let out a sigh of relief. “Finally. It’s gonna take forever to get that sound out of my ears.”

“What?!” Rainbow yelled, rubbing her ears.

I shook my head. “Well, didn't expect to fight a group of giant ants made out of steel. If I end up fighting giant mosquitos or something like that next time I'm here, I'm going to punch something.”

“Durant!” The ant cried, stomping its feet, “Durant!” The Nincadas’ antennas stood rigid, their body freezing up. “DURANT!” The lead bug yelled. Suddenly the bugs’ bodies flashed white, a popping sound was heard as their backs started growing. With a pop, their backs burst wide open, several golden masked bugs crawled out of the Nincadas back, the newly revealed Ninjask stretched their wings before taking off to the air, a few of them destroying the webs that was on the others. The glowing from the Nincada bodies faded away, revealing their shells being a golden color now. Glowing in a ghostly aura the shells started to float and a halo appeared floating above them.

“Shedinja….” The shells moaned, while the new group of Ninjask flew around, testing their new wings.

“Oh you gotta be kidding me.”

The bug types started to gather around us, the durants snapping their jaws at us, slowly getting closer. The once frozen Durant stood in front of the group, glaring hatefully at me. “Duuuurrraaannnnt.” The steel type said, taking a step forward, causing it to step on a discarded egg shell. “Duuurraant.” The other bugs began to talk, all of them making a clicking sound.


The large bugs made a screeching sound, darting at us at the same time. The Ninjask preparing a Fury Cutter attack, the Durants all using Iron head, while black shadowy claws shot out of the Shedinja's back.

Before the attacks could connect, a large cloud of smoke covered the area, causing the insects to stop their attack and panic. Turning towards the source of the smoke I saw Mike accompanied by a large black snake and a Weezing, all of them using a Smokescreen attack. The Frogadier hopped towards us, looking happy to see me alright.

The two other Pokemon stopped using smokescreen, the two of them glaring menacingly at the bug types. Suddenly a familiar white cat jumped up, landing on top of Weezing’s head. Meowth grinned, staring down at the Durant leader. Putting his paw right next to his ear, he leaned to his left with a grin. “Listen is that the clicking of a bug type I hear~?”

From behind the three Pokemon, Tomas appeared, holding a rose close to him. “It’s speaking to me loud and clear.”

The cat jumped down, standing next to the rocket. He extended his two arms to the sky, “Floating on the wind~!”

“Past the stars!”

The two headed poison type springed forward with a smile. “Weezing!”

“Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace!”

“Dashing hope and putting fear in its place!”

“By any other name as good as gold!”

“When everything's worse our work is complete!”


“And it’s James!"

The black snake hissed out it’s name, “Seviper!”

“Putting the evil-doers in their place!”

“We’re Team Rocket!”

“And we’re in your face!” The two of them said at the same time, striking a pose at the end.

A large purple moth then flew right in front of them with a grin, “Dustox!”

Rainbow and Mike just looked at them, completely confused by the time they finished, while I was in the middle of slamming my head into a nearby tree repeatedly.

The bug pokemon chattered among each other, looking confused. The lead Durant only growled, annoyed at another interruption. “Duuurant.” The ant growled, crawling closer.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you~” Meowth sang, causing the bug to stop. He jumped back standing behind the two poison pokemon. “These two buddies of mine wouldn’t like it if you decide to hurt their masters’ buds.”

The Durant tsked, darting forward. Meowth shrugged, “Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.” The Seviper slithered forward, opening his mouth and firing a flamethrower at the ant, causing it to cry out in pain and jump back. The Durant looked at the three with fear and anger, the other bugs backing away a bit.

Meowth took a step forward, raising a paw to the air, “Yeah thats right! Go back to your colony!” He yelled, “Unless of course you want to face the rest of our pals? Weezing and Seviper aren't the only ones who know fire type moves.”

The steel type hissed, making several clicking noises. Somehow, Meowth still understood what it was saying as he only laughed at the bug, “You don’t scare me bug boy! We got an Arcanine with us, even with your bigger numbers, we’re still leagues above ya!” The cat snapped his paws, causing the three poison types to gather behind them, “Trust me buggy, these three alone could take on your whole team!”

The group of bug types all chattered among themselves, their antennas wiggling the whole time. Suddenly the Ninjasks all started flapping their wings, causing a gust of wind to appear. The gust of wind started to get stronger and suddenly a large cloud of dirt and sand appeared covering all of our visions.

“Me-owth! I can’t see!” The normal type cried.

I tensed up waiting for an attack, after the wind died down, I cautiously opened my eyes and saw all of the bug types gone. The only ones here being us along with the Rockets.

“They left,” I muttered.

“To where?” Rainbow asked.

I shrugged before looking to the Rockets and walking to Tomas. “Hey. Thanks for the save.”

Tomas smiled, “No problem, I was in the area when I saw your Frogadier carrying a bunch of eggs.” He explained, he suddenly gave me a confused but worried look. “What were you doing here anyways? This place is a Beedrill hive.” He looked at the discarded honeycomb remains. “Or…. at least it used to be…. Guess those Durants noticed their low numbers and drove them out…” He mumbled the last part to himself.

“We were following Mike,” I told him, pointing to the Water type.

“Is that so…?” Tomas said, turning towards Mike. “You shouldn’t go running off like that, it was very reckless, you have to be more careful,” He said seriously. “You were a wild Pokemon before, you should know the dangers of this.” Tomas sighed, noticing Dustox antennas glowing and a group of eggs floating behind her. “But since you did manage to save these eggs, I guess I can't be too hard on you.”

“Frogadier,” Mike said, crossing his arms. “Froga.”

Tomas rolled his eyes, taking a look at the egg wrapped around the web bag. “We should go back to the lab and see if the conditions of these eggs are stable.” He suggested.

“Kay. Lead the way,” I told him. He nodded, motioning us to follow as he lead us out of the forest.

After a bit of walking, we arrived back at the lab. We walked past the the med lab we entered when we first got here and made it eventually to plain white door with an egg symbol on the door. Tomas stopped right in front of the and flashed his ID at the camera. “You know we made this room in case any of our Pokemon decided to start a family. Never did think we would need this room considering how everyone of our Pokemon are part of different egg groups and the ones that are part of the same egg group either don’t like each other or like someone else.”

“I'm not even going to ask about that,” I muttered. “Though I will admit, you guys are much more resourceful than the originals.”

Tomas chuckled a bit, “Yeah, thank Arceus. I don’t think we could’ve survived very long if we weren’t this resourceful.” He hummed, “Though I guess most of this is because of Meowth…” We walked in the room once the door opened. I looked around the room and noticed the empty racks, on one shelf there were glass incubators meant to speed up the egg hatching process. Finally at the end of the room was a large computer monitor, and a large machine besides it.

“So exactly what does this stuff do?”

“The machine is to check the health of the eggs, we need to make sure that there isn’t anything wrong with the egg that can disturb the pokemon inside it.” Tomas answered, “It can check to see if the egg…” He hesitated, “It can check to see if it’s a dud.” He finished, looking a bit uncomfortable.

“You okay?”

He nodded, “Yeah, it’s just these kinds of things just make me uncomfortable.” Tomas answered.

“Ah. Don't blame ya. So, what do we do?”

“Just place the eggs on the empty slots in the machine.” Tomas answered, walking up to the computer and turning it on. “I’ll take care of the rest.”

I just shrugged and placed most of the eggs there. “There we go.”

Tomas faced the screen, pressing a couple of buttons on the keyboard to turn on the machine. The machine lit up, scanning the eggs on the slots and displaying the results on the computer screen. Tomas reviewed the results before nodding. “Alright, put in the next six eggs.”

I nodded before taking the eggs out and replacing them with the others. The process repeated and Tomas gave me a satisfied smile, “Well everything looks good. The worst they got is just a few scratches.” He said, patting one of the eggs. “I’m sure Maple will be happy to see something that reminds her of her hive.”


Tomas flinched, looking rather nervous, “Well… she’s… she’s the Beedrill that was part of that swarm that attacked you when you first arrived here.” He answered with a laugh. “We’ve been taking care of her for a while now and while she’s not one of our Pokemon… we decided to give her an actual name.”

“Wait, you mean that Beedrill that I…” I stopped when I remembered the results of my arrival last time and hid behind my hood.

Tomas gave a sympathetic smile, “If it makes you feel better, she’s doing much better now, she’s interacting with the other Pokemon and she’s isn’t as depressed about her situation as she was when she first arrived. I’m sure these eggs will make her feel much better.”

“Wait, what are you guys talking about?” Rainbow asked.

“I rather not talk about it,” I said, barely more than a whisper.

“Well, let's not dwell on old mistakes. Let's get these eggs into the incubators.” Tomas suggested, picking up one of the egg incubators from the shelves. He then placed one of the eggs inside the incubator, and closed the lid.

“What do those do?” Rainbow asked him, looking at another incubator.

“The incubators protect the eggs inside them and keep them in proper temperature. They also speed up the process a little. It’s not harmful to the Pokemon in case you were curious.” Tomas answered.

“What happens when they're ready to hatch?”

“The incubator alerts us and we let the egg out of the incubator. Pokemon eggs glow when they’re ready to hatch.” He answered, placing another egg inside the incubator.

“They do?” Rainbow said.

Tomas nodded. “Yeah, it’s kinda odd. But it's helpful.”

“Huh. Weird.”

“You can manipulate water and turn into clouds and THIS is weird to you?” I said to her.


“Wait…” Tomas said, sounding confused, “Turn into clouds…?”

“Long story short, Rainbow can now control water in all its forms, and can briefly turn into clouds and create swords made out of ice.”

Tomas stared at us for a moment before shrugging, “Well… it's not the weirdest thing I’ve heard or seen.”

Rainbow shrugged and Cloud Dashed to him. “You get used to it.”

Tomas shook his head, turning towards me. “You should put the egg on the machine, we need to check to see if it's in proper condition.” He suggested.

“What egg?” I asked.

Tomas pointed at the webbed bag on my shoulder, “The egg that you have with you.”

I looked behind me and saw the egg I saved still on my back. “Huh. I forgot I had this thing.” I grabbed it and dismissed my webs before placing it on the machine.

Tomas looked at the computer screen, reading the egg’s condition. “Well…its a healthy egg thats for sure…but the signal is different from the others… There were a few eggs that gave a different signal, but they still had something in common… this one’s just completely different.”

“Is that bad?” Rainbow asked.

Tomas shook his head. “I don’t think so, but it could mean that this egg is a different species from the others, it probably means that the Beedrill stole this egg and were going to use it to feed to it to their young.” He hummed. “The signals don't match the signal a bug type Pokemon releases.”

I started growling at that. “I seriously hate bugs…”

“It’s survival of the fittest in the wild Dark.” Tomas said, pushing some buttons on the keyboard, “Besides, bugs weren't the only ones who did this, it's common for animals to do things like this to feed their young. And with Pokemon it’s only more brutal.”

“Well when I run into an animal that does that, I'll get rid of it,” I said as I picked the egg back up.

“You can’t blame an animal for doing what it needs to do to survive, it’s like blaming a rabbit for eating all of your carrots when it was just hungry.”

“Killing an unborn child by eating it isn't something I’ll allow.”

Tomas sighed, “I understand Dark, but you have to consider that these creatures are just doing what’s necessary to survive. Just try putting yourself in their situation, not saying that I agree with it, but I understand why they do it.” He picked up an incubator, “You should store the egg in the incubator. It’ll be safer there.”

I looked at the egg for a second and shrugged, webbing the incubator to me and putting the egg in it. Rainbow then looked to Tomas and said, “Now what?”

Tomas pointed at the shelf that the incubators were originally. “We just leave them here. Porygon will make sure that everything is fine and alert us when one of them is ready to hatch. We only have six incubators, so not all the eggs will be inside them.” He then pointed at the empty racks, “Just place the eggs in the racks, when an egg hatches, I’ll put them inside the incubator.”

“Um, shouldn't an egg that's about to hatch be taken out of an incubator?” Rainbow asked.

“I told you, they glow before they actually hatch. When they’re ready, Porygon will alert me and I’ll take them out, and if I can't make it, Porygon will handle it.” Tomas answered.

I just shrugged and put most of the incubators on the shelf with Rainbow before turning to him again. “Now?”

“Now we leave the lab and wait until Porygon calls us.” He said calmly. “If you want to carry one of the eggs, I don’t mind. Just be careful.”

“Too late for that,” Rainbow told him as I was still holding the egg I had earlier.

Tomas sighed, shaking his head. “Just please be careful.”

“Oh no, I'll do the exact opposite and toss it around,” I sarcastically said. “I only saved it so I can smash it myself. But in all seriousness, you don't have to worry.”

He nodded. “Good. I’m not really keen on cleaning up after everyone.” He started walking towards the exit and motioned us to follow. “Come on. I’m going to be having Maple come in here later, and I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be too happy to seeing you.”

“Great idea,” I said as we followed him outside the lab.

Walking inside the house, we spotted my Screwball in the living room, playing with a Mime Jr. and Wobbuffet, Sarah was lying down on the couch, keeping an eye on them. Seeing us walk into the room, Sarah gave a small wave. “Hey guys. You three have been gone for a while.”

“Well we got busy,” I told her.

“Must’ve been one heck of an adventure.” Sarah yawned, holding out her hand. “Tomas, my Pokemon?”

Tomas took out two small metal balls and handed them to her, “I already released them at the garden, Dustox and Seviper are by the Oran Berry tree sleeping.”

Sarah smiled, “Aww, that sounds adorable.” She turned towards me, “So you had something to tell us?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Remember when I said Seb was gone?”

The two nodded, Sarah got up from her seat. “Yeah… what about it?”

“Apparently I was wrong.”

“What do you mean?” Tomas asked.

“He's still around.”

Tomas’ eyes widen, “Does he still have his memories?”

“Yeah. But for Alex and Sasha, it's...complicated. They remembered me and Cece, as well as Rainbow and everything I did with them, but it was weird. But I got a picture when I met up with them a few days ago.”

“Can we see?” Sarah said, curious about the picture.

I took out my phone and went to the photo I took of them and tossed it to her. Sarah caught the phone and looked at the picture, Tomas bent down to look at the photo. “Huh, cyborg pony.” Sarah commented.

“Yeah. Funnily enough, that's the second one we met. And both times were the only times I met an alternate version of Rainbow or her friends.”

“Huh.” The rocket said, “You really haven’t met any other version of them? They seem to be pretty important ponies.”

“Well, I only been to about three alternate Equestrias, counting this one and not counting EqG, and didn't meet them. Only ponies I met from there are Luna, two musicians, and Screwball. And the only Displaced I summoned was Seb and Sebaste. And the only other Displaced that came to my world was with his Celestia.”

“Celestia?” Sarah repeated, looking confused, “Bet that caused a lot of chaos around your world.”

“Add to the fact she was a pony in a world of anthros, and it would have. But luckily, she was only seen by Rarity, Rainbow, Twilight, Cece, and me.”

“Though there was one more surprise about her,” Rainbow said, crossing her arms.

“Oh? Like what?”

“She's engaged to that Displaced.”

Sarah’s eyes widen in surprise. “Huh, well… that’s the first we heard of something like that.”

“Wonder how many Displaced are engaged or already married to other ponies…” I muttered.

“There probably are a few, multiverse and all.” Tomas answered with a shrug.

“Yeah.” I looked to the young filly. “Having fun there, Screwball?”

She turned to me and nodded, before noticed the item in my hand. “What's that?”

“It's a pokemon egg.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes at the egg. “Where did you get it?”

“Stopped a group of Bug types from smashing it earlier, among other eggs.”

Sarah turned towards Tomas, “Did you already check the eggs to make sure nothing’s wrong?” He nodded.

“Did that when we first got back,” I told her.

“What species is it?” Screwball asked, looking at the incubator.

“Um...no clue. You guys have any ideas?” I asked Tomas and Sarah.

“Well I know that it isn't a bug type Pokemon.” Tomas answered. “Could be a Pokemon native to the Everfree or anywhere else near the area.”

“And how many Pokemon are there?” Rainbow asked.

“Over 700,” I told her.

She widened her eyes. “Woah…”

“And more come up every few years.”

“Technically that last part is sort of wrong,” Tomas said, “Those Pokemon have been always there in universe, but new species of Pokemon are being discovered all the time.”

Sarah looked up from the black rectangle in front of her, “True, and there are around 27 different species of Pokemon living in the Everfree. That egg could be either something as common as a Spearow or even a really rare Bulbasaur if that egg came from the Everfree.”

“Huh?” Rainbow said.

I sighed. “A rather violent bird, or a frog with plant on its back.”


“When will it hatch?” The chaos filly asked.

She shrugged, “Who knows, it could be tomorrow, now, in five minutes, a few days. Unless we know what Pokemon is in it, we won’t know for sure.”


I raised a hand slightly. “Question. What exactly do you guys have, besides the egg stuff, and mechs?”

Tomas hummed, “We have gadgets that Meowth makes, a storage room for TMs, poke’balls that we make from apricorns, and even a few items we found over the years such as evolution stones, and held items to make pokemon stronger.”

“Hmm...I'm guessing you guys haven't made a translator.”

Tomas shook his head, “Nah, Meowth has tried, but it never could work. Besides, we always had Meowth to translate everything for us.”

“Good point.”

Screwball tapped the incubator. “So Tito can keep this pokemon?” She asks our hosts.

Tomas shrugged, “I honestly don’t see a problem with it. One less Pokemon to have to worry about when they all hatch.” He answered.

Sarah stared at her sibling wide eyed. “What do you mean?! Of course there’s a problem! First of all, taking care of a baby pokemon is very different than taking care of a regular Pokemon! You can’t use the same methods of taking care of them!” She started, raising her voice a bit, “A baby pokemon needs the care it can only receive from either its mother or at the very least a caretaker who knows how to deal with baby pokemon.”

Tomas looked at her a bit uncomfortably, “But Sarah… don’t we have a section in that journal on how to care for baby pokemon? I’m sure everything will be fine-!”

He was interrupted by another outburst. “No it won’t! Don’t forget the trouble that all displaced attract. That small baby could become a potential target! It’ll be too young to fight back and who knows if Dark or anyone else from his world are strong enough to fight against the threats of the Marvel universe!” Sarah turned towards me. “Look, I’m not trying to insult you or anything, but I’m just concern over the baby’s safety. After all, you did have to be saved by a Spinda.”

I shrugged. “True, but your daughter did catch me off guard. And man do I hate that move…”

“A teeter dance stopped you… that move isn’t even that dangerous.” Sarah said, “And yes while her catching you by surprised played a factor in it, Spinda could’ve used Teeter Dance at anytime to immobilize you.”

“What's your point?” Rainbow asked.

“My point is, if something so weak such as a Spinda can stop him and almost beat him, then how can you expect me to believe that you can protect it if you can’t beat a Spinda by yourself!”

“You know anyone who's not a pokemon that's immune to that?” I asked.

“No and I doubt any non Pokemon can be immune by the effects of one of their attacks.” Sarah answered. “But what I do know is that anyone could’ve found a way around it!”

“Well I was still getting over the fact that your daughter threw her Gulpin right at my face and Cece smacking her into a tree.”

Rainbow looked at me with wide eyes. “Wait WHAT?!”

“Not important,” I immediately told her.

Sarah sighed, “Look Dark, raising a baby Pokemon is a huge responsibility, it's just like raising a regular baby, you can’t raise it the same way you raise a regular Pokemon. You have to nurture it and possibly be a father to it.” She suddenly threw her arms up in the air, “Or heck for all we know this Pokemon could be a threat to your world, it could be a Pokemon who’s aggressive by nature; like a Mankey or Deino!”

I stared at her in silence for a moment before I simply said, “You are starting to sound crazier than Twilight back in Lesson Zero.”

Sarah’s eye twitched, looking a bit more angrier than before. “How could you say that?! Do you not see the seriousness of the situation or do you just refuse to acknowledge this?!”

“I understand it, but you're not helping things with how much you're freaking out,” I replied, adjusting the incubator and making sure it'll stay in my hands.

“Besides, I'm sure if anything happens, Fluttershy will be able to help,” Rainbow commented with a shrug.

Deciding to step in, Tomas got up from his seat and put a hand on his sister’s shoulder. “Sarah, why not just let Dark keep it? He’s done a fine job with Mike, plus I trust Fluttershy will be able to help them in any way she can.”

Turning to face her brother, she growled, “It’s not just about that, what if that Pokemon does turn out to be an aggressive species? It would cause panic.”

Tomas waved a hand in the air, “Sarah I doubt that. It’s not like there are any Hydreigons in the area, and Primeapes aren’t even native to the Everfree. The only aggressive pokemon in the area are bug types, and that is no bug pokemon.” He said, pointing at the egg.

“High-what now?” Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Three headed dragon,” I informed her. When her eyes widened, I said, “Ask Twilight.”

“If anything, Tito can always send it back here if anything happens,” Screwball commented.

Tomas turned towards us, “We’ll let you keep the egg Dark, but just to satisfy my sister’s conscious why don’t you bring it back here once in awhile just to do a check up? Like a physical, but for Pokemon. Or, you know, at least send us some proof that it’s doing alright and living a healthy life, like a picture.”

“If you had phones, I can just send you pics whenever, if Discord helps like he did with Delsin.”

“Sorry, Meowth never got around to making phones, never needed too,” Tomas said with a shrug.

“Didn't you make Delsin a phone with that gem?” Screwball asked me.

I blinked for a moment before remembering. “Oh. Right. Forgot about that… Thing is, Cece has it right now, so can't do it.”

“That’s fine, we just want some way to for you to show us that the baby is going to be alright.” Tomas said, “Besides I’m sure Discord could send a letter through dimensions.”

I shrugged. “Probably."

“So...he can keep the egg?” Rainbow asked.

“Just take it,” Tomas said, waving his hand. “It’s one less mouth to feed, and the less baby pokemon I have to take care of the better.” He sighed, “And with all those bug type eggs we have this will just make my job a lot more easier.”

“So, what now?” Screwball asked.

“Well, I guess it's about time for us to leave,” I suggested.

“Well just remember if you ever need us for anything, you can always come back here.” Tomas said, “Or just summon us through our token. It’s up to you.” He finished with a shrug.

“I'll remember that.” I then remembered a small, crucial detail. “Hey, you guys have a spare pokeball I can use? You know, for when this thing hatches.” I lifted the incubator to prove my point.

Sarah quickly dug through her pockets and pulled out a minimized pokeball and handed it to me. “Here, we always keep a spare ball with us. Never know when you’re going to find a new partner.”

I put the pokeball in my pocket and nodded. “Thanks. Now, before we go, how about another picture?”

Tomas smiled and nodded, “Sure.”

“So, where should we take this one, and who should be in it?”

“Why not just keep it small and just with those of us present?” Tomas answered. “I’d rather not be the one who’ll have to wake up Screwball’s Snorlax just to take a picture.”

I shrugged before pulling out my phone. “Okay. Then just get close and I can take it.”

Getting together, everyone in the room got ready to take the photo. With Sarah, Tomas, and Wobbuffet staying close to each other.

“Okay...now smile,” I said before taking the picture. I then put my phone away and looked at Tomas. “So anything else before you send us back?”

“Nope,” He answered, shaking his head. “Well… I suppose the only thing left to say is just to stay safe and good luck raising the egg.”

“Thanks. So, can you open the portal?” I asked Screwball.

The pink filly shrugged. “I believe I can do that with your token.”

I reached into my pocket and tossed her my token. She caught it and clenched her fist around it. A few moments later, a portal open up a few feet away from us.

Rainbow went to the portal first. Before she went through it, she looked at Sarah and Tomas and said, “Well, it was nice meeting you guys. See ya.” And with that, she jumped through the portal.

Screwball was next and said, “I hope we can meet each other again. And hopefully things don't go so bad.” She then walked through the portal.

I looked at Tomas and his sister and said, “I'll let you know if I have any problems with the egg. I promise.”

Tomas nodded with a small smile, “You better, otherwise you might just have to prepare for trouble.” He said, chuckling a bit from his own joke.

I just rolled my eyes and groaned. I then shook my head and looked at Mike. “Come on buddy. Let's go back home.” I then ran and jumped through the portal, Mike right behind. When we got through, we were back at the entrance hall of Canterlot Castle, and the portal closed behind us.

“Well, I gotta admit, I wasn't expecting any of that,” Rainbow said.

“From what I learned, that's a Displaced’s life in a nutshell,” I said with a shrug.

She then looked at the incubator. “So you're really keeping that thing?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I'm keeping it. Went through quite a lot of trouble just to abandon it.”

“You sure Twilight will be okay with you taking care of a baby?”

I shrugged. “I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Right now, I need to tell Cece about a new addition to the family. So...I guess this is goodbye for now?” I asked her.

Rainbow sighed. “Looks like it. Gotta be heading back soon. But don't worry, I'll make sure to visit.”

“Thanks.” And with that, she spread her wings and flew towards the train station.

“That was nice,” Screwball said. “I can see why you wanted her to join us.”


Screwball stared at me for a moment before saying, “So what do you think it is.”

“Heck if I know. There are dozens of Pokemon that live in that version of Everfree, and all we know is that it's not a Bug type. There's no telling what this egg will hatch into.”

“Well, don't forget, if you need help with it, you don't just have Sarah and Tomas to talk to. I'm sure Rainbow and Cece will be okay with lending you a hand, and I know I will.”

I smiled at her and ruffled her mane. “Thanks Screwy. Well, I'm going to find Cece and talk to her. See you at dinner.”

Author's Note:

And another chapter finished. This one has been in the works since before 21 started. Anyway, time for the recap. Tito, Mike, Screwball, and Rainbow went to the first Equestria Tito was summoned to and he saved and was given a Pokemon egg. Btw, that egg should hatch in a chapter or two. And I doubt anyone can guess what the Pokemon will be. Anyway, this is my second crossover with DarkStar, and one of her stories. And it's technically the last. Much like chapter 13 with Sebaste, this is technically the last crossover for that story, since Star is planning on rewriting it. Next on the list, I wouldn't expect an update for at least a month. I'm going to Florida to visit my dad tomorrow, and he doesn't have internet, so I won't be able to write for this story until I come back. Just letting anyone who cares know. And finally, happy anniversary Spider In Equestria

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