• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,416 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

  • ...

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24. Reunion

(Third Person POV, Bio-Corp, Manehattan)

The CEO of Bio-Corp was sitting at his desk, reading some reports sent from the R&D, when he suddenly got a call on his desk. He put down the sheaf of papers and answered the call. “What is it?”

“U-um, sir?” A weak voice came from the other end.

The CEO sighed, knowing who the voice belonged to. “What is it this time, Why Chromosome?” The thestral asked in annoyance.

He could hear the scientist fidget around. “I'm just curious as to some of the the...equipment your chief scientist wants.”

Looking back at his papers, he only gave the stallion half of his attention, “And what exactly are they?”

“Apparently, he’s requesting for the following: DNA samples for the project, plus several tanks’ worth of nutrient broth for the growth stage and reproduction phase to proceed according to schedule.”

“And? I know that is not why you interrupted me, Why.”

“Well,” Why cleared his throat, “then there is his request for fifteen tons-worth of diverse metals, steel, copper, gold, titanium - the list goes on! Then there is also the request for energy ore in the form of unstable drakite... why is he requesting such things, when his orders are to develop Project: Living Shadow? None of these materials should even be needed for the project!”

The CEO stood silent for a moment, before saying, “I'll contact him and find out. But until I say otherwise, you do what he says, understand?”

Why sighed at the intercom, before acknowledging his order silently. “Yes sir. I’ll pass on the orders to our suppliers.”

“Keep me informed on these requests of his if they get more...strange.”

“Affirmative, Sir.” Why replied before cutting off the communication.

The thestral then dialed a few buttons on the intercom to get a hold on his chief scientist. After a few moments, he finally got an answer, but not one he expected.

“Hello? Is this the pizza guy? We’ve been waiting for hours for you guys to arrive! Where are you anyways? You know, it may not seem like it, but I do like to eat… Can I even eat? Maybe I should ask the Doctor if he can make me able to eat. I always wanted to try cheese. Hey! Pizza comes with cheese! This is perfect, I’ll be able to eat cheese and pizza!" The voice at the other end continued on talking, annoying the CEO with his constant chatter.

The CEO pinched the bridge of his muzzle. “Oh for the love of Celestia…” He then took a deep breath. “Go get your master.”

The voice at the other end went silent, before starting up again, “Oh! You want the doc? Well why didn’t you say so! I’ll go get him.” There was silence for a while, suddenly the CEO was able to hear some arguing going on in the background, after a while he heard someone clear his throat.

The voice of his chief scientist came out of the intercom, “Yes? Who is this? Make it quick, I’m busy.”

“Hello Doctor,” the CEO said in a calm voice. “It seems you're doing well.”

“Ah! If it isn’t the old bat!” The thestral frowned at the disrespect. “Well boss, if you’re calling about the project, don’t worry, everything is just great, I expect the Living Shadows to be completed by the end of the month. Provided that I get the materials I ask for.”

“Yeah, that's why I called. I had a few questions for you regarding the Project and your...requests.”

“Well? What’s the problem?” The scientist asked. “I’m sure the materials aren’t that hard to find. Besides, you have so many assets, I’m sure you can spare a few.”

“Well a DNA sample, tons of metals, and a large procurement of drakite makes me rather curious as to how it relates to your current orders,” the thestral questioned, making sure to give the scientist his full attention.

The phone was silent for some time. Finally after a minute of silence, the scientist spoke once again, “The DNA sample of the target is something that can benefit the experiment. With his DNA, our little experiment will have the full capabilities as the pest that has gotten your attention. Anything he can do, the experiments can do better.”

The CEO hummed, liking the reasoning that the doctor gave, “And what about the metals and the drakite?”

“Oh that’s just something that will help me accelerate the growth of the experiment. With the drakite, we'll be able to give the creature a great amount of power.” He heard the man on the intercom chuckle. “Just imagine how powerful your beasts will become with the drakite fueling their powers.”

The thestral imagined that outcome, envisioning large black creatures causing mayhem and giving the royals a large amount of problems, if not outright defeating them along with their forces. He then chuckled. “Very well, Ivo. Don't disappoint me, and you'll get your resources.”

He heard a loud clap from the phone. “Splendid! Don’t you worry about a thing Archer, I’m sure that this experiment will be nothing less than a success! You’ll have your creatures ready by the end of the month. Provided I get those power stones, that is…”

The thestral, Archer, smiled, “Don’t worry, I did say you’ll be getting your resources, that includes the drakite and the precious metals.” Before he could hang up, the scientist spoke up again.

“Oh Archer, there’s one more thing I need to ask of you.”

Archer raised an eyebrow, curious as to what the next request might be, “Oh? What is it?”

“I need a couple of test subjects.” The man growled, “And don’t give me those lab rats! I need real subjects to test on! Ponies! Griffons! Give me something more to work with than just a mindless rat! Even a damn Diamond Dog will work!”

“And why exactly would you need that?”

“To test how the creatures would…“react” to living things, and to see how the capabilities of the test subject would increase if the creatures’ bond with them of course!” The scientist answered, reverting back to his jovial self. “In the name of science, I assure you.” He chuckled.

“I’ll see what can be done in that regard, Ivo. Do not fail us, and we’ll hold our part of the deal.” Archer said in businesslike fashion before hanging up, and going deep in thought.

(Third Person POV, Canterlot Castle, Castle Grounds)

The visiting party arrived at the castle, escorted by few day guards, all of whom were covered in bruises, with their armor having dents everywhere.

By that point, their curiosity was starting to bother them, and Starlight asked, “Um excuse me, but where did you get all...those?” She gestured to their conditions.

“The Hammer of the Guard,” one of them said, with a shiver going around.

That confused the party. “Um...who?” Rainbow asked.

Another guard sighed. “A lieutenant that wipes the floor with any and every guard that dares to make her mad.”

After that, everypony stayed in silence for the rest of the walk. When they reached the doors to the throne room, the guards bowed and left.

The girls walked through the door into the throne room. When they entered, they saw Dark and Cece in their cover with their pokemon beside each of them, with their backs turned to them and talking to the Royal Sisters, with a container-looking object in Dark's hands. When the Sisters saw the newcomers, their muzzles turned into soft smiles.

“-hy you asked for us?” Cece finished asking.

“Well, we figured you would like to properly greet your friends.” Celestia replied.

Before the two of them could ask what she meant, they were pulled into a hug by Pinkie.

“Ooooh! It's so good to see you two again,” the pink mare said, squeezing the two.

“Pinkie...need...air…” Cece gasped.

Pinkie immediately let them go and took a step back. “Sorry. It's just that it's been so long since I saw you two. You didn't even say goodbye,” she said, her voice sounding hurt in the last sentence.

After taking a few deep breaths, Dark said, “Sorry Pinkie, but it's not like we expected to stay here for so long.” He then paused for a moment before he then looked down at his empty hands, then frantically looked around him.

“Looking for this?” A familiar voice said. Following the direction of the voice, everyone saw a familiar looking pink earth pony filly floating above all of them, holding the container. She then descended and gave the container to Dark. “I figured it'd be better if I held onto it while you two were being squeezed to near death.’

While most of the visiting party were still shocked at seeing an earth pony hover above ground without anything, Twilight was the only one to say anything. “Screwball?!”

The chaos filly turned to the lavender princess and smiled. “Hello. It's nice to finally meet you, Princess Twilight.”

Starlight then held her hands up. “Wait, hold on.” She turned to Twilight. “How do you know who this is?” She then looked at Screwball. “And who exactly are you?”

Screwball tilted her head in confusion. “You don't remember? You saw a version of me right before Nisled showed up.”

Right after she said that, the entire visiting party except Rainbow, Spike, Coco, and Twilight widened their eyes in realization, figuring out why they found the filly familiar.

“You're that filly that showed up out of nowhere and disappeared,” Applejack exclaimed.

Screwball shrugged. “Kinda. That one was Delsin's version. I'm the Screwball from this dimension. My daddy made me a few weeks ago.”

“Your “daddy”?” Fluttershy asked.

“Discord.” Twilight said with a sigh.

The pink filly nodded, a bright smile on her face. “That’s right! Daddy created me using his chaos magic,” she explained to the shocked group of mares.

Dark nodded. “Yeah. He was inspired by Delsin's and decided to make his own. And he asked Cece and I to watch her,” he said, keeping the container close to his chest.

“So…” Twilight started, sounding unsure about what she was going to say. “Are you like another Screwball we met? The one from the Pokemon dimension…?” She asked a bit nervously, a little worried of what her reaction might be.

That caused Screwball’s smile to drop and her ears to flatten a bit. “No. I'm not like her. I won't attack anyone just because they wound my pride or something like that.”

“We went there last week,” Dark explained. “She and Rainbow met Sarah and Tomas, as well as that Screwball. The latter tried to attack Rainbow with living furniture when she got mad.”

“But luckily Sarah stopped her before I had to do anything,” Screwball continued. “After that, I went to the house while Rainbow, Dark, and Mike went exploring. When they came back, Dark was holding that egg.”

Twilight rose an eyebrow in confusion. “Egg?”

Cece nodded. “Yeah. Apparently those three ran into some more bugs and saved a few eggs from being crushed. And Tito kept the one in his hands.” she finished, pointing at the container her brother was holding.

Fluttershy gasped, stepping forwards to get a look at the egg. “My goodness! You saved it from being crushed?” She gave Dark a small smile, “That’s wonderful! Do you have any idea what’s in the egg?” She asked.

Dark, Cece, and Screwball all shrugged. “I know nothing about it, outside the fact it's not a Bug type...” he said, looking at the egg inside the container.

Twilight then cleared her throat. “Well then, I guess we'll just find out when it hatches. So, how have you two been?”

Dark shrugged. “Not too bad. Though I feel like the guards are afraid of Cece.”

That confused everyone. “Why?” Starlight asked.

“Because I've been using them as dummies to train on,” Cece told them. “And if any of them are stupid enough to mention my height, I bring out my Piko Piko Hammer and show them why that is a bad idea.”

The visiting party nodded their heads before realisation started to dawn on them. “Wait,” Rainbow said. “You're the one who bruised up the guards?”

Cece nodded. “Yeah. And let me just say, the day guard are just laughable in how bad they are. At least the night guard can last longer than thirty seconds.”

Unbeknownst to the group, the Princess of the Night smirked silently to her sister at that remark.

“Anyway,” Dark started, “besides that, we met Screwball, met Spitfire and Soarin, met up with Sebaste a bit, met Surprise-”

“Wait, you said you talked to Sebaste?” Twilight asked. “How? I thought he was-”

“Gone?” Dark finished. “So did we. But apparently their world was “rebooted” I guess. Basically he remembers everything. Sasha and Alex, on the other hand, not so much. And Alex got a new look.”

“And then there's Victor,” Screwball mentioned.

Dark nodded. “Yeah. Apparently he's Seb's replacement or something. Nice guy. Anyway, after that we went to Manehatten a few days later, then a few days after that we went to Sarah and Tom’s dimension.”

“Oh, we heard about your trip to Manehatten,” Twilight told him. “And apparently you had quite an interesting time there, Spider.”

Dark chuckled in embarrassment. “You heard about that?”

“Coco told us about Shocker and how someone named “Spider” came and stopped him while Cece was visiting. And considering you're the only person we know who uses the name Spider, enjoys swinging around to get to places, and wasn't around when Cece said you were in Manehatten, it wasn't hard to figure out. So, mind telling us about this Shocker?” She finished, crossing her arms.

Dark shrugged. “He was some earth pony I dealt with in my first visit, who ended up getting far more advanced tech than I've seen in this dimension. When I heard he was causing trouble, I volunteered to deal with him. Simple as that.”

“That's it?” Twilight asked.

Dark nodded. “Nothing more to mention about him. Though, I did get a souvenir.”

“What is it?”

“I'll show you later. I actually planned on sending it to you so you can find a way to reverse engineer it. Could be useful in the future,” Dark said.

After that exchange, Celestia rose from her throne and approached the group, Luna following close behind.

“Well it is good seeing all of you here,” Celestia said.

Twilight gave a small bow to her colleagues with a smile. “Of course, Princess. It's nice being able to visit our friends after so long.” She then turned her head away, her ears falling flat. “Wish we could've visited sooner…” she muttered.

“No worries Twilight,” Luna told the purple alicorn. “At least you were able to come at all.”

Celestia nodded. “Indeed. It seems like convincing Ponyville that they're trustworthy has been more difficult than we realized.”

All of the visiting party, excluding Coco, frowned. “It hasn't been easy, to be honest,” Twilight admitted. “But, I'm sure we'll be able to stop the animosity soon enough.”

Celestia sighed. “I know you can. It's just sad that it's so bad that it's taking so long for things to calm down. But just remember Twilight, if you need any help from us, all you need to do is ask.”

Twilight nodded. “Will do, Princess.”

Celestia then turned to the only pony in the group she has never met before. Coco eyes widened when she noticed the Solar Diarch looking right at her, the earth pony stepping back in slight fear.

“You're Ms. Coco Pommel, correct?” Celestia asked her.

Coco nervously nodded her head, completely shock that the most powerful pony in the world knew her name.

Celestia gave Coco a soft smile. “And is it true that you took care of Cece when she first ended up in Equestria?”

Coco nodded again. “Y-yes…” she replied, feeling incredibly nervous.

“Well it is good to know that there are ponies like you that are willing to show a selfless act of kindness to a complete stranger who is in need of help,” Luna told the cream colored mare.

“T-thank you…” Coco said, stepping back another step.

Celestia then looked at the whole group. “Well, I believe you all should go and spend time with each other. But we would like to at least talk to you one last time before you return to your respective homes.”

“Of course, Princess,” Applejack said with a nod.

With that said, everyone besides the Sisters left the throne room. When the door closed and the group entered the hallway, they all spread out and turned towards each other.

After a few moments of silence, Screwball was the first to speak. “So, what do we do now?”

Author's Note:

Dark: Wow. Updated it on time for Halloween. Sweet. So, we now learn the CEO's name, and that he has something called Project Living Shadow. I wonder how many people will be able to guess what that is. Spoilers, it's not a Shadow The Hedgehog copy. And I wonder if anyone will figure out who the chief scientist is. Also, Cece has a nickname among the guards, and a pretty good one at that. Thank you Seb for that name. And everyone meets Screwball, learns about the egg, and, as the title says, it's a big reunion. And I would like to thank my friends for helping, especially my new co-author Star. Here's what she has to say.

Star: HELLO MY LOYAL SUBJECTS! TIS I! THE GREAT AND MIGHTY STAR709~! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and for those of you wondering why I'm here. After helping Dark so much in his fic, he has granted me the position of his co-author, and I have given him the honor of having my help. Anyways please be sure to tell us what you think of the chapter, why you like or dislike it in the comments. Even criticism helps.

Dark: Well, that's that. Hope you enjoyed Reunion, and have a happy Nightmare Night/Halloween 🎃

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