• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,416 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

  • ...

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Chapter 30

(Third Person POV, two weeks later, Canterlot Castle Archery Range)

“Make sure your back is straight, feet are apart at shoulder-length, relax your shoulders, hold a gentle breath and..." The hylian took aim at an old target made of straw. *Fwip, twang* He managed to hit the bullseye. “Be mindful of the wind direction, it can alter the course of your shot.” Link said.

“I knew that last one for a while,” Cece said, her own bow in hand and a quiver on her back. She drew her own arrow and shot it, with it landing on the very edge of the target, causing her to sigh.

“Keep practicing, you’ll get the hang of it. It took me months to learn how to use it.” Link said as he patted her on the shoulder.

Cece shrugged. “Well it gives me something to do while the guards are recovering. And at least Tito isn't be the only one practising something new.” She then looked up at Link as she put the bow and quiver in her hammerspace. “So what will you do when you go back home?”

“Continue with what I always do, do my job at Canterlot and try to live life to the fullest.” Link answered as he held the bow at his side. He then made his way over to the round bundle of hay to retrieve his arrow.

“Must be nice…” Cece muttered as she and Emily followed him.

“Nice for what?” Link asked as he looked at the pink hedgehog.

“Being able to do that without much trouble. Or constantly being ridiculed for what you became.”

“I can’t say it was completely without trouble. The start of my job was a bit bumpy as a lot of the unicorns and the ponies I worked with didn’t trust me at first.” Link said as he started to inspect his hero’s bow.

“Well that's Canterlot for you,” Screwball said, walking to the two with a camera in one hand. “Worst place in Equestria if you don't want to be look down on or ridiculed.”

“So I've heard,” Cece responded, crossing her arms.

“But of course, multiverse theory, one universe will be bad and others will be either worse or better. So yea, keep an open mind when you go to other places, you might just find a Canterlot you’ll enjoy.” Link said on a positive note.

Cece nodded before looking at Screwball and raising an eyebrow. “What's with the camera?”

“It's part of something I've been working on,” the filly said. “Know where Tito is?”

“He went to the city to eat at that Indian place again with Bri. Said he should be back in an hour at most.”

Screwball nodded in response before looking to Link. “So, ready to go back home?”

“If there’s nothing left to teach, but I do wish Dark the best of luck in his hero career.” Link said as he put away his bow.

“Tito will be fine. If Spidey can deal with baddies on his own, Tito should be able to hold his own with his training and new abilities.” Screwball then pulled out a pocket watch and looked at the time. “Well I'll be at the entrance waiting for him. Wanna join?”

“Sure, I don’t see why not.” Link said as he stretched his arms above his head, Cece shrugging.

Screwball smiled before snapping her fingers in her free hand, having the 4 of them teleport to the entrance hall in a flash.

Cece just sighed, not surprised about the teleport. She then walked towards the nearest wall and sat down against it, Emily laying on her lap. She then said, “So what’s this project you mention?”

“You'll see whenever Tito gets back,” Screwball told her. “So how are the archery lessons going?”

“Decent. I'm not breaking the bow string at least.”

Screwball then looked at Link. “And how's your stay in our world been?”

“Fair, at least I wasn’t instantly thrown head first into danger or someone needing my help against some bad guys.” Link said with a smile.

“I take it that happens often with Displaced.”

“Quite a lot, actually. So far, I managed to relax in only two of them, three counting this.” Link said as he stroked the thin blond goatee on his chin.

“Tito’s been summoned a few times,” Cece told Link. “First was a Screwball who threw his token at a band of Beedrill. Twilight and I were pulled along with him and Twilight knocked out in the landing. He and I took out the Beedrill and later met that Screwball. After some craziness, we came back with two pokemon and Twilight had a book and a bag of seeds. Next summon was some rider guy with a moon base who didn't know of Displaced. The last time I was summoned with him was during some fight between robots. Don't really remember much of that one. It was just a big blur.”

“Plus there's that time he was summoned by two assassins while Cece was in the human world,” Screwball added.

“You know what happened with that?”

“Tell you later.”

“When you say rider, do you mean those Power Ranger looking guys who can use attacks or transformations through a card or coin slot?” Link asked curiously.

“Yeah,” Screwball said. “Kamen Rider.”

“I met one before, although not the same one considering there was no moon base as far as I know.” Link said as he crossed his arms in thought.

“The one we met was called Jack,” Cece explained. “He was a rookie Displaced and told me about my invisibility. Said it was from a Sonic game that apparently is pretty hated, according to the human Rainbow I meant.”

“Oh jeez, it’s been years since I last played that one, I think it was the 2006 Sonic The Hedgehog. It was a move Amy Rose performed similar to how Espio turned invisible in Sonic Heroes.” Link said as he looked down, still stroking that goatee of his.

“That's probably the game. Jack and human Pinkie called it 06 though. But seriously, what's so bad about it?”

“A princess kissing a corpse for one thing…” Screwball muttered, causing Cece to look at her with wide eyes.

“And of course the Chaos Emeralds having the power to resurrect the dead.” Link said with a groan. “They’re a plot device for every game.”

“The what?” Cece asked.

“Chaos Emeralds, powerful gems holding chaos energy with the power to fulfill anything depending on how powerful their heart is, or at least what I can remember last time I checked wikipedia twenty or so years ago.” Link explained.

“Makes me think about that gem we got from Tom. Can spawn just near anything so long as it fits in the user's pocket. So far Tito's only used it for cupcakes for his pokemon or replicas of his token. And one time he got someone a phone.”

“Any limitations?” Link asked as he looked at Cece.

Cece shrugged. “No idea. We never need anything major so he never tried to get anything more than that.” Link nodded to her words.

“And personally I rather not test that out,” a voice said above them. The next moment, Dark landed near them with his cover on. “So what I miss?”

“Nothing really other than Cece learning a little more on archery.” Link said as he walked over to Dark.

“How’s that been going?” Dark asked as he let Brianna out of his bag.

“At first, she was trying too hard, but eventually she got the hang of it.” Link answered.

“Good to hear,” Dark said as Bri climbed his back and sat on his shoulders.

“So anything happen while you were out?” Cece asked.

Dark shook his head while he grabbed Bri and held her. “Nope. Just went to the Tasty Treat and ate there. And stopped by a certain shop to order something.”

“Ya know, Dark? You oughta look into finding a world that has pokemon gyms for your Riolu to fight in. She’d gain a lot of benefits, especially if their gym badges work like in the older games where they would increase stats.” Link said to me.

“Badges do that? I just thought their only use in games was letting you go further in the region and have stronger pokemon listen to you? As for your suggestion, not sure. I don't know about you, but I can't just go to any world. I need the Displaced’s token and Screwball here.”

“Well, that is also true, but like I said, the older games such as the first and second generation, the badges actually did more than just raise the level of pokemon that’ll obey you. Remember, the Displaced multiverse is large and vast, each Displaced will have powers that follow different sets of reality and logic.”

“Like how I have powers I didn't know about like dismissing my webs, or how you are 3 or 4 Links in one?”

“Exactly.” Link said while nodding. “Same goes for how I can carry so much in my pouch despite how small it is.”

“I always thought it was because that is some bag of holding,” Screwball said.

“I suppose it is, although it doesn’t use magic, it just acts just like my inventory, except more of a game mechanic. I think of the item I want, reach in, pull it out.” Link explained.

Dark nodded before he sensed something. He then gently placed Bri down and braced himself for a fight.

“...Something wrong, Dark?” Link asked when he noticed how tense Dark got.

Before Dark could respond, he immediately jumped back as somepony in an outfit that matched his colors suddenly slammed their hoof to the ground where Dark was a moment ago.

At the sudden attack, Link backflipped away before withdrawing his sword and shield. Before he can do anything else however, Screwball grabbed from behind by his hood.

“Hold it right there, fairy boy,” Screwball said. “There's nothing to worry about.”

Link frowned at that comment. “Let me guess, is that guy some sort of rival wanna-be?” he asked.

While Screwball look to the two and made sure they were out of earshot, she then said, “Kinda. I mean, they started out pretty bad but now they just like training together. Plus those two lovebirds seem to bond via sparring sessions.” As she said that, she saw Dark swinging away with his attacker in hot pursuit.

“She’s not gonna throw out a spear, is she?” Link asked with concern as he recognized the outfit of Sub-Zero.

Cece shrugged. “Not sure if she can yet. Only weapon she can make so far is a sword.”

“And it's Scorpion who uses a spear or kunai,” Screwball added. “Not Sub-Zero.”

“It’s been too long since I was forced to leave Earth. There’s a lot of stuff I’ve forgotten.” Link said as he sighed as his mistake.

Screwball nodded before looking back where Dark went. “So any of you wanna follow them to see how this goes?”

“So... how long will they be at this?” Link asked as he crossed his arms.

Cece shrugged. “Could be a few minutes to a few hours with their stamina.”

“I do need to get home though if I’m not needed for anything else.” Link said as he looked at Cece.

Screwball sighed. “Fine. We'll break it up and have Tito send you back. Come on.”

They all went to the direction Dark swung off to and eventually found him and his “attacker” with swords locked. Before any of them can do another attack however, Screwball placed a pair of earmuffs on Emily and Bri, put a whistle on her lips and blew hard, causing an ear splitting sound to surround the entire castle. The result was that everyone else but her and the pokemon had taken a knee and were clenching their ears in pain.

Seriously?” Dark yelled to her.

“Hey, you two can always continue this another time,” Screwball said.

“What?!” Dark yelled, only hearing the ringing in his ears.

Screwball sighed before grabbing the earmuffs off the pokemon and lounging in the air while everyone recovered.

After a couple of minutes, everyone else was able to hear again with minimal ringing. Dark then took a deep breath and said, “So why did you try to make us go deaf?”

Meanwhile Link was still waiting for his pointed ears to stop ringing, not liking the method Screwball used to break up the two.

“Well it was the only thing that came to mind that can get your attention,” Screwball replied. She then nodded to the blue and black clad mare. “Nice to see you again Dash. Like the new suit?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, the only thing that wasn't hidden in her outfit. “Yeah, it's good. But you could've done something other than that,” she said, her arms literally steaming due to her anger. She then noticed Link for the first time. “Who're you supposed to be?”

“Link, Dark’s newest friend and a Displaced much like him. “ Link explained to her.

“Obviously. So what can you do?”

“Well he gave Tito the ability to do magic, a wolf form, taught him some sword moves, and taught Cece archery,” Screwball replied. “Am I forgetting anything?”

Link let out a heart chuckle. “There’s a lot more I can do, but we’d be here too long if I had to list them all. No, I believe that’s all I’ve given so far.” he said.

“Plus some advice on a certain ability you showed me,” Dark muttered, looking at his right hand. Next thing he knew, Bri tackled Rainbow in a hug, catching the pegasus by surprise. Dark chuckled. “Surprised it took her so long to do that.”

“If there’s nothing left here, I’d like to head on home before she starts worrying about me.” Link said as he rubbed his right ear to try and reduce the pain caused by Screwball.

“Right, sorry,” Dark said with a nod.

Before Dark can say the phrase though, Screwball interrupted him. “Hey Tito, aren't you forgetting the picture?”

Dark facepalmed. “Right.” He then looked to Link. “You mind if I take a pic of you before you go?”

“Huh, I don’t see why not, sure.” Link said with a smile.

Dark went for his phone, but Screwball stopped him again. “Actually Tito, I have a better camera than your phone.” She then showed the camera she had on her hand before tossing it to him.

He caught the camera and examined it. “Not bad.” He then looked at Link. “You wanna do a pose or something for the pic?”

After giving it some thought, he took out his sword and shield, the master sword’s edge gleaming in the light. With sword in right hand and shield on left, he took on a pose that the Link from Ocarina Of Time, except his pose was mirrored.

Dark let out a low whistle. “Not bad. Say Triforce.” He then took the picture, not noticing the camera having a faint glow afterwards as he lowered it. “So I guess that's it, huh?”

“For now. Not unless you suddenly remember something at the last second?” Link asked.

Dark shook his head before walking up to Link and holding out his hand. “Well, it was a pleasure meeting ya, Jeff.”

“Likewise.” Link said as he took hold of Darks. “It was a nice refreshing pace than coming to a doomed world or someone who only summoned me all because they were in big trouble.”

“I don't doubt that.” As Dark backed up, he saw Bri walking up to Link before hugging his leg. “Looks like she'll miss you.”

Link kneeled down to give the Riolu’s head a pat. “I won’t be gone forever, there might be another time Dark will summon me.” Link said before getting up. “Either that, or if my Equestria ever gets a good moment of peace, I could summon you to my world.”

“We'll see,” Dark told him. He then to took a deep breath and said, “Link, our contract is complete.”

With those words said, a crystal suddenly surrounded Link and encased him inside, the transparent diamond started to spin as Link floated into the air. With a gentle brief flash, Link was gone from Dark’s world.

Dark sighed before picking up Brianna, her ears lowered as to match her mood. With a small hug and petting her head, he said, “Don't worry. We'll see him again eventually.” He then looked at the camera. “So what's the deal with this?”

“Well I've been thinking that taking pictures on your phone may not be the best idea since you'll eventually run out of storage,” Screwball responded. “So I started a little project to help a bit. The results are that camera, and this.” She then pulled out a medium-sized book and extended it to him.

Dark put Bri down and placed the camera in his bag before taking the book and examined it. “What is it?”

“A scrapbook. Took me a while to get it just right. I used your phone and that spectator trick my daddy taught me to get enough pics.”

“Spectator trick?” Cece asked with a raised eyebrow.

“My daddy has a trick that allows him and whoever he wants to see something in the past as a spectator,” Screwball explained. “Used it the first time he returned to remind Twilight a riddle of his.” She then looked at Dark. “Go ahead. Open it.”

Dark shrugged before opening to a random part of the book. Inside was several photos inside of various events, including his fight with Shocker, catching Mike, and saying goodbye to Sebaste at the Hearth’s Warming Eve party.

“Not bad…” Dark said, looking at the pics. Rainbow decided to stand behind him to see them herself.

After looking through a few more pages and seeing more pictures, Dark stopped at one page and froze. The picture he was looking at was one that had a much younger version of him with a birthday cake and a boy who appeared the same age with curly hair standing next to him.

“Hey, who’s that?” Rainbow asked, curious of the picture.

Dark simply shut the book and sighed. “Don't worry about it. Screwball, thanks for the book.” He then turned to his winged friend. “Not that I don't mind you visiting, but why did you come here today?”

Rainbow simply crossed her arms before saying, “There's a Daring Do convention in a few days and I'm planning on going. I came over to know if any of you wanted to join me.”

Dark shrugged. “Sure. Will be nice to leave Canterlot for a little while. What about you guys?” He asked, looking at the other two.

“Sure,” Screwball said with a smile. “I'll like to see how some ponies other than our friends and nobles react to me.”

Cece shook her head. “Sorry, but I'm good. The last convention I went to ended with me becoming this. I'm not going to another anytime soon.”

“Do you really think you'll get Displaced again?” Dark asked his sister.

“I'm not taking any chance,” she said in response.

Rainbow shrugged. “Fair enough.” She then turned to Dark. “So about you having magic…”

Dark sighed. “Not much. At the moment, I can only move a small ball across a room. It's gonna take a while and a lot of practice before I can do more than that.”

“What about that wolf thing?”

Dark rolled his eyes. “I'll show you in the gardens.” With that said, he placed the scrapbook in his bag, picked up Brianna, and walked to the gardens, with Rainbow beside him.

When they were gone, the remaining two girls looked at each other. “So that's the outfit?” Cece asked.

“Yup,” Screwball said with a pleased nod.

“And you sure it caught his attention?”

“Pretty sure.”

Cece rolled her eyes. “Still think we should've used a different design.”

“Rainbow would've been able to tell what we were doing if we did.”

Cece paused for a moment before sighing, petting Emily. “I hope this works…”

Screwball placed a hand on her friend's back. “Don't worry. I'm sure that eventually one of them will have the guts to confess. Just need to give it time. And maybe a few nudges.” She then chuckled. “Love isn't always as quick or easy as some stories will have you believe.”

“Okay.” With that said, the two simply walked to the gardens to join their friends.

(Several hours later, Canterlot)

Feather Splicer was sitting on a desk, examining the blood sample Dark gave her, writing down a few notes as she continued. Right after she finished writing down another note, she heard a knock on her door.

“Who can that be…?” she muttered to herself.

She adjusted her glasses as she got up and went to the door. When she opened it, she saw a pegasus stallion with his fur a slightly darker shade of green than her own, blonde mane and tail, and a bow and arrow for his cutie mark. His eyes were hard to see with the purple glasses he had on, but she knew they were blue.

The stallion smiled when he saw her. “Hey Feather. Miss me?”

Feather blinked in surprise as she looked at the stallion. “Trick? What are you doing here?”

The stallion rolled his eyes. “Oh come on. Is that anyway to speak to family?”

“That doesn't answer my question,” Feather said with an annoyed tone.

Trick shook his head. “I was in town and wanted to check up on you for a bit.”

Feather sighed. “Fine. Come on in.” With that said, she turned around and returned to her desk, Trick coming inside and closing the door behind him.

“So...how you been the last few months?” Trick asked, trying to break the ice.

“I've been well. Gotten further in my research.”

“Right…” Trick muttered, looking at her wing. “You really think this'll work?”

“Positive. And after meeting someone, I'm even more motivated to perfect it.”

“Really? Who?” Trick asked, surprised.

“A friend I met who is the perfect combination of conjoined DNA. In a different way than creatures like manticore and griffons.”

“Really? So what extra DNA does this creature have?”

“Spider,” Feather replied.

Trick paused when she said that. “Spider?”

“Yeah. He said he can do things like shoot webs from his wrists and stick to any surface. He even let me get a sample of his blood to study it.”

“He did? Can I see it?”

“Sure.” Feather then went to her desk and showed him the sample, with only a few drops of the blood having been removed for her to study.

“Why don't I take it with me?” Trick offered. “Maybe some of the eggheads back at the job can help figure out how it works.”

Feather hesitated, looking at the sample. After a minute, she said, “Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure.”

After another minute of silence, Feather sighed and handed Trick the sample. “I hope you're right…”

“Don't worry sis,” Trick said with a smile. He then looked at the clock on her wall and sighed. “Looks like I should head back home. Take care, okay Feather?”

Feather simply nodded and returned to studying the drop she was before he showed up. Seeing nothing else to say, Trick exited her house. After he closed the door, he took a deep breath and looked at the sample. He then took out a device from his pocket and turned it on.

After a couple of moments, a voice came from the device. “Yes? What is it?”

“Boss?” Trick asked.

“Hawkeye?” The voice said.

“Trick Shot!” Trick corrected. Again.

“Right, right. What do you want?”

“You wanted me to get a DNA sample from that spider guy?”


“Well, I got a rather big sample right now.”

Archer stood silent for a moment. “Really? Already? How? Wait, never mind, I don't care. Just bring that sample to me immediately.”

“Fine,” Trick said before turning off the device and putting it back in his pocket. As he started walking away from the house, he asked himself once again, “Why in Tartarus does he want the dude's DNA so much? Is he planning on cloning him or something?”

Author's Note:

And it is finally done. Sorry for the wait. Took 2 months to get this done. So the crossover is now over. Apologies for how long it was. Nothing much to talk about really. Hope you enjoyed and have a happy Halloween. 🎃

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