• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,416 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

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18. Testing Rainbow


I immediately felt a huge shock on my chest and I quickly sat up, opening my eyes. Looking around, I saw that I was in some white room and Discord was holding a pair of defibrillators.

“Good, you're awake,” he said as they disappeared from his hands. “I must say, you must've lost a lot of blood to be out for so long.”

“What time is it?”

“Oh, it's about one in the afternoon. You came here around noon yesterday, according to Twilight and your sister. And according to that Delsin person, you were in a pretty bad fight.”

“You got that right…” I then looked down and noticed I only had a bunch of bandages covering my torso. “Where's my cloak?”

Discord snapped his talon and my cloak appeared in my lap. “I took the liberty of cleaning off all that blood. And don't worry about your costume. That's back in your room in the castle.”

I grabbed my cloak and put it on. I then stood up and looked at Discord. “So where am I?”

“You're in Ponyville Hospital,” I heard someone say. Turning around, I saw a unicorn stallion with amber fur, blue eyes, and wearing one of those coats doctors wear. “Hello. My name is Doctor Stable.”

“Dark,” I said with a nod.

“I know. Your friends were able to give me the information we needed about you. Including your species.”

I widened my eyes at that last statement. “My what?”

“Oh right,” Discord said. “During that fight you had with that Nisled character, your cover fell off and just about everypony in town saw your face and found out about your little secret. Heck, Twilight was pestered all day yesterday answering questions about you and your sister. As if she doesn't have enough to worry about, having to get everything that was damaged fixed.”

I just sat back on the bed and facepalmed. “Great,” I muttered to myself. “Just great…”

“Indeed. Good luck with that by the way. Though, imagine how surprised I was when I saw Rainbow Dash turning a tree into an ice sculpture. Really, since when can a pegasus do THAT?”

I immediately looked at him when he said that. “Wait, she did WHAT?!”

“Of course, then there's lobbing balls of water from her hands and turning into a cloud. While one would say, ‘That doesn't make sense,’ I would say, ‘I don't, so who else should?’”

“I guess the gene did activate…”

“Um, what gene are you talking about?” The doc asked me.

“A gene that Rainbow Dash has that can give her abnormal abilities. It's been dormant up until now.”

“Hmm. I would have to check on this…”

“Good luck with that. There's only one guy in Equestria who truly knows how it works and he's only visiting. I'm not even sure you can properly find it without that Ray Sphere ability of his.” When he opened his mouth, I immediately said, “Don't ask.”

“Okay then. Well, I'll be back in a moment.” He then left the room.

“T-minus 5 seconds,” Discord chuckled to himself.

“Huh?” I said to him. Before he could reply, however, I felt my spider-sense go off for a second before a pair of hands wrapped around me and squeezed my body.

“You're awake!”

I turned to the person trying to suffocate me and saw a certain hedgehog. “Cece...can't...breathe.”

“Oh, sorry.” She immediately let me go. “But you can't blame me. You were out for a day!”

“I heard. Honestly, I'm surprised I'm still alive.”

“You can thank Rainbow for that. Oh, that reminds me.” She then pulled out my sword and gave it to me. “I got that after the fight while she was taking you here.”

I took my sword and put it on my back. “And how's Rainbow?”

“Oh, she's fine. After training with Delsin, she stayed here all night, waiting for you to wake up, but I told her to get herself something to eat.”

“And Delsin?”

She shrugged. “Last I saw him, he said he had to do something at the Square.”

“Huh. Wonder what he's doing…”

“Only one way to find out,” Discord said. He then snapped his talon and in a flash, we were standing in front of the Town Square. Standing nearby was Delsin, wearing a new vest with what looked like a shield with blue angel wings on the back. He looked as though he just finished up something with some spray paint.

“Man, if art was a crime,” he said to himself. “Then I'm a criminal mastermind.”

“What are you doing?” I asked, walking up to him.

“GAH!” He jumped back, his hands lighting up with electricity. When he saw us, his hands stopped sparking and calmed down. “Well, long story short, after tiring my student out, I was bored and just let the can do it's thing.” He pointed to the can of spray paint.

“And what exactly does THAT mean?”

“Do you have a camera or a phone with a camera?”

“Yeah. Oh, that reminds me, I'll need a picture of you before you leave.”

“Would you mind if my fiancé was in the picture?” He asked.

“Sure, as long as I get it. It's a thing I'm doing now. Take pictures of Displaced, and those they're close to, as memoirs. Figured that's a better way to remember them than just their tokens.”

“Makes sense. Kinda makes me wish I didn't drop my phone in the snow those thousand years back.”

“Hmm… I could try something… Though, you want a phone, or just a camera?”

“A phone,” He answered simply. “Besides, when and if I find a Conduit with Video powers, I'll be lacking on sources.”

“Okay, but seriously, how would anypony be able to fuel up if they have that power?” Delsin simply pointed at a brown earth pony colt, who was wearing a familiar looking propeller beanie and was playing an arcade game. “Point taken. Cece, can you give me the gem Tomas gave me?” She nodded before pulling out the blue gem and tossing it to me.

“What's that?” Delsin asked.

“A little gift from a Team Rocket Displaced. Said he got it from his Discord. Thing is filled with chaos magic and, according to him, I can spawn anything with it, as long as it fits in my bag or pockets.”

“Gotcha,” he said. “Will I be able to contact you with it?”

“Um...I have no idea. May need some form a magic to do that, what with us being in different dimensions and all.”

“I'll have to tinker around with some blast shards…are you going to let me ramble or will you get me some way to show you my largest mural yet?”

“What mural?” He pointed to the Town Square and we saw a mural that covered the entire square, but we couldn't clearly see what was depicted. “What the hell?”

“That’s why I need a camera device. With some help, I can get you an aerial photo for you to see.”

“Okay...let's see if this works…” I reached into my pocket and pulled out a phone that looked similar to mine. “Huh. I guess it does. May want to ask Twilight to help with the battery before you leave though,” I said, tossing it to him.

“Well, fine workmanship.” He walked over to a random garbage can and pulled a neon sign out and drained it. “I don't want to fry it with my electric powers. I'll see if Twilight can work with that as well.” He then ran and jumped high, his phone snapping the picture he needed. He landed and messed with his phone. Both my phone and Cece’s then chimed.

“How did you get our numbers?” Cece asked as she pulled her phone out. Nearby, Discord tried to act inconspicuous.

I looked at Discord and shook my head, pulling my phone out as well. I pulled up the picture and I almost dropped my phone in amazement. The mural showed Spider-Man’s chest emblem and Amy Rose’s pink silhouette being sheltered by three spires of ice, arranged like the supports of a teepee tent. Above the spires was Rainbow’s Cutie mark. Said mark seemed to be depicted as either raining, hailing, or snowing. The Cutie marks of the rest of the Mane 6, as well as Starlight’s, circled around the spires and symbols.

“Okay…” I said, looking at the picture. “Question. How much paint is even IN that can?”

“The can’s magic,” he stated bluntly. “Your point?”

“Of course… Why am I not surprised…”

“Seriously Delsin?!” I heard above me. A moment later, Rainbow landed in front of Delsin with an annoyed look on her face.

“What?” He asked.

“First you tease me while training, and you then do this?!” She shouted, pointing to the mural.

“Let me tell you something,” he responded. “You are the Element of Loyalty, correct?” She nodded, not dropping her scowl. “Under normal circumstances, you would be willing to help your friends in almost any case. However, a much stronger form of loyalty is needed for anyone, including yourself, to do what you did to my opposite. I believe I mentioned that much yesterday.”

“It's nothing like that!” She snapped back, almost too quickly, a small blush on her face.

“Your quick response and barely visible blush say otherwise.”

Her blush darkened before she flared up her wings and flew away, the air suddenly becoming humid.

“Huh. She didn't even notice you were awake,” Cece said to me, but I sighed.

“Considering her ego, when it gets bruised, she goes crazy and ignores almost everything else,” Delsin said.

“Ain't that the truth…” I said. “So, can we go back to the castle to eat? I'm hungry and all this staring is making me uncomfortable,” I finished, gesturing to all the ponies staring at us.

“I'll get a shortcut up.” He pulled out one of the Displaced Keychains and pointed forward. Suddenly, a dark vortex appeared. He then held out the keychain to Cece and I. “Hold on to this. These Corridors can corrupt the user, unless you have this keychain, or are me.” He then walked into the portal, gently pulling us along with the keychain.

Light was suddenly shut out as we walked. We walked for a good distance before light returned and we were in the dining hall.

“You know, I think Discord could've just taken us here if we asked,” I told him.

“And miss the chance for me to show off a bit?”

“If what you used can ‘corrupt people’, then I'm perfectly fine with missing it.”

“My bad,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “Anyway, food now, last bit of showing off later.”

I just nodded and went to the kitchen. I made myself a peanut butter sandwich and Delsin getting a lemon muffin, Cece saying she already ate before I woke up. Then we all sat on the table and I put my sword, still in its scabbard, on the table before saying, “You know, I'm surprised.”

“About what?”

“I lasted longer than you in the fight and did most of the work.”

“I wasn't paying attention! Besides, if you didn’t have the Banishing Key, he would have a better chance against the two of you. Three if you count Rainbow’s steam.”

“That's why I said ‘most’ and not ‘all’. Honestly though, I owe Rainbow my life...” Delsin just tried to hold back a laugh. “What?” He began to laugh harder and he looked at Cece, who then shook her head and began laughing as well.

“Oh, that would be priceless!” Cece then said.

Oh great. Using telepathy.

“What are you guys talking about?”

“Now is not the time,” Delsin responded. “Focus on putting two and two together with your feelings first.”

“This again? Are you serious?”

Delsin placed his head on the table. “One would think that after a thousand years, I would know how to avoid contracting foot-in-mouth disease.”

Cece and I just stared at him in confusion about that statement. Before we can say anything, however, Twilight came walking in, reading a letter to herself, not noticing us.

“HEY!” Delsin suddenly shouted.

Twilight suddenly jumped and looked at the three of us. When she saw me, her eyes widened. “Dark? When did you wake up? And when did you get here?”

“Woke up about half an hour ago, thanks to Discord,” I said as she sat with us. “Came here about five minutes ago via shadow travel thanks to Delsin.”

“They're called Dark Corridors, but yeah,” Delsin muttered under his breath.

“Well it reminds me of shadow travel in Percy Jackson...and now I'm wondering if anyone got Displaced as any of those characters…”

“Who knows?” He answered. He suddenly looked as though he forgot something. “I just had an epiphany! Lightning has struck me brain!”

Why is it whenever I hear that word, all I could think of is the Simpsons?

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, it involves what I trained Rainbow Dash yesterday,” he explained. “I taught her how to use her powers to get from point A to point B, and taught her how to fight individuals and groups, but I never taught her how to take on opponents that are, technically speaking, stronger than her.”

“I'm sure I can help with THAT,” I said, flexing my hand on my sword hilt.

“Have you ever took on a giant, six headed snake that's drawing power from one POWERFUL individual and two friends that were trapped in unbreakable orange bubbles?”

“Wait WHAT?”

“Meh, me neither.” I just stared at him, completely at a loss for words. “Dude, first off, what I described was the final boss of The World Ends With You. Second off, when I say stronger, I meant something like what I described. Third off, close your mouth, you're a spider, not a codfish.”

I immediately shook my head. “Okay...anyway, what's exactly her element?”

“Rainbow Dash can manipulate all forms of water.”

“Wait, water?” Cece asked.

“Did I stutter?”


“Anyway, you want to get an idea of what I was thinking about concerning what to teach Rainbow?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Okay, Twilight you might want to stand back.” His hands glowed blue and the dining table and chairs moved off to the side. His hands glowed blue, but it was interspersed with tendrils of shadow. Black, skeletal wings appeared on his back and he slammed his fists together. All at once, his body glowed brightly and seemed to increase in size. When he stopped glowing and growing, a giant, anthropomorphic ram stood in his place. “Welcome to my kitchen!” It bellowed.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” I screamed, as Cece pulled out her hammer on instinct and Twilight jumped back.

“I'll POUND you!” The ram began slamming its fists on the ground, shaking everyone up. “I'll MINCE you!” It swung its arm at me to knock me aside, but I pulled my sword out of its scabbard and blocked it. “Time for a taste test.” It inhaled and my sword was pulled out of my hands and was caught by its teeth. It spat the sword out, embedding it into the wall. “I'll char your bones BLACK!” It opened its hands and fired of spheres of lightning at Cece and I. We just jumped back and Cece ran at it, hitting it and sending it flying. After crashing into the wall, it stood up and proudly shouted, “We've preheated, LONG ENOUGH!!!” The ram then suddenly began looking like TV static and then vanished, leaving Delsin on his knees.

“Um...what just happened?” I asked.

“Ovis Cantus. Just an idea of what I have in mind for Rainbow’s last lesson.”

“So...you want to send a crazy monster at her?”

“Not really, but that's part of it,” he said. “It's a three stage battle I had in mind.”

“...so a boss fight?”

“If going by video game terms, yeah.”

I just sighed. “Seriously?”

“I've been mostly isolated for a thousand years, so stupid ideas come to me easily.”

“Now THAT I believe.”

“So the three stage battle will be like this,” he began, “Stage 1: she faces off against me with the help of one of you and the other helps me.”

“Wait what?” An image of a man with long black hair, sunglasses, a suit and red headphones flashed in my vision. “Who the heck was that?”

“Megumi Kitaniji, the antagonist of The World Ends With You.”

“What's that?”

“A game that, evidently, you haven’t played,” Delsin explained, “Spoiler warning. He's the final boss. Three stages. One: himself and a brainwashed Shiki Misaki. Two: he becomes a giant red snake. Three: What I creatively described earlier.”

“O~kay then…”

“Now, how to get Rainbow here without revealing the teaching moment?” Delsin asked, rubbing his chin in contemplation.

I just shook my head before pulling my sword out the wall. “Well, while you figure that out, I'll go get my costume,” I said, heading to my room.

(Delsin’s POV)

When Tito walked off, Cece and Twilight turned to me with somewhat questioning looks.

“Any ideas?” I asked.

Cece shrugged. “If you're going to be that...thing from the start, we can just tell her that a monster is in the castle.”

“I would need you, Twilight, and Tito for that form.”


Using my magic, I conjured a smaller version of Draco Cantus for the two to see. Pointing to the images of Joshua, Beat, and Shiki, I explained. “Taking the form of Noise takes a lot out of me. That's why your fight with Ovis Cantus was short. Now, if I was to take this form solo…” I pointed to the snake portions. “...then I would feel like I ran from the Frozen North to the Badlands, without stopping or breaks. That's where these three come in. If the energy consumption is spread between you three and me, we'll feel as if we jogged from Canterlot to Ponyville, proper breaks included.” The images of Joshua, Beat, and Shiki were then replaced with Twilight, Tito, and Cece respectively.

“Okay...though, I just realized something.”

“What's that?”

“If anypony sees us HELPING a monster, that won't really help show them we're NOT monsters.”

“That's kind of where the three stage battle works,” I pointed out. “You're seen FIGHTING said monster, then said monster takes ‘unwilling’ individuals for a power boost.”

She sighed. “Okay. Hope this doesn't get out of hand.”

When Tito came back from putting on his costume, we set about figuring out how to draw Rainbow to the Castle for the three stage battle.

“Again, can't we just tell her a monster is attacking the castle?” Cece asked.

“Who would be the one to deliver that without accidentally revealing the hidden test?” I countered. “Besides, we’re doing a three stage battle, not just a plain monster slaying session.”

“I could do it,” Twilight said.

“You’re the ‘primary battery’ in stage three. If you left to get help, I’d have to pursue. We’re trying to keep it at the castle.”

“She's the best option,” Cece said, crossing her arms. “For one thing, she's the only one of us who can fly and also, the only one who nopony will be scared of, considering the looks Tito and I got earlier.”

I sighed in defeat. “Alright, but expect to be chased by a few of these.” I snapped my fingers and a few Decadravens appeared out of static.

She widened her eyes in shock. “O-okay…”

I dismissed/erased the summoned Noise and continued, “Now that we have that obstacle out of the way, figuring out the stages. Stage one, I’ll disguise myself and ‘fight’ Tito and Cece in the castle entry while Twilight fetches Rainbow while being ‘chased’ by Decadraven Noise. Does that sound good so far?” They all nodded. “Stage two, Rainbow and Twilight arrive and I break off from the fight, fleeing to the throne room. Once there, I take the form of Anguis Cantus and ‘fight’ all of you. Okay?”

“Okay,” Tito said.

“Stage three, once I’m beaten down, I pull you three in as ‘batteries’ for the form of Draco Cantus, leaving Rainbow to fight with what resources are left. All good and clear?”

“I guess so.”

“Alright then,” I said, resummoning the Decadravens. “You better run or fly away, Twilight.”

Twilight nodded before flying away as fast as she could, the Noise hot on her tail. “As for you two-” I activated my dark suit and summoned Karmic Gear. “Don't hold back.” I then lunged, my blade swing barely missing Tito’s nose by a hair.

“Just got out the hospital, and already in another fight,” he said, pulling out his sword, Cece pulling out her hammer. “Why did I agree to this?”

Cece then ran at me, swinging her hammer. I parried the attack, flipping over her and snapped my fingers. A few Gabba bats appeared and proceeded to try to attack her with buzz saw like attacks. As I turned my attention to Tito, Cece gasped and kept her hammer between the Noise and herself.

“If I had to guess, it's because you're not fighting to kill or avoid being killed,” I replied.

Tito shot a web at a few of the bats and swung his sword at them, dissolving them. “Still, kinda stupid. Even for me.” He then ducked under a swipe from a Mosh Grizzly and stabbed it, causing it to dissolve as well. I closed in and began to sword fight, using my after image ability to try to throw him off.

Cece then swung her hammer at me, sending me to a wall. I recovered mid-air, my feet hitting the wall first. I then “jumped” off the wall swinging my sword at Cece’s hammer, aiming to cut through the handle, rendering it useless. Tito shot a web at her back and pulled her towards him beforehand and he swung at me. I parried and flipped over him and managed to elbow him in his kidney section.

“Damn!” He said, grabbing his side.

Cece then swung her hammer at me again, much faster and harder. I was able to parry the attack, but I was still knocked back, my feet sliding across the floor. Once I stopped, I struck out at her with a Dark Impulse combo, two blade swings and a dark hand construct punch. She managed to block the sword strikes, but the punch sent her flying. I then fell forward, feeling something pull at my legs.

The visor to my helmet cracked a bit from the impact. I stood up, ready to keep fighting, but I was then thrown up against a wall by a lavender aura and my hands and feet were frozen to it. I looked to the entryway door and saw Rainbow and Twilight, the former fixing me with a deadly glare.

“So who exactly are you?” Rainbow asked, crossing her arms.

I smirked under my helmet. “Catch me and find out.” I then Dark Rolled out of the restraints and kept dark rolling until I reached the throne room, with Rainbow just behind me. She swung at me a few times, but I knocked the punches aside and took her legs out from underneath her. I then jumped away from the door as the other three came in, Mike on Tito’s shoulder and Emily by Cece as well.

“I'll ask again,” Rainbow said, her hands steaming. “Who are you and what do you want?”

I smirked again. “Megumi Kitaniji, and I want you to SUBMIT!” I felt Reaper wings form on my back briefly before my physical form altered and stretched, transforming into Anguis Cantus, a giant red snake whose body snaked through most of the castle, the head remaining in the throne room. I then roared loudly, as such that it was heard throughout Ponyville.

(Dark’s POV)

We all covered our ears when he roared. When he was done, I uncovered mine and stared at him.

A giant red snake...why do I feel like I'm gonna fight weirder things in my life?

Delsin didn’t give me much more of a chance to think more upon it. He struck towards me, almost as if trying to eat me. I immediately web zipped to the chandelier, Mike hanging onto my neck.

The giant snake turned his attention to Rainbow. He roared (much more quietly) and a blood red fireball shot towards her. Rainbow immediately turned into a bunch of clouds and moved away before reforming into herself.

It swiped its head towards Cece and Twilight. Cece jumped away while Twilight teleported to the other side of the room. It kept going after Cece by striking, swiping, and firing differently colored fireballs at her. She was able to avoid the strikes and swipes, and began knocking back the fireballs with her hammer. She missed one, red colored, and it knocked her against the wall and seemed to weaken her a bit, Emily running to her side.

I growled before pulling out my sword and swinging at Delsin's neck. I sliced him a bit, but he reared back and fired a cluster of fireballs too fast to properly dodge. It was either dodge one get hit by many or dodge many and get hit by one. I forgot which way I chose, but I was launched by the attack, hitting the wall next to my sister, Mike flying towards another.

“Ow…” I muttered. I saw Twilight move towards us while Rainbow was shooting ice at Delsin. Twilight knelt down by us and put her hand up, both it and her horn glowing. After a few moments, I felt better and got up. “Healing spell?”

She nodded as Cece got back up and charged at Delsin, swinging her hammer and hitting him in the side of his face. The hit drove his snout/muzzle/face into the wall, getting stuck in the process. He struggled for a bit before his body burst into static, leaving him in his dark suit on the ground, exhausted looking.

“Ha, that all you got?” Rainbow asked.

Delsin stood up, shakily. I could only imagine a smirk on his face as he said, “No.” His hand then flung what looked like a giant, three pronged shuriken. The shuriken missed Rainbow by a hair and flew towards Twilight. She was too surprised to act and when it hit, it didn’t do anything but wrap her up in ethereal bands, forcing her body to look like a cross.

“Twilight!” Rainbow screamed, before flying to her friend and trying to get her out of the bands. Twilight then was levitated out of her grip towards Delsin. My vision was then hazed in orange and I found myself trapped in an orange orb. I looked around and saw that Cece and Emily were in the same situation.

“Hey!” Cece yelled.

The orbs Cece and I were in were then grabbed by deep purple, ethereal claws. I then saw the main head of the new creature. Twilight was just under the beast’s chin, seemingly bonded to it’s neck to the point that the only thing you could see of her is from her shoulders up.

“Hey!” Rainbow said, before seeing what Delsin turned into. “What the hay!”

Delsin’s main head stayed back as five other heads I didn't notice earlier moved to attack her. Just before they did, the rightmost head was hit by something, causing it to comically hit the others like one of those desk toys. The leftmost one recovered first and attempted to look at the threat, causing it to hit the others again in the same manner. In the rightmost head's view was Mike, staring up at Delsin with an angry look.

“Enough!” One of the lesser heads said, lunging at Mike. Mike jumped out of the way and fired a Water Pulse at it. The head recoiled from the attack and a different one tried. Mike just jumped onto it and used Bubble on its eyes before jumping off, the head crashing into a wall. I then noticed two heads snaking around behind Rainbow as she watched Mike fight.

“Rainbow!” I yelled. She turned and saw the heads just as they fired massive fireballs at her. She immediately turned into clouds and reformed behind the heads.

“My turn,” she said, before shoot some ice at them, freezing most of the two heads. They roared in pain, flailing about and distracting the other heads.

Cece laughed. “Those things don't seem so tough.”

Rainbow suddenly formed two swords out of ice and hacked and slashed the two partially frozen head. The heads then lunged at her, but Rainbow turned into clouds at the last second, causing the two heads to collide. She reformed in front of them and a spire of ice launched her upward above them. She then flapped her wings to speed her decent and impaled the heads with the ice swords. The heads burst into static, leaving three lesser heads and Delsin.

“Wow….” I muttered, blinking.

Another head lunged at her, but she was able to dodge by sidestepped it. She then cloud dashed to where Mike was and tossed him onto the head that attacked her. He then made a Water Pulse and fired at it before landing. The head dissolved into static as another head lunged at him. Mike dodged the strike by leaping onto the other last head. Mike jumped off the head causing the attacking head to bite the jumped head dissolving that one. When Mike landed on the ground, he was suddenly enveloped in light.

“What's going on?” Twilight asked.

“Well what do you know…” I said, watching Mike as his body shifted and changed. The light died down revealing a two foot tall blue frog with frubbles on its neck like a scarf.

“Frogadier,” Mike said.

“He evolved,” I muttered with a smile.

The last head struck, but Mike jumped out of the way, landing next to Rainbow. He then fired a Water Pulse at her. She only extended her arm towards the attack and absorbed it. Her eyes flashed blue before going back to red. Rainbow then rushed the final head and jumped onto it. She then then exhaled a jet of steam from her mouth, burning between the eyes and causing it to dissolve.

Mike jumped onto Rainbow’s back as she regarded Delsin angrily. “Let's end this!” She then slammed her hands on the ground and everything seemed to shake. Immediately, the room was suddenly flooded by a wave of water that slammed Delsin against the wall, dissolving his Noise form and freeing Cece, Emily, Twilight, and I. Rainbow then punched Delsin’s helmeted face, shattering the visor and sending him against the wall. The spot he hit was then covered in darkness and he seemed to dissolve. Once he was gone, all that was left was a strange crystal and a blue and red egg.

I walked to Rainbow as she stared at the items and picked up the crystal. “What are these?”

“What you are holding is called a Blast core.” We all looked up and saw Discord, leisurely munching on popcorn while paging through a manuscript titled “inFAMOUS Displaced”. “I have to say, watching the actual experience is much more entertaining than the reading. It doesn't do it justice.”

“Um...first off, what are you doing, and how long have you been here?” I asked.

“Oh, I was just comparing what’s written here,” he held up the manuscript. “To what just happened, and I must say, Delsin had you going Rainbow.”

“Wait, what are you talking about?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s because he was the strange figure and crazy snakes the whole time,” he chuckled. “All so you could learn that Karma Bomb.”


“Oh, and that Blast core you’re holding came from the stomach of a different version of me.”

Rainbow immediately let go of the blast core and wiped her hand on her jacket. “Okay, that's gross. Wait, you're saying that whole thing was because of DELSIN?!”

“What would you do if I said ‘yes’?”

“Well, I'd like to use those swords on him.”

“I’ll say yes, but I’d recommend not slicing him to bits.”

“Don't worry. I won't go THAT far.”

“Um, sorry to interrupt, but what's that?” I asked, pointing to the manuscript.

“Not for you,” Discord responded, poofing it out of existence. “Too many spoilers. But I must say that Wayward’s concept of Screwball is interesting. I should do something like that here...” He then shook his head. “I’m getting ahead of myself. I don’t recommend going any distance with those ice blades, Rainbow.”

“And why not?” She asked.

“Because in a few moments, he’ll have just finished having his ability to summon, control, and transform into Noise stripped from him. I mean, seriously, that power isn’t related at all to inFAMOUS and I’m not sure what Wayward was thinking, giving him that power. This isn’t TWEWY.”

We just stared at him. “Umm...who and what are you talking about?”

“Oh, no one you need be concerned with,” he said with a mischievous grin. “But a good swift kick in his rear should be enough for you, Ice Wing.”

“Fine,” Rainbow said with a shrug.

A few moments later, Delsin was shot out of a void portal with another Blast core. Rainbow didn’t hesitate and kicked him hard, sending him flying. After landing, he struggled to his feet. “Anyone get the number on that truck?”

“That's for tricking me,” Rainbow said, hovering above him with her arms crossed.

“Anything else?” He asked.

“Oh, I got one,” I said, before punching him in his side, sending him to his knees. “That's for earlier.” I then walked away and leaned on a wall.

“Ow...Any input from Twilight, Cece, or your other friends?” They all shook their heads.

“Tito and Rainbow already did quite enough,” Cece said, petting Emily. “And Twilight helped with the pain I had anyway.”

“Okay, that’s…” Delsin groaned in pain. “That smarts.” He then looked at us. “Anyone care to help me up?” Twilight walked to him and used the healing spell on him. “Thanks.” He stood up, popped his back, neck, and other joints before looking at me. “These Blast cores,” he levitated the two cores to me, “belong to a conduit in need...if you find one. The egg,” he levitated the egg to Twilight, “is to be cared for.”

“What kind of egg is this?” Twilight asked.

“Karmic Eagle,” Discord said. “Much like a regular eagle, but the color scheme is different. Red and blue if I remember correctly.”

“I never heard of it. Is it from Equestria?”

“My Equestria,” Delsin said. “When Celestia met Screwball for the first time, Screwball was scared so badly, she accidentally created them.”

“So...this'll be a brand new species in this dimension?”


Twilight’s eyes beamed and I just put my hand up. “Worry about that later, Twi. And don't forget to tell Fluttershy. Right now, can we just sit and relax?”

“I'm with Dark,” Rainbow said. “That fight was rather tiring.”

“Do you want me to get Celestia first? You know, for the picture?” Delsin asked.

“Sure,” I replied. “As well as anyone else who's close to you if you want.”

“Okay.” He tossed his feather token to Discord. “Mind helping me?”

“Can’t go contrary to Wayward’s or the other’s will.” He took the feather and snapped his fingers, opening a void portal. Delsin stepped through.




Delsin shot back out of the portal, a bucket stuck to his head and a small, dark blue alicorn, with black and white mane and tail latched onto his back. “D! It’s good to see you again! I thought you and Tia got lost!”

“Mmphr prhm mrph!” Delsin responded.

“Um….who's that?” Cece asked, pointing to the alicorn.

“No idea,” I told her with a shrug.

“We shall be elated to tell thee,” said a voice from the portal. Out of the portal stepped Pony Celestia, and Pony Luna. Accompanying them was an alicorn that seriously looked more like a robot than a pony.

“Better question, who's the RoboCop pony?” I asked.

The pony’s forelegs lit up in purple lightning. “You want to find out the easy way or the hard way?”

“Easy way please. I just been in a fight with 2 Conduits within two days and don't want another so soon.”

“Then don’t crack robot jokes. My name is Dusk Spark. Got it memorized?”

“This isn’t Kingdom Hearts either!” Discord complained.

“Just shut up, Dingus.”

I stared at Dusk. “So you're Nisled’s Twilight?”

My spider-sense went off, but I didn’t have time to react, as Dusk was suddenly in front of me and tackled me. “THAT...IS...NOT...MY...NAME!!!”

I heard the sound of water splashing and I felt a huge shock as my vision suddenly went all over the place. When my vision cleared, Cece and Rainbow were standing over me.

“No one hurts my brother,” Cece said, pulling out her hammer.

I glanced to the side, seeing Dusk smoking and sparking as she stood up. “Then watch where you aim your squirt guns. Electricity 101. Water and Electricity don’t mix. Get that memorized!”

I got up. “What's your problem? It was a simple question.”

Delsin spoke after removing his odd headwear. “Did I fail to mention that calling her…” Delsin received a death glare from Dusk. “...that upsets her?

“That would've been good to know.”

“Why do you look so weird?” The small alicorn said to Rainbow from Delsin’s back.

Rainbow blinked. “What do you mean “weird”?”

“Well, you look like a human, but you have a few pony parts.”

I sighed. “To explain that, this is a world where all the sentient life on Equis are humanoid. Hence why Rainbow and Twilight here look like that.”

“Oh,” she said. She then saw Cece and unlatched herself from Delsin to get a closer look. “Your eyes are bigger than mine!” Cece just blinked and stepped away, holding Emily closer to her. “Oooh, what’s that? It’s so cute.”

Emily just hid her face on Cece and let out a small whimper. Mike then stepped between Cece and the alicorn, glaring at her. “Froga.”

The alicorn’s pupils became pin pricks. “AH!” She then ran back to Delsin and latched onto his head, knocking him over. “What’s that!”

“Sorry about Mike,” I said, walking to her and Delsin. “He's really protective of Emily and doesn't like when people scare her. By the way, we haven't introduced ourselves.” I held my hand up to her. “My name is Tito, but most call me Dark.”

She took my hand and shook it lightly. “I’m Stella. I was once part of Lulu’s mind.”

“Doph anybony hafe a crewbrr?” Delsin called out from underneath Stella’s legs. Discord summoned a crowbar and proceeded to help Delsin pry Stella off of him.

As I was watching that, I simply said, “So you pretty much have Nyx as well as Screwball.”

“Telepathy combined with the Elements of Harmony can do weird things,” he commented after his mouth was clear. His face then flashed confusion. “By the way, are you saying Nix or Nyx and what does that have to do with Screwball?”

“I said Nyx and she's one of two fillies I rarely hear about, besides Screwball. Nyx only shown up in a fanfic that introduced her, and Screwball...well besides that song “Daddy Discord” I mostly only know about those two seconds in Return of Harmony and...a certain fanfic that I still don't want to talk about near anypony close to the mom of that version of Screwy.”

“Makes sense. So, picture?”

“Right, right.” I pulled out my phone. “Line up in a row.” Celestia, Luna, Stella, and Dusk stood in a line, respective order. Delsin went to stand by his fiance, but when he did, she magically flipped him upside down.

“I need to show him who’s in charge,” she jokingly said.

I chuckled. “Can you set him right please? Need a good picture.” She set him correctly on the ground. I then pointed my phone at them. “Say “Karma”.” I took the picture. “Okay then. Anything else?”

“Before I go, I almost forgot.” He pulled a photo out of his pocket. “Sora wanted me to give this to every Displaced I meet so that no one takes his Solar Diarch seriously.”

I took the photo and stared wide eyed at what I saw. The image was of a male pony version of Celestia in a pink frilly dress, looking absolutely ridiculous.

“Um Dark?” Rainbow said. “You okay?”

I snickered before handing it to her and Cece and they fell over laughing, causing me to do the same. Twilight used her magic to grab the picture and looked at it, before her mind broke again.

About four minutes later, I calmed down and look at Delsin. “So what, Sora’s world is an R63 one or something?”

“Half-n-half. Some are male, others, still female.” He chuckled, “Thinking about that, you should have seen the look on Rainbow Blitz’s face when I detonated a smoke grenade in his face.”

I snickered at that name but Rainbow immediately stopped laughing and looked at Delsin with a confused look on her face. “Wait, who?”

“Male version of you, Rainbow Blitz” he said simply.

Rainbow immediately stared at him with wide eyes, open mouth, and a shocked expression on her face. “W-WHAT?!”

“Did I stutter?” He asked as he brought a pipe to his lips. “By the way, look down.”

We looked down to Rainbow’s hooves and saw a small ball leaking small bits of smoke. “What's that?” Cece asked.

“A carefully timed smoke grenade,” Delsin answered as Rainbow slowly backing away. “I’ve used that in the various Guard barracks to give surprise wake up calls to the new recruits.”

“When would it go off?”

“It should go off around midnight, which gives you guys plenty of time to choose who’s pillow it will end up under.”

I immediately webbed up the smoke bomb and put it in a web bag. “Nope. Not letting any of you two use this,” I said, looking at Rainbow and Cece. Suddenly, I felt the weight of the bag leave my hands. Delsin managed to smoke dash and snag the bag.

“Keep away!” He said, passing the bag to Cece. I immediately web it up before she could catch it and shot webs at Rainbow and Cece's legs before glaring at Delsin.

“Seriously?” I asked, using my powers to keep the bag in my hand this time.

“Lighten up, Tito,” he said. “What’s wrong with a little prank war?”

“You obviously haven't seen or heard about “28 Pranks Later”.” I said, releasing the two I webbed up.

“Not really, but I’ve had my head forced into more buckets than I care to count,” he answered, giving a slight glare to Luna.

“You wanna know what happens?”

“I’ll find out when and if it does happen.” He then smoke dashed to Celestia. “In the meantime, I need to help wrap up a few things in my world and start tinkering with blast shards.”

“Before you go, can I see your phone for a second?” He tossed me the phone. I then walked to Twilight, who was still frozen. “Rainbow, if you please.” Rainbow nodded before shooting a ball of water at Twilight. She shook her head and glared at us.


“Delsin is about to leave and I was hoping you can do the spell before he goes.” She sighed before performing the spell. “Thank you very much, Twily.” I then tossed it back to Delsin. “There. It'll never run out of power now.”

“Thanks. It'll be good for video and electric emergencies.” He turned to Celestia, who was just opening a portal. “I'll try to contact you when I have a signal booster built.” He then stepped through the portal with the Royal alicorns. Dusk stopped before entering the portal.

Turning to Twilight, she said, “Make sure to give Her Royal Cake Flank up in Canterlot my regards.” She then jumped through the portal before any response could be made, the portal closing behind her.

Twilight just stared in shock. “Did she just-”

“Well, that was fun,” I immediately said. “I'm going to rest up a bit.” I then went to my room and changed into the newest clothes Rarity made me. After that, I climbed to the top of the castle and just looked at Ponyville.

After ten minutes of resting, I heard the familiar sound of wings flapping. Turning to my right, I saw Rainbow hovering with her arms crossed. “Hey Dark. Mind if I sit with you?” I shook my head and she sat next to me. “Crazy couple of days, huh?”

“You kidding? I fought a psychotic Conduit, passed out from blood lost, and then I fought another Conduit, who turned into a giant snake. Twice. So calling all this “crazy” is an understatement.”

“Yeah...good point. Though, one good thing came out of all this.” She lifted up one of her hands and it started glowing.

“Oh right. You're a Conduit now. Water right?”

“Yeah. Delsin had me train all day yesterday to control it. Though, I think I'm pretty good at it now.”

“I can tell. Nice job with those ice swords earlier.”

“Thanks. Hey, speaking of that fight, what happened to Mike with the light and turning into...that?”

I chuckled. “That, my cyan colored friend, was evolution. It's something Pokemon can do to become stronger. For Pokemon like Froakie, it happens when they reached a certain level of experience. Or when they NEED to become stronger, like helping someone they cared about. It depends on the situation.”

“Huh. So your Froakie is stronger now?”

“Nope. He's not a Froakie anymore. When a Pokemon evolves, they change. Sometimes even in personality. Though...that's rare. Anyway, he's a Frogadier now.”

“Huh. Can he evolve again?”

I smiled. “The Froakie line can evolve twice. Frogadier is the first. The last one is my favorite.” I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of Greninja.

“Sweet. When would he turn into that.”

“It'll take a while. The second stage is usually the longest for the starters like him. But enough training and fights, and he'll evolve in no time.”

Rainbow nodded and looked the sun setting in the horizon. “Well, it's getting late. I guess I'll see ya, Dark.”

She then flared up her wings and flew off. But before she was out of earshot, I said, “Thanks.”

Rainbow stopped and turned to me “What?”

“Thanks. For saving me yesterday.”

She smiled. “Don't mention it. See ya tomorrow.” And with that she flew off.

About five minutes later, I crawled into my room and saw Mike already sleeping. I changed my clothes and layed down on my bed, a few last thoughts in my mind.

Now everypony knows I'm human. Great. Let's see how THAT turns out. Aaand Rainbow’s a water Conduit. I wonder how different the timeline will be now.

I sighed. Before I fell asleep though, I felt a weird feeling in my chest. After about a minute, I shrugged it off and went to bed.

(Third Person POV, Canterlot)

A lone pegasus was wandering the city, carrying something close to his side. He passed through a few alleys until he reached the entrance to a building. He walked inside, looking around. He was going to go further when he heard a voice speak to him.

“Well, well, well. Hawkeye, is it?”

The pegasus rolled his eyes and sighed. “It's Trick Shot.” He turned towards the voice and saw a thestral with a gray mane, pure black fur, and blue eyes.

The thestral simply looked upon him with an analytical gaze. “How long have you worked for Bio-Corp now?”

“Nearly two years now.”

The thestral began circling him. “And in those two years, you have kept to your assignment of spying on Twilight Sparkle. See if she has any use to the company, royalty or not.”

“Yeah, yeah. I did that stupid assignment of yours.” Trick Shot said.

“And do you have anything to report concerning her? Or have you gotten bored and want to be reassigned elsewhere?”

“Actually, I got something you may wanna see.” Trick Shot then pulled out some photos.

The thestral took the photos. “This better not be…” He paused upon seeing the contents of the photos. “...By the night sky!” He looked up at Trick Shot. “Let's head to my office.” He stepped to a bookshelf and pulled a dictionary askew, opening a secret passageway.

“You know, I always wondered why you need a secret tunnel.”

“Travel through the city isn't as safe as it used to be, especially for a prominent figure like me.”

“Of course,” Trick Shot said, rolling his eyes as they went down the tunnel.

After a while of walking, they arrived at an elevator door, which opened when they got to it. Trick Shot and his boss entered the elevator and it began to ascend. “How did you manage to obtain those pictures?”

“I was flying around Ponyville, when some weird creature showed up and started attacking. I was going to help a few ponies, but something attacked the creature.”

“Which one started the fight?” The thestral asked, holding up the pictures for him to show. Trick shuffled through the photos until he came to the picture of a human dressed like a Manehatten punk with a depiction of a Vulture on his back.

“This one. He attacked a few buildings before someone else stopped him.”

“Don't you mean ‘somepony’?”

Trick shook his head. “These guys aren't ponies.”

The thestral nodded. “Continue.”

Trick switched to a picture of a hooded figure wielding a sword against the first human’s red claw constructs. “This guy is the one who stopped him. He was fast and agile and either dodged or blocked nearly all the attacks thrown at him.”

He switched to a photo where the hooded figure’s hood was off, the Vulture human several meters back while another human stood between them. The second one looked exactly like the first one except that it lacked a vest. “I guess that the vest less creature was benevolent in this fight.”

“Eh...he blew him up and smashed him with a hammer.”

“Interesting...and what of this?” He held up a picture of Rainbow Dash flinging orbs of water at a blurry target.

“That's rather interesting. Apparently, she has something in her DNA that allows her to do a bunch of things nopony can.” He then showed photos of her using swords of ice and turning into a cloud.

The elevator dinged, signaling the end of their trip. The doors opened and the two walked into the luxury office. “Was there anything said concerning said DNA gene for that ability?”

“From what I was able to hear, it's apparently something that quite a few ponies can have and never know about. Apparently she discovered hers by helping fight that vulture.”

“What does one call such ponies?”

“They're called Conduits, and apparently, for those who have the gene, it's like a cutie mark. They discover it at their time and each Conduit can control a different thing.”

“Fascinating,” the thestral commented as he rifled through his desk. “I want you to keep tabs on her and the formerly hooded figure. Interact with them, get on their good side.” He pulled a strange device out of the desk. “Send regular reports using this.” He tossed the device to Trick Shot.

“Okay...but why?”

“That device needs testing, and I wish to better understand her abilities. If we can understand and access this ‘Conduit’ gene, our work will be cut out for us.”

“Okay, so why do I need to watch the blue and black guy?”

The thestral suddenly looked up, a bit flustered. “That is need-to-know. Now go. Fulfill your assignment.”

Trick Shot rolled his eyes before turning around walking out the door. Once he was gone, the thestral picked the photos back up and carefully examined each one. “Humans... So he's not the only one. And they fight for freedom...That's what we guard against." The thestral then looked at one that had a good look at the blue cloaked human with the formerly vest-less one and a pink creature in a long red cloak. With a glare at the picture, he said to himself, "Hail Hydra.”

Author's Note:

Well, that was something. This the third and final part of my crossover with Wayward Shadow. Anyway, now to talk about a few things that happened. First things first, Mike evolving. First those who read the A/N on 14, what I meant was fully evolving, meaning he won't become a Greninja for a little while. I edited that to avoid confusion. Second, the fight. I'm sorry if you didn't like it, but I enjoyed writing it with him. Though, it may have been a little too long... Either way. And now, that last scene. Lets just say I have a lot of plans, and that's the beginning of a few of them. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time.

Edit 11/2/2017: Well, I edited the last paragraph to go with some new ideas I got since I came back from Florida. I wonder if anyone can notice it.

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