• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,417 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

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14. Rocketing Into A New Dimension

I was sitting on the chandelier in the throne room, just playing on my DS, and also listening to some songs, when Twilight and Cece walked it.

“It might not be a good idea Cece.”

“I don't care. If we're right, I could spend sometime with my own kind again and not have to hide.”

“But what if you turn into an actual hedgehog?”

I was getting tired of this, so I put away my DS and paused the music. Then I jumped down in front of them. “Okay, what's going on?”

“We're discussing over if we should let Cece go through the mirror.”


They both nodded before Twilight suddenly looked at me with wide eyes. “Dark? Why aren't you wearing your cloak?”

I was in only my costume, mask and all, with my sword on my back and my cloak in a web bag on the chandelier. “Twilight, anypony who's coming here today knows about me. So it's not that bad that I stick to the suit.”

Twilight sighed. “Fine, but if anypony else does show up, hide.”

“Will do Twi. So Cece, still thinking about what Sebaste said about becoming human again?”

“Of course I am. And I still can't believe you never told me about it.”

“Well that's because you never cared about MLP, so I didn't think you'd care about EqG.” Twilight gave me a confused look. “Not important Twi,” I immediately said.

Cece sighed, and Twilight said, “So Dark, what are your thoughts on if Cece uses the portal?”

I thought about it for a moment, before saying, “Honestly, I think she'll be human.”

“HA!” Cece told Twilight.

Twilight sighed. “Fine. If you both believe that, maybe I could open up the portal later on and see what happens.”

Cece beamed at that. “So what were you doing this time, Tito?”

I shrugged. “Just playing games. Decided to take a break from training until New Years.”

“Okay then.”

After that, we all just sat down. I sat on Rainbow’s throne, just listening to music, Cece fell asleep at Pinkie’s, and Twilight read a book on hers.

(Third Person POV, “Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double” dimension)

Screwball lazily watched the large hoofed creatures run around, all of them being too busy with something to play or talk to her. She huffed, turning towards the miniature lake nearby the woods, staring at the aquatic creatures playing in the water. Noticing something standing right behind her, she looked back to see a small tan bear with red polka dots and swirls for eyes.

The bear leaned down, offering her a shining red apple. “Spin-da?”

Screwball frowned, shaking her head, “No thanks Dizzy, give it to Kirby.” She suggested, pointing at the sleeping green blob, “I’m not really hungry.” The panda nodded, skipping towards her companion.

Screwball sighed, taking off her beanie and setting it down next to her. “When is Uncle Tomas going to get here?!” She groaned, “He promised today he was going to teach me how to catch my own Pokemon!!” The pink filly complained, kicking the ground, and getting the attention of her two Pokemon.

“Spin-da?” Dizzy tilted her head, worried about their master’s frustration.

The green blob yawned, “Guuuulpin~” He turned to his side, waving off his companion’s concern.

Screwball huffed, taping her hoof impatiently. Her eyes widened as an idea struck her, “Wait a minute… I don’t have to wait for Uncle Tomas! I can catch Pokemon on my own!” The Gulpin’s eyes snapped wide open as it bolted towards his master, shaking his head frantically. Sadly, the pink filly only ignored her Pokemon’s protest, “Ah settle down Kirby!” She patted the green blob, “When have any of my ideas got us in any trouble?” Screwball suddenly frowned, quickly covering the blob’s mouth, “Don’t answer that.”

Kirby sighed sadly, the feather in his head drooping, “Gullll…” He groaned, leaning on the panda for support.

“Spin?” Dizzy asked.

The Gulpin only shook his head and patted the Spinda in the back. “Guuuulpin…” Out of the two, he had been with the filly the longest, the poor optimistic Spinda had yet to learn of the terrors she had to suffer just by being her Pokemon.

Screwball got up, giving the two a wide smile as she looked around, eventually settling her eyes at the rocky hill right behind the Everfree. She pointed at the rocky hill dramatically, “THERE!” She yelled, making the Gulpin grow pale. “From what Uncle Meowth taught me, in rocky areas I can find tons of rock type and steel type Pokemon!” She said, smiling widely, “I’m going to go look for the strongest one there! Something like a Golem! Or an Aggron! Or better yet… a fully grown alpha Steelix!” The poison type began to sob quietly, knowing that by the end of this day… he might not live long enough to leave behind a litter of Gulpins. Screwball laughed, turning towards her two partners, “Alright gang! You guys ready to catch us the strongest and best third party member in history?!” Dizzy gave an enthusiastic cheer, pumping up her fist while the Gulpin only sobbed louder.


Screwball screamed loudly, thorns and leaves covering her mane, her Gulpin desperately held onto the beanie while the Spinda ran. The three of them continued to scream, running from the group of Trevenants chasing after them. Screwball looked around her surroundings, trying to find a way out of the situation. Seeing nothing in the area that could possibly help them, she looked up at her Gulpin. “Hey Kirby! You’re a Pokemon! Why don’t you give them a taste of your Sludge attack?”

Kirby’s jaw dropped. The green blob shook his head, refusing to fight a Pokemon of a higher level.

Screwball’s eyes narrowed, “Coward!” She yelled, jumping over a stray log in her path. Turning around to face the group of ghost types, she started glowing in a red aura, “EMBER!” She yelled, spitting out a couple of fireballs at one of the ghost.

The lead Trevenant flinched, expecting it to hurt, he blinked in surprise when he only barely felt the pain. The group of trees laughed, stepping closer towards the trio.

Screwball gulped, hugging her two other Pokemon. “Well… I guess this is it.” She said, the other two Pokemon only nodded. “I’ll miss you guys!” The filly yelled, the other nodding as well.

Suddenly the Trevenants stopped moving, the lead Pokemon looking rather nervous. Seeing their leader acting that way made the others pause and look around. They all paled when they realized where they were. Immediately the possessed trees left the area, leaving the trio confused.

Screwball blinked in confusion. “Why did they run away...” She questioned. She smiled suddenly, laughing loudly. “They must’ve figured out that I was the daughter of the great King of Chaos!” She grabbed a small rock and threw it at one of the Trevenants’ head. “THAT’S RIGHT! RUN YOU COWARDS! YOU’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO CATCH THE GREAT PRINCESS OF CHAOS! MWAH HA HA HA!”

The possessed tree growled angrily, turning around and glaring hatefully at the small filly. “TREVENANT!” It yelled, taking a step forward only to be stopped by the leader of the group. The lead ghost only shook his head, making the tree pause. Realizing the reason why, the ghost type laughed, it turned towards the filly and laughed at them.

Screwball gulped, feeling even more scarred than before. “Why was he laughing?” She asked, shivering.

The Gulpin looked around the area, being sure not to stray too far from his trainer. His eyes widen when he saw a large yellow cocoon with big black eyes laying against a tree. Kirby felt himself becoming pale as he slowly turned towards his master. “G-g-gulp!”

Screwball turned towards her Pokemon, confused by his terrified expression. “Kirby what’s wrong?” She noticed the yellow cocoon Pokemon laying against a tree. She stifled her laughter upon seeing the bug, “That’s what the Trevenants were afraid of?! A little Kakuna?!” She burst out laughing, “They really are cowards! They’re all scared of a little bug!”

Gulpin shook his head frantically, trying to get his master to understand the situation they got themselves into.

Screwball stopped laughing, frowning, “Do you guys hear a buzzing noise?”

Turning around to see what was making the noise, her eyes widen in horror as she saw a swarm of large bees flying towards them. “Beedrills…” She whispered, grabbing the Gulpin and tossing him on her back and quickly returning her Spinda to her Poke’ball. Bolting out of the area, she didn’t dare look back at the swarm of bug types trying to attack them.

Screwball ran as fast as she could, only stopping to throw the occasional Ember or Thundershock attack. But the bug types wouldn’t stop coming, even if one fainted, a few others would come and take its place. The pink filly, closed her eyes shut, too scared to open them. She tried to ignore her Gulpin’s frightened squeals and focus on getting them out of there, but the Beedrill’s loud buzzing made it almost impossible to concentrate.

Screwball suddenly felt the weight on her back disappear, making her run slightly more faster. Realizing something was wrong, she turned back and gasped when she saw her Gulpin try to fight back against the swarm of bees.

Kirby fired multiple sludge attacks at the bug types, hoping to distract the Beedrills long enough so his master can escape. Firing off another Sludge, it bounced harmlessly off one of the Beedrills, the swarm charged at the blob stabbing at it with a Fury Attack.

Screwball watched in horror as her starter tried to fight. She looked around the floor, and started chucking objects at bug types, hoping to get them off of the Gulpin. Feeling something rather hard on her hooves, she didn’t bother to look at what she had and only threw the silver object at the Beedrill. The object apparently being hard enough to knock one of the Beedrill unconscious. The silver spider shaped emblem fell on the floor, glowing. Seeing an opportunity to save her starter, she quickly grabbed her Gulpin and hid inside the bushes, taking advantage of the Beedrills surrounding the glowing object before 3 beings fell out of it and it stopped glowing and fell to the ground.

(Dark’s POV)

“OW!” I said as I landed on my back. After getting up, I started hearing something. “What's that buzzing sound?” I then looked around and noticed we were surrounded by a swarm of familiar looking creatures.

Oh f*ck me

One of the Beedrill jabbed one of their stingers at me, but I just webbed it up and flung it at a few others. Before anymore could attack, I pulled out my sword.

One flew right at me and I just cut its stinger off and just kicked away. Before I could do anything else though, a hammer flew from behind me and hit a few more. Cece then ran past me and jumped off their heads before grabbing her hammer and spinning around, hitting all surrounding Beedrill. When they were close enough to a tree or the ground, I webbed them to it. A few still surrounded me, but I just used my sword to block the stingers and deal with them. About five minutes later, we were done. I sheathed my sword and looked at my sister.

“Not bad, Cece. Not bad.” I then turned to Twilight, who was unconscious. Looking closer at her, I saw that she was fine, though she had a small bump on her head.

Must’ve landed on her head. She should be fine.

“Um Tito?” Cece called me. I looked to her. “Where are we? And why were those...things here?”

I shook my head. “I don't know. One moment we're in the castle, next, fighting a bunch of angry Beedrills.” I then noticed a small flash next to Twilight. Leaning towards it, I saw a small silver object. I picked it up and noticed it was an exact replica of my medallion. “What the...? This is my token.”

Cece walked towards me, confused. “Token? You mean that thing Displaced use to call each other? What's that doing here?”

“I don't know. I doubt the Beedrill could've activated it.” I then sense something nearby. “Cece, wake up Twilight. I need to check something.” Turning to some bushes, I got up and walk towards them. When I reached them, I moved the bushes away and saw a pink filly with some green pudgy thing in her hooves. “Um, hello?” I said to the filly.

The pink filly gasped, turning towards me, revealing her large swirling purple eyes. She pulled out a red and white metal ball from her beanie and pointed it at me. “Don’t come any closer or else!” She yelled, “I have a Gyarados here and I’m not afraid to use it!”

I blinked for a moment, realizing a few things. First, she wasn't anthro. She was an actual pony from the show. Second, taking in her appearance, I realized this particular filly was Screwball. Third, she had a pokeball in her hoof.

After processing all that, I put my hands up a bit and took a step back. “Hey, I just want to talk. That's all.”

Screwball kept her eyes narrowed at me. After a few seconds, she lowered her poke’ball, but still kept it in her hoof, “Alright… but if you try anything then I won't hesitate to feed you to my uncle’s Gyarados!”


“Noted. Now can you come out of that so we can introduce ourselves properly?”

She nodded, slowly stepping out of the bushes. The green blob was now laying down on her back, looking a bit beat and tired. “So who are you anyways?”

“Names Tito, but most call me Dark. I take it you're Screwball?”

She narrowed her eyes a bit, nodding slowly, “Yeah that’s me,” She pointed at the green blob, “And this is Kirby, my Gulpin.” The Gulpin yawned.

“Okay...you have a Gulpin. Good name for it though. Now come on. There's two others I need to introduce you to.” I said, walking towards Cece and Twilight, who just woke up.

Screwball eyes widen when she saw Twilight, “Hey! It’s the nerd my dad told me about!” She frowned, “She looks different though… more humany...”

“You know about humans?”

Screwball nodded, “Yup! My mom and uncle are humans, plus I’ve met a lot of displaced.” She answered.

“Oh?” Then I remembered something. “Two of those Displaced wouldn't happen to be named Sebaste and Sebastian, would they?”

She frowned, “Yeah, they were really boring! And completely unhelpful!”

I sighed. We then made it to the others, and Cece looked to me. “Hey Tito. What did you find…” She said, noticing Screwball. Twilight noticed her too and looked completely shocked.

“Dark, who is this? And why does she look like that?” Twilight asked.

“Cece, Twilight, meet Screwball, the daughter of Discord. Screwball, this my sister Cece, and Twilight Sparkle.” I said, introducing the pink filly.

Twilight opened her mouth in surprise. “WHO’S daughter?!”

Screwball smiled widely, disappearing in a puff of smoke, only to reappear next to Twilight, “Why the King of Chaos of course! My daddy Discord!” She then waved towards the Gulpin, “And that’s my little minion of Chaos, Kirby.”


“Depends,” I said. “Some cases, Discord just created her with his magic because he wanted a companion. Others...um, if you really want to know, I'll tell you later. But either way, she has chaos magic, just like him.”

“Okay...and why does she look like that?”

“The eyes? No idea. If you're talking about her body, well it looks like she's a regular pony. The kind everyone back on Earth saw you and everypony else.”

Screwball scoffed, “Who are you calling a regular pony?” She said, sounding a bit offended, “I am the Princess of Chaos! The bringer of mischief! The Herald of Spite!” The filly continued to list down several titles, some of which sounded made up, “And I was created through the power of Chaos from my father!”

“There's one more thing you forgot to mention.” I poked her in the muzzle. “Despite all that, you're still just a kid. Where are your guardians?”

Screwball glared angrily at me, “A kid?!” She yelled, “Did you just call me a kid?! I’ll have you know I’m probably even older than you are! I’m pure magic! Age doesn’t apply to me! You’re lucky my dad isn’t here to beat you up!” She continued to rant angrily, yelling rather loudly, “If anything, you’re the kid! You little brat! Respect your elders! FIGHT ME!”

We just looked at her, blinking a few times. Then Twilight turned to me. “Is she always like this?”

I just shrugged. “Honestly, I don't know much about her outside of what I told you. Only time I saw her, she was just some weird character that was on for two seconds.”

“WEIRD?!” She shouted, “Does this generation have no respect for their elders?! ARRRGGGHHH!” Screwball yelled, grabbing Gulpin, “DEFEND MY HONOR KIRBY!” She tossed the green blob directly at my face, the Pokemon latched on and refused to let go out of fear and shock.


Twilight used her magic to zap the Gulpin, knocking it out. I pulled it off my face and looked to the filly. “SERIOUSLY?!”

“Kirby!!” She bolted to her fainted Pokemon, gently holding it in her hooves. “Why didn’t you attack?! That’s the whole reason I threw you!” She groaned, returning the blob to it’s Poke’ball.

“You wanted it to attack him? Why?” Twilight asked.

“HE INSULTED ME!” Screwball yelled, pointing at me. “I must regain my honor through combat!”

“Fine,” Cece said behind Screwball, before sending her flying to a tree with a hit from her hammer. “That's for sending a pokemon out on my brother.”

Screwball groaned, peeling herself off the tree she landed on, her whole body being completely flat before regaining its proper shape. Turning towards Cece, she growled, “Cheap shot!” She reached into her beanie and pulled out a Poke’ball, smirking. “It’s a good thing mom keeps her Poke’balls somewhere where I can easily find them!” She tossed the metal ball, “GO ARBOK!”

In an explosion of light, a large purple cobra appeared, coiling itself in front of the filly and hissing loudly at the trio. “CHHHAARRRBOK!”

Cece readied her hammer. “Either call off the worm, or I'll send it flying into orbit.”

Screwball only chuckled, “I don’t think you’ll be doing anything. GO DIZZY!” She tossed out another Poke’ball summoning out a yellow and red panda. “Dizzy, use Teeter Dance!” The Spinda cheered, her whole body glowing with a blue aura. Suddenly everyone of us started dancing along with the Pokemon, unable to control our own bodies. Screwball laughed loudly, “No one insults me and gets away with it! Arbok, headbutt!” The cobra headbutted Cece, sending her crashing into a nearby tree, sadly she still couldn’t control her body, only being able to dance.

“Now Arbok, let’s show these losers how to really dance! Use your Wrap attack to do a tango!” She ordered, waving her hoof around. Arbok hissed loudly, wrapping Cece tightly. I could only watch as Cece was getting attacked, the Spinda’s dancing not letting me do anything.

Okay. Now I'm really starting to hate this kid.

Screwball laughed, “I don’t know why Uncle Tomas was ever worried about me being alone here! I can take care of myself!” She boasted, “Heck, I got a alicorn and two displaced at my complete mercy! They can’t do a thing thanks to Dizzy’s dancing!” She suddenly frowned, “Now I wonder what I should catch in the Rocky Hills? A Golem? Onix? Aggron?... SO many choices!” She hummed, no longer paying any attention to the fight. “Catching an Alpha Steelix would probably be the best choice…”

Screwball’s ear twitched, hearing something nearby coming this way. “Aw man, don’t tell me those darn Trevenants are back again!?” Jumping out of the bushes was a large orange dog with black stripes. The canine barked loudly gaining the attention of the two attacking Pokemon.

“ARCH!” The dog barked, causing the panda to stop dancing and the cobra to let go of Cece.

Unfortunately, the dancing the Spinda had us do had made us too tired to move. The dog walked towards us, reaching into a black saddlebag that was strapped onto its back, the bag had a big red ‘R’ on it, the Arcanine gave us each a large blue berry. It barked before going back to the others.

“I...am going….to murder that kid.” Cece said between pants. “And what are we supposed to do with these?”

I looked at the familiar berry it gave me and decided to eat it, my spider-sense picking up nothing. Immediately, I felt better. I looked to Cece and Twilight and whispered for them to eat it. They did, and Cece looked much better.

The Arcanine returned, briefly bowing its head to us.

“Okay, that's it. WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Cece yelled.

“Arcanine was apologizing to you for Screwball’s behavior.” A voice coming from a nearby bush answered. A second later, a man with blue hair and a white uniform stepped out of the bushes, a large red ‘R’ was on his shirt. Besides him was a large two headed ball of gas. “My name is Tomas, and I’m very sorry for the way Screwball has been acting towards you.” He introduced himself, bowing his head slightly.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down from seeing my sister be beaten up by that Arbok. When I believed I calmed down enough, I walked up to Tomas and stuck out my hand. “Tito, but you can call me Dark, and the pink hammer wielding hedgehog over there is my sister Cece.”

Tomas smiled, taking my hand and shaking it. “It’s nice to meet you.” He pointed at the ball of gas next to him, “This is Weezing, and the dog that gave you those berries is my Arcanine, Archie.” He frowned, “Again, I’m really sorry about Screwball, she’s always getting into fights with displaced, especially when they either insult her or just don’t take her orders.”

“I'll forget it now, but if it happens again, Arceus and Celestia themselves won't stop me and Cece from getting pay back from her.”

Screwball stuck out her tongue, “I’d like to see you losers try!”

Tomas turned towards the filly, “Screwball! Stop picking fights with displaced! Arceus knows we don’t need more enemies!” He yelled.

I examined Tomas for a second before saying, “So you're one of the Team Rocket Displaced Sebaste and Sasha met?”

Tomas nodded, “Well I did meet Sebaste a while back, but I don’t remember a Sasha.” He answered, “Screwball summoned him in hopes of having someone fight against Luna and her guards.” He sighed, “Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to get her to change her attitude.”

“Yeah. Sebaste told me it was something to do with freeing Discord I believe.”

He nodded again, “Yeah, we’re trying to convince Celestia to let Discord go, but we aren’t having much luck.”

“Um...do you know when in the timeline we are?”

Tomas shrugged, “I only recently found out that I’m living in a world based of a cartoon.”

“Okay… Hey, can we get out of here? I don't want to find out if my webs dissolve in an hour and deal with all these Beedrill again,” I said, gesturing to all the webbed up Beedrill.

Tomas nodded, “Sure, our house isn’t too far from here.” Screwball opened her mouth to protest. “And I don’t want to hear a word out of you! As soon as we get home, I’m telling your mother all about this! I’ll teach you how to catch a Pokemon when you’re not grounded.”

I patted Tomas on the shoulder and whispered, “Might want to tell her to hide her Pokeballs so she won't use other people's Pokemon like that again.”

Tomas glared at Screwball, “Don’t worry, I will.” He turned towards the swarm of Beedrills, humming a bit. “While I normally would take the chance to catch one, Sarah is a bit scared of Beedrills.” He said to himself, leaning down and freeing them. The healthiest Beedrill immediately started flying again, staring down at Tomas, “You should really take your friends and leave, most of them are hurt really badly. Plus I don’t think you’d want to pick a fight against my Gyarados.” He said with a smirk, taking out a golden Poke’ball. The Beedrill nodded, picking up the wounded and flying back to their nest, only leaving behind the dead, and one twitching Beedrill.

“It isn’t a good idea to leave them alone like this, the other Pokemon would use this as an opportunity to destroy their hive and force the Beedrill out of the forest.” Tomas informed. He looked at one of the dismembered Beedrill, seeing how the others had left it behind, the Beedrill was missing both of it’s stingers, the other dismembered Beedrill were already dead from the wounds. “This one is still alive… Archie! We’re taking this one back with us!” The Arcanine barked, picking up the unconscious Beedrill and setting it on it’s back.

Tomas walked back towards the path that he came from, stopping to look back at us, “Come on, we don’t want to run into any more dangerous Pokemon.”

I nodded before gesturing for Cece and Twilight to follow. I walked up to Tomas. “So, we're in your Equestria now?”

“Of course, I doubt your Equestria has Pokemon.” Tomas said, petting the wounded Beedrill on the Pokemon’s back.

“Nope. I'm pretty sure I would notice if my Equestria had creatures from one of my favorite game franchises. And, as you can tell, my Equestria might be a bit more different than yours in more than just that.” I said, pointing to Twilight.

He nodded, “I noticed, I’m entirely used to seeing an anthro version of a pony, but it’s not the first time.” Tomas pulled out a orange bottle, “Now this may sting a little.” He said, spraying the Beedrill with it, causing it to flinch.

“Um, excuse me,” Twilight said, walking up to us with Cece, “but can one of you explain what's going on and what are these creatures?” She asked, gesturing to all the Pokemon present.

“You were summoned into our Equestria, most likely by Screwball.” Tomas said, he then pointed at his Weezing. “And these creatures are called Pokemon, there are over seven hundred different species of them and they live all of over our world. Weezing here is a poison type Pokemon, meaning he can control poison and is immune to all poisons. There are many different types of Pokemon that can control many different things.”

I then said, “Including time, space, cause nightmares, grant wishes, expand oceans or dissolve them, give life, take it, you get the idea. Oh, I just remembered.” I pulled out the medallion I found earlier and gave it to Tomas. “Guess this is yours now.”

“Thanks.” Tomas grabbed it, looking at it briefly before putting it away in his pocket. He then took out a golden amulet with a red R. “You can have this, call on us if you ever need help.”

I grabbed it it, then I heard voices.

"We are Destruction, Passion, and Wisdom. We do not care for if you are good or evil, as long as your reasoning is just, and if you simply kill just for the fun of it, then we're sure that Seviper and Carnivine will enjoy a good meal. Call us, and we will make your enemies prepare for trouble and blast them off to the speed of light!

“Oookay...interesting message.”

Tomas stayed quiet for a few seconds, “It was a last minute thing, we were going to say our motto, but then most people would ignore the token.”

“Probably. I'll admit, if I had heard the Team Rocket motto, I would have thrown out the token.”

“And that’s why we didn’t go with the motto.” He replied. “Anyways, I hope that explanation answered your questions Twilight.”

“Sort of. Though, I'm still a little confused. How did we get here exactly? One second we're in in my castle, the next, I wake up here.”

“You were summoned here, most likely by Screwball.” Tomas answered. “It was your Token that brought you here.”

“But I thought only Displaced can use tokens. And that only Displaced can be summoned.”

Tomas shook his head, “That’s not entirely true. I mean Screwball has been shown to be able to summon displaced.” He hummed, thinking about it a bit more, “Then again, Screwball is made up of pure Chaos… maybe the rules don’t apply to both Discord and her?”

“That doesn't explain how I'm here.”

Tomas shrugged, “I’m not entirely sure, my guess is that you were just pulled here since you were so close to Dark when he was being summoned.”

Twilight sighed. “That makes the most sense.”

“Sorry I wasn’t of much help, you’re better off asking someone who actually understands all this multiverse stuff.” Tomas suggested, “I tend not to worry about those type of things.”

Cece looked at the Beedrill on the Arcanine’s back. “Wow Tito. You really messed this thing up.”

I just looked down at that. I panicked when those Beedrill attacked us, and it didn't help with my fear of bugs. But I didn't mean to do so much damage to them. Tomas frowned, rubbing the Beedrill’s head. “You shouldn’t go around killing Pokemon, even if it was in self defense, you could’ve taken them down without killing them.”

“I wasn't planning on killing any of them. I just freaked out and wasn't thinking. The only thought I did have was to protect Twilight and my sister. How wasn't important to me at the time.”

“Still, your actions could have serious consequences.” Tomas started, “If you had killed all of those Beedrill, who would protect the Weedles and the Kakunas back in their hive? Other creatures of the Everfree would see this as an opportunity to rid of themselves of competition and would destroy the Beedrill hive, since most of the strongest Beedrills have died, all the weaker ones would be easily beaten by any of the other Pokemon here. You could’ve doomed an entire hive and not even know it.”

I stood silent at that, but Cece glared at Tomas. “What's your problem? It's not our fault we showed up in the middle of a swarm of giant lethal-looking bees. Tito was just making sure we were safe, so-”

“Cece, that's enough.” I told her.


“That's. Enough.” I said, glaring at her. She went silent and fell back from the group. I turned to Tomas. “Sorry about that. She can get pretty defensive of those she cares about.”

“That’s alright, I shouldn’t be too hard on you, you were just trying to defend those you cared about.” His hand gripped one of the bug type’s missing stingers, “I just hate seeing Pokemon in pain, not to mention the idea of a whole species being killed off is a terrible thing… I meant what I said though, you should think about how your actions could have consequences.”

I nodded. “Now that I think about it, why DID we show up in front of a horde of Beedrill if Screwball was a few yards away from them?”

Screwball nervously scratched the back of her head, “Well I might of… thrown your token at the Beedrills. They were attacking Kirby, and I was trying to save him…” She mumbled a bit at the end.

“Couldn't you've just teleported yourselves out of there?”

Screwball shook her head, “My powers don’t really work when I want them too… I need to concentrate really hard to make them work… that’s why I mainly use my Pokemon powers, and even then I can only use a few basic moves.”

I looked at her, wide eyed. “Pokemon what now?”

Screwball gained a wide smile, “You wanna see them?! They’re really cool! Just check this out!” She took a few steps back and took a deep breath, her body glowed with a red aura, “EMBER!!” She shouted, a few fireballs coming out of her mouth and hitting the ground. “I can also do this!” She hummed, her body glowing with a purple aura, suddenly a few rocks started floating around her, “Confusion…” She muttered, after a few seconds, the rocks fell onto the ground. The pink filly panted, starting to feel tired, “See?... pretty cool, right?”

“Yeah. Pretty cool. Never understood why Confusion was just a weaker version of Psychic though.”

“Well there’s a weaker version of every attack, though why it exists, I have no idea.” Tomas replied with a shrug.

“This is getting confusing,” Twilight said, putting a hand to her head.

I chuckled a bit before looking back at Tomas. “So Tomas, what Pokemon do you have besides Arcanine, Weezing, and Gyarados?”

“Well lets see…” Tomas hummed a bit, “Well there’s Victreebel, Carnivine, Cacnea, Mime Jr., Yamask, Amoongus, and Inkay.” He nodded with a smile, “Yup, that’s all of them.”

“So you stuck with the same pokemon your character had?”

“I wouldn’t really say I’m stuck with them… I love them all dearly!” He said with a small smile, “I am able to catch Pokemon that James never caught, I mean, I was the one who caught Screwball’s Gulpin for her.”

“I didn't mean you're stuck with them and had no choice, I meant that you chose to stay with all the pokemon James got.”

Tomas nodded, “Most of them joined my team on their own, after I freed them from corruption, they all wanted to stay with me. I never bothered to catch more Pokemon because I never really felt the need too.”

“Isn't that the same for James? And Ash?”

Tomas shrugged, “I guess. Though Ash does have that ‘gotta catch them all’ mentality.”

“And yet, he doesn't think that most of the times he battles wild pokemon.”

“Not exactly true, he did for the beginning of the series.”

I shrugged at that. “So, uh...how much further?”

“Shouldn’t be that far, we were pretty far inside these woods.” Tomas replied, “I’m sure that at most it’ll take is a minute or two.”

We continued to walk down the dirt road, avoiding the small creatures that would walk past us as well as any of stray logs. We eventually reached the end of the forest, most of us were feeling glad to be out of the dark forest and free from danger. Walking further down the road, we eventually reached a large two story building, next to the building was a windmill, a tall white fence surrounded the building and a large portion of land behind the house. A big red ‘R’ was painted on the door.

“Welcome to our home. Please feel free to visit the backyard, I’m sure you’ll love the scenery.” Tomas said, walking up the stairs to reach the front door. Screwball somehow using her beanie to fly right next to him.

“How is she doing that?” Twilight asked.

I shrugged. “Chaos magic?”

The door slammed open, revealing a tall red haired woman. She wore a white lab coat over her white uniform, a red ‘R’ was shown on the left of the coat. “Tomas! Where have you been?!” She yelled, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you! There's a wild Pokemon trashing the garden! It already ticked off your Carnivine and he’s chasing it all over the place!” As soon as she said that a loud crash was heard from inside the house, “Carnivine chased it into the house and I can’t calm him down!” She grabbed the blue haired man and shook him, “DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!”

“Should we do something?” Cece whispered to me.

“I'd say we stay out of this.” Twilight and Cece nodded in agreement.

The woman stopped shaking Tomas and looked behind him, staring at us. “Oh… you brought guests… Well they can help too!” She declared, a pink and blue floating bird like thing appeared next to her, a black flag with a capital R was tied to it’s tail. “No arguments! Just get that frog out of my house! It’s destroying my research!”

“Wait, you have a problem with a simple frog?” Cece asked, before laughing. “Seriously? Just pick it up and toss it into a pond or something. How can a little frog cause any trouble?”

I leaned towards her. “Um, Cece, don't forget that we're in a world of Pokemon. Meaning that something like a ‘simple frog’ can actually do quite a bit of damage.”


I then looked at the two humans. “Sorry. My sister doesn't know much about Pokemon besides what I tell her, so she might forget how dangerous or troublesome they can be at times.”

She sighed, rubbing her eyes, “It’s fine, for such a little thing, it’s really fast. Carnivine can’t even land an attack.” Another crash was heard, making her flinch.

“Um, can you tell us what it looks like?” Twilight asked.

“It’s a small blue frog with a mane of white bubbles around it’s neck. It has big bright yellow eyes, and white hands.” She described, turning towards me, “Since you seem to know something about Pokemon, it’s name is Froakie, if that rings any bells. Don’t be fooled by it’s size, it has power.”

I opened my mouth in disbelief. Cece tilted her head and said, “Froakie? Now there's a Pokemon he'd know. Never shut up about it and its other forms back home.” I gave her a glare. “What? Tell me I'm wrong.”

She clapped her hands, “Perfect! Then you shouldn’t have any problems catching it!” She reached into her lab coat’s pocket and took out a pokeball with three orange stripes. She tossed it towards me, “Here, this is a Fast Ball, it’s good for catching fast Pokemon. You don’t have to catch it, just as long as it’s no longer destroying my house, I don’t care if you catch it or not.” She turned towards the house, only to stop for a brief moment, “Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Sarah, some like to call me Jessie though.” She introduced herself, before going inside the house.

I looked at the pokeball, and back at the house. “Okay...what just happened?”

Tomas groaned, feeling a bit dizzy from Sarah’s assault. “Don’t worry about it, she’s just upset about the Froakie destroying her lab. Let’s just get inside. The sooner we catch it, the sooner we could send you home.” He walked inside the house, Screwball floating behind him. “Archie! Go to the medical room and drop off that Beedrill!” Tomas stopped in front of the door, turning back towards Twilight, “Twilight, if you want, you can go with my sister to the lab. You two can talk while we catch the Froakie and find a way to send you back home.”

Twilight looked to me for a moment, and after a quick nod to her, she went inside and followed Sarah.

“So,” I said, looking at Tomas, “where is that Pokemon?”

Another crash was heard, this time accompanied by the sound of a frustrated cry. “Probably where all that noise is coming from.” We followed Tomas towards the source of all the noise and walked into the kitchen, where a large carnivorous plant was glaring at a small blue frog. The Froakie wore a smug grin.

The Carnivine yelled, lunging at the frog. Only to have the Froakie dodge the attack, grabbing a handful of the white bubbles in it’s neck and tossing them at the grass type, causing the Carnivine to get stuck onto the kitchen floor. “Froa-kie!” The frog cried, staring at the flailing plant.

“So that's the frog?” She asked.

I nodded. “Yup. That's a Froakie.”

“Okay then.” She pulled out her hammer and ran to the Froakie.

Sensing the incoming danger, the water type jumped up, avoiding the hammer. Pulling out more frubbles from its neck, it threw them down at Cece’s legs, causing her to be unable to move. The Froakie hopped towards the exit of the room, not paying much attention to us.

“Not so fast!” Tomas said, putting his foot down in front of the frog. “Weezing, use Sludge Bomb!” Weezing took a breath of air, firing several balls of sludge at Froakie, only to have the frog dodge once again. This time, the Froakie created a ball of water in its palms and tossed it down at Weezing. The poison type groaned, crashing into a nearby wall. Seizing the opportunity, Froakie tossed more of its frubbles at Weezing and jumped towards one of the destroyed cupboards, taking a few things and jumping to an open window.

The Froakie turned towards us one last time and stuck its tongue out at us. “Froakie!” It hopped outside, leaving the house. We turned back hearing a yell, seeing Carnivine free itself from the frubbles and jump out of the window, most likely following Froakie.

I just stood there for a second, before shaking my head and walking to Cece and helped her out of the frubbles. She then said, “Good dodger, fast, and has something like webs. Seems like the perfect Pokemon for you.”

“Very funny.” I turned to Tomas. “So, what now? Now that it's gone, do we just find your Carnivine and call it a day?”

Tomas nodded, “If you want to stay that’s fine, I’d appreciate the help though.” He took out a Poke’ball and returned Weezing to it.

“Might as well make myself useful. Heck, might be able to help. Spider-sense and all.”

“Great.” Tomas lead us to the back door, opening it, we saw a large grassy land, a white fence surrounding it. In the middle of the land was a large pond, a pink jellyfish like creature and a purple clam were sleeping in the water. All around the backyard were several different Pokemon, all of them were staring in confusion at Carnivine destroying the fence trying to go into the woods at the other side.

“Carnivine! Stop this!” Tomas yelled, running towards his angry Pokemon.

The grass type ignored him, opening his jaws widely before taking a bite out of the fence, effectively destroying that part. He yelled, darting towards the woods.

Tomas groaned, facepalming, “Damnit Carnivine.” He sighed, stepping over the broken fence and heading towards the woods, “Come on! They couldn’t have gone far.”

Me and Cece looked a each other before shrugging and running to Tomas, jumping over the fence.

The three of us continued to follow the Pokemon’s trail, the trail mostly being a bunch of broken branches and a few puddles of water in the ground. I looked around the area and found a couple of familiar looking Pokemon running around such as Rattatas, Pidgeys, Caterpies, and even an Aipom.

Tomas looked back at us, “So Dark, what were you displaced as exactly? You kinda look like Spiderman with that suit, and I know Cece’s Amy Rose.”

“Don't blame you for that assumption. Basically, I made up my own superhero, DarkSpider, and dressed as him in a convention. You know the rest of that. Think Spider-Man, but darker suit, organic webs, and uses a sword.”

“Alright.” Tomas said, nodding. “So what’s it like in your Equestria? Must be very different compared to ours.”

“Not too bad. Though...how did you meet Rainbow Dash?”

Tomas turned away, looking rather nervous. “Oh well! It was simple really! We just so happened to be in the neighborhood, and we may have caused some panic with our Pokemon and she attacked Sarah’s Wobbuffet!” He let out a nervous chuckle, “That’s all there’s really to it! So why do you ask anyways?”

“My first meeting with her had her kicking me in the back of the head. And any interaction with her didn't go too well. At least until Sebaste talked to her. Since then, we've been pretty good friends.”

“Still can't believe that.” Cece muttered.

“Shut up.”

“So you guys didn’t start off as the best of chums, huh?” Tomas let out a sigh, “Well, it was the same with us. Though I like to think that we’re at least on speaking terms.”

“Yikes… Um, how long have you and Sarah been Displaced?” I asked.

“One thousand, and five years.” He answered. “Though for the most part, we were in stone with Discord for the one thousand years.”

“What?” Cece and I asked.

Tomas laughed, “Oh it’s nothing! Really! Just a little misunderstanding is all!” He responded quickly.

“Okay… I guess what Seb and Sasha said about some Displaced being turned to stone was true.” We walked a bit more before I said, “So you're not exactly on good terms with Rainbow, but what about the other 5?”

“Well Applejack gave me a job with helping out in her barn, Twilight frequently visits us, I visit Fluttershy often, Rarity makes clothes for us, and Pinkie…” He scratched his head, “Well… she’s nice…”

“Nice, but can be REALLY annoying,” Cece stated.

“She's not a big fan of Pinkie’s antics,” I whispered to Tomas.

“Neither am I to be honest.” He answered, “But I try to put up with her… It’s Screwball who really enjoys her company.”

I nodded. “Random question, I know the answer is obviously no but I just wanna ask, is there a sort of Jessibelle here, or are you safe?”

He shivered, “Thank Arceus there isn’t.” He paused, “Well… Then again there could have been a displaced one that appeared while we were gone and we just have no idea.”

I chuckled, remembering how crazy she was. “Okay. Next question, since Screwball has some, is there anypony else that has pokemon?”

Tomas nodded, “Well sort of, Discord had Pokemon.” He hummed, “Then again his team always changed every time we fought, sometimes he’d have a Banette and a Hypno, sometimes he’d come a couple of Litwicks and a Haunter. Though the last time I saw him with Pokemon, he had a Regice, Registeel, and Regirock.”

“The three Regis? Wow. Having three legendaries. That's impressive.”

The rocket nodded, “It was terrifying, he was trying to get Regigigas to obey him as well… didn’t work out too well though.”

“Hmm. Okay, next question. What Displaced have you met?”

“Let’s see… There’s Jason, he has a omnitrix from Ben 10, a Ben Ten displaced, Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy, Nemesis, Sebaste, Sebastian, Wingsaber from Transformers, some prank loving spartan, a bionicle, some merchant displaced, a iron lich, and Dox.” He listed.

“Let's see. Sebaste and Sebastian I met, they were the first Displaced I encountered, as well as Sebaste's sister, Alex, an Ivy Valentine Displaced from Soul Caliber. She was nice enough, though you should've seen the girls’ reaction to her. Hilarious. Speaking of them...there's something I need to tell you and Sarah about them when we get back.”

Tomas raised an eyebrow, “Alright… did something happen to them?” He asked.

“Yeah. Back at Hearth’s Warming Eve a few days ago. I'll explain later. Anyway, two Displaced with an Omnitrix. Wonder if one of them is that “jotun” Sebaste and Sasha mentioned. Never heard of this Gilgamesh guy though, I'll keep an ear out for him. Nemesis….are we talking about that monster from Resident Evil? One of the most terrifying video game monsters next to Pyramid Head?” I asked with a hint of fear.

He chuckled a bit, “Yeah that’s him, he was pretty nice though.”

I stared at him. “You serious?”

He nodded, “Oh yeah, he helped us out when we were in Jason’s world.”

I just looked at him in shocked for a moment before Cece cleared her throat. “Um, who are you talking about?”

I sighed. “You know those Resident Evil movies you used to watch with our mom that always terrified me?”

She nodded and chuckled lightly. “Yeah. I still don't understand why you were so scared all the time. Wasn't that bad.”

“Shut up. Anyway, Nemesis was a monster created by the same maniacs that made the T-Virus, aka the thing that turned people into zombies. He was...hideous, and can easily carry a huge rocket launcher with one hand. He's strong, and almost invincible. I feel sorry for whoever turned into him… Anyway, moving on. I have no idea who the rest are. And who's this Dox guy you mentioned?”

Tomas hummed, “Well Dox… I think he has the abilities of a Dungeon Master…?” He shook his head and shrugged, “I’m not really sure, he just has some magic dice. He’s nice...”

“Something wrong?”

Tomas struggled to come up with the proper words. “Well… I guess nothing is really wrong… it’s just… he’s gotten into a relationship with Arbok…”

My eyes widened a bit when I heard that, when Cece immediately stopped and looked at Tomas in completely shocked. “Woah woah woah. Did you just say that guy's dating a POKEMON? What the heck?”

“Well… It’s not like Pokemon are animals, they are sentient.” He responded a bit nervously, “They just speak a language we can’t understand.”

“Yeah Cece,” I said. “Pokemon are about as intelligent as humans. Some even can communicate completely with humans.”

She looked at me. “How are you so calm about this?”

“I'll explain later,” I said. We walked in silence for about a minute before I realized something. “Hey Tomas, are you able to replicate your token?”

“I can, why?” He asked.

“Can you teach me that? All I got is the original,” I said, pointing at my necklace. “Could come in handy for whenever I summon a Displaced, so we can keep in touch.”

“Well, if I ever want to replicate my tokens, I have Screwball do it for me.” He then took out a small gem, “And if she isn’t around, we do have this gem. It’s full of Chaos magic, a present from Discord when we teamed up. It allows us to do small things, nothing big.” He hummed, “If you want you can have this one to replicate your token, these things aren’t common, but we can still find some in caves.”

I grabbed it and examined the gem. “Thanks. Hopefully I-” immediately stopped, sensing something. “Guys?”

Tomas turned back towards me, taking out a Poke’ball. “What’s wrong?”

I put a hand on my head. “I don't know.” I then just ran off.

“Tito!” Cece yelled before chasing me.

“Hey! Where're you going?!” Tomas yelled out, shocked.

I ran for a few minutes then I suddenly stopped and put my arm up to stop Cece.

“What was that-” she started before I put a hand over her mouth.

“Quiet,” I whispered, before pulling her into a bush with me.

In the clearing in front of us was a small fox like creature. The fox had pale yellow fur, with tufts of dark red fur in the insides of it’s large ears, the end of it’s tail was also red. The small fox laid on the ground, breathing heavily and looking a bit injured.

Our eyes widened when we saw it and Cece stepped out of the bush and walked towards it. Right when she was within arm's reach, a large ball of water appeared from a nearby bush, heading straight towards her.

“Cece!” I yelled before shooting a web at her back and pulling her away before it hit.

Jumping out the bushes was the same Froakie from before. The frog Pokemon glared at us, a couple of items were in its arms. The water type growled at us, standing protectively in front of the Fennekin. “Froak-ie!”

“What's your problem?” Cece yelled at it.

The frog continued to growl at us. “Froakie!” It yelled, creating a ball of water in its hands.

Cece pulled out her hammer. “Bring it on you puny repti-” I then put a hand over her mouth.

“Not helping,” I whispered. I then turned to the Froakie. “We, or most likely just me, don't want any trouble. We just want to help.”

The Froakie shook its head before dispersing the Water Pulse and making a shooing motion with its hands. “Froak!”

Cece then pushed me away and stepped towards them. “I don't care what you want, you stupid little frog. But that thing is hurt and it needs help.”

The water type glared at her, taking out a couple of frubbles from it’s neck. “Froakie!” It cried, threatening to use them again.

Cece chuckled. “Try it. I'm ready this-” she stopped when I webbed her towards me. “Tito! What are you doing?”

“Badmouthing a Pokemon is not a good idea sis. Trust me.”

“But that one needs help!”

“Well we have to think of a better way to help it than trying to start a fight with the Froakie,” I whispered.

Froakie turned away from us, setting down the items it had stole in front of the injured Fennekin. The frog looked through the stolen items, trying to find something it can use. Picking up a random bottle, it opened it and smelled it, grimacing, it tossed the bottle away. Froakie continued to do this several times, even accidentally tossing away a potion. It tried reading the labels of the items before tossing them, it slowly started to become frustrated with itself.

“What’s it doing?” Cece whispered to me.

“Looking for something. But what…” I then looked at the Fennekin again. “Might be trying to help it.”

“You have any idea how to help? I mean, you know quite a lot on Pokemon.”

I scratched my head. “Just because I know about the games doesn't mean the same rules apply here.”


I sighed and looked at the potion the Froakie threw away and used a web to pull it to me, the Froakie not noticing. I then held the bottle up to Cece. “If I'm right, this should help heal wounded Pokemon. But I don't think the Froakie will let us get close enough to use it.”

“You have an idea to distract it long enough?”

I tossed the potion to her. “Of course. All you have to do is get close to the Fennekin and spray it where the wound is.”

“Okay… What are you going to do?”

I just looked to the Froakie and sighed before shooting a web at it and pulling it towards me and wrapping it in a cocoon.

Cece's eyes widened for a second before walking towards the Fennekin, the Froakie struggling like mad in my arms. When she was in front of it, the Fennekin looked up at her and let out a small whimper of fright. Cece knelt down and saw a large scratch on its chest. She then aimed the potion in front of its chest and sprayed it, the Fennekin wincing and crying out in pain. A couple of moments later, it calmed down and fell asleep. Cece carefully picked it up and walked back to me while I was still trying to stop the Froakie from struggling.

Then a few bushes began to rustle. Turning towards the bush, we all gasped in shock as a Carnivine jumped out of the bushes, an enraged look on it’s face. Seeing the Froakie in my arms, the plant roared, two vines extending out of it’s back and darting towards me.

I just jumped away from the vines, making sure to keep the Froakie in my arms.

The Carnivine growled in frustration. Suddenly, the grass type’s mouth started to glow, rearing it’s head back, it fired a barrage of yellow bolts of energy straight at me.

Oh boy.

I immediately jumped onto a tree branch, dodging the Bullet Seed, and webbed its mouth.

Carnivine struggled to get the web out. Shaking it’s head, it started to spin around in place, leaves from all around the area started circling the grass type. Letting out a muffled shout, the Carnivine let out a Leaf Tornado at me.

Oh come on!

I just put the Froakie on my back and web zipped away, barely dodging the attack.

“HEY!” Cece yelled.

The Carnivine turned to her, only to be hit with her hammer and get sent flying into a tree, knocking out.

“You Pokemon are starting to annoy me!” she said before looking to the Fennekin she put down.

I walked up to her. “Again, nice job sis.”

She nodded before dismissing her hammer and picking up the Fennekin. “So what is this thing anyway?”

“A Fennekin. Basically, a fire fox.”

“Fire fox? Boy, doesn't that bring back memories…” She shook her head before looking at me. “Should we take it to Tomas?”

“Yeah. And when it's okay, I can let this little bugger go,” I said, pointing to the web bag I had, with the Froakie’s head sticking out. “But first, we came here for Carnivine.” I walked up to the grass type, before wrapping it up and putting it on my shoulder. “You know, I just realized, we have all the three basic types here; water, fire, and grass. Weird.”

Just as we were about to leave Tomas had ran out of towards the clearing, clearly out of breath. “Geez… you guys sure can run pretty fast.” He panted. Looking up, his eyes widen when he saw the state of his Pokemon. “Carnivine!” He yelled, running up towards the injured Pokemon, “Oh are you alright? You shouldn’t let your temper take control of you! Just look at the state you’re in!”

“Trust me, Cece could've done worse.”

Tomas only sighed, taking out a pokeball and returning Carnivine to it. “Can’t really be mad at you two, my Carnivine is almost nothing like the one from the anime, mine’s has a bad temper that often gets him into trouble.”

“We noticed,” Cece said. “He attacked Tito just because of the Froakie on his back.”

“Froakie kie,” the Pokemon said, sounding bored.

I sighed. “Hey Tomas, is there anything like a PokéCenter here?”

He shook his head, “No, you could say that the lab back home is only Pokemon Center in our Equestria.”

“Can we use it?”

“Sure.” Tomas answered, “It’s good to see that you caught the Froakie.”

“Not exactly. I just did this so Cece can get close to that Fennekin,” I said, pointing at the fire type in her arms.

Tomas took a step forward, his eyes widening when he saw the fox. “A Fennekin! All we need now is a Chespin and we’ll have the whole set!”

“I know. What are the odds?”

“Guys?” Cece said. “I think we have more important things to worry about right now than finding another Pokemon.”

“Right. So Tomas, can you lead the way?”

He nodded, “This way.” He said, walking back towards the lab, with us close behind. “Hey, why did you run off anyways?”

“I was just following Tito,” Cece said.

I thought for a moment before saying, “Honestly, it's weird to explain. You know about my spider-sense and how it works?”

“Yes, I know.” He said, nodding.

“Well, instead of a warning about something, it's like a beacon, telling me to go somewhere. Happened a few weeks ago in Manehatten. And I ended up seeing a bunch of stallions surround a mare, then I beat them all up and took the mare to the hospital. Anyway, I had that feeling again earlier and, well, ran to it. There, we found that Fennekin, and the Froakie protecting it.”

“Huh, that’s a pretty useful ability you have there.” He commented, “Wish we could do that.”

“I said it before and I'll say it again, that spider-sense is crazy,” Cece stated.

“And I'll say again,” I replied, “this coming from the Displaced who became a pink hedgehog that can summon a giant hammer out of nowhere, and could catch up to Sonic.”

After walking for a few minutes, a thought immediately came to my head. “Hey Tomas? You and Sarah turned into Jessie and James, right?”

He nodded, “Yeah, we did, why?”

“Does that mean there's a Meowth as well?”

Tomas smiled, “Yeah, we have a Meowth, he’s the third member of the group!” He sighed, “Though nowadays he spends his time cooped up in his lab, building mechas we don’t need and making some medical machines we use to treat wild and our Pokemon.”

“Huh. Wait, how would he get the resources for MECHS?”

Tomas frowned, “I… I’m not so sure… he always just manages to build one…” He scratched his head, “Maybe I should ask?”

“Probably.” I then felt something on my head. “Um, what's sitting on top of me?”

Tomas turned towards me, and smiled, “Well it seems like you two get along pretty well. That Froakie you got seems to like you.”

The pressure on my head disappeared and the Froakie sat on my shoulder.

I guess I didn't need to keep it tied up anymore

“Well that explains that,” I said. “Now, as I was saying before I ran off earlier, can you teach me how to use that gem?”

“It’s very simple actually, you just need to think of what you want and concentrate really hard on that object.” He explained. “Easy.”

“So, just think of a replica of my token and that's it?”

Tomas nodded, “Yes, it really is that simple.”

“Huh.” I then saw Cece petting the Fennekin, the fox sleeping silently in her arms.

Tomas smiled, “It seems Fennekin is starting to grow on you.”

Cece looked at him. “What do you mean?”

“Well you seem a lot more calmer with her in your arms, and well… you can see how much Fennekin seems to trust you, it is sleeping in your arms.” He tried to explain.

Cece laughed. “Trust me? I'm sure she only went to sleep becau-” She shook her head. “Wait, how do you know it's a she?”

Tomas merely pointed at her ears, “Female Fennekin’s ears have red ear puffs, while male ones are more of a dark orange. Kinda of a Red-Orange color.”

Cece just looked at me and I just shrugged. I never heard of that, but I guess things are different here.

“Anyway…” Cece said, “she most likely just fell asleep out of exhaustion. When she was asleep, I picked her up, then your plant attacked, and you know how THAT turned out.”

“Still, there is some trust there. Wild Pokemon don’t just let their guard down like that, even if it was exhausted.” He explained.

“I think she had some backup in case something did attack,” I said, pointing at the Froakie on my shoulder.

Tomas shrugged, “If you say so, though just know which one of us is the Pokemon expert here. Playing the games, and living with them are two completely different things.”

“I kinda said the same thing to Cece when we saw that Fennekin. She wanted to help and I mentioned that things may be different. Luckily, potions work here.”

Tomas smirked, puffing out his chest in pride. “Well of course they work, I did help in creating this world’s potions, it’s pretty simple really.”

“Then tell Twilight because I don't want a lecture on how to make something I may never use again,” Cece said.

Tomas crossed his arms in annoyance. “Fine then, it didn’t really matter much anyways, they work better with Pokemon.”

The Froakie and I sighed at them. “Okay. Anymore questions before we get there?”

Cece shook her head. “I'm good.”

Tomas shrugged, “Don’t really have anything to ask.”

“Okay then.” I said.

The three of us continued on our way through the forest, eventually reaching the white broken fence. Stepping over the broken pieces, we made our way through the large garden, several Pokemon turning towards us in curiosity.

“Oh, hold on.” Tomas stopped for a second, reaching into his belt and unclipping all but two of his Poke’balls. “Alright everyone, come on out!” He said, releasing all of his Pokemon. The Pokemon all stretched for a bit before going their separate ways, some of them going together and others joining some of the other Pokemon in the garden. “Alright, now that that’s done, let’s get that Fennekin looked at.”

We nodded, following him back to the house.

“Wonder how Sarah would react with you bringing back the Froakie,” Cece said to me.

“Where is she anyway?” I asked Tomas.

“Probably at the lab with Meowth.” He guessed, walking towards the building next to the house. “We keep the lab separate from the actual house, sensitive equipment and all that.”


Stopping in front of the building, we noticed a camera placed above the door. Tomas then pulled out a small rectangular object, showing it off to the camera. Suddenly the metal door opened by itself, letting us enter the lab. “Meowth installed the security system here after Twilight tried to break in a while back. Our Porygon helps monitor the cameras.”

“Why would she do that?”

“She was interested in Meowth’s machines.” He stated, a small smile in his face.

“Makes sense,” Cece stated.

Walking through the empty hallway, passing a few closed doors, we eventually reached a large room and gasped in surprise at the large red octopus like machine standing right above us. All over the room, were pieces of machinery scattered around, unfinished and destroyed mechas laid in separate corners of the room. Several large machines and computers we placed around the room.

“How does tech like THIS exist in Equestria?” I asked.

“Meowth makes all this stuff, usually with pieces of machinery he finds in trash cans and in the junkyard. He even uses radio parts with some things.” He scratched his head, “Though for the more complex machines, I have no idea.”

“Man that cat is resourceful.”

He laughed, “Yeah, that he is.” We walked past some of the mechs that were placed near the entrance, each one looking similar to a certain type of Pokemon. Finally moving past the mechs, we saw Sarah, Twilight, and a small white cat standing on two legs talking.

The cat spotted us and frowned, crossing his arms. “Yo Jimmy! Where da heck hav yous been?!” He yelled, “You’ve been gone for hours!”

Tomas nervously smiled, “I was chasing after Carnivine. He was chasing after that Froakie that broke in.”

Meowth scoffed, “And it takes that long to find that big mouth?!” He turned away, not paying much attention to us. “Anyways, I took a look at that Beedrill you brought in. She’s pretty beat up, but she’ll live. Those stingers are going to be a pain to fix! I’m not even sure if I can fix them.”

I lowered my head when I heard that.

“Can’t you do anything?” Tomas asked.

“You’re asking for a miracle here bud!” Meowth said, “I thought about replacing her stingers with mechanical ones, but then I thought, ‘Hey, what’s the point of wasting perfectly good parts on a wild Pokemon?’. Besides, from what she told me, she doesn’t really want her stingers, said what’s the point of having them when her swarm left her to die, she couldn’t protect her hive from intruders and failed her queen, she no longer sees the point even living!” The cat said, yelling at the end. He frowned and scratched his head, “We might as well release her back to the wild, not much I can do for a patient who doesn’t even want my help.”

“Wow,” Cece said. “And I thought Sebaste was depressing.”

Meowth turned towards Cece with a raised eyebrow, “This ain’t a game kiddo. This is real life, and she’s a bug, you have any idea how complex a bug society works? They devote their lives to their queen/mother, if they can’t fulfill their duties, then what’s the point of living? You’re just taking up space and wasting resources.”

“And that's why I prefer mammals, at least they're easy to understand,” I heard her mutter, scratching the Fennekin behind the ears.

Meowth’s eyes widen at the sight of the sleeping fire type. “A Fennekin?! Where did she come from?!”

“We found her in a clearing a while away from here, wounded, with that Froakie protecting her,” she said, pointing at the Froakie. “After I sprayed her with a potion, she fell asleep and we brought her here for help.”

Meowth’s eyes narrowed when he spotted the wound, “Well it looks like the wound has mostly healed, she just needs some bandages and lay off for a bit. The wound will heal naturally, she should be good to go by tomorrow.” He hummed, walking to the nearest table. Kicking all the machinery out of the table, he made sure it was completely clear. “Set it down so I can take a closer look.”

Cece walked to the table and carefully put the Fennekin on.

Walking up next to the sleeping fox, he carefully turned her a bit, narrowing his eyes at the wound. Turning towards the roof, he began to yell, “PORYGON! BRING ME MY MEDICAL STUFF!” A ‘ding’ was then heard, after a second or two a pink and blue bird suddenly appeared in front of. The Porygon tossed a small white box at the table and disappeared.

Just then we all turned towards the fox, hearing a small yawn. She opened her eyes, and after seeing Meowth, let out a small whimper. Cece immediately started petting her, and she began to calm down after looking at Cece.

“I guess you were right about her trusting Cece,” I whispered to Tomas.

Meowth opened the white box, taking out a small brown bottle and a white piece of cotton. Grabbing the two items he walked towards the fox and sat down next to it. “This is going to sting a little, but trust me, it’ll stop any infections from happening.” He warned, letting a drop of the liquid from the bottle hit the cotton. He began to softly dab the Fennekin’s wound with the cotton, the fox let out a small howl from the pain.

“It's okay,” I heard Cece whisper to her.

Meowth stood up and grabbed a bandage roller from the box. The cat scratch Pokemon began to wrap the bandage around the Fennekin’s body. “And that should do it! Just don’t be doing anything crazy and the wound should heal by tomorrow! After all, we Pokemon are pretty quick when it comes to healing from injuries! Unlike those fragile humans and animals!” He let out a laugh at his quip, not noticing how he was the only one laughing.

“You wanna see fragile?” Cece asked, putting a hand to her back, but I grabbed her arm before she could get her hammer.

“Not now,” I said. I then turned to the others. “Now that that's over with, I believe there's something we need to tell you about Sebaste and Sebastian.”

Sarah’s eyes widen in surprise, “Did something happen to them?” She asked.

“Yeah. Is there someplace better that we can discuss it?”

Sarah nodded, “Yeah, I guess the house is the best place to talk.”

We followed Sarah out of the lab, passing by a large mushroom sleeping next to the building. Along the way, I walked up to Sarah and pulled out the Fast Ball before tossing it to her. “I believe that's yours?”

Catching the ball, she gave me a confused look, “But what about that Froakie? Isn’t it yours?”

“Not really. I think it's only sticking around for the Fennekin.”

She raised an eyebrow, “Well… if you say so I guess? You don’t want to keep the ball, maybe catch Froakie?”

“I doubt it'd want that.”

Sarah gave a small smile, “Well if you say so, though you should probably ask how he feels before coming to a conclusion.” She said, pocketing the ball away.

I just nodded and walked into the house. We stopped walking when we reached the living room, the rockets all took a seat in the large couch, waiting for me to say what I needed to say.

“So, how to explain this…” I said. “I guess I should try to explain what happened from the beginning. A few days ago, I summoned them, and Sebaste's sister Alex, for a Hearth’s Warming party Twilight was having. It went okay, we put up decorations, caught up, introduced them to Cece. Then, around the end of the day...that's when something happened to them…”

Meowth tilted his head curiously, “What happened? Must’ve been something big if you didn’t want to say it at the lab.”

Cece shrugged. “It's more comfortable here anyway.”

I just sighed. “You wouldn't believe this, but they just disappeared in front of us in a flash of light. Before any of us can process it, some guy in armor appeared out of nowhere and called himself their author.”

“He pretty much said that he rebooted them and that they were now in a different Equestria, Alex and Sasha would have memories of us, but “blocked” or something.”

“Sebaste on the other hand? He's no more.”

Tomas bolted straight out of his seat, staring at me, wide eyed. “What?!” He yelled in shock, “He’s dead?!”

“Not exactly…”

Cece spoke again. “He's been replaced. If that guy is serious about the whole author thing, it practically means he erased Sebaste and put someone else instead.”

I nodded. “The author told us to tell anyone who knew them about what happened, and they mentioned you guys a couple of times.”

“I see…” Tomas sat back down on the couch, “So… Sebaste is gone for good then? There isn’t a way to bring him back or at least have his replacement remember us?”

“No. There isn't. You see why I thought explaining it here was a better idea now?”

He nodded, “Yeah… Just wish there was a way we could help.”

“So do we…”

Cece then got up. “Okay, enough of this.”

“What do you mean?” Sarah said, giving Cece a confused look.

“I understand that you guys were close to those guys and all, but they aren't dead for crying out loud. Sure Sebaste may be gone, but look at it this way. Better to have called him a friend and have him go peacefully than him having to live through the hell the others may be in. And at least they're still around.”

“I suppose that’s true…” Tomas sighed, “I just hope they’re happier now than they were before.”

“Hopefully,” I said.

Tomas’ eyes narrowed, he looked around before turning to me a bit confused, “Hey, where did those two Pokemon you brought with you go?”

I looked around and noticed they were gone. I sighed and said, “Must've went back to the woods.”

Tomas sighed, scratching his head, “Meowth’s gone too… he probably went to make sure they went back home safely.” He guessed, getting up from his seat. “It’s getting late,” He said, looking at the grandfather clock in the room, “You probably want to go home now.”

I shrugged. “I guess you're right. But...before we go, can you do me a favor?”

Tomas nodded, “Sure, what is it?”

I pulled out my phone. “Can I take a picture of you guys?”

Tomas blinked, smiling, he nodded, “Sure. Do you want us to include our Pokemon in this?”


“Can we be in the picture too?” Screwball asked, poking her head from behind the couch, a Gulpin sleeping peacefully on top of her head.

I shrugged. “Go ahead. No trouble this time.”

The pink filly smiled widely, “Don’t worry! I’ll be sure to keep my chaos to a minimum.” She said, giving a small salute.

“Okay then.”

Sarah clapped her hands, “Great! Let’s go to the garden! I’ll be sure to let the others know!”

I nodded and followed Sarah back outside to the backyard. Sarah smiled and waved over to the Pokemon. Upon seeing the rocket, over half of the Pokemon darted towards her, all of them crowding around her. Sarah laughed, petting some of the Pokemon. “Alright settle down,” Her eyes narrowed a bit, “Hey… where’s Arbok?” She asked, looking around the garden.

Screwball laughed nervously, taking out the cobra’s Poke’ball. “I might’ve borrowed her for a bit… you know! Just in case I ever got into trouble, she can bail me out!”

“Or sick it on me,” Cece said, crossing her arms.

Sarah’s eyes widen, “She did what?!” She yelled, glaring at Screwball.

“She didn't tell you? She sent that thing at me and used some weird bear thing to make me unable to fight back.”

Screwball paled, beginning to tremble a bit in fear. “B-but… they started it…” She whimpered.

“You're the one who threw a Pokemon at my brother.”

“But he insulted me! And sullied my pride!” The filly yelled.

“Okay, I'm sorry about insulting you,” I said. “I didn't mean to. As for your pride, trust me kid, it could've been worse.”

Sarah walked up to Screwball, snatched the Pokeball, and sighed. “Oh Screwy, what am I going to do with you.” She gave the filly a glare, “Screwball, you’re grounded for two weeks and you’re going to be spending the weekends at Sweet Apple Acres helping Applejack.”

The pink filly’s jaw dropped as she stared at her mother in horror, “T-two weeks?”

“You’re lucky I don’t make it a whole month.” Sarah hissed, turning away to release Arbok from her Poke’ball. “And Arbok! You should know better to just blindly follow Screwball’s orders!” She said, scolding her Pokemon. The snake only looked down, avoiding eye contact.

“Okay…” I said. “Never thought I'd see someone scare a large cobra before. Then again, I'm a guy who can shoot webs out of my hands and has a sister who's a hedgehog so that's not the craziest thing that happened to me.”

Sarah turned away from the two she was scolding, giving us a sheepish smile. “I’m really sorry for what happened to you three in the Everfree!”

“Like I said to Tomas, I'll forget it this time.”

“Still! There has to be someway I can make it up to you!”

Twilight then said, “Well, how about a book on Pokemon? And maybe the seeds to those fruit Tomas gave us earlier? They can help quite a few ponies.”

She smiled, “Of course! We can afford to give up a few supplies.” She took out a Poke’ball from her belt. “Oh Wobbuffet!” Tossing the ball, a large blue blob appeared, a black tail with eyes was attached to it’s back.

The blue blob saluted, “Wobbuffet!” He yelled, smiling widely.

“Wobbuffet, can you go to the lab and get me a few Oran berry seeds?” She asked, “Oh, and Starswirl’s old journal on Pokemon?” The Pokemon nodded, waddling towards the lab.

“What was that?” Twilight asked. “Wait, did you say STARSWIRL’S journal?”

Sarah nodded, “Yeah, back then Pokemon were an undocumented species, no one but us knew what they are or even what they were capable off. We helped him study the Pokemon and even helped write that journal.” She explained, “In a way, that journal is kinda of a prototype of the Pokedex we have today.”

I shrugged. “As long as that journal doesn't have a spell that'll mess up the lives of Twilight’s friends, again, I'm okay with that.”

Twilight chuckled. “Agreed.”

Cece looked at us in confusion. “Um, what're you talking about?”

“Season 3 finale. Long story short, it's the event that led to Twilight getting her wings and becoming a princess. I'll explain more later. As for that Pokemon, Twilight, that was a Wobbuffet. The punching bag of Team Rocket. Seriously, its main method of attack is getting hit and sending it back on the attacker.”

“Wobbuffet is not a punching bag.” Sarah said, crossing her arms, “He just… he's a very patient pokemon!”

“Whatever you say Sarah.”

She huffed, “I'll have you know that Wobbuffet is great pokemon!”

I shrugged. “Of course he is. It IS able to survive quite a lot, and the loyalty it has is good too.”

Hearing a familiar cry, we turned around to see the Wobbuffet running back with large book and a small bag of seeds in its hands. “Wobbuffet!” The psychic type yelled, presenting the items to us.

I grabbed them and and put them in a makeshift web bag and tossed to Twilight. She then looked to Sarah. “What exactly is in THIS journal?”

Sarah hummed, “Well it’s basically everything you’ll ever need to know about Pokemon! Diet, Pokemon types, berries, IVs, natures, behavior, habitats, species, medicine and a bunch of other useful things.” She informed, finishing listing off the contents of the book.

Twilight’s eyes sparkled when she heard that and she squeed.

“What the heck was that?” Cece asked, looking around.

“That, Cece, was a squee,” I said. “Get used to it. These ponies seem to do it whenever they're happy.”

Sarah chuckled, “Yeah, it’s pretty cute in my opinion.”

“Sounds like a chew toy to me,” Cece said, crossing her arms and shrugging.

Twilight, not paying attention to what Cece said, pulled the book out and looking through it until she stopped at a certain page. “Potions? What does that have to with these things?”

“Potions are basically medicines for Pokemon, they’re able to heal almost anything. Like a stronger version of Oran Berries.” She said.

“Hmm. Interesting. Huh? What's this?”

“What you find Twi?” I asked.

“It's something about the Pokemon you had with you.”


She nodded. “It says that the white thing on its neck are-”

“Frubbles,” I finished. “Yeah, and it can grab parts of it and throw at opponents. Basically, it's similar to my webbing, except not as strong.”

“Hey guys!” We all turned towards the source of the yell, and saw Tomas struggling to walk towards us, a large yellow plant was clamped onto his head, while a small crown wearing cactus clinged onto his leg, and the Carnivine from before had its body wrapped around him. Behind them were a few more Pokemon. “Everyone’s here now!” He looked around, “Well everyone but Meowth and Porygon.”

“You okay there dude?” I asked. “That looks painful.”

He blinked a bit before giving us a smile, “Oh don’t worry! You get used to it after awhile!” Tomas gave a small chuckle. “This is just how carnivorous plant Pokemon show affection!”

“Okay then… So where's Meowth?”

“Me-owth is right over here!” The small cat scratch Pokemon said, jumping onto Sarah’s shoulder. The normal type grinned widely, “Yous two should feel grateful for what I just did for yas! Theys wouldn’t stop bugging me until I did it for them! So just be sure to treat them right got it?”

“What're you talking about?”

Meowth only laughed, “Oh nothing! You’ll find out soon enough!”

I just looked at him in confusion before shrugging. “Okay then… So, you guys ready?”

Everyone nodded, “Yes we’re ready! I heard from Wobs that we’re taking a group photo!” Meowth said, resting his chin on Sarah’s head.

“Okay then. Just line up in a row please.”

The rockets nodded, instructing their Pokemon to line up, the smaller Pokemon stood in the front while the biggest were in the back. Sarah turned back towards us, standing next to Wobbuffet and Tomas. “Something like this?”

“Yeah.” I then pulled out my phone, turned on the camera and pointed it at them. “Ready?” They all nodded, the smaller Pokemon looking a bit anxious. “Okay. Say “Rocket”.” I then took the picture. “There we go. Anything else to do before we leave?”

Sarah shook her head, before looking a bit past us, “No… though they look like they have something for you.” She said, pointing behind me.

“What are you talking abo-” I immediately stopped when I felt my spider-sense tingling and I reached behind myself and caught something. When I looked at my hand, I noticed I caught a pokeball. “What the-”


I looked down and saw the Froakie from earlier staring at me. “You threw this?” It nodded. “Why?”

I heard Meowth sighed, “Boy, you guys sure are dense aren’t cha?” The cat jumped down and walked in front of the two other Pokemon.

“And what do you mean by that?” I asked.

He gave me a flat expression before turning towards the Froakie, “Yous sure you want these guys? Heck my humans gots more brains.” The frog croaked, responding to Meowth’s comment. “If you say so.” The normal type shrugged, turning back towards me. “Basically, yous made quite the impression on this mon and he wants to come home with you! The same with the Fennekin, only she wants to go with your sister.”

I looked to Cece and saw the Fennekin rolling a pokeball to her before she picked it up. I then looked at the Froakie. “So you two wanna come home with us?” They both nodded. I then crouched down to one knee and held up the pokeball in my hand up to it. It smiled before tapping the button and getting sucked in. The pokeball shook for a couple of times before it flashed a small light.

Well, looks like I caught myself a Froakie. This would be fun.

I looked back at Cece and noticed the same for her. I smiled behind my mask and looked to Tomas and Sarah. “Looks like we have two new companions.”

Sarah clapped her hands, a huge smile on her face. “That’s wonderful!”

Tomas smirked a bit, “I knew those two trusted you, but to actually let you catch them is still surprising.”

Sarah hummed in thought, “Say, are any of you two going to give them nicknames?” She asked.

I thought for a moment and nodded. “Yeah. Never really liked that whole thing about naming them after their species. Just seems confusing to me.” I shrunk the pokeball down and put it in my pocket.

Cece looked at her pokeball. “What to name it though?”

I chuckled. “I have a certain idea in mind, but let's wait til we're back home.” Then a thought came to me. “Hey Tomas, I just thought of something.”


I pulled out the gem that he gave me earlier. “You said I couldn't do anything big with this right?”

He nodded, “Nothing too big, just things small enough to fit in a bag or in your pockets.”

“What about food like cookies or Poképuffs?”

Tomas hummed in thought, “Well it could make them, but it won't be as good as the real ones.”

“Okay then. Well, I believe that's everything. I guess it's time to go.”

The rocket smiled, “Well feel free to call us anytime, or if you feel the need to visit I’m sure your world’s Discord can take you here.” His eyes widen a bit, “Oh and before I forget, please be sure to call us when your Froakie and Fennekin evolve! It's nothing too serious, we just need to make sure everything turned out well in the evolution process. You never know what can happen.”

“Will do. And if you ever want someone to talk to or need help, just toss that medallion.”

Tomas nodded, “We’ll be sure to do so. So… I think it went like this? Our contract is complete…?”

A portal opened behind me. Cece walked to it and examined it. “So we just walk through? Well, better than how we got here.” She turned to the others. “Nice meeting you guys. Oh, and Screwball? Try working on that attitude problem of yours.” She then jumped through the portal before Screwball could say anything.

The pink filly huffed, “I do not have an attitude!” The green blob on her head yawned.

“Sure you don't, Screwy,” I said sarcastically.

Twilight walked up to the portal before turning back. “Well, this has definitely an interesting experience. I hope you have a nice time and that we can meet again.” She then jumped through the portal.

Before I went through the portal, I walked to Tomas, took off my mask, and held out my hand. “Nice meeting you guys. I hope you have the best of luck with what you have planned.”

Tomas smiled and shook my hand, “Thanks, and good luck with your Equestria, from what I know there’s never going to be a dull moment.”

“You got that right.” I then walked to the portal. “Good luck with the Mane Six and the Sisters.” I then jumped through the portal and landed in the throne room.

“Well, that was something,” Cece said. “Fighting giant bees, helping a fire fox, and catching it. Anyway, I just toss this and she comes out, right?”

“Yeah, though you don't have to throw it.” I pulled out my pokeball, expanded it, and opened it, releasing the Froakie from inside. “See? Simple,” I said to my sister.

“Okay then.” She then did the same thing, releasing her Fennekin. She then looked at me. “So, you mentioned something about having a name for her?”

I nodded. “Nothing special. Just thought her name can be...Emily.”

She looked at the Fennekin for a moment before speaking up again. “Okay then.” She then picked her up. “I guess your name is now Emily.”

“Fen,” Emily said, smiling.

Cece then looked at me and my Froakie. “So what are you going to name yours?”

I thought for a moment, remembering that Meowth said it was male. I then looked to him and fell to one knee again. “How does the name Michael sound to you?”

He smiled and simply said, “Froakie,” with a nod.

I stood back up. “Great.” He then climbed onto my shoulder. I looked to Twilight and said, “You don't mind all this, do you Twi?”

She shook her head. “As long as they don't destroy anything and behave themselves, I'm perfectly fine with it.”

“Perfect.” I then looked at the time and saw it was 9:38pm. “Well, I guess it's time for bed. See ya tomorrow,” I said, walking to my room with Michael.

Author's Note:

Well, it's finally done. This was a crossover with my friend Star and her story Prepare For Trouble and Make It Double. Sorry for the long wait, but there was a lot of delays on this one. Anyway, Tito, as well as Twilight and Cece, have now travel to another Equestria for the first time. Not to mention that Cece and Tito now have a Pokemon each. Don't expect them to fully evolve anytime soon though, it'll be a little while before that happens. Also, the next chapter should be done in a few days at most, so you don't have to wait long. Oh, and I found out how to do hyperlinks now. Well, that's all for now. Until next time. Oh, and one more thing. Tito'll now take pictures of any Displaced he meets as memoirs.

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