• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,416 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

  • ...

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15. Going Through the Mirror

I was just laying on my bed with Michael, watching some Bronies React, when Cece walked into my room, her Fennekin close behind.

“I need you to watch Emily for a bit,” she said.

“What? Why?”

“I don't think it'll be a good idea to bring a Fennekin to public place, and I don't know when I'll be able to let her out.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I'm going through that portal in a bit, and I don't want to anyone freaking out about a Pokemon walking around.”

“Just put her in her Pokeball then.”

“I don't want her to be in that for so long.”

“I'm not watching YOUR Pokemon.”

She then picked Emily up and held her up to me. “How can you say no to this face?” Emily then lowered her ears and gave me those puppy dog eyes.

Damn it. Why does Fennekin have to be so cute?

I sighed. “Fine.”

Emily immediately perked up and let out a small yip. Cece then put her down and tossed me her pokeball. “Knew you couldn't resist.” She then walked to the door before looking back at me. “Bring her with you when you go through.”

“What makes you think I'm going?”

“Come on Tito. It's a chance to be with humans again and not be seen as freaks. Unless they know about our...abilities, but I doubt that’d happen.”

I sighed. “Fine, you got me. Wait, how can we meet up? We don't know where anything in that dimension is.”

Cece just pulled out her phone. “Just text me whenever you go through. Though, I don't think what you're wearing would fit in as well.”

I smiled. “Not a problem. Check this out.” I walked to my dresser, before opening one of the drawers, pulling out a pile of folded clothes and putting it on the bed.

“When did you get those?”

“Hearth’s Warming present from Rarity. She said it was for when I stop hiding and if I ever wanted to wear anything more modern.” The new clothes were a pair of dark jeans, a blue shirt, and a black jacket with a blue spider emblem in the back.

“Not bad. I guess I should change into my new clothes too. Now, before I go, what can you tell me about this place? All I know is that everypony we know has a human counterpart there.”

“Well, just about everyone we know is in high school, with Celestia and Luna being the principal and vice principal respectively. I don't think you need to know much else. Oh, and there is one person there who's from here.”

“Really? Who?”

“Sunset Shimmer. That journal you found? It's Twilight’s way of contacting her from here. She used to be Celestia’s student, but when she didn't become an alicorn, she ran off and stumbled onto the human world and practically became a dictator of the whole school.”

“Sounds like someone I'd want a few words with.”

“Not necessary. Not long after Twilight became a princess, the portal opened up again and Sunset came back to steal her crown. Long story short, her crown had a powerful gem on it at the time, and Sunset wanted it. Three days later, Sunset took it again, became a literal monster, and was beat/turned back thanks to Twilight and the human version of her friends. Afterwards, Twilight convinced Sunset to try to make up for all she's done and try to make friends, starting with Twilight’s.”

“That's it?”

I shook my head. “A...while later, never said when exactly, three girls came to the high school and caused everyone to fight each other. Finding out they were using magic, Sunset used her journal to contact Twilight. Then Twilight used hers to open the portal, get there, and tried to help. Long story short, they won thanks to Sunset and everyone forgave her for her past actions.” I hesitated for a moment. “There IS at least one more thing I know about, but all you need to know is that the Twilight and Spike of that world are now a part of their group.”

“So what does she look like?”

“Just look for a girl with hair like fire. That's all you need to know.”

“Okay. Anything else I should know?”

I opened my mouth, but closed it, thinking I should leave that last part a secret. “Not really. But you should ask them if you can see them play a few songs. You might be surprised. Oh, and can you not tell them I'm coming?”

“Okay… Well, I'll see all of you later.” She then petted her Fennekin. “Take care, Emily.” And with that, she left.

“Wonder how she'd react to the the whole “pony up” thing. Awe well. I'll find out later.” Emily then jumped onto my bed and layed down next to Mike.

Now just to rest and relax until I go.

I then suddenly felt a familiar pulling feeling before I started falling through a portal.

(Cece's POV, 30 minutes later)

I walked into the throne room, havIng changed to my new clothes, and saw Twilight sitting in her throne, writing in that journal I found the other day.

“Oh, hi Cece,” she said when she saw me. “Are you ready?” I nodded. “Then come with me.” She got up and walked out, with me close behind. We walked around the castle for a couple minutes, until we went into a room with a mirror in the center. Twilight walked to it and turned to me. “Well this is it.”

I walked up to it and look at my reflection. I was wearing my usual cloak along with a red and white jacket with a red shirt and white pants, as well as a red scarf around my neck like Tito. Except when his is to hide his face, mines is more for the cold.

I looked to Twilight. “You sure?”

“Positive. I went through it a few times myself after all.”

“So, what? I just walk through it?”

She nodded. “I informed Sunset to come find you. You should be fine with her and the others.”

“Okay…” I placed my hand on the mirror, and it suddenly rippled, like water. I pulled my hand back and took a step back. “Okay, that's weird.” I just shook my head then ran through it.

I immediately fell onto my knees on pavement. I lifted myself up and looked around. A few yards ahead of my was a huge two story building, and behind me was some statue.

This must be that high school Tito was talking about.

I then looked at myself and noticed I didn't have fur anymore. I then pulled out my phone, lowered my hood, and looked at my reflection. I looked just like I used to before I was Displaced, mostly. My eyes were still green, and my hair was still pink and looked like Amy’s, but besides that, I looked like myself again.

“HA, I knew it'd work. In your face, Twilight,” I said.

“Well you seem happy,” I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around and I saw a girl in a thin orange coat, with tan skin, green eyes, and red and yellow hair that looked like flames.

And this must be the girl he told me about.

She walked to me and smiled. “I take it you're who Princess Twilight told me to look for?” I nodded and she stuck her hand out. “Nice to meet you. I'm Sunset.”

I hesitated for a moment before taking her hand and shaking it. “Cece. So, where are we exactly?”

“Well, right now we're in front of Canterlot High. Though, it's closed until next semester.”

“Okay then. Makes sense.”

“Come on, I'll introduce you to some of my friends.” She then started walking away, with me following her, putting my scarf up and putting on my hood.

“So, I heard that your friends are...similar to some ponies I know.”

She chuckled. “Yeah. You can say that. So, how did you find out about the portal?”

“I found that journal Twilight has and someone told me to give it to her. When I did, they explained to me about the portal and this world, and I got curious.”

She nodded and we walked for a little while until we reached a small shop. I looked at the sign and saw it was called “Sugar Cube Corner”.

Huh. So there's a Sugar Cube here as well. Wait, does that me I'll run into-

“Hi Sunset,” a familiar voice said, before Pinkie Pie suddenly showed up. Looking at her, she was almost as pink here as she is in Equestria. When she saw me, she gasped. “Who are you? Are you new here? Are you a friend of Sunset’s? Do you-” I immediately put a hand over her mouth.

“Listen Pinkie, can you stop? I'll talk about myself in a bit, but I don't think berating me with questions is a good idea. And no, I don't want a party. At all.” I then took my out away from her and she sighed.

“Okay.” Then she blinked. “Wait, how did you know my name? Are you psychic?”

“No, but if I was, I wouldn't try to read your mind.”

Lord knows how crazy that is.

“Okay. So, can I get you anything?”

“I'll have a hot chocolate,” Sunset said.

“I would have that, but I don't have any money,” I said, taking off my hood and scarf.

“Make that two Pinkie. On me. Come on Cece.” We walked to a table, where I saw what was obviously the human version of the rest of them. The crazy thing was, their skin was the same color as the fur their pony versions had. Well, Applejack actually looked human, and Rarity was still white as snow, but the rest looked like they had some weird skin condition. And this version of Twilight had on glasses and a dog that looked just like Spike.

The resemblance is insane.

Rainbow looked to me and Sunset. “Hey Sunset. Who's this?”

“Name's Cece, Skittles.”

She sighed and facepalmed. “Why does everyone call me that? My name isn't Skittles. It's-”

“Rainbow Dash. Yeah I know, but I like Skittles more,” I said, sitting down on a chair.

Her eyes widened. “How do you know my name?”

“Same as how I know the rest of you.”

They all looked at me surprised and then looked at Sunset. She sighed and said, “She's from Equestria, and a friend of Princess Twilight’s, so she most likely knows the pony version of all of you.”

“Ooooohhh,” they said in unison.

Pinkie then came back and gave me and Sunset our hot chocolate before sitting down. Applejack then look to me and said, “So you're a pony from Equestria huh?”

“Not really.”

That caused all of them to look at me in confusion. “What do you mean “not really”?”

“I mean I'm not a pony, and I'm not FROM Equestria.”

“Then what are you?” Rainbow asked.

I shrugged. “Same thing I am now. A human.”

“Wait what?”

I sighed. “Look, you want the details, you'll have to wait until later. But the short version is that I was once human, but then I ran into someone, and he sent me to Equestria as a video game character.”

“What kind of video game character?” Pinkie asked.

“Ever heard of Amy Rose?”

“From Sonic? Yeah,” Rainbow said. “Wait, you turned into her? Ha, that's pretty funny.”

I growled at her. “You think it's funny turning into a pink hedgehog and being pulled from your home to a completely different universe with no way back!” I yelled, causing a lot of people in the place to look at me in confusion. I lifted my hood and lowered my head. “Sorry, but that's a VERY touchy subject for me.”

They just stay silent for a moment before Fluttershy, of all people, spoke up. “What do you mean you have no way back?”

“I mean that whatever that stupid Merchant did, it's a one way trip to Equestria with no way of going back to my dimension.”

“Can't you just try to find your way home here?” Twilight asked.

I shook my head. “I don't have one here. This is entirely different Earth than mine.” When they looked at me with either surprise or shock, I held a hand up. “Again, if you want the details, you're going to have to wait until later. Until then, any questions that DOESN’T involve how I got to Equestria or about where I'm from?”

“Oh, can you do the stuff Amy can do?” Pinkie asked.

I smiled. “Yeah. Watch.” I then clapped my hands together and disappeared in front of them.

“W-what? Where'd she go?” Twilight asked while they all looked around. I just laughed as I became visible again.

“How did you do that?” Sunset said.

I shrugged. “Some guy I met yesterday told me about some power Amy had in a game called...Sonic 6?”

“I think you mean 06,” Pinkie said.

Rainbow groaned. “Don't talk about that game.”

“Is that game really that bad?” I asked.

“You have no idea.”

“Okay...anyway, I can also run pretty fast and and I'm pretty strong. Oh, and I can do one more thing, but I rather not do THAT here.”

“Can you pull stuff out of nowhere too?” Pinkie said.

“I can do that with my hammer.”

“Anything else? They do that a lot in those games.”

I shrugged again. “Never really tried. I wonder…”

Rainbow then got up. “You said you're fast right? Let's see how fast you are.”

“What do you mean?”

“A race, you and me. Once around the block.”

I thought about it and shrugged. “Sure.” I got up, put up my scarf, and followed her outside.

When we got to the front of the building, she pointed down the street. “Like I said, once around the block, first back here wins. Got it?” I nodded. “Great. On three. One. Two. Three!” And with that, we both ran down the block.

We were neck and neck at first, but after a minute, I easily passed her. I just ran all the way around in about two more minutes. Rainbow’s friends just stared at me in surprise. While I was waiting for Rainbow, I got my hot chocolate back from Sunset and checked my phone. After another three minutes, Rainbow finally got back, completely out of breath.

“Now you know how fast I am,” I said.

“Yeah...I do,” she said between pants.

After she was better, I remembered what Tito told me. “Hey, I heard you guys play music. Care to play something?”

Rainbow chuckled at that. “Sure. Follow me.” We then started walking down the street.

“So where are we going?”

“The concert hall. It's the best place to show you what we can do.”

“Okay…” I just went it and followed them.

(Dark’s POV)

I landed in my room from the portal and was about to get my new clothes when I heard someone from the other side of the portal.

"Don't forget to give Rainbow a kiss, loverboy."

“Screw you Aurora,” I said before I shot a web through the portal.

When it closed, I just sighed and put on hand on my forehead. “Ashur’s right. Cece must never meet her.” I just shook my head and took off my cloak. I then changed into my new clothes and grabbed Mike’s and Emily’s pokeballs and pointed at them. “Okay you two, return.” The pokeballs shot a red beam at them and they were sucked into their pokeballs. I then shrank them down and put them in my pocket before grabbing my backpack and leaving my room.

I found Twilight in the dining room, eating small salad. When she saw me, she said, “Oh, hi Dark. What's with the new clothes?”

“I was thinking about going through the portal and this is better to fit in than my usual clothes.”

“Oh, okay. Come with me then,” she said as she got up and walked away, leading me to the room with the mirror in it. I walked to the mirror and looked at myself when Twilight spoke up. “I'll go get my journal and let Sunset know to keep an eye out for you,” she said as she began to leave.

“Actually, don't,” I said. “I want it to be a surprise for them.”

“Okay… Anyway, when you come back, find me. I need to talk to you and Cece about something.”

“Okay Twilight. See ya later,” I said before running through the portal and landing in front of CHS. I looked around and nodded to myself. I then pulled out my phone and texted Cece.

I’m here. Where are you?

About a minute later, I got her reply.

Some concert hall.

Concert hall? What concert hall? Wait, is she talking about that place in Rainbow Rocks? Well I guess I'm heading there.

I put away my phone, put on ‘20 Percent Cooler’ and ran off, using my spider-sense to guide me.

(Cece's POV)

I put away my phone and continued watching the girls, the “Rainbooms” according to Dash, set up instruments. When they were finished, about six minutes later, Twilight came down from the stage with Spike and stood by me.

“Okay, ready to have your mind blown?” Rainbow asked.

I just shrugged. They then began playing a song. It was pretty good, but when they started glowing, getting pony ears and growing ponytails, Rainbow and Fluttershy getting wings as well, that's when it got weird. When they finished playing, those things vanished.

Rainbow looked at me with a smirk. “Impressed?”

“Admittedly, yes,” I said as I climbed onto the stage. “I'm actually surprised.”

“I knew that'd surprised you,” someone said. While everyone was looking around, Tito fell from the ceiling in front of the Rainbooms, facing me. “Hey Cece. Glad to see you looking like your old self.”

“Mostly.” I pulled down my hood, revealing my hair.

“Oh. Well, still better than being a hedgehog, right?”

I nodded as everyone else just stared at us in confusion. “Um, excuse me, but who are you?” Rainbow asked.

Tito turned towards them. “Sorry. I almost forgot I asked no one to tell you about me.” He took off his hood. “Name’s Tito. I'm Cece older brother. Oh, before I forget…” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small ball. He pressed a button on tossed it at me. When I caught it, I saw it was my pokeball.

“So you did bring her,” I said.

“Well you told me to, and I didn't want them to be alone in that huge castle. You can let her out. I'm not picking up anyone else around here.”

I nodded before opening it, letting out my Fennekin. She let out a small yip, when a yellow blur came by. Next thing I know, Fluttershy is hugging Emily.

“Oh she is just adorable. What is it?” She asked.

I blinked. “Um, that's Emily. She's my Fennekin. And can I have her back please?”

“Oh, right. Sorry.” She put Emily down and backed up, blushing softly.

“Um, are we just going to ignore the fact that Cece has a brother that just came from the ceiling?” Twilight asked.

We looked back at Tito as he was putting his pokeball in his pocket, Mike on his shoulder. When he noticed we were all looking at him, he said, “What?”

Sunset just shook her head before she walked up to him. “We should introduce ourselves.” She held her hand out. “I'm-”

“Sunset Shimmer,” he said, grabbing her hand and shaking it. “I know about you, where you're from, and about your achievements. Speaking of which, nice job fixing the mess at the Friendship Games.”


“Wait, how do you know about that?” Rainbow asked.

“Same way I know about the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands that ended here,” he said. “I also know that you and Pinkie tried to spy on the ShadowBolts. That was funny,” he finished with a chuckle.

“What? Have you been spying on us?” Applejack said.

“No. I don't need to.”

“Okay, I'm starting to get confused,” Twilight said.

“Want me to explain?”

“While you're at it, you should tell them a bit about Displaced,” I told him.

He nodded before putting Mike down. He then jumped up, shooting a few webs at the wall and landing in a makeshift hammock, swinging in front of us. “Okay, I'm ready now.”

“How...how did you do that?” Twilight asked.

Tito smiled. “I can do a lot of things. Now, I know you all have questions, so just ask. I know everything I need to about you.”

“Okay,” Sunset said. “First off, how did you do that? And is it connected to what Cece said about turning into Amy Rose?”

“She told you that? Huh. Okay, sit tight because this is a pretty long story.”

(Dark’s POV, 2 hour later)

I finally finished explaining everything to them, from Cece and I being Displaced, to the whole fact that they're fictional characters where we're from. They didn't believe the latter, but showing them scenes from the show and the movies made them believe me. Like their Equestrian counterparts, they were confused and shocked, but didn't question it compared to everything else.

Sadly though, it was now dusk, and time for Cece and I to leave. I was a little sad that my time was mostly spent explaining everything to them, but I can always come back again in the future.

We were in front of the statue, about to leave. Mike and Emily went in first, followed by Cece and then me. When I went through, I saw Cece looking like Amy again. She sighed and pulled her scarf off, while Mike climbed onto my shoulder.

“Don't worry sis,” I said, patting her back. “You'll get used to it.”

“Hopefully…” She replied.

I walked to the door. “Come on. Twilight said she wanted to talk to us when we got back.”

She nodded before picking up Emily and following me. After walking around for a few minutes, we found her in the library reading that journal we got from Sarah. When she saw us, she said, “Dark. Cece. I'm glad you came.”

“You said you wanted to see us?” I said.

She nodded. “Yes. You see, I've been thinking… You two don't have jobs, right?” We shook our heads. “Well I think I know a way to fix that.”

“What do you mean?” Cece asked.

“How would you two feel about being my personal guards?”

I blinked. “I'm sorry, what?”

“I'm offering you to be my guards.”

“Why?” Cece said. “Isn't there at least a dozen more qualified ponies to do that?”

“Well...you see, I don't exactly want to hire any members of the Royal Guard. They'll be overprotective, stone faced, and they won't treat me like a normal pony. You two on the other hand, aren't like that. Not to mention you protected me just fine when we were attacked by those Beedrill, which, from what I read, isn't a small feat. So, what do you say?”

I thought about it for a moment before shrugging. “Sure. I'm cool with that. I'm not wearing any of that armor though.”

Twilight then turned her head to Cece, who just sighed. “Fine. Not like I have anything better to do with my life. Though, how exactly would we get paid.”

Twilight then smiled. “Don't worry about that. Once I send word to Princess Celestia, you'll be sent a sum of bits every week or two.”

“Well then, Princess Twilight, looks like you finally have some guards,” I said. “Took ya long enough.”

Twilight just rolled her eyes. “Very funny Dark. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to read some more of this journal before I start trying to create some of these potions.” She then went back to reading.

I waved goodbye to her before heading to my room. When I got there, I changed out of my clothes and put the sash I got from Ashur and Aurora in my nightstand drawer. I then laid down on my bed, Mike currently on a pillow on the floor, before going to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well, they went to the human world and met the Human 7, as well as become Twilight's personal guards. Sorry if the last part seems rushed and that I skipped the explanation, but I'm getting tired of explaining the whole Displaced thing to non Displaced in my story, and I didn't think of anything else to write in that world. I'll be posting the next chapter, which is finished already, either later tonight, or tomorrow. Until next time.

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