• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,417 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

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10. Exploring Manehatten

“Dark! Wake up!”

I immediately opened my eyes and sat upright, almost head butting Twilight. I looked around, panicked, until I remembered where I was. I was with the rest of the Mane Six on a train going to Manehatten to help Rarity open her new shop “Rarity For You”. I tagged along because I wanted to check the city out. With how many times I went to New York back home, I wanted to see how similar they were. That, and I wanted go web swinging in more than just the castle. And what better place than the pony version of the original wall crawler’s home? Though, one thing confused me.

“Uh, why am I on the floor?” I asked, looking around and noticing I wasn't on my seat anymore.

“Well,” Twilight started, “you fell asleep and, I guess, you had a pretty bad nightmare. You kept screaming and tossing and turning, until we were able to wake you up.”

Ooooh, now I remember. Serves me right for listening to The Living Tombstone’s songs to bed.

See, I was listening to “It's Been So Long”, the Living Tombstone’s song for FNAF 2, when I went to sleep. And I had a nightmare involving those stupid robots. I love the songs and lore, but I despise those animatronics. I especially remembered one certain robot in my nightmare.

“I'm fine. Just a nightmare,” I said, getting back to my seats, the girls giving one last worried glance before going back to their conversations. Then I said under my breath, “Stupid fox.”

Unfortunately, a certain pegasus heard me and fell over laughing. “You're afraid of foxes? That's hilarious.”

I just glared at her, before all this talk about nightmares reminded me of a certain episode. “Says the pegasus who's worst nightmare is a bunch of happy flowers singing a song to her.” That immediately shut her up and even blush. “And besides, I'm not afraid of foxes. I'm afraid of homicidal robots possessed by dead children, who kill people by stuffing them in costumes that crushes their bones and squeezes the blood out of them. And one of those robots is a pirate fox that screams louder than Flurry Heart and has a sharp hook for a right hand.”

That caused all of them to stare at me in shock, horror and disgust. I even saw Rarity put a hand over her mouth with her face turning green. Then Twilight cleared her throat and said, “Well, that's...interesting.”

“What the hay are you talking about?” Rainbow immediately said.

I just sighed. “A horror series from back home that everyone was obsessed with for a time. One good thing about coming here is that, besides a few videos I downloaded, I never have to see anything about it again. Nor see what the Sister Location is about, but who cares about that? If you want the details, a few of those videos explain the lore.”

Rarity and Fluttershy shook their heads like crazy, Applejack declined, and Pinkie was apparently going to be busy watching Pound and Pumpkin. Rainbow and Twilight, however, agreed to watch it. Twilight agreed so she can learn about the lore of it, and Rainbow because she wanted to see just how scary it was.

After that, the train slowed to a halt. We all got up, I put on my hood and lifted my scarf, and exited the train.

“Well Dark,” Twilight said, “welcome to Manehatten.”

Looking around, it really did look a lot like New York. Except a lot cleaner and no cars. We all just followed Rarity to the location of her shop, nopony giving us so much as a second glance. Not that I'm surprised. When we got to the shop, I was aware of a nearby alley that I could slip into that was not too far away. After going inside and avoiding some dust from Pinkie sneezing, I was about to leave when a filly with the same colors as Scootaloo, but with a frizzy mane and tail and none of the adorableness, came to me.

*groan* Plad Stripes. The most annoying thing about this episode.

The second she opened her mouth to talk to me, I immediately put my hand over it and said, “Whatever you have to say, forget it. I'm not staying here, and I don't wanna listen to your “good” ideas. See ya.” I then just went out the door, yelling to the others I'll be back by the opening. I then ran to that alley and when the coast was clear, took off my cloak and put on my mask. After putting my cloak in a web bag, I then crawled up the wall and thought of how I should start.

(Cece's POV)

I was walking down Saddle Row with Coco, who got a massive cold from the storm a few nights ago.

“Coco, why are we going to this shop?” I asked. “You should be in bed.”

Coco sneezed before saying, “I at least want to let Rarity know why I can’t help her with the opening.” And then she sneezed again. I just sighed and we kept walking until we reach a some building I never paid attention to over the last 2 weeks. “Well, this is it. Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

I just looked around the street until I felt something strange. I felt like I can sense someone nearby. Before I can dwell on that though, Coco came out of the shop. After that, we headed back to her place, where she rested in bed and I cooked her up some chicken soup. Then, when Coco fell asleep, I put back on my cloak and went outside to explore.

(Dark’s POV)

I climbed up a rather tall skyscraper, surprisingly undetected. What I was about to do, though, would definitely gain quite a bit of attention. After I reached the top, I looked down to the street.

Man, if I did this a couple years ago, I'd probably faint.

When I was younger, I had a terrible fear of heights, but my dad forced that out of me by taking me skydiving. Now I'm not afraid of heights anymore, though I still wanna punch him from time to time for making me do that in the first place.

After looking down for a bit, I just put on “My Demons” from Starest. Then, I just ran and jumped off the building. I heard, and saw, a few ponies freaking out about a creature with no wings jumping off like that. They were so shocked that they just watched as I fell for a few seconds until I felt that familiar tingling feeling and then I shot my hand out, shooting a web to a nearby building and swinging off, barely missing the ponies’ heads. I swung around the place, letting my spider-sense guide me through. I then landed on a traffic light and looked around. All the ponies that saw me were screaming and pointing at me. I just gave a small wave before swinging off, not wanting the Royal Guard to get me for “disturbing the peace”.

After swinging around for a bit, I attached myself to a wall and looked around some more. The city definitely looked great from this height. Looking at the ponies, I see that not too many were paying me any attention now.

Huh. I guess jumping off a building was the only way to get their attention. Typical New Yorkers. Even if they're ponies, and I’m not actually in New York

Shaking my head at the thought, I put on “Protect The World” from JT Machinima and Rockit Gaming and just swung around a bit more.

(Cece's POV)

I went back to Saddle Row to check on about that feeling. When I got to that store, I saw a white unicorn on the window display, but didn't really pay attention to her. I just went to an alley that had that...aura, I guess, around it. I didn't know what it was, but I felt like something was there. When I went there though, there was nothing. But I still felt that aura, except...the further I went through the alley, the stronger it was, like a trail. I decided to just follow it, figuring I might as well see where it led.

I followed the trail until nightfall. Whatever was leaving it was definitely fast, and practically went through all of Manehatten. I was about to call it a night when I went into an alley. There, I found a rather strange sight. I saw a unicorn, two pegasi, and an earth pony all unconscious. But what was strange was that the pegasi were stuck to the walls, and the unicorn to the floor, all of them were covered in some strange white stuff. And for some reason, the earth pony had his pants down.

Wait, I've seen this stuff before.

Looking closely at one of the pegasi, I was able to get an actual look at what stuck them to the wall. It was white and stringy, and looked an awful lot like-

“A web? What could make a web that...thick….” Then I started to remember why it looked familiar. Tito always had me watch Spider-Man with him once in awhile, whether it was an episode of a show or one of the movies he had. With all that, I learned to recognize those webs. Leaving me with one of three possibilities. One: Spider-Man is here, which is crazy, considering I doubt he has anything to do with this world. Two: it was actually just some giant spider, which from what I heard about this world isn't as unlikely as back home, but it wouldn't explain why they aren't in cocoons or dead. And three: Tito actually IS here and somehow became Spider-Man. Which is the most likely considering I became Amy Rose and got her abilities, so it wouldn't be too crazy if he got Spider-Man’s. Not to mention, that aura did feel like his now that I think about it. Shaking my head, I went to the street and told a police officer about the webbed up ponies. When they were going to pull them out, the webs dissolved. I overheard a few cops mentioning how those guys were part of some gang that'd been terrorizing a few ponies around here. I then left to Coco's apartment, with it getting rather late and me not wanting to worry her. As I was dashing to my destination, I had several thoughts about what I found.

Huh. I guess Tito actually became what he always wanted. Though, what happened?

(Dark’s POV, One hour earlier)

I was just sitting on a wall, finally getting bored of exploring this place. I changed several times for some food and looking inside buildings, then changing back in an alley and resume my web swinging. With how much I swung today, I don't care what Rainbow or anypony says, web swinging is definitely the best way to travel in my opinion. I had a few near misses, like a few pegasi tried to follow me around a couple of times, but I just used my spider-sense and other abilities to maneuver away from them and lose them easily.

I was about to go back to the girls when I felt my spider-sense tingling. Thing is though, it wasn't the usual kind like the urge to dodge something, but something else, like instead of telling me what to do, it was telling me to go somewhere. Like a beacon. I didn't know what it was, but I knew there was trouble. So, I shot a web out, and swung to wherever I needed to go. A few minutes later I ended up on top of a building and looked down to an alley. What I saw made me angry. I saw a bunch of stallions surrounding a mare, and by their laughter I can tell it was for their own “fun”. I couldn't tell what the mare looked like with that jacket covering her face, but that wasn't important right now. I crawled down the wall, then flipped myself so that I was upright and using my back to stick to the wall.

“Come on babe. Don't make this harder than it has to be,” said the earth pony.

“Go buck yourselves, you stupid sons of bitches,” the mare said, in a rather familiar voice.

'Wow, that's quite some language. Never thought I'd hear that from anypony. Except maybe Dash.'

The earth pony sighed and said, “Fine. If that's how it's gonna be. Boys.” They all took one step closer to her, before I gave my two cents.

“You know, trying to beat and rape somepony isn't really a good idea.” Everypony, including the mare, looked around in shock and confusion trying to find me. “Up here.” They all looked up and was able to see my silhouette from the darkness, as well as my eyes.

“And who are you supposed to be?”

I just shrugged. Since I mostly go by Dark here anyway, I decided to give the second half of my name. “Just call me Spider. Now if you're smart, which just by looking at you I can tell you're not, you'll leave the nice mare alone.”

The earth pony laughed and his lackeys (I assumed he was the leader since he seemed like the toughest) joined him. “Really? And what're you gonna do if we don't, you Power Ponies reject.”

'Wow that was tame. Awe well, better than most insults dumb goons make I guess.'

“Simple. This,” I said before I immediately webbed the unicorn in the face so he won't do what Twilight did and hold me with magic. I then jumped off the wall and did a leg sweep on him and punching his face, knocking him out before I webbed him to the ground. I looked to the other three and smirked under my mask. “Anymore volunteers?”

They just stared at each other in confusion before the earth pony shook his head and yelled at the pegasi, “Don't just stand there! Get him!”

The first pegasus flew at me as fast as he can, but compared to Rainbow, this guy was very slow. I just moved to my left, grabbed his torso, slammed him into the wall and webbed him to it. Then, thanks to my spider-sense, I jumped over the next one, who was flying straight at me, and landed on the opposite wall. Before he readjusted, I shot a web onto his back and pulled him towards me, slamming his head repeatedly to the wall and webbing his unconscious body to it. Then I jumped back down and turned to the earth pony, only to see him holding a rather big pipe.

“I'll teach you to not mess with us.”

He swung at me, but I just leaned back to dodge each attack. Then, when he try to swing in a wide arch, I bent myself back as far as I could and kicked the pipe out of his hands and it was sent flying through the air. Then I just kicked him in the face and backed up a few steps. He then tried to use his fist, but the moment I dodge the first swipe, I webbed his right hand to the wall to his left. Then, when he tried to swing with his other hand, I webbed it to the other wall. Then, just for laughs, I webbed his pants and pulled them to the ground. As I was doing all this, I couldn't help but whistle that old Spider-Man theme song. I then turned and walked away.

“Hey! Where are you going! Come back and fig-” and then the pipe came back down and landed on his head, knocking him out.

“Well, that was fun.” I then turned around and took a good look at the earth pony. I don't know why, but his clothes seemed familiar. He was in a red and yellow sweater that I couldn't help but think I've seen before, except not in MLP. Shaking the thought away, I looked over to the mare and noticed her hood was down, allowing me to actually look at her. She had a golden spiked mane and tail, with matching eyes, light green fur, and a lightning bolt with three stars for her mark. Now that I'm close to her, I can see her wings, showing she's a pegasus, but I knew that just by looking at her face. We stared at each other for a bit before she spoke.

“What do you want?”

I shrugged and said, “Just thought I'd help out when I saw them gang up on you.”

“I didn't need any help.”

“Ah huh. Sure you didn't Lightning Dust,” I said sarcastically.

She widened her eyes and looked at me. “How do you know my name?”

“Unless they cover themselves completely, like myself, it's rather easy to recognize a pony. Especially with your cutie mark.”

She just shook her head, realizing I had a point, before she got up. “Well, I don't know about you, but I have to go.” She then walked pass me, but when I looked at her wings, I noticed they looked bad.

“You're hurt.”

She stopped and turned to me. “So what? Just a sprain. I'll be fine.”

“I don't think a bent wing counts as a “sprain”. You need help.”

She just glared at me with a suspicious look. “Oh, and you think I'm just gonna trust you to help me? What's the catch?”

“No catch. I'll take you to the closest hospital and then I'll be off. Simple as that.”

“Oh really? And what if you just want to foalnap me and do what those bastards tried to do?”

I actually laughed at that for a moment. When I calmed down, I said, “Not my style. Also, I beat them up so that WOULDN’T happen to you. So...” I then immediately put her left arm over my head. “You might wanna hang on. This is might get bumpy.” Right after I said that, I pulled her hood up so nopony will notice her.

“What are you talking ab-AAH” I then jumped up and started swinging. She was freaking out a bit, probably because she's never been this high up without being able to use her wings. After about two and a half minutes of swinging, I landed in an alley in front of a hospital and let her go.

“There we go. Hospital’s over there. Told you I'll be able to get you here.” I turned around and was about leave when Lightning spoke.

“What? You're not coming with me?”

I looked at her and said, “Not really. I'll stand out pretty easily. Not to mention I been in a hospital way too many times in my life.”

She looked down. “Hey, um...thanks.”

I smiled behind my mask. “Everybody gets one. See you around Lightning.” With that, I swung out of there and head back to Saddle Row. When I got back to the alley, I put on my cloak and went to Rarity’s shop. By the time I went in, the last customers were leaving.

“There you are. We've been looking all over for you. Where have you been?”

I looked to my left and saw Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity. “I went exploring. I told you right before I left that I was going to check this city out. And along the way, I helped a certain pegasus from getting attacked my a bunch of ponies.”

“What pegasus?” Rainbow asked.

“Lightning Dust.”

They all widened their eyes at that. “What? What's Lightning Dust doing here in Manehatten?”

I shrugged and said, “Heck if I know. I just found her in an an alley, surrounded by four ponies, with a messed up wing, and thought I should help her. After I took them out, I brought her to the hospital and came here.”

“That's it?” Twilight asked. When I nodded, she said, “Okay. It's too late to take a train back to Ponyville, so all of us are staying in a hotel until tomorrow, where we take the next train back.”

“Okay then. Let's go.” We went to said hotel and went to our rooms. All the girls were sharing rooms with at least one other, but fortunately for me, I got my own room. When I got in, I listened to a bit of music before turning off the lights and going to bed.

Author's Note:

Well, that was crazy. To explain the thing with Cece, another one of Amy's abilities is apparently being a great tracker, that it's like she can sense Sonic. So, I used that. Also, I suck at fight scenes, but I hope you enjoyed it at least a little. And to explain why I had the events of Saddle Row Review happen before Newbie Dash and A Hearthswarming Tale is because the events of the episode, aka the opening day, was the last day of fall, according to Rarity. So, I had that come first. Finally, I want to inform you that next chapter won't take place during any episode. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time, see ya.

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