• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,416 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

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46. Hexed Clown

The Fool laughed, holding up the shrunken down painting between his fingers. Grinning widely, he carefully stashed the priceless art piece in his pocket as he walked past the tied up guards. Without turning back, he tossed a tarot card over his shoulder, the card landing right in front of the defeated ponies. Finally reaching the museum’s most treasured art piece, he snapped his fingers, using his magic to make the glass case disappear, leaving behind the shining large red gem. Carefully picking the gem up, the jester inspected his new prize, taking in every detail of the gem. “Such beauty…” Fool whispered to himself, smiling at the perfectly cut red diamond. “And to think they wanted to keep you away from me,” He said, shaking his head with a smile. “Don’t these fools know anything? I despise anyone who tries to keep me away from what rightfully belongs to me, all of the world’s riches are mine to keep!”

“The only thing that belongs to you is a coffin.”

The jester froze, his face turning pale as he broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly turned around, his smile was shaky as he stared at the horrid pony in front of him. “W-well hello there!” He called out hesitantly as he took a step back. “F-fancy seeing you here T-Toxin.”

The orange-red and blue-black pony shambled towards him, she shook her head as her white eyes continued to glare at him. “I thought I told you to leave my city Fool.” She said, sounding disappointed. She slowly raised her clawed hand and set it down on the jester’s shoulder. “I told you what would happen if I see you causing trouble in my city didn’t I, Fool?” She began to apply pressure onto his shoulder, causing him to whimper.

“P-please Toxin I’m sorr-AH!” He cried out in pain as he felt his shoulder get crushed.

“I don’t want your damn APOLOGIES!” Toxin’s face became monstrous, her normally covered mouth became full of sharp teeth as she screamed at him. Raising the jester up high, she threw him onto the wall behind him. “You’re not sorry… not yet anyways.” The monster stomped towards the Fool, ignoring his pleas and protest. “If you were truly sorry, you wouldn’t have done it in the first place.” Toxin hissed, picking up the pony and raising him up to her level. The monster gave him a toothy grin, “But don’t worry, I’m going to make sure this won’t ever happen again.” She giggled, her tongue slithering out of her maw as she used it to lick his exposed face.

“Toxin please! I swear you’ll never see me here again!” Fool bargained, recoiling away from the tongue.

“You’re right about that Fool.” The monster began, laughing in its distorted voice. “I won’t see you again, I won’t see you ever again.” Laughing loudly, she pulled her head back before darting her head towards him, her mouth stretching widely. The last thing Fool ever saw was the inside of Toxin’s mouth.

Trump Card bolted straight up from his bed with a sharp gasp, his face was covered in sweat from the nightmare he had just woken up from. The stallion ran his hand through his orange mane, panting heavily as he tried to calm himself down. Looking around his room, he sighed in relief when he saw that he was alone. “It was a nightmare… There isn’t anyone here.” The lavender unicorn told himself, starting to get up from his bed. Glancing outside the window, he saw the moon hanging in the night sky, the stallion turned towards the alarm clock that sat on his desk and frowned. “It's barely 1…” He grumbled. Deciding that he wasn’t going to get any more sleep anytime soon, Trump Card walked towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

As he was getting a glass of water he spotted a couple of newspapers scattered across the kitchen counter.

“Swarm’s Beetle taken down by rookie hero! New vigilante reveals herself as Toxin!

Leader of the Insect themed gang known as “The Swarm”, Yellow Jacket, found dead on the docks, police suspect a hostile regime change.”

Card scowled at the papers, he could care less about the underworld’s politics, but seeing the vigilante gaining more and more fame made him angry. “She’s no hero, that crazy bitch is a monster,” he muttered as images of Toxin’s monstrous form came to mind. Trump Card shook his head to clear his thoughts. Turning back towards the papers, he used his magic to crumble them up and toss them into the garbage can.

Going to his living room, his eyes scanned all of the Fool’s equipment scattered across the living room table. Card sighed as he sat down on his chair, picking up small stack of tarot cards that were placed aside. Trump Card began shuffling the deck, taking out three cards he placed them spread out in front of him. He flipped over the first card, from it he could see his history, a family that was dirt poor, his family struggled with being able to provide for him and his sister. Trump sighed, he hated having to look into the past, but then again, it wouldn’t be a good reading if he wasn’t shown his origins.

Flipping over the second card, he noticed its position was reversed. Seeing the position of the card, he sighed and took a look at the present. He was once at the top, the greatest thief in all of the city, not a single pony had ever once seen him, and it all came crashing down around him the night he met Toxin. He scowled in frustration. Ever since that night, he couldn’t muster up the courage to wear his mask again, fearing that the nightmares might become a reality. The lavender unicorn clenched his fist tightly, his knuckles almost turning white.

Just as he was flipping over the third card, he heard someone pounding loudly on the apartment door. The unicorn narrowed his eyes, turning towards the living room table, he used his magic to teleport everything into his room. Getting up from the chair, he slowly walked towards the door. “Hello? Who is it?”

From behind the door, a sophisticated sounding voice responded. “Hello, we’re here to speak to a pony named Trump Card, that wouldn’t happen to be you is it?” He asked.

The unicorn raised an eyebrow. “Who’s asking?”

“We’re here to offer you a job, not only that but we’re looking for some information.” The voice responded.

Trump Card shook his head. “I’m not an info broker, go look somewhere else.” He began walking away from the door.

“We’re looking for info regarding Manehatten’s newest vigilante, Toxin.”

The unicorn froze, calming down, he turned back towards the door. “What makes you think I know anything?”

“Why not open the door first? It's rather unprofessional to talk to a potential employer like this you know.” Before Trump Card could make up his mind, the voice spoke again. “And just to sweeten the deal, we know a thing or two about the vigilante as well, and we’ll be glad to share this info with you.”

“And what info do you have.” He asked.


He felt this throat tightened. “If you know that, then what do you need me for?”

The response came quick. “You’re the only one in the city to have fought Toxin and not get turned over to the police. What info you have is valuable.”

Trump Card became pale. “Y-you know?!” He almost yelled.

“Don’t worry, we’re not going to tell anyone, it’d be counterproductive of us to do so.” The voice promised. “But first, why don’t you open the door?”

Trump Card glanced at the room where he hid his costume, shaking his head he slowly began unlocking the door. Once he finished unlocking the door, he gulped and spoke up. “It's open.”

Trump Card saw the door knob twist, before he could come up with any plan of escape, the door began to creak as it was opened. At the otherside of the door was a tall pony wearing an expensive white tuxedo, his head was covered by a purple mask, and his eyes were covered by a pair of black goggles. His gloved hands let go of the door knob as he stepped in, Card noticed the red rose pinned at the left side of his shirt.

Before Trump could say a word, the masked pony stepped to the side and allowed somepo-something else inside. The creature was tall, towering over the both of them, his entire upper body was covered in a black leather jacket, not a single piece of skin, scale, or fur was shown. His lower body was also covered by a pair of black pants, there was a hole in the back to allow his black, scaly, tail to roam freely, the appendage rose up in the air before slamming to the floor. Covering the creature’s head was biker’s helmet, two holes were at the sides of the helmet, allowing for the creature’s bull like horns to stick out. Looking behind the creature, Trump Card only just noticed the pair of large black wings sticking out of his back, the wings stretched out briefly before closing.

‘A dragon?!’ Trump Card broke into a sweat, gulping at the sight of the dragon that towered over him.

The disguised dragon stepped forwards, once he was within arms reach, the dragon raised a gloved claw. “You must be Trump Card, it's a pleasure.” It-he greeted.

The unicorn hesitantly shook his claw. “The pleasure is all mine, sir...”

The dragon laughed. “You can call me Kingpin.” He answered, letting go of his hand. “Now are we just going to be standing here or..?”

Trump Card jumped back. “OH! How rude of me, please have a seat.” He lead the two towards the living room. “Please sit wherever you like.” The dragon, Kingpin, took a seat at the living room’s sofa, the pony stood behind him. Trump Card sat in the seat directly in front of the sofa, glancing at the pony behind him, Trump spoke up. “Excuse me, but I haven’t caught your name.”

“I didn’t throw it.” The masked pony joked, smirking behind his mask. “But you can call me Rose.”

Card nodded, glancing nervously between the two. “So you said you had some questions for me? About Toxin?”

Kingpin nodded, slowly raising a claw. “Yes, it's just a few simple questions, nothing to get worked up about.” He leaned back on his seat. “So tell me Trump Card… during your fight with Toxin, what did you notice about her? What did you learn throughout the fight?”

The unicorn gulped. “So you do know my identity then…” He chuckled nervously. “Well… one thing I did noticed about her is that she didn’t really seem to be all there…” He answered. Rose took out a small notepad and a pencil, motioning him to continue. “She just seemed to space out at times, not really giving me her full attention, it infuriated me at first.”

“Spacing out…” Rose whispered, he turned towards his boss. “You think it's possible they’re communicating?”

“It's possible.” Kingpin answered, noticing Card’s look of confusion, he waved him off. “Continue with your report.”

Though he wanted to figure out what they were talking about, he didn’t feel very confident in confronting the dragon. “I suppose another thing I noticed is that she always seemed to know when I’m about to attack before I actually threw a fist.”

“Battle precognition.” Rose said, jotting down a few notes. “Isn’t that what you said the Spider had?” He asked.

“Not exactly precognition, but it's close enough.” He answered, flapping his wings. “It's good to have my suspicions confirmed.”

“If it's some type of precognition it would explain how she saw through my illusions.” Card scowled. “She wasn’t in any real danger so she just walked on passed it.” He clenched his fist, red smoke beginning to leak out.

Kingpin’s tail slammed to the ground, catching the lavender unicorn by surprised. “Focus Fool, what else did you learn?”

The Fool gulped, lowering his head. “When she escaped my illusion, she became angry and started changing. Her face became more monstrous, the mask became a mouth filled with large sharp teeth.” He shuddered. “I thought I she was going to kill me, her voice was deeper, almost demonic, she said she was going to make me go away… then I got my powers… I exploded into smoke and escaped.” He whispered to them, staring at his hands.

Kingpin hummed. “Yes, ponies all over the city seemed to developing powers, they appear in times of great stress.” He tapped his claw on the sofa’s side. “The city is becoming a breeding ground for supers.” He spat out. The Kingpin shook his head, turning his attention back into the previous topic. “Tell me Fool, what do you know about the Spider?”

“The Spider?” Fool asked, confused. “He’s some kid, fancies himself a hero. I know he put the leader of the Thunderbolts in prison, but not much else.”

The dragon hummed. “That upstart is more than just a child, there is a reason he calls himself the Spider. His powers are similar to everything a spider can do. He can shoot out webs, stick to walls and climb them, he even shares the same battle precognition that Toxin has.”

Trump Card sat silently for a few seconds, before raising his head and looking at Kingpin. “There’s a connection between them?”

Kingpin shrugged. “It’s possible. Two heroes appearing with similar power sets, in such a short amount of time? It is only reasonable to suspect there may be a connection. But of course, it could all be just a coincidence, and there isn't a connection at all.” Kingpin hummed, his tail raising and slamming to the floor repeatedly while he was thinking. “There is another spider you know?” He began, the Fool’s eyebrows raised in confusion. “I’m not talking about Toxin of course, she may not be a spider at all. But this one is, the exact same power set, but greater potential.” He chuckled. “And unlike that child, this one is reasonable, a man that can be bought, and I know that there isn’t a connection between him and the Spider.”

“So why are you telling me this?” Trump asked. “I thought you were focused on Toxin, not the Spiders?”

“My focus is on all of them.” Kingpin answered. “I’m sure you know the saying, “Know your enemy”.” He tapped on side of his helmet. “Besides you stand to benefit from this information as well, Trump Card.” The dragon leaned forward. “I expect all of my employees to know everything there is to know about the threats to my operations.”

“Employees?” Trump Card narrowed his eyes.

“Rose told you didn’t he? We’re here to offer you a job.” The dragon picked up a large metal briefcase and set it down on the living room table. “Accept and I can equip you with the tools you need to defeat Toxin and any other “hero”.” Kingpin leaned back, and the briefcase snapped open by itself, without any input, the lid of the case raised itself, allowing for Trump Card to see what's inside. “Of course that's not all, I’m also willing to pay you a generous amount of bits.”

Inside the briefcase were several small capsules, there were pins stuck to the side of the tip of each of them. Below the capsules, a scythe separated into three parts, the weapon appeared to be advanced. Trump Card carefully picked up the part that carried the blade and studied it.

“A gift, should you accept.” Kingpin said. “It's called the Vibro Scythe, it was made by someone who calls himself the Tinkerer. With that scythe you can cut through anything, no matter what the material is made out of.” He chuckled. “And should anyone try to take it from you, I’m sure they’ll be in for a nasty shock. I do recommend reading the manual, you don’t want to injure yourself with these new toys.”

As Trump carefully set the scythe back down, he glanced around the inside of the case again, this time noticing a small odd rectangle. Picking it up, he flipped it open and stared at the small buttons confused. “What’s this?”

“A way for you to contact us. Our numbers are already programmed in.” Kingpin waved his question away.

Deciding to help, Rose spoke up. “It's called a Cell Phone, an invention from the Kingpin’s homeland, it will allow you to communicate with us no matter where you are.”

“There’s a manual for that too if you look inside.” Kingpin quickly added. “Oh, and in case you were worried. We want you on retainer, you are free to do whatever you wish with our gifts when you’re not on the job. However as our retainer, we expect you to drop whatever it is you’re doing and answer when we call.”

“Like a mercenary.” Rose added. “You are free to work for the other gangs as well should they wish to hire your services, we’ll get back to that at another time.” The earth pony quickly added when he saw his confused look.

“So tell us Trump Card.” Kingpin got up from his seat, towering over the unicorn. “Do you accept our offer?”

Trump Card stared at the offered hand, looking back down at the desk, he noticed his tarot cards still layed out next to the briefcase. Glancing at the third, flipped over card, he grinned. Trump Card stood up from his seat and grabbed the offered hand. “Kingpin, I’d be a fool to not accept.”

The Kingpin smirked behind his helmet. “I knew you’d see it my way.”

The final card that Trump Card saw, was ‘The Star’, faced upright.

Kingpin stared down at the street below him, watching as the ponies of Manehatten quickly made their way back to their homes. Taking a deep breath, the disguised creature turned towards the night sky, taking in the scenery. “Such a beautiful night.” He said to himself. Kingpin reached towards his jacket’s pocket and took out a single tarot card, before flipping the card so that the front side of the card would face him, and smirked at the image portrayed in the card. “The Fool, what an amusing character he is.”

The Kingpin continued staring at the card, even as the door to the apartment roof opened with a loud creak. Stepping out of the doorway, the Rose bowed slightly before storing the cell phone back in his pocket. “Sir, the copter should be here in about two minutes.”

“Good.” Putting away the card, he turned to face his accomplice. “Tell me Rose, what did you think of our newest asset?”

The masked pony stayed silent for a few seconds before responding. “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t somewhat disappointed sir.”

The Kingpin chuckled. “And why’s that?”

“He’s… different from what I expected.” He admitted. “I was expecting to meet some braggart with a flair for the theatrics, not some sad, traumatised, has been.”

“Yes, I have to admit, this Trump Card didn’t hold a candle to the Fool from the security footage.” The draconic figure hummed, tapping the side of his helmet. “But I suppose that is to be expected. Powers appear during times of stress, and from what the Fool told us, his powers appeared when he thought Toxin was going to kill him. I imagine thinking that you’re about to die would be pretty stressful for anyone.”

The Rose nodded. “Stressful enough that it would be traumatising.” The earth pony became silent once more as he started thinking back to the meeting. “Do you think he’d be useful? It's as you said, he was traumatised by Toxin, wouldn’t he freeze if he had to fight her?”

Kingpin shook his head, raising a gloved claw. “I doubt that. The Fool may be scared of her, but that fear pales in comparison to his rage and desire for revenge. If he was forced into a fight with our little vigilante, he would fight as if his life depended on it. He’s under the impression that if he were to lose, Toxin would not hesitate to kill him.”

The Rose nodded, accepting the Kingpin’s reasoning. Before their conversation could continue, a loud whirring sound caught their attention, looking up, the two creatures saw a black helicopter slowly make it's down onto the roof.

Kingpin hummed, stepping closer to the copter once it had finally landed. “It would seem our ride is here.”

Rose rushed towards the copter’s metal door and slid it opened. Stepping aside, the masked pony bowed. “After you.”

“How polite.” Kingpin commented, slowly making his way to the copter. Just as the disguised creature was about to step in the machine, he stopped and stared at the copter’s sole passenger. “What in the world happened to you?”

Turning towards the inside of the machine, the Rose couldn’t help but gawk at the wounded state D’Vorah was in. “Mo-- D’Vorah, are you alright?!” He cried out, almost pushing his boss out of the way as he rushed over to her side.

The insect like pony hissed as she pulled herself away from Rose’s touch. “Calm yourself Rose, I’m fine.” She answered sharply, making the pony flinch. D’Vorah sighed, “Sorry, tonight just been stressful.”

Kingpin stepped in the copter, taking a seat right across from the insect controller. “What happened?”

D’Vorah scowled, rubbing her arm. “Toad.” She answered, watching as Kingpin leaned forward in interest. “She attacked the warehouse I was in today. I was having a meeting with Yellowjacket’s old lieutenants, making sure they knew that the Swarm was under my command now.”

“And she came in during the meeting?” Rose asked, taking a seat right next to her. The three of them ignored the helicopter’s whirring as it started to take off.

D’Vorah nodded. “Without Beetle and the armor Tinkerer gave him, the only ones able to take her on was Blob and I.” She then scowled, clenching her fist as she punched the vehicle’s wall next to her. “Then that fat bastard betrayed me!” D’Vorah yelled, the pinsirs on the side of her face snapping wildly.

“Betrayed you?” Kingpin repeated, leaning back on his seat. “Wasn’t he the one trying to desert the Swarm the last time you were there?”

“That’s him.” She nodded, gritting her teeth. “The bastard said he wanted to be with his family more, so I turned his wife and kid into bugs as a punishment.” The wings on her back buzzed angrily, as she began recounting the betrayal. “I thought by doing that he would’ve given up all thoughts of leaving, turns out he was just waiting for the right time.”

“And he betrayed you the moment Toad stepped in, correct?” Rose asked, deciding to continue once he saw D’Vorah nod. “Do you think they were working together?”

“I don’t think so.” The bug controller shook her head. “In the beginning of the fight he was helping me fight against that bitch. It was when we finally cornered her that he had the sudden change in heart, he started going on about his little girl, and I suppose that toad girl does look a bit like her, and that was when he started attacking. After the fight was finished, I was only barely able to see the two escape together, I suppose they’re working together now.”

“So it was a last minute decision then.” Kingpin hummed, tapping his claw on the side of his helmet. “This… is a problem.” He announced, catching the two’s attention. “Toad is a strong Super on her own, but with Blob on her side the two now pose a bigger threat to our operations.”

“How so?” Rose asked, taking out his notepad and a pen.

“Before we took over the Swarm, Blob was the second in command of the entire gang, answering only to Yellowjacket. He knows everything there is to know about them, the location of every warehouse, their suppliers, and every single important individual.” Kingpin explained, tapping his seat in an irritated manner. “It's possible that we’re now witnessing the birth of a brand new gang, one outside of our control.” The two looked up at him, shocked.

“How can you be so sure?” The mutated pony hissed.

“As I said, Blob was one of the leaders of the Swarm. He has connections, and he has a strong pull in the gang. If he were to suddenly announce that he would be leading a new gang with the help of the Toad, how many of the Swarm’s grunts and leaders do you think would flock over to them?” He growled, becoming increasingly frustrated with the events. “D’Vorah, do you have your insects tracking them?” He asked.

The insect controller grimaced. “I did… but all of the flies I had on them disappear after a minute of tracking them, I sent more insects to follow, but those ones would disappear shortly after entering the docks.”

“The docks?” Rose repeated, writing something down on his notepad. “It's possible that the docks might be where she’s making her territory.” He frowned and tapped the side of the notepad with his pen. “But how is she able to make all of the insects in the area disappear?”

“It's possible that she may have access to some special gadgets similar to the Tinkerer’s.” Kingpin sneered behind his mask, “Or perhaps she just eats them like the Toad she is.” The dragon turned towards the Rose and pointed towards him. “I want you to put out some feelers, get everyone we can to look into this. Keywords of interest: Brotherhood, Mutants, Toad, and Blob.”

“Brotherhood and Mutants?” Rose asked, not understanding why those words in particular were of interest.

“There was another Toad where I was from. Same powerset, similar appearance, different gender. I suspect the two are related, and if she’s anything like the other, then expect to see a new, uninvited player to make themselves known.” Kingpin explained, growling as he waved his claw. “One with some megalomaniacal tendencies, and given how cunning and crafty this one is, I suspect she’ll start making waves in the underworld soon.” Subconsciously, his tail rose up in the air and slammed down causing a large dent on the helicopter’s interior. “I spent years investing in this city, and I’ll be damned if I let some brat with delusions of grandeur ruin everything I’ve been working for!”

“Hey, you’re sure you’re going to be okay here?”

The large earth pony turned back towards the toad-like girl and gave her a small grin. Raising a hand, he waved off her concern. “Eh, don’t worry about me Toad. I’ll be fine wherever you place me. This isn’t my first time sleeping in a warehouse like this.” He walked towards the ruined couch and laid down across it. “Besides it's not like we can go back to my house. D’Vorah is likely waiting there to ambush us.”

The toad girl hummed, agreeing with his reasoning. “That’s true, we should probably try to make time to stop by though. Pick up some supplies and any valuables you might want to keep.”

Blob was quiet, simply staring blankly ahead. “Yeah I’d like that…. Well, we should probably go to sleep now, it is getting late…” Turning over, he pulled the thin blanket over him. “Goodnight Toad.”

“It's Froppy.”

He snorted. “Toad sounds better.”

Shaking her head, the mutated human walked away from the tired pony. Her thoughts were all occupied by what happened just hours ago, and while a part of her felt conflicted with the fact that she was now harboring a wanted criminal in the same warehouse she was sleeping in, a larger part of her simply couldn’t ignore the fact that there was someone here in need of help. She sighed, reaching up and taking off her red beanie before tossing it to a crate besides her. “Man, things were a lot less complicated back on Earth… no superpowers, no supervillains, no moral questioning, nothing but middle school, chores, anime, and games.” Grabbing a bundle of old hay, she quickly made a small pile next to the crate to sleep in. Turning around, she flopped backwards onto the pile and frowned. “I miss having the couch…. Tomorrow morning we’re definitely stopping by his house.”

Reaching over to the crate, she lazily pulled a newspaper to her. She briefly flailed in panic when the contents of the papers spilled all over her. Bolting straight up from her makeshift bed, she glared at the mess of papers before sighing. Reaching down to pick them all up, her eyes widened when she spotted the newspaper right next to her, picking the paper up, she slowly brought it up to her face, ignoring the slight shaking of her hands. “It can’t be…” She stared at the image in the paper.

“Traveling Superhero: Spider takes down new supervillain known as Vulture.”

The image underneath the headline, showed a picture of a man wearing a Spider-Man costume fighting against a pony expy of Marvel’s Vulture. The background behind them showed that they were in the upper class city of Canterlot.

The teen’s hands shook as she stared at the image. “N-no way.” A smile slowly formed, “I guess this makes finding you a lot more easier now…” She let out a small laugh. ‘Still, never thought you’d go be a hero… well you just try to hold on as long as you can, alright? Lord only knows the amount of trouble you’ll get into without your little sister there to reign you in.”

Author's Note:

And this is done.

AN: Hello wonderful readers! Star709 here once again with a chapter written by yours truly! Want to thank Dark for helping fix all the mistakes I made writing this. Anyways please let us know what you think about this chapter, what was good and what was bad. So at last the Toad is revealed, just what is her relationship with the Spider? Does Tito really have another sibling lost in Equestria? Or is it just a big misunderstanding? Not only that, but the Kingpin’s gang is getting larger with new powerful Supers each day, just what does he have planned for the city of Manehatten? Find out next time in Spider in Equestria!

So yeah, that happened. Another good, if not great, chapter from Star. In my opinion. No idea when 47 will be done. Until next time.

P.S. 3 year anniversary.

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