• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,416 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

  • ...

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12. Appointment With Royalty

“Wait, that hammer wielding girl was your SISTER?”

I had just woken up Applejack and explained what had happened, and she's understandably surprised that my sister just showed up and knocked her out.

I nodded. “Yeah. I'm sorry that she knocked you out, but she should be better right now.”

“SHOULD be?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

I sighed. “Yeah, see, Cece has a rather bad temper sometimes. And now that she's stronger than the average earth pony, AND has that hammer? Well, she's gonna be quite a handful now.”

Applejack just shook her head. “Well, where's everypony now?”

“They all went to the dining room. I figured we should explain a few things, as well as get some answers ourselves. And it's time for lunch anyway.” With that said, we walked to the dining room and saw everyone sitting in the table, staring at each other. When I walked in, Cece looked at me.

“Finally. Now you can explain exactly what you did all this time.”

“One moment please.” I went to the kitchen and made myself a peanut butter sandwich, then I went back to the dining room and sat down. “Okay. Now I'm good. What exactly do you want to know?”

“How about how you're friends with Skittles here?” She said, pointing her thumb to Rainbow.

Rainbow pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “My name isn't Skittles. It's Rainbow Dash. And why is it so surprising we're friends?”

“Mostly because he always kept himself away from anybody unless-” I quickly webbed her mouth when she got there.

“Yeah...not something we need to talk about sis. We have a few more important things than why I'm friends with a bunch of ponies.” After that, the web disappeared and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Wait, so you have more friends? Huh. Guess it took going to another planet for that to finally happen.”

I glared at her. “Shut. It. Anyway, what exactly have you been doing since you got to Equestria?”

“Simple. I've been looking all over Manehatten for you. Not to mention beat up a few ponies who tried to kidnap me, but that's not important.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You beat up a bunch of ponies? Do tell.”

“Nothing special really. A little while ago, I was running through a few alleys looking for you, when I took a wrong turn. Before I could leave though, a bunch of stallions surrounded me and said they'd use me to get some money. So, I pulled out my hammer and wiped the floor with them.”

“Hey, wait a minute,” Applejack said. “Where is your hammer anyway?”

Cece smiled. “Right here.” She then pulled her Piko Piko hammer out of nowhere.

“What the hay?!” Rainbow yelled. “Where'd that come from?”

Cece just shrugged. “No idea. I can just pull it out of nowhere and make it disappear at will.”

I chuckled when I heard that, and everyone looked at me confused. “It's simple,” I said. “She puts it in her hammer space.”

“Hammer what now?” Applejack asked.

“Hammer space. It's a term used in cartoons where the characters can pull out random stuff, usually giant mallets, out of nowhere and send them away. Kinda like a pocket dimension I guess.”

“Huh,” Cece said. “I wonder if I could do that with anything else.”

“Probably," I said with a shrug.

“Anyway, other than that, I just looked around Manehatten for you this whole time. What have YOU been doing?”

“Hmm, let's see….I fought a bunch of giant magic wolves made out of wood, saved two fillies, met these four,” I gestured to Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack and Twilight, “along with two others, and been offered to live here. And that was all the first day. After that, I-”

“Wait,” Cece said. “You live here now?”

“Yeah. Twilight offered for me to live here.”

“Seriously? What's the point? Now that we're together again, we can go back home.”

I stopped and looked down, remembering what Sebaste said about that subject. “That's a lost cause sis.”

Everyone looked at me in confusion. Twilight said, “What are you talking about Dark? Now that we found Cece, we can try to find a way to send you back.”

I shook my head. “No you can't. There's no going back to our dimension.”

“Tito…” Cece said. “What are you talking about?”

“Yeah Dark,” Rainbow said. “Why can't you go back?”

“According to Sebaste and Sasha, we're stuck here. Once you get Displaced, there's no going back.”

Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack and Twilight looked down with their ears folded back, while Cece and Coco looked confused. “Okay,” Cece said. “Who the heck is Sebaste and Sasha? And what's this about “displaced”?”

I sighed. “Let's see if I can explain this properly. You remember what happened right before you woke up here in Equestria?”

She nodded. “We were at a convention, and we bought some stuff from some weird guy. I bought my hammer, you bought a sword and mask. What does that have to do with anything? Speaking of which, where's that sword and your costume?”

“To answer your second question first, my sword is in my room right now. No need for it right now. As for my costume, I'm wearing it underneath this cloak. Gotta keep THAT a secret. And that thing with the Merchant has everything to do with this. It's because of him that this happened to us.”

“Wait, what do you mean by that?”

“I mean, the moment we bought those items, we were sent here. And, as you obviously noticed, we transformed into the beings we were cosplaying as. You turned into Amy Rose, and me? I turned into the DarkSpider. Lucky for me, really. Anyway, that's the moment we became Displaced. And the whole thing about us being teleported from our world? One way streak. We can never go back home.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Because I met a few Displaced who are far more experienced then we are in this sort of thing.”

Cece sat there silent for a moment. “So...we really can't go back?”

I shook my head.

She looked down. “I um...I need some time alone.” She got up and walked away.

About a minute later I sighed and got up myself.

“Where are you going?” Rainbow asked.

“Looking for my sister. Sorry, but can you four explain the situation to Coco please?” I left and just walked through the halls, looking for Cece. I went to the library, where I heard crying. Following the sound, I found Cece sitting against the wall with her hands over her eyes. “You okay there sis?”

She stopped crying and looked at me with bloodshot eyes. “Am I okay? Oh, let me think. I got pulled out of my world into a magical land of humanoid horses, I get turned into a 3 foot tall hedgehog, and to top it all off, I can never go back home and see my family and friends ever again. So tell me Tito, how is ANY of this okay?”

I looked down. “Okay, when you put it that way, it's sounds bad. But hey, it could be worse.”


“Well for one thing we could've ended up in separate Equestrias. Or you could've been found by a less friendly pony and put in a cage. Or-”

“I get it.”

I sat beside her and patted her back. “Look at the bright side. At least we got each other.”

“Yeah. I still got my crazy brother,” she said, giving a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes, then got up and offered my hand. She took it and I pulled her up. “Come on. Don't want the others to get worried.”

“Yeah.” Then she looked around. “Um, you know the way back? I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going.” I chuckled and left towards the dining room, Cece close behind. “So… How?”

I raised my eyebrow. “How what?”

“How did you convince those ponies to be your friend?”

I sighed. "Nothing. At least, nothing that comes to mind. Though, someone did help when it came to Rainbow.”

“Seriously? Wow. Also, why does this all look familiar?” She asked putting a hand to her temple.

“You don't know?” When she shook her head, I pulled out my phone and put up a picture of the show and showed her. “Look at this.”

She looked at it and noticed the title. “Really? We're REALLY in that dimension?” She asked with a deadpan expression. She sighed. “Could be worse,” she said with a shrug. “At least we're not in Bikini Bottom.”

I shook my head and put away my phone. “With how it's been the last few years, I agree.” Then I heard a voice.

“There you are,” Twilight said, walking towards us with Rainbow and AJ close behind. “We were just about to look for you. Is everything okay?

“Yeah, we're good. Right sis?” Cece nodded. “See?”

“Good, cause we have to go to the train station.”

“What? Why?” Cece asked.

“Well, now that the two of you are back together, I wanted to introduce you two to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”


“Because they have to know about you. It's better we get this over with now before they come visit one day and sees two creatures nopony has ever seen before and presume the worst.”

Cece thought about it for a moment, then sighed. “Fine. But don't expect me to worship them or anything.”

I put a hand on her shoulder. “You don't have to, but you should at least show respect. They rule this whole country and raise the sun and moon after all.”

“Wait what?”

“I'll explain later.” I whispered.

“Also Cece,” Twilight started, “since Dark is here, I was wondering if you would like to stay here as well.”

Cece's eyes widened. “Wait, as in live here in this castle?” Twilight nodded. “Um, don't you have enough people living here?”

“No. Besides Dark and myself, there are only two others who live here, along with my pet owl.”

“Seriously? A place THIS huge and you being a princess, and yet you there are so few living here?”

“Why do you think you got so far without anyone noticing you?” I said with a chuckle.

“Good point. Well...why not? Though, can I say goodbye to Coco before we go?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course you can. I'll take you to her and Rarity right now. Just follow me.” With that, Twilight left and Cece followed her.

I turned to the two remaining ponies. “Again, sorry about Cece attacking you.”

Applejack waved her hand. “It's okay Dark. Just hope it doesn't happen again. Don't want a visit to the hospital.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow said with a nod. “And thanks for stopping her before it could get any worse. I don't want to go to the hospital again anytime soon.”

Give it a week or two.

“Well, I best be off,” Applejack said before leaving. “See you when you get back from Canterlot.”

We waved to Applejack as she left, then I turned to Rainbow. “You going too?”

She shook her head. “Nah, I'm done with work today. I figured I'd go with you guys to Canterlot.”

“Seriously? Okay, I'll meet you guys at the station. I'm going to my room and getting some stuff.” I said before I ran to my room. I put on my backpack and put my sword on my back. Figured I should bring it just in case. After that was done, I put on my cover and went to the train station. When I got there, I saw Twilight, Cece, and Rainbow waiting for the train.

Cece sighed. “How much longer?”

“Only a few minutes Cece,” Twilight replied.

Rainbow sighed. “You really are Dark’s-”

“Sister?” I asked, gaining their attention. “Trust me, if you think we're exactly alike, give it time.”

“Got that right,” Cece whispered before quickly turning to me. “Um, Tito? Is that what I think it is?” She asked, pointing to my sword.

I nodded. “I figured I should bring it with me. That, and my laptop.”

“Your laptop? How is that thing still running? Knowing you, it'd run out of power within a couple of days.”

“Well lucky for me, Twilight here knows a sort of infinite power spell and was able to use it on my phone and laptop. Now they won't run out of power.”

“Seriously? Think you can do that for me? I have three things that could use that.” She said to Twilight.

Twilight nodded. “Sure. I'll do it on the train.”

“Wait,” I said, “why do you have three things? I thought you only had your phone.”

“You don't remember? Here.” She said, before opening her bag and pulling out a small black rectangular device.

The moment I saw it I immediately grabbed it and examined it. “You had it the whole time?”

“Yeah. You told me to hold it for you at the convention, along with those games of yours. Remember?”

Oh, that's right. If it'll still work, that's one more way to pass the time.

“Um, what is that thing?” Rainbow asked.

I put it in my pocket. “That, my technicolor friend, is a device called a 3DS, and it's used to play games. I'll explain later.”

“Oh, what kind of games,” a rather high voice said. “Ooo, who's that?” A pink blur ran past me and Pinkie was suddenly standing in front of my sister.

(Cece's POV)

I jumped when I heard that voice and nearly screamed when a pink earth pony suddenly appeared in front of me. I nearly pulled out my hammer when Tito started talking. “Cece, meet Pinkie Pie. Pinkie, this is my sister Cece.”

Pinkie let out a huge gasp. “THIS is the sister that Sebaste mentioned that got separated from you when you came to Equestria?” She then immediately picked me up and squeezed me into a hug. “She's so cute. And she has the same shade of pink fur as me. Oh, you and I are going to be such good friends.”

“Can't...breathe…” I gasped out, feeling the air quickly escaping my lungs.

“Oops. Sorry.” She then put me down and I immediately breathe in a huge breath of air.

“What...is your…problem?” I said between pants.

“What are you talking about? I don't have a problem. Wait, I need to get your party ready.”

That surprised me. “Party? What party?”

“Your ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party of course the whole town will be invited and-”


That seemed to surprise everyone. “What? Why?”

“I don't want me moving here to be that big a deal to warrant the ENTIRE town.”

“But it'll be fun, and you can meet everypony, and-”


Her mane actually looked like it deflated a bit when I said that. “Oh. Okay then.” She looked like she was about to go, but Tito cleared his throat.

“Wait Pinkie.” He turned to me. “Cece, would it be okay if instead of the whole town, it was, say, six other ponies, as well as myself?”

I thought about it for a moment and shrugged. “Sure.”

Tito then turned to Pinkie. “Pinkie, call the rest the group and meet us in the throne room later tonight, okay?”

Pinkie immediately perked up at that. “Okie dokie. Have fun.” With that, she disappeared in a pink blur.

I just stood there in silence for a minute. “Okay, what just happened?”

Tito patted my back. “That, Cece, was Pinkie Pie. Think Deadpool, but non violent, and completely sane. Oh, and having a love for parties.”

“Should I be scared?”

“Of course not, she's completely friendly. Though,” he said, leaning down to whisper to my ear, “she does have a sort of trigger, but I wouldn't want to find it.”

Before I could ask what he meant, the train rolled it. We got on a private car and I just sat down and took off my hood. “So, who exactly are these princesses we're meeting with?”

“Let's see,” Tito said. “They're the rulers of this country, raise the sun and the moon, and are seen as the oldest and most powerful ponies in all of Equestria.”

“Again with that sun and moon thing. What do you mean they raise them?”

“Exactly that. In this dimension, the sun and moon raise and fall because of magic. Before the princesses, it took a lot of unicorns to pull that off.”

I sighed. “Seriously? What's next?”

“Well there's also things like minotaurs, griffins, and hydras roaming around. The first two are actually some of the other intelligent life in this dimension.”

I just facepalmed. A few minutes later I asked Twilight if she can do that spell of hers on our stuff. When she was done, I turned on my phone and listened to music before I fell asleep.

(Dark’s POV)

While Cece was sleeping, I just showed Rainbow and Twilight a few videos on my laptop, including the Death Battles of Spider-Man vs Batman and Rainbow Dash vs Starscream. Rainbow seemed to like it for the most part, except for the brutal ending of the first one, and was extremely proud that she could take out a giant robot on her own. Twilight was mostly a fan of the analysis and seemed to pay close attention to the Spider-Man one. After that, I showed them two FNAF videos from the Game Theorists like I said I would yesterday. While they were watching those, I turned on my 3DS and just played Pokémon: Alpha Sapphire the rest of the train ride.

About an hour later, we made it to Canterlot. I put my DS away in my pocket and put my laptop in my bag. I then woke Cece up and walked out.

“So this is Canterlot,” I said. “Looks pretty nice.”

Twilight nodded. “Come on, the castle isn't that far.”

As we were walking, I saw a few of the ponies that live here. A few of them just ignored us, but others just held up their heads. I rolled my eyes at that and kept walking.

“What's their problem?” Cece asked me.

“Welcome to Canterlot. The snobbiest place in Equestria as far as I know. A large amount of ponies here only care about themselves or their money. Besides the princesses, I think there's only two nobles that are actually decent here.”

She sighed at that kept walking. I put on my headphones and just listened to “Shadows” and “Turn Back” from TryHardNinja. A few minutes later, we made it to the castle. Rainbow and Twilight were able to go, but the moment I was going to step in, the guards blocked me.

“Who are you?” One of them asked.

“Um...he's my bodyguard.” Twilight said.

“Then who's that?” He said, pointing to Cece.

“She's my sister.” I replied. “Now can we please go in?”

They looked at each before allowing us to pass. When we got inside, I couldn't help but whistle in amazement at the look of the place. We reached a long hall that was mostly empty. Twilight went to the other end of the hall with Rainbow. When they reached the doors, Twilight turned to me and Cece.

“Okay, we'll talk to Princess Celestia and see if we can get Princess Luna. Then we'll get you, okay?”

I looked to Cece who just gave me a shrug before I turned back to Twilight. “Okay Twi. Let us know when we can go in.” Twilight nodded before they stepped in and close the door. After that, I looked at Cece again. “So how did saying goodbye to Coco go?”

“It was okay. Might visit her from time to time.”

“Well if you do, I'm coming too. I loved being in Manehatten.”

Cece nodded. Then, over a minute later, she said, “You know, you seem pretty okay with all this.”

“What do you mean?”

“You seem perfectly fine with the fact that we're stuck here.”

“What makes you think that?”

Before she can reply, we heard someone chuckling. “Oh, family bickering, what an entertaining thing to watch.”

Cece pulled out her hammer and looked around. “Who's there?”

“Oh, nice hammer. Though, I can pull out much more effective and entertaining things than that.”

That voice… Oh you gotta be kidding me.

“Stop hiding,” Cece said, getting annoyed.

“What fun would that be?”

I sighed. “Show yourself Discord.”

Cece looked at me confused, but in a flash of light, the draconequus appeared. “So you know about me, hmm?”

Looking at him, I noticed he looks the same here as he does in the show.

Guess there's no reason for him to be humanoid.

Cece jumped back in surprise. “What the heck is that?”

Discord put his talon on his chest and bowed. “I am Discord, the spirit of chaos. As for what I am, I'm what you call a draconequus.”


I just looked at her and said, “Long story short, he's a guy who can bend the rules of reality at will and once was a bad guy before one of Twilight’s friends helped him reform. Now he's a friend of theirs.”

“Wow,” Discord said, clapping. “Good job on that. Now, you know about me, but I don't know about any of you. What exactly are you anyway? You're not ponies, I know that.”

“Wait, how would you know that?” Cece asked.

“Well, ponies don't look like that,” he said, a mirror appearing in front of us without our cloaks, Discord holding them in his hands.

Cece looked down in shock and I just sighed. I webbed our cloaks and pulled them to me. I gave Cece her cloak and we put them on.

“So, what are you?”

I was going to reply, when the door opened and Rainbow walked out. “Okay guys, the princesses are-” she stop when she saw the third being with us. “Discord?”

“Oh, hello there Rainbow Dash. You know these two?”

“Yes, they're my friends. Why?”

“He knows we're not ponies,” I told her.

Her eyes widened before she closed them and sighed. “If you want to find out more with them, you might as well come with us.” With that, she went inside the courtroom, with us close behind, Cece dismissing her hammer. Once we were inside, the doors closed.

“So these are the two you were talking about?” A familiar voice said. Looking over, I saw three alicorns, including Twilight, sitting in thrones. The first was pure white with purple eyes and a sun for her mark, and a multi colored mane and tail that waved in nonexistent wind. The second was dark blue with light blue eyes and a crescent moon for her mark, and her mane and tail resembling the night sky, also waving in wind that wasn't there.

“Yes Princess,” Twilight replied.

Princess Celestia smiled at us. “It is nice to meet the two of you. I'm Princess Celestia, and this is my younger sister Luna.” She said, gesturing to her sister.

I stepped forward and gave a small bow. “It's a pleasure to meet you, princesses. My name is Tito, though, I am mostly known as Dark, and this is my sister Cece.” Cece nodded to them.

Celestia nodded before looking to Discord behind us. “And what might you be here for, Discord?”

“Well, Tia, I heard these two bickering while I was wandering the halls, and decided to see what was going on. When I got to them, I noticed they were...different.”

“Different how?” Luna asked.

“Well, they aren't any kind of creatures it ever seen before.”

Celestia then looked to me. “Can you please take off your hoods?”

I turned to Cece and she shrugged. I then looked back at Celestia and we took off our hoods and my scarf, showing our faces.

Luna's eyes widened slightly, while Celestia kept a calm face. Discord then flew up to them, looking at us. “See? Told you.”

“What exactly are you?” Luna asked us.

Huh. Seems she speaks modern English here. Thank God. I can never understand that Shakespeare talk.

“Well, that's a bit of a long story,” I said.

“Well then, start at the beginning.”

I sighed before figuring out how to start. “Okay. First off, let me explain what I am and what we were,” I said, gesturing to Cece and myself. “I'm a human. I take it you got a rundown of what that is from Twilight?”

Celestia nodded. “Indeed. Though, it was to my understanding that if a human stepped through the portal, they'd turned into a pony.”

“That's true, but I didn't go through that portal. I was...sent here, I guess you can say.”

“Sent here? By whom?”

“A being that is apparently known as the Merchant. See, me and my sister were just at a convention, dressed up in costumes, when we came across this guy. He was selling some things, but we bought three. Cece bought a hammer, I bought a mask and this sword.” I pointed to my back. “The moment after we bought these items, we disappeared from our world and showed up here in Equestria. I ended up in the Everfree Forest, Cece in Manehatten.”

“You were sent to the Everfree?” Discord asked. “That seems rather dreadful. How were you able to survive?

“Not that hard, considering what happened. When we were sent here, something happened to us. We changed. Cece turned into that and me? I'd say I got the better end of it. Appearance wise, I stayed the same. But, I had abilities I never had before. Since then, I've been able to shoot webs out of my wrists and climb up any surface with complete ease. Not to mention my spider-sense.”

“Spider-sense? What in the world is that?” Luna asked.

I hesitated for a moment, before saying “Basically, it's a sort of sixth sense, that alerts me of danger. Most of the time… It also allows me to survey an area, allowing me to to travel around places I've never been pretty easily.”

“Like what you did in Manehatten?” Twilight said.

The princesses and Discord looked at her in confusion. “And what happened in Manehatten?” Celestia asked.

“Remember when I said I could shoot webs from my wrists? Well, they're strong enough to stop a speeding train, and more that strong enough to carry my own weight. As for Manehatten, yesterday I was in Manehatten with Twilight and her friends. While they were busy setting up Rarity’s new shop, I was using my webs to explore Manehatten, shooting them at the buildings and swinging around.”

Discord then looked at me wide eyed. “Wait, so YOU’RE that mysterious figure that was all over the newspaper?” He then started laughing. “That stunt you pulled, jumping off that building must've freaked out those so many ponies. I bet it was hilarious.”

Luna looked to Discord. “What are you talking about?”

When Discord calmed down, he snapped his paw and a newspaper appeared in front of Luna. She grabbed it, and after reading it, looked to me with a raised eyebrow. “So this article is about you?”

“Yes. And that costume was the one I was wearing for the convention.”

“And why did you do that? You nearly caused a panic.”

“Well, I've been here for a couple of weeks, and I wanted to practice web swinging. I based my costume off of someone with the same powers as me, and Manehatten is very similar to where he lives.”

Celestia then said, “How about you go back to what happened to you when you came to Equestria?”

“Right. Anyway, after I got here and discovered my powers, I ran into a pack of timberwolves who were attacking a few fillies. I took out the wolves easily, but I...knocked out.” I said, looking at Rainbow for a second before turning my eyes back to Celestia. “I woke up in Twilight’s castle and met her, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. I then told them who I was and about my abilities. After that, Twilight offered to have me stay there, and I took it. All in all, that was a pretty crazy first day. The next day, I met Rarity and Applejack. And after a...falling out with somepony, I met two other humans who explained everything to me.”

“And that is?”

“We're known as Displaced. People who were taken from their world and flung to alternate Equestrias.”

“Alternate? What do you mean?” Luna asked.

She seems to be the more curious one.

“Think of it like this. Imagine an infinite number of worlds, all with their own Equestria. But, no two worlds are the same. Infinite possibilities, each one existing in each world. In one world, Nightmare Moon may never have existed, or Twilight never became an alicorn, or Tirek won when he was first came to Equestria.”

Or Discord marrying Fluttershy, Pinkie being a psychopath, and Cards Against Humanity existing in Equestria.

“Now imagine people being sent to various worlds and turning into fictional characters. That's the situation with Displaced.”

“And these humans who told you?”

“Displaced from another Equestria. I accidentally summoned them. See, the thing about Displaced is that we can create things called tokens, which allows us to call forth other Displaced. Their tokens appeared near me, and I summoned them. They explained it to me, as well as Twilight and her friends. Later on, Pinkie threw my welcome party. When that was done, they explained a few more things to us and mentioned...something I rather not talk about. After that, they went back to their Equestria. I've just been training and living in Ponyville for the last two weeks. Then we went to Manehatten yesterday and, well, you know. Then this morning, I ran across Cece, we caught up on what we've been doing all this time, then came here.”

Celestia nodded before looking to my sister. “And what about you?”

Cece just stood there silent. Then she gave me a look I recognized all too well. I looked to Celestia and said, “Cece woke up in somepony’s apartment in Manehatten. The pony found her in an alley and took her in to help her and she was allowed to stay with the pony until she found me. She spent the whole time looking for me in Manehatten, while I was asking around Ponyville if anyone heard anything about her. And besides beating up a bunch of bad ponies, nothing much happened, right sis?” She nodded. “After all that, she came to Ponyville, I found her having a...problem with Rainbow and Applejack. Luckily I was able to stop it before it got too bad. Before we left to come here though, Twilight offered to have her stay in the castle too, and she agreed.”

Celestia turned to Twilight and smiled. “You offered to house these two? I must say, I'm proud of you, Twilight.” Twilight blushed lightly at that comment. Celestia then turned to me. “So that's your story?” When I nodded, she continued. “So I have a few questions. First, is there anyway to send you back to where you came from?”

I just sighed. “No. One of the last things I talked to about with those other Displaced before they left was that. Apparently, once we get to Equestria, we can never go back. Ever.”

They all seemed saddened by this. “I am sorry to hear that. But I hope you can at least accept Equestria as your new home.”

“I know I have. May take some time for Cece.”

Luna was the next to speak. “And these Displaced. Are there anymore present here in Equestria?”

“I don't know, but I doubt it. But if you come across any, let us know.”

“We will,” Celestia replied. “Now, one last question. Why were the two of you covering your faces when you came here?”

“Well, no one knows what we are besides you and the rest of Twilight’s friends, and I guess we both didn't want anyone to. We are the only ones in this whole world like this, so it could cause some...negativity with some ponies.”

“I see. But I hope you know that you can't keep that secret forever.”

“I know. I just…don't want too many ponies knowing for a while.”

“Hmm. I'll see if I could help with your situation. Until then, I'll respect your wishes and not tell anypony else of it.”

“As will I.” her sister said.

Discord shrugged. “I don't see the big deal with anypony knowing, but your secret’s safe with me.”

“Thank you. Now, is that everything?” I said.

Celestia nodded. “I believe it is. Now, day court is ending in a couple of minutes.” She then got up and walked down the stairs with Twilight. “I'll escort the four of you out of the castle.” With that, she walked to the door, Twilight, Cece and Rainbow close behind.

I was going to follow them, when I felt a something on shoulder. Turning around, I saw Discord in front of me. “I am sorry about what happened to you and and your sister. I truly am. But, I'll be honest with you. Twilight and that little group of hers are the best ponies that can help you with this.”

“Thanks. And I already know they can help. Heck, they helped you, didn't they?”

He smiled. “Indeed they did. Speaking of which, I need to ask Fluttershy about you. Now, I best be off. I'll see you again soon, Spider.” He snapped his talon and disappeared in a flash of light.

“Nice guy.” I muttered to myself, before putting on my cover and running to the others.

Author's Note:

Wow. Finally got this finished. Sorry it took so long, I was stuck on this chapter more than any. So, Cece now lives with them, and they met Celestia, Luna, and Discord. I hope I did good with it. And expect the next chapter MUCH sooner than it took to do this one.

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