• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 8,417 Views, 989 Comments

Spider in Equestria - DarkSpider

I just buy a mask and sword from some cloaked weirdo, and now I'm in a world of humanoid ponies in Equestria. Oh, and I have powers that are identical to Spider-Man. Well, this is my life now

  • ...

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Chapter 57

"Hey." Cece called out, catching her brother's attention. Resting the giant hammer on her shoulder, she pointed behind her. "I'm heading to the Everfree to do some training against the monsters there."

"Why?" Dark asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I figured that the monsters in the forest could give me a good challenge." She then scowled. "I'll need to be prepared in case those robots show up again. I'm not going to let them get the drop on me like last time. You want to come?" She asked.

Dark shook his head. "No. Need to head over to Rarity's in a bit. She said she has a new suit for me."

Cece shrugged. "Okay. See ya." With that said, she walked out the door.

"Make sure Emily doesn't cause any forest fires." He warned, calling out after her.

"Don't worry, I have a few of those ice arrows just for that," she replied before leaving, with Emily by her side.

Dark sighed. A moment later, Venom showed up beside him and said, “She’ll be fine.”

“I know that. But I still can't help but be worried."

Venom shrugged. "Well she is your younger sister. I think that might be why." After a few moments of silence, he said, "Come on. Let's see what Rarity wants. Sooner you finish, the sooner you're done."

Dark nodded before getting up from his bed, Peter jumped from the night stand to Dark's arm before climbing up to his shoulder as Dark left the room and put on his cover.

Opening the castle’s front door, Dark started to walk forward, only to stop and take a step back in surprise, not expecting to see the shy pegasus at the castle’s steps. “Oh hey Fluttershy.” Dark greeted, waving at her.

Fluttershy gave him a small smile, nodding her head. “Hello Dark, I hope your morning went well.” Seeing the small dragon on Dark’s shoulder, she let out a small coo. “And hello to you little one!” Reaching over, she gave the baby dragon a soft pat on the head. “I hope you had a good breakfast, you need to make sure to eat a lot if you want to grow as big and strong as Dark is!” Fluttershy cooed, scratching Peter’s scaly head, causing the blue dragon to smile and chirp.

Dark smiled. “Well, I’m guessing you’re here to see Twilight?” He guessed. “If you are, she’s just inside studying.”

“Oh, well thank you but I’m really here to see you.” Fluttershy said, shaking her head. Grabbing her green satchel, she brought it to the front and opened the bag, revealing to him an odd blue and red bird.

The bird had wild red feathers on the left of his body, the feathers usually sticking out randomly, while the right side of the bird was full of smooth, calm, blue feathers, all of them perfectly cleaned and well kept compared to the left side. The bird was about the same height as a normal house cat. The bird screeched, flying out of the satchel before settling down on top of Fluttershy’s shoulder. Lifting up its left wing, it began trying to fix the messy feathers.

Fluttershy smiled fondly at the wild looking bird. “I’ve been making sure to take care of it whenever I can, and I wanted to wait until it was old enough to take outside before introducing you all to him.” She then frowned, “Though I haven’t really thought up a name for him, since he belonged to you, I didn’t really feel like it was appropriate to name him.”

Dark blinked in confusion under his hood before he remembered the egg he had sent to her. "Huh. With everything that happened, I completely forgot about that." He put his hands in his pockets. "So how old is he anyway?"

Fluttershy hummed, thinking back to the day she first received the egg. “I believe he’s about a month and three weeks old now.”

Dark nodded in response. "Anything I should know about him?"

Shyly, she nodded, giving him a nervous grin. “Well… there is one thing. He apparently has powers.” At his silence, she continued. “I saw him light himself on fire, and just last week I saw him turn his food into ice.” Fluttershy gave a shaky laugh. “He’s a bit of a handful, but I know he didn’t mean to cause trouble.”

Dark blinked in confusion. "I'm sorry, but you said he lit himself on fire and froze food? How?"

She shrugged. “I’m not really sure. One day he just suddenly gained powers without any warning, he might’ve just been born with them?”

After a brief pause, Dark just sighed. "Maybe Delsin would know what that's about…" After shaking his head, he said, "Anything else I should know about? Besides needing to fireproof my room now."

“Well…” She began, pausing to think. “While I’m not a hundred percent sure of his species and his natural diet, he does seem to be a predator at least. And given how similar he is to eagles, I’m pretty sure he’s supposed to be eating small animals like mice, though he also likes fish, so I’ve been feeding him that.”

"Well Delsin did say the egg was a Karmic Eagle," Venom said with a shrug besides Dark, to which Dark repeated to Fluttershy.

“So he is an eagle, or a type of eagle.” She hummed in thought. “I never heard of a Karmic Eagle though, I guess it's something from Delsin’s world.” She sighed. “That's a shame, I would’ve loved to learn more about them.”

"I recall Delsin saying that it's unique to his world and was made by his version of Screwball when she met Celestia. Wish I could've gotten more out of him though…"

“Well I’m sure he wouldn’t mind telling you more about Karma Eagles, the next time you see him.” Fluttershy says with a smile, then gained a curious look. “So, were you heading somewhere before I came here?”

Dark nodded. "Yeah. I was heading to Rarity's. She said she wanted to give me a new suit she made. And I have nothing better to do anyway since Dash is with the Bolts, Cece is in the Everfree, Mike is training somewhere, and Twilight is busy studying some stuff and I rather not bother her."

"What about Brianna?"

"She's with Screwball, and I don't know where she is."

“I see…” Fluttershy said, frowning in thought. “Well I suppose I should be on my way then, don’t want to keep you here when you’ve got places to be.” She picked up the young eagle with both hands and extended her arms towards Dark. “Well it's time for you to go back home little guy. Be sure not to cause too much trouble.” The bird let out a loud chirp, flying out of her hands and perching itself on top of Dark’s head. Turning around, she began to walk away, waving goodbye at Dark and the bird.

Dark waved back to her before looking to his head, his hood blocking his vision but he could feel the small bird on him. Sighing to himself, he started walking to Carousel Boutique.

"So any idea for a name for him?" Venom asked, his mental avatar walking besides Dark.

"Right now? No."

After a few moments of silence, Venom said, "Any idea what Rarity has for you?"

Dark looked at Venom with a raised eyebrow. "Wouldn't you know if I did?"

Venom shrugged. "Just wanting to make small talk." With that said, he vanished.

After a couple of minutes of walking, Dark made it to Carousel Boutique and knocked on the door.

“Come in! We’re open!” Rarity called out from inside, using her magic to open the door as she continued to concentrate on the dress in front of her, crossing her arms as she took in every detail of the clothing on the mannequin.

Dark walked inside the store. "Hey Rares."

Recognizing Dark’s voice, she turned around and smiled. “Why hello there Dark! And just how was your morning?” Rarity greeted, setting down her notepad near the mannequin. Seeing the small bird sitting on top of his head, her eyes widened in surprise. “Hello, and who’s this?” She asked, gesturing to the dual colored bird.

"My new pet. Shy's been watching him for me for a little while. Don't have a name for him yet."

Rarity’s eyes widen in recognition. “I see! This must be the little bird that Fluttershy told me about.” She turned towards Dark and frowned, “You best be careful now, from what Fluttershy told me this bird isn’t exactly a normal one.”

"I heard. The guy can burn and freeze things. Seriously gotta be careful now…" he then cleared his throat. "So you said you had a suit for me?"

She clapped her hands and nodded. “That's right! Screwball gave me the idea for the suit, said it had something to do with your new weapon.” Turning around, Rarity gestured to him to follow her up the stairs. “Come along now, I have it ready for you just up stairs.”

Nodding, Dark followed the unicorn up the stairs, the two continued walking past a few rooms before making it to her workroom. Opening the door, Rarity stepped aside to allow him to walk in first, the first thing Dark noticed in the room was Screwball and Bri waiting inside, the two of them keeping themselves occupied.

When Screwball noticed the pair come in she smiled. "Hey Tito." She then blinked. "What's with the bird?"

"New pet. Delsin left the egg. Special bird with fire and ice powers. No name yet."

Screwball blinked again before a small smirk appeared on her face. "Fire and ice?"

"That's what Shy said."

"And has red on one side…"


Screwball then gave a full smile. "How about Shoto?"

Dark blinked. "What?"

"For his name. Shoto."


"Got it from an anime. Trust me, you'd agree if you knew about it."

"Okay…?" Before he could question her further, he felt a tug on his leg. Looking down, he saw Bri with her arms up towards him. But to his surprise, she was wearing a miniature version of his own cloak.

Picking Bri up to his chest, she immediately gave him a hug and he looked to Rarity. "You made this?"

Rarity nodded, smiling lightly. “I had some free time and couldn’t resist. She absolutely looks up to you and figured something like this would help her feel closer to you.”

"Plus you can't deny she looks adorable like that," Screwball added before putting on Bri's hood.

"That goes without saying," Dark muttered before putting her down and turning to a nearby mannequin. A long black, smooth cloak that reached all the way down to his feet, with a dark shade of blue on the bottom edge of the cloak, sleeves, and the hood, and a silver chain connecting the two sides of the cloak at the hood, with the hood covering the face of the mannequin, obscuring most of its head and the face underneath was obscured by shadows. "This the new suit?"

She nodded, “It was rather interesting to work with, even with Screwball’s description I still had a bit of a challenge with it."

"Yeah, why did you suggest this?" Dark asked the filly.

Screwball shrugged. "Figured it'd go with you being a Keybearer now."


"It's based on the cloaks of Organization XIII."

Dark tilted his head, never having heard of the group. "Who?"

Screwball huffed and waved her hand around dismissively. "The bad guys of Kingdom Hearts. Don't worry about it. Just put the dang thing on."

Dark shrugged in response before placing Peter on top of Bri's head and using his magic to put Shoto on Screwball's, then grabbed the cloak and went to go change.

Screwball then looked to the unicorn. "Hey Rarity?"

Rarity turned towards the filly. “Yes?”

"Are you willing to make more outfits soon? Might be able to come up with more for the guys. And Tito and Cece can definitely use a larger wardrobe." She asked.

Rarity nodded excitedly. “Of course! I’m always happy to help expand my friend’s wardrobe!” She leaned forwards in interest. “Do you have anything in mind right now?” She asked, eager for some more new and interesting projects.

Before Screwball could answer, Dark walked into the workroom wearing the new Organization inspired cloak, along with the gloves, which Dark was tightening as he entered. Walking right up to a nearby mirror, he looked over it and smiled. “Well it looks pretty cool, I like it.” He said, nodding.

Rarity nodded, clasping her hands together. “I’m glad you like it! You do look rather dashing and mysterious with it.”

"And it has a pretty cool feature," Screwball added, before pulling out a flashlight and pointing it at Dark's face.

Dark groaned as he raised a hand to cover the light from his eyes. "Why are you doing that?"

"Look at your reflection now."

Despite his confusion, Dark obeyed her and looked at his reflection. Much to his shock, he didn't see his face. Despite the bright light being pointed at him, his face was still concealed in shadow.

"How in the…"

Screwball then had the flashlight disappear. "You can thank Twilight for that. It's one of the spells she learned from Link. So long as that hood is on, nobody will be able to see your face."

"Huh." Dark then smiled. "Okay. That is pretty useful." He then turned to Rarity. "So how much do I need to pay?"

"Don't worry about that Tito," Screwball said. "The two of us came to an agreement."

Rarity waved her hand. “Oh yes, everything has already been taken care of, so there’s no need to worry.” She smiled. “You just enjoy your new cloak.”

Dark simply nodded. "If you say so." With that said, Dark picked up Bri and Peter climbed up his arm and perched himself on Dark's shoulder as Dark left to get his normal cloak and leave.

Screwball turned to Rarity. "I have an idea for two more outfits. I'll send you the details later," the filly said before going off to follow Dark, Shoto still sitting on her head, hardly disturbed.

The timberwolf snarled, snapping its jaw towards the pink hedgehog’s hammer as it tried to yank it out of her hands. The wooden wolf let out a yelp as it was smacked by the invader’s hammer, causing it to crash towards one of the many trees of the forest. The monster growled, as it lifted itself up. Shaking its head, the timberwolf glared at the two creatures that invaded its home.

As it was glaring, the predator crouched down, slowly crawling backwards to hide inside the bushes. Once it made sure it couldn’t be seen, the wooden wolf began to slowly walk around them, silently observing the pair burning and smashing its pack. As it glared, it couldn’t help but be reminded of the blue invader that trespassed on its territory months ago. Similarly to these two, the young invader was able to defeat it and its packmate with ease. Just thinking of the blue invader made it growl in anger, the strange creature it had encountered that day had displayed unnatural abilities, trapping it and its fellow packmates in a sticky web-like substance, the thing even displaying an unnatural amount of strength for a creature of its shape and size.

Looking up, it couldn’t help but wonder what was the connection between the two and the blue invader that stole its meal. All it knew is that the creature’s scent lingered around the two, so it knew they must be part of the same pack. A toothy grin formed as an idea came to mind. If the three were truly a part of the same pack, then it now had the perfect opportunity to get its revenge for the humiliating defeat it had suffered that day. If the invader in front of it happened to be someone important to him, then all the better.

The wooden beast stalked behind the pink invader, once it was satisfied with it's position it crouched down waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack to present itself. The wolf let out a low growl, it's sap-like drool dripping onto the floor as it watched it's packmates fall one by one. The timberwolf didn’t let their deaths affect it, in just a few moments, it would avenge them and strike a blow to the blue creature’s pack.

Cece wiped her forehead as she leaned on her hammer. "Sheesh. These things were more annoying than I thought." She then gave a few of the sticks on the ground a soft kick before picking a couple up and tossing one to Emily, who caught it and began eating it. Cece smiled as she kneeled down and started petting Emily while the fox gladly ate her snack. "Don't see why ponies are so scared of this place. It's not that bad."

Getting up, Cece stretched her arms, glancing up towards the sky. Seeing how late it was getting, she began walking towards the direction she came in, walking past a patch of blue flowers. Hearing a twig snap, she turned her head towards the snapping, letting out a yell as a large timberwolf leapt towards her, causing her to fall backwards onto the patch of blue flowers. The wooden wolf’s claws gripped her shoulders, causing her to hiss as the wooden claws sunk into them. Cece began thrashing around, trying to toss the wolf off of her.

The timberwolf grinned, its sap-like drool falling onto the pink hedgehog’s face. The wolf began snapping its jaws at her, trying to take a bite off of her. Cece continued to move her head out of the way of the creature’s jaws, successfully dodging the wild animal’s attacks.

The timberwolf suddenly let out a howl of pain, a small fireball striking its shoulder, causing it to loosen its grip on Cece. Taking advantage of the opportunity presented to her, she raised her foot up and kicked the timberwolf off of her. Turning towards the small fox that saved her, Cece smiled, quickly petting Emily before she gave the monster her full attention. Picking up her hammer off the ground, she gripped it tightly as she glared at the large wolf, noticing how much larger it was compared to the other ones she was fighting. Besides Cece, Emily growled, her tail bristling the fur in her ears glowing as she began letting out small barks at the monster.

The timberwolf snarled, showing off its wooden teeth to its foes. Looking around, it began looking for an exit, no longer feeling confident of its ability to win without the element of surprise. Quickly turning around, the wolf used it's back legs to kick a cloud of dirt onto the duo, briefly blinding them. Taking advantage of their temporary blindness, the wolf took off, vanishing from the area.

Cece wiped her eyes with the back of her right hand. "Gah! Damn twig!" When she can see again, she kneeled down by Emily, who was trying to get the dirt off her eyes. "Hold still." She pulled out a canteen of water and poured some on her hands before wiping the dirt off the pokemon's face. When she was done, Emily opened her eyes. "Better?"

Emily let out a happy yip before nuzzling Cece, who chuckled in response. "That's good." She then put her hammer away, picked up Emily, and stood up. "Come on. Don't want to worry Tito or Twilight." The young hedgehog then began to leave the forest, not paying any attention to the flower patch as she walked through it.

Author's Note:

And finally done. You have no idea how annoying it was to do this chapter. So, Tito has a new pet, a new suit, and everyone can guess what happened with Cece in the end, even if nobody can guess what will happen as a result from it.

AN: Greetings readers! Tis I, the humble and charming co-author, Star709! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, whatever your opinion is, please let us know, we love to read your comments and we love receiving feedback that help us improve.

On a side note, saw the Sonic movie last month. Pretty good in my opinion.



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