• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,436 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 8 -Arrival-


Princess Celestia sighed as she painfully walked into her room, her hoof hurt from slamming it against the old vault door. She wasn’t one to show her anger, but frustration finally got the better of her. It had taken a lot of coaxing to get Luna to the old castle to open the vault, only to find Ahuizotl.

Celestia remembered Ahuizotl howling about Shattered Skies as she tore the portal into Tartarus open and let it devour him and his minions.

A knock echoed through her chambers. “Princess?”

“You may enter, Sweet Tart.” Celestia recognized the voice of her sweet maid through the door.

“Tea?” Sweet Tart asked.

Celestia nodded as the small, light blue mare poured her tea. “Oh my, Princess, you’re covered in dirt!”

Celestia looked at her coat, which was usually pearly white, now blotted with dirt and foliage. “So it would seem.”

“Well, be sure to bathe before resting for the night, I don’t want your sheets getting ruined.” Sweet Tart remarked before leaving the room.

Celestia laughed quietly, maybe a hot bath could take her mind off of the world, even if for a moment.

After taking a long sip from her cup, Celestia’s nose wrinkled and she lit her horn to turn her bathtub faucets on. “Oh my, am I dirty.”

The sound of rushing water filled the room as she turned on the faucets in her large bath. At first she had thought a twenty foot wide bath may have been excessive, but it was one of the few luxuries she afforded herself.

“Hm, a bit murky.” Celestia mused to herself as she stepped in, letting the water overtake her body slowly.

The princess sighed as she warm water soothed her tense muscles, After a long and restful soak, she attempted to wash herself only to find that she had lost all sensation in her limbs. She attempted to move more forcefully, but her muscles refused to respond, like they were saturated in thick clay. As panic filled Celestia’s mind, the lights flickered and a deep, baritone voice spoke out from all around her.

“Weird feeling isn’t it? The all-powerful Celestia, unable to move.”

Celestia’s eyes widened as two antlers broke the murky, herbal water.

A large stag head rose from the water mere feet from Celestia. She recognized Shattered Skies instantly, he hadn’t changed at all from when they last met. His eyes sprung open and he stared at her.

“No.” Celestia murmured quietly.


Celestia tried yelling for the guards, but her voice would not carry volume above that of a regular conversation.

“Trouble speaking?” Skies lifted a leaf off of Celestia’s coat. “I know, after all these years you’re choked up to see that I’m okay.”

“How dare you touch me.” Celestia seethed.

“We need to catch up.” Skies floated toward Celestia slowly, he put his claw on her chest and pushed her against the tub wall to keep her from sinking. “Unfortunately, I have things to do.”

“When I get free, I am going to destroy you.”

“And that brings me to my first topic.” Skies winced as Celestia tried biting him. “Why did you imprison all the Spirits?”

Celestia sat in silence, for one thousand years she wanted this stallion dead and now he was in front of her, taunting her, and she couldn’t even lift her hoof.

“Don’t fight me.” Skies believed deep down that this was a misunderstanding and that her hate for him could be resolved. He inched closer to Celestia, grabbing her submerged hoof with his claw, trying to get through to her.

Celestia’s face tensed at his touch. “I hate you.”


“You took my sister away.” Celestia’s eyes teared up in rage, her immense anger jolted her forward. “She loved you and you turned her into a monster.”

“No. Her transformation was something I was trying to stop.” Skies tried to continue, but Celestia wasn’t listening.

“You’ve killed so many of my ponies.”

“Where do you come up with these lies?”

Celestia started getting the feeling back in her limbs, soon she would be able to capture Shattered Skies and this nightmare would be over. She miscalculated her strength, however. With what was supposed to be a mighty kick to the face, she lost what little balance she had and started to sink when Skies let go of her to get away from her wild hoof.

“Why are you fighting so hard?” Skies used his other claw to pin her shoulder against the bath’s wall, preventing her descent. “I was never your enemy.”

Celestia stared back into Skies’ eyes. “You became my enemy when I learned you eradicated the rest of my species.”

“I did no such thing.” Skies hesitated to say, not because of the shocking statement, but at the fact that she knew about the other Alicorn’s fate, something that should have been blocked from her memory.

“Then who did, if not you?” Celestia seethed, believing Skies was trying to trick her.

Shattered Skies nibbled the inside of his cheek. It was mandated by the Pantheon of Spirits, before it dissolved, that all knowledge concerning the Alicorn’s fate be kept from the public. Mostly to protect Celestia and Luna than to hide information from them. Since it was Shattered Skies that proposed this to the rest of the counsel, it would be hypocritical to tell her exactly who it was. He had learned that Discord was an ally of hers and he was certain that he knew Skies was back, so telling her it was Discord would have spurred him to hunt Skies down, and that was a fight Skies was not ready for.

Skies opted to ignore Celestia’s question. “Why are you locking away Spirits?”

“Your aversion to my question speaks volumes.” Celestia smirked. “A few have told me about your crimes, hard to escape your past isn’t it?”

“Stop playing around and answer me.” Skies bared his teeth, attempting to intimidate the princess. “You and I are immortal; you know I can just take the memories without much of a problem.”

“I bet you’ve wanted that since we met; to sink your teeth into me while we were in a bath together.” Celestia said with a sly smirk, baring her neck. “I won’t tell you, but you can take me right from the source.”

Clever girl. “I have a good sense of time, Celestia. I can feel some of your strength returning.” Skies said to Celestia’s slight annoyance. It was obvious that she was trying to lure him into a false sense of superiority, but Skies could see the unadulterated rage in her eyes. “Just one more question before I go. All I ask is that you give me an honest answer.”

Celestia sucked her teeth. “Fine, if it gets you to leave.”

“What is your earliest memory?” Skies propped her up and floated away from her. “In as much detail as you can.”

Celestia was confused by his question. “The memory is of Luna and I, growing up with our caretaker, Fair Watch.” Celestia’s brow wrinkled trying to remember. “It was a modest farm and many creatures used to come and check up on us, but never as much as Fair Watch’s cousins.”

Skies nodded and gave a small smile. The cousins she remembers were him and Flowing Streams. And the creatures were other Spirits checking in on them. Most importantly, this meant that she didn’t remember what happened to her and Luna, meaning the memory block was still there.

“Why?” Celestia asked.

“Just seeing if you were losing you memory.” Skies chuckled as Celestia threw a weak hoof into the bath, splashing Skies in the face. When Skies looked up, he saw that Celestia had made it out of the bath and on to the floor. He could see that Celestia was pushing harder and harder to get to the door, almost too hard. “Celestia if you push any harder the poison will make you-”

Celestia’s head slumped down onto the marble floor. “-pass out. And that’s why you’re single. Too stubborn.”

Shattered Skies exited the bath and grabbed two large, white towels; one rolled up for her head and the other to cover her with. He placed his claw against her neck and pulled the rest of the poison from her as something of a courtesy.

Skies stood and saw that the Solar Princess still slept like she did when she was a filly; in a ball with her hoof over her horn. He hardly spared himself time for reminiscence, as he knew he couldn’t face at her full power.

As Skies leapt from the window to the trees below he scowled, Celestia’s words echoing in his mind.

“A few have told me about your crimes, hard to escape your past...”

(One week later)

“Get off my couch!” Skyfall begged. “Don’t you have stuff to do? Like run from a giant boulder or fight an immortal knight that’s guarding a cup?”

“Been there, done that.” Daring Do stretched out, covering her head with a throw pillow. She hummed happily as a ray of sunlight peeked through the window.

“You aren’t on the run. Why are you hiding?” Sky asked.

“I’m visiting my cousin and I didn’t want to impose on her or her foal by crashing on their couch.” Daring said.

“So you crashed on mine?” Skyfall asked, leering at Daring Do. Her cocky smile made Sky chuckle. “Fine, when are you leaving?”

“Today.” Daring sighed. “My cousin and her filly are going to vacation to Canterlot tomorrow and I have to go ahead of them.”

“Oh, why not go together?” Sky asked curiously. “Is it because you’re famous?”

Daring nodded. “Yes. I wanted to keep the paparazzi away from them. That’s one of the reasons I parade around as A. K. Yearling. I used to have a hat and glasses, but ponies found out, leading me to change my look.”

“Oh, is that why you wear a wig and cloak?” Skyfall asked rhetorically, tossing Daring’s items to her. “C’mon, I’ll walk you to the train station.”

Daring smiled. “I’ll allow it.”

“Yes, your highness.” Skyfall bowed and took a sip from his mug.

“Oh did you make me some coffee?” Daring eyed the steaming mug Sky was holding.

“Huh?” Sky questioned, tilting his head.

Daring rolled her eyes and pointed at Sky’s coffee. “What is that?”

“Oh, this? It’s meat tenderizer.”

Daring gagged. “Ew, are you serious?”

“Ha, no. Coffee’s in the kitchen. Hurry up so you can catch the train.”

“I’m going to come along as well.” Sif said. She exited the basement in her pony form and sat, showing off her fluffy form. “I’ve given up trying to perfect the serum.”

“Good, because you look so adorable like this.” Sky pinched Sif’s cheek.

“Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to look around Ponyville.” Sif tugged at Sky’s scarf. “Also I want your scarf.”

“Ha. You’re funny.” Skyfall said, taking his scarf back from Sif’s mouth. “If you want one, I’ll get you one.”

“Deal, let’s go.” Sif trotted outside, followed by a disguised Daring Do.

“This’ll be interesting.” Sky said under his breath.

Twilight sat patiently, waiting for her brother and sister-in-law to arrive. This had kept her up for most of the night. She was talking with her friends to pass the time since the train was running late.

“So when do you think the Princess will calm down?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight’s smile faltered. “I don’t know. She was furious about the Spirit escaping.”

“I would be too. He really messed with the princesses.” Rainbow said. “You heard what Celestia said. When Luna refused to keep the vault door open, she screamed about how he betrayed them.”

Rainbow stared at Twilight expectantly.

“Don’t look at me. I don’t know what she meant.” Twilight defended. “Princess Celestia never even told me he even existed, let alone that they knew him.” Twilight put her hooves in her lap. “If she was that mad, then it must have been something serious.”

Rainbow sighed and looked up the tracks. “So how is your brother and Princess Cadance? It’s been awhile since they visited.”

“One whole year.” Twilight said. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “From the letters Shining writes to me, Cadance seems happy again.”

Rarity gasped. “I read about that, she hasn’t been outside the castle in months.

Twilight nodded. “It’s been rough on us all. I couldn’t imagine not being able to have a foal. Its been years, but all their attempts keep ending poorly.”

All of the mares nodded and agreed quietly.

The ever-impatient Rainbow Dash leapt into the air. “So when are we gonna take out the houseplant?” She asked enthusiastically.

Pinkie Pie giggled at Rainbow’s nickname for the Spirit, while the others shook their heads.

“If ya mean that Spirit that were supposed to be silent about, then never.” Applejack said, disinterested.

“But everypony already knows!” Pinkie Pie stuck her hoof in her hair and brought out the Equestrian Inquirer. “See?” Pinkie jabbed her hoof into the paper repeatedly. “It says that all the baddies are back and ready to compete in the disco dance-off in Canterlot.”

Rarity put her hoof on Pinkie’s and brought in down and away from Applejack’s face. “Darling. One, disco is dead. And two, the Equestrian Inquirer is made for farfetched rumors.”

Pinkie gasped and grabbed Rarity’s face. “Disco is not dead. It’s just sleeping.”

“In all seriousness, Pinkie. We should keep this to ourselves. The Princess swore us to secrecy.” Applejack reiterated. She didn’t continue and instead reached over to Twilight, hitting her on the leg.

“What?” Twilight asked. She looked in the direction where Applejack was pointing. “Skyfall? What about him?”

Applejack sighed and leaned in to whisper. “Look who he’s with.”

Twilight and the rest looked over at the quiet stallion as he whispered into a mare’s ear, making her laugh. They were too far to hear what was said, but close enough to guess the tone.

“You need to keep it safe.” Skyfall whispered. “Know that the instant you bring the Effigy to Canterlot, Celestia will be breathing down your neck, wanting to know how you got it.”

Daring laughed. “I’ve been in more dangerous situations.”

“No. You haven’t.” Skyfall said, bringing Daring down from her delusion that Celestia would just accept that a terrible artifact was retrieved with no trouble. “If Celestia is even half the mare she was one thousand years ago, she won’t hesitate to burn you and everyone that cares about you from the face of Equus.”

Daring stared at Sky’s unmovable expression, she knew he was serious, but the way he described her made her seem like a tyrant. “You think she would do that?”

Skyfall nodded. “It’s what I would do.”

Daring’s eyes started to open wide in shock before Sky held up a hoof. “You misunderstand.”

“Explain.” Daring said.

“You know what you hold, Daring.” Daring cocked an eyebrow. “Sorry, Yearling. You know what you hold. Celestia knows there is no way you could have gotten that unless you met me.”

“So what do I tell her?” Daring asked. “That I bumped into you and tricked you with a disguise?”

“No, I’m too smart for that.” Sky said to Daring’s skeptical look, which he returned. “You think a crushed hat and a leaf beard would throw me, a Forest Spirit, off?”

“Good point. Then what do I tell her?” Daring asked.

“Tell her you swooped down and took it from Ahuizotl when he wasn’t looking. Then say that I whipped you with a root, breaking your wing, after which you ran away with the Effigy with my wolves chasing you. Now, my wolves are too fast so throw in some sharp turns and end with you diving into the ravine by the castle.”

“But that paints you as a villain.” Daring looked down, she hated the idea of lying about good ponies, even if it kept her out of danger. “I can’t do that.”

Sky placed his hoof on Daring’s chin. “Stop. You need to sell me as a villain if you’re to fool Celestia, if you don’t she may use magic to read your memories and then she’ll know you’re lying.”

Skyfall heard the train approaching. “You’re a good pony. Don’t let yourself get caught up in my mess.”

“It’s good to have friends, Skyfall.” Daring chuckled.

“Yes, but not when you have a crazed Solar Nightmare after you.” Sky smiled and noticed that six familiar mares were staring at him from across the platform. The instant he waved, they figured out that he had seen them and looked in different directions. “Okay?”

“You’re alright.” Daring said. “Even if I still have some doubts.”

“One down, a few couple million to go. Stay in touch.” Sky hugged Daring.

“Uh, what’s with the hug?”

“We’re being watched and I have to come up with something better than ‘week old’ friend.” Sky said quietly.

Daring laughed and boarded the train. “Oh!” She ran off the train and scribbled on a piece of paper before shoving it into Sky’s saddle bags before running back onto the train.

Sky waved as the train left and reached for the note that was punctuated with a winking face. ‘If you’re ever in Canterlot, this is my penthouse address.’ Sky laughed and turned to walk. I better find Sif before she eats somepony.

Sky stopped at the tops of the steps. Something drew him to look towards Twilight’s group. When he did, he was met with a pair of light purple eyes staring right back at him. Sky found that he had to forcibly tear himself away to find Sif. Weird

“Who was that?” Cadance asked monotonously.

“Oh that was Skyfall.” Twilight said nonchalantly. “He moved here recently and has been reclusive so far, despite Pinkie’s actions to change that.”

“Why does he look sad?” Cadance asked.

“Probably cause Rainbow here keeps pickin’ on him.” Applejack jeered.

“I don’t pick on him!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Everytime I try to make it up to him, he just turns his back on me and tells me to leave.”

“That’s because you ain’t good at apologizing.” Applejack said.

Cadance looks to Rainbow Dash. “What does he do when you apologize?”

Applejack started snickering. “Slam the door.”

Rainbow huffed. “I don’t care if he’s mad at me or not.”

“Seems like you do, otherwise you wouldn’t get so mad about it.” Cadance said.

“What’s with your sudden interest in him?” Twilight asked.

Cadance smiled. “Just trying to get back to helping ponies find love, maybe I can help him open up for you girls. We’ll go to the castle and talk it over. What do you think, Shiny?”

Shining was reading a scroll from the local guard, updating him on the condition of the Everfree patrols. “I’ll meet you at the castle. I have to go see the lieutenant to get more information about these wolves.”

Cadance’s smile grew larger. “Okay, have fun.”

The instant Shining left, Cadance turn to the others. “So, castle?”

Rarity raised her hoof. “I will meet you all there, I must check on Sweetie Belle.”

“Nonsense, we’ll all go!” Cadance trotted past the fashionista.

“Twilight, are you sure she’s okay?” Rainbow asked. “Maybe she should take it slow.”

Before Twilight could respond, she started to gallop after Cadance, who wasn’t waiting up for them. She really was concerned for Cadance, but Princess Celestia promised her that everything would be okay.

Sif rang the desk bell over and over. “Hello?”

“Calm down, this isn’t Marecedonia.” Sky said in a harsh tone.

Sif huffed as Sweetie Belle rounded the corner. “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! Hi, Skyfall!”

“Hey, Sweetie Belle. I didn’t know you lived here.” Skyfall stated.

“I don’t, I actually live across town. My sister Rarity owns this place and I’m watching it for her.” Sweetie smiled.

'I guess I never connected the dots.' Skyfall thought back to when Rarity hugged him and thanked him after the timberwolf incident. “Anyway, do you know where she is?”

“She’s at the train station greeting Princess Cadance. She said she wouldn’t be back until late tonight.” Sweetie perked up. “But I can help with most things around the shop.”

Sky looked to Sif and then back to Sweetie Belle. “My friend here wants a scarf.”

“Oh, what kind of scarf?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Sif smiled. “Just something simple like his.”

Sweetie Belle ran over to Sif’s hoof and grabbed it with her magic. “Alright, come on! Let’s see what my sister has. I can make you one!”

Sif looked back in horror from Sweetie Belle’s high-pitched antics to a chuckling Skyfall as she was dragged to another room.

“Yes, fluffy, go and see what they have.” Sky said. Sif looked back with daggers, he knew he was going to get attacked later, but it was worth it.

Skyfall felt something brush against him and Sweetie Belle looked back before turning the corner. “That’s Opalescence, she hates everyone.”

After waiting for the two to be out of hearing range, Skyfall looked down. “You and I need to have a little chat.”

Oh? What about?” Opal asked.

“About what exactly is going on.” Sky whispered firmly.

Right away, my lord.” Opal said in a snarky manner. She walked over to one of Rarity’s plush couches and sat next to one of her toys. “What exactly do you want to know?

Skyfall walked over and laid down, petting Opal. “What are your master and her friends planning?”

Opalescence purred in delight. “How should I know? I don’t eavesdrop on their conversations.

“I do not find this amusing, kitty cat.” Skyfall growled.

Sorry, I really don’t know. Ask Owlolicious, all the meetings are at the castle and he’s always around the Princess.

Skyfall continued petting Opal for a few minutes before his inner need to fulfill his charge drove him to ask Opal a few more questions. “Your master treats you well, correct?”

Well enough.” Opal says. “I get three square meals a day and toys so I can’t complain.

“And what about the other animals in Ponyville? A few don’t venture into my forest so I can’t ask them directly.” Sky asked quietly.

I never hear anything bad, my lord.” Opal pointed out the window to a happy-looking dog and his owner playing fetch. “We’re all pretty happy.

Skyfall glanced out the window and saw the same stallion and dog, but didn’t see the happiness Opal was talking about. All he saw was content. Sky’s attention was torn away by the doorbell.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity called while entering. “What? Skyfall?”

Skyfall was lying on her couch propped up on one elbow with Rarity’s cat purring next to him, an image she wasn’t expecting. He smiled. “Well hello, Rarity.”

“Well look who finally came out from his house.” Rainbow said. “What’s with you lying like that?”

“Lying like what?” Skyfall asked as the other mares looked between Rainbow and Skyfall as the filed into the boutique. He raised an eyebrow and saw the others giving him a cursory look.

“That!” Rainbow pointed and let out an angry grunt. “Don’t play dumb. You’re lying all.. all...”

“What did I do this time?” Skyfall asked.

“You’re lying like that in Rarity’s shop!” Rainbow Dash said.

Skyfall looked at himself and even he saw that his position could be mistaken as seductive, so he rolled over and looked back at Rainbow while running a hoof over his shoulder. “Is this better, Dashie?”

Skyfall knew that Pinkie Pie had called her this a few times, so it made for the perfect ammunition.

Rainbow let out a frustrated scream and darted right for Skyfall who had leapt out of her way as she passed.

Applejack jumped up and grabbed her tail, stopping her a few inches away from Skyfall; he was fast for his size, but not that fast. If Applejack didn’t grab Rainbow Dash when she did, then it may have turned ugly.

“Rainbow. Outside. Now.” Applejack demanded. “And you.” She pointed to Skyfall. “We need to settle this, so when ah’m done with her, I’ll be back for you.”

“I’ll be waiting.” Skyfall smiled.

The instant Applejack and Rainbow left, Sky looked over. “How are you girls?”

The group gave their own greetings, except Fluttershy, who whispered to herself.

Rarity shook her head. “Darling, not that I mind, but why are you here?”

“Crescent wanted a scarf.”

“Oh, wonderful, where is the sweetheart now?” Rarity said with a forced smile.

Sif must have offended her at some point. Skyfall thought as he saw right through her false smile. “She’s upstairs with your younger sister, Sweetie Belle. She said something about using some special materials.”

Rarity’s eyes shot open and she ran upstairs, yelling Sweetie Belle’s name. Unfortunately for Sky, Applejack had walked back inside.

“Why’d ya lie?” Applejack asked, referring to Sky’s statement about Sweetie Belle using special materials.

Sky shrugged his wings. “I prefer to have fewer ponies to speak with. Too many ponies can make things a bit too hectic.”

“Sweetie Belle might get in trouble.” Twilight deadpanned.

“I doubt that.” Sky remembered all the times Sif covered for him.

Princess Cadance nudged Twilight and whispered into her ear. “Introduce us.”

“Oh, right!” Twilight smiled. “Skyfall, this is my sister-in-law and ruler of the Crystal Empire, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Cadance, this is our newest resident, Skyfall.”

Skyfall bowed.

“Oh, you don’t have to bow.” Cadance chirped. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Skyfall grabbed Cadance’s extended hoof. “Pleasure’s all mine.”

Twilight noticed how long they were shaking hooves and hugged Cadance to her from stop shaking his hoof. “She and my brother have come to stay at the castle.”

“To help with Shattered Skies, no doubt?” Skyfall asked.

“Very perceptive.” Cadance said. “You know, Twilight,” Cadance looked over to her sister. “he really does look like Shining, or Shining looks like him. How old are you?”

“How old is he?” Skyfall answered Cadance’s question with a question of his own.

“Twenty-five.” Twilight said.

“Then I’m older.” Skyfall said

“No, I will not wear a dress!” Crescent cried shortly before everypony heard a loud crashing sound.

“Ah better stop that battle, before it turns into a war.” Applejack said. “You too Twilight, you know how Rarity gets.”

After the two went upstairs to confront the conflict, the only ponies remaining were Skyfall, Cadance, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash was in a corner, pouting whilst glancing over at Skyfall every once in awhile.

“So I guess we’re in an intermission.” Skyfall said in jest as sounds of fighting got worse. “Or not.”

“That sounds like it’s getting really bad.” Cadance said.

“It’ll resolve itself.” Skyfall said and sat down on Rarity’s couch. “These things usually do. Plus, Crescent really hates dresses.”

Rainbow laughed. “Don’t blame her.”

“Oh, she speaks.” Sky said.

Rainbow’s feathers ruffled and Skyfall was preparing for another over the top reaction, but he felt a small hoof on his arm.

“She just wants to apologize, Skyfall.” Fluttershy said quietly, looking into Skyfall’s eyes and he looked back for a long second. Cadance squinted and smirked when she saw the prolonged eye contact. Sky sighed, motioning Rainbow forward.

“When you calm down I will hear you out.” Skyfall said. “As for now, you are too angry and I think no good would come from a conversation where one of us is upset.” Sky said to Rainbow’s nod.

“What do you do for a living?” Cadance had been staring at the side of Skyfall’s head for the past few minutes. “I feel I know you from somewhere.”

“I’m retired.”

“From?” Pinkie Pie asked, causing Cadance to look over. “What? I’m curious too.”

“I flew sky ships.” Sky said, having known enough about airships to convince ponies that he flew them as a living.

“OH! what kind?” Pinkie jumped up. “I love airships. They look really cool and we barely see any around here.”

“It was an older ship with sails.” Sky said hesitantly. He knew that the current age used large balloons to keep their ships aloft instead of enchanted sails. Usually the balloons would make a ship faster; however, Storm Front would push wind into the enchanted sails to boost its speed exponentially.

“Oh, where is it?” Pinkie asked.

“It crashed.” Sky said absentmindedly. He started thinking about when he and Storm Front tried to stop Sombra’s advance on Canterlot and the enormous spike that cut the main mast from the deck of the ship, sending it hurtling into another galleon at full speed. “It’s not a big deal. It allowed me to retire.”

“Is that where the scar came from?” Rainbow asked.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy scolded.

“What?” Rainbow held her hooves up, placating the angry looks she was receiving. “Everypony wants to know.”

“Am I really so interesting to everypony?” Sky asked.

“All done!” Rarity chirped, presenting Sif with her new scarf, a long sapphire cloth wrapped around her neck.

“Happy?” Sky asked.

“Yes.” Sif held her nose in the air.

The doorbell chimed as Sweetie Belle’s friends, Apple Bloom, Silver Spoon, Scootaloo, and Diamond Tiara, walked in. Applebloom stopped in her tracks and stuck her hoof at Skyfall. “You!”

“Me?” Skyfall asked, he knew she was mad because she had been looking for him, but it was funny to see little foals squeak in anger.

“Where have ya been?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Apple Bloom, that is no way to greet somepony!” Applejack chided.

“But sis! He’s been dodgin’ our deal.” Apple Bloom whined.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Skyfall chuckled to Applejack’s sneer. Her second title as living lie detector held true.

“Is this that deal about ya taking them to dinner?” Applejack asked.

“Maybe.” Skyfall said.

“The way ah remember it, you have to treat us to what we want.” Apple Bloom said.

“Hayburger and fries?” Skyfall asked.

Apple Bloom turned around and brought the others into a huddle, and after a minute, they came back, all six smiling. “We want you to treat us to dinner at your place.”

“Now girls, that’s-” Rarity started, but saw Skyfall hold up a hoof.

“A deal is a deal.” Skyfall stood up. “When do you girls want to have this dinner?”

Applejack opened her mouth to protest, but Skyfall beat her to it.

“And make sure to talk this over with your sisters, they are invited as well to watch you six.” Skyfall smiled over at approving Applejack.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders huddled together once more and their spokesmare, Apple Bloom, came back. “Tomorrow is Saturday, so would that be okay?”

“Saturday it is.” Sky motioned Sif to follow him. “I will see you then, I have some chores to do. Oh, what do you want to eat?”

Apple Bloom tapped her chin. “Surprise us.”

“Famous last words.” Sky received worried looks as he exited the boutique.

“So what chores do you have?” Sif snuggled into her new scarf.

“I want to go through that cave behind the waterfall. I keep forgetting so I’ll just go and see what all the fuss is about. Plus that’s where we’re keeping all the stuff from the castle.”

“Finally.” Sif said. “My pack hears weird noises when they sleep in there.”

“They sleep in the cave?” Sky looked at Sif who nodded in return.

“Where else would they sleep comfortably? There are hundreds of us. If we get too close to Ponyville, the guards freak out.”

“Good point. It’ll be nice to explore with you.” Sky noticed Sif’s coat stand on end. “What?”

“Nothing, that place unnerves me.” Sif looked at Sky and could tell he had an ulterior motive. “What’s really going on?”

“I’ll tell you when we get home.”

“He was certainly, interesting.” Cadance said.

“He can be a pain in the flank.” Twilight rolled her eyes and helped Rarity get out some teacups. “It took me a few days to get him to give back some overdue library books.”

“Well, you know ponies don’t take kindly to having their doors banged on.” Cadance giggled at Twilight’s sudden loss of balance.

“How did you?” Twilight asked.

“Come on Twilight. I’ve known you for most of your life. Remember when your friends were late to do a book report with you?”

“Oh, right, the report about Starswirl the Bearded.” Twilight remembered the terrified screams and the sounds of thrashing metal as she tried to get her friends to participate. “I wouldn’t have had to bang on his door if he would have just returned the books.”

“You all seem to know him.” Cadance talked to the rest of the room. “Did you all go to get Twilight’s books back?”

They all shook their heads and Rarity perked up. “He saved Cheerilee’s class from a pack of vicious timberwolves.”

“I thought that was Shattered Skies?” Cadance asked.

“Supposedly.” Twilight answered. It was widely speculated among the secret force Celestia had assembled that Shattered Skies started the attack.

“I saw some marks on his neck, I guess he was bitten.” Cadance said.

“Oh he was.” Rarity said enthusiastically. “We thought he was taken by the wolves and then we went to his house, where we found Crescent.”

“He has a very beautiful wife.” Cadance said as more of a way of finding out if he was taken or single.

“Oh no, she is just his lifelong friend.” Rarity poured Cadance some more tea.

“So he’s single?” Cadance asked.

“He is. Why do you ask?” Twilight asked suspiciously, wondering what Cadance was up too. It had been a while, but Twilight could recognize when Cadance was about to play match maker.

“Oh just gathering some information for when somepony opens herself to the possibility.” Cadance said as she looked at Fluttershy.

All the ponies in the room, even the foals, looked at where Cadance was looking. Fluttershy looked up from petting Opalescence. “Why are you all looking at me?”

Suddenly a loud thunderclap shook them all from their conversation.

Rainbow looked out the window and walked over to Rarity’s counter where the morning paper sat. “That’s weird. The weather factory didn’t call for a thunderstorm.”

Rarity perked up as a grey stallion with a dark blue and white mane walked through the door. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique. I am Rarity, owner of this establishment. How my I help you, mister...?”

“Nimbus. And I’m looking for somepony.” The new stallion said curtly. “It’s extremely urgent that I find him as soon as possible.”

“Oh my.” Rarity said and looked back at the others before turning back to Nimbus. “What is the matter?”

“A crisis.” Nimbus said through clenched teeth. “Do you know a silver stallion with a navy blue mane?”

Applejack leaned towards Twilight. “Ya reckon he means Skyfall?”

Nimbus heard Applejacks say Sky’s name and scowled at her. “That is exactly who I am talking about. Now where is he?”

“Whoa there partner. I don’t know who ya are so I ain’t about to tell you where he is, until you tell me what’s goin’ on.” Applejack said.

“I’m his brother and it’s a private matter.” Nimbus said.

Applejack couldn’t tell if he was lying, but she could tell he wasn’t being forthright, so she pressed him for information. “Sorry pal. Ya won’t find him in Ponyville unless ya tell us what’s goin’ on. We like to help our own.”

Nimbus mumbled her words to himself. “’Won’t find him in Ponyville.’ So he lives on the outskirts?”

Applejack turned her head. “How did you?”

Without another word, Nimbus turned and left as the thunderstorm started to come down.

Applejack looked at the others. “What was that about?”

“I don’t know, darling, but one of us should go over to his house later to make sure everything's okay.” Rarity said.

“I can go.” Rainbow Dash volunteered. “He lives close enough to be considered a neighbor. I can see his house from mine.”

Cadance tapped on Fluttershy’s hoof. “I think Fluttershy should go.”

“What, why me?” Fluttershy went wide eyed.

“Call it intuition.” Cadance said, remembering the look Skyfall gave her. “Out of everypony here, I think you’re the one he likes the most.”

“Oh, oh no. I think he and Applejack are closer as friends.” Fluttershy shook her head and hide behind her mane. If Skyfall was receiving bad news, she didn’t want to see him sad.

“’Friends’ isn’t what I meant, Fluttershy.” Cadance saw Fluttershy eep at the statement.

“What are you talking about Cadance?” Twilight asked.

“You weren’t here when Rainbow and Sky were about to get into it.” Cadance paused and continued. “…The second time that is.”

Applejack groaned. “What happened?”

“It’s what didn’t happen.” Cadance nudged Fluttershy, making her look up. Cadance winked at Fluttershy, referencing how she melted Skyfall and coaxed him to accept Rainbow’s apology. The worst thing about all this is that both Skyfall and Fluttershy were oblivious to what happened, but her magic picked up on it. Mutual attraction.

“So, what is going on that you had to order my entire pack to take shelter in the caves for?” Sif asked.

“They’ll be safe in case things go south for me.” Shattered Skies positioned himself in front of the cave.

“Wanna fill me in?” Sif growled.

“Do you remember what the weather was today?” Skies asked.

“Clear with no rain, why?” Sif looked up, not surprised that weather ponies had messed up, again.

Skies looked up. “Do those look like anything a weather factory could turn out?”


“Exactly. Someone is here.”

Author's Note:

As always, if you enjoyed the chapter, let us know. :yay:

Is there anything anyone wants to explore? I have all story parts planned out, but adding clarification is all too easy.

we love ya :heart:

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