• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,433 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

  • ...

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Chapter 15 -Dispute-


Twilight sat in the castle below a large stained glass window. She was comfortably lying on the ledge as she delved into a pre-release copy of A.K. Yearling's newest book, Daring Do and a False Effigy. The story detailed Daring’s adventure of collecting another dangerous, world-altering artifact, and her narrow escape from both Ahuizotl and Shattered Skies shortly before the latter betrayed her arch enemy.

Twilight mumbled as she read, completely immersed in the story. During her short breaks between chapters, Twilight would think about the irony of her current situation. She loved anything by A. K. Yearling, but supporting this book would mean supporting the exposure of a closely guarded secret that she had fought hard to keep, even to the point of spreading a rumor that it was a crazy stallion pretending to be a Spirit. She worried about the situation that this might produce, but Princess Celestia’s words bubbled to the surface of her thoughts.

Worrying helps nothing. If everything in your power is being done to fix something, then do not worry. If you can't change anything, then do not worry, for it is out of your hooves.

Twilight smiled as she remembered the wisdom in her mentor's words.

Just as Twilight re-opened the book to continue her adventure, a loud crash similar to shattering ceramic echoed through the halls. Shining Armor’s deep scream could barely be heard, all but drowned out but the shrill scream of Cadance. With a few short teleportations, Twilight appeared in the kitchen. Unfortunately for her, this landed her right in a hurricane of emotional conflict.

"Guys?" Twilight asked, shocked by the tension in the room.

"Stay out of this, Twily." Shining growled as tears rolled down his face.

"No. What's going on?"

Cadance shook tears from her face. "Your brother has let paranoia overtake rational thought."

"You still refuse to tell me why you spend so much time at his house! You leave and I don’t see you for hours, sometimes days, and then you return as if nothing had happened!" Shining's
tone, sharpened by years as captain, began to waver.

Cadance tried to fight back the tears. "Please stop assuming the worst, Shining. It hurts to be accused like this."

"Oh, then why don't you go visit your new coltfriend?!" Shining screamed. He instantly regretted losing his temper as Cadance burst into tears and teleported away.

"Shining Armor!" Twilight shouted. "That was too far!"

"I'm sorry." Shining whimpered as he sat on his haunches. He wasn't certain as to why he was acting the way he was. "I'm so sorry."

"You need to fix this."

"How?" He asked, his throat feeling hoarse.

"We go find her." Twilight growled.

Skyfall slowly lifted the cappuccino to his lips, preparing to savor the first flavorful sip. The moment his cup of joy touched his lips, Sif barked loudly, startling Skyfall and causing him to spill his drink all over the counter.

"It had the perfect amount of foam..."

Sif laughed loudly from her recumbent position on the couch, not having realized that she’d startled him.

"You got a little something on the counter, there."

"No, it's fine. It's the curse of the cappuccino." Skyfall shrugged. "Now what was the bark for?"

"We have a visitor coming in fast." Sif rolled off the couch and jogged to the basement. "It's lovebutt."

The doorbell rang twice in quick succession, pausing before a soft, slow knock sounded on the front door. Skyfall’s ears perked up, he waited for the voice of someone demanding his presence, but none came. He trotted to the door and heard a soft sniffling sound. Skyfall closed his eyes and slowly counted down from three. Forty thousand years of living still didn't make comforting a crying mare any easier for him.

Sky placed his hoof on the doors and he heard Cadance struggling to speak.

"Please let me in?" Cadance finally choked out. The front doors opened slowly for her, revealing Skyfall standing there with a sympathetic look on his face. The sun had made its way to setting and the cool air marking the last days of fall rolled in, making her shiver.

"You look hungry. Well, I'm about to make dinner, you can help." Skyfall knew the best way to turn sadness around; focus on something else. Start up a good conversation and when opportunity shows itself, start to heal the wound.

Cadance smiled weakly and trotted inside. "Ah, it's warm in here."

"Yep, go to the bathroom and wash up. I'll be in the kitchen." Skyfall said.

As Cadance trotted away, she gave Sif a quick greeting before hurrying to the bathroom.

Sif approached Sky, easing up from the intrusion. "She staying the night?"

"Probably." Skyfall chewed his cheek. "Go hide the bodies."

"Out of context, that sounds awful." Sif's comment earned her a wink from Sky.

Skyfall walked into the kitchen and started to take out the cookware. He smiled as Cadance came to the kitchen without any regalia or makeup. "Going for a new look?"

Cadance let out a low chuckle and shuffled nervously. "Yeah, kinda. In truth, I don't like all that stuff and I just want to be me right now."

"Well, I certainly won't stop you." Skyfall began to fill the sink with hot water. The steam rose and tickled their fur. "So, have you ever cooked anything before?"

Cadance opened her mouth to answer, but Sky cut her off. "Baking cupcakes doesn’t count."

She adopted a sheepish smile. "N-No."

"Honestly, how do you ponies survive?" Skyfall laughed. "Would you like to learn?"

Cadance nodded her head vigorously.

"Awesome." Skyfall poured a bag of assorted vegetables into a pot of near-boiling water, and pointed to a cutting board. "Grab a vegetable and start cutting."

Cadance reached for an onion and instantly shouted in pain, retracting her hoof. "Hot!"

"Lesson one: Be aware of hot things." Skyfall patted Cadance on the head, chuckling.

"That's not funny!" Cadance tried to keep her laughter in check, but Sky's amusement was contagious.

"Eh, maybe not, but you learned something."

"Like what?"

Skyfall shook his head. "Grab a tomato."


"Why not?" Skyfall smirked.

"’Cause the water is hot." Cadance said warily.

"See? We're learning." Skyfall said, grabbing Cadance's hoof and moved it towards the water slowly. Cadance was increasing her resistance, pulling her hoof back the closer Sky moved it to the water.

"It's going to burn!" Cadance said.

"Are you here to learn?" Skyfall deadpanned.


"Then trust me." Skyfall continued the advance. "When you shove your hoof into hot water, your nerves snap and it feels more painful than it really is. Plus, your hooves are cold, making it far worse. It’s not bad if you ease it in."

As she eased her hooves in, Cadance felt the hot water wash over her fur, but the burning sensation soon left. "Hey, you're right."

"See? I know some things." Skyfall replied.

"I bet you know a lot of things." Cadance mused as she washed the rest of the vegetables. "I’d also bet you could easily be a teacher if you wanted."

"Actually I was for a short while a long time ago." Skyfall said. "Sif has been bugging me to take it up again."

"Will you?"

Skyfall nodded. "Part time."

"That's nice." Cadance hummed as she washed.

"Just a quick question," Skyfall said as he sharpened two knives. "Are you staying the night?"

Cadance ceased her washing and went silent.

"Family problems?" Cadance began to sniffle, and Skyfall knocked on the counter to get her attention. "Listen, we can talk about it whenever you're ready. You may stay here as long as you want."


Skyfall nodded. "Yes, really."

The doorbell rang again, but unlike the first time, it was accompanied by angry knocking. Cadance took on a fearful look, but was calmed by Skyfall's hoof as it was placed on her shoulder. "Stay inside, I'll talk to them."

Skyfall walked out a back door and looped around the house, waving a few wolves away as he passed the forest. He wanted to talk, not fight. When he turned the corner, he saw Shining Armor, Twilight, and Applejack standing at the front door.

"Open up, Skyfall." Twilight said, keeping a hoof on her brother's shoulder in an effort to keep him calm.

"I know you're in there!" Shining shouted.

"Actually, I’m out here." Skyfall cut in, stopping in the middle of his courtyard, eclipsed by the shadow his fountain cast. "Is there something you need?"

Shining scowled at him. "Give me my wife."

Skyfall squinted. Something was off about Shining Armor. 'I need to get close and examine him.' "She isn't mine to give, nor yours to demand."

Shining huffed and let out a low growl. "Where is she?"

"She is not property, Shining." Skyfall scolded. "From what I see, you need to calm down."

Shining winced, taking a deep breath, trying to regain his focus. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so angry."

'And now you're calm?' Skyfall thought, trying to decipher Shining's rage.

Twilight opened her mouth to talk, but stopped when Skyfall gave her a slight head shake, silently telling her to let it go.

"You're mad because your wife spends so much time at my house." Skyfall probed. When Shining didn't react, Sky pressed farther. "You think she's having an affair?"

Shining shook his head.

"That one day we would get married?" Skyfall continued, stoking Shining's ire.

Twilight and Applejack looked between Skyfall and Shining Armor, unable to understand where Skyfall was going with this provocative speech.

When Shining gave a half nod, Skyfall narrowed it down. "You think that Cadance wants to start a family with me?"

Shining sat quietly, every muscle in his body tensed. "You're going to eat those words."

"I'm waiting, and so is your wife."

Shining’s eyes became extremely bloodshot as he reared back and charged at Skyfall full-force, his horn blazing, summoning a spear of magic.

"Shining, no!" Twilight called.

As Shining got closer, Skyfall took a deep breath and gave Shining his best defense.

"I'm sterile."

"Huh?" Shining’s red eyes cleared up and he tried to stop as he neared Skyfall. Unable to stop, Sky stepped out of the way and watched as Shining's spear evaporated before he tumbled lifelessly into the fountain’s rim.

A long silence sat on the courtyard as Twilight and Applejack watched the events play out. Shining silently laid under the fountain's waterfall, trying to understand his emotional volatility.

"Shining Armor!" Cadance shouted from the doorway.

Shining could only stare at the water like a foal being scolded by its mother.

"How dare you!" Cadance shouted, running up to her husband.

"How dare me?" Shining retorted, his fury reignited. "How dare you!? You ran to his house the first chance you got!"

Skyfall shook his head as he walked over to Twilight and Applejack. Admittedly, he understood what Shining was feeling, but could only watch in silence at what he knew was about to unfold between the arguing couple.

Cadance and Shining began a hushed, yet heated argument, giving Sky enough time to explain the situation to Twilight.


Twilight gave an apologetic look towards Skyfall. "Hey."

"How long have they been like this?"

Twilight thought it over. "They suffered a traumatic event last year. I thought they’d moved past it, but that doesn't seem to be the case. They started fighting like this shortly after Captain Fury and the elite guard arrived."

"And how am I involved?" Skyfall asked.

"I think you're just the scapegoat for a larger problem." Twilight answered honestly. "My brother has always jumped to conclusions, but it hasn't been this bad since the Officer's Academy."

Twilight paused and scowled at Skyfall. "What was with that talk earlier? Were you trying to get my brother to attack you?"


"What? Why, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Just chasing shadows in a mirror." Skyfall said, sighing at their confused looks. "It means I thought I saw something. Now, did you three run all the way here? Cadance got here not too long ago, and I know she teleported part of the way."

"Kind of." Twilight admitted. "We ran when we were passing Sweet Apple Acre because Applejack started following us."

"Ah thought somethin' serious happened." Applejack shrugged.

Cadance shouted in anger. "Are you serious?"

"Yes!" Shining stepped out of the fountain, having found his drive again. "Ever since the miscarriage you've been distant, and I try and try to help, but every time I do, I get pushed away!"

"Because sometimes, I need to be alone with my thoughts!" Cadance's voice was full of rage. "I love you, Shining, but I’m not going to put up with these accusations!"


"No, I'm talking! You're not!" Cadance stomped her hoof. "I sit by every time you get like this and bring you down from your paranoid delusions, but this time I won't.”

"I didn't mean-"

"You know what? Leave me alone!" Cadance turned and stormed away from Shining as he sat with his hoof outstretched, futilely trying to somehow bring her back. Cadance slammed the front door to Sky’s house behind her.

Skyfall stood and approached Shining. Twilight and Applejack, fearful of what he may do, stood, but were waved down by Skyfall's wing. Shining slumped against the fountain and made a variety of sad gestures before dropping his head in defeat. Sky observed Shining Armor’s plight for a few moments before speaking. "Do you love her?"

Shining, shocked by the question, looked up. "Y-Yes."

"Then it'll work out."

"No, she hates me." Shining's head started to hang.

"I doubt that. She’s probably angry-" Skyfall was interrupted by Cadance giving a sharp scream from within the house. "-Oh yeah, definitely angry. But she still loves you."

Shining looked at Skyfall. "How do you know?"

"I'm old. Trust me, I know things." Skyfall rested his wing on Shining's shoulders in a reassuring manner.

"Listen, I wanted to apologize about earlier."

"Don't." Skyfall waved Shining's attempt at giving an awkward apology away. "You know, it's funny."

Skyfall tapped Shining on the shoulder and waved him forward to follow. Twilight and Applejack sat idly for a short while before deciding to slowly catch up with the two.

"What is?" Shining asked curiously.

"You and Cadance remind me of my wife and I. Almost to the point it's scary." Skyfall gave a small smile, remembering all the times she would stomp off shouting angrily while he sat there snickering like a fool. "Sometimes, nasty fights happen. Even the best relationships have scuffles where the best thing is a little breathing room. Some space to cool down."

"Did you two always make up?" Shining didn't need to explain what he was thinking; it was obvious that, given the choice, he would rush back and try to apologize to Cadance.


Shining winced a little. "She doesn't live with you?"

Twilight let out a gasp, drawing the attention of both Applejack and Shining.

"No, she died many years ago in a place very far from here." Skyfall said calmly. "She and I loved each other, and not a day goes by that I don't miss her. We fought and argued, but that's because I was stubborn and she was pushy. Well, pushy with me at least."

Shining took a long look at Skyfall. Aside from the size difference, the two stallions looked very similar. "What was she like?"

Skyfall gave Shining a sideways glance. "Honestly?"

Shining nodded.

"Almost exactly like Cadance. Even the way she storms off and slams doors before screaming is the same." Skyfall laughed. "Although, my wife was a little taller. Oh, and she would throw things at me."

Shining chuckled. "Then they're the same. Cadance likes to throw pillows at me when I act up."

"Ever heard of a chancleta?"

"No." Shining cocked his head.

"Good." Skyfall said curtly. "My wife loved shoes, especially the ones that look like sandals and wrap up your hoof. Whenever she got upset, she would wind up and whip one at me."

"Did it hurt?" Applejack asked.

"No, but I could be on the other side of the castle and she would still nail me with it." Skyfall reminisced.

"Castle?" Shining, Twilight, and Applejack said in unison.

Skyfall gulped and ignored the question. "Well, looks like we're at the front gate," he said, reaching the edge of his property.

"Are you letting Cadance stay the night?" Shining stopped and looked back to the estate in the valley. He could briefly see Cadance in a second story window before she angrily threw the curtains closed.

"Yes." Skyfall said. "You two need time apart to calm down. Take it from a stallion whose been in the same position. Take your time and think about what you're going to say and do. I'll talk to her and see what's going on."

Shining nodded. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me." Skyfall responded, waving his sentiment away once again. "This is completely up to you. For love to succeed, both sides need to put in an effort."

"I'll try."

Skyfall nodded and watched Twilight escort her brother away, leaving Applejack to stand there awkwardly.

"So." Applejack said, kicking a hoof in the dirt.


"Crazy stuff, them family problems."

Skyfall glanced over. "You have a big family. I'm sure you see your fair share."

Applejack gave a half suppressed laugh. "Ah guess ah do."

"What do you want to ask me?"

Applejack started to walk away. "O-Oh it was nothin' there, sugarcube."

"You shouldn't feign disinterest." Skyfall deadpanned.

Applejack turned to face Skyfall. The sun's rays peeked through the trees as they both waited for the other to speak. "Do ya live here because you feel guilty about your wife?"

Skyfall sat, staring at Applejack, mind completely blank.

Applejack shook her head. "I'm sorry, ah shouldn't have asked that. It wasn't my place."

"No, it's fine." Skyfall said, waking himself from his stupor. "And the answer is yes."

With that, Skyfall turned to walk back to his house. "Have a safe night, Applejack."

Skyfall thought about Applejack on his way back, but not about what she said. Rather, his mind was set on the defeated look in her eyes.

The events of the afternoon played in Skyfall's head like a bad movie. Maybe Storm Front was right about being cursed with drama. His thoughts skewed as he approached his house and heard furious chopping through the open door.

"She's going Jack the Ripper on those vegetables." Sif said.

"Well, they were on her turf." Skyfall joked.

"Are you sure she should stay? I think this is a horrible idea." Sif leaned a little closer. "What if she finds out?"

"She won't."

"That's what you said before we had to escape the Griffon capital." Sif growled.

"That was not my fault."

"Mhm." Sif whipped Sky with her tail as she passed him. "Just so you know, I'm heading out to get the status report on the Diamond Dogs. I’ve also gotta investigate some insect ponies in the north."

"So I take it you won’t be staying for dinner?"

"With a ghost and a Princess? Fat chance." Sif huffed. "Oh, before I forget: There is an anomaly in the forest in the form of a village."


"Sixty miles due northeast."

Skyfall closed his eyes, but without turning into a Spirit, he could only feel a vague sense of the village’s presence. "What about it?"

"We don't have the numbers to investigate it yet, but they seem to be ponies living in the Everfree." Sif waved her hoof in exasperation as Skyfall’s expression remained unchanged. "Ponies in a dark forest, see the issue?"

"I'll make a list." Sky smiled wryly.

Sif trotted to the edge of the forest. "Make sure you check it twice."

Sky summoned a vine and whipped it at Sif. "I dare you to call me Rudolph."

"Don't you mean, ‘you deer me’?" Sif laughed wildly as she ran into the forest to escape the vines thrashing to grab her.

"Brat." Skyfall muttered as he walked toward the kitchen where he found Cadance chopping angrily. Every clack of the board was followed with enraged mumbling.

"How much money did they owe you?" Skyfall asked lightheartedly.

"Huh?" Cadance adopted an embarrassed look.

"The vegetables." Skyfall stepped forward to see that all of the greens were slashed and skewered messily. "Well, you certainly aren't getting any money from them now."

"Sorry." Cadance shifted under Skyfall's gaze.

He rested his hoof on her head. "Don't be. I have some frozen pizza."

"But I want to cook with you." Cadance pleaded.

"Another time perhaps." Sky retrieved the pizza and placed it in the heated oven. "I think you and I deserve a little time to unwind from our busy day."

"What do you want to do?"

Skyfall sat down on a couch in the living room and sighed as he reclined. "Old stallions like to talk, I think we should do that, nothing crazy like earlier, just about life."

"What's there to talk about?" Cadance asked.

"That's the beauty of spontaneous conversation." Sky laughed. "How about stuff around Ponyville?"

Cadance paused briefly and looked around nervously before she taking a deep breath. "What about Shattered Skies?"

Skyfall grew curious at the coincidence of his guest would asking that, but chose to indulge her. "Sure, what about him?"

Cadance smiled. "Have you seen him?"


Her smiled faltered. "Do you know where he might be?"

"Not really."

"Is there a way to contact him?" Cadance continued to pry.

"Why the sudden interest in Shattered Skies?"

Cadance looked at her hooves as she settled onto the other end of the couch. "I don't believe any of the things ponies say about him and I wanted to talk to him, one on one."

Skyfall looked Cadance up and down. If her questioning was a trap, then it was a good one. Chances were, if she was asking, she was sent by someone else who was catching onto his disguise.

"I've never seen him myself, I think it’s just a hoax, to be honest."

Cadance shook her head. "I'm staying in Ponyville until either I find him, or he finds me. I don't care if I need to sleep in the forest to get his attention."

Skyfall held his hoof up to placate the pink Alicorn. "Please don't. You are free to stay here as long as you wish. The Everfree has grown quiet, but that doesn't mean it's any less dangerous."

Cadance’s wings hugged her body and she smiled up at her host. She opened her mouth and tried to speak a few times before settling for, "Thank you."

They both fell into silence for much of the night. Not an emotionally-charged heavy silence, but a content and peaceful one.

After dinner, Skyfall playfully poked Cadance. "Now that you're an actual guest, you may sleep in one of the guest rooms upstairs. Try the one in the east wing, it has a nice sunrise."

"Are you going to sleep?" Cadance asked.

Just then the door sounded with three loud knocks as Nimbus poked his head in. "Sky."

"One sec." Skyfall turned back to Cadance. "In a little while. Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning, lovebutt."

"Night." Cadance chirped as she trotted her way towards the guest rooms, leaving the two stallions alone.

Sky turned to Nimbus. "What is it?"

Nimbus sighed. "We're going in to town. Someone wants to see you."

"Someone or someone." Sky asked for clarification.

"A very old someone." Nimbus started to walk. "It's better if you see her now, before she rips your throat out."



Sky tightened his scarf. "Where to?"


After a long solemn trek, Skyfall and Nimbus walked into Ponyville and past the few ponies still outside, enjoying the cool night air. As they drew closer, the two disguised spirits saw a cloaked pony standing menacingly in front of a guard.

"Ma'am, I need you to lower your hood. It's for my safety, as well as yours." A guard commanded.

"Ha, ‘my safety’? I'm safer if it's up." The mare growled.

"We need you to comply, ma'am. If you don't, then we'll need to place you under arrest for failure to follow a lawful order."

"The answer's no." The mare shifted her cloak and revealed two metal boxes on her hips. "You can come and get it if you want to."

The mare dropped her hood, her teal fur and white mane shining in the street lights. She stared the guards down with her magenta eyes making her intentions clear. The lead guard charged her, and she instantly pulled a cord, hitting him in the chest with a smoking canister that dispersed into a cloud on contact, knocking the stallion out cold.

Sky groaned. This was no doubt Flowing Streams, the Spirit of the rivers.

The guards started to dogpile her and she fought back ferociously, kicking, biting, and snarling. However, as soon as she saw Sky and Nimbus watching her, Flowing Streams gave up her fight.

"Stop resisting!" One of the guards roared.

"Okay." She said monotonously and sighed.

The guards stood around awkwardly, unsure if the spontaneous mare was goading them, but she allowed the guards to restrain her without resistance..

"We'll need to bail her out." Nimbus said.

"Looks that way." Skyfall nodded. "She'll be arraigned for resisting arrest first thing Monday morning, and we'll need to be there for it."

"So what now?" Nimbus chuckled. "Mead?"

"You know I don't drink, Nim." Skyfall looked around him, and noticed Rainbow Dash. They locked eyes briefly, and Rainbow quickly bolted to hide in a store. "I need to go home to prepare. I have that foal class in a few days."

"You're taking a class or teaching one?" Nim asked.

"Teaching." Skyfall sighed.

"On a Saturday morning?" Nimbus asked in disbelief.

"Yep. It's the only way the parents would allow it, apparently." Sky started to walk. "If you want to help, stop in."

"What's the subject?"

"No idea."

"Winging it?" Nimbus trotted up next to Skyfall.

"Yep." Sky was about to duck into a nearby hat shop, but Nim grabbed his attention by smacking his lips.

"Yo, just a heads up." Nimbus said quietly. "Celestia will be here next week, so be on the lookout. Also, I saw two cloaked ponies duck into a shop when Streams started fighting, she sent a letter to me long ago that she was watching Inko and Honos for you, so expect them as well."

"Seems retirement isn't going to be kind to me." Skyfall mumbled. "Neither will my water bill."

Significantly shorter than a week later...

"Are you sure you want to have tea at his house, Princess?" Twilight asked. "I'm sure if I ask, we could have him come to the castle."

"Of course I am, Twilight. From the letters we've written to one another, he seems like he would be a wonderful host." Princess Celestia smiled down to her former student as they passed Skyfall's front gate. "Plus, it's nice to get away from castles and official meetings."

Twilight sighed. "If you say so, Princess."

"I do say so." Celestia giggled and brought her head down to Twilight, giving her a big smile. "Come on, when was the last time you had some real time to just take a walk and meet somepony for tea?"

"Well, his tea is really good." Twilight smiled back.

Celestia felt a warmth growing in her chest that she rarely felt on most days: joy. She took an interest in all her subject's lives, but many were afraid to write to her. But not the pony she was about to visit. Celestia’s schedule had been cleared for the rest of the day, and she intended to thoroughly enjoy her time off.

"This house is beautiful." Celestia mused aloud. Her stomach rumbled and startled her guards that had been on high alert. Each guard brandished their weapon and went ridged. "Calm down, everypony. That was just my stomach."

"Yes, Princess." The guards said in unison.

"Shall we knock?" Princess Celestia rhetorically asked as she lifted a hoof to the door and let out three light knocks. After waiting patiently, she looked around and Twilight gave her a shrug.

"Try knocking harder."

Celestia tried knocking again, but could only produce a few more quiet knocks.

"What the hell? Is a bird knocking on my door?" Came a voice from inside. Distant stomping grew louder and stopped as the large darkwood and cast iron doors were opened, revealing an agitated Skyfall. "Oh, it’s a very large bird."

Skyfall could feel Celestia's presence the instant she entered Ponyville. A power like her’s could be felt for miles when she wasn't masking it.

Celestia gave a kind smile. "It's wonderful to finally see the stallion behind the daily letters."

"D-Daily?" Twilight asked, shocked that someone was out-writing her.

Skyfall smirked at the large Alicorn. "I presume you're finally taking me up on the tea time I offered."

"You presume correctly." Celestia said and noticed that Sky was looking from pony to pony.

"Well, you brought a few more guests than I anticipated."

"Yes. Captain Fury demanded that I have an escort, and Twilight insisted on being here as well." Celestia's smile shifted into a look of concern. "That won't be a problem, will it?"

"Not at all." Skyfall laughed. "Come on in, I can finally give you that full body massage I've been writing to you about."

The guards grew angry at Skyfall's nonchalant attitude with the Princess.

Twilight looked at Celestia with a questioning gaze. "Princess, you like massages?"

Celestia laughed nervously. She knew that Skyfall was teasing, but since she was in front of so many ponies, she couldn't fire back with any risque quotes or comments, forcing her to stand idly by and wear a nervous smile. "Well, I believe it's time for tea."

"Princess, we'll guard the perimeter." The lead guard said.

Celestia nodded as she entered Sky's house with Twilight in tow. She took in the foyer’s designs as she entered. Even with all the architectural variety in Canterlot, the aesthetic of Skyfall's house was something she'd never seen before. "You truly do have a nice house, Sir Skyfall."

"Agh, just Sky, please." Skyfall waved a hoof in the air.

Twilight squinted at Skyfall, making it clear that she didn't approve of his casual way of addressing the country’s monarch.

"Something in your eye, Twilight?" Skyfall asked.

"Maybe." Twilight continued her glare.

"Maybe she needs a full body massage, too." Skyfall said as he glanced to Celestia.

Celestia chuckled. "You are terrible."

"I try." Skyfall turned and walked down a left hall where the large dining area was. As he disappeared, Sky called back to his guests. "Ah, water's done."

"Princess, why do you let him talk to you like that?" Twilight asked, struggling to understand.

Celestia lowered her head to speak quietly into Twilight’s ear. "When you deal with as many nobles and dignitaries as I do that kiss the ground you walk on, it's nice to meet a stallion who doesn't care for title or status."

"You like the teasing?"

Celestia heard Skyfall whistling for them both and smiled. "All mares like a little teasing."

The aroma of strawberries and rain filled the hall, coaxing Celestia and Twilight into the naturally lit dining hall. The darkwood walls and marble banisters only added to the house’s comforting atmosphere as both of them sat.

"So, Twilight tells me you bought this house and renovated it. How much of it is original?" Celestia asked as she looked around at the large window, crimson drapery, and tiled ceiling.

"Almost all of it." Sky called as he balanced the tea kettle and cups on a plate while he walked over to the table. "Whatever isn't original has been remade to fit the original design."

"I remember the political fiasco when the previous owner disappeared, though I never actually visited." Celestia mused.

Skyfall started to pour the tea and saw Twilight's baffled expression. "Curious about the teapot?"

Twilight smiled sheepishly.

"It's a cast iron tea kettle that was given to me by a king." Sky said.

"Which king?" Celestia asked. "There aren't many monarchs on Equus."

Skyfall finished pouring and set the kettle down before tending to his own cup. "King Leo, Ruler of the Deep."

"I've never heard of him." Twilight said in Celestia's sudden silence.

"How did you get to know King Leo?" Celestia smiled. "I know him quite well, though I have not seen him in some time."

Skyfall chuckled as he crafted another story, mixing truth and imagination to suit his guise. "Well, it is quite the tale. You see, years ago when I was much younger, I was sailing a cargo ship across the eastern ocean and two monstrous hurricanes formed on my way back to port. Me and my crew got caught in the hurricanes as they collided with one another. We tried to make it to one of the hurricane's eyes, but the mast had been damaged from a pirate attack the week prior, causing it to snap."

Twilight covered her mouth with a hoof. "That's horrible."

"It gets worse." Skyfall chuckled. "When the mast snapped, the ship dropped from the sky like a lead balloon, but luckily my first mate was able to snag some wind on one of the support masts so we would hit the water at an angle. That in combination with a rogue wave kept us from being smashed to pieces."

Sky took a sip of his honeyed tea.

"So what happened next?" Twilight asked impatiently.

"You love stories, I see." Skyfall smirked. "Well, I did what all great captains do. I went down with my ship."

Celestia gave Skyfall a surprised look as she added honey to her tea and mixed it around. "You really did that?"

"What? No!" Skyfall's laugh slowed to a low breathy mumble. "No, the rigging came loose with a violent gust of wind and wrapped around my neck before the ship dragged me under."

"You drowned?" Twilight asked. "That must have been horrible."

Skyfall shrugged. "I got my crew onto the emergency boats before it happened. I was content."

Celestia gave Skyfall a reassuring smile.

"King Leo was aware of my predicament and was able to keep me alive long enough until I was transported to their hospital. After a month, we grew to be friends and he took me to the nearest sea port."

"That's amazing." Twilight breathed in wonder.

"No, I'll tell you what's amazing." Skyfall's cheery mood returned. "That port was the same port my crew was taken to and they all thought I was a ghost for a solid week. Though, in retrospect, making moaning sounds and running around with seaweed on my head didn't help things."

Twilight clapped her hooves. "I like happy endings."

"You know what leads to happy endings?" Skyfall wiggled his eyebrow.

"No, what?" Twilight asked innocently.

Celestia face hoofed.


"Skyfall, I believe it wouldn't be good to tease young Twilight." Celestia said while Twilight looked between them both, very confused as to what either of them meant.

"You want a massage too?" Skyfall rose his eyebrow.

"Oh, I believe I'm too big for any massage you could give." Celestia smirked, having finally returned his teasing.

Skyfall gave her a look of 'Oh really?' "You never know, Celestia, I like my mares with some junk in the trunk." He let out a snicker. “And you aren’t the only one who’s ‘too big’ for the other to handle.”

"Now we're talking about furniture?" Twilight asked, thinking aloud.

Celestia stared in shock, never had one of her ponies spoken so brazenly to her.

"You know." Skyfall continued his relentless teasing. "Some jiggle for the wiggle; some cushion for the pushin'; some rump for the stump."

Celestia covered her face, trying not to meet Twilight's questioning gaze. "I yield."

"I'm so lost." Twilight turned to Skyfall. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh nothing, just teasing a pent-up Princess." Skyfall looked at Celestia as she met his gaze with a sly smirk.

"Oh no, I forgot!" Twilight yelped as she looked at a nearby clock. "I meant to meet Spike so we could go to the comic book store!"

Twilight's horn lit up as she waved to Skyfall and Celestia. "I'm sorry, the tea was great."

With that, Twilight disappeared in a flash of magic.

Celestia gave a deep sigh and slumped a little in her chair.

"Glad to finally be rid of her?" Sky asked.

"N-No, Twilight is one of my dearest friends. It's just, at times, she can be a little..."

"High strung? Uptight?"

"Yes." Celestia agreed as she looked around. "I heard my niece was staying here. Where is she? I would like to say hello."

"Cadance is at the spa, I think. Everyone's gone. It's just us." Sky sighed.

Celestia nodded and started drinking more of her tea. She had a satisfied look on her face as she breathed in the steaming drink. "I haven't had tea this good in a very long time. It's a little embarrassing, but I forgot where I remember the taste from."

"Well, you're welcome to some anytime you stop by." Sky offered. "Though, next time, try to come without the entourage."

Celestia giggled into a hoof. "A bit pretentious, I must admit."

"Eh, just a little." Skyfall placed his cup down on the table and tempted fate. He waited until Celestia looked up from her tea so that they both made eye contact. "Princess, why do you hate Spirits?"

The question hung in the air for a long time. Celestia's expression went from surprise to a cross between anger and resentment. She tapped her hoof lightly on the table, every so often wincing,struggling to decide if she should share or not.

"I... don't hate them." Celestia said slowly. "They just cause problems. Do you know of Discord?"

"I've heard the name." Skyfall tittered.

"They're all very similar to Discord. Most of them thrive on disturbing the natural order of things. I know you are well educated on world history, so I won't diverge and make it seem like they're all bad." Celestia stared into Skyfall's unwavering eyes, feeling calm and forthcoming, like a patient before a therapist. "I led a campaign against the Spirits after the infamous sacking of Cahokia."

'Knee-jerk reaction, but okay.' Sky thought, trying not to openly criticize the deity before him. "Did you kill them?"

"No, I imprisoned them with the help of Starswirl the Bearded." Celestia said. "Though, a few are still out there, as I'm sure you've realized."

"Ponies can't keep secrets, especially here." Skyfall said, having satiated his questions for the time being. "Now that I remember, I did offer tea to one other mare. Where is your sister?"

Celestia looked a little surprised. "Now that makes sense."

"What does?" Skyfall asked.

"Earlier this morning, Luna sent me a letter from her room saying she wasn't going." Celestia summoned the letter to insure that she remembered correctly. "This would have made more sense if she gave it context."

Sky watched as Celestia's magic incinerated the letter. He knew Luna wouldn't come, it was just a formality. Living so close to the forest meant getting closer to Shattered Skies. 'Very interesting.'

"Well, be sure to tell her the offer is still available for her as well."

Celestia gave a long sigh. "And I was really enjoying this."


Celestia pointed out the window. "The time has come to lower the sun and that means I must return to Canterlot."

"Well, my door is always open. Just next time, knock louder than a canary." Skyfall offered, eliciting a bout of giggling from Celestia.

"One more thing before I go." Celestia said as she wore a weak smile. "I am not sure if Captain Fury has asked yet, but there is an open position as Captain of a new guard unit that is being formed. I was hoping you would accept."

"He has, but for you, Celestia-" Sky watched as her face started to light up. "-I'll think about it."

Skyfall walked Celestia to the front door, escorting her to her guards.

"You know, we never did get to that full body massage." Skyfall poked.

Celestia squinted over at Skyfall. "It's been a pleasure, Skyfall."

Skyfall bowed his head a little. "That it has. Goodnight, Celestia."

"And a goodnight to you, Skyfall."

As the front doors shut, Skyfall turned to see Nimbus and Sif staring down at him from the second floor, each appearing in the doorway of the room where they were hiding.

"So how'd it go?" Nimbus asked.

Author's Note:

Her ya go.

We love ya. :heart:

Good things coming soon. :twilightsmile:

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