• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,433 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 37 -Hidden Stress-

-Hidden Stress-

Celestia's mind raced as she was forced to witness yet another unalterable dream. She had pleaded with her sister, insisting that there must be something to turn the dreams away, but every plea was met with more questions than answers.

Secretly, Luna knew what the dreams were. She chose to remain silent and let her sister struggle to the end just as she had after being purified by the elements.

Sweat beaded down Celestia's face as her head thrashed from side to side. "Where?"

Feelings of panic and sadness grew in her chest as a larger mare wrapped her in a golden cloth emblazoned with a shielded sun. Celestia felt safe while being cradled under this mare's wing.

After frightened words rasped out of the mare's mouth, an armored stallion with a crown of wood and gold hugged her and kissed Celestia's forehead before a false wall opened to a winding staircase. The dark chasm glowed green, causing the stallion to growl. Sounds of screaming echoed through the room behind them and the thick billowing smoke from the city outside the window. With four last words in a language Celestia didn't understand, she was teleported away.

As the large mare appeared with Celestia in a long alley away from the apparent fighting, another Alicorn, a large, black stallion appeared with a foal of his own. A sigh of relief was exchanged between them as they had not expected the other to show.

Celestia could only watch as her white hooves stretched upward to the mare. Happy giggles escaped her throat when the mare nuzzled her, Celestia could see the mare she came to suspect as her mother look up as her pink eyes grew teary.

Her mother looked at her long and hard before tearing her vision away. When Celestia followed her mother’s glare, she saw Alicorns. However, the Alicorns she saw weren't whole, at least not in a living way. The cities citizens started to make their way into the alley at a firm pace, each body that walked in seemed normal at first, but the milky white eyes gave away that something was wrong. Jaws were clenched shut, but their lips tried to mouth words before their souls broke from the body, only to be wrenched back by magic.

As they neared, a large crab Spirit loomed overhead and began to cackle. His claws smacked together before one smashed down on a nearby building. "At last, my queen, thou left thine nest from on high? What a pity."

The stallion turned to Celestia's mother and unwrapped the scarf carrying the blue foal. The father kissed his daughter’s head, transfering the tiniest bit of magic to her before giving her to the mare. Words were not needed to figure out what sacrifice was about to occur.

The stallion took a firm step toward the Spirit and powerful magic shot from his horn, teleporting the queen and both foals to what Celestia could only surmise was a bakery storeroom.

The dream started to shake and all went still as a taller, slimmer mare with a red mane stepped through a wall that rippled like water. "That's all I can show you now, little one."

Celestia tried talking, but the mare placed her hoof on her head.

"Seek out Artoria." The mare's hoof fell to the floor, shattering the dream like glass.

With a burning deep breath, Celestia shot up in bed to find her sister placing continuous wards around her to keep the raging fire and light from escaping, in an attempt to protect the castle and their security deposit.

"Is everything alright, sister?" Luna asked as a sentiment, she knew it wasn't alright.

"I want to go back." Celestia said as she dragged her hoof over the ashes that used to be her bed. "Take me back."

"I can't sister, What you saw was not a dream."

"Of course it was!" Celestia's anger spiked before she regained composure. She took many deep breaths before continuing. She suspected that they weren’t dreams for quite some time, she just didn’t want to admit it to herself. "No... you're right. If it wasn't a dream, what was it?"

"A memory?" Luna asked rhetorically.

'A memory?' Celestia rubbed her face and dispelled the flames. Golden light flowed to a room and brought forth a new mattress and sheets that danced with runes as she casted a spell to reinforce her sheets with burn resistance spells. "Guard?"

"Yes, Princess?"

"Summon Doctor Wolf." Celestia mumbled as she grabbed a pitcher of water before unceremoniously taking several gulps down, letting water spill out the sides of the container and down her cheeks.

"I can't do that, Princess."

"Why not?" Celestia sighed, ignoring her anger. She crossed her hooves and sat up, hugging her pitcher of water as her disheveled mane clung to her sweat slicked coat.

"He is in Ponyville, per your request. He is assigned to Lord S-"

"I remember." Celestia said curtly.

"Guard, leave us." Luna's magic enveloped the door and closed it with a light thud. "Sister, I know you don't want to hear this, but you need to speak with him."

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"He can help you, I can peek in at your memories when you're asleep. I know you saw what was happening to our kind, please speak with him, by now you must know it wasn't him." Luna's suggestion sounded like a plea.

"I saw Spirits attacking and-"

Luna smacked Celestia across the face with a thick clap.

Celestia rubbed her cheek and glared sideways at her sister. "Why did you smack me?”

"After what you saw, how can you sit here and continue to blame him? Blame all of them?" Luna asked in earnest. "All you have to do is sit down and ask him instead of listening to those cretins you have running your court."

"I trust them."

With an angry, ragged sigh, Luna scowled. "We have always regarded each other as sisters, but it must be clear to you now that we are not. Even so, I still hold you as my big sister. After all that we've been through, does my word still count for so little?"

"Luna, there is no one that I trust more than you, but-"

"No!" Luna covered Celestia's mouth and smiled sweetly at her worn, scruffy sister. "If you trust me, then please meet with him, I know he misses you even if he doesn't say so."

"So you have met with him." Celestia accused, smiling as a sibling does when catching the other in a lie.

"Of course I have." Luna smiled. “How could I not?”

"But the council-"

Luna shook her head. "No council. Try and meet with him without telling them, they will try and plan something if you do." She casted a spell to chill and refill the water in Celestia's near empty pitcher. "I don't want us to fight Shattered Skies, it would be pointless and I want us to be a part of what he is building, not trying to work against it."

"You trust him that much?"

After a long minute, Luna nodded. "I do. He can be manipulative, shifty, untrusting, and at times almost as stubborn as you, but in the end he has only done what's best in whatever he has been involved with, even us."

Celestia hung her head and mumbled.

Luna's ears lowered, but she couldn't hear, so she lowered to the ground and wiggled her butt before plowing into her sister to blow raspberries into her stomach.

"Fine! I said I'll meet him!" Celestia choked between laughs. "I just don’t know how to start it."

"I think I can help with that." Luna clapped as she stood. "I'll write him a letter immediately!"

As Luna trotted out of the room in favor of simply teleporting, Sombra was preparing to knock. He hurried to step out of the way and bowed, ignoring the look of annoyance Luna shot him as she passed.

"Sombra? What brings you to my door?" Celestia asked, looking at the clock on the wall. “And at such a late hour?”

Sombra wore a quiet smile as he entered. "I just wanted to talk."

Celestia raised an eyebrow and ran a hoof through her mane to remove some stray strands from her vision. "I have a feeling it isn't just the whim to talk that brought you to my door." She smirked. "At three in the morning."

"G-Guilty." Sombra winced. "It's about Skyfall."

"Of course." Celestia rolled her eyes. "Does he still refuse to meet with you?"

"Sadly." Sombra admitted. "I went to the Ponyville parade grounds and even looked for him at his house, but he always eludes me. Even Hope has trouble finding him."

"Huh, I thought that having your old friend by your side would persuade ponies to accept you more easily." Celestia mused. "This is peculiar. From his reaction upon seeing you it was clear that he knows you, but to avoid you completely even to the point of ignoring official business isn't like him." She paused and popped her eyebrows up momentarily. "Well, not like him concerning his professional life."

"And that's what I wanted to talk to you about." Sombra said curtly. After a few attempts of trying to organize his words, he just sighed and spat his thoughts aloud. "I-I think he's a Spirit."

Celestia cupped her hooves together and nodded. "That's something that I suspected in the beginning, but have since laid to rest. He knows too many ponies and too much history to be a regular pony, however, I think if he were a Spirit, he would have slipped up by now. His wife only solidified my theory of him being cursed. He lied about appearing with the Crystal Empire out of convenience. As for you, I think he may have lived through your rule in the Empire, looking for you for what you may or may not have done."

"And that would also explain his immense hatred for me." Sombra sighed in regret. "And his cutie mark."

Celestia raised a hoof and magicked her grand doors shut before sealing the room in a barrier. She never missed a beat, without a moment's hesitation, she felt someone trying to pry into the room with a spell before the barrier negated it. "My council has discussed the possibility of him being a traitor. After his actions during the sacking of the National Museum, I've decided to leave his identity untouched. I do theorize that his life is cursed, but that's as far as I get. I don’t feel that he is a traitor, but there is definitely evidence to validate an investigation."

Sombra gulped. "Have you not considered his allegiance?"

"Do you think it lies with Shattered Skies?" Celestia asked.

"It's a possibility!" Sombra said enthusiastically. "Sunset Shimmer sends us reports of movement into the forest from the patrol units and she adds notes-"

"That are for my eyes only." Celestia reminded, having known all along that Sombra peeks when he can.

Sombra's ears flattened. "Sorry, um, the notes did say that more and more species from Equestria are leaving and moving to Farhaven. If he trains them then he will have a formidable army."

With a labored breath, Celestia looked out the window and saw Ponyville in the far distance. "I believe it is time to try and make peace with Farhaven. A war right now would lead to destruction for the both of us."

"What do you mean?" Sombra asked. "I mean, Shattered Skies isn't somepony to turn one's back on, but right now you're the superior force. That and you have allies-"

"Had allies." Celestia corrected. "Our defense pact with the Griffon Kingdoms has been dissolved under their queen's behest. Shattered Skies' appearance and words at the Gala shook most of the foreign leaders in the room and now they are all sitting by, ready to let us fight it out like wild dogs, hoping that Equestria is the victor."

"A weakened victor, ready for razing." Sombra said.


"Do you think he planned it all?"

"No idea." Celestia said. "It wouldn't surprise me. But the issues within my own country that I've been too blind to see are real. No planning, no acting, just real hatred." She closed her eyes and summoned the morning paper. Flipping through it lazily and in silence, she found the ad she secretly ordered for a full time job reserved for non-ponies having to work in Canterlot for forty five bits an hour, twice that of what a pony worker makes. "Even so, it is clear to me now that even currency isn't enough to persuade other cultures to work with ponies."

Upset, Celestia incinerated the paper into small, floating shards. "For three thousand years, I've tried to be a leader and not once have I ever been able to lead properly."

In an effort to help, Sombra raised a hoof. "You've been the Princess for that long, surely you’ve done something right?"

With a solemn shake, Celestia scoffed at herself. "Luna ran the infrastructure, I was just the diplomatic side of it. When she left, my council came in and helped me." She brought her hooves up and crossed them to rub her shoulders. "All too convenient now that I think of it."

"It seems that I don't know the first thing about Equestria." Celestia admitted.

"I feel that way sometimes too." Sombra said. "I was born an umbrum outside pony culture before being adopted into it, so I guess I have an excuse."

'Seek out Artoria.' Ghostly words echoed in Celestia's mind.

"Princess?" Sombra walked a little closer to Celestia as a stunned expression crept onto her face.

"Sombra, have you ever heard of Artoria?"

After some thought, Sombra shrugged. "Only once. During my studies in the Empire, before y'know, I came across its mention in mythic kingdoms. It was a thriving society one day and in the next, a thick, immovable fog wrapped around it. I believe that even today expeditions go in, only to have their name added to the long list of the lost. I think it's now called the Wisp."

Celestia scanned her book shelf to retrieve an old atlas. "Sombra, I have something to ask you."

"Yes, Princess?"

"I am sorry to ask this of you, but at the moment, there is no one that I trust.” Celestia paused and waited until their eyes met. "Will you accompany me to the Wisp?"

Sombra felt a pit grow in his stomach. "Princess, I don't think it's a good idea. Especially if you show up in foreign waters with a large ship and guards in the midst of a crisis."

"No guards. Nothing official." Celestia said. "And if you accept, you can't tell anyone."

"What is it for?"

"Just a quiet expedition to the Alicorn homeland." Celestia stood and started to shrink into her disguise, Sunny Skies. "There is something I feel I need to do, if I'm able to do this, then maybe I can fix everything I've destroyed. And with a bit of luck, I can learn some truth for myself."

"Then I will be by your side." Sombra said. "When do we go?"

"Soon. I just need to set a few things in order first."

Fluttershy's house

The sweet scent of baked foods and herbal balm filled Sky's nose as he laid in a bed a little too small for his liking. Aside from the space, the cold sheets against his fur was enough to make him want to stay forever, that is, had a vile being not been sitting at the end of the bed.

"You can wake up now, mon capitaine." The taunting voice called. "Fluttershy will be some time. This will... give us some time to talk."

Skyfall opened an eye and glared down at Discord as he sat on the edge, hands together. "I must admit, Discord, I am surprised to still be breathing."

"Do you have such little faith in me?" Discord held a paw to his chest, but dropped his facade at Skyfall's burning stare. "Skyfall, if I wanted you dead, then I would have done so when you were in your tree. Waiting idly by for the ages to pass is not my forte."

"Unless it would satiate your inner desire to destroy."

Discord's expression softened further than it already was. "I don't expect you to trust me, I just want you to listen. Even though, with all the history we have between us, I don't expect this will be an easy pill to swallow."

"Why now?" Skyfall asked as he shifted onto his elbow. Fluttershy's cottage, as everyone knows, is filled with animals, however, the room was devoid of life and the window shimmered briefly, showing Discord's chaotic dimension before shifting back to the now large trees of the Everfree. "And why are we in your realm?"

With a snap of his fingers, Discord dispelled the illusion and the room shifted to more dull colors, but still looked similar to the spare room at Fluttershy's. "If it would put your mind at ease, you really are in Fluttershy's house." He snapped again and again, and with each snap, the room grew brighter and then more dull. "It's just that for our talk, I can't have any prying eyes."

"Interesting." Skyfall said before noticing Owlowiscious appear, perched behind Discord with a bandage on his wing.

"Is it?" Discord asked. "This was your sister's idea."

With eyes narrowed, Skyfall tried to stand up, but just leaned against the bed. "How is it you know my sister?"

"A question that I may be able to answer." Psalm said as she entered the room. She held up a hoof at her brother's visibly growing rage. "Calm down, Sky, there are things that we need to discuss."

"For what you described, not even talking in the Spirit realm would keep any information confidential."

"You're right, BB." Psalm nodded." But what I, we, have to say can wait."

"Explain." Sky glanced at Discord, he had been very respectful and frankly uncharacteristic in his speech thus far. He opened his mouth to speak, but Skyfall held up a hoof. "Psalm. Explain."

"No need to be a jerk, Skyfall." Psalm tried to sneer, but couldn't look her brother in the eye when he glared at her.

"Psalm, there is still much I don't know; about how you're here, how our other siblings are here, and now, how you and Discord know each other." Skyfall saw the unsure look Discord gave his sister. "And seemingly well enough to send each other wordless signals."

Psalm sat and held up her hooves to calm her brother. "Stop reading us, Sky. I promise, when I can, you'll get all the answers you want, I just ask that you trust me a little longer."

After much hesitation, Sky realized that it could be, and likely was, a trap, but if he was wrong then he was alienating his last friendly sibling. "Fine."

Discord let out an explosive breath and whipped his brow before summoning a bucket to catch the enormous droplet of water. "And here I thought that I-"

"I am listening to my sister, I still do not trust you, you clown without an audience." Skyfall growled out in an attempt to insult Discord.

"That was too far, Skyfall!" Psalm's voice shook the house and her eyes oscillated between blue and orange light. "Discord is the reason that Unfaithful and the others haven't disposed of me."

Skyfall winced and relented his anger. He glanced up at Discord and let the issue drop momentarily. The three Spirits fell into silence, each wanting to say something, but not wanting to start an argument.

Discord broke the thickening silence. "We brought you here to warn you about Fury's move against Ponyville."

"Fury's going to move on Ponyville?" Skyfall asked in astonishment.

"Yes, my lord." Owlowiscious cooed from the perch behind Discord. He flew unevenly to the bed post and landed roughly, wings smacking onto the mattress to gain footing enough to stand.

"Easy, Owlowiscious." Skyfall put his hoof on his wing and tried to ease his apparent pain through small levels of his magic. "Who attacked you? Without taking a deeper look, I can tell you have minor fractures in your wing and rib cage, as well as a severe burn."

Skyfall undid some of the bandaging and saw a deep bruise with arcing burn marks down his wing.

"My Lord, I overheard some information from Captain Fury as he spoke with a cloaked stallion in Twilight’s castle. When I took off to come and warn you, I dodged a wild bolt of magic before a bolt of lightning knocked me out and into the forest." Owlowiscious cringed as he stretched his wing. "I was there for three days until a fox passing by found me, I would have gotten here yesterday, but he kept insisting on taking the scenic route before giggling like an imbecile."

Skyfall shook his head. "That fox, I swear." He face palmed as he sat. "I suppose we should get to it. What did you hear? I imagine it is of some consequence if someone tried to kill you for the possibility of me finding out."

Owlowiscious tucked his wings in an took a few deep, silent breaths, something Skyfall had seen Twilight do before talking to Princess Celestia. "Where to start?" He hummed to himself and began. "As I woke up from my nap on the root chandelier of Twilight's map room, I overheard two stallions having an argument. I knew Captain Fury, but the other one was cloaked the entire time. They bickered back and forth about you, my Lord."

"I started listening closer and heard mention of cannon fodder, something I know to be used as a military slang for expendable soldiers in war. Soon after that, I looked down and saw movement charts." Owlowiscious paused and looked Skyfall in the eye. "They plan on attacking Ponyville with a force three times that of the Ponyville guard, and they'll look like they're from Farhaven."


"I didn't hear much of that part, but I heard reference to coming in under the guise of a friendly force before attacking. They plan on leaving some dead with Farhaven banners to frame you." Owlowiscious said. "One of that last parts I heard was that no one would be left alive and it would rally other nations against you."

Skyfall placed a hoof on before the owl. "Thank you for bringing this to me, had you not brought this to my attention, then I would not be able to help the outcome."

"One more thing, my Lord."


"Fury made reference to Princess Celestia, he said she would be leading the counterattack against the fake force."

The implication of the statement was not lost as each being in the room, even Discord and Skyfall traded glances. The room shimmered in color, prompting a snap from Discord's paw. "Fluttershy is returning to the room."

With much effort, Skyfall climbed into bed and sat up. "Owlowiscious, did you happen to catch a time frame for the attack?"

Owlowiscious closed his eyes and shook his head. "From what I was able to read on the chart, it will happen after the sealing of the spear. I don't know the significance of that."

"Owlowiscious." Skyfall placed his hooves in his lap and stared at him solemnly. "I need you and the other animals from Ponyville to start getting ready, the time will come for Ponyville to be evacuated. When that happens, I need all of you on alert; from the smallest bee to even the wyverns. Please tell Sif this message as well."

The room shimmered but more vividly, creating a sense of urgency.

"What should I tell them, my Lord?"

"Get together and be ready to receive instructions, until then, gather information for weekly reports." Skyfall said much quieter as he prepared for Fluttershy to enter the room. "Now go."

As Owlowiscious bowed, Psalm kissed her brother's cheek. "Thank you for trusting me."

Skyfall placed his hoof on Psalm's head and smiled. "One of these days, I would like us to spend time together."

"We will." Psalm giggled as she, and the rest of Discord's realm, shimmered, becoming Fluttershy's house.

"I see you're awake."

Skyfall looked to his other side to see the bedroom door wide open with a small wolf standing in the doorway. "You're not Fluttershy?"

Dr. Wolf chuckled. "I suppose you're right." His paws thumbed quietly as he made his way to a chair that he seemed familiar with, judging by his backward leap into it. "Why is it I always see you after you've been out for a few days?"

Skyfall scoffed. "That's totally not true, what about the time you came by and I was on the inner tube behind my house?"

"Touche." Dr. Wolf offered as he reached between the seat of the chair to retrieve his clipboard. He paused and looked at Skyfall's questioning look. "It's not magic or any source of what Pinkie Pie has at her disposal, I just merely placed it here while waiting for you to return from your trip."

Skyfall went to retort, but Fluttershy walked in with a tray in her mouth. When the tray of food and tea was set on the bed, Fluttershy flew up and brought Skyfall into a hug.

"Are you okay?"

Skyfall placed a hoof on her shoulder, she had been very timid and never got this close unless Skyfall brought her in. For her to ignore her inner terror for intimate contact, she must have been extremely worried. "I'm fine, Fluttershy, I was just tired."

"I came home and all I saw was you on the floor, I flew to Ponyville when you wouldn't wake up and the doctors rushed over. They said it was like you haven't slept in over a week." Fluttershy pulled away and tried to scowl at Skyfall. "Is that true?"

Silently, mouthing the word 'No.' He couldn't tell her the truth that he had to live a double life, no matter how bad he wanted to. It would be easier to come out and admit everything. 'Fluttershy, the truth is, I'm Shattered Skies, Honey Bee is my ex-wife, and Cadance is really my daughter. There are four evil Spirits that want to kill me, but they're really my siblings. I secretly run a nation a stone's throw from your house and to top it all off you all might be in mortal danger from what is possibly the most powerful being on the planet at this present moment. If you're still interested in me, then you may need a CAT scan.’

With a long sigh, Skyfall shook the monologue from his thoughts and swallowed his worries. "I hadn't slept in only two days, Fluttershy, I got behind on my work and wanted to see you before catching up on sleep. I must have dozed off while waiting for you." Lying never felt good, but, contrary to popular moral standings and fairy tales of lies taking form, they served a valuable purpose; peace of mind, if only for a short while. "I'm sorry I scared you."

Fluttershy sniffed and nuzzled Skyfall. "Forgiven. Now, eat up." She pulled the tray over and stuffed a slice of pumpkin pie into Skyfall's maw. "You need sugar."

With a gasping exclamation, Fluttershy looked over the tray. "That's right, I ran out of whipped cream!"

"It's okay, Fluttershy." Skyfall smiled.

"No, I have to go get some!" Fluttershy flew up and grabbed a scarf before kissing Skyfall's cheek. "I'll be back soon!"

Without another word, Fluttershy bolted out of the window and into the sky.

"She adores you, you know." Dr. Wolf said matter of factly. "Although, you're a different story."

"How so?" Skyfall asked as he mixed the tea from the tray.

"It doesn't take a doctorate and years of clinical observation of creatures to see when someone is holding on to secrets." Dr. Wolf flipped the pages of his clipboard and sighed, pushing his glasses further up his face. "Especially large secrets concerning your presence in certain places inside the Everfree forest."

A cold chuckle escaped Skyfall. "And thus, the first real chess piece moves." He laid the small mixing spoon down and sipped his tea. "Cryptic sayings aside, you've known since the Canterlot museum raid, haven't you?"

The Wolf smiled. "Can't say that I didn't, I just put the pieces together and read what Fluttershy wrote to me."

"Fluttershy wrote to you about me?" Skyfall asked.

Dr. Wolf simply nodded before continuing. "If I might ask, many Spirits are afraid of being revealed. Why take the chance of that happening to help Shattered Skies?"

Skyfall hung his head and rubbed his face, glad he didn't transform, having mistaken the meaning of Dr. Wolf's statement. "Do you remember what we discussed when last we met?"

"About the civil unrest and supposed powder keg of politics right now, yes?"

"That's why. I see this to be the only viable route to fixing everything." Sky sneezed into his hoof and shook the pressure from his head. "I've seen all of this before."

"But it's so extreme. What about Fluttershy?" Dr. Wolf tried to call to Skyfall's sense of importance. "You know if she finds this out she'll be torn between you and her friends."

Skyfall winced. "Sadly, I know."

"So you planned this?"

"No!" Skyfall barked. "In all honestly, I wanted to-"

Dr. Wolf squinted at Skyfall's pause. "What?"

"You're still under that oath where you can't tell anyone stuff, right?"

A skeptical look shot Skyfall’s way as Dr. Wolf removed his glasses to rub his eyes, he took a moment and held his face with his paws, glasses still held. "Unfortunately." Dr. Wolf rolled his eyes. "If that didn't exist, it would save me a great many headaches."

"Now, what were you going to say, my friend?"

Skyfall sighed. "I made an error in judgement and now my precarious situation has been complicated ten fold."

"So, you were avoiding Fluttershy?"

"I take it she wrote that to you as well?"

They both smirked in silence, the oath that Dr. Wolf took to never divulge the subject of his client's confessions was not limited to facial gestures. In short, Fluttershy confessed her belief that Skyfall was avoiding her in one of their sessions.

"So why were you avoiding her?"

"To protect her, and me." Skyfall admitted. "As I'm sure you've come to guess, relationships between... you know." He gestured with his hoof for Wolf to get the point he was trying to make. "We aren't the type to be readily accepted and due to the conflict that is rising, I didn't want to see her hurt."

"What will you do when the time comes for her to know?" Dr. Wolf asked.

"If I had it my way, she never will." Skyfall leaned back onto the backboard. "She deserves to know, but I know she'll tell her friends and there is a chance that it could ruin my plans. In reality, she deserves better."

"Are your plans more important than Fluttershy's love for you?" Dr. Wolf asked. "What matters the most to you? Truthfully."

Skyfall saw the slightly disappointed look on Wolf's face, he likely suspected that Skyfall was being selfish. "Dr. Wolf, there is one mare that I love more than Fluttershy and in truth, I'm doing all of this for her."

"So you are stringing Fluttershy along?"

"Please, let me finish." Skyfall held up a hoof. It was apparent that Dr. Wolf disapproved of the implication. "To avoid misinterpretation of what I'm going to say, I'll be plain. Doctor Wolf, I have a daughter and not the world, nor the threat of death will keep me from putting her first. I do feel deeply for Fluttershy, but my child will always be my center, do you understand?"

Dr. Wolf's stern, analytical glare softened into a smile. "Completely. Had you answered in any other way, I would have thought a little less of you."

"Well, I'm glad something has come out clearly." Skyfall chuckled before Fluttershy flew through the window with a can of whipped cream.

"I'm back!"

Dr. Wolf and Skyfall started to laugh, much to the confusion of Fluttershy. "What'd I miss?"

Later That Day

Hesitation floated through Skyfall as he entered his house quietly. Honey would be understanding of his late arrival, but Cadance would use him like a washboard for becoming ill. Fluttershy told him of her concern while he was resting, had the doctors not ordered him to stay still, she was going to teleport him home.

"There you are." Sif cooed as her enormous paw reached into the hall as he passed to scoop him up and drag him onto the basement’s top step. "I see you made it home in one piece."

Skyfall chuckled as Sif sauntered down the steps before him, her large wolf body brushing the walls as she negotiated her walk to the large pile of hay. "I see you've taken my time out to worry."

Low cackling echoed from Sif as she circled around the hay, like most canines do before they lie down. "Once I heard you were just sleeping and at Fluttershy's, I knew you would be okay." She wriggled her brow. "I take it that Pegasus has you rejuvenated?"

"And people say I'm the pervert." Skyfall jibbed. "I woke up earlier today, but I wanted to spend some time with Fluttershy before coming back to handle more governmental hoo-hah."


"Sophisticated technical term." Sky smirked. "Now, have you seen Cadance? How did her transformation go?"

Sif fought to suppress a chuckle. "Oh yeah, you could say that it was pretty eye opening."

"Don't do that to me, you know I hate surprises." Skyfall pleaded.

"It's fine, Sky." Sif shook her head. "She has grown into her form and looks more like you than Crystal, I think you'll be happy to see that she kept the attributes from when she was a filly."

Three knocks thumped on the basement door. "Ah, speaking of the new Spirit Princess."


Skyfall smiled when Cadance's voice called into the basement. "Down here, sweetie, I just got home."

Cadance walked down the stairs slowly and shakily. Her regalia was no longer a common thing with her, she wore her mane differently and covered her left eye with part of her locks. Without a word she strode up and hugged her father.

"I'm okay, Cadance."

"Mom told me you used to do this alot."

"She probably means me getting in over my head with work." Sky smiled at Cadance. "I like what you've done with your mane."

"Oh that's not all." Cadance smiled and squeezed her eyes shut. A faint glow floated over her as her pink fur turned brown and a set of smooth antlers flowed back into what looked like a crown. Her wings separated and became transparent before forming to her body in a thing black design upon her coat.


Anara smiled at her dad. "Mom says I look more like you."

"You do." Sif mumbled playfully.

Sky shrugged. "I must admit, even I have to agree with that. Should someone see you like that, it will be near impossible to deny that you're my daughter."

Anara giggled and leaned against her father's chest.

"Are you okay, hunny?"

"Y-Yeah, I just want to sit like this for a bit." Anara mumbled as she sat against her father for the first time in the form she was born with. Thoughts crashed over her of wanting a family and to know who she really was and the realization that she had finally achieved her lifelong goal.

"Uh-oh." Sif mumbled shortly before frantic knocks came from the front door. "You have a very eager, pint-sized audience waiting for you, Skyfall."

Skyfall groaned. "Today is Friday, isn't it?"

"Nope." Anara said as she straightened up and sauntered over to Sif. "But they did ask if they could stop by on Monday and you agreed."

"You two are going to leave me to the vicious mob?"

Sif and Anara looked at each other briefly and held a silent conversation filled with grunts and shrugs before coming back with a unanimous, "Yessir!"

Skyfall turned indignantly and walked out of the basement and into the foyer, making sure to seal the basement so no foal would accidentally stray down there.

With a sudden pull, the front door opened and a pile of foals toppled into the doorway while Cheerlilee rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"I see you're all eager to get in."

"Hi, Mr. Skyfall!"

"How are you all doing?"

"Well." The class said in unison and with proper grammar.

"Well, are you?" Skyfall asked in surprise. "Well, we're going to have to fix that after I impose more taxes upon you."

All the foal's groans turned to giggles after Skyfall removed himself from the doorway, allowing them to trot to the classroom. Cheerilee stopped and let the foal leave their sight so they could talk without prying ears.

"You know the Mayor has been trying to reach you?" Cheerilee asked. "It sounded really important."

"Honestly, no." Skyfall shook his head. "I've been so piled up with work and the fifty new guards Fury sent, I haven't really had time to do much else outside of that. Did she tell you what it was about?"

"Something about a job." Cheerilee said before taking a thick, thrice sealed scroll out of her saddle, giving it to him. "She mumbled something about 'this should take care of everything.'"

"Cryptic." Skyfall grabbed the scroll and stuffed it under his wing. "You’re taking off?"

"Yeah, I'm going to grab a bite to eat and maybe go see the Princess." Cheerilee said. "The school board is giving me cease and desist orders regarding your teaching, mostly being pushed by Filthy Rich. They say your 'ambiguous, mysterious' background and military affiliation could ruin the minds of young foals. Then, when I pressed for clarification, the representative made reference to you being a horrible role model because you're living in a house with five mares, one of whom is married and the other being your ex-wife."

"Well, at least they didn't insult my cooking." Skyfall said, surprised at the backlash.

Cheerilee shook her head. "They also don't like that you teach uncensored truth, both politically and historically." She smiled as she turned to leave. "I on the other hoof, think you're a wonderful teacher, I actually wish you had more time to teach, even I have learned some things."

A loud thumping was heard upstairs, prompting Skyfall to fly up and towards the classroom.

"It wasn't me!" Came Scootaloo's voice.

"What wasn't you?" Skyfall entered the room to see all of their maps sprawled on the floor. Upon a closer examination, he could see that Scootaloo's inability to control her flying sent the box toppling off the top of the high cabinet. "Well, that's one way of getting them down."

River strode in the room behind Skyfall after hearing the same thumping and likely surmised the same thing about Scootaloo.



"I need to talk to you."

"Of course you do. Back five minutes and I’m swamped with meetings" Skyfall said. "Everyone, get your maps and start prepping." He looked at River with confusion as he shut the double doors to the room to have a hushed conversation. "What's this about?"

River smacked Skyfall on the head.

"What was that for!" Skyfall tried to yell in a whisper.

"I've told you before about that filly's flying, why haven't you helped her?"

Skyfall rolled his eyes. "One, she hasn't come back to see me about it, and two, I can't solve everyone's problems, River. We've been here for forty thousand years, and even with all that time, it's still impossible to be in places at once."

River held up a hoof which was smacked down by Skyfall.

"Two places at once, without magic." Skyfall grumbled. He stared on at River's angry look and lamented. "Listen, I know you have a soft spot for the filly, if you want me to help her, I will try, but you have to cover my class. Deal?"

"Teach foals? Ha-Deal!"

Skyfall grabbed the door handle and turned to River. "You have to start a new civilization and compete against them to help them learn actual skills."

"Easy enough."

"Ha, yeah okay." Skyfall said as he entered the room to his eager class. "Change of plans guys, River will be your taskmaster for today."

"Where are you going?" Apple Bloom asked.

"With Scootaloo." Skyfall pointed at a surprised Scootaloo.


"Yep, is that an issue?" Skyfall asked.

"What will it be about?"

Skyfall motioned Scootaloo to come closer and when she did he lowered his head so that only she could hear him. "It's about your flying."

With extreme reluctance, Scootaloo nodded and walked past Skyfall with her head slightly hung. Her lack of confidante radiated from her sad expression.

River nodded at Skyfall, prompting him to leave the class and catch up with Scootaloo.

"Hey, Scootaloo?"

"Yes, Mr. Skyfall?"

"Let me see you in my study, I think there are some things we need to discuss before we get to the lesson." Skyfall said as he strode passed her.

The short walk was a silent one and things didn't improve when they arrived at his desk. Scootaloo refused to look Skyfall in the eye until he tapped his hoof on the desk.

"Listen, Scootaloo, I think this will be easier if I just tell you what I've surmised so far." Skyfall said calmly. "Just nod your head if I'm right so we can continue, okay?"

Scootaloo nodded.

"We've addressed it before, but on one of the first times I met you, I noticed a scar under your wing, those are surgical scars, aren't they?"

Scootaloo bobbed her head.

"From injuries cause by your father?"

Once more, Scootaloo nodded.

"Did he cripple you out of anger?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "It was an accident. He was fixing something and fell off a ladder I was playing under."

"But the home life isn't filled with love. It's filled with drunken bitterness over your mother's death?"

Scootaloo didn't nod, but the silence may as well have been an affirmation.

Skyfall sighed in restrained agitation. "And you probably hear it all day long from ponies claiming that they would love to help if they could. About how sorry they are they can't fix your condition and about how strong you are to live through stuff like that."

Scootaloo's looked up to Skyfall's stoic face.

"And the entire time, you're just sitting quietly, grinding an axe at your father and silently wishing people would shut up because they don't know. You don't care for their tear jerking words or their beliefs that you're an orphan because you'd rather sleep outside then in a house with a condescending, labor-driving, creep?"

A final nod was all Skyfall needed.

"Well, you won't hear sorry from me, other than me explaining this to you." Skyfall shrugged. "I've long since grown tired of stories where the orphan is rescued and the parents reform themselves. And you certainly won't hear a word to the contrary regarding your father, grind that axe as long as you want, hold a grudge, kill him in your thoughts, seek revenge, I won't stop you."

Scootaloo shook her head from her memories of wishing to be old enough to move out. "Aren't you supposed to tell me to forgive him?"

"Why? Out of some misplaced sense of narcissism? About how you should forgive someone for yourself because if you don't, you're giving them the power?" Skyfall chuckled. "That idiocy?"


Skyfall removed himself from his chair and moved so that when he knelt, he was at eye level with Scootaloo. "I learned a long time ago that not everyone deserves forgiveness, sometimes it is the better option to say 'not forgiven.' Disregard what peace obsessed ponies tell you to do and make your own decisions." He pointed a hoof to her chest. "Making your own decisions is one of the only real ways to learn."

"Is this wrong?" Scootaloo whimpered as her tail wrapped around her body.

"Is it wrong to hate?" Skyfall asked. "I can only tell you what I feel about hate for me, not for you. Skyfall hating something and Scootaloo hating something are drastically different. You have to learn if that's what you really want to do." He stood and patted Scootaloo's head. "In life, sometimes it's better to live without."

Scootaloo nodded in agreement. "So what next?"

Skyfall turned his head to look at her wings. "Easy, you're going to teach yourself to fly with my guidance. Then this tired issue of ponies giving you sympathy will be a thing of the past. Deal?"

She blinked, mind skipping a beat from his words, but didn't try to speak until Skyfall placed his hoof over her mouth. "I'm well aware that many ponies have tried to help you and that the hospital told you some bad news, but there are very few problems I can't take on. Meet me out back, I just have to put a letter away."

Without another word from Scootaloo, she galloped out of Sky's office and to the backyard.

"That was sweet." Honey said as she entered Sky's study. "Just to give you a heads up, Sunset Shimmer and company are here to speak with you." At his silence, Honey coughed. "Um, Sky are you okay?"

"You have to be kidding me!" Skyfall barked as the scroll Cheerilee had was opened and being read. His face was molded into a scowl from the information that laid within.


"Mayor Mare just declared Ponyville in a state of Martial Law and left for Winneapolis."

He sat on his haunches and rested his fetlock over his eyes. “What is my life?”

Author's Note:

Ok, stuff happened in this chapter and I know some of you have words to say regarding it, so I will try and preemptively explain it.

Celestia is coming to grips with her Spirit issue and still doesn't firmly believe sky is innocent.

Dr. Wolf is still on the fence as to who skyfall really is.

Discord and Psalm's situation will be left to be revealed in the natural course of the story.

Scootaloo... I know Scootabuse is a thing in the fandom, but I'm trying to put a different spin on it. Eventually, I want to have the father take a larger role in the story and it will look at him. I would only suggest to read what I wrote about Sky's advice to Scootaloo.

This won't be explored for very much longer, and will be touched on to flush that situation out more for background. I recognize that Scootaloo is the go-to sad story, but I want you to feel like you're going to watch her grow up, not to feel sad for her.

Also, concerning the advice. His view points are part of Skyfall's human side. Where a pony would be forgiving, he is cynical. That, among others, is a flaw that appeared when writing. So far it's been fun to write about.

Also, last part. Skyfall was slammed in this chapter because I wrote it on a week I got slammed at work. I figured it's much like real life if he woke up from a nap and had everyone wanting a piece from him.

In other news, an in-universe oneshot with Diamond Tiara is almost finished.

I'll soon have time to write more in-universe one shots so if you get an idea for a oneshot, please let me know and I'll credit you for the idea/inspiration.

I love ya :heart:

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