• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,433 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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Chapter 10 -The World-

-The World-

"So, how are we going to do this?" Storm Front stared at Shattered Skies, a once beloved ally and friend.

Shattered Skies stared on in silence, Storm looked exactly the same as Skies remembered. He stood a half a head shorter than Skies, but that is where the similarities stopped. Though they were both spirits, they looked nothing alike. Storm called himself a Kirin, light grey scales covered his body and his white mane went all the way down to the tip of his tail. His eyes were like electric blue lights, the same color as the markings on his body. Skies believed he could reason with his friend so he opened his mouth to ask why they had to even fight, but Storm Front blasted him with powerful lightning attack that sent him flying through the wall and into the forest.

Artwork by Mix-up

"Sif better be there already." Sky groaned to himself. He saw Storm approaching him, electricity enshrouding him. "We've always been able to talk out our differences Storm, calm down"

"Not this time!" Storm reared back throwing a small tornado at skies. With no time to dodge, it slammed into him. Ordinarily the tornado wouldn’t do anything but annoy shattered skies, but Storm had laced lightning in the midst of the wind, causing skies great pain.

Shattered Skies stood slowly. After the Great Spirit War, he didn't do much fighting except for the occasional odd skirmish. He knew he was a little rusty, but to be thrown about like a ragdoll was a little surprising.

Storm hit Skies again and pushed him farther into the forest and into a small clearing.

Storm Front stopped and looked around, Skies was at a slight disadvantage now that they were in a clearing with little vegetation. "Two thousand years and this is what you are? Fight me!"

“You know, after you stopped by earlier, I half expected you to lay in wait and attack me inside the village.”

“So you have been avoiding me.”

Shattered Skies shot at Storm an incredulous look. “Wasn’t that obvious?”

“Enough” Storm roared and pawed at the ground, ready to charge. “You won’t talk your way out of this like you did in Neighpon.”

Skies chuckled at Storm’s reference. “That was your fault, not mine.”

Storm’s scowl deepened. "You're going to answer for your crimes, hypocrite."

“You actually believe that I’m evil, don’t you?”

“I have seen the graves.” Storm watched at Skies tensed and started to scowl. Even though they were in a clearing, he could still see the trees reacting to Skies’ sudden change in mood.

“I’m blamed for a lot. Fortunately, none of its true.”

Skies and Storm began to circle each other like two feral animals competing for dominance.

“You know if we go all out we’ll alert the locals and bring the guard down on us.” Skies noted.


“Think about it. If we alert the guards, then Celestia’s little task force will come, and if they come, so will Celestia.”

“I have no quarrel with Celestia.” Storm scoffed. The clouds in the sky started to gather and swirl as the distant rumble of thunder slowly grew in volume.

“I have no problem with her either, but she has a problem with us.”

“I do not believe that.”

“She thinks we were the ones that killed the Alicorns.” Skies said plainly, unsure of the reaction he would receive.

“Ha! Now I know you’re lying.” The weather around the Everfree started to become hostile, random lightning strikes and patches of hail started to rain down, sending small animals rushing for their homes.

Skies stopped with his back towards the waterfall on his property. “I didn’t believe it either, but I spoke to her. On a hunch I read through some of her journal entries and some of the things I read would disturb even you. There is something going on and I need your help.”

“And where are the journals?” Storm asked suspiciously.

“In a secret cave, let me get them-”

Storm Front reared back and slammed his hooves into the ground. “No, I have hunted you for two hundred years and now that I found you, you will not leave.”

“Like you have the power to stop me.” Skies closed his eyes and a familiar green moss covered his body before turning into pale white plates of armor.

“So that’s how it is? You want to challenge me instead of accepting your fate?”

“Just don’t hit me with your purse this time.” Skies smirked before taking another vicious blast to the chest. Had it not been for the armor he would have suffered more than just a broken rib… or twelve. His body was flung back through the waterfall and skidded onto the hard floor before crashing into a set of marble stairs.

“How was my purse, Skies!?” Storm bellowed as he jumped through the waterfall.

“Now!” Skies yelled.

Sif, along with fifty members of her clan leapt from the shadows. She saw as Storm tried to throw off the wolves that were piling on him until her giant form landed on him, pinning him to the floor.

“Sif?” Storm asked when he looked up at her smiling face.

“Hey, Stormy.”

Storm shook himself from his reverie. “How can you stay by his side after what he’s done!”

“I believe that I am the one you should be concerned with.” Skies stood at the ledge of an underground pond that complimented the cavern. In the confusion he was able to move to a safe position in case his plan failed.

He looked down and met Storm’s eyes with his own. “Sif, let him go.”

“Are you sure about that?” Sif asked.

“Yes, he’s staying under you because you’re a friend, if you weren’t, he would be up by now. Besides, I have something to show him.” Skies walked away from the edge and over to a crate of journals, nursing the deep bruise that was forming on his chest.

Sif slowly removed herself and smacked her tongue against her teeth. “Know if you try to hurt him, I will kill you.”

Storm Front shook his head. “One day I’m going to get you to tell me why you serve him so devotedly.”

“No, you won't.” Sif smacked him in the face with her tail as he passed her.

Storm Front walked up the stairs and looked around at the dimly lit cavern. The walls and ceiling were high; the cave was more than it appeared to be. With monoliths of different heights spread out in an orderly fashion along the floor the cave appeared to be more than what was seen on first glance, almost lived in. He looked around at the cut stone, metal fixtures, and in the center a large pool of still water.

When he stopped at the top, he saw Skies resting on a large pillow, drinking tea. “Of course.”


Storm chuckled. “Nothing.”

“I’m glad to see you’ve calmed down.” Skies brought the small cup to his lips and paused. “Unless you planned on taking my head still?”

“It depends.”

A golden glow radiated from Skies’ eyes and a single journal levitated out from a pile and over to Storm Front. “I’ve tried to find out what happened while I was away. Unfortunately, I’ve had little luck. I only have a partial account of Celestia’s experiences from what I recovered from the Pony Sister’s Castle. This book is particularly filled with anger. She curses you, me, and every other Spirit that watched over this world.”

Storm Front hesitantly took the journal in his blue aura and raised a brow as he opened to the first page. He barely had began reading before he slammed it shut. “Wow.”

“Bad hoofwriting, huh?” Skies laughed into his tea. He had warned her years ago that legible hoofwriting was important and that she should just use magic to translate her words onto the page.

“Yeah.” Storm put his hoof on the bridge of his nose and rubbed. “Like she had a constant sneezing trip.”

“Don’t worry, after about three hundred more years she gets it and it gets clearer.”

Storm’s eyes lost focus on the world around him, unsure if he should continue reading, but if Skies was right, then fighting would be a huge mistake. On the other hoof though, he could just be stalling.

While Storm read, Sif snuggled up to Skies as he made tea for both of them. They all sat in silence for the rest of the night; Storm read all of the journals that Skies had recovered while Skies and Sif played Pai Sho, a game they both enjoyed.

After a long night, the sun started to peak over Ponyville and its warm glow illuminated the cave’s entrance, mixing the natural light with that of the candles.

“You should stop playing, Sif.” Skies said, hiding his smirk. Something the rest of Sif’s kin was unable to do.

“You cheated!” Sif pouted.

“You’re cute when you pout.” Skies bopped Sif on the nose.

“You two should kiss and get it over with.” Storm closed the last journal and set it down. “That way this would be a lot less creepy.”

Sif stuck her tongue out. Storm had always teased them about their affection towards each other; it was something she missed having around.

“I’m glad you have calmed down and decided to believe me.” Skies crossed his forelegs and faced Storm. “I figured you would.”

“Calm, yes. Believe you?” Storm bit the inside of his cheek. "I’m not quite sure."

Skies sighed dramatically. “Are you serious?"

"Very," Storm said. "Had I not seen for the mass graves, then I would believe you."

Skies closed his eyes.

Storm levitated the now cold tea pot over to himself and refilled his cup. "I've been awake for about a month, Skies. In that time, I tried to find some of the others, but I failed to locate them. I probed a shopkeep about the Spirits and he laughed until I got to your name. Do you know what he said?"

Skies remained silent.

"He glared and told me to leave, that ponies should stop trying to talk about the past." Storm stirred his tea. "That the dead should be respected."

"I learned that some ponies believe we never existed, while others consider us dead." Storm tittered. "I kept asking around until I got to Cahokia. Do you know what I found?"



Skies read about himself quite extensively. The Cahokian graves were still visited by descendants and Celestia used the massacre to unite Equestria and allied nations against the Spirits. After fifty years the old city was torn down and Baltimare was raised in its place, but the graves still remain in its catacombs and in the history books.

"I found an entrance into Baltimare's catacombs and at all the remains."

Skies frowned upon hearing the word ‘remains.’

"Each body was mangled; their bones had been held together with roots and twisted until they were unrecognizable. There were black, barbed roots in each of their ribcages and spines."

Skies slammed his scaly hoof onto the floor. "What?"

"You see why I am so disinclined to believe you, no?" Storm looked over Shattered Skies. "Had it not been for your weak appearance, I would have not have restrained myself, but, seeing you now... I have my reservations."

"That's surprisingly wise of you." Sif jeered. "You usually leap before looking."

"I don't fight those that can't fight back." Storm affirmed. "In a real fight, you would fall."

Skies shot Storm an inquisitive look. "Oh, really?"

"Yes, really." Storm scowled. "You're still weak. When we fought side by side, you were a force to fear, but thousands of years, marriage, and a wound like that-" Storm pointed to Skies side "-has turned you frail."

Skies grimaced and whispered under his breath. "I'm not frail."

"Yes, you are."

"He's right." Sif said stated.

"Double teamed, great." Skies sighed. "So what now?"

"I would cast a memory spell, but you and I both know I don't like that type of magic."

"Because you're garbage at anything that isn't combat oriented. Meaning I need to prove my innocence another way." Skies stood and started his way down the steps that lead to the bottom floor of the cave.

"Where are you going?" Sif asked.

"The castle."

Storm looked over to Sif as she coldly glared back.

"You coming, Storm?" Skies called before exiting the cave through its waterfall. After a minute, Sif exited and wordlessly headed towards the house before Storm emerged quietly.

"After you."

Skies shrugged, ignoring the two’s conversation as he trekked onward toward the Everfree. As he re-entered the forest, Sif and Storm caught up to him. Skies was unsure of what he would find, but Luna's old observatory would be a good place to start.

Sighing, Skies shrank back to into his disguise. "I think traveling like this would serve us better."

"How so?" Storm countered, but transformed into his Nimbus disguise regardlessly.

"Some ponies like to walk around my forest and I have been trying to limit 'Shattered Skies' sightings as much as possible."

"Shattered Skies sightings?" Nimbus deadpanned.

"Yep, although some ponies just claim to have seen me to get attention." Sky stated plainly. "Or money."

Nimbus shook his head. "Money?"

"Celestia's guard is desperate to find me and as a result they've offered a bag of bits for any information leading to finding me." Sky looked back and smirked. "I've considered having Sif spot me in her disguise to claim the reward, a few times.”

"You’re an idiot, it's easy to find you." Nimbus mumbled. "Just find the area with the most drama and go there or-"

"I do not start drama!" Sky cut Nimbus off.

"No, but it follows you." Nimbus started walking a little farther away. "Because you're cursed."

"Oh, ha ha." Sky laughed half heartely before they both fell into an awkward silence.

The silence remained until Nimbus coughed. "Hey, I wanted to apologize about what I said. Even if I end up having to fight you, I shouldn't have brought up your family."

"Don't." Sky said sternly, lowering his gaze to the floor. "I accept your apology, but please, that's something I just want to forget."

"Can't dwell on that forever." Nimbus said.

"Which is why I want to forget it."

"You should move on and find love again." Nimbus found himself eye to eye with Skyfall.

"And you, Nim? Have you tried to find love?"

Nimbus glared. "Yes."

"Wha-? Really?" Sky became intrigued. He gestured to Nim’s entire body. "You found someone willing to deal with your...you-ness?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You punched a mare in the face once over some spilled soup."

"Yeah, but she was huge." Nim said, laughing under his breath after remembering the incident.

"Truth be told, I always thought you would get together with a Griffon or a dragoness. She would bite and tear at you and you would-" Sky looked Nimbus over. "Well, you would probably do the same, you seem like a masochist."

Nimbus shrugged. "Guilty."

The morning wind that swept through the area rustled the trees. Rays of light pierced the canopy to light the way through the forest, something Sky loved to situate. The one thing that Sky held above all other guardians was his ability to use his medium to its fullest in the most subtle way. "You haven't lost your touch."

"Thank you."

"For a glorified gardener."

"Bite me." Sky chomped his teeth toward Nimbus. "Celestia has done a wonderful job of screwing my hard work up, so any compliment is appreciated."

"What do you mean?"

Sky stopped on a small hill that allowed momentary visibility of Ponyville and its surrounding area. "Nim, See that woodland over there?"


"That is Whitetail Woods, for some reason, my magic is restricted there." Sky continued into the Everfree. "It alludes me, but whenever I try to use my magic there, it takes twice as much to achieve whatever it is I'm trying to do."

"I had a similar issue, but I found the root cause."

"What was it?" Sky asked, surprised. He thought that he was simply too weak.

"A weather factory in Cloudsdale."

"Wonder if Celestia has something like that, but for forests." Sky thought out loud. Sky stopped and looked over to his old friend. "For a hot head, you're surprisingly calm, considering you tried to kill me a few hours ago."

Nimbus nodded. "After reading those journals it seems like I'm in the same boat you are."

"You are. When we get back, remind me to have you read this ridiculous book about Spirits I found at the library. It pretty much calls me cannibalistic murderer and you a fickle traitor."

Nim scowled. "You made that up."


They both discussed what the book of Spirits said for some time. Their annoyance turned to a quiet somber look when they reached a small, ruined village.

Sky looked around, the village’s state. He remembered walking around the village with Luna during her nights.

"It looks like this place was just abandoned." Nim looked around.

"It was." Sky quietly made his way towards the castle, ignoring the skeletons littered around the village. He tried to forget the small filly, her unmistakable hat now sitting atop a withered skeleton, as well as the elderly couple that would now cling to one another for the rest of time. "Let's get inside."

"I'm guessing this happened when Luna changed." Nimbus thought aloud.

"I believe so. The last thing I remember is Sif carrying me into the treeline."

Sky and Nimbus looked at the land as they made their way into the old castle. It was obvious that a small civil war erupted as armored skeletons laid about with swords stuck into one another.

"She left without burying her fallen?" Nimbus fumed angrily. Sky didn't comment, making a mental note to perform burial rights when he returned. The sky started to darken and swirl, Storm Front always had trouble containing his emotions and that lead to his magic reaching out and affecting the weather around him.

"You should calm yourself, I don't want anyone to know we're here." Sky said.

Nimbus stepped inside the castle and was instantly seething. "Of course the inside of the castle has no fallen ponies, just leave the ones outside to rot while-"

"I get it, Nim." Skyfall said quietly, unlike Nimbus, he had known those ponies. "The sooner we get to the observatory, the sooner you and I can figure things out."

Nimbus quietly agreed and followed Sky up a long set of winding stairs. The pitch black corridors were illuminated by Nim's horn alone.

Sky could feel his heart pounding louder and louder, reaching its peak when he saw the large door with a moon emblazoned on it. He stopped in his tracks.

"Come on, bub." Nimbus shoved him. "Putting it off will only make matters worse."

"This is where I was almost killed, you know." Sky sat down as memories of his battle with the Nightmare flooded through his mind..

"Yes, Sif told me." Nimbus strode to the door and pushed against it, but failed. "It’s sealed."

Sky shook himself out of his daydream. "Luna's observatory only granted passage to those she wanted in."

Nimbus rolled his eyes and made a sweeping motion with a hoof. "After you."

Sky noted Nim's impatient behavior and sighed before pushing the large, ebony door. After a few seconds, the edges of the door lit up and the hinges creaked open. "I guess the seal wasn't changed."

Sky walked into the room, and one by one, sconces with blue flames ignited, bathing the room in an eerie cobalt light. Everything was how he remembered it; the ceiling was a representation of the night sky and in the center laid a masterfully cut, crescent shaped crystal Luna adored. The crystal trapped moonlight and would illuminate the nearby floor, bathing it in a pale, silver light to contrast the flames lining the walls.

Sky stopped and sat a few feet from the crystal, staring at the floor. A large pool of dried blood painted the floor. Nimbus brightened his horn’s light and revealed hundreds of various prints all over the floor, representing ponies, wolves, and Spirits.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Then let’s get out of this room." Nimbus said quickly, hurrying past the doors and down the stairs, silently followed by Skyfall. Sky took the lead and led them both towards an old library where the smell of rotting wood permeated the air.

Sky walked over to a large cushion that looked as if it had escaped the test of time and laid on it, exhaling sharply before returning to his true form. Storm followed suit.

Once his nerves settled, Skies used a vine that had been growing on an outside wall to reach in and grow a bio-luminescent flower that partially lit the room.

"Showoff." Storm reached over and lit a lantern hanging on the wall.

"So, what now?"

"I don't know, you're usually the brains of our operation." Storm said quietly. He sat with his eyes closed and hooves crossed over one another. "Although I can say the world is hurting, so much that us Spirits can't just sit by and quietly watch."


Storm inhaled deeply and breathed out slowly. "From what I've gathered so far, Equus is in a state of unrest. Everyone wants a piece of Equestria. Some countries like Neighpon have all but shut the world away, while others like Yakyakistan are fighting whoever they don't like. Right now, the world is a powder keg, and with no Spirits or Alicorns to fix it, civilization will soon dissolve into full scale war that will spread over the planet like a plague." He took another breath to pause. "Just look, the leader of this country, supposedly running the most peaceful nation on Equus, has turned into a bloodthirsty hunter who will stop at nothing to end our lives! We can’t count on the diarchy, the citizens won’t be able to solve this on their own, and as if any other country is doing any better!" Storm slammed his hoof on the ground. "This is why we need to help!"

Skies looked at his reflection in a small puddle that had collected on the floor. "No."

"What do you mean, no?" Storm held his hooves up in exasperation. "This is part of our job!"

"No, we took it upon ourselves to act as peacekeepers." Skies shook his head and gave a small, weak smile. "That should have stopped when the council was dissolved."

Storm tried to retort, but Skies interrupted him. "We're viewed as villains, it would look more like evil would be taking over, not resolving the world’s problems."

Storm looked at the lantern's small wavering flame. "I can't accept that."

"What would you have me do?" Skies asked, looking upwards thoughtfully.

"Lead." Storm shot Skies a fierce glare.

"Those days are long gone, Storm."

"Only because you want them to be."

"You're right." Skies looked on, a stony expression adorning his face. "Because this isn't a matter of a singular tyrant trying to rule the word, and we both remember how well that turned out."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean-"

"With our complete and utter defeat, leaving Discord to rule for almost 1000 years."

Storm ran his hoof over the bridge of his nose. "Maybe you're right."

Skies looked shocked. "Wow, are you actually agreeing with me?"

Storm let a smirk show through his stoic face.

"Hold that thought." Skies' ears perked up, shifting around like radars. "We aren't alone."

Storms ears started to shift around as well. He could hear the beating of wings and the light clopping of hooves. "It's a group of ponies. What do we do now, retreat?"

Skies glanced at the library door. "No, we would be seen and we can't disguise ourselves, that would blow our cover."

"How so?"

Skies looked at Storm skeptically. "They probably saw us walk in. Two random ponies in an abandoned castle their searching and then suddenly Shattered Skies and Storm Front show up. Come on, even a moron would pick up on it."


"No, I believe you and I are strong enough to simply walk out." Skies stood. "I don’t feel an overwhelming power, meaning Celestia isn't here."

Shattered Skies and Storm Front made their way from the library to the throne room, but stopped in the dark of hallway to observe the group that was huddled at the base of the steps. Skies groaned quietly to himself the instant he recognized Celestia's task force and a detachment of guard, led by none other than Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor.

"Aren't those the ponies you had over?" Storm asked pointedly.


"And you say you don't start drama?"

"I kinda just fall into it." Skies looked over at the group while Rainbow flailed her hooves.

Thirty minutes earlier.

"We're getting close, Captain. We'll arrive in a few minutes."

"I'm not your Captain anymore, Gleam." Shining Armor, shouting to be heard over the harsh wind that blew past them.

"You're still my Captain, Captain." Gleam laughed. "Where are we landing, sir?

"On the outskirts, drop me, the guards, and the Elements off. Then, do a perimeter sweep." Shining Armor called.

A group of Pegasi guard carried the Elements and an elite group of guards toward the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. They’d been put on alert in case a Spirit was sighted. When the report of swirling storm clouds over the castle ruins had come in, the Elements were mobilized.

One by one, the Pegasi flew in and released the pony they had been holding before rocketing off into the sky. All the ponies were okay with the drop off except Applejack. She hated flying.

"You okay there, AJ? You look like you’ve seen a ghost."

"S-S-Shut yer' mouth, Rainbow." Applejack sat down and used her stetson as a fan. "Just cause ya fly all the time and flew here don't mean ya get to rub it in."

The Elements watched as the guard quickly ran from house to house, shouting ‘clear’ as they swept the area. They seemed to move faster than what their bulky armor would allow.

"All houses are clear, Sir."

"Good work, Lieutenant." Shining replied curtly. "Form up and prepare to move on the castle." Shining looked up and the Pegasi Lieutenant gave him the go ahead."The area is clear, advance."

Without another word, the team began moving slowly and methodically toward the castle. The lieutenants took point in front of Shining Armor who, in turn, trotted in front of the Elements. The entourage was surrounded by guards on ground and in the air.

Rainbow groaned halfway towards castle. "Why are we moving so slow?"

"It's for safety." Shining said.

"It's useless. We're just going to hit him with a little harmony and bam! Problem solved." Rainbow began to simulate cheering before Twilight poked her.

"You remember what the Princess said." Twilight frowned and looked at Shining Armor. "She said that he is the most dangerous thing we've ever faced."

"I know you want to alert the Princess, Twily, but this might be a false alarm."

"And if it isn't?"

Shining looked back. "Then you stop him with the Elements, they've always pulled through in the end."

"I guess you're right." Twilight said before trotting past her brother.

"What are you doing?" Shining called out in slight shock.

"I want to get this over with and get back home. Plus, we couldn't find Cadance before we came here and I want to read with her more."

Shining slumped. "Lieutenant, get your ponies to the castle, no need to act cautiously anymore." He ordered, brooding over the lack of tact.

Gleam chuckled. "Yes, Sir."

Twilight had never taken any other route to get to the old castle, she always took the path that led through the Everfree. Even so, she doubted that there was anything to worry about. That was until she saw the flickering of a light in the castle’s window, showing that something was there.

Shining Armor saw Twilight’s look of concern and ran up to her. He didn't need to ask her what she had seen, his little sister was smart enough to know when something was wrong. Shining looked back at the group. "I'll go in followed by the Elements. The rest of you keep the perimeter and call out if you see something."

They entered slowly looking all around. the castle was exactly way they had left it. No prints anywhere to be seen and no signs that anything had been disturbed.

Shining stopped in the center. "Okay we need a plan."

"I say we find him, tie him up, and blast him with a little Harmony juice." Rainbow landed next to Applejack who shook her head at her proposition.

"Can’t we just leave whatever is here alone?" Fluttershy whispered. "He could be watching us now."

Shining looked around. She had a point, the only light in the room was peeking in through the high ceiling windows, cloaking everything else in darkness. "We should get ourselves out of the light."

Rainbow laughed, flailing her hooves. "Oh, are you afraid of the big bad, boogie-pony."

The floor began to shake, causing everyone to give surprised yelps and Fluttershy to dive and cover her head with her hooves. "I think we should leave now!"

"Oh come on, you guys. This castle is old, that was probably just the wind." Rainbow said nervously.

"The wind?" Applejack asked skeptically.

"Whatever. Let's just kick his butt and..." Rainbow boasted before sitting down silently.

Applejack laughed. "Finally, about time ya stopped complainin' and just sat tight."

"Rainbow, darling. What's wrong?" Rarity asked, waving her hoof in front of Dash's face. Rarity traced her eyes where Rainbow’s were locked and immediately became frozen in place like Rainbow.

Applejack tried shaking Rainbow and Rarity. The others looked around and tried to get them to snap out of it, but to no avail. "Ah know ya girls are a mite scared of this place, but it's no reason to act like statues. Rainbow, ya said yourself ‘he ain't that scary and ya could whoop him with a hoof tied behind your back.’"

Rainbow's eyes turned to saucers when Applejack brought up her boasting.

"What?" Applejack asked. "Ya don't remember talking about the beating ya would throw him if ya saw him?"

"Wishful thinking, I'm sure."

All talking and murmuring stopped immediately.

"W-Who said that?" Applejack asked, looking in the direction of the new voice. The feral tone sent shivers down her spine. She and the others looked around to find the voice. The group was in a tight circle, facing all directions, except for Rainbow who had changed her gaze from a dark hallway to the throne, where a pair of golden eyes glowed.

One by one they stared on in a deafening silence until the voice spoke again. "I did."

"Why don't you step into the light?" Shining Armor called.

"I like it where I am, thank you very much." Skies shifted in the dark to get a better look at the ponies. "Thirty well armed guard ponies doesn't make this seem like a warm reception."

Skies looked around for an exit, but sudden movement disrupted his plan.

Twilight stepped out from the crowd slowly. "Please, talk to us."

"Twily, what are you doing?" Shining yelled in a whisper.

"Shining, relax. This might be a misunderstanding, and we could be intimidating a lost pony." Twilight placated.

"A pony whose eyes glow in the dark?" Applejack whispered.

Twilight looked back at the pony and her coat started to crawl, that was something she had overlooked. She stood and took a deep breath, if he hadn’t attack then maybe it wasn't Shattered Skies. Only one way to find out

"I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship." Twilight gave a small bow, causing her guards to tense. It was a sign of trust that wasn’t always reciprocated when you took your eyes off of a hostile creature. "Who are you?"

Princess of Friendship? Shattered Skies sat quietly, his instinct screamed at him to flee, but logically he wanted to try and set everything straight. This small Alicorn introduced herself formally and from his interactions with Twilight, as annoying as she was, she always meant well.

"Twilight Sparkle." Skies repeated, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

Slowly Skies walked out from behind the throne. His antlers pierced the light from the darkness, revealing his daunting figure. He could see their eyes growing wider and wider, some in shock and others in fear.

He bowed. "I am the spirit Shattered Skies, warden of the Forests."

While bowed, Skies never broke eye contact from the group, effectively stealing any opportunity of a surprise attack. He looked at each of the Elements and was met with mixed reactions. The worst of all was Applejack who was shaking like a leaf.

"Well... It was nice meeting you all." Skies said, moving to leave, only to be blocked by a spear impaling itself in the wall. He looked over to the group of ponies, and there hung three more spears cloaked in a purple aura.

"By order of Princess Celestia, you are under arrest!" Shining Armor bellowed.

"I decline. Now if you'll excuse me." Skies was met with more spears, except this time they were aimed at his body. He disrupted their paths with stray vines, causing them to become embedded in the area around him. "Enough! I am not in the mood to fight you."

"Like you would stand a chance!" Shining followed up with a taunt much to the horror of Applejack and Fluttershy, but boasting never drew Skies into a fight. Anger could lead anyone to make a strategic mistake and Shining knew this. "Do you think we'll just let you leave?"

"No, that's what he’s for." Skies gestured behind the group.

"Do you think I'm dumb enough to fall for the oldest trick in the book?" Shining scoffed.

"Probably, considering he wrote the book." A new voice shook Shining and forced him to whip around.

"Storm Front." Shining growled.

"Oh, so I don't need an introduction?" Storm scowled. "Then I guess we'll just cut to the good part."

"Storm." Skies voice echoed through the chamber. "We are not here to fight."

"It's your lucky day, Lap Dog." Storm Front smirked and haughtily walked past the group before ascending the steps to where Skies stood.

"How do you know him?" Twilight whispered to her brother.

"He is another one of the Spirits the Princess wants. He is a known accomplice and was in on one of the secret briefings." Shining replied. He spun his head quickly and saw Shattered Skies and Storm Front turning to leave. "Halt!"

Shattered Skies breathed in deep and looked angrily in their direction.

"It would be wise of you to leave and never enter my forest again." Skies warned. Twilight opened her mouth, but Skies held his hoof. "No, I am aware Celestia wants me, but I refuse to feed that spoiled little foal’s delusions."

Twilight was taken back by Skies’ statement. "Princess Celestia is no foal!"

Rainbow had snapped out of her paralyzed state long enough to get angry. "Hey, you can't call the Princess a foal just because she is forcing you to answer for what you did!"

Pinkie Pie cheered Rainbow on until she barreled toward Skies with all the speed she could muster.

"Rainbow, no!" Pinkie shouted.

Rainbow darted away at the last second, narrowly escaping a barrage of vines.

Shattered Skies sighed, he wanted to reason with them, but nothing they've shown so far had lead him to believe they would consider anything he said seriously. Their blind devotion clouded their judgement. He sat in a stand off, what was the harm in trying? "I will try to say this once, very clearly." He took in a deep breath. "Whatever it is you were told I did, is false." But before Skies could finish, Rainbow had plugged her ears.

"We aren't going to listen to your lies!"

"Quiet, you little mosquito!" Storm Front shouted.

"Oh yeah? Horn boy!" Rainbow's wings flapped violently in anger.

While the two went back and forth, Twilight looked at the Spirit that her mentor had sent her after. He didn't act like the other villains they faced, no laughing, no maniacal plans, no monologue. He didn't even try to attack, save for acts of self-defense. He just sat there quietly, staring right back at her.

Princess Celestia's words repeated themselves in her mind.

"Be careful, Twilight." Princess Celestia had placed her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "He was my court advisor for a great many years, not to mention a cunning tactician. He will try and deceive you, when he does, that's when you strike."

Twilight looked around, the Spirit and Rainbow were still arguing when she signaled the other elements to get into position. The inner light started to emanate from each of them.

"Shattered Skies!" Twilight shouted, prepared to unleash a beam of light. Her next few words died in her throat though, as the light petered out and refused to strike him down. "What?"

Twilight tried again with similar results.

The Elements had failed them.

Author's Note:

Happy after holidays! and what a crazy week it was. Polygraphs, fingerprints, psychs, oh my.

Anyway, here it is. If you reached this point then I'm assuming you've read my ramblings :P I like Shining Armor and I feel I may have not conveyed his personality enough. I was trying to make him appear somewhat arrogant, because at this point he has been captain of the guard and then a prince for a number of years. This is a set up for something else.

Everything I write tends to have a purpose and I don't leave things half cooked. except noodles.

Comment/like if you enjoyed it, we love hearing from ya. We Love ya :heart:

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