• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 18,437 Views, 1,949 Comments

Shattered Skies - Arctikfox

Shattered Skies has lived much of his life tending to his forests, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells his otherwise.

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(H) Chapter 43 -Looking Glass-

-Looking Glass-

"So, someone you can't name approached you and gave you these runes and said to find the Spirits. Now we have these runes and that's it? Nothing?" Twilight asked, glaring at Skyfall as he sat on the couch across from her and under the gaze of everyone in the room. He crossed his legs and sat comfortably, too relaxed for the situation.

"Yes." Skyfall pulled the cloth that was given to him out of his pocket. "And this."

Twilight eyed the cloth as it was lain on the table. "This is a joke, right?"

"Why? Is it funny?" Skyfall asked.

"Skyfall." Sunset called, snapping him from his teasing nature.

"This cloth is a map." Skyfall said.

"A map?"

"Yes." Skyfall clapped his hands lightly. "A very old, complicated map."

"I think it's time to go home and report to the Princess that this was a failure." Twilight sighed as she leaned back. "I can't even trust you to tell me the truth."

Skyfall's dumb look disappeared into a squint. He leaned forward on the couch and bared down on Twilight.

"Are you okay, Mr. Skyfall?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"You may return to Equestria, but I will remain here until I find what I am looking for."

Twilight took the statement as a challenge, the same kind that her mentor, Princess Celestia had warned her about. It was paramount for a leader to show resolve in their actions and not let a subordinate think they could achieve leeway over important decisions. "Skyfall, I am a Princess of Equestria, and the leader of this mission. If I say we are returning to Equestria, then we are returning, end of discussion."

"I will determine the end of this discussion, Twilight Sparkle. You, nor your Princess title hold any sway over me or my decisions and to think so is a delusion." Skyfall straightened himself into his full height while securing his runes in one hand, wrapped in their cloth. "You were given a title for nothing with no idea what it means to lead."

"We are returning to Equestria." Twilight said calmly, trying to keep her composure, a slight tinge of red hued over her cheeks.

"I am staying the course." Skyfall felt an odd pressure through his body as his anger grew exponentially, he took a deep breath, unable to understand why. He turned and started to walk away, but Twilight rose up to cut him off.

"We are going to-"

"Twilight Sparkle!" Skyfall's voice thundered through the house, scaring the people in the room. "Sit down, you petulant child!"

Twilight sat down with an awestruck look on her face.

Sky looked to her as he continued to walk, he mouthed sorry, but he had doubt Twilight was able to process it after having been roared at. He sighed and opened the door to find two, large black eyes staring at him before he slammed them door shut.

"And now you're slamming doors?" Rainbow asked.

'This isn't good.' Skyfall sunk to a knee as he braced against the door before the first hard kick slammed the door. "We have a visitor."

Sky recognized the stallion as being one of the monsters that chased him a few nights prior through the school, the ones that Lonely Grave controlled.

"It's a pony?" Sunset asked as she caught a glimpsed from a nearby window.

"And there's someone out front! They're hurt, we need to help." Rainbow Cried as Skyfall pulled a large work table over to barricade the door. "Whose with me?"

"Wait." Skyfall said as he looked out the small kitchen window. He looked at the injured woman who was bleeding profusely, she was crying hysterically and pleading for help.

He turned to see the girls looking at him, waiting for an explanation or a sign.

"It's a trap."

Another strong kick bounced off the door, but this time, lower down, drawing a large crack in the wood.

"We need to help her, Skyfall, don't tell me you're that cold." Sunset scolded.

Skyfall rolled his eyes. "She's an illusion."


"Last I checked, people have shadows during the daytime." Skyfall mumbled. "Twilight, I think you're half right, we need to inform the ponies back home about this. If that thing knows where we are, our presence is compromised and we'll need to alter our plan." Skyfall hated to admit it, but he tried to call Lonely Grave's bluff and failed. Months of inactivity and sporadic appearances left him underestimating his enemy.

"You agree?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I agree." Skyfall looked up and didn't see or hear the hulking monster that was trying to break down the door. "Where'd it go?"

"It raced into the street before disappearing into a dead sprint." Rainbow said.

"Which direction?"

"Uhh..." Rainbow thought for a moment and then pointed off to her side. "East, towards Canterlot High."

Skyfall closed his eyes and cursed mentally. "No."

Sunset picked up on Skyfall's sudden mood change and put the pieces together. "You don't think it's going to attack someone?"

"No, but I'm thinking it will do much worse." Skyfall thumbed to Applejack. "Could you drive us there in your truck?"

"I can only take four of ya, not much room I'm afraid." Applejack swiped her hat from the counter and slowly made her way to the side door.

Skyfall bounced his head on the door he was leaned against, lightly. He pushed off and pointed at the two Twilights and Sunset before walking out after Applejack.

"What's the plan here, big guy?" Applejack asked.

"Drive by the school, if what I think happened, happened, then I will need some time to think." Skyfall felt a light push on his back and the usual stern look of Twilight was that of panic, she wasn't dumb.

"What's going on?"

Skyfall bit his lip and lied. "I don't know yet."

Silence fell over everyone as Applejack drove them away from Pinkie's place and along the road to the school. Police cars were positioned intermittently along the road, investigating damages and rendering aid to people thrown over by the hulking stallion. Dread washed over them as Applejack slowed her truck and whistled.

In the center of the courtyard lay the statue that housed the portal, destroyed. Each mirror had a long, black spear protruding out of it. Naturally, Principal Celestia stood next to a few police officers as they took photos and made various gestures with their hand, seemingly in an effort to figure out what the Principal was saying to them.

"The portal." Twilight's voice cracked.

Skyfall threw open Applejack's side door and started to walk toward the portal, hastily.

"Sir, this is a crime scene, no entry permitted!" A smaller cop ordered as Skyfall marched forward. "Sir! ...S-Sir?"

Stopping a few feet in front of him, Skyfall looked down to see Sunset pressing her hands against his chest before rushing to bring him into a rough hug.

"If you barge through, you'll be arrested." Sunset whispered. "Something we do not need. We'll figure this out."

Skyfall patted Sunset's back, silently scorning himself for forgetting where he was. "Thank you."

"Sunset Shimmer?" Principal Celestia said before waving off the police, they had gathered their information and she was of no further use to them. "It's very convenient that you all show up, especially now."

Sunset smiled and released Skyfall as Celestia panned up to stare at the tall man her student had been clinging to moments before.

"And you are?"

Skyfall tore his eyes off the desecrated portal to the strong academic leader. "Huh?"

"I asked who you were." Celestia said, gesturing to the ruined statue. "I've never seen you before and I know Sunset's parents. Plus, lately their little band has been surrounded by more and more magical mishaps."

Sunset winced through a smile, trying not to chuckle as Celestia playful banter.

"I take it someone else has come over from the other side?" Celestia asked.

"That about sums it up." Applejack said.

Celestia brushed the bangs of her head and sighed. "And you still haven't given me a name. Mister?"

"Loveless." Skyfall said, looking at the hoof tracks that pathed through the grass and toward a decaying tree. "My name is Loveless, I'm a friend of Sunset's parents."

"Are you now?" Celestia said in surprise. "Is this true, Sunset?"

Sunset looked to Skyfall, eyes wide and slightly stunned at the name Skyfall chose, the memories of a masked stallion asking her to dance surfaced with a song she still hummed along to.


"Y-Yeah, it's true."

Skyfall reached forward and shook Celestia's outstretched hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss?"

"Celestia. I am the principal here."

With the subtle drag of his thumb over her hand, Skyfall smiled. "It's always a pleasure to meet a fellow academic, Celestia." He gestured to the vandalized statue. "Would you mind if I take a look?"

"Certainly, you may." She said. "There isn't much for the police to do I'm afraid, they've taken their pictures. It's the school's problem now unless they discover who did this."

Skyfall dropped his smile the instant he turned and stepped over the low hanging caution tape. He saw runes written along the wrappings that were wound tightly around the deformed spear. A shock of electricity shot out when he reached for it, making him weary to investigate, but with the portal broken, an urgency ran through his mind.

With a solid heave, the spear closest to Skyfall was torn from the rock and the tip shot wild arcs of lightning before dying out. As he tried to examine it, the spear grew grey and became dust in his hand. "Curse that man."

"What's wrong, Skyfall?" Twilight's human counterpart asked. "Was it magic?"

"It was, and a very powerful magic at that." Skyfall said as Rainbow drove up with the rest of their friends. He looked at his hand and a black spot remained until he forced what little magical residue out. "Actually, a curse."

"Aren't curses and magic the same?" She asked, looking to her royal twin.

"There isn't much literature on curses in Equestria." Twilight shrugged.

"Big surprise." Skyfall said as he grabbed his cloth of runes and held each one up individually, then a sudden bright, black light peeked from the cracks in the hand sized bone rune.

"Is it really a curse?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, a very costly one to normal people." Skyfall shooed his companions, plus one principal, away. "If anyone touches those spears, they're body will decay slowly and their soul will be trapped even after death."

Sunset gasped and looked to Skyfall's hand. "You touched it."

"I know what I'm doing." Skyfall kept herding his audience until they were in the street, he gave them wary looks and took a few steps back toward the statue. "I need to undo this curse before anyone can touch it."

"Do you know what curse it is?" Twilight asked. "I don't know much, but I know curses require a counter-curse to dispel."

Skyfall paused and turned to Twilight. "That... is actually correct, curses are undone by counter-curses, top marks, Princess."

"But without magic how can you cast a counter-curse?" Sunset asked. "Even if we knew what it was, we can't remove it."

"The other way of dispelling a curse is to break it."

Without another word, lines of fire erupted from rune Skyfall held in his hand, scorching the ground with swaths of unknown symbols. He tensed as the ground grew hotter. Red hot lines formed smoldering the green grass away into magma, soon swallowing the portal whole.

Cold dripping flowed from his nose. He brushed it away to see that his hand was now red with blood. Being the forest Spirit, some magics took a deeper toll on his body. Fire was almost the opposite side of the spectrum and one of the most difficult to control, causing strain on his soul and thus, his body.

Through an awestruck expression, Sunset looked to Skyfall and saw a glowing red piece of wood in his hand and heard the sound of chanting emanating from it grow louder and louder. She looked closer and streams of golden light pouring from the sides of his eyes before he shut them, stopping the light.

Just as sudden as the column of magma appeared, it vanished with dissipating steam, taking the spears with it. The only thing left to signify that something had happened was the patch of volcanic rock and the top of what used to be the portal.

A sudden expulsion of magic erupted, shooting skyward. The crowd jumped as this happened, even Skyfall.

"What was that!" Rainbow shouted, having not came down from her fright.

"Like air when heated, crumbling curses need somewhere to exert their magic when released." Skyfall grumbled, obviously shaken.

With few deep breathes. he continued. "That curse was lain in with four runes forged into spears. Complicated, but not impossible." Skyfall swiped the smoking rune in the air to cool down the magma before shoving it in his pocket. "With that done, I need access to a large map, preferably not one that lists locations, but one with an overhead geographical view."

Twilight's frustrated grunt cut in. "Skyfall, how are we getting back home?" She stumbled towards the blackened stone. "The portals gone and you don't even care!"

"No use in crying over spilled milk." Skyfall smiled wide.

"How can you smile?"

The rush of being backed into a corner by a difficult problem made Skyfall's mind become a maelstrom of thought and feeling. He wanted to explain to Twilight that when worlds are created and linked, multiple portals exist, much in the way a house is build with windows, doors, and vents.

"My my, that is a problem." Skyfall shrugged and turned toward Principal Celestia. "Do you have a map I can look at?"

"I do."

"May I?"

Celestia smiled at Skyfall's manners and nodded. "You may."

"Skyfall!" Twilight barked. "Wasn't the whole point of breaking that curse to open the portal?"

"No." Skyfall turned to leave and gestured to the human copies of the Elements of Harmony. "I broke it for their sake."

Twilight followed after Skyfall in a haste along with the rest of her group and an amused Sunset, still half consumed with her thoughts on what Skyfall called himself. As Celestia unlocked the front door, Twilight struck his shoulder repeatedly.

"I swear, is there a mosquito trying to bite me?" Skyfall shook his head, mocking Twilight's weak strikes.

"I think you should tell her, Skyfall." Sunset offered.

"You're right." Skyfall moved his hand up to intercept Twilight's arm. "Gotta have trust and all that."

Using Twilight's arm to point to the portal, Sky drew out the wooden rune and drew magical formulas in the air. "The spears weren't meant to seal the portal, breaking the mirrors did that. As I mentioned before, the bodies would decay, but they would be bound, essentially dooming anyone effected to eternal torment, that was the goal of the spears."

"Who did this?" Twilight asked, regaining control of her arm.

"That's what we need to find out." Sunset spoke up as she followed Skyfall into the school where he disappeared silently moments before. "Sky, wait up."

"What's up?"

Sunset sighed and raised an eyebrow at Skyfall. "We both know you know more than you're letting on. Spill it."

Before any clever remark could be uttered, Skyfall felt Sunset poke his side, making him jump. "Fine." Skyfall chuckled. "There are some bad Spirits that are trying to steer us away from finding the good ones."


"Isn't that the million dollar question?" Skyfall picked his pace up to catch Celestia before leaning towards Sunset. "Question, why is she so eager to help us?"

"Principal Celestia decided it would be best to stop hindering us every time something magical happened. The last time she did so the Pony universe and the Human universe almost merged."

Sunset's words made Sky slow to a stop. "What?"

"Twilight didn't tell you?" Sunset said.

"Tell him what?" Human world Twilight called as her group stopped in the hall.

"Sorry." Sunset snickered and pointed to the other Twilight. "I thought you told him the whole, you going demon, thing."

Sparkle cupped her hands and shook her head. "We haven't had that much time to talk and... I'm still kind of embarrassed about it to tell you the truth."

Skyfall smiled back at the timid doppelganger of Twilight. "It's okay, Twilight, we all have parts of our pasts that we aren't proud of." He lightly batted Sunset on the shoulder. "Some more than others."

Sunset rolled her eyes and gestured to herself. "Me and Twilight are the only two that can say we came back from crazy power grabs." She caught herself at using Twilight's name. "Our Twilight that is, not Princess Twilight. Her old Head Master goaded her into using Equestrian magic and a device Twilight made overloaded, causing her to become a..."

"Raging she-demon?" Non-Princess Twilight offered as she tried to hide behind her bangs.

"Yes, a raging she-demon." Sunset winced at the word usage, hoping to have some up with better words. "She created portals between the dimensions at will before I was able to close them and free her."

"What happened to the device?" Skyfall's curiosity got the better of him.

"We don't know. Did you ever find out where that thing went?" Sunset asked, looking at both Twilight's, only for both of them to look at each other and say 'no.'

"Okay." Skyfall rubbed his eyes before leveling them at non-Princess Twilight. "Is there something else I can call you, this is getting confusing. Sparkles, perhaps?"

"Oh! What about Midnight?" Pinkie called.

"Pinkie!" The group scolded at the evil moniker Twilight hated to remember, as evidenced by the nervous pulling of her hair when it was mentioned.

"Midnight? I like it." Skyfall said. "I think I'll call you that from now on." Before anyone could answer, Skyfall turned and continued walking after Celestia while bickering with Sunset, trying to get her to tell him the story of when she lost control while she demanded that he not call her Midnight.

Midnight stood, extremely embarrassed of her new name while each of her friends pursued Skyfall to demand a different name be chosen, leaving her by herself while she slowly walked after them. The voices became whispers as she fell further and further behind, now focused on remembering the events of the Friendship Games.

"Why can't I ever escape that name?"

The sounds of a mop bucket sloshed ever so closer to her as a tall man whistled a foreign tune. As he passed behind Midnight, he smiled at her. "Memories are terrible things aren't they?"

"Yes. Well I have to be going." Midnight looked behind her at the smiling janitor and turned to leave, but as she did, she saw the same man, half way down the hall in a dimly lit display case. As she neared, the large space of the atrium overtook the hallway and the man rested his hands, propped up on his tool belt's satchels.

"You seem troubled."

"How did you do that?" Midnight asked, pointing down the way she came, but trailed off in her confusion. Her heart started to pound in her ears as beads of cool sweat formed on her brow. "Is this, Midnight?"

"Are you asking if I'm Midnight Sparkle?" The man asked, clearly amused with a half smirk. "A word of advise from the wise, dwelling on the past won't change it."

"What does that mean?"

The man raised his brow and started to dig in his utility belt. "Twilight, you've been a busy one haven't you?"

Midnight turned as the man moved from wall switch to wall switch after producing a small, flat rock that shown morphing glyphs dancing across its face.

"First you blow up the science lab at Crystal Prep Academy. You cause a small landslide at the Crystal Mountain resort, nearly killing your brother and his then girlfriend." The rock's glyphs pulsed a bright blue and froze with a single swipe of his hand. "And earlier this year you not only tore open and sustained nine portals, but withstood hosting a Spirit's power."

"Spirit's power?"

The Man smiled as shoved the rock into his belt. "Even if you had a conduit, that is quite impressive. Not more so than your redheaded friend, but impressive nonetheless."

"Um, if I may ask-"

"You may not." The man's smiling features disappeared into a stern, mechanical look. "Something has happened outside the... Actually, this would make no sense to you. Something is wrong, and I am here to give you a nudge so that it can be fixed."

Midnight stumbled forward and looked to see the man standing behind her, but much, much closer. "Your companion has underestimated the dire situation he has found himself in. Should he deplete his magic in this realm, then that which he holds will again be unobtainable. You need to get Skyfall to Lady Earth, but take care, Midnight Sparkle, she is kind, but she is cunning. She wants you just as bad as He wants her."

Midnight gasped. "Who is she? And why does she want me?"

"To be plain." The man smiled and grabbed her hand, shocking her with its frigged temperature. "She wants you to unlock the secrets of the item you lost the night you became Midnight Sparkle."

"My name is Twilight Sparkle."

With a knowing grin, the man patted the top of her hand. "Fighting the truth only divides you. Just because Midnight caused such a calamity, does not mean that side of you is evil. The sooner you realize that and own who you are, the sooner this can move to the next step."

"Next step? But..."

"Out of time." The man smiled. "Now remember; the old Aileron telecommunications test site."

"Midnight?" A voice called.


Midnight turned around to see Skyfall standing a few feet from her with a twisted expression. "You okay? You sound like you were talking to yourself."

"Yeah, I was just talking to someone." Midnight turned to see a small, woven bracelet on her hand and nothing but the vacant atrium before her. The display cases were frosted over with a thin layer of ice. "Did you see where that guy went to?"

Skyfall reached up and felt Midnight's forehead and shook it afterward. "You feel cold and you're sweating, are you okay?"

"Why is my forehead wet!"

Skyfall chuckled and started to walk away. "Come along little Midnight, we have to hurry."

"Where are we going?"

"The library." Sky said. "Then we can start looking to see if anything stands out."


Skyfall looked at the fidgeting girl walking beside him, whispering to herself.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid."

"You okay?" Skyfall paused in his stride and gave her an incredulous look. "Did I miss something?"

"It's nothing." Midnight sighed and continued walking only to bump into Skyfall's outstretched arm.

"I'm no psychologist, but that seems like a silent cry for help. Spill. Now." Skyfall said as he glanced ahead to see Rainbow Dash struggling from atop Applejack's shoulders as she tried to plug in a cord to the overhead projector. He shrugged, there was no real rush for time.

"I... um."

"Does it have to do with Midnight?"

Twilight gave an unsure nod. "It isn't just her, it's other things too."

"I won't force you to tell me, Sparkle." Skyfall paused. "I mean... I just told you to spill it, but if your set on keeping it to yourself, who am I to demand you to talk about it?"

Twilight paused and looked at her reflection. She never told anyone, but since the night that she turned from the magic, her reflection only showed the blazing eyes of Midnight.

"So it is Midnight?"

"How did you?" Twilight looked at Skyfall to see that his eyes bore the same intensity as her reflection, glowing eyes but gold instead of her own purple. He sighed and motioned her near an open display case. He grabbed a small trophy and winced as he held it. "What's wrong?"

Before another word was uttered, Skyfall pressed the face of the silver cup to Midnight's skin, causing her to cry in shock as it felt like a hot iron being pressed to her skin.

"Thought so."

Twilight rubbed the pained spot as she watched Skyfall place the trophy back before shutting the case. He remarked on why it had been opened and turned back with a solemn look on his face.

"You will tell no one of this." Skyfall pointed to Twilight's arm. "It's very important that you keep this to yourself."

"What happened?" Twilight looked at her hand where the mysterious man touched her and gulped.

"I'm not sure yet." Skyfall said. "We need to get to the library now. When we go to see Earth, you will accompany us."

As they moved into the library, Princess Twilight was observing Principal Celestia working the computer that fed into the projector to show an overhead map of the area.

"So it's a map that shows you the world as it is?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, it updates every year or so." Celestia said as she showed Twilight how to operate the website. "You don't have this where you're from?"

"No." Skyfall said as he entered, drawing the attention of the room. "Conventional technology in our realm is sporadic, but it's somewhere between medieval and early industrial."

"Medieval and early industrial?" Twilight said. "How would you know that?"

Skyfall ignored Twilight's question and scanned the map for anything that should stick out, but when all he saw was the roofs and grassy fields he sat down.

"What's wrong?" Celestia asked.

"I thought that the Spirits that came across would remain nearby." Skyfall rested his head against his fist and felt the heat radiating from his skin. "It was either that or they went somewhere and started their own city. The latter of which causes a huge problem for us getting home."

"Wait, are you saying that you were planning on the Spirit's help on getting us home?"

"Yes, I thought that was obvious?" Skyfall jabbed a thumb in the direction of the broken portal. "How else do you think we were getting home, the broken portal?"

"I thought you had a plan, I mean, you were so calm when we found the portal like we did." Twilight said and felt Sunset's hand on her shoulder.

"I think we should take Skyfall's lead on this one, Twilight." Sunset said. "He was able to dispel the curse and seems to have somewhat of a plan. Right, Skyfall?"

When Skyfall didn't answer, Sunset rested her other hand on his shoulder and then snaked it to his forehead. "You're running a fever."

"I know." Skyfall said as he stood and sat back down when his body wasn't strong enough to remain upright. "My body feels a bit off too. I think me being a human is a bit exhausting. That and dispelling that curse has taken much of my energy, walking is starting to hurt."

"Maybe we should call it quits for the day?" Rarity voiced up. "After a long day of work, if I'm too tired I start making mistakes and this seems to be something you do not want to flub."

"No, I need to find them." Skyfall's stubborn mood shown through.

"But you have no idea where to start." Rainbow said.

"Doesn't matter, the sooner I find them, the sooner this will be fixed." Skyfall looked up at the map in want. "All I need to see is some semblance that they're here and I'll go."

"But that will take all day." Rainbow said. "If you're sick, you'll only work yourself into something worse. Trust me on that, I've played through enough colds to know."

"The old Aileron telecommunications test site." Midnight said in the short lapse in conversation.

"Huh?" Skyfall asked and watched Celestia lean over him to type in the words, having heard what her student said. As the map contorted and skimmed along the ground swiftly only to slow as it neared the sea side facility.

"What's the Aileron telecommunications site?" Fluttershy asked.

"An old, abandoned place that was used for various forms of information transmission before it was shut down. They built a bigger one in the city, but that was decades ago." Celestia said. "As more and more satellites replaced long range towers, it grew obsolete."

"So who owns it?" Skyfall asked.

"I'm a principal, not a politician, Mr. Loveless." Celestia said. "It was shut down some time ago, I doubt there's anything there that would help. Maybe the owner is a someone you're looking for?"

Midnight tried to not acknowledge the questioning looks that bore down on her. "Sorry, I guess that I was-"

"Absolutely right on the money." Skyfall said as he neared the image, shocking Midnight. "Where is this?"

"By the ocean a few miles from Camp Everfree." Celestia said. "I think that it's a red herring, Mr. Loveless. I would like to help you all, but the easiest way is to check the library archives."

"No. They're there, I know it."


Skyfall walked up the projection and with his finger, pointed from location to location. "If it's been abandoned for decades, why are there so many clean cars and why are the dumpsters full?" He laughed loudly. "And there's a guy fishing."

"Okay, so people are there." Twilight said. "How do you know they're Spirits?"

Skyfall started to laugh more.

"What's so funny?" Twilight asked.

"I'll wait." Skyfall gestured to the picture for Twilight to arrive to a decision. After a minute, she scowled over at Skyfall. "I seriously don't get it, care to share?"

"What sits at the border of every major city on Equus?" Skyfall asked, gesturing to the image. "It's been awhile since I've looked, but I'm confident that it hasn't changed much."

Twilight, not wanting to just be told the answer, squinted and took in the image once again. a clear trail could be seen between the wall and surrounding forest. At each turn in the wall, the path remained an even distance across, never getting thinner or thicker.

"It's a barrier." Twilight looked harder and traced her finger along its border. "I thought this place didn't have magic?"

"It shouldn't." Sunset said. She crossed her arms and looked over her shoulder to see Skyfall smirking to himself. She watched as he reached into his pocket and whispered to himself.

Twilight looked back to Sunset and tapped her chin. "We spoke once that magic was believed to have been here long ago. Maybe it is magic? Even if just a little."

Midnight interjected with a quiet cough. "When I was in search of magic, it all pointed here. I never picked up anything other than Canterlot High."

Sunset shook her head. "That's because magic doesn't exist here. It can't. The only magic that's here comes through the portal."

"It can."

Sunset looked to Skyfall. He held a small, glowing rune in the air. "Those were created here?"

with a soft bow of his head, Skyfall affirmed. "They were. Judging from the spears that were dispelled, it is hazardous to mix the two. Had it gone to plan, the curse earlier should have just disintegrated and not blown up like it did. The magic should have popped, but not exploded."

"Wait, it wasn't supposed to be all boom like that?" Pinkie asked.

"Nope." Skyfall said. "And it also exposed some people on your police force as being Spirits."

"How so?" Celestia turned in her seat to give Skyfall a questioning look.

"When the runes scorched the ground with magics to make the magma, why were we not questioned? Did that not seem a little odd to you all?" Skyfall asked. "Furthermore, they arrived with astonishing speed and kept anyone, even themselves, from touching the spears."

A realization dawned over the room as Skyfall continued.

"I surmise it's been like this every time something magic related happened." Skyfall proclaimed. "When your courtyard blew up, twice. At the Friendship games. And even when Lonely Grave chased me around the school the other night. Nothing."

"One of the Officers was looking at you as you broke that curse." Celestia said. "He waved the others off before making a call on his phone." She looked over and shrugged. "At the time my mind was dizzy with all this magic stuff, but it does seem suspicious."

Sky dragged his hand over his arm and stared at the map once more. The thought that his presence may cause Sunset's friends danger weighed heavily on his mind. Like himself, many Spirits were vindictive creatures and having been tossed in a glorified prison may have changed them, turning them into magic seeking cretins.

"Girls." Skyfall said, cutting off any quiet conversation. "Can any of you stay somewhere that isn't one of your houses tonight? Preferably somewhere that isn't associated with a name search for you?"

Each of the girls in the room talked among themselves before Midnight raised her hand. "My brother is a police officer, we're related, but I don't think anyone would try to hurt us there."

Skyfall hummed to himself in thought. "Is he married?"

"He is engaged to my old babysitter?"

"Can you stay at her place? That is the last place anyone would think of. It's too obvious." Skyfall said.

"I'm sure she would love that, she always begs me to stay over like I used to." Midnight smiled. "And I know she would love to meet you all. After the Friendship Games, she has been more and more insistent about it."

"Excellent." Skyfall stood and turned to leave. "The eight of you will head there."

"You aren't coming?" Sunset asked, stepping into Skyfall's path. She placed a hand on his chest and tried to meet his gaze. "If you aren't staying with us, where are you going? It's not like you know anyone here."

Skyfall sighed and grabbed Sunset's hand to lower it. He canted his head to look his friend in the eye. "If I travel with you then it may give you away easier, I don't exactly blend."

When Sky turned, Sunset squinted. "So where are you going?"


"You're planning something." Sunset blocked his path, folding her arms and locking her leg to lean on.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes. You. Are." Sunset insisted. "You get that look every time you're evading my questions."

"What look?"

"That look." She pointed at Skyfall's face.

"That's my face."

"A guilty face."

"What is this? An interrogation?" Skyfall asked. "I'm just going to wait around until morning."

"In the school?"

"...Maybe." Skyfall winced under Sunset's gaze.

"Mr. Skyfall will be staying at my place." Principal Celestia said with a coy smile. "It looks a little more normal for a man like Skyfall to come to my place instead of him following college age girls into a house."

"She has a point, you know." Pinkie said.

"Then it's settled." Skyfall said, trying to diffuse the situation. "We can meet here tomorrow and then go to Aileron telecommunications."

Sunset hugged Skyfall and followed the others after everyone said their farewells.

"Those girls are truly the most rambunctious students I've ever had." Celestia broke the resulting silence left by the girl's departure. She looked over and patted Skyfall's shoulder. "I'm sure it's worse on the other end of that mirror."

"You have no idea." Skyfall said.

Celestia smiled. "Don't let Sunset get you down, she's always been a bit strong willed and hates when she feels someone is trying to fool her in one way or another."

"Arguing with her felt like I was arguing with my ex wife."

"Ex wife, huh?" Celestia chuckled. She picked up her purse and rustled through it for her keys. "If you're hungry, I know a great Italian place we could go. My treat."

After a solemn silence, Celestia spoke up again. "Skyfall?" She looked around and saw nothing but an empty library. "Looks like another lonely gamenight with sis."

Moments Later

Skyfall skulked through the shadows of the high school as he made his way to the treeline. He walked from hiding spot to hiding spot until he stood behind a parked school bus. He glanced through the bus' windows and saw Twilight and her friends congregating in the parking lot and cursed to himself. Soon, Celestia would walk out and his escape would be known.

Slowly, Skyfall entered the small treeline unnoticed before walking away at a more relaxed pace. Unknown to the others, Skyfall remembered that computers had a print option and grabbed a copy while they were talking about Aileron telecommunications so he could get there on his own.

"Somehow, I knew you were trying to pull the wool over our eyes." Sunset said from above.


"Did you think I was dumb enough to fall for this?" Sunset asked as she climbed down. "You're going somewhere."

"I was hoping you would indulge me." Skyfall admitted. "But, nonetheless, I have to go by myself."



"Because why?"

"Sunset." Skyfall said, sounding exhausted. "I know you want to help me, but it's best if you stay safe with your friends. I can't do this and have you with me. If you're with me, I won't be able to concentrate properly."

Sunset felt herself awestruck. "Why?"

Skyfall paused. "I don't want you to get hurt."

Being much smarter than she let on, Sunset raised an eyebrow. "I don't doubt that, but I suspect there is an underlying reason."

"And what would that be?"

"You want to speak to the Spirits by yourself." Sunset squinted slightly. "I've been watching you Skyfall, even when you think I'm not. You know more than any other pony should about Spirits. Knowledge about this world. Ability to touch soul stealing curses. And eyes that glow."

"I picked up alot of stuff in Saddle Arab-"

"Yeah-Yeah, except this library you mentioned hasn't existed in six hundred years." Sunset leveled her eyes at Skyfall. "I researched libraries in foreign lands and the only one that would have anything decent enough to study was burned when the Princess trapped a small coven of Spirits."

Sunset sat on a nearby stump and cupped her hands. "So."

"So." Skyfall reached out with what magic he possessed to feel out an escape route.

"Were you really caught in Sombra's time spell?"

Skyfall stared on in silence, unaware of what conclusion Celestia's inquisitor arrived at. He noticed the glint to a small gem hidden partly by her shirt's neckline.

Sunset Shimmer stood and closed the distance between her and Skyfall swiftly, only to grab a branch and place it between both of them to keep her from touching his arm. He wasn't ignorant to the magic gem that let her read memories and minds of those she touched.

"I would advise against that, Sunset."

"Why is that?" Sunset asked and winced at Skyfall's scowl. "It will answer so many questions."

"Questions you merely have to ask." Skyfall said sharply. "I understand you have conflicting feelings, but do not let them cloud your judgement into making poor decisions."

Sunset paused and stopped trying to get closer. "Who are you?"

Intended or not, the question tore through Skyfall's mind as it did whenever the question was posed to any Spirit. Memories raced through his mind as images played out from the many lives he lived and of the infinite faces he knew and loved.

Skyfall sighed. Outsiders believe that immortals eventually wish for death, but that belief was often proven in vain. Each Spirit found some something to live for, but the memories often left a sour taste in those that couldn't accept what immortality came with. Confusion for a sense of self.

Sunset waved her hand in front of Skyfall's eyes. "Sky?"

"I've been a great many things." Skyfall said. "But to you, I am a friend. I can't say anything more to you for your sake."

Sunset's stare wavered into a smile under Skyfall's gaze. She took off her gem and stuffed it into her jacket pocket and chuckled to herself. "You're something else, do you know that?"

Skyfall shrugged and tossed the branch aside only to find a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around his body.


"Sorry." Sunset looked up to Skyfall.

Skyfall patted Sunset's back and laughed. "I certainly see why Celestia made you her field agent. You certainly are tenacious. And not many people are able to anticipate my shenanigans." Sunset giggled before he continued. "You should probably catch up to your friends. I'm sure they're wondering where you are."

"I told them I had some stuff to take care of at my parent's place." Sunset smiled nervously. "Probably wasn't too convincing when I ran and jumped into the forest."

Skyfall turned let Sunset go after having been hugging for an awkward amount of time. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow."


"Nope?" Skyfall asked.

"I told you, I'm going with you." Sunset said and heard Skyfall's stomach rumble. "And you need food, so you're coming to my place."

"Not gonna let me off the hook, are you?" Skyfall gave Sunset a wry smile.

"Not a chance."

Author's Note:

Life is still hectic, but I found enough time to sit down and edit this chapter for release. Now I just need to find time for the other stories I have and the one shots that sit in development hell.

Pm mistakes please.

I hint at a romance between Sunset and Skyfall. When I write this it kind of just happens through the texts and I think that's a good thing. Though, when I start writing more of his wife, it'll be an interesting interaction.

On a separate note, I feel that Skyfall and Celestia (principal) would have had a great night out on their date. She would have taken him to dinner and a movie before bringing him home to bed him and leave him in the morning to wake up alone in bed with ten dollars for a cab and a note that said "You give a great workout, make sure to visit again soon."

I sit in traffic a lot and that when I think about the 'what-ifs' of what I do and write. When it comes to Skies, I wonder how he would do relationship-wise with the other members of the universe. Making a speed dating miniseries that's non-canon would be hilarious, where Sky needs to date one character after the other and repeats the same day like groundhogs day until he dates the right one. Some would be complete and utter skin smelling psychos where others would just sit there like house plants and everything in between.

All these ideas and no time to write them. :facehoof:

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